!(function (e) { function t(r) { if (n[r]) return n[r].exports; var o = (n[r] = { i: r, l: !1, exports: {} }); return e[r].call(o.exports, o, o.exports, t), (o.l = !0), o.exports; } var n = {}; (t.m = e), (t.c = n), (t.d = function (e, n, r) { t.o(e, n) || Object.defineProperty(e, n, { configurable: !1, enumerable: !0, get: r }); }), (t.n = function (e) { var n = e && e.__esModule ? function () { return e.default; } : function () { return e; }; return t.d(n, "a", n), n; }), (t.o = function (e, t) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, t); }), (t.p = ""), t((t.s = "JkW7")); })({ "+ApW": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, a = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, l = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), u = n("QDke"), s = r(u), c = n("78jo"), f = r(c), p = n("teOa"), d = r(p), h = n("xBPe"), m = r(h), y = n("pePJ"), g = r(y), v = n("QJHX"), b = r(v), A = n("iE6D"), x = r(A), C = n("v3CT"), w = r(C), k = n("GcxN"), E = r(k), B = n("WcDi"), S = r(B), _ = n("XxCd"), P = r(_), O = n("NxHG"), M = r(O), T = m.default.concat([g.default, b.default]), N = 0, F = (function () { function e(t) { o(this, e), (this.id = N++), (this.version = "9.8.7"), (this.plugins = new d.default()), (this.options = { createGenerateClassName: E.default, Renderer: s.default ? P.default : M.default, plugins: [] }), (this.generateClassName = (0, E.default)()), this.use.apply(this, T), this.setup(t); } return ( l(e, [ { key: "setup", value: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return ( e.createGenerateClassName && ((this.options.createGenerateClassName = e.createGenerateClassName), (this.generateClassName = e.createGenerateClassName())), null != e.insertionPoint && (this.options.insertionPoint = e.insertionPoint), (e.virtual || e.Renderer) && (this.options.Renderer = e.Renderer || (e.virtual ? M.default : P.default)), e.plugins && this.use.apply(this, e.plugins), this ); }, }, { key: "createStyleSheet", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = t.index; "number" !== typeof n && (n = 0 === x.default.index ? 0 : x.default.index + 1); var r = new f.default(e, a({}, t, { jss: this, generateClassName: t.generateClassName || this.generateClassName, insertionPoint: this.options.insertionPoint, Renderer: this.options.Renderer, index: n })); return this.plugins.onProcessSheet(r), r; }, }, { key: "removeStyleSheet", value: function (e) { return e.detach(), x.default.remove(e), this; }, }, { key: "createRule", value: function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}; "object" === ("undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : i(e)) && ((n = t), (t = e), (e = void 0)); var r = n; (r.jss = this), (r.Renderer = this.options.Renderer), r.generateClassName || (r.generateClassName = this.generateClassName), r.classes || (r.classes = {}); var o = (0, S.default)(e, t, r); return !r.selector && o instanceof w.default && (o.selector = "." + r.generateClassName(o)), this.plugins.onProcessRule(o), o; }, }, { key: "use", value: function () { for (var e = this, t = arguments.length, n = Array(t), r = 0; r < t; r++) n[r] = arguments[r]; return ( n.forEach(function (t) { -1 === e.options.plugins.indexOf(t) && (e.options.plugins.push(t), e.plugins.use(t)); }), this ); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = F; }, "+BPH": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("ZHsT"), i = r(o), a = n("18l1"), l = r(a), u = n("F4n3"), s = r(u), c = n("Ke8z"), f = r(c), p = n("hTqB"), d = r(p), h = n("dtN7"), m = r(h), y = n("NNyR"), g = r(y); t.default = { plugins: [i.default, l.default, s.default, f.default, d.default, m.default, g.default], prefixMap: { chrome: { transform: 35, transformOrigin: 35, transformOriginX: 35, transformOriginY: 35, backfaceVisibility: 35, perspective: 35, perspectiveOrigin: 35, transformStyle: 35, transformOriginZ: 35, animation: 42, animationDelay: 42, animationDirection: 42, animationFillMode: 42, animationDuration: 42, animationIterationCount: 42, animationName: 42, animationPlayState: 42, animationTimingFunction: 42, appearance: 60, userSelect: 53, fontKerning: 32, textEmphasisPosition: 60, textEmphasis: 60, textEmphasisStyle: 60, textEmphasisColor: 60, boxDecorationBreak: 60, clipPath: 54, maskImage: 60, maskMode: 60, maskRepeat: 60, maskPosition: 60, maskClip: 60, maskOrigin: 60, maskSize: 60, maskComposite: 60, mask: 60, maskBorderSource: 60, maskBorderMode: 60, maskBorderSlice: 60, maskBorderWidth: 60, maskBorderOutset: 60, maskBorderRepeat: 60, maskBorder: 60, maskType: 60, textDecorationStyle: 56, textDecorationSkip: 56, textDecorationLine: 56, textDecorationColor: 56, filter: 52, fontFeatureSettings: 47, breakAfter: 49, breakBefore: 49, breakInside: 49, columnCount: 49, columnFill: 49, columnGap: 49, columnRule: 49, columnRuleColor: 49, columnRuleStyle: 49, columnRuleWidth: 49, columns: 49, columnSpan: 49, columnWidth: 49, }, safari: { flex: 8, flexBasis: 8, flexDirection: 8, flexGrow: 8, flexFlow: 8, flexShrink: 8, flexWrap: 8, alignContent: 8, alignItems: 8, alignSelf: 8, justifyContent: 8, order: 8, transition: 6, transitionDelay: 6, transitionDuration: 6, transitionProperty: 6, transitionTimingFunction: 6, transform: 8, transformOrigin: 8, transformOriginX: 8, transformOriginY: 8, backfaceVisibility: 8, perspective: 8, perspectiveOrigin: 8, transformStyle: 8, transformOriginZ: 8, animation: 8, animationDelay: 8, animationDirection: 8, animationFillMode: 8, animationDuration: 8, animationIterationCount: 8, animationName: 8, animationPlayState: 8, animationTimingFunction: 8, appearance: 10.1, userSelect: 10.1, backdropFilter: 10.1, fontKerning: 9, scrollSnapType: 10, scrollSnapPointsX: 10, scrollSnapPointsY: 10, scrollSnapDestination: 10, scrollSnapCoordinate: 10, textEmphasisPosition: 7, textEmphasis: 7, textEmphasisStyle: 7, textEmphasisColor: 7, boxDecorationBreak: 10.1, clipPath: 10.1, maskImage: 10.1, maskMode: 10.1, maskRepeat: 10.1, maskPosition: 10.1, maskClip: 10.1, maskOrigin: 10.1, maskSize: 10.1, maskComposite: 10.1, mask: 10.1, maskBorderSource: 10.1, maskBorderMode: 10.1, maskBorderSlice: 10.1, maskBorderWidth: 10.1, maskBorderOutset: 10.1, maskBorderRepeat: 10.1, maskBorder: 10.1, maskType: 10.1, textDecorationStyle: 10.1, textDecorationSkip: 10.1, textDecorationLine: 10.1, textDecorationColor: 10.1, shapeImageThreshold: 10, shapeImageMargin: 10, shapeImageOutside: 10, filter: 9, hyphens: 10.1, flowInto: 10.1, flowFrom: 10.1, breakBefore: 8, breakAfter: 8, breakInside: 8, regionFragment: 10.1, columnCount: 8, columnFill: 8, columnGap: 8, columnRule: 8, columnRuleColor: 8, columnRuleStyle: 8, columnRuleWidth: 8, columns: 8, columnSpan: 8, columnWidth: 8, }, firefox: { appearance: 55, userSelect: 55, boxSizing: 28, textAlignLast: 48, textDecorationStyle: 35, textDecorationSkip: 35, textDecorationLine: 35, textDecorationColor: 35, tabSize: 55, hyphens: 42, fontFeatureSettings: 33, breakAfter: 51, breakBefore: 51, breakInside: 51, columnCount: 51, columnFill: 51, columnGap: 51, columnRule: 51, columnRuleColor: 51, columnRuleStyle: 51, columnRuleWidth: 51, columns: 51, columnSpan: 51, columnWidth: 51, }, opera: { flex: 16, flexBasis: 16, flexDirection: 16, flexGrow: 16, flexFlow: 16, flexShrink: 16, flexWrap: 16, alignContent: 16, alignItems: 16, alignSelf: 16, justifyContent: 16, order: 16, transform: 22, transformOrigin: 22, transformOriginX: 22, transformOriginY: 22, backfaceVisibility: 22, perspective: 22, perspectiveOrigin: 22, transformStyle: 22, transformOriginZ: 22, animation: 29, animationDelay: 29, animationDirection: 29, animationFillMode: 29, animationDuration: 29, animationIterationCount: 29, animationName: 29, animationPlayState: 29, animationTimingFunction: 29, appearance: 45, userSelect: 40, fontKerning: 19, textEmphasisPosition: 45, textEmphasis: 45, textEmphasisStyle: 45, textEmphasisColor: 45, boxDecorationBreak: 45, clipPath: 41, maskImage: 45, maskMode: 45, maskRepeat: 45, maskPosition: 45, maskClip: 45, maskOrigin: 45, maskSize: 45, maskComposite: 45, mask: 45, maskBorderSource: 45, maskBorderMode: 45, maskBorderSlice: 45, maskBorderWidth: 45, maskBorderOutset: 45, maskBorderRepeat: 45, maskBorder: 45, maskType: 45, textDecorationStyle: 43, textDecorationSkip: 43, textDecorationLine: 43, textDecorationColor: 43, filter: 39, fontFeatureSettings: 34, breakAfter: 36, breakBefore: 36, breakInside: 36, columnCount: 36, columnFill: 36, columnGap: 36, columnRule: 36, columnRuleColor: 36, columnRuleStyle: 36, columnRuleWidth: 36, columns: 36, columnSpan: 36, columnWidth: 36, }, ie: { flex: 10, flexDirection: 10, flexFlow: 10, flexWrap: 10, transform: 9, transformOrigin: 9, transformOriginX: 9, transformOriginY: 9, userSelect: 11, wrapFlow: 11, wrapThrough: 11, wrapMargin: 11, scrollSnapType: 11, scrollSnapPointsX: 11, scrollSnapPointsY: 11, scrollSnapDestination: 11, scrollSnapCoordinate: 11, touchAction: 10, hyphens: 11, flowInto: 11, flowFrom: 11, breakBefore: 11, breakAfter: 11, breakInside: 11, regionFragment: 11, gridTemplateColumns: 11, gridTemplateRows: 11, gridTemplateAreas: 11, gridTemplate: 11, gridAutoColumns: 11, gridAutoRows: 11, gridAutoFlow: 11, grid: 11, gridRowStart: 11, gridColumnStart: 11, gridRowEnd: 11, gridRow: 11, gridColumn: 11, gridColumnEnd: 11, gridColumnGap: 11, gridRowGap: 11, gridArea: 11, gridGap: 11, textSizeAdjust: 11, }, edge: { userSelect: 15, wrapFlow: 15, wrapThrough: 15, wrapMargin: 15, scrollSnapType: 15, scrollSnapPointsX: 15, scrollSnapPointsY: 15, scrollSnapDestination: 15, scrollSnapCoordinate: 15, hyphens: 15, flowInto: 15, flowFrom: 15, breakBefore: 15, breakAfter: 15, breakInside: 15, regionFragment: 15, gridTemplateColumns: 15, gridTemplateRows: 15, gridTemplateAreas: 15, gridTemplate: 15, gridAutoColumns: 15, gridAutoRows: 15, gridAutoFlow: 15, grid: 15, gridRowStart: 15, gridColumnStart: 15, gridRowEnd: 15, gridRow: 15, gridColumn: 15, gridColumnEnd: 15, gridColumnGap: 15, gridRowGap: 15, gridArea: 15, gridGap: 15, }, ios_saf: { flex: 8.1, flexBasis: 8.1, flexDirection: 8.1, flexGrow: 8.1, flexFlow: 8.1, flexShrink: 8.1, flexWrap: 8.1, alignContent: 8.1, alignItems: 8.1, alignSelf: 8.1, justifyContent: 8.1, order: 8.1, transition: 6, transitionDelay: 6, transitionDuration: 6, transitionProperty: 6, transitionTimingFunction: 6, transform: 8.1, transformOrigin: 8.1, transformOriginX: 8.1, transformOriginY: 8.1, backfaceVisibility: 8.1, perspective: 8.1, perspectiveOrigin: 8.1, transformStyle: 8.1, transformOriginZ: 8.1, animation: 8.1, 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maskMode: 56, maskRepeat: 56, maskPosition: 56, maskClip: 56, maskOrigin: 56, maskSize: 56, maskComposite: 56, mask: 56, maskBorderSource: 56, maskBorderMode: 56, maskBorderSlice: 56, maskBorderWidth: 56, maskBorderOutset: 56, maskBorderRepeat: 56, maskBorder: 56, maskType: 56, textDecorationStyle: 56, textDecorationSkip: 56, textDecorationLine: 56, textDecorationColor: 56, }, and_uc: { flex: 11, flexBasis: 11, flexDirection: 11, flexGrow: 11, flexFlow: 11, flexShrink: 11, flexWrap: 11, alignContent: 11, alignItems: 11, alignSelf: 11, justifyContent: 11, order: 11, transition: 11, transitionDelay: 11, transitionDuration: 11, transitionProperty: 11, transitionTimingFunction: 11, transform: 11, transformOrigin: 11, transformOriginX: 11, transformOriginY: 11, backfaceVisibility: 11, perspective: 11, perspectiveOrigin: 11, transformStyle: 11, transformOriginZ: 11, animation: 11, animationDelay: 11, animationDirection: 11, animationFillMode: 11, animationDuration: 11, animationIterationCount: 11, animationName: 11, animationPlayState: 11, animationTimingFunction: 11, appearance: 11, userSelect: 11, fontKerning: 11, textEmphasisPosition: 11, textEmphasis: 11, textEmphasisStyle: 11, textEmphasisColor: 11, maskImage: 11, maskMode: 11, maskRepeat: 11, maskPosition: 11, maskClip: 11, maskOrigin: 11, maskSize: 11, maskComposite: 11, mask: 11, maskBorderSource: 11, maskBorderMode: 11, maskBorderSlice: 11, maskBorderWidth: 11, maskBorderOutset: 11, maskBorderRepeat: 11, maskBorder: 11, maskType: 11, textSizeAdjust: 11, filter: 11, hyphens: 11, flowInto: 11, flowFrom: 11, breakBefore: 11, breakAfter: 11, breakInside: 11, regionFragment: 11, fontFeatureSettings: 11, columnCount: 11, columnFill: 11, columnGap: 11, columnRule: 11, columnRuleColor: 11, columnRuleStyle: 11, columnRuleWidth: 11, columns: 11, columnSpan: 11, columnWidth: 11, }, op_mini: {}, }, }; }, "+HdU": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.create = t.createGenerateClassName = t.sheets = t.RuleList = t.SheetsManager = t.SheetsRegistry = t.toCssValue = t.getDynamicStyles = void 0); var o = n("e7NH"); Object.defineProperty(t, "getDynamicStyles", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(o).default; }, }); var i = n("rmh+"); Object.defineProperty(t, "toCssValue", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(i).default; }, }); var a = n("eJdH"); Object.defineProperty(t, "SheetsRegistry", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(a).default; }, }); var l = n("eOdm"); Object.defineProperty(t, "SheetsManager", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(l).default; }, }); var u = n("ciB6"); Object.defineProperty(t, "RuleList", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(u).default; }, }); var s = n("iE6D"); Object.defineProperty(t, "sheets", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(s).default; }, }); var c = n("GcxN"); Object.defineProperty(t, "createGenerateClassName", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return r(c).default; }, }); var f = n("+ApW"), p = r(f), d = (t.create = function (e) { return new p.default(e); }); t.default = d(); }, "+Ptv": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "createGenerateClassName", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "createMuiTheme", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return i.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "jssPreset", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return a.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "MuiThemeProvider", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return l.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "createStyles", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return u.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "withStyles", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return s.default; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "withTheme", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return c.default; }, }); var o = r(n("x34Z")), i = r(n("VAPn")), a = r(n("l+ms")), l = r(n("YEpT")), u = r(n("zEWA")), s = r(n("FV5o")), c = r(n("2EV1")); }, "+qlq": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() {} Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("XOCG"); !(function (e) { e && e.__esModule; })(o); }, "/B6s": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if ("string" === typeof t && !(0, i.default)(t) && t.indexOf("calc(") > -1) return a.map(function (e) { return t.replace(/calc\(/g, e + "calc("); }); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("QXNG"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", ""]; e.exports = t.default; }, "/eMc": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (e.exports = t.default); }, "/wuY": function (e, t, n) { var r = n("NB7d")("keys"), o = n("X6va"); e.exports = function (e) { return r[e] || (r[e] = o(e)); }; }, "/zpV": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("dACh"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r), i = n("e1OT"), a = function e() { (0, o.default)(this, e), (this.textFullBlack = i.fullBlack), (this.textDarkBlack = i.darkBlack), (this.textLightBlack = i.lightBlack), (this.textMinBlack = i.minBlack), (this.textFullWhite = i.fullWhite), (this.textDarkWhite = i.darkWhite), (this.textLightWhite = i.lightWhite), (this.fontWeightLight = 300), (this.fontWeightNormal = 400), (this.fontWeightMedium = 500), (this.fontStyleButtonFontSize = 14); }; t.default = new a(); }, "0421": function (e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { return !t || ("object" !== o(t) && "function" !== typeof t) ? i(e) : t; } var o = n("b9XL"), i = n("E7HD"); e.exports = r; }, "0968": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return [ "" .concat(arguments.length <= 0 ? void 0 : arguments[0], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 1 ? void 0 : arguments[1], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 2 ? void 0 : arguments[2], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 3 ? void 0 : arguments[3], "px rgba(0, 0, 0, ") .concat(o, ")"), "" .concat(arguments.length <= 4 ? void 0 : arguments[4], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 5 ? void 0 : arguments[5], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 6 ? void 0 : arguments[6], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 7 ? void 0 : arguments[7], "px rgba(0, 0, 0, ") .concat(i, ")"), "" .concat(arguments.length <= 8 ? void 0 : arguments[8], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 9 ? void 0 : arguments[9], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 10 ? void 0 : arguments[10], "px ") .concat(arguments.length <= 11 ? void 0 : arguments[11], "px rgba(0, 0, 0, ") .concat(a, ")"), ].join(","); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = 0.2, i = 0.14, a = 0.12, l = [ "none", r(0, 1, 3, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2, 1, -1), r(0, 1, 5, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, 3, 1, -2), r(0, 1, 8, 0, 0, 3, 4, 0, 0, 3, 3, -2), r(0, 2, 4, -1, 0, 4, 5, 0, 0, 1, 10, 0), r(0, 3, 5, -1, 0, 5, 8, 0, 0, 1, 14, 0), r(0, 3, 5, -1, 0, 6, 10, 0, 0, 1, 18, 0), r(0, 4, 5, -2, 0, 7, 10, 1, 0, 2, 16, 1), r(0, 5, 5, -3, 0, 8, 10, 1, 0, 3, 14, 2), r(0, 5, 6, -3, 0, 9, 12, 1, 0, 3, 16, 2), r(0, 6, 6, -3, 0, 10, 14, 1, 0, 4, 18, 3), r(0, 6, 7, -4, 0, 11, 15, 1, 0, 4, 20, 3), r(0, 7, 8, -4, 0, 12, 17, 2, 0, 5, 22, 4), r(0, 7, 8, -4, 0, 13, 19, 2, 0, 5, 24, 4), r(0, 7, 9, -4, 0, 14, 21, 2, 0, 5, 26, 4), r(0, 8, 9, -5, 0, 15, 22, 2, 0, 6, 28, 5), r(0, 8, 10, -5, 0, 16, 24, 2, 0, 6, 30, 5), r(0, 8, 11, -5, 0, 17, 26, 2, 0, 6, 32, 5), r(0, 9, 11, -5, 0, 18, 28, 2, 0, 7, 34, 6), r(0, 9, 12, -6, 0, 19, 29, 2, 0, 7, 36, 6), r(0, 10, 13, -6, 0, 20, 31, 3, 0, 8, 38, 7), r(0, 10, 13, -6, 0, 21, 33, 3, 0, 8, 40, 7), r(0, 10, 14, -6, 0, 22, 35, 3, 0, 8, 42, 7), r(0, 11, 14, -7, 0, 23, 36, 3, 0, 9, 44, 8), r(0, 11, 15, -7, 0, 24, 38, 3, 0, 9, 46, 8), ], u = l; t.default = u; }, "0WCH": function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e, t) { return { enumerable: !(1 & e), configurable: !(2 & e), writable: !(4 & e), value: t }; }; }, "0fcM": function (e, t) { function n(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } e.exports = n; }, "0kgT": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { function e(e, t) { return e.length - t.length; } function t(t, n) { if ("style" !== n.type) return t; var r = {}, o = Object.keys(t).sort(e); for (var i in o) r[o[i]] = t[o[i]]; return r; } return { onProcessStyle: t }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); }, "11Ut": function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Gfzd").f, o = n("yS17"), i = n("Ug9I")("toStringTag"); e.exports = function (e, t, n) { e && !o((e = n ? e : e.prototype), i) && r(e, i, { configurable: !0, value: t }); }; }, "18l1": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.browserName, l = r.browserVersion, u = r.cssPrefix, s = r.keepUnprefixed; if ("display" === e && a[t] && (("chrome" === o && l < 29 && l > 20) || (("safari" === o || "ios_saf" === o) && l < 9 && l > 6) || ("opera" === o && (15 === l || 16 === l)))) return (0, i.default)(u + t, t, s); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = { flex: !0, "inline-flex": !0 }; e.exports = t.default; }, "1kq3": function (e, t) { e.exports = !0; }, "1n8/": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = n("awqi"); }, 2368: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = function (e) { return null != e && "object" === typeof e && !1 === Array.isArray(e); }; }, "2EV1": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return i || (i = (0, m.default)()); } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i, a = o(n("3dLy")), l = o(n("U8F3")), u = o(n("0fcM")), s = o(n("P8NW")), c = o(n("0421")), f = o(n("UJE0")), p = o(n("d4H2")), d = o(n("1n8/")), h = (o(n("5D9O")), o(n("89El"))), m = (o(n("ytkY")), o(n("VAPn"))), y = o(n("pkRn")), g = function () { return function (e) { var t = (function (t) { function n(e, t) { var o; return (0, u.default)(this, n), (o = (0, c.default)(this, (0, f.default)(n).call(this))), (o.unsubscribeId = null), (o.state = {}), (o.state = { theme: y.default.initial(t) || r() }), o; } return ( (0, p.default)(n, t), (0, s.default)(n, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { var e = this; this.unsubscribeId = y.default.subscribe(this.context, function (t) { e.setState({ theme: t }); }); }, }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { null !== this.unsubscribeId && y.default.unsubscribe(this.context, this.unsubscribeId); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var t = this.props, n = t.innerRef, r = (0, l.default)(t, ["innerRef"]); return d.default.createElement(e, (0, a.default)({ theme: this.state.theme, ref: n }, r)); }, }, ]), n ); })(d.default.Component); return (t.propTypes = {}), (t.contextTypes = y.default.contextTypes), (0, h.default)(t, e), t; }; }, v = g; t.default = v; }, "2mwf": function (e, t, n) { n("c2zY")("observable"); }, "393P": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("QDke"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r), i = "", a = ""; if (o.default) { var l = { Moz: "-moz-", ms: "-ms-", O: "-o-", Webkit: "-webkit-" }, u = document.createElement("p").style; for (var s in l) if (s + "Transform" in u) { (i = s), (a = l[s]); break; } } t.default = { js: i, css: a }; }, "3Lw+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = { menu: 1e3, appBar: 1100, drawerOverlay: 1200, drawer: 1300, dialogOverlay: 1400, dialog: 1500, layer: 2e3, popover: 2100, snackbar: 2900, tooltip: 3e3 }); }, "3dLy": function (e, t) { function n() { return ( (e.exports = n = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }), n.apply(this, arguments) ); } e.exports = n; }, "3t7p": function (e, t) { function n(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n)) { var r = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n) : {}; r.get || r.set ? Object.defineProperty(t, n, r) : (t[n] = e[n]); } return (t.default = e), t; } e.exports = n; }, "3v7p": function (e, t, n) { n("htFH"); var r = n("zKeE").Object; e.exports = function (e, t, n) { return r.defineProperty(e, t, n); }; }, "3zRh": function (e, t, n) { var r = n("g31e"); e.exports = function (e, t, n) { if ((r(e), void 0 === t)) return e; switch (n) { case 1: return function (n) { return e.call(t, n); }; case 2: return function (n, r) { return e.call(t, n, r); }; case 3: return function (n, r, o) { return e.call(t, n, r, o); }; } return function () { return e.apply(t, arguments); }; }; }, "4RiQ": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var n, r, o = {}, i = Object.keys(e); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) (n = i[r]), t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (o[n] = e[n]); return o; } function i(e, t) { (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype)), (e.prototype.constructor = e), (e.__proto__ = t); } function a() {} (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = t.EXITING = t.ENTERED = t.ENTERING = t.EXITED = t.UNMOUNTED = void 0); var l = (function (e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n)) { var r = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, n) : {}; r.get || r.set ? Object.defineProperty(t, n, r) : (t[n] = e[n]); } return (t.default = e), t; })(n("5D9O")), u = r(n("1n8/")), s = r(n("NKHc")), c = n("nkXc"), f = (n("aUfQ"), "unmounted"); t.UNMOUNTED = f; var p = "exited"; t.EXITED = p; var d = "entering"; t.ENTERING = d; var h = "entered"; t.ENTERED = h; t.EXITING = "exiting"; var m = (function (e) { function t(t, n) { var r; r = e.call(this, t, n) || this; var o, i = n.transitionGroup, a = i && !i.isMounting ? t.enter : t.appear; return (r.appearStatus = null), t.in ? (a ? ((o = p), (r.appearStatus = d)) : (o = h)) : (o = t.unmountOnExit || t.mountOnEnter ? f : p), (r.state = { status: o }), (r.nextCallback = null), r; } i(t, e); var n = t.prototype; return ( (n.getChildContext = function () { return { transitionGroup: null }; }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { return e.in && t.status === f ? { status: p } : null; }), (n.componentDidMount = function () { this.updateStatus(!0, this.appearStatus); }), (n.componentDidUpdate = function (e) { var t = null; if (e !== this.props) { var n = this.state.status; this.props.in ? n !== d && n !== h && (t = d) : (n !== d && n !== h) || (t = "exiting"); } this.updateStatus(!1, t); }), (n.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.cancelNextCallback(); }), (n.getTimeouts = function () { var e, t, n, r = this.props.timeout; return (e = t = n = r), null != r && "number" !== typeof r && ((e = r.exit), (t = r.enter), (n = void 0 !== r.appear ? r.appear : t)), { exit: e, enter: t, appear: n }; }), (n.updateStatus = function (e, t) { if ((void 0 === e && (e = !1), null !== t)) { this.cancelNextCallback(); var n = s.default.findDOMNode(this); t === d ? this.performEnter(n, e) : this.performExit(n); } else this.props.unmountOnExit && this.state.status === p && this.setState({ status: f }); }), (n.performEnter = function (e, t) { var n = this, r = this.props.enter, o = this.context.transitionGroup ? this.context.transitionGroup.isMounting : t, i = this.getTimeouts(), a = o ? i.appear : i.enter; if (!t && !r) return void this.safeSetState({ status: h }, function () { n.props.onEntered(e); }); this.props.onEnter(e, o), this.safeSetState({ status: d }, function () { n.props.onEntering(e, o), n.onTransitionEnd(e, a, function () { n.safeSetState({ status: h }, function () { n.props.onEntered(e, o); }); }); }); }), (n.performExit = function (e) { var t = this, n = this.props.exit, r = this.getTimeouts(); if (!n) return void this.safeSetState({ status: p }, function () { t.props.onExited(e); }); this.props.onExit(e), this.safeSetState({ status: "exiting" }, function () { t.props.onExiting(e), t.onTransitionEnd(e, r.exit, function () { t.safeSetState({ status: p }, function () { t.props.onExited(e); }); }); }); }), (n.cancelNextCallback = function () { null !== this.nextCallback && (this.nextCallback.cancel(), (this.nextCallback = null)); }), (n.safeSetState = function (e, t) { (t = this.setNextCallback(t)), this.setState(e, t); }), (n.setNextCallback = function (e) { var t = this, n = !0; return ( (this.nextCallback = function (r) { n && ((n = !1), (t.nextCallback = null), e(r)); }), (this.nextCallback.cancel = function () { n = !1; }), this.nextCallback ); }), (n.onTransitionEnd = function (e, t, n) { this.setNextCallback(n); var r = null == t && !this.props.addEndListener; if (!e || r) return void setTimeout(this.nextCallback, 0); this.props.addEndListener && this.props.addEndListener(e, this.nextCallback), null != t && setTimeout(this.nextCallback, t); }), (n.render = function () { var e = this.state.status; if (e === f) return null; var t = this.props, n = t.children, r = o(t, ["children"]); if ( (delete r.in, delete r.mountOnEnter, delete r.unmountOnExit, delete r.appear, delete r.enter, delete r.exit, delete r.timeout, delete r.addEndListener, delete r.onEnter, delete r.onEntering, delete r.onEntered, delete r.onExit, delete r.onExiting, delete r.onExited, "function" === typeof n) ) return n(e, r); var i = u.default.Children.only(n); return u.default.cloneElement(i, r); }), t ); })(u.default.Component); (m.contextTypes = { transitionGroup: l.object }), (m.childContextTypes = { transitionGroup: function () {} }), (m.propTypes = {}), (m.defaultProps = { in: !1, mountOnEnter: !1, unmountOnExit: !1, appear: !1, enter: !0, exit: !0, onEnter: a, onEntering: a, onEntered: a, onExit: a, onExiting: a, onExited: a }), (m.UNMOUNTED = 0), (m.EXITED = 1), (m.ENTERING = 2), (m.ENTERED = 3), (m.EXITING = 4); var y = (0, c.polyfill)(m); t.default = y; }, "5D9O": function (e, t, n) { e.exports = n("wVGV")(); }, "5IvP": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = e.length; e.push(t); e: for (;;) { var r = Math.floor((n - 1) / 2), o = e[r]; if (!(void 0 !== o && 0 < a(o, t))) break e; (e[r] = t), (e[n] = o), (n = r); } } function o(e) { return (e = e[0]), void 0 === e ? null : e; } function i(e) { var t = e[0]; if (void 0 !== t) { var n = e.pop(); if (n !== t) { e[0] = n; e: for (var r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; ) { var i = 2 * (r + 1) - 1, l = e[i], u = i + 1, s = e[u]; if (void 0 !== l && 0 > a(l, n)) void 0 !== s && 0 > a(s, l) ? ((e[r] = s), (e[u] = n), (r = u)) : ((e[r] = l), (e[i] = n), (r = i)); else { if (!(void 0 !== s && 0 > a(s, n))) break e; (e[r] = s), (e[u] = n), (r = u); } } } return t; } return null; } function a(e, t) { var n = e.sortIndex - t.sortIndex; return 0 !== n ? n : e.id - t.id; } function l(e) { for (var t = o(F); null !== t; ) { if (null === t.callback) i(F); else { if (!(t.startTime <= e)) break; i(F), (t.sortIndex = t.expirationTime), r(N, t); } t = o(F); } } function u(e) { if (((W = !1), l(e), !I)) if (null !== o(N)) (I = !0), f(s); else { var t = o(F); null !== t && p(u, t.startTime - e); } } function s(e, n) { (I = !1), W && ((W = !1), d()), (z = !0); var r = R; try { for (l(n), j = o(N); null !== j && (!(j.expirationTime > n) || (e && !h())); ) { var a = j.callback; if (null !== a) { (j.callback = null), (R = j.priorityLevel); var s = a(j.expirationTime <= n); (n = t.unstable_now()), "function" === typeof s ? (j.callback = s) : j === o(N) && i(N), l(n); } else i(N); j = o(N); } if (null !== j) var c = !0; else { var f = o(F); null !== f && p(u, f.startTime - n), (c = !1); } return c; } finally { (j = null), (R = r), (z = !1); } } function c(e) { switch (e) { case 1: return -1; case 2: return 250; case 5: return 1073741823; case 4: return 1e4; default: return 5e3; } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var f, p, d, h, m; if ("undefined" === typeof window || "function" !== typeof MessageChannel) { var y = null, g = null, v = function () { if (null !== y) try { var e = t.unstable_now(); y(!0, e), (y = null); } catch (e) { throw (setTimeout(v, 0), e); } }, b = Date.now(); (t.unstable_now = function () { return Date.now() - b; }), (f = function (e) { null !== y ? setTimeout(f, 0, e) : ((y = e), setTimeout(v, 0)); }), (p = function (e, t) { g = setTimeout(e, t); }), (d = function () { clearTimeout(g); }), (h = function () { return !1; }), (m = t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function () {}); } else { var A = window.performance, x = window.Date, C = window.setTimeout, w = window.clearTimeout; if ("undefined" !== typeof console) { var k = window.cancelAnimationFrame; "function" !== typeof window.requestAnimationFrame && console.error("This browser doesn't support requestAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. https://fb.me/react-polyfills"), "function" !== typeof k && console.error("This browser doesn't support cancelAnimationFrame. Make sure that you load a polyfill in older browsers. https://fb.me/react-polyfills"); } if ("object" === typeof A && "function" === typeof A.now) t.unstable_now = function () { return A.now(); }; else { var E = x.now(); t.unstable_now = function () { return x.now() - E; }; } var B = !1, S = null, _ = -1, P = 5, O = 0; (h = function () { return t.unstable_now() >= O; }), (m = function () {}), (t.unstable_forceFrameRate = function (e) { 0 > e || 125 < e ? console.error("forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, forcing framerates higher than 125 fps is not unsupported") : (P = 0 < e ? Math.floor(1e3 / e) : 5); }); var M = new MessageChannel(), T = M.port2; (M.port1.onmessage = function () { if (null !== S) { var e = t.unstable_now(); O = e + P; try { S(!0, e) ? T.postMessage(null) : ((B = !1), (S = null)); } catch (e) { throw (T.postMessage(null), e); } } else B = !1; }), (f = function (e) { (S = e), B || ((B = !0), T.postMessage(null)); }), (p = function (e, n) { _ = C(function () { e(t.unstable_now()); }, n); }), (d = function () { w(_), (_ = -1); }); } var N = [], F = [], D = 1, j = null, R = 3, z = !1, I = !1, W = !1, U = m; (t.unstable_ImmediatePriority = 1), (t.unstable_UserBlockingPriority = 2), (t.unstable_NormalPriority = 3), (t.unstable_IdlePriority = 5), (t.unstable_LowPriority = 4), (t.unstable_runWithPriority = function (e, t) { switch (e) { case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: break; default: e = 3; } var n = R; R = e; try { return t(); } finally { R = n; } }), (t.unstable_next = function (e) { switch (R) { case 1: case 2: case 3: var t = 3; break; default: t = R; } var n = R; R = t; try { return e(); } finally { R = n; } }), (t.unstable_scheduleCallback = function (e, n, i) { var a = t.unstable_now(); if ("object" === typeof i && null !== i) { var l = i.delay; (l = "number" === typeof l && 0 < l ? a + l : a), (i = "number" === typeof i.timeout ? i.timeout : c(e)); } else (i = c(e)), (l = a); return ( (i = l + i), (e = { id: D++, callback: n, priorityLevel: e, startTime: l, expirationTime: i, sortIndex: -1 }), l > a ? ((e.sortIndex = l), r(F, e), null === o(N) && e === o(F) && (W ? d() : (W = !0), p(u, l - a))) : ((e.sortIndex = i), r(N, e), I || z || ((I = !0), f(s))), e ); }), (t.unstable_cancelCallback = function (e) { e.callback = null; }), (t.unstable_wrapCallback = function (e) { var t = R; return function () { var n = R; R = t; try { return e.apply(this, arguments); } finally { R = n; } }; }), (t.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel = function () { return R; }), (t.unstable_shouldYield = function () { var e = t.unstable_now(); l(e); var n = o(N); return (n !== j && null !== j && null !== n && null !== n.callback && n.startTime <= e && n.expirationTime < j.expirationTime) || h(); }), (t.unstable_requestPaint = U), (t.unstable_continueExecution = function () { I || z || ((I = !0), f(s)); }), (t.unstable_pauseExecution = function () {}), (t.unstable_getFirstCallbackNode = function () { return o(N); }), (t.unstable_Profiling = null); }, "6KFX": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = function (e) { if ("string" === typeof e) return e; if (e) return e.displayName || e.name || "Component"; }, o = r; t.default = o; }, "6MLN": function (e, t, n) { e.exports = !n("wLcK")(function () { return ( 7 != Object.defineProperty({}, "a", { get: function () { return 7; }, }).a ); }); }, "6dK+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return !0 === o(e) && "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e); } var o = n("2368"); e.exports = function (e) { var t, n; return !1 !== r(e) && "function" === typeof (t = e.constructor) && ((n = t.prototype), !1 !== r(n) && !1 !== n.hasOwnProperty("isPrototypeOf")); }; }, "6t7t": function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("nFDa"), __esModule: !0 }; }, "78jo": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, a = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), l = n("KzYS"), u = r(l), s = n("ciB6"), c = r(s), f = (function () { function e(t, n) { var r = this; o(this, e), (this.update = function (e, t) { return "string" === typeof e ? r.rules.update(e, t) : r.rules.update(e), r; }), (this.attached = !1), (this.deployed = !1), (this.linked = !1), (this.classes = {}), (this.options = i({}, n, { sheet: this, parent: this, classes: this.classes })), (this.renderer = new n.Renderer(this)), (this.rules = new c.default(this.options)); for (var a in t) this.rules.add(a, t[a]); this.rules.process(); } return ( a(e, [ { key: "attach", value: function () { return this.attached ? this : (this.deployed || this.deploy(), this.renderer.attach(), !this.linked && this.options.link && this.link(), (this.attached = !0), this); }, }, { key: "detach", value: function () { return this.attached ? (this.renderer.detach(), (this.attached = !1), this) : this; }, }, { key: "addRule", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this.queue; this.attached && !r && (this.queue = []); var o = this.rules.add(e, t, n); return ( this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(o), this.attached ? (this.deployed ? (r ? r.push(o) : (this.insertRule(o), this.queue && (this.queue.forEach(this.insertRule, this), (this.queue = void 0))), o) : o) : ((this.deployed = !1), o) ); }, }, { key: "insertRule", value: function (e) { var t = this.renderer.insertRule(e); t && this.options.link && (0, u.default)(e, t); }, }, { key: "addRules", value: function (e, t) { var n = []; for (var r in e) n.push(this.addRule(r, e[r], t)); return n; }, }, { key: "getRule", value: function (e) { return this.rules.get(e); }, }, { key: "deleteRule", value: function (e) { var t = this.rules.get(e); return !!t && (this.rules.remove(t), !this.attached || !t.renderable || this.renderer.deleteRule(t.renderable)); }, }, { key: "indexOf", value: function (e) { return this.rules.indexOf(e); }, }, { key: "deploy", value: function () { return this.renderer.deploy(), (this.deployed = !0), this; }, }, { key: "link", value: function () { var e = this.renderer.getRules(); return e && this.rules.link(e), (this.linked = !0), this; }, }, { key: "toString", value: function (e) { return this.rules.toString(e); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = f; }, "7AqT": function (e, t, n) { var r = n("ZHvQ"), o = n("Ug9I")("iterator"), i = n("dhak"); e.exports = n("zKeE").getIteratorMethod = function (e) { if (void 0 != e) return e[o] || e["@@iterator"] || i[r(e)]; }; }, "808+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function (e) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); e.CSS; t.default = function (e) { return e; }; }.call(t, n("h6ac"))); }, "89El": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { if ("string" !== typeof t) { if (f) { var p = c(t); p && p !== f && r(e, p, n); } var d = l(t); u && (d = d.concat(u(t))); for (var h = 0; h < d.length; ++h) { var m = d[h]; if (!o[m] && !i[m] && (!n || !n[m])) { var y = s(t, m); try { a(e, m, y); } catch (e) {} } } return e; } return e; } var o = { childContextTypes: !0, contextTypes: !0, defaultProps: !0, displayName: !0, getDefaultProps: !0, getDerivedStateFromProps: !0, mixins: !0, propTypes: !0, type: !0 }, i = { name: !0, length: !0, prototype: !0, caller: !0, callee: !0, arguments: !0, arity: !0 }, a = Object.defineProperty, l = Object.getOwnPropertyNames, u = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor, c = Object.getPrototypeOf, f = c && c(Object); e.exports = r; }, "8FtN": function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("eOjq"), __esModule: !0 }; }, "9I/U": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = { "animation-delay": "ms", "animation-duration": "ms", "background-position": "px", "background-position-x": "px", "background-position-y": "px", "background-size": "px", border: "px", "border-bottom": "px", "border-bottom-left-radius": "px", "border-bottom-right-radius": "px", "border-bottom-width": "px", "border-left": "px", "border-left-width": "px", "border-radius": "px", "border-right": "px", "border-right-width": "px", "border-spacing": "px", "border-top": "px", "border-top-left-radius": "px", "border-top-right-radius": "px", "border-top-width": "px", "border-width": "px", "border-after-width": "px", "border-before-width": "px", "border-end-width": "px", "border-horizontal-spacing": "px", "border-start-width": "px", "border-vertical-spacing": "px", bottom: "px", "box-shadow": "px", "column-gap": "px", "column-rule": "px", "column-rule-width": "px", "column-width": "px", "flex-basis": "px", "font-size": "px", "font-size-delta": "px", height: "px", left: "px", "letter-spacing": "px", "logical-height": "px", "logical-width": "px", margin: "px", "margin-after": "px", "margin-before": "px", "margin-bottom": "px", "margin-left": "px", "margin-right": "px", "margin-top": "px", "max-height": "px", "max-width": "px", "margin-end": "px", "margin-start": "px", "mask-position-x": "px", "mask-position-y": "px", "mask-size": "px", "max-logical-height": "px", "max-logical-width": "px", "min-height": "px", "min-width": "px", "min-logical-height": "px", "min-logical-width": "px", motion: "px", "motion-offset": "px", outline: "px", "outline-offset": "px", "outline-width": "px", padding: "px", "padding-bottom": "px", "padding-left": "px", "padding-right": "px", "padding-top": "px", "padding-after": "px", "padding-before": "px", "padding-end": "px", "padding-start": "px", "perspective-origin-x": "%", "perspective-origin-y": "%", perspective: "px", right: "px", "shape-margin": "px", size: "px", "text-indent": "px", "text-stroke": "px", "text-stroke-width": "px", top: "px", "transform-origin": "%", "transform-origin-x": "%", "transform-origin-y": "%", "transform-origin-z": "%", "transition-delay": "ms", "transition-duration": "ms", "vertical-align": "px", width: "px", "word-spacing": "px", "box-shadow-x": "px", "box-shadow-y": "px", "box-shadow-blur": "px", "box-shadow-spread": "px", "font-line-height": "px", "text-shadow-x": "px", "text-shadow-y": "px", "text-shadow-blur": "px", }); }, "9kxq": function (e, t, n) { var r = n("BxvP"), o = n("i1Q6").document, i = r(o) && r(o.createElement); e.exports = function (e) { return i ? o.createElement(e) : {}; }; }, "9okA": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("5D9O"); t.default = { jss: (0, r.shape)({ options: (0, r.shape)({ createGenerateClassName: r.func.isRequired }).isRequired, createStyleSheet: r.func.isRequired, removeStyleSheet: r.func.isRequired }), registry: (0, r.shape)({ add: r.func.isRequired, toString: r.func.isRequired }), }; }, "9qb7": function (e, t, n) { var r, o; !(function () { "use strict"; function n() { for (var e = [], t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) { var r = arguments[t]; if (r) { var o = typeof r; if ("string" === o || "number" === o) e.push(r); else if (Array.isArray(r) && r.length) { var a = n.apply(null, r); a && e.push(a); } else if ("object" === o) for (var l in r) i.call(r, l) && r[l] && e.push(l); } } return e.join(" "); } var i = {}.hasOwnProperty; "undefined" !== typeof e && e.exports ? ((n.default = n), (e.exports = n)) : ((r = []), void 0 !== (o = function () { return n; }.apply(t, r)) && (e.exports = o)); })(); }, "9ueN": function (e, t, n) { (function (e, n) { function r(e, t, n) { switch (n.length) { case 0: return e.call(t); case 1: return e.call(t, n[0]); case 2: return e.call(t, n[0], n[1]); case 3: return e.call(t, n[0], n[1], n[2]); } return e.apply(t, n); } function o(e, t) { for (var n = -1, r = Array(e); ++n < e; ) r[n] = t(n); return r; } function i(e, t) { return null == e ? void 0 : e[t]; } function a(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var r = e[t]; this.set(r[0], r[1]); } } function l() { (this.__data__ = gt ? gt(null) : {}), (this.size = 0); } function u(e) { var t = this.has(e) && delete this.__data__[e]; return (this.size -= t ? 1 : 0), t; } function s(e) { var t = this.__data__; if (gt) { var n = t[e]; return n === Ce ? void 0 : n; } return Je.call(t, e) ? t[e] : void 0; } function c(e) { var t = this.__data__; return gt ? void 0 !== t[e] : Je.call(t, e); } function f(e, t) { var n = this.__data__; return (this.size += this.has(e) ? 0 : 1), (n[e] = gt && void 0 === t ? Ce : t), this; } function p(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var r = e[t]; this.set(r[0], r[1]); } } function d() { (this.__data__ = []), (this.size = 0); } function h(e) { var t = this.__data__, n = N(t, e); return !(n < 0) && (n == t.length - 1 ? t.pop() : ct.call(t, n, 1), --this.size, !0); } function m(e) { var t = this.__data__, n = N(t, e); return n < 0 ? void 0 : t[n][1]; } function y(e) { return N(this.__data__, e) > -1; } function g(e, t) { var n = this.__data__, r = N(n, e); return r < 0 ? (++this.size, n.push([e, t])) : (n[r][1] = t), this; } function v(e) { var t = -1, n = null == e ? 0 : e.length; for (this.clear(); ++t < n; ) { var r = e[t]; this.set(r[0], r[1]); } } function b() { (this.size = 0), (this.__data__ = { hash: new a(), map: new (yt || p)(), string: new a() }); } function A(e) { var t = K(this, e).delete(e); return (this.size -= t ? 1 : 0), t; } function x(e) { return K(this, e).get(e); } function C(e) { return K(this, e).has(e); } function w(e, t) { var n = K(this, e), r = n.size; return n.set(e, t), (this.size += n.size == r ? 0 : 1), this; } function k(e) { var t = (this.__data__ = new p(e)); this.size = t.size; } function E() { (this.__data__ = new p()), (this.size = 0); } function B(e) { var t = this.__data__, n = t.delete(e); return (this.size = t.size), n; } function S(e) { return this.__data__.get(e); } function _(e) { return this.__data__.has(e); } function P(e, t) { var n = this.__data__; if (n instanceof p) { var r = n.__data__; if (!yt || r.length < xe - 1) return r.push([e, t]), (this.size = ++n.size), this; n = this.__data__ = new v(r); } return n.set(e, t), (this.size = n.size), this; } function O(e, t) { var n = wt(e), r = !n && Ct(e), i = !n && !r && kt(e), a = !n && !r && !i && Et(e), l = n || r || i || a, u = l ? o(e.length, String) : [], s = u.length; for (var c in e) (!t && !Je.call(e, c)) || (l && ("length" == c || (i && ("offset" == c || "parent" == c)) || (a && ("buffer" == c || "byteLength" == c || "byteOffset" == c)) || J(c, s))) || u.push(c); return u; } function M(e, t, n) { ((void 0 === n || ue(e[t], n)) && (void 0 !== n || t in e)) || F(e, t, n); } function T(e, t, n) { var r = e[t]; (Je.call(e, t) && ue(r, n) && (void 0 !== n || t in e)) || F(e, t, n); } function N(e, t) { for (var n = e.length; n--; ) if (ue(e[n][0], t)) return n; return -1; } function F(e, t, n) { "__proto__" == t && pt ? pt(e, t, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: n, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n); } function D(e) { return null == e ? (void 0 === e ? Ne : Oe) : ft && ft in Object(e) ? Q(e) : oe(e); } function j(e) { return he(e) && D(e) == Be; } function R(e) { return !(!de(e) || te(e)) && (fe(e) ? nt : De).test(le(e)); } function z(e) { return he(e) && pe(e.length) && !!Re[D(e)]; } function I(e) { if (!de(e)) return re(e); var t = ne(e), n = []; for (var r in e) ("constructor" != r || (!t && Je.call(e, r))) && n.push(r); return n; } function W(e, t, n, r, o) { e !== t && bt( t, function (i, a) { if ((o || (o = new k()), de(i))) U(e, t, a, n, W, r, o); else { var l = r ? r(ae(e, a), i, a + "", e, t, o) : void 0; void 0 === l && (l = i), M(e, a, l); } }, ge ); } function U(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) { var l = ae(e, n), u = ae(t, n), s = a.get(u); if (s) return void M(e, n, s); var c = i ? i(l, u, n + "", e, t, a) : void 0, f = void 0 === c; if (f) { var p = wt(u), d = !p && kt(u), h = !p && !d && Et(u); (c = u), p || d || h ? wt(l) ? (c = l) : ce(l) ? (c = H(l)) : d ? ((f = !1), (c = G(u, !0))) : h ? ((f = !1), (c = q(u, !0))) : (c = []) : me(u) || Ct(u) ? ((c = l), Ct(l) ? (c = ye(l)) : (de(l) && !fe(l)) || (c = Z(u))) : (f = !1); } f && (a.set(u, c), o(c, u, r, i, a), a.delete(u)), M(e, n, c); } function L(e, t) { return xt(ie(e, t, be), e + ""); } function G(e, t) { if (t) return e.slice(); var n = e.length, r = at ? at(n) : new e.constructor(n); return e.copy(r), r; } function V(e) { var t = new e.constructor(e.byteLength); return new it(t).set(new it(e)), t; } function q(e, t) { var n = t ? V(e.buffer) : e.buffer; return new e.constructor(n, e.byteOffset, e.length); } function H(e, t) { var n = -1, r = e.length; for (t || (t = Array(r)); ++n < r; ) t[n] = e[n]; return t; } function Y(e, t, n, r) { var o = !n; n || (n = {}); for (var i = -1, a = t.length; ++i < a; ) { var l = t[i], u = r ? r(n[l], e[l], l, n, e) : void 0; void 0 === u && (u = e[l]), o ? F(n, l, u) : T(n, l, u); } return n; } function K(e, t) { var n = e.__data__; return ee(t) ? n["string" == typeof t ? "string" : "hash"] : n.map; } function X(e, t) { var n = i(e, t); return R(n) ? n : void 0; } function Q(e) { var t = Je.call(e, ft), n = e[ft]; try { e[ft] = void 0; var r = !0; } catch (e) {} var o = et.call(e); return r && (t ? (e[ft] = n) : delete e[ft]), o; } function Z(e) { return "function" != typeof e.constructor || ne(e) ? {} : vt(lt(e)); } function J(e, t) { var n = typeof e; return !!(t = null == t ? Ee : t) && ("number" == n || ("symbol" != n && je.test(e))) && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e < t; } function $(e, t, n) { if (!de(n)) return !1; var r = typeof t; return !!("number" == r ? se(n) && J(t, n.length) : "string" == r && t in n) && ue(n[t], e); } function ee(e) { var t = typeof e; return "string" == t || "number" == t || "symbol" == t || "boolean" == t ? "__proto__" !== e : null === e; } function te(e) { return !!$e && $e in e; } function ne(e) { var t = e && e.constructor; return e === (("function" == typeof t && t.prototype) || Xe); } function re(e) { var t = []; if (null != e) for (var n in Object(e)) t.push(n); return t; } function oe(e) { return et.call(e); } function ie(e, t, n) { return ( (t = ht(void 0 === t ? e.length - 1 : t, 0)), function () { for (var o = arguments, i = -1, a = ht(o.length - t, 0), l = Array(a); ++i < a; ) l[i] = o[t + i]; i = -1; for (var u = Array(t + 1); ++i < t; ) u[i] = o[i]; return (u[t] = n(l)), r(e, this, u); } ); } function ae(e, t) { if (("constructor" !== t || "function" !== typeof e[t]) && "__proto__" != t) return e[t]; } function le(e) { if (null != e) { try { return Ze.call(e); } catch (e) {} try { return e + ""; } catch (e) {} } return ""; } function ue(e, t) { return e === t || (e !== e && t !== t); } function se(e) { return null != e && pe(e.length) && !fe(e); } function ce(e) { return he(e) && se(e); } function fe(e) { if (!de(e)) return !1; var t = D(e); return t == _e || t == Pe || t == Se || t == Te; } function pe(e) { return "number" == typeof e && e > -1 && e % 1 == 0 && e <= Ee; } function de(e) { var t = typeof e; return null != e && ("object" == t || "function" == t); } function he(e) { return null != e && "object" == typeof e; } function me(e) { if (!he(e) || D(e) != Me) return !1; var t = lt(e); if (null === t) return !0; var n = Je.call(t, "constructor") && t.constructor; return "function" == typeof n && n instanceof n && Ze.call(n) == tt; } function ye(e) { return Y(e, ge(e)); } function ge(e) { return se(e) ? O(e, !0) : I(e); } function ve(e) { return function () { return e; }; } function be(e) { return e; } function Ae() { return !1; } var xe = 200, Ce = "__lodash_hash_undefined__", we = 800, ke = 16, Ee = 9007199254740991, Be = "[object Arguments]", Se = "[object AsyncFunction]", _e = "[object Function]", Pe = "[object GeneratorFunction]", Oe = "[object Null]", Me = "[object Object]", Te = "[object Proxy]", Ne = "[object Undefined]", Fe = /[\\^$.*+?()[\]{}|]/g, De = /^\[object .+?Constructor\]$/, je = /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/, Re = {}; (Re["[object Float32Array]"] = Re["[object Float64Array]"] = Re["[object Int8Array]"] = Re["[object Int16Array]"] = Re["[object Int32Array]"] = Re["[object Uint8Array]"] = Re["[object Uint8ClampedArray]"] = Re[ "[object Uint16Array]" ] = Re["[object Uint32Array]"] = !0), (Re[Be] = Re["[object Array]"] = Re["[object ArrayBuffer]"] = Re["[object Boolean]"] = Re["[object DataView]"] = Re["[object Date]"] = Re["[object Error]"] = Re[_e] = Re["[object Map]"] = Re["[object Number]"] = Re[Me] = Re[ "[object RegExp]" ] = Re["[object Set]"] = Re["[object String]"] = Re["[object WeakMap]"] = !1); var ze = "object" == typeof e && e && e.Object === Object && e, Ie = "object" == typeof self && self && self.Object === Object && self, We = ze || Ie || Function("return this")(), Ue = "object" == typeof t && t && !t.nodeType && t, Le = Ue && "object" == typeof n && n && !n.nodeType && n, Ge = Le && Le.exports === Ue, Ve = Ge && ze.process, qe = (function () { try { var e = Le && Le.require && Le.require("util").types; return e || (Ve && Ve.binding && Ve.binding("util")); } catch (e) {} })(), He = qe && qe.isTypedArray, Ye = Array.prototype, Ke = Function.prototype, Xe = Object.prototype, Qe = We["__core-js_shared__"], Ze = Ke.toString, Je = Xe.hasOwnProperty, $e = (function () { var e = /[^.]+$/.exec((Qe && Qe.keys && Qe.keys.IE_PROTO) || ""); return e ? "Symbol(src)_1." + e : ""; })(), et = Xe.toString, tt = Ze.call(Object), nt = RegExp( "^" + Ze.call(Je) .replace(Fe, "\\$&") .replace(/hasOwnProperty|(function).*?(?=\\\()| for .+?(?=\\\])/g, "$1.*?") + "$" ), rt = Ge ? We.Buffer : void 0, ot = We.Symbol, it = We.Uint8Array, at = rt ? rt.allocUnsafe : void 0, lt = (function (e, t) { return function (n) { return e(t(n)); }; })(Object.getPrototypeOf, Object), ut = Object.create, st = Xe.propertyIsEnumerable, ct = Ye.splice, ft = ot ? ot.toStringTag : void 0, pt = (function () { try { var e = X(Object, "defineProperty"); return e({}, "", {}), e; } catch (e) {} })(), dt = rt ? rt.isBuffer : void 0, ht = Math.max, mt = Date.now, yt = X(We, "Map"), gt = X(Object, "create"), vt = (function () { function e() {} return function (t) { if (!de(t)) return {}; if (ut) return ut(t); e.prototype = t; var n = new e(); return (e.prototype = void 0), n; }; })(); (a.prototype.clear = l), (a.prototype.delete = u), (a.prototype.get = s), (a.prototype.has = c), (a.prototype.set = f), (p.prototype.clear = d), (p.prototype.delete = h), (p.prototype.get = m), (p.prototype.has = y), (p.prototype.set = g), (v.prototype.clear = b), (v.prototype.delete = A), (v.prototype.get = x), (v.prototype.has = C), (v.prototype.set = w), (k.prototype.clear = E), (k.prototype.delete = B), (k.prototype.get = S), (k.prototype.has = _), (k.prototype.set = P); var bt = (function (e) { return function (t, n, r) { for (var o = -1, i = Object(t), a = r(t), l = a.length; l--; ) { var u = a[e ? l : ++o]; if (!1 === n(i[u], u, i)) break; } return t; }; })(), At = pt ? function (e, t) { return pt(e, "toString", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: ve(t), writable: !0 }); } : be, xt = (function (e) { var t = 0, n = 0; return function () { var r = mt(), o = ke - (r - n); if (((n = r), o > 0)) { if (++t >= we) return arguments[0]; } else t = 0; return e.apply(void 0, arguments); }; })(At), Ct = j( (function () { return arguments; })() ) ? j : function (e) { return he(e) && Je.call(e, "callee") && !st.call(e, "callee"); }, wt = Array.isArray, kt = dt || Ae, Et = He ? (function (e) { return function (t) { return e(t); }; })(He) : z, Bt = (function (e) { return L(function (t, n) { var r = -1, o = n.length, i = o > 1 ? n[o - 1] : void 0, a = o > 2 ? n[2] : void 0; for (i = e.length > 3 && "function" == typeof i ? (o--, i) : void 0, a && $(n[0], n[1], a) && ((i = o < 3 ? void 0 : i), (o = 1)), t = Object(t); ++r < o; ) { var l = n[r]; l && e(t, l, r, i); } return t; }); })(function (e, t, n) { W(e, t, n); }); n.exports = Bt; }.call(t, n("h6ac"), n("l262")(e))); }, Aa2f: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("i1Q6"), o = n("yS17"), i = n("6MLN"), a = n("vSO4"), l = n("gojl"), u = n("e8vu").KEY, s = n("wLcK"), c = n("NB7d"), f = n("11Ut"), p = n("X6va"), d = n("Ug9I"), h = n("ZxII"), m = n("c2zY"), y = n("ycyv"), g = n("ayXv"), v = n("zotD"), b = n("BxvP"), A = n("mbLO"), x = n("Wyka"), C = n("EKwp"), w = n("0WCH"), k = n("TNJq"), E = n("rMkZ"), B = n("sxPs"), S = n("Ocr3"), _ = n("Gfzd"), P = n("knrM"), O = B.f, M = _.f, T = E.f, N = r.Symbol, F = r.JSON, D = F && F.stringify, j = d("_hidden"), R = d("toPrimitive"), z = {}.propertyIsEnumerable, I = c("symbol-registry"), W = c("symbols"), U = c("op-symbols"), L = Object.prototype, G = "function" == typeof N && !!S.f, V = r.QObject, q = !V || !V.prototype || !V.prototype.findChild, H = i && s(function () { return ( 7 != k( M({}, "a", { get: function () { return M(this, "a", { value: 7 }).a; }, }) ).a ); }) ? function (e, t, n) { var r = O(L, t); r && delete L[t], M(e, t, n), r && e !== L && M(L, t, r); } : M, Y = function (e) { var t = (W[e] = k(N.prototype)); return (t._k = e), t; }, K = G && "symbol" == typeof N.iterator ? function (e) { return "symbol" == typeof e; } : function (e) { return e instanceof N; }, X = function (e, t, n) { return ( e === L && X(U, t, n), v(e), (t = C(t, !0)), v(n), o(W, t) ? (n.enumerable ? (o(e, j) && e[j][t] && (e[j][t] = !1), (n = k(n, { enumerable: w(0, !1) }))) : (o(e, j) || M(e, j, w(1, {})), (e[j][t] = !0)), H(e, t, n)) : M(e, t, n) ); }, Q = function (e, t) { v(e); for (var n, r = y((t = x(t))), o = 0, i = r.length; i > o; ) X(e, (n = r[o++]), t[n]); return e; }, Z = function (e, t) { return void 0 === t ? k(e) : Q(k(e), t); }, J = function (e) { var t = z.call(this, (e = C(e, !0))); return !(this === L && o(W, e) && !o(U, e)) && (!(t || !o(this, e) || !o(W, e) || (o(this, j) && this[j][e])) || t); }, $ = function (e, t) { if (((e = x(e)), (t = C(t, !0)), e !== L || !o(W, t) || o(U, t))) { var n = O(e, t); return !n || !o(W, t) || (o(e, j) && e[j][t]) || (n.enumerable = !0), n; } }, ee = function (e) { for (var t, n = T(x(e)), r = [], i = 0; n.length > i; ) o(W, (t = n[i++])) || t == j || t == u || r.push(t); return r; }, te = function (e) { for (var t, n = e === L, r = T(n ? U : x(e)), i = [], a = 0; r.length > a; ) !o(W, (t = r[a++])) || (n && !o(L, t)) || i.push(W[t]); return i; }; G || ((N = function () { if (this instanceof N) throw TypeError("Symbol is not a constructor!"); var e = p(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : void 0), t = function (n) { this === L && t.call(U, n), o(this, j) && o(this[j], e) && (this[j][e] = !1), H(this, e, w(1, n)); }; return i && q && H(L, e, { configurable: !0, set: t }), Y(e); }), l(N.prototype, "toString", function () { return this._k; }), (B.f = $), (_.f = X), (n("Ni5N").f = E.f = ee), (n("z7R8").f = J), (S.f = te), i && !n("1kq3") && l(L, "propertyIsEnumerable", J, !0), (h.f = function (e) { return Y(d(e)); })), a(a.G + a.W + a.F * !G, { Symbol: N }); for (var ne = "hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables".split(","), re = 0; ne.length > re; ) d(ne[re++]); for (var oe = P(d.store), ie = 0; oe.length > ie; ) m(oe[ie++]); a(a.S + a.F * !G, "Symbol", { for: function (e) { return o(I, (e += "")) ? I[e] : (I[e] = N(e)); }, keyFor: function (e) { if (!K(e)) throw TypeError(e + " is not a symbol!"); for (var t in I) if (I[t] === e) return t; }, useSetter: function () { q = !0; }, useSimple: function () { q = !1; }, }), a(a.S + a.F * !G, "Object", { create: Z, defineProperty: X, defineProperties: Q, getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $, getOwnPropertyNames: ee, getOwnPropertySymbols: te }); var ae = s(function () { S.f(1); }); a(a.S + a.F * ae, "Object", { getOwnPropertySymbols: function (e) { return S.f(A(e)); }, }), F && a( a.S + a.F * (!G || s(function () { var e = N(); return "[null]" != D([e]) || "{}" != D({ a: e }) || "{}" != D(Object(e)); })), "JSON", { stringify: function (e) { for (var t, n, r = [e], o = 1; arguments.length > o; ) r.push(arguments[o++]); if (((n = t = r[1]), (b(t) || void 0 !== e) && !K(e))) return ( g(t) || (t = function (e, t) { if (("function" == typeof n && (t = n.call(this, e, t)), !K(t))) return t; }), (r[1] = t), D.apply(F, r) ); }, } ), N.prototype[R] || n("akPY")(N.prototype, R, N.prototype.valueOf), f(N, "Symbol"), f(Math, "Math", !0), f(r.JSON, "JSON", !0); }, AkAO: function (e, t) { function n(t, r) { return ( (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf || function (e, t) { return (e.__proto__ = t), e; }), n(t, r) ); } e.exports = n; }, Aq8W: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("dXs8"), __esModule: !0 }; }, AsRs: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e) { for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < t; r++) n[r - 1] = arguments[r]; e = u.default.apply(void 0, [{ zIndex: d.default, isRtl: !1, userAgent: void 0 }, f.default, e].concat(n)); var o = e, i = o.spacing, l = o.fontFamily, c = o.palette, p = { spacing: i, fontFamily: l, palette: c }; e = (0, u.default)( { appBar: { color: c.primary1Color, textColor: c.alternateTextColor, height: i.desktopKeylineIncrement, titleFontWeight: w.default.fontWeightNormal, padding: i.desktopGutter }, avatar: { color: c.canvasColor, backgroundColor: (0, s.emphasize)(c.canvasColor, 0.26) }, badge: { color: c.alternateTextColor, textColor: c.textColor, primaryColor: c.primary1Color, primaryTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, secondaryColor: c.accent1Color, secondaryTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightMedium, }, bottomNavigation: { backgroundColor: c.canvasColor, unselectedColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.54), selectedColor: c.primary1Color, height: 56, unselectedFontSize: 12, selectedFontSize: 14 }, button: { height: 36, minWidth: 88, iconButtonSize: 2 * i.iconSize }, card: { titleColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.87), subtitleColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.54), fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightMedium }, cardMedia: { color: k.darkWhite, overlayContentBackground: k.lightBlack, titleColor: k.darkWhite, subtitleColor: k.lightWhite }, cardText: { textColor: c.textColor }, checkbox: { boxColor: c.textColor, checkedColor: c.primary1Color, requiredColor: c.primary1Color, disabledColor: c.disabledColor, labelColor: c.textColor, labelDisabledColor: c.disabledColor }, chip: { backgroundColor: (0, s.emphasize)(c.canvasColor, 0.12), deleteIconColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.26), textColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.87), fontSize: 14, fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightNormal, shadow: "0 1px 6px " + (0, s.fade)(c.shadowColor, 0.12) + ",\n 0 1px 4px " + (0, s.fade)(c.shadowColor, 0.12), }, datePicker: { color: c.primary1Color, textColor: c.alternateTextColor, calendarTextColor: c.textColor, selectColor: c.primary2Color, selectTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, calendarYearBackgroundColor: c.canvasColor, headerColor: c.pickerHeaderColor || c.primary1Color, }, dialog: { titleFontSize: 22, bodyFontSize: 16, bodyColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.6) }, dropDownMenu: { accentColor: c.borderColor }, enhancedButton: { tapHighlightColor: k.transparent }, flatButton: { color: k.transparent, buttonFilterColor: "#999999", disabledTextColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.3), textColor: c.textColor, primaryTextColor: c.primary1Color, secondaryTextColor: c.accent1Color, fontSize: w.default.fontStyleButtonFontSize, fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightMedium, }, floatingActionButton: { buttonSize: 56, miniSize: 40, color: c.primary1Color, iconColor: c.alternateTextColor, secondaryColor: c.accent1Color, secondaryIconColor: c.alternateTextColor, disabledTextColor: c.disabledColor, disabledColor: (0, s.emphasize)(c.canvasColor, 0.12), }, gridTile: { textColor: k.white }, icon: { color: c.canvasColor, backgroundColor: c.primary1Color }, inkBar: { backgroundColor: c.accent1Color }, drawer: { width: 4 * i.desktopKeylineIncrement, color: c.canvasColor }, listItem: { nestedLevelDepth: 18, secondaryTextColor: c.secondaryTextColor, leftIconColor: k.grey600, rightIconColor: k.grey600 }, menu: { backgroundColor: c.canvasColor, containerBackgroundColor: c.canvasColor }, menuItem: { dataHeight: 32, height: 48, hoverColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.1), padding: i.desktopGutter, selectedTextColor: c.accent1Color, rightIconDesktopFill: k.grey600 }, menuSubheader: { padding: i.desktopGutter, borderColor: c.borderColor, textColor: c.primary1Color }, overlay: { backgroundColor: k.lightBlack }, paper: { color: c.textColor, backgroundColor: c.canvasColor, zDepthShadows: [ [1, 6, 0.12, 1, 4, 0.12], [3, 10, 0.16, 3, 10, 0.23], [10, 30, 0.19, 6, 10, 0.23], [14, 45, 0.25, 10, 18, 0.22], [19, 60, 0.3, 15, 20, 0.22], ].map(function (e) { return "0 " + e[0] + "px " + e[1] + "px " + (0, s.fade)(c.shadowColor, e[2]) + ",\n 0 " + e[3] + "px " + e[4] + "px " + (0, s.fade)(c.shadowColor, e[5]); }), }, radioButton: { borderColor: c.textColor, backgroundColor: c.alternateTextColor, checkedColor: c.primary1Color, requiredColor: c.primary1Color, disabledColor: c.disabledColor, size: 24, labelColor: c.textColor, labelDisabledColor: c.disabledColor, }, raisedButton: { color: c.alternateTextColor, textColor: c.textColor, primaryColor: c.primary1Color, primaryTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, secondaryColor: c.accent1Color, secondaryTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, disabledColor: (0, s.darken)(c.alternateTextColor, 0.1), disabledTextColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.3), fontSize: w.default.fontStyleButtonFontSize, fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightMedium, }, refreshIndicator: { strokeColor: c.borderColor, loadingStrokeColor: c.primary1Color }, ripple: { color: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.87) }, slider: { trackSize: 2, trackColor: c.primary3Color, trackColorSelected: c.accent3Color, handleSize: 12, handleSizeDisabled: 8, handleSizeActive: 18, handleColorZero: c.primary3Color, handleFillColor: c.alternateTextColor, selectionColor: c.primary1Color, rippleColor: c.primary1Color, }, snackbar: { textColor: c.alternateTextColor, backgroundColor: c.textColor, actionColor: c.accent1Color }, subheader: { color: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.54), fontWeight: w.default.fontWeightMedium }, stepper: { backgroundColor: "transparent", hoverBackgroundColor: (0, s.fade)(k.black, 0.06), iconColor: c.primary1Color, hoveredIconColor: k.grey700, inactiveIconColor: k.grey500, textColor: (0, s.fade)(k.black, 0.87), disabledTextColor: (0, s.fade)(k.black, 0.26), connectorLineColor: k.grey400, }, svgIcon: { color: c.textColor }, table: { backgroundColor: c.canvasColor }, tableFooter: { borderColor: c.borderColor, textColor: c.accent3Color }, tableHeader: { borderColor: c.borderColor }, tableHeaderColumn: { textColor: c.accent3Color, height: 56, spacing: 24 }, tableRow: { hoverColor: c.accent2Color, stripeColor: (0, s.fade)((0, s.lighten)(c.primary1Color, 0.5), 0.4), selectedColor: c.borderColor, textColor: c.textColor, borderColor: c.borderColor, height: 48 }, tableRowColumn: { height: 48, spacing: 24 }, tabs: { backgroundColor: c.primary1Color, textColor: (0, s.fade)(c.alternateTextColor, 0.7), selectedTextColor: c.alternateTextColor }, textField: { textColor: c.textColor, hintColor: c.disabledColor, floatingLabelColor: c.disabledColor, disabledTextColor: c.disabledColor, errorColor: k.red500, focusColor: c.primary1Color, backgroundColor: "transparent", borderColor: c.borderColor, }, timePicker: { color: c.alternateTextColor, textColor: c.alternateTextColor, accentColor: c.primary1Color, clockColor: c.textColor, clockCircleColor: c.clockCircleColor, headerColor: c.pickerHeaderColor || c.primary1Color, selectColor: c.primary2Color, selectTextColor: c.alternateTextColor, }, toggle: { thumbOnColor: c.primary1Color, thumbOffColor: c.accent2Color, thumbDisabledColor: c.borderColor, thumbRequiredColor: c.primary1Color, trackOnColor: (0, s.fade)(c.primary1Color, 0.5), trackOffColor: c.primary3Color, trackDisabledColor: c.primary3Color, labelColor: c.textColor, labelDisabledColor: c.disabledColor, trackRequiredColor: (0, s.fade)(c.primary1Color, 0.5), }, toolbar: { color: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.54), hoverColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.87), backgroundColor: (0, s.darken)(c.accent2Color, 0.05), height: 56, titleFontSize: 20, iconColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.4), separatorColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.175), menuHoverColor: (0, s.fade)(c.textColor, 0.1), }, tooltip: { color: k.white, rippleBackgroundColor: k.grey700, opacity: 0.9 }, }, e, { baseTheme: p, rawTheme: p } ); var h = [m.default, b.default, g.default] .map(function (t) { return t(e); }) .filter(function (e) { return e; }); return (e.prepareStyles = x.default.apply(void 0, (0, a.default)(h))), e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = n("mYpx"), a = r(i); t.default = o; var l = n("9ueN"), u = r(l), s = n("NySk"), c = n("O4VS"), f = r(c), p = n("3Lw+"), d = r(p), h = n("JBx7"), m = r(h), y = n("+qlq"), g = r(y), v = n("znAs"), b = r(v), A = n("tfSr"), x = r(A), C = n("/zpV"), w = r(C), k = n("e1OT"); }, Asjh: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = "SECRET_DO_NOT_PASS_THIS_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED"; }, B9Lq: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("yS17"), o = n("Wyka"), i = n("LNnS")(!1), a = n("/wuY")("IE_PROTO"); e.exports = function (e, t) { var n, l = o(e), u = 0, s = []; for (n in l) n != a && r(l, n) && s.push(n); for (; t.length > u; ) r(l, (n = t[u++])) && (~i(s, n) || s.push(n)); return s; }; }, BMrJ: function (e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n], o = h[r.id]; if (o) { o.refs++; for (var i = 0; i < o.parts.length; i++) o.parts[i](r.parts[i]); for (; i < r.parts.length; i++) o.parts.push(c(r.parts[i], t)); } else { for (var a = [], i = 0; i < r.parts.length; i++) a.push(c(r.parts[i], t)); h[r.id] = { id: r.id, refs: 1, parts: a }; } } } function o(e, t) { for (var n = [], r = {}, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var i = e[o], a = t.base ? i[0] + t.base : i[0], l = i[1], u = i[2], s = i[3], c = { css: l, media: u, sourceMap: s }; r[a] ? r[a].parts.push(c) : n.push((r[a] = { id: a, parts: [c] })); } return n; } function i(e, t) { var n = y(e.insertInto); if (!n) throw new Error("Couldn't find a style target. This probably means that the value for the 'insertInto' parameter is invalid."); var r = b[b.length - 1]; if ("top" === e.insertAt) r ? (r.nextSibling ? n.insertBefore(t, r.nextSibling) : n.appendChild(t)) : n.insertBefore(t, n.firstChild), b.push(t); else if ("bottom" === e.insertAt) n.appendChild(t); else { if ("object" !== typeof e.insertAt || !e.insertAt.before) throw new Error("[Style Loader]\n\n Invalid value for parameter 'insertAt' ('options.insertAt') found.\n Must be 'top', 'bottom', or Object.\n (https://github.com/webpack-contrib/style-loader#insertat)\n"); var o = y(e.insertInto + " " + e.insertAt.before); n.insertBefore(t, o); } } function a(e) { if (null === e.parentNode) return !1; e.parentNode.removeChild(e); var t = b.indexOf(e); t >= 0 && b.splice(t, 1); } function l(e) { var t = document.createElement("style"); return (e.attrs.type = "text/css"), s(t, e.attrs), i(e, t), t; } function u(e) { var t = document.createElement("link"); return (e.attrs.type = "text/css"), (e.attrs.rel = "stylesheet"), s(t, e.attrs), i(e, t), t; } function s(e, t) { Object.keys(t).forEach(function (n) { e.setAttribute(n, t[n]); }); } function c(e, t) { var n, r, o, i; if (t.transform && e.css) { if (!(i = t.transform(e.css))) return function () {}; e.css = i; } if (t.singleton) { var s = v++; (n = g || (g = l(t))), (r = f.bind(null, n, s, !1)), (o = f.bind(null, n, s, !0)); } else e.sourceMap && "function" === typeof URL && "function" === typeof URL.createObjectURL && "function" === typeof URL.revokeObjectURL && "function" === typeof Blob && "function" === typeof btoa ? ((n = u(t)), (r = d.bind(null, n, t)), (o = function () { a(n), n.href && URL.revokeObjectURL(n.href); })) : ((n = l(t)), (r = p.bind(null, n)), (o = function () { a(n); })); return ( r(e), function (t) { if (t) { if (t.css === e.css && t.media === e.media && t.sourceMap === e.sourceMap) return; r((e = t)); } else o(); } ); } function f(e, t, n, r) { var o = n ? "" : r.css; if (e.styleSheet) e.styleSheet.cssText = x(t, o); else { var i = document.createTextNode(o), a = e.childNodes; a[t] && e.removeChild(a[t]), a.length ? e.insertBefore(i, a[t]) : e.appendChild(i); } } function p(e, t) { var n = t.css, r = t.media; if ((r && e.setAttribute("media", r), e.styleSheet)) e.styleSheet.cssText = n; else { for (; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); e.appendChild(document.createTextNode(n)); } } function d(e, t, n) { var r = n.css, o = n.sourceMap, i = void 0 === t.convertToAbsoluteUrls && o; (t.convertToAbsoluteUrls || i) && (r = A(r)), o && (r += "\n/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(o)))) + " */"); var a = new Blob([r], { type: "text/css" }), l = e.href; (e.href = URL.createObjectURL(a)), l && URL.revokeObjectURL(l); } var h = {}, m = (function (e) { var t; return function () { return "undefined" === typeof t && (t = e.apply(this, arguments)), t; }; })(function () { return window && document && document.all && !window.atob; }), y = (function (e) { var t = {}; return function (n) { if ("undefined" === typeof t[n]) { var r = e.call(this, n); if (r instanceof window.HTMLIFrameElement) try { r = r.contentDocument.head; } catch (e) { r = null; } t[n] = r; } return t[n]; }; })(function (e) { return document.querySelector(e); }), g = null, v = 0, b = [], A = n("DRTY"); e.exports = function (e, t) { (t = t || {}), (t.attrs = "object" === typeof t.attrs ? t.attrs : {}), t.singleton || "boolean" === typeof t.singleton || (t.singleton = m()), t.insertInto || (t.insertInto = "head"), t.insertAt || (t.insertAt = "bottom"); var n = o(e, t); return ( r(n, t), function (e) { for (var i = [], a = 0; a < n.length; a++) { var l = n[a], u = h[l.id]; u.refs--, i.push(u); } if (e) { r(o(e, t), t); } for (var a = 0; a < i.length; a++) { var u = i[a]; if (0 === u.refs) { for (var s = 0; s < u.parts.length; s++) u.parts[s](); delete h[u.id]; } } } ); }; var x = (function () { var e = []; return function (t, n) { return (e[t] = n), e.filter(Boolean).join("\n"); }; })(); }, BSdx: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { black: "#000", white: "#fff" }, o = r; t.default = o; }, "BX4+": function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("ky2m"), __esModule: !0 }; }, BokN: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return !!e && "object" === typeof e; } function o(e) { var t = Object.prototype.toString.call(e); return "[object RegExp]" === t || "[object Date]" === t || i(e); } function i(e) { return e.$$typeof === d; } function a(e) { return Array.isArray(e) ? [] : {}; } function l(e, t) { return !1 !== t.clone && t.isMergeableObject(e) ? c(a(e), e, t) : e; } function u(e, t, n) { return e.concat(t).map(function (e) { return l(e, n); }); } function s(e, t, n) { var r = {}; return ( n.isMergeableObject(e) && Object.keys(e).forEach(function (t) { r[t] = l(e[t], n); }), Object.keys(t).forEach(function (o) { n.isMergeableObject(t[o]) && e[o] ? (r[o] = c(e[o], t[o], n)) : (r[o] = l(t[o], n)); }), r ); } function c(e, t, n) { (n = n || {}), (n.arrayMerge = n.arrayMerge || u), (n.isMergeableObject = n.isMergeableObject || f); var r = Array.isArray(t); return r === Array.isArray(e) ? (r ? n.arrayMerge(e, t, n) : s(e, t, n)) : l(t, n); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var f = function (e) { return r(e) && !o(e); }, p = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, d = p ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103; c.all = function (e, t) { if (!Array.isArray(e)) throw new Error("first argument should be an array"); return e.reduce(function (e, n) { return c(e, n, t); }, {}); }; var h = c; t.default = h; }, BtHH: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("mbLO"), o = n("HHE0"); n("cOHw")("getPrototypeOf", function () { return function (e) { return o(r(e)); }; }); }, BxvP: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { return "object" === typeof e ? null !== e : "function" === typeof e; }; }, CJ8n: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { unit: 8 }, o = r; t.default = o; }, COf8: function (e, t, n) { n("OYXR"); for ( var r = n("i1Q6"), o = n("akPY"), i = n("dhak"), a = n("Ug9I")("toStringTag"), l = "CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,TextTrackList,TouchList".split( "," ), u = 0; u < l.length; u++ ) { var s = l[u], c = r[s], f = c && c.prototype; f && !f[a] && o(f, a, s), (i[s] = i.Array); } }, "CjV/": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return Math.round(1e5 * e) / 1e5; } function o(e, t) { function n(e) { return "".concat((e / b) * C, "rem"); } var o = "function" === typeof t ? t(e) : t, i = o.fontFamily, s = void 0 === i ? '"Roboto", "Helvetica", "Arial", sans-serif' : i, c = o.fontSize, f = void 0 === c ? 14 : c, p = o.fontWeightLight, d = void 0 === p ? 300 : p, h = o.fontWeightRegular, m = void 0 === h ? 400 : h, y = o.fontWeightMedium, g = void 0 === y ? 500 : y, v = o.htmlFontSize, b = void 0 === v ? 16 : v, A = o.allVariants, x = (0, l.default)(o, ["fontFamily", "fontSize", "fontWeightLight", "fontWeightRegular", "fontWeightMedium", "htmlFontSize", "allVariants"]), C = f / 14; return (0, u.default)( { pxToRem: n, round: r, fontFamily: s, fontSize: f, fontWeightLight: d, fontWeightRegular: m, fontWeightMedium: g, display4: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(112), fontWeight: d, fontFamily: s, letterSpacing: "-.04em", lineHeight: "".concat(r(128 / 112), "em"), marginLeft: "-.04em", color: e.text.secondary }, A), display3: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(56), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, letterSpacing: "-.02em", lineHeight: "".concat(r(73 / 56), "em"), marginLeft: "-.02em", color: e.text.secondary }, A), display2: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(45), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(51 / 45), "em"), marginLeft: "-.02em", color: e.text.secondary }, A), display1: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(34), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(41 / 34), "em"), color: e.text.secondary }, A), headline: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(24), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(32.5 / 24), "em"), color: e.text.primary }, A), title: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(21), fontWeight: g, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(24.5 / 21), "em"), color: e.text.primary }, A), subheading: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(16), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(1.5), "em"), color: e.text.primary }, A), body2: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(14), fontWeight: g, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(24 / 14), "em"), color: e.text.primary }, A), body1: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(14), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(20.5 / 14), "em"), color: e.text.primary }, A), caption: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(12), fontWeight: m, fontFamily: s, lineHeight: "".concat(r(1.375), "em"), color: e.text.secondary }, A), button: (0, a.default)({ fontSize: n(14), textTransform: "uppercase", fontWeight: g, fontFamily: s, color: e.text.primary }, A), }, x, { clone: !1 } ); } var i = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var a = i(n("3dLy")), l = i(n("U8F3")), u = i(n("BokN")); }, DRTY: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { var t = "undefined" !== typeof window && window.location; if (!t) throw new Error("fixUrls requires window.location"); if (!e || "string" !== typeof e) return e; var n = t.protocol + "//" + t.host, r = n + t.pathname.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/, "/"); return e.replace(/url\s*\(((?:[^)(]|\((?:[^)(]+|\([^)(]*\))*\))*)\)/gi, function (e, t) { var o = t .trim() .replace(/^"(.*)"$/, function (e, t) { return t; }) .replace(/^'(.*)'$/, function (e, t) { return t; }); if (/^(#|data:|http:\/\/|https:\/\/|file:\/\/\/)/i.test(o)) return e; var i; return (i = 0 === o.indexOf("//") ? o : 0 === o.indexOf("/") ? n + o : r + o.replace(/^\.\//, "")), "url(" + JSON.stringify(i) + ")"; }); }; }, DnKM: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { mobileStepper: 1e3, appBar: 1100, drawer: 1200, modal: 1300, snackbar: 1400, tooltip: 1500 }, o = r; t.default = o; }, "E/fr": function (e, t, n) { var r, o, i, a = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; !(function (n, l) { "object" == a(t) && "undefined" != typeof e ? l(t) : ((o = [t]), (r = l), void 0 !== (i = "function" === typeof r ? r.apply(t, o) : r) && (e.exports = i)); })(0, function (e) { "use strict"; function t(e) { if (!e) return p; var t, n, r = e.scale[0], o = e.scale[1], i = e.translate[0], a = e.translate[1]; return function (e, l) { l || (t = n = 0), (e[0] = (t += e[0]) * r + i), (e[1] = (n += e[1]) * o + a); }; } function n(e) { if (!e) return p; var t, n, r = e.scale[0], o = e.scale[1], i = e.translate[0], a = e.translate[1]; return function (e, l) { l || (t = n = 0); var u = Math.round((e[0] - i) / r), s = Math.round((e[1] - a) / o); (e[0] = u - t), (e[1] = s - n), (t = u), (n = s); }; } function r(e, t) { for (var n, r = e.length, o = r - t; o < --r; ) (n = e[o]), (e[o++] = e[r]), (e[r] = n); } function o(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ) { var o = (n + r) >>> 1; e[o] < t ? (n = o + 1) : (r = o); } return n; } function i(e, t) { var n = { type: "Feature", id: t.id, properties: t.properties || {}, geometry: a(e, t) }; return null == t.id && delete n.id, n; } function a(e, n) { function o(e, t) { t.length && t.pop(); for (var n, o = f[e < 0 ? ~e : e], i = 0, a = o.length; i < a; ++i) t.push((n = o[i].slice())), c(n, i); e < 0 && r(t, a); } function i(e) { return (e = e.slice()), c(e, 0), e; } function a(e) { for (var t = [], n = 0, r = e.length; n < r; ++n) o(e[n], t); return t.length < 2 && t.push(t[0].slice()), t; } function l(e) { for (var t = a(e); t.length < 4; ) t.push(t[0].slice()); return t; } function u(e) { return e.map(l); } function s(e) { var t = e.type; return "GeometryCollection" === t ? { type: t, geometries: e.geometries.map(s) } : t in p ? { type: t, coordinates: p[t](e) } : null; } var c = t(e.transform), f = e.arcs, p = { Point: function (e) { return i(e.coordinates); }, MultiPoint: function (e) { return e.coordinates.map(i); }, LineString: function (e) { return a(e.arcs); }, MultiLineString: function (e) { return e.arcs.map(a); }, Polygon: function (e) { return u(e.arcs); }, MultiPolygon: function (e) { return e.arcs.map(u); }, }; return s(n); } function l(e, t, n) { function r(e) { var t = e < 0 ? ~e : e; (s[t] || (s[t] = [])).push({ i: e, g: u }); } function o(e) { e.forEach(r); } function i(e) { e.forEach(o); } function a(e) { "GeometryCollection" === e.type ? e.geometries.forEach(a) : e.type in c && ((u = e), c[e.type](e.arcs)); } var l = []; if (arguments.length > 1) { var u, s = [], c = { LineString: o, MultiLineString: i, Polygon: i, MultiPolygon: function (e) { e.forEach(i); }, }; a(t), s.forEach( arguments.length < 3 ? function (e) { l.push(e[0].i); } : function (e) { n(e[0].g, e[e.length - 1].g) && l.push(e[0].i); } ); } else for (var f = 0, p = e.arcs.length; f < p; ++f) l.push(f); return { type: "MultiLineString", arcs: h(e, l) }; } function u(e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1], r = e[2]; return Math.abs((t[0] - r[0]) * (n[1] - t[1]) - (t[0] - n[0]) * (r[1] - t[1])); } function s(e) { for (var t, n = -1, r = e.length, o = e[r - 1], i = 0; ++n < r; ) (t = o), (o = e[n]), (i += t[0] * o[1] - t[1] * o[0]); return i / 2; } function c(e, t) { function n(e) { e.forEach(function (t) { t.forEach(function (t) { (o[(t = t < 0 ? ~t : t)] || (o[t] = [])).push(e); }); }), i.push(e); } function r(t) { return Math.abs(s(a(e, { type: "Polygon", arcs: [t] }).coordinates[0])); } var o = {}, i = [], l = []; return ( t.forEach(function (e) { "Polygon" === e.type ? n(e.arcs) : "MultiPolygon" === e.type && e.arcs.forEach(n); }), i.forEach(function (e) { if (!e._) { var t = [], n = [e]; for (e._ = 1, l.push(t); (e = n.pop()); ) t.push(e), e.forEach(function (e) { e.forEach(function (e) { o[e < 0 ? ~e : e].forEach(function (e) { e._ || ((e._ = 1), n.push(e)); }); }); }); } }), i.forEach(function (e) { delete e._; }), { type: "MultiPolygon", arcs: l.map(function (t) { var n, i = []; if ( (t.forEach(function (e) { e.forEach(function (e) { e.forEach(function (e) { o[e < 0 ? ~e : e].length < 2 && i.push(e); }); }); }), (i = h(e, i)), (n = i.length) > 1) ) for (var a, l, u = 1, s = r(i[0]); u < n; ++u) (a = r(i[u])) > s && ((l = i[0]), (i[0] = i[u]), (i[u] = l), (s = a)); return i; }), } ); } function f(e, t) { return e[1][2] - t[1][2]; } var p = function () {}, d = function (e, t) { return "GeometryCollection" === t.type ? { type: "FeatureCollection", features: t.geometries.map(function (t) { return i(e, t); }), } : i(e, t); }, h = function (e, t) { function n(t) { var n, r = e.arcs[t < 0 ? ~t : t], o = r[0]; return ( e.transform ? ((n = [0, 0]), r.forEach(function (e) { (n[0] += e[0]), (n[1] += e[1]); })) : (n = r[r.length - 1]), t < 0 ? [n, o] : [o, n] ); } function r(e, t) { for (var n in e) { var r = e[n]; delete t[r.start], delete r.start, delete r.end, r.forEach(function (e) { o[e < 0 ? ~e : e] = 1; }), l.push(r); } } var o = {}, i = {}, a = {}, l = [], u = -1; return ( t.forEach(function (n, r) { var o, i = e.arcs[n < 0 ? ~n : n]; i.length < 3 && !i[1][0] && !i[1][1] && ((o = t[++u]), (t[u] = n), (t[r] = o)); }), t.forEach(function (e) { var t, r, o = n(e), l = o[0], u = o[1]; if ((t = a[l])) if ((delete a[t.end], t.push(e), (t.end = u), (r = i[u]))) { delete i[r.start]; var s = r === t ? t : t.concat(r); i[(s.start = t.start)] = a[(s.end = r.end)] = s; } else i[t.start] = a[t.end] = t; else if ((t = i[u])) if ((delete i[t.start], t.unshift(e), (t.start = l), (r = a[l]))) { delete a[r.end]; var c = r === t ? t : r.concat(t); i[(c.start = r.start)] = a[(c.end = t.end)] = c; } else i[t.start] = a[t.end] = t; else (t = [e]), (i[(t.start = l)] = a[(t.end = u)] = t); }), r(a, i), r(i, a), t.forEach(function (e) { o[e < 0 ? ~e : e] || l.push([e]); }), l ); }, m = function (e) { return a(e, l.apply(this, arguments)); }, y = function (e) { return a(e, c.apply(this, arguments)); }, g = function (e) { function t(e, t) { e.forEach(function (e) { e < 0 && (e = ~e); var n = i[e]; n ? n.push(t) : (i[e] = [t]); }); } function n(e, n) { e.forEach(function (e) { t(e, n); }); } function r(e, t) { "GeometryCollection" === e.type ? e.geometries.forEach(function (e) { r(e, t); }) : e.type in l && l[e.type](e.arcs, t); } var i = {}, a = e.map(function () { return []; }), l = { LineString: t, MultiLineString: n, Polygon: n, MultiPolygon: function (e, t) { e.forEach(function (e) { n(e, t); }); }, }; e.forEach(r); for (var u in i) for (var s = i[u], c = s.length, f = 0; f < c; ++f) for (var p = f + 1; p < c; ++p) { var d, h = s[f], m = s[p]; (d = a[h])[(u = o(d, m))] !== m && d.splice(u, 0, m), (d = a[m])[(u = o(d, h))] !== h && d.splice(u, 0, h); } return a; }, v = function () { function e(e, t) { for (; t > 0; ) { var n = ((t + 1) >> 1) - 1, o = r[n]; if (f(e, o) >= 0) break; (r[(o._ = t)] = o), (r[(e._ = t = n)] = e); } } function t(e, t) { for (;;) { var n = (t + 1) << 1, i = n - 1, a = t, l = r[a]; if ((i < o && f(r[i], l) < 0 && (l = r[(a = i)]), n < o && f(r[n], l) < 0 && (l = r[(a = n)]), a === t)) break; (r[(l._ = t)] = l), (r[(e._ = t = a)] = e); } } var n = {}, r = [], o = 0; return ( (n.push = function (t) { return e((r[(t._ = o)] = t), o++), o; }), (n.pop = function () { if (!(o <= 0)) { var e, n = r[0]; return --o > 0 && ((e = r[o]), t((r[(e._ = 0)] = e), 0)), n; } }), (n.remove = function (n) { var i, a = n._; if (r[a] === n) return a !== --o && ((i = r[o]), (f(i, n) < 0 ? e : t)((r[(i._ = a)] = i), a)), a; }), n ); }, b = function (e, r) { function o(e) { l.remove(e), (e[1][2] = r(e)), l.push(e); } var i = t(e.transform), a = n(e.transform), l = v(); return ( null == r && (r = u), e.arcs.forEach(function (e) { var t, n, u, s, c = [], f = 0; for (n = 0, u = e.length; n < u; ++n) (s = e[n]), i((e[n] = [s[0], s[1], 1 / 0]), n); for (n = 1, u = e.length - 1; n < u; ++n) (t = e.slice(n - 1, n + 2)), (t[1][2] = r(t)), c.push(t), l.push(t); for (n = 0, u = c.length; n < u; ++n) (t = c[n]), (t.previous = c[n - 1]), (t.next = c[n + 1]); for (; (t = l.pop()); ) { var p = t.previous, d = t.next; t[1][2] < f ? (t[1][2] = f) : (f = t[1][2]), p && ((p.next = d), (p[2] = t[2]), o(p)), d && ((d.previous = p), (d[0] = t[0]), o(d)); } e.forEach(a); }), e ); }; (e.mesh = m), (e.meshArcs = l), (e.merge = y), (e.mergeArcs = c), (e.feature = d), (e.neighbors = g), (e.presimplify = b), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); }); }, E5Ce: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("ShN9"); e.exports = Object("z").propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (e) { return "String" == r(e) ? e.split("") : Object(e); }; }, E7HD: function (e, t) { function n(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e; } e.exports = n; }, EBZy: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e.firefox) return "firefox"; if (e.mobile || e.tablet) { if (e.ios) return "ios_saf"; if (e.android) return "android"; if (e.opera) return "op_mini"; } for (var t in u) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) return u[t]; } function o(e) { var t = a.default._detect(e); t.yandexbrowser && (t = a.default._detect(e.replace(/YaBrowser\/[0-9.]*/, ""))); for (var n in l) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var o = l[n]; (t.jsPrefix = o), (t.cssPrefix = "-" + o.toLowerCase() + "-"); break; } return ( (t.browserName = r(t)), t.version ? (t.browserVersion = parseFloat(t.version)) : (t.browserVersion = parseInt(parseFloat(t.osversion), 10)), (t.osVersion = parseFloat(t.osversion)), "ios_saf" === t.browserName && t.browserVersion > t.osVersion && (t.browserVersion = t.osVersion), "android" === t.browserName && t.chrome && t.browserVersion > 37 && (t.browserName = "and_chr"), "android" === t.browserName && t.osVersion < 5 && (t.browserVersion = t.osVersion), "android" === t.browserName && t.samsungBrowser && ((t.browserName = "and_chr"), (t.browserVersion = 44)), t ); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("nZkr"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = { chrome: "Webkit", safari: "Webkit", ios: "Webkit", android: "Webkit", phantom: "Webkit", opera: "Webkit", webos: "Webkit", blackberry: "Webkit", bada: "Webkit", tizen: "Webkit", chromium: "Webkit", vivaldi: "Webkit", firefox: "Moz", seamoney: "Moz", sailfish: "Moz", msie: "ms", msedge: "ms", }, u = { chrome: "chrome", chromium: "chrome", safari: "safari", firfox: "firefox", msedge: "edge", opera: "opera", vivaldi: "opera", msie: "ie" }; e.exports = t.default; }, EKwp: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("BxvP"); e.exports = function (e, t) { if (!r(e)) return e; var n, o; if (t && "function" == typeof (n = e.toString) && !r((o = n.call(e)))) return o; if ("function" == typeof (n = e.valueOf) && !r((o = n.call(e)))) return o; if (!t && "function" == typeof (n = e.toString) && !r((o = n.call(e)))) return o; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; }, F4n3: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.browserName, u = r.browserVersion, s = r.cssPrefix, c = r.keepUnprefixed, f = r.requiresPrefix; if ((l.hasOwnProperty(e) || ("display" === e && "string" === typeof t && t.indexOf("flex") > -1)) && ("ie_mob" === o || "ie" === o) && 10 === u) { if ((delete f[e], c || Array.isArray(n[e]) || delete n[e], "display" === e && a.hasOwnProperty(t))) return (0, i.default)(s + a[t], t, c); l.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n[l[e]] = a[t] || t); } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = { "space-around": "distribute", "space-between": "justify", "flex-start": "start", "flex-end": "end", flex: "flexbox", "inline-flex": "inline-flexbox" }, l = { alignContent: "msFlexLinePack", alignSelf: "msFlexItemAlign", alignItems: "msFlexAlign", justifyContent: "msFlexPack", order: "msFlexOrder", flexGrow: "msFlexPositive", flexShrink: "msFlexNegative", flexBasis: "msFlexPreferredSize", }; e.exports = t.default; }, FFZn: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("3v7p"), __esModule: !0 }; }, FV5o: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return O || (O = (0, x.default)()); } var o = n("3t7p"), i = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.sheetsManager = void 0); var a = i(n("3dLy")), l = i(n("0fcM")), u = i(n("P8NW")), s = i(n("0421")), c = i(n("UJE0")), f = i(n("d4H2")), p = i(n("U8F3")), d = i(n("1n8/")), h = i(n("5D9O")), m = (i(n("XOCG")), i(n("89El"))), y = (i(n("6KFX")), i(n("ytkY")), i(n("O2oT"))), g = n("+HdU"), v = o(n("GPtb")), b = i(n("l+ms")), A = i(n("Y8tX")), x = i(n("VAPn")), C = i(n("pkRn")), w = i(n("x34Z")), k = i(n("gZsz")), E = i(n("a3V9")), B = (0, g.create)((0, b.default)()), S = (0, w.default)(), _ = -1e11, P = new Map(); t.sheetsManager = P; var O, M = {}, T = function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}; return function (n) { var o = t.withTheme, i = void 0 !== o && o, g = t.flip, b = void 0 === g ? null : g, x = t.name, w = (0, p.default)(t, ["withTheme", "flip", "name"]), O = (0, k.default)(e), T = O.themingEnabled || i || "string" === typeof x; (_ += 1), (O.options.index = _); var N = (function (e) { function t(e, n) { var o; (0, l.default)(this, t), (o = (0, s.default)(this, (0, c.default)(t).call(this, e, n))), (o.disableStylesGeneration = !1), (o.jss = null), (o.sheetOptions = null), (o.sheetsManager = P), (o.stylesCreatorSaved = null), (o.theme = null), (o.unsubscribeId = null), (o.state = {}), (o.jss = n[v.jss] || B); var i = n.muiThemeProviderOptions; return ( i && (i.sheetsManager && (o.sheetsManager = i.sheetsManager), (o.disableStylesGeneration = i.disableStylesGeneration)), (o.stylesCreatorSaved = O), (o.sheetOptions = (0, a.default)({ generateClassName: S }, n[v.sheetOptions])), (o.theme = T ? C.default.initial(n) || r() : M), o.attach(o.theme), (o.cacheClasses = { value: null, lastProp: null, lastJSS: {} }), o ); } return ( (0, f.default)(t, e), (0, u.default)(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { var e = this; T && (this.unsubscribeId = C.default.subscribe(this.context, function (t) { var n = e.theme; (e.theme = t), e.attach(e.theme), e.setState({}, function () { e.detach(n); }); })); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.stylesCreatorSaved, 0; }, }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { this.detach(this.theme), null !== this.unsubscribeId && C.default.unsubscribe(this.context, this.unsubscribeId); }, }, { key: "getClasses", value: function () { var e = !1; if (!this.disableStylesGeneration) { var t = this.sheetsManager.get(this.stylesCreatorSaved), r = t.get(this.theme); r.sheet.classes !== this.cacheClasses.lastJSS && ((this.cacheClasses.lastJSS = r.sheet.classes), (e = !0)); } return ( this.props.classes !== this.cacheClasses.lastProp && ((this.cacheClasses.lastProp = this.props.classes), (e = !0)), e && (this.cacheClasses.value = (0, A.default)({ baseClasses: this.cacheClasses.lastJSS, newClasses: this.props.classes, Component: n, noBase: this.disableStylesGeneration })), this.cacheClasses.value ); }, }, { key: "attach", value: function (e) { if (!this.disableStylesGeneration) { var t = this.stylesCreatorSaved, n = this.sheetsManager.get(t); n || ((n = new Map()), this.sheetsManager.set(t, n)); var r = n.get(e); if ((r || ((r = { refs: 0, sheet: null }), n.set(e, r)), 0 === r.refs)) { var o = t.create(e, x), i = x, l = this.jss.createStyleSheet( o, (0, a.default)({ meta: i, classNamePrefix: i, flip: "boolean" === typeof b ? b : "rtl" === e.direction, link: !1 }, this.sheetOptions, t.options, { name: x }, w) ); (r.sheet = l), l.attach(); var u = this.context[v.sheetsRegistry]; u && u.add(l); } r.refs += 1; } }, }, { key: "detach", value: function (e) { if (!this.disableStylesGeneration) { var t = this.stylesCreatorSaved, n = this.sheetsManager.get(t), r = n.get(e); if (((r.refs -= 1), 0 === r.refs)) { n.delete(e), this.jss.removeStyleSheet(r.sheet); var o = this.context[v.sheetsRegistry]; o && o.remove(r.sheet); } } }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.props, t = (e.classes, e.innerRef), r = (0, p.default)(e, ["classes", "innerRef"]), o = (0, E.default)({ theme: this.theme, name: x }); return i && (o.theme = this.theme), d.default.createElement(n, (0, a.default)({}, o, { classes: this.getClasses(), ref: t }, r)); }, }, ]), t ); })(d.default.Component); return (N.propTypes = {}), (N.contextTypes = (0, a.default)({ muiThemeProviderOptions: h.default.object }, y.default, T ? C.default.contextTypes : {})), (0, m.default)(N, n), N; }; }, N = T; t.default = N; }, Fhqp: function (e, t, n) { function r(e) { return o(e) || i(e) || a(); } var o = n("XfJI"), i = n("OMTj"), a = n("wF/n"); e.exports = r; }, Fp1v: function (e, t, n) { var r, o, i = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; !(function (a, l) { "object" == i(t) && "undefined" != typeof e ? (e.exports = l()) : ((r = l), void 0 !== (o = "function" === typeof r ? r.call(t, n, t, e) : r) && (e.exports = o)); })(0, function () { "use strict"; function e() {} function t(t) { function n() { if (!s) try { i(); } catch (e) { c[h + d - 1] && l(e); } } function i() { for (; (s = p && t > d); ) { var e = h + d, n = c[e], r = n.length - 1, i = n[r]; (n[r] = a(e)), --p, ++d, (n = i.apply(null, n)), c[e] && (c[e] = n || o); } } function a(e) { return function (t, r) { c[e] && (--d, ++h, (c[e] = null), null == m && (null != t ? l(t) : ((f[e] = r), p ? n() : d || y(m, f)))); }; } function l(e) { var t, n = c.length; for (m = e, f = void 0, p = NaN; --n >= 0; ) if ((t = c[n]) && ((c[n] = null), t.abort)) try { t.abort(); } catch (e) {} (d = NaN), y(m, f); } if (!(t >= 1)) throw new Error(); var u, s, c = [], f = [], p = 0, d = 0, h = 0, m = null, y = e; return (u = { defer: function (t) { if ("function" != typeof t || y !== e) throw new Error(); if (null != m) return u; var o = r.call(arguments, 1); return o.push(t), ++p, c.push(o), n(), u; }, abort: function () { return null == m && l(new Error("abort")), u; }, await: function (t) { if ("function" != typeof t || y !== e) throw new Error(); return ( (y = function (e, n) { t.apply(null, [e].concat(n)); }), d || y(m, f), u ); }, awaitAll: function (t) { if ("function" != typeof t || y !== e) throw new Error(); return (y = t), d || y(m, f), u; }, }); } function n(e) { return t(arguments.length ? +e : 1 / 0); } var r = [].slice, o = {}; return (n.version = "1.2.3"), n; }); }, FuMT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { return function (o) { r && r.call(e, o); var i = !1; return o.defaultPrevented && (i = !0), e.props.disableTouchRipple && "Blur" !== t && (i = !0), !i && e.ripple && e.ripple[n](o), "function" === typeof e.props["on".concat(t)] && e.props["on".concat(t)](o), !0; }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = r; t.default = o; }, G96k: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if ("string" === typeof t && !(0, i.default)(t) && l.test(t)) return a.map(function (e) { return e + t; }); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("QXNG"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", ""], l = /linear-gradient|radial-gradient|repeating-linear-gradient|repeating-radial-gradient/; e.exports = t.default; }, GPtb: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); (t.jss = "64a55d578f856d258dc345b094a2a2b3"), (t.sheetsRegistry = "d4bd0baacbc52bbd48bbb9eb24344ecd"), (t.managers = "b768b78919504fba9de2c03545c5cd3a"), (t.sheetOptions = "6fc570d6bd61383819d0f9e7407c452d"); }, GT3O: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { var n = function (e) { return t && (0, u.isValidElement)(e) ? t(e) : e; }, r = Object.create(null); return ( e && u.Children.map(e, function (e) { return e; }).forEach(function (e) { r[e.key] = n(e); }), r ); } function o(e, t) { function n(n) { return n in t ? t[n] : e[n]; } (e = e || {}), (t = t || {}); var r = Object.create(null), o = []; for (var i in e) i in t ? o.length && ((r[i] = o), (o = [])) : o.push(i); var a, l = {}; for (var u in t) { if (r[u]) for (a = 0; a < r[u].length; a++) { var s = r[u][a]; l[r[u][a]] = n(s); } l[u] = n(u); } for (a = 0; a < o.length; a++) l[o[a]] = n(o[a]); return l; } function i(e, t, n) { return null != n[t] ? n[t] : e.props[t]; } function a(e, t) { return r(e.children, function (n) { return (0, u.cloneElement)(n, { onExited: t.bind(null, n), in: !0, appear: i(n, "appear", e), enter: i(n, "enter", e), exit: i(n, "exit", e) }); }); } function l(e, t, n) { var a = r(e.children), l = o(t, a); return ( Object.keys(l).forEach(function (r) { var o = l[r]; if ((0, u.isValidElement)(o)) { var s = r in t, c = r in a, f = t[r], p = (0, u.isValidElement)(f) && !f.props.in; !c || (s && !p) ? c || !s || p ? c && s && (0, u.isValidElement)(f) && (l[r] = (0, u.cloneElement)(o, { onExited: n.bind(null, o), in: f.props.in, exit: i(o, "exit", e), enter: i(o, "enter", e) })) : (l[r] = (0, u.cloneElement)(o, { in: !1 })) : (l[r] = (0, u.cloneElement)(o, { onExited: n.bind(null, o), in: !0, exit: i(o, "exit", e), enter: i(o, "enter", e) })); } }), l ); } (t.__esModule = !0), (t.getChildMapping = r), (t.mergeChildMappings = o), (t.getInitialChildMapping = a), (t.getNextChildMapping = l); var u = n("1n8/"); }, GcxN: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("XOCG"), i = r(o), a = n("78jo"), l = (r(a), n("hM0O")), u = r(l); t.default = function () { var e = 0; return function (t, n) { (e += 1) > 1e10 && (0, i.default)(!1, "[JSS] You might have a memory leak. Rule counter is at %s.", e); var r = "c", o = ""; return n && ((r = n.options.classNamePrefix || "c"), null != n.options.jss.id && (o += n.options.jss.id)), "" + r + u.default + o + e; }; }; }, Gfzd: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("zotD"), o = n("R6c1"), i = n("EKwp"), a = Object.defineProperty; t.f = n("6MLN") ? Object.defineProperty : function (e, t, n) { if ((r(e), (t = i(t, !0)), r(n), o)) try { return a(e, t, n); } catch (e) {} if ("get" in n || "set" in n) throw TypeError("Accessors not supported!"); return "value" in n && (e[t] = n.value), e; }; }, GkUC: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { borderRadius: 4 }, o = r; t.default = o; }, "GyB/": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } t.__esModule = !0; var o = n("6t7t"), i = r(o), a = n("ibPW"), l = r(a), u = "function" === typeof l.default && "symbol" === typeof i.default ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof l.default && e.constructor === l.default && e !== l.default.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; t.default = "function" === typeof l.default && "symbol" === u(i.default) ? function (e) { return "undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : u(e); } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof l.default && e.constructor === l.default && e !== l.default.prototype ? "symbol" : "undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : u(e); }; }, HHE0: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("yS17"), o = n("mbLO"), i = n("/wuY")("IE_PROTO"), a = Object.prototype; e.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (e) { return (e = o(e)), r(e, i) ? e[i] : "function" == typeof e.constructor && e instanceof e.constructor ? e.constructor.prototype : e instanceof Object ? a : null; }; }, ID6i: function (e, t) { e.exports = function () {}; }, IsmX: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if ((0, s.default)(e)) return e; for (var n = e.split(/,(?![^()]*(?:\([^()]*\))?\))/g), r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; ++r) { var i = n[r], a = [i]; for (var u in t) { var c = (0, l.default)(u); if (i.indexOf(c) > -1 && "order" !== c) for (var f = t[u], p = 0, h = f.length; p < h; ++p) a.unshift(i.replace(c, d[f[p]] + c)); } n[r] = a.join(","); } return n.join(","); } function i(e, t, n, r) { if ("string" === typeof t && p.hasOwnProperty(e)) { var i = o(t, r), a = i .split(/,(?![^()]*(?:\([^()]*\))?\))/g) .filter(function (e) { return !/-moz-|-ms-/.test(e); }) .join(","); if (e.indexOf("Webkit") > -1) return a; var l = i .split(/,(?![^()]*(?:\([^()]*\))?\))/g) .filter(function (e) { return !/-webkit-|-ms-/.test(e); }) .join(","); return e.indexOf("Moz") > -1 ? l : ((n["Webkit" + (0, f.default)(e)] = a), (n["Moz" + (0, f.default)(e)] = l), i); } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = i); var a = n("S6J3"), l = r(a), u = n("QXNG"), s = r(u), c = n("/eMc"), f = r(c), p = { transition: !0, transitionProperty: !0, WebkitTransition: !0, WebkitTransitionProperty: !0, MozTransition: !0, MozTransitionProperty: !0 }, d = { Webkit: "-webkit-", Moz: "-moz-", ms: "-ms-" }; e.exports = t.default; }, IxO8: function (e, t) { function n(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n), e; } e.exports = n; }, J4Nk: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (null === e || void 0 === e) throw new TypeError("Object.assign cannot be called with null or undefined"); return Object(e); } var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols, i = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, a = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; e.exports = (function () { try { if (!Object.assign) return !1; var e = new String("abc"); if (((e[5] = "de"), "5" === Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e)[0])) return !1; for (var t = {}, n = 0; n < 10; n++) t["_" + String.fromCharCode(n)] = n; if ( "0123456789" !== Object.getOwnPropertyNames(t) .map(function (e) { return t[e]; }) .join("") ) return !1; var r = {}; return ( "abcdefghijklmnopqrst".split("").forEach(function (e) { r[e] = e; }), "abcdefghijklmnopqrst" === Object.keys(Object.assign({}, r)).join("") ); } catch (e) { return !1; } })() ? Object.assign : function (e, t) { for (var n, l, u = r(e), s = 1; s < arguments.length; s++) { n = Object(arguments[s]); for (var c in n) i.call(n, c) && (u[c] = n[c]); if (o) { l = o(n); for (var f = 0; f < l.length; f++) a.call(n, l[f]) && (u[l[f]] = n[l[f]]); } } return u; }; }, JBx7: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = function (e) { var t = "undefined" !== typeof navigator, n = e.userAgent; void 0 === n && t && (n = navigator.userAgent), void 0 !== n || d || (d = !0); var r = (0, i.default)(f.default); if (!1 === n) return null; if ("all" === n || void 0 === n) return function (e) { var n = -1 !== ["flex", "inline-flex"].indexOf(e.display), o = r(e); if (n) { var i = o.display; o.display = t ? i[i.length - 1] : i.join("; display: "); } return o; }; var o = (0, l.default)(s.default, r), a = new o({ userAgent: n }); return function (e) { return a.prefix(e); }; }); var o = n("UU8C"), i = r(o), a = n("dYQv"), l = r(a), u = n("+BPH"), s = r(u), c = n("uGKn"), f = r(c), p = n("XOCG"), d = (r(p), !1); }, JZ8d: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t, n = e.Symbol; return "function" === typeof n ? (n.observable ? (t = n.observable) : ((t = n("observable")), (n.observable = t))) : (t = "@@observable"), t; } t.a = r; }, JkW7: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return function (t, n) { return ns(e(t), n); }; } function o(e, t, n) { var r = (t - e) / Math.max(0, n), o = Math.floor(Math.log(r) / Math.LN10), i = r / Math.pow(10, o); return o >= 0 ? (i >= us ? 10 : i >= ss ? 5 : i >= cs ? 2 : 1) * Math.pow(10, o) : -Math.pow(10, -o) / (i >= us ? 10 : i >= ss ? 5 : i >= cs ? 2 : 1); } function i(e, t, n) { var r = Math.abs(t - e) / Math.max(0, n), o = Math.pow(10, Math.floor(Math.log(r) / Math.LN10)), i = r / o; return i >= us ? (o *= 10) : i >= ss ? (o *= 5) : i >= cs && (o *= 2), t < e ? -o : o; } function a(e) { return "translate(" + (e + 0.5) + ",0)"; } function l(e) { return "translate(0," + (e + 0.5) + ")"; } function u(e) { return function (t) { return +e(t); }; } function s(e) { var t = Math.max(0, e.bandwidth() - 1) / 2; return ( e.round() && (t = Math.round(t)), function (n) { return +e(n) + t; } ); } function c() { return !this.__axis; } function f(e, t) { function n(n) { var a = null == o ? (t.ticks ? t.ticks.apply(t, r) : t.domain()) : o, l = null == i ? (t.tickFormat ? t.tickFormat.apply(t, r) : hs) : i, g = Math.max(f, 0) + d, v = t.range(), b = +v[0] + 0.5, A = +v[v.length - 1] + 0.5, x = (t.bandwidth ? s : u)(t.copy()), C = n.selection ? n.selection() : n, w = C.selectAll(".domain").data([null]), k = C.selectAll(".tick").data(a, t).order(), E = k.exit(), B = k.enter().append("g").attr("class", "tick"), S = k.select("line"), _ = k.select("text"); (w = w.merge(w.enter().insert("path", ".tick").attr("class", "domain").attr("stroke", "#000"))), (k = k.merge(B)), (S = S.merge( B.append("line") .attr("stroke", "#000") .attr(m + "2", h * f) )), (_ = _.merge( B.append("text") .attr("fill", "#000") .attr(m, h * g) .attr("dy", e === ms ? "0em" : e === gs ? "0.71em" : "0.32em") )), n !== C && ((w = w.transition(n)), (k = k.transition(n)), (S = S.transition(n)), (_ = _.transition(n)), (E = E.transition(n) .attr("opacity", bs) .attr("transform", function (e) { return isFinite((e = x(e))) ? y(e) : this.getAttribute("transform"); })), B.attr("opacity", bs).attr("transform", function (e) { var t = this.parentNode.__axis; return y(t && isFinite((t = t(e))) ? t : x(e)); })), E.remove(), w.attr("d", e === vs || e == ys ? "M" + h * p + "," + b + "H0.5V" + A + "H" + h * p : "M" + b + "," + h * p + "V0.5H" + A + "V" + h * p), k.attr("opacity", 1).attr("transform", function (e) { return y(x(e)); }), S.attr(m + "2", h * f), _.attr(m, h * g).text(l), C.filter(c) .attr("fill", "none") .attr("font-size", 10) .attr("font-family", "sans-serif") .attr("text-anchor", e === ys ? "start" : e === vs ? "end" : "middle"), C.each(function () { this.__axis = x; }); } var r = [], o = null, i = null, f = 6, p = 6, d = 3, h = e === ms || e === vs ? -1 : 1, m = e === vs || e === ys ? "x" : "y", y = e === ms || e === gs ? a : l; return ( (n.scale = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((t = e), n) : t; }), (n.ticks = function () { return (r = ds.call(arguments)), n; }), (n.tickArguments = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((r = null == e ? [] : ds.call(e)), n) : r.slice(); }), (n.tickValues = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((o = null == e ? null : ds.call(e)), n) : o && o.slice(); }), (n.tickFormat = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((i = e), n) : i; }), (n.tickSize = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((f = p = +e), n) : f; }), (n.tickSizeInner = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((f = +e), n) : f; }), (n.tickSizeOuter = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((p = +e), n) : p; }), (n.tickPadding = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((d = +e), n) : d; }), n ); } function p(e) { return f(ys, e); } function d(e) { return f(gs, e); } function h() { for (var e, t = 0, n = arguments.length, r = {}; t < n; ++t) { if (!(e = arguments[t] + "") || e in r) throw new Error("illegal type: " + e); r[e] = []; } return new m(r); } function m(e) { this._ = e; } function y(e, t) { return e .trim() .split(/^|\s+/) .map(function (e) { var n = "", r = e.indexOf("."); if ((r >= 0 && ((n = e.slice(r + 1)), (e = e.slice(0, r))), e && !t.hasOwnProperty(e))) throw new Error("unknown type: " + e); return { type: e, name: n }; }); } function g(e, t) { for (var n, r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; ++r) if ((n = e[r]).name === t) return n.value; } function v(e, t, n) { for (var r = 0, o = e.length; r < o; ++r) if (e[r].name === t) { (e[r] = As), (e = e.slice(0, r).concat(e.slice(r + 1))); break; } return null != n && e.push({ name: t, value: n }), e; } function b(e) { return function () { var t = this.ownerDocument, n = this.namespaceURI; return n === Cs && t.documentElement.namespaceURI === Cs ? t.createElement(e) : t.createElementNS(n, e); }; } function A(e) { return function () { return this.ownerDocument.createElementNS(e.space, e.local); }; } function x() {} function C() { return []; } function w(e, t) { (this.ownerDocument = e.ownerDocument), (this.namespaceURI = e.namespaceURI), (this._next = null), (this._parent = e), (this.__data__ = t); } function k(e, t, n, r, o, i) { for (var a, l = 0, u = t.length, s = i.length; l < s; ++l) (a = t[l]) ? ((a.__data__ = i[l]), (r[l] = a)) : (n[l] = new w(e, i[l])); for (; l < u; ++l) (a = t[l]) && (o[l] = a); } function E(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) { var l, u, s, c = {}, f = t.length, p = i.length, d = new Array(f); for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) (u = t[l]) && ((d[l] = s = zs + a.call(u, u.__data__, l, t)), s in c ? (o[l] = u) : (c[s] = u)); for (l = 0; l < p; ++l) (s = zs + a.call(e, i[l], l, i)), (u = c[s]) ? ((r[l] = u), (u.__data__ = i[l]), (c[s] = null)) : (n[l] = new w(e, i[l])); for (l = 0; l < f; ++l) (u = t[l]) && c[d[l]] === u && (o[l] = u); } function B(e, t) { return e < t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : e >= t ? 0 : NaN; } function S(e) { return function () { this.removeAttribute(e); }; } function _(e) { return function () { this.removeAttributeNS(e.space, e.local); }; } function P(e, t) { return function () { this.setAttribute(e, t); }; } function O(e, t) { return function () { this.setAttributeNS(e.space, e.local, t); }; } function M(e, t) { return function () { var n = t.apply(this, arguments); null == n ? this.removeAttribute(e) : this.setAttribute(e, n); }; } function T(e, t) { return function () { var n = t.apply(this, arguments); null == n ? this.removeAttributeNS(e.space, e.local) : this.setAttributeNS(e.space, e.local, n); }; } function N(e) { return function () { this.style.removeProperty(e); }; } function F(e, t, n) { return function () { this.style.setProperty(e, t, n); }; } function D(e, t, n) { return function () { var r = t.apply(this, arguments); null == r ? this.style.removeProperty(e) : this.style.setProperty(e, r, n); }; } function j(e, t) { return e.style.getPropertyValue(t) || Zs(e).getComputedStyle(e, null).getPropertyValue(t); } function R(e) { return function () { delete this[e]; }; } function z(e, t) { return function () { this[e] = t; }; } function I(e, t) { return function () { var n = t.apply(this, arguments); null == n ? delete this[e] : (this[e] = n); }; } function W(e) { return e.trim().split(/^|\s+/); } function U(e) { return e.classList || new L(e); } function L(e) { (this._node = e), (this._names = W(e.getAttribute("class") || "")); } function G(e, t) { for (var n = U(e), r = -1, o = t.length; ++r < o; ) n.add(t[r]); } function V(e, t) { for (var n = U(e), r = -1, o = t.length; ++r < o; ) n.remove(t[r]); } function q(e) { return function () { G(this, e); }; } function H(e) { return function () { V(this, e); }; } function Y(e, t) { return function () { (t.apply(this, arguments) ? G : V)(this, e); }; } function K() { this.textContent = ""; } function X(e) { return function () { this.textContent = e; }; } function Q(e) { return function () { var t = e.apply(this, arguments); this.textContent = null == t ? "" : t; }; } function Z() { this.innerHTML = ""; } function J(e) { return function () { this.innerHTML = e; }; } function $(e) { return function () { var t = e.apply(this, arguments); this.innerHTML = null == t ? "" : t; }; } function ee() { this.nextSibling && this.parentNode.appendChild(this); } function te() { this.previousSibling && this.parentNode.insertBefore(this, this.parentNode.firstChild); } function ne() { return null; } function re() { var e = this.parentNode; e && e.removeChild(this); } function oe() { return this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.cloneNode(!1), this.nextSibling); } function ie() { return this.parentNode.insertBefore(this.cloneNode(!0), this.nextSibling); } function ae(e, t, n) { return ( (e = le(e, t, n)), function (t) { var n = t.relatedTarget; (n && (n === this || 8 & n.compareDocumentPosition(this))) || e.call(this, t); } ); } function le(e, t, n) { return function (r) { var o = fc; fc = r; try { e.call(this, this.__data__, t, n); } finally { fc = o; } }; } function ue(e) { return e .trim() .split(/^|\s+/) .map(function (e) { var t = "", n = e.indexOf("."); return n >= 0 && ((t = e.slice(n + 1)), (e = e.slice(0, n))), { type: e, name: t }; }); } function se(e) { return function () { var t = this.__on; if (t) { for (var n, r = 0, o = -1, i = t.length; r < i; ++r) (n = t[r]), (e.type && n.type !== e.type) || n.name !== e.name ? (t[++o] = n) : this.removeEventListener(n.type, n.listener, n.capture); ++o ? (t.length = o) : delete this.__on; } }; } function ce(e, t, n) { var r = cc.hasOwnProperty(e.type) ? ae : le; return function (o, i, a) { var l, u = this.__on, s = r(t, i, a); if (u) for (var c = 0, f = u.length; c < f; ++c) if ((l = u[c]).type === e.type && l.name === e.name) return this.removeEventListener(l.type, l.listener, l.capture), this.addEventListener(l.type, (l.listener = s), (l.capture = n)), void (l.value = t); this.addEventListener(e.type, s, n), (l = { type: e.type, name: e.name, value: t, listener: s, capture: n }), u ? u.push(l) : (this.__on = [l]); }; } function fe(e, t, n, r) { var o = fc; (e.sourceEvent = fc), (fc = e); try { return t.apply(n, r); } finally { fc = o; } } function pe(e, t, n) { var r = Zs(e), o = r.CustomEvent; "function" === typeof o ? (o = new o(t, n)) : ((o = r.document.createEvent("Event")), n ? (o.initEvent(t, n.bubbles, n.cancelable), (o.detail = n.detail)) : o.initEvent(t, !1, !1)), e.dispatchEvent(o); } function de(e, t) { return function () { return pe(this, e, t); }; } function he(e, t) { return function () { return pe(this, e, t.apply(this, arguments)); }; } function me(e, t) { (this._groups = e), (this._parents = t); } function ye() { return new me([[document.documentElement]], hc); } function ge() { return new ve(); } function ve() { this._ = "@" + (++gc).toString(36); } function be(e, t) { var n = e.document.documentElement, r = yc(e).on("dragstart.drag", null); t && (r.on("click.drag", Cc, !0), setTimeout(function () { r.on("click.drag", null); }, 0)), "onselectstart" in n ? r.on("selectstart.drag", null) : ((n.style.MozUserSelect = n.__noselect), delete n.__noselect); } function Ae(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, l, u, s) { (this.target = e), (this.type = t), (this.subject = n), (this.identifier = r), (this.active = o), (this.x = i), (this.y = a), (this.dx = l), (this.dy = u), (this._ = s); } function xe(e, t) { var n = Object.create(e.prototype); for (var r in t) n[r] = t[r]; return n; } function Ce() {} function we(e) { var t; return ( (e = (e + "").trim().toLowerCase()), (t = _c.exec(e)) ? ((t = parseInt(t[1], 16)), new _e(((t >> 8) & 15) | ((t >> 4) & 240), ((t >> 4) & 15) | (240 & t), ((15 & t) << 4) | (15 & t), 1)) : (t = Pc.exec(e)) ? ke(parseInt(t[1], 16)) : (t = Oc.exec(e)) ? new _e(t[1], t[2], t[3], 1) : (t = Mc.exec(e)) ? new _e((255 * t[1]) / 100, (255 * t[2]) / 100, (255 * t[3]) / 100, 1) : (t = Tc.exec(e)) ? Ee(t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4]) : (t = Nc.exec(e)) ? Ee((255 * t[1]) / 100, (255 * t[2]) / 100, (255 * t[3]) / 100, t[4]) : (t = Fc.exec(e)) ? Pe(t[1], t[2] / 100, t[3] / 100, 1) : (t = Dc.exec(e)) ? Pe(t[1], t[2] / 100, t[3] / 100, t[4]) : jc.hasOwnProperty(e) ? ke(jc[e]) : "transparent" === e ? new _e(NaN, NaN, NaN, 0) : null ); } function ke(e) { return new _e((e >> 16) & 255, (e >> 8) & 255, 255 & e, 1); } function Ee(e, t, n, r) { return r <= 0 && (e = t = n = NaN), new _e(e, t, n, r); } function Be(e) { return e instanceof Ce || (e = we(e)), e ? ((e = e.rgb()), new _e(e.r, e.g, e.b, e.opacity)) : new _e(); } function Se(e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Be(e) : new _e(e, t, n, null == r ? 1 : r); } function _e(e, t, n, r) { (this.r = +e), (this.g = +t), (this.b = +n), (this.opacity = +r); } function Pe(e, t, n, r) { return r <= 0 ? (e = t = n = NaN) : n <= 0 || n >= 1 ? (e = t = NaN) : t <= 0 && (e = NaN), new Te(e, t, n, r); } function Oe(e) { if (e instanceof Te) return new Te(e.h, e.s, e.l, e.opacity); if ((e instanceof Ce || (e = we(e)), !e)) return new Te(); if (e instanceof Te) return e; e = e.rgb(); var t = e.r / 255, n = e.g / 255, r = e.b / 255, o = Math.min(t, n, r), i = Math.max(t, n, r), a = NaN, l = i - o, u = (i + o) / 2; return l ? ((a = t === i ? (n - r) / l + 6 * (n < r) : n === i ? (r - t) / l + 2 : (t - n) / l + 4), (l /= u < 0.5 ? i + o : 2 - i - o), (a *= 60)) : (l = u > 0 && u < 1 ? 0 : a), new Te(a, l, u, e.opacity); } function Me(e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Oe(e) : new Te(e, t, n, null == r ? 1 : r); } function Te(e, t, n, r) { (this.h = +e), (this.s = +t), (this.l = +n), (this.opacity = +r); } function Ne(e, t, n) { return 255 * (e < 60 ? t + ((n - t) * e) / 60 : e < 180 ? n : e < 240 ? t + ((n - t) * (240 - e)) / 60 : t); } function Fe(e) { if (e instanceof je) return new je(e.l, e.a, e.b, e.opacity); if (e instanceof Ge) { var t = e.h * Rc; return new je(e.l, Math.cos(t) * e.c, Math.sin(t) * e.c, e.opacity); } e instanceof _e || (e = Be(e)); var n = We(e.r), r = We(e.g), o = We(e.b), i = Re((0.4124564 * n + 0.3575761 * r + 0.1804375 * o) / Ic), a = Re((0.2126729 * n + 0.7151522 * r + 0.072175 * o) / Wc); return new je(116 * a - 16, 500 * (i - a), 200 * (a - Re((0.0193339 * n + 0.119192 * r + 0.9503041 * o) / Uc)), e.opacity); } function De(e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Fe(e) : new je(e, t, n, null == r ? 1 : r); } function je(e, t, n, r) { (this.l = +e), (this.a = +t), (this.b = +n), (this.opacity = +r); } function Re(e) { return e > qc ? Math.pow(e, 1 / 3) : e / Vc + Lc; } function ze(e) { return e > Gc ? e * e * e : Vc * (e - Lc); } function Ie(e) { return 255 * (e <= 0.0031308 ? 12.92 * e : 1.055 * Math.pow(e, 1 / 2.4) - 0.055); } function We(e) { return (e /= 255) <= 0.04045 ? e / 12.92 : Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); } function Ue(e) { if (e instanceof Ge) return new Ge(e.h, e.c, e.l, e.opacity); e instanceof je || (e = Fe(e)); var t = Math.atan2(e.b, e.a) * zc; return new Ge(t < 0 ? t + 360 : t, Math.sqrt(e.a * e.a + e.b * e.b), e.l, e.opacity); } function Le(e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Ue(e) : new Ge(e, t, n, null == r ? 1 : r); } function Ge(e, t, n, r) { (this.h = +e), (this.c = +t), (this.l = +n), (this.opacity = +r); } function Ve(e) { if (e instanceof He) return new He(e.h, e.s, e.l, e.opacity); e instanceof _e || (e = Be(e)); var t = e.r / 255, n = e.g / 255, r = e.b / 255, o = (Zc * r + Xc * t - Qc * n) / (Zc + Xc - Qc), i = r - o, a = (Kc * (n - o) - Hc * i) / Yc, l = Math.sqrt(a * a + i * i) / (Kc * o * (1 - o)), u = l ? Math.atan2(a, i) * zc - 120 : NaN; return new He(u < 0 ? u + 360 : u, l, o, e.opacity); } function qe(e, t, n, r) { return 1 === arguments.length ? Ve(e) : new He(e, t, n, null == r ? 1 : r); } function He(e, t, n, r) { (this.h = +e), (this.s = +t), (this.l = +n), (this.opacity = +r); } function Ye(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = e * e, a = i * e; return ((1 - 3 * e + 3 * i - a) * t + (4 - 6 * i + 3 * a) * n + (1 + 3 * e + 3 * i - 3 * a) * r + a * o) / 6; } function Ke(e, t) { return function (n) { return e + n * t; }; } function Xe(e, t, n) { return ( (e = Math.pow(e, n)), (t = Math.pow(t, n) - e), (n = 1 / n), function (r) { return Math.pow(e + r * t, n); } ); } function Qe(e, t) { var n = t - e; return n ? Ke(e, n > 180 || n < -180 ? n - 360 * Math.round(n / 360) : n) : lf(isNaN(e) ? t : e); } function Ze(e) { return 1 === (e = +e) ? Je : function (t, n) { return n - t ? Xe(t, n, e) : lf(isNaN(t) ? n : t); }; } function Je(e, t) { var n = t - e; return n ? Ke(e, n) : lf(isNaN(e) ? t : e); } function $e(e) { return function (t) { var n, r, o = t.length, i = new Array(o), a = new Array(o), l = new Array(o); for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) (r = Se(t[n])), (i[n] = r.r || 0), (a[n] = r.g || 0), (l[n] = r.b || 0); return ( (i = e(i)), (a = e(a)), (l = e(l)), (r.opacity = 1), function (e) { return (r.r = i(e)), (r.g = a(e)), (r.b = l(e)), r + ""; } ); }; } function et(e) { return function () { return e; }; } function tt(e) { return function (t) { return e(t) + ""; }; } function nt(e) { return "none" === e ? bf : (Jc || ((Jc = document.createElement("DIV")), ($c = document.documentElement), (ef = document.defaultView)), (Jc.style.transform = e), (e = ef.getComputedStyle($c.appendChild(Jc), null).getPropertyValue("transform")), $c.removeChild(Jc), (e = e.slice(7, -1).split(",")), Af(+e[0], +e[1], +e[2], +e[3], +e[4], +e[5])); } function rt(e) { return null == e ? bf : (tf || (tf = document.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", "g")), tf.setAttribute("transform", e), (e = tf.transform.baseVal.consolidate()) ? ((e = e.matrix), Af(e.a, e.b, e.c, e.d, e.e, e.f)) : bf); } function ot(e, t, n, r) { function o(e) { return e.length ? e.pop() + " " : ""; } function i(e, r, o, i, a, l) { if (e !== o || r !== i) { var u = a.push("translate(", null, t, null, n); l.push({ i: u - 4, x: ff(e, o) }, { i: u - 2, x: ff(r, i) }); } else (o || i) && a.push("translate(" + o + t + i + n); } function a(e, t, n, i) { e !== t ? (e - t > 180 ? (t += 360) : t - e > 180 && (e += 360), i.push({ i: n.push(o(n) + "rotate(", null, r) - 2, x: ff(e, t) })) : t && n.push(o(n) + "rotate(" + t + r); } function l(e, t, n, i) { e !== t ? i.push({ i: n.push(o(n) + "skewX(", null, r) - 2, x: ff(e, t) }) : t && n.push(o(n) + "skewX(" + t + r); } function u(e, t, n, r, i, a) { if (e !== n || t !== r) { var l = i.push(o(i) + "scale(", null, ",", null, ")"); a.push({ i: l - 4, x: ff(e, n) }, { i: l - 2, x: ff(t, r) }); } else (1 === n && 1 === r) || i.push(o(i) + "scale(" + n + "," + r + ")"); } return function (t, n) { var r = [], o = []; return ( (t = e(t)), (n = e(n)), i(t.translateX, t.translateY, n.translateX, n.translateY, r, o), a(t.rotate, n.rotate, r, o), l(t.skewX, n.skewX, r, o), u(t.scaleX, t.scaleY, n.scaleX, n.scaleY, r, o), (t = n = null), function (e) { for (var t, n = -1, i = o.length; ++n < i; ) r[(t = o[n]).i] = t.x(e); return r.join(""); } ); }; } function it(e) { return ((e = Math.exp(e)) + 1 / e) / 2; } function at(e) { return ((e = Math.exp(e)) - 1 / e) / 2; } function lt(e) { return ((e = Math.exp(2 * e)) - 1) / (e + 1); } function ut(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = e((t = Me(t)).h, (n = Me(n)).h), o = Je(t.s, n.s), i = Je(t.l, n.l), a = Je(t.opacity, n.opacity); return function (e) { return (t.h = r(e)), (t.s = o(e)), (t.l = i(e)), (t.opacity = a(e)), t + ""; }; }; } function st(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = e((t = Le(t)).h, (n = Le(n)).h), o = Je(t.c, n.c), i = Je(t.l, n.l), a = Je(t.opacity, n.opacity); return function (e) { return (t.h = r(e)), (t.c = o(e)), (t.l = i(e)), (t.opacity = a(e)), t + ""; }; }; } function ct(e) { return (function t(n) { function r(t, r) { var o = e((t = qe(t)).h, (r = qe(r)).h), i = Je(t.s, r.s), a = Je(t.l, r.l), l = Je(t.opacity, r.opacity); return function (e) { return (t.h = o(e)), (t.s = i(e)), (t.l = a(Math.pow(e, n))), (t.opacity = l(e)), t + ""; }; } return (n = +n), (r.gamma = t), r; })(1); } function ft() { return Mf || (Ff(pt), (Mf = Nf.now() + Tf)); } function pt() { Mf = 0; } function dt() { this._call = this._time = this._next = null; } function ht(e, t, n) { var r = new dt(); return r.restart(e, t, n), r; } function mt() { ft(), ++Bf; for (var e, t = nf; t; ) (e = Mf - t._time) >= 0 && t._call.call(null, e), (t = t._next); --Bf; } function yt() { (Mf = (Of = Nf.now()) + Tf), (Bf = Sf = 0); try { mt(); } finally { (Bf = 0), vt(), (Mf = 0); } } function gt() { var e = Nf.now(), t = e - Of; t > Pf && ((Tf -= t), (Of = e)); } function vt() { for (var e, t, n = nf, r = 1 / 0; n; ) n._call ? (r > n._time && (r = n._time), (e = n), (n = n._next)) : ((t = n._next), (n._next = null), (n = e ? (e._next = t) : (nf = t))); (rf = e), bt(r); } function bt(e) { if (!Bf) { Sf && (Sf = clearTimeout(Sf)); e - Mf > 24 ? (e < 1 / 0 && (Sf = setTimeout(yt, e - Nf.now() - Tf)), _f && (_f = clearInterval(_f))) : (_f || ((Of = Nf.now()), (_f = setInterval(gt, Pf))), (Bf = 1), Ff(yt)); } } function At(e, t) { var n = Ct(e, t); if (n.state > zf) throw new Error("too late; already scheduled"); return n; } function xt(e, t) { var n = Ct(e, t); if (n.state > Wf) throw new Error("too late; already started"); return n; } function Ct(e, t) { var n = e.__transition; if (!n || !(n = n[t])) throw new Error("transition not found"); return n; } function wt(e, t, n) { function r(e) { (n.state = If), n.timer.restart(o, n.delay, n.time), n.delay <= e && o(e - n.delay); } function o(r) { var s, c, f, p; if (n.state !== If) return a(); for (s in u) if (((p = u[s]), p.name === n.name)) { if (p.state === Uf) return Df(o); p.state === Lf ? ((p.state = Vf), p.timer.stop(), p.on.call("interrupt", e, e.__data__, p.index, p.group), delete u[s]) : +s < t && ((p.state = Vf), p.timer.stop(), delete u[s]); } if ( (Df(function () { n.state === Uf && ((n.state = Lf), n.timer.restart(i, n.delay, n.time), i(r)); }), (n.state = Wf), n.on.call("start", e, e.__data__, n.index, n.group), n.state === Wf) ) { for (n.state = Uf, l = new Array((f = n.tween.length)), s = 0, c = -1; s < f; ++s) (p = n.tween[s].value.call(e, e.__data__, n.index, n.group)) && (l[++c] = p); l.length = c + 1; } } function i(t) { for (var r = t < n.duration ? n.ease.call(null, t / n.duration) : (n.timer.restart(a), (n.state = Gf), 1), o = -1, i = l.length; ++o < i; ) l[o].call(null, r); n.state === Gf && (n.on.call("end", e, e.__data__, n.index, n.group), a()); } function a() { (n.state = Vf), n.timer.stop(), delete u[t]; for (var r in u) return; delete e.__transition; } var l, u = e.__transition; (u[t] = n), (n.timer = ht(r, 0, n.time)); } function kt(e, t) { var n, r; return function () { var o = xt(this, e), i = o.tween; if (i !== n) { r = n = i; for (var a = 0, l = r.length; a < l; ++a) if (r[a].name === t) { (r = r.slice()), r.splice(a, 1); break; } } o.tween = r; }; } function Et(e, t, n) { var r, o; if ("function" !== typeof n) throw new Error(); return function () { var i = xt(this, e), a = i.tween; if (a !== r) { o = (r = a).slice(); for (var l = { name: t, value: n }, u = 0, s = o.length; u < s; ++u) if (o[u].name === t) { o[u] = l; break; } u === s && o.push(l); } i.tween = o; }; } function Bt(e, t, n) { var r = e._id; return ( e.each(function () { var e = xt(this, r); (e.value || (e.value = {}))[t] = n.apply(this, arguments); }), function (e) { return Ct(e, r).value[t]; } ); } function St(e) { return function () { this.removeAttribute(e); }; } function _t(e) { return function () { this.removeAttributeNS(e.space, e.local); }; } function Pt(e, t, n) { var r, o; return function () { var i = this.getAttribute(e); return i === n ? null : i === r ? o : (o = t((r = i), n)); }; } function Ot(e, t, n) { var r, o; return function () { var i = this.getAttributeNS(e.space, e.local); return i === n ? null : i === r ? o : (o = t((r = i), n)); }; } function Mt(e, t, n) { var r, o, i; return function () { var a, l = n(this); return null == l ? void this.removeAttribute(e) : ((a = this.getAttribute(e)), a === l ? null : a === r && l === o ? i : (i = t((r = a), (o = l)))); }; } function Tt(e, t, n) { var r, o, i; return function () { var a, l = n(this); return null == l ? void this.removeAttributeNS(e.space, e.local) : ((a = this.getAttributeNS(e.space, e.local)), a === l ? null : a === r && l === o ? i : (i = t((r = a), (o = l)))); }; } function Nt(e, t) { function n() { var n = this, r = t.apply(n, arguments); return ( r && function (t) { n.setAttributeNS(e.space, e.local, r(t)); } ); } return (n._value = t), n; } function Ft(e, t) { function n() { var n = this, r = t.apply(n, arguments); return ( r && function (t) { n.setAttribute(e, r(t)); } ); } return (n._value = t), n; } function Dt(e, t) { return function () { At(this, e).delay = +t.apply(this, arguments); }; } function jt(e, t) { return ( (t = +t), function () { At(this, e).delay = t; } ); } function Rt(e, t) { return function () { xt(this, e).duration = +t.apply(this, arguments); }; } function zt(e, t) { return ( (t = +t), function () { xt(this, e).duration = t; } ); } function It(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t) throw new Error(); return function () { xt(this, e).ease = t; }; } function Wt(e) { return (e + "") .trim() .split(/^|\s+/) .every(function (e) { var t = e.indexOf("."); return t >= 0 && (e = e.slice(0, t)), !e || "start" === e; }); } function Ut(e, t, n) { var r, o, i = Wt(t) ? At : xt; return function () { var a = i(this, e), l = a.on; l !== r && (o = (r = l).copy()).on(t, n), (a.on = o); }; } function Lt(e) { return function () { var t = this.parentNode; for (var n in this.__transition) if (+n !== e) return; t && t.removeChild(this); }; } function Gt(e, t) { var n, r, o; return function () { var i = j(this, e), a = (this.style.removeProperty(e), j(this, e)); return i === a ? null : i === n && a === r ? o : (o = t((n = i), (r = a))); }; } function Vt(e) { return function () { this.style.removeProperty(e); }; } function qt(e, t, n) { var r, o; return function () { var i = j(this, e); return i === n ? null : i === r ? o : (o = t((r = i), n)); }; } function Ht(e, t, n) { var r, o, i; return function () { var a = j(this, e), l = n(this); return null == l && (this.style.removeProperty(e), (l = j(this, e))), a === l ? null : a === r && l === o ? i : (i = t((r = a), (o = l))); }; } function Yt(e, t, n) { function r() { var r = this, o = t.apply(r, arguments); return ( o && function (t) { r.style.setProperty(e, o(t), n); } ); } return (r._value = t), r; } function Kt(e) { return function () { this.textContent = e; }; } function Xt(e) { return function () { var t = e(this); this.textContent = null == t ? "" : t; }; } function Qt(e, t, n, r) { (this._groups = e), (this._parents = t), (this._name = n), (this._id = r); } function Zt(e) { return mc().transition(e); } function Jt() { return ++dp; } function $t(e) { return ((e *= 2) <= 1 ? e * e * e : (e -= 2) * e * e + 2) / 2; } function en(e, t) { for (var n; !(n = e.__transition) || !(n = n[t]); ) if (!(e = e.parentNode)) return (yp.time = ft()), yp; return n; } function tn(e) { return { type: e }; } function nn() { (this._x0 = this._y0 = this._x1 = this._y1 = null), (this._ = ""); } function rn() { return new nn(); } function on() {} function an(e, t) { var n = new on(); if (e instanceof on) e.each(function (e, t) { n.set(t, e); }); else if (Array.isArray(e)) { var r, o = -1, i = e.length; if (null == t) for (; ++o < i; ) n.set(o, e[o]); else for (; ++o < i; ) n.set(t((r = e[o]), o, e), r); } else if (e) for (var a in e) n.set(a, e[a]); return n; } function ln() {} function un(e, t) { var n = new ln(); if (e instanceof ln) e.each(function (e) { n.add(e); }); else if (e) { var r = -1, o = e.length; if (null == t) for (; ++r < o; ) n.add(e[r]); else for (; ++r < o; ) n.add(t(e[r], r, e)); } return n; } function sn(e) { return new Function( "d", "return {" + e .map(function (e, t) { return JSON.stringify(e) + ": d[" + t + "]"; }) .join(",") + "}" ); } function cn(e, t) { var n = sn(e); return function (r, o) { return t(n(r), o, e); }; } function fn(e) { var t = Object.create(null), n = []; return ( e.forEach(function (e) { for (var r in e) r in t || n.push((t[r] = r)); }), n ); } function pn(e, t, n, r) { if (isNaN(t) || isNaN(n)) return e; var o, i, a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d = e._root, h = { data: r }, m = e._x0, y = e._y0, g = e._x1, v = e._y1; if (!d) return (e._root = h), e; for (; d.length; ) if (((s = t >= (i = (m + g) / 2)) ? (m = i) : (g = i), (c = n >= (a = (y + v) / 2)) ? (y = a) : (v = a), (o = d), !(d = d[(f = (c << 1) | s)]))) return (o[f] = h), e; if (((l = +e._x.call(null, d.data)), (u = +e._y.call(null, d.data)), t === l && n === u)) return (h.next = d), o ? (o[f] = h) : (e._root = h), e; do { (o = o ? (o[f] = new Array(4)) : (e._root = new Array(4))), (s = t >= (i = (m + g) / 2)) ? (m = i) : (g = i), (c = n >= (a = (y + v) / 2)) ? (y = a) : (v = a); } while ((f = (c << 1) | s) === (p = ((u >= a) << 1) | (l >= i))); return (o[p] = d), (o[f] = h), e; } function dn(e) { var t, n, r, o, i = e.length, a = new Array(i), l = new Array(i), u = 1 / 0, s = 1 / 0, c = -1 / 0, f = -1 / 0; for (n = 0; n < i; ++n) isNaN((r = +this._x.call(null, (t = e[n])))) || isNaN((o = +this._y.call(null, t))) || ((a[n] = r), (l[n] = o), r < u && (u = r), r > c && (c = r), o < s && (s = o), o > f && (f = o)); for (c < u && ((u = this._x0), (c = this._x1)), f < s && ((s = this._y0), (f = this._y1)), this.cover(u, s).cover(c, f), n = 0; n < i; ++n) pn(this, a[n], l[n], e[n]); return this; } function hn(e) { for (var t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t) this.remove(e[t]); return this; } function mn(e) { return e[0]; } function yn(e) { return e[1]; } function gn(e, t, n) { var r = new vn(null == t ? mn : t, null == n ? yn : n, NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN); return null == e ? r : r.addAll(e); } function vn(e, t, n, r, o, i) { (this._x = e), (this._y = t), (this._x0 = n), (this._y0 = r), (this._x1 = o), (this._y1 = i), (this._root = void 0); } function bn(e) { for (var t = { data: e.data }, n = t; (e = e.next); ) n = n.next = { data: e.data }; return t; } function An(e) { return new xn(e); } function xn(e) { if (!(t = od.exec(e))) throw new Error("invalid format: " + e); var t, n = t[1] || " ", r = t[2] || ">", o = t[3] || "-", i = t[4] || "", a = !!t[5], l = t[6] && +t[6], u = !!t[7], s = t[8] && +t[8].slice(1), c = t[9] || ""; "n" === c ? ((u = !0), (c = "g")) : rd[c] || (c = ""), (a || ("0" === n && "=" === r)) && ((a = !0), (n = "0"), (r = "=")), (this.fill = n), (this.align = r), (this.sign = o), (this.symbol = i), (this.zero = a), (this.width = l), (this.comma = u), (this.precision = s), (this.type = c); } function Cn() { this.reset(); } function wn(e, t, n) { var r = (e.s = t + n), o = r - t, i = r - o; e.t = t - i + (n - o); } function kn(e) { return e > 1 ? 0 : e < -1 ? gd : Math.acos(e); } function En(e) { return e > 1 ? vd : e < -1 ? -vd : Math.asin(e); } function Bn() {} function Sn(e, t) { e && Nd.hasOwnProperty(e.type) && Nd[e.type](e, t); } function _n(e, t, n) { var r, o = -1, i = e.length - n; for (t.lineStart(); ++o < i; ) (r = e[o]), t.point(r[0], r[1], r[2]); t.lineEnd(); } function Pn(e, t) { var n = -1, r = e.length; for (t.polygonStart(); ++n < r; ) _n(e[n], t, 1); t.polygonEnd(); } function On(e) { return [Ed(e[1], e[0]), En(e[2])]; } function Mn(e) { var t = e[0], n = e[1], r = Bd(n); return [r * Bd(t), r * Pd(t), Pd(n)]; } function Tn(e, t) { return e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1] + e[2] * t[2]; } function Nn(e, t) { return [e[1] * t[2] - e[2] * t[1], e[2] * t[0] - e[0] * t[2], e[0] * t[1] - e[1] * t[0]]; } function Fn(e, t) { (e[0] += t[0]), (e[1] += t[1]), (e[2] += t[2]); } function Dn(e, t) { return [e[0] * t, e[1] * t, e[2] * t]; } function jn(e) { var t = Od(e[0] * e[0] + e[1] * e[1] + e[2] * e[2]); (e[0] /= t), (e[1] /= t), (e[2] /= t); } function Rn(e, t) { return [e > gd ? e - Ad : e < -gd ? e + Ad : e, t]; } function zn(e, t, n) { return (e %= Ad) ? (t || n ? Dd(Wn(e), Un(t, n)) : Wn(e)) : t || n ? Un(t, n) : Rn; } function In(e) { return function (t, n) { return (t += e), [t > gd ? t - Ad : t < -gd ? t + Ad : t, n]; }; } function Wn(e) { var t = In(e); return (t.invert = In(-e)), t; } function Un(e, t) { function n(e, t) { var n = Bd(t), l = Bd(e) * n, u = Pd(e) * n, s = Pd(t), c = s * r + l * o; return [Ed(u * i - c * a, l * r - s * o), En(c * i + u * a)]; } var r = Bd(e), o = Pd(e), i = Bd(t), a = Pd(t); return ( (n.invert = function (e, t) { var n = Bd(t), l = Bd(e) * n, u = Pd(e) * n, s = Pd(t), c = s * i - u * a; return [Ed(u * i + s * a, l * r + c * o), En(c * r - l * o)]; }), n ); } function Ln(e, t, n, r, o, i) { if (n) { var a = Bd(t), l = Pd(t), u = r * n; null == o ? ((o = t + r * Ad), (i = t - u / 2)) : ((o = Gn(a, o)), (i = Gn(a, i)), (r > 0 ? o < i : o > i) && (o += r * Ad)); for (var s, c = o; r > 0 ? c > i : c < i; c -= u) (s = On([a, -l * Bd(c), -l * Pd(c)])), e.point(s[0], s[1]); } } function Gn(e, t) { (t = Mn(t)), (t[0] -= e), jn(t); var n = kn(-t[1]); return ((-t[2] < 0 ? -n : n) + Ad - yd) % Ad; } function Vn(e, t, n, r) { (this.x = e), (this.z = t), (this.o = n), (this.e = r), (this.v = !1), (this.n = this.p = null); } function qn(e) { if ((t = e.length)) { for (var t, n, r = 0, o = e[0]; ++r < t; ) (o.n = n = e[r]), (n.p = o), (o = n); (o.n = n = e[0]), (n.p = o); } } function Hn(e) { return e.length > 1; } function Yn(e, t) { return ((e = e.x)[0] < 0 ? e[1] - vd - yd : vd - e[1]) - ((t = t.x)[0] < 0 ? t[1] - vd - yd : vd - t[1]); } function Kn(e) { var t, n = NaN, r = NaN, o = NaN; return { lineStart: function () { e.lineStart(), (t = 1); }, point: function (i, a) { var l = i > 0 ? gd : -gd, u = wd(i - n); wd(u - gd) < yd ? (e.point(n, (r = (r + a) / 2 > 0 ? vd : -vd)), e.point(o, r), e.lineEnd(), e.lineStart(), e.point(l, r), e.point(i, r), (t = 0)) : o !== l && u >= gd && (wd(n - o) < yd && (n -= o * yd), wd(i - l) < yd && (i -= l * yd), (r = Xn(n, r, i, a)), e.point(o, r), e.lineEnd(), e.lineStart(), e.point(l, r), (t = 0)), e.point((n = i), (r = a)), (o = l); }, lineEnd: function () { e.lineEnd(), (n = r = NaN); }, clean: function () { return 2 - t; }, }; } function Xn(e, t, n, r) { var o, i, a = Pd(e - n); return wd(a) > yd ? kd((Pd(t) * (i = Bd(r)) * Pd(n) - Pd(r) * (o = Bd(t)) * Pd(e)) / (o * i * a)) : (t + r) / 2; } function Qn(e, t, n, r) { var o; if (null == e) (o = n * vd), r.point(-gd, o), r.point(0, o), r.point(gd, o), r.point(gd, 0), r.point(gd, -o), r.point(0, -o), r.point(-gd, -o), r.point(-gd, 0), r.point(-gd, o); else if (wd(e[0] - t[0]) > yd) { var i = e[0] < t[0] ? gd : -gd; (o = (n * i) / 2), r.point(-i, o), r.point(0, o), r.point(i, o); } else r.point(t[0], t[1]); } function Zn(e, t, n, r) { function o(o, i) { return e <= o && o <= n && t <= i && i <= r; } function i(o, i, l, s) { var c = 0, f = 0; if (null == o || (c = a(o, l)) !== (f = a(i, l)) || (u(o, i) < 0) ^ (l > 0)) do { s.point(0 === c || 3 === c ? e : n, c > 1 ? r : t); } while ((c = (c + l + 4) % 4) !== f); else s.point(i[0], i[1]); } function a(r, o) { return wd(r[0] - e) < yd ? (o > 0 ? 0 : 3) : wd(r[0] - n) < yd ? (o > 0 ? 2 : 1) : wd(r[1] - t) < yd ? (o > 0 ? 1 : 0) : o > 0 ? 3 : 2; } function l(e, t) { return u(e.x, t.x); } function u(e, t) { var n = a(e, 1), r = a(t, 1); return n !== r ? n - r : 0 === n ? t[1] - e[1] : 1 === n ? e[0] - t[0] : 2 === n ? e[1] - t[1] : t[0] - e[0]; } return function (a) { function u(e, t) { o(e, t) && B.point(e, t); } function s() { for (var t = 0, n = 0, o = y.length; n < o; ++n) for (var i, a, l = y[n], u = 1, s = l.length, c = l[0], f = c[0], p = c[1]; u < s; ++u) (i = f), (a = p), (c = l[u]), (f = c[0]), (p = c[1]), a <= r ? p > r && (f - i) * (r - a) > (p - a) * (e - i) && ++t : p <= r && (f - i) * (r - a) < (p - a) * (e - i) && --t; return t; } function c() { (B = S), (m = []), (y = []), (E = !0); } function f() { var e = s(), t = E && e, n = (m = ps(m)).length; (t || n) && (a.polygonStart(), t && (a.lineStart(), i(null, null, 1, a), a.lineEnd()), n && Hd(m, l, e, i, a), a.polygonEnd()), (B = a), (m = y = g = null); } function p() { (_.point = h), y && y.push((g = [])), (k = !0), (w = !1), (x = C = NaN); } function d() { m && (h(v, b), A && w && S.rejoin(), m.push(S.result())), (_.point = u), w && B.lineEnd(); } function h(i, a) { var l = o(i, a); if ((y && g.push([i, a]), k)) (v = i), (b = a), (A = l), (k = !1), l && (B.lineStart(), B.point(i, a)); else if (l && w) B.point(i, a); else { var u = [(x = Math.max(eh, Math.min($d, x))), (C = Math.max(eh, Math.min($d, C)))], s = [(i = Math.max(eh, Math.min($d, i))), (a = Math.max(eh, Math.min($d, a)))]; Jd(u, s, e, t, n, r) ? (w || (B.lineStart(), B.point(u[0], u[1])), B.point(s[0], s[1]), l || B.lineEnd(), (E = !1)) : l && (B.lineStart(), B.point(i, a), (E = !1)); } (x = i), (C = a), (w = l); } var m, y, g, v, b, A, x, C, w, k, E, B = a, S = Vd(), _ = { point: u, lineStart: p, lineEnd: d, polygonStart: c, polygonEnd: f }; return _; }; } function Jn() { oh.point = $n; } function $n(e, t) { (oh.point = er), (jd = zd = e), (Rd = Id = t); } function er(e, t) { rh.add(Id * e - zd * t), (zd = e), (Id = t); } function tr() { er(jd, Rd); } function nr(e, t) { e < ah && (ah = e), e > uh && (uh = e), t < lh && (lh = t), t > sh && (sh = t); } function rr(e, t) { (ph += e), (dh += t), ++hh; } function or() { xh.point = ir; } function ir(e, t) { (xh.point = ar), rr((Ld = e), (Gd = t)); } function ar(e, t) { var n = e - Ld, r = t - Gd, o = Od(n * n + r * r); (mh += (o * (Ld + e)) / 2), (yh += (o * (Gd + t)) / 2), (gh += o), rr((Ld = e), (Gd = t)); } function lr() { xh.point = rr; } function ur() { xh.point = cr; } function sr() { fr(Wd, Ud); } function cr(e, t) { (xh.point = fr), rr((Wd = Ld = e), (Ud = Gd = t)); } function fr(e, t) { var n = e - Ld, r = t - Gd, o = Od(n * n + r * r); (mh += (o * (Ld + e)) / 2), (yh += (o * (Gd + t)) / 2), (gh += o), (o = Gd * e - Ld * t), (vh += o * (Ld + e)), (bh += o * (Gd + t)), (Ah += 3 * o), rr((Ld = e), (Gd = t)); } function pr(e) { this._context = e; } function dr(e, t) { (Ph.point = hr), (kh = Bh = e), (Eh = Sh = t); } function hr(e, t) { (Bh -= e), (Sh -= t), _h.add(Od(Bh * Bh + Sh * Sh)), (Bh = e), (Sh = t); } function mr() { this._string = []; } function yr(e) { return "m0," + e + "a" + e + "," + e + " 0 1,1 0," + -2 * e + "a" + e + "," + e + " 0 1,1 0," + 2 * e + "z"; } function gr(e) { return function (t) { var n = new vr(); for (var r in e) n[r] = e[r]; return (n.stream = t), n; }; } function vr() {} function br(e, t, n) { var r = e.clipExtent && e.clipExtent(); return e.scale(150).translate([0, 0]), null != r && e.clipExtent(null), Fd(n, e.stream(fh)), t(fh.result()), null != r && e.clipExtent(r), e; } function Ar(e, t, n) { return br( e, function (n) { var r = t[1][0] - t[0][0], o = t[1][1] - t[0][1], i = Math.min(r / (n[1][0] - n[0][0]), o / (n[1][1] - n[0][1])), a = +t[0][0] + (r - i * (n[1][0] + n[0][0])) / 2, l = +t[0][1] + (o - i * (n[1][1] + n[0][1])) / 2; e.scale(150 * i).translate([a, l]); }, n ); } function xr(e, t, n) { return Ar(e, [[0, 0], t], n); } function Cr(e, t, n) { return br( e, function (n) { var r = +t, o = r / (n[1][0] - n[0][0]), i = (r - o * (n[1][0] + n[0][0])) / 2, a = -o * n[0][1]; e.scale(150 * o).translate([i, a]); }, n ); } function wr(e, t, n) { return br( e, function (n) { var r = +t, o = r / (n[1][1] - n[0][1]), i = -o * n[0][0], a = (r - o * (n[1][1] + n[0][1])) / 2; e.scale(150 * o).translate([i, a]); }, n ); } function kr(e) { return gr({ point: function (t, n) { (t = e(t, n)), this.stream.point(t[0], t[1]); }, }); } function Er(e, t) { function n(r, o, i, a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d, h, m, y) { var g = s - r, v = c - o, b = g * g + v * v; if (b > 4 * t && m--) { var A = a + p, x = l + d, C = u + h, w = Od(A * A + x * x + C * C), k = En((C /= w)), E = wd(wd(C) - 1) < yd || wd(i - f) < yd ? (i + f) / 2 : Ed(x, A), B = e(E, k), S = B[0], _ = B[1], P = S - r, O = _ - o, M = v * P - g * O; ((M * M) / b > t || wd((g * P + v * O) / b - 0.5) > 0.3 || a * p + l * d + u * h < Nh) && (n(r, o, i, a, l, u, S, _, E, (A /= w), (x /= w), C, m, y), y.point(S, _), n(S, _, E, A, x, C, s, c, f, p, d, h, m, y)); } } return function (t) { function r(n, r) { (n = e(n, r)), t.point(n[0], n[1]); } function o() { (g = NaN), (C.point = i), t.lineStart(); } function i(r, o) { var i = Mn([r, o]), a = e(r, o); n(g, v, y, b, A, x, (g = a[0]), (v = a[1]), (y = r), (b = i[0]), (A = i[1]), (x = i[2]), Th, t), t.point(g, v); } function a() { (C.point = r), t.lineEnd(); } function l() { o(), (C.point = u), (C.lineEnd = s); } function u(e, t) { i((c = e), t), (f = g), (p = v), (d = b), (h = A), (m = x), (C.point = i); } function s() { n(g, v, y, b, A, x, f, p, c, d, h, m, Th, t), (C.lineEnd = a), a(); } var c, f, p, d, h, m, y, g, v, b, A, x, C = { point: r, lineStart: o, lineEnd: a, polygonStart: function () { t.polygonStart(), (C.lineStart = l); }, polygonEnd: function () { t.polygonEnd(), (C.lineStart = o); }, }; return C; }; } function Br(e) { return gr({ point: function (t, n) { var r = e(t, n); return this.stream.point(r[0], r[1]); }, }); } function Sr(e) { return _r(function () { return e; })(); } function _r(e) { function t(e) { return (e = c(e[0] * Cd, e[1] * Cd)), [e[0] * y + l, u - e[1] * y]; } function n(e) { return (e = c.invert((e[0] - l) / y, (u - e[1]) / y)) && [e[0] * xd, e[1] * xd]; } function r(e, t) { return (e = a(e, t)), [e[0] * y + l, u - e[1] * y]; } function o() { c = Dd((s = zn(x, C, w)), a); var e = a(b, A); return (l = g - e[0] * y), (u = v + e[1] * y), i(); } function i() { return (h = m = null), t; } var a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d, h, m, y = 150, g = 480, v = 250, b = 0, A = 0, x = 0, C = 0, w = 0, k = null, E = Qd, B = null, S = th, _ = 0.5, P = Fh(r, _); return ( (t.stream = function (e) { return h && m === e ? h : (h = Dh(Br(s)(E(P(S((m = e))))))); }), (t.preclip = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((E = e), (k = void 0), i()) : E; }), (t.postclip = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((S = e), (B = f = p = d = null), i()) : S; }), (t.clipAngle = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((E = +e ? Zd((k = e * Cd)) : ((k = null), Qd)), i()) : k * xd; }), (t.clipExtent = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((S = null == e ? ((B = f = p = d = null), th) : Zn((B = +e[0][0]), (f = +e[0][1]), (p = +e[1][0]), (d = +e[1][1]))), i()) : null == B ? null : [ [B, f], [p, d], ]; }), (t.scale = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((y = +e), o()) : y; }), (t.translate = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((g = +e[0]), (v = +e[1]), o()) : [g, v]; }), (t.center = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((b = (e[0] % 360) * Cd), (A = (e[1] % 360) * Cd), o()) : [b * xd, A * xd]; }), (t.rotate = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((x = (e[0] % 360) * Cd), (C = (e[1] % 360) * Cd), (w = e.length > 2 ? (e[2] % 360) * Cd : 0), o()) : [x * xd, C * xd, w * xd]; }), (t.precision = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((P = Fh(r, (_ = e * e))), i()) : Od(_); }), (t.fitExtent = function (e, n) { return Ar(t, e, n); }), (t.fitSize = function (e, n) { return xr(t, e, n); }), (t.fitWidth = function (e, n) { return Cr(t, e, n); }), (t.fitHeight = function (e, n) { return wr(t, e, n); }), function () { return (a = e.apply(this, arguments)), (t.invert = a.invert && n), o(); } ); } function Pr(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = Bd(t), o = Bd(n), i = e(r * o); return [i * o * Pd(t), i * Pd(n)]; }; } function Or(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = Od(t * t + n * n), o = e(r), i = Pd(o), a = Bd(o); return [Ed(t * i, r * a), En(r && (n * i) / r)]; }; } function Mr(e, t) { return [e, _d(Md((vd + t) / 2))]; } function Tr(e, t) { return [e, t]; } function Nr(e, t) { var n = Bd(t), r = Bd(e) * n; return [(n * Pd(e)) / r, Pd(t) / r]; } function Fr(e, t) { var n = t * t, r = n * n; return [e * (0.8707 - 0.131979 * n + r * (r * (0.003971 * n - 0.001529 * r) - 0.013791)), t * (1.007226 + n * (0.015085 + r * (0.028874 * n - 0.044475 - 0.005916 * r)))]; } function Dr(e, t) { return [Bd(t) * Pd(e), Pd(t)]; } function jr(e, t) { var n = Bd(t), r = 1 + Bd(e) * n; return [(n * Pd(e)) / r, Pd(t) / r]; } function Rr(e, t) { return [_d(Md((vd + t) / 2)), -e]; } function zr(e) { var t = 0, n = e.children, r = n && n.length; if (r) for (; --r >= 0; ) t += n[r].value; else t = 1; e.value = t; } function Ir(e, t) { if (e === t) return e; var n = e.ancestors(), r = t.ancestors(), o = null; for (e = n.pop(), t = r.pop(); e === t; ) (o = e), (e = n.pop()), (t = r.pop()); return o; } function Wr(e, t) { var n, r, o, i, a, l = new qr(e), u = +e.value && (l.value = e.value), s = [l]; for (null == t && (t = Lr); (n = s.pop()); ) if ((u && (n.value = +n.data.value), (o = t(n.data)) && (a = o.length))) for (n.children = new Array(a), i = a - 1; i >= 0; --i) s.push((r = n.children[i] = new qr(o[i]))), (r.parent = n), (r.depth = n.depth + 1); return l.eachBefore(Vr); } function Ur() { return Wr(this).eachBefore(Gr); } function Lr(e) { return e.children; } function Gr(e) { e.data = e.data.data; } function Vr(e) { var t = 0; do { e.height = t; } while ((e = e.parent) && e.height < ++t); } function qr(e) { (this.data = e), (this.depth = this.height = 0), (this.parent = null); } function Hr(e, t) { (this._ = e), (this.parent = null), (this.children = null), (this.A = null), (this.a = this), (this.z = 0), (this.m = 0), (this.c = 0), (this.s = 0), (this.t = null), (this.i = t); } function Yr(e, t, n, r, o, i) { for (var a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d, h, m, y, g = [], v = t.children, b = 0, A = 0, x = v.length, C = t.value; b < x; ) { (u = o - n), (s = i - r); do { c = v[A++].value; } while (!c && A < x); for (f = p = c, m = Math.max(s / u, u / s) / (C * e), y = c * c * m, h = Math.max(p / y, y / f); A < x; ++A) { if (((c += l = v[A].value), l < f && (f = l), l > p && (p = l), (y = c * c * m), (d = Math.max(p / y, y / f)) > h)) { c -= l; break; } h = d; } g.push((a = { value: c, dice: u < s, children: v.slice(b, A) })), a.dice ? Xh(a, n, r, o, C ? (r += (s * c) / C) : i) : Qh(a, n, r, C ? (n += (u * c) / C) : o, i), (C -= c), (b = A); } return g; } function Kr(e) { (this._size = e), (this._call = this._error = null), (this._tasks = []), (this._data = []), (this._waiting = this._active = this._ended = this._start = 0); } function Xr(e) { if (!e._start) try { Qr(e); } catch (t) { if (e._tasks[e._ended + e._active - 1]) Jr(e, t); else if (!e._data) throw t; } } function Qr(e) { for (; (e._start = e._waiting && e._active < e._size); ) { var t = e._ended + e._active, n = e._tasks[t], r = n.length - 1, o = n[r]; (n[r] = Zr(e, t)), --e._waiting, ++e._active, (n = o.apply(null, n)), e._tasks[t] && (e._tasks[t] = n || $h); } } function Zr(e, t) { return function (n, r) { e._tasks[t] && (--e._active, ++e._ended, (e._tasks[t] = null), null == e._error && (null != n ? Jr(e, n) : ((e._data[t] = r), e._waiting ? Xr(e) : $r(e)))); }; } function Jr(e, t) { var n, r = e._tasks.length; for (e._error = t, e._data = void 0, e._waiting = NaN; --r >= 0; ) if ((n = e._tasks[r]) && ((e._tasks[r] = null), n.abort)) try { n.abort(); } catch (t) {} (e._active = NaN), $r(e); } function $r(e) { if (!e._active && e._call) { var t = e._data; (e._data = void 0), e._call(e._error, t); } } function eo(e) { if (null == e) e = 1 / 0; else if (!((e = +e) >= 1)) throw new Error("invalid concurrency"); return new Kr(e); } function to(e) { return function (t, n) { e(null == t ? n : null); }; } function no(e) { var t = e.responseType; return t && "text" !== t ? e.response : e.responseText; } function ro(e, t) { return function (n) { return e(n.responseText, t); }; } function oo(e, t) { return (t -= e = +e) ? function (n) { return (n - e) / t; } : sm(t); } function io(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = e((t = +t), (n = +n)); return function (e) { return e <= t ? 0 : e >= n ? 1 : r(e); }; }; } function ao(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = e((t = +t), (n = +n)); return function (e) { return e <= 0 ? t : e >= 1 ? n : r(e); }; }; } function lo(e, t, n, r) { var o = e[0], i = e[1], a = t[0], l = t[1]; return ( i < o ? ((o = n(i, o)), (a = r(l, a))) : ((o = n(o, i)), (a = r(a, l))), function (e) { return a(o(e)); } ); } function uo(e, t, n, r) { var o = Math.min(e.length, t.length) - 1, i = new Array(o), a = new Array(o), l = -1; for (e[o] < e[0] && ((e = e.slice().reverse()), (t = t.slice().reverse())); ++l < o; ) (i[l] = n(e[l], e[l + 1])), (a[l] = r(t[l], t[l + 1])); return function (t) { var n = as(e, t, 1, o) - 1; return a[n](i[n](t)); }; } function so(e, t) { return t.domain(e.domain()).range(e.range()).interpolate(e.interpolate()).clamp(e.clamp()); } function co(e, t) { function n() { return (o = Math.min(l.length, u.length) > 2 ? uo : lo), (i = a = null), r; } function r(t) { return (i || (i = o(l, u, c ? io(e) : e, s)))(+t); } var o, i, a, l = fm, u = fm, s = yf, c = !1; return ( (r.invert = function (e) { return (a || (a = o(u, l, oo, c ? ao(t) : t)))(+e); }), (r.domain = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((l = lm.call(e, cm)), n()) : l.slice(); }), (r.range = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((u = um.call(e)), n()) : u.slice(); }), (r.rangeRound = function (e) { return (u = um.call(e)), (s = gf), n(); }), (r.clamp = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((c = !!e), n()) : c; }), (r.interpolate = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((s = e), n()) : s; }), n() ); } function fo(e) { var t = e.domain; return ( (e.ticks = function (e) { var n = t(); return fs(n[0], n[n.length - 1], null == e ? 10 : e); }), (e.tickFormat = function (e, n) { return pm(t(), e, n); }), (e.nice = function (n) { null == n && (n = 10); var r, i = t(), a = 0, l = i.length - 1, u = i[a], s = i[l]; return ( s < u && ((r = u), (u = s), (s = r), (r = a), (a = l), (l = r)), (r = o(u, s, n)), r > 0 ? ((u = Math.floor(u / r) * r), (s = Math.ceil(s / r) * r), (r = o(u, s, n))) : r < 0 && ((u = Math.ceil(u * r) / r), (s = Math.floor(s * r) / r), (r = o(u, s, n))), r > 0 ? ((i[a] = Math.floor(u / r) * r), (i[l] = Math.ceil(s / r) * r), t(i)) : r < 0 && ((i[a] = Math.ceil(u * r) / r), (i[l] = Math.floor(s * r) / r), t(i)), e ); }), e ); } function po() { var e = co(oo, ff); return ( (e.copy = function () { return so(e, po()); }), fo(e) ); } function ho(e, t, n, r) { function o(t) { return e((t = new Date(+t))), t; } return ( (o.floor = o), (o.ceil = function (n) { return e((n = new Date(n - 1))), t(n, 1), e(n), n; }), (o.round = function (e) { var t = o(e), n = o.ceil(e); return e - t < n - e ? t : n; }), (o.offset = function (e, n) { return t((e = new Date(+e)), null == n ? 1 : Math.floor(n)), e; }), (o.range = function (n, r, i) { var a, l = []; if (((n = o.ceil(n)), (i = null == i ? 1 : Math.floor(i)), !(n < r) || !(i > 0))) return l; do { l.push((a = new Date(+n))), t(n, i), e(n); } while (a < n && n < r); return l; }), (o.filter = function (n) { return ho( function (t) { if (t >= t) for (; e(t), !n(t); ) t.setTime(t - 1); }, function (e, r) { if (e >= e) if (r < 0) for (; ++r <= 0; ) for (; t(e, -1), !n(e); ); else for (; --r >= 0; ) for (; t(e, 1), !n(e); ); } ); }), n && ((o.count = function (t, r) { return hm.setTime(+t), mm.setTime(+r), e(hm), e(mm), Math.floor(n(hm, mm)); }), (o.every = function (e) { return ( (e = Math.floor(e)), isFinite(e) && e > 0 ? e > 1 ? o.filter( r ? function (t) { return r(t) % e === 0; } : function (t) { return o.count(0, t) % e === 0; } ) : o : null ); })), o ); } function mo(e) { return ho( function (t) { t.setDate(t.getDate() - ((t.getDay() + 7 - e) % 7)), t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setDate(e.getDate() + 7 * t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e - (t.getTimezoneOffset() - e.getTimezoneOffset()) * vm) / bm; } ); } function yo(e) { return ho( function (t) { t.setUTCDate(t.getUTCDate() - ((t.getUTCDay() + 7 - e) % 7)), t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setUTCDate(e.getUTCDate() + 7 * t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / bm; } ); } function go(e) { if (0 <= e.y && e.y < 100) { var t = new Date(-1, e.m, e.d, e.H, e.M, e.S, e.L); return t.setFullYear(e.y), t; } return new Date(e.y, e.m, e.d, e.H, e.M, e.S, e.L); } function vo(e) { if (0 <= e.y && e.y < 100) { var t = new Date(Date.UTC(-1, e.m, e.d, e.H, e.M, e.S, e.L)); return t.setUTCFullYear(e.y), t; } return new Date(Date.UTC(e.y, e.m, e.d, e.H, e.M, e.S, e.L)); } function bo(e) { return { y: e, m: 0, d: 1, H: 0, M: 0, S: 0, L: 0 }; } function Ao(e) { function t(e, t) { return function (n) { var r, o, i, a = [], l = -1, u = 0, s = e.length; for (n instanceof Date || (n = new Date(+n)); ++l < s; ) 37 === e.charCodeAt(l) && (a.push(e.slice(u, l)), null != (o = oy[(r = e.charAt(++l))]) ? (r = e.charAt(++l)) : (o = "e" === r ? " " : "0"), (i = t[r]) && (r = i(n, o)), a.push(r), (u = l + 1)); return a.push(e.slice(u, l)), a.join(""); }; } function n(e, t) { return function (n) { var o, i, a = bo(1900), l = r(a, e, (n += ""), 0); if (l != n.length) return null; if ("Q" in a) return new Date(a.Q); if (("p" in a && (a.H = (a.H % 12) + 12 * a.p), "V" in a)) { if (a.V < 1 || a.V > 53) return null; "w" in a || (a.w = 1), "Z" in a ? ((o = vo(bo(a.y))), (i = o.getUTCDay()), (o = i > 4 || 0 === i ? Vm.ceil(o) : Vm(o)), (o = Lm.offset(o, 7 * (a.V - 1))), (a.y = o.getUTCFullYear()), (a.m = o.getUTCMonth()), (a.d = o.getUTCDate() + ((a.w + 6) % 7))) : ((o = t(bo(a.y))), (i = o.getDay()), (o = i > 4 || 0 === i ? Pm.ceil(o) : Pm(o)), (o = Sm.offset(o, 7 * (a.V - 1))), (a.y = o.getFullYear()), (a.m = o.getMonth()), (a.d = o.getDate() + ((a.w + 6) % 7))); } else ("W" in a || "U" in a) && ("w" in a || (a.w = "u" in a ? a.u % 7 : "W" in a ? 1 : 0), (i = "Z" in a ? vo(bo(a.y)).getUTCDay() : t(bo(a.y)).getDay()), (a.m = 0), (a.d = "W" in a ? ((a.w + 6) % 7) + 7 * a.W - ((i + 5) % 7) : a.w + 7 * a.U - ((i + 6) % 7))); return "Z" in a ? ((a.H += (a.Z / 100) | 0), (a.M += a.Z % 100), vo(a)) : t(a); }; } function r(e, t, n, r) { for (var o, i, a = 0, l = t.length, u = n.length; a < l; ) { if (r >= u) return -1; if (37 === (o = t.charCodeAt(a++))) { if (((o = t.charAt(a++)), !(i = L[o in oy ? t.charAt(a++) : o]) || (r = i(e, n, r)) < 0)) return -1; } else if (o != n.charCodeAt(r++)) return -1; } return r; } function o(e, t, n) { var r = O.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.p = M[r[0].toLowerCase()]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function i(e, t, n) { var r = F.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.w = D[r[0].toLowerCase()]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function a(e, t, n) { var r = T.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.w = N[r[0].toLowerCase()]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function l(e, t, n) { var r = z.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.m = I[r[0].toLowerCase()]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function u(e, t, n) { var r = j.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.m = R[r[0].toLowerCase()]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function s(e, t, n) { return r(e, C, t, n); } function c(e, t, n) { return r(e, w, t, n); } function f(e, t, n) { return r(e, k, t, n); } function p(e) { return S[e.getDay()]; } function d(e) { return B[e.getDay()]; } function h(e) { return P[e.getMonth()]; } function m(e) { return _[e.getMonth()]; } function y(e) { return E[+(e.getHours() >= 12)]; } function g(e) { return S[e.getUTCDay()]; } function v(e) { return B[e.getUTCDay()]; } function b(e) { return P[e.getUTCMonth()]; } function A(e) { return _[e.getUTCMonth()]; } function x(e) { return E[+(e.getUTCHours() >= 12)]; } var C = e.dateTime, w = e.date, k = e.time, E = e.periods, B = e.days, S = e.shortDays, _ = e.months, P = e.shortMonths, O = wo(E), M = ko(E), T = wo(B), N = ko(B), F = wo(S), D = ko(S), j = wo(_), R = ko(_), z = wo(P), I = ko(P), W = { a: p, A: d, b: h, B: m, c: null, d: Vo, e: Vo, f: Xo, H: qo, I: Ho, j: Yo, L: Ko, m: Qo, M: Zo, p: y, Q: Ei, s: Bi, S: Jo, u: $o, U: ei, V: ti, w: ni, W: ri, x: null, X: null, y: oi, Y: ii, Z: ai, "%": ki }, U = { a: g, A: v, b: b, B: A, c: null, d: li, e: li, f: pi, H: ui, I: si, j: ci, L: fi, m: di, M: hi, p: x, Q: Ei, s: Bi, S: mi, u: yi, U: gi, V: vi, w: bi, W: Ai, x: null, X: null, y: xi, Y: Ci, Z: wi, "%": ki }, L = { a: i, A: a, b: l, B: u, c: s, d: Fo, e: Fo, f: Wo, H: jo, I: jo, j: Do, L: Io, m: No, M: Ro, p: o, Q: Lo, s: Go, S: zo, u: Bo, U: So, V: _o, w: Eo, W: Po, x: c, X: f, y: Mo, Y: Oo, Z: To, "%": Uo }; return ( (W.x = t(w, W)), (W.X = t(k, W)), (W.c = t(C, W)), (U.x = t(w, U)), (U.X = t(k, U)), (U.c = t(C, U)), { format: function (e) { var n = t((e += ""), W); return ( (n.toString = function () { return e; }), n ); }, parse: function (e) { var t = n((e += ""), go); return ( (t.toString = function () { return e; }), t ); }, utcFormat: function (e) { var n = t((e += ""), U); return ( (n.toString = function () { return e; }), n ); }, utcParse: function (e) { var t = n(e, vo); return ( (t.toString = function () { return e; }), t ); }, } ); } function xo(e, t, n) { var r = e < 0 ? "-" : "", o = (r ? -e : e) + "", i = o.length; return r + (i < n ? new Array(n - i + 1).join(t) + o : o); } function Co(e) { return e.replace(ly, "\\$&"); } function wo(e) { return new RegExp("^(?:" + e.map(Co).join("|") + ")", "i"); } function ko(e) { for (var t = {}, n = -1, r = e.length; ++n < r; ) t[e[n].toLowerCase()] = n; return t; } function Eo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 1)); return r ? ((e.w = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Bo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 1)); return r ? ((e.u = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function So(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.U = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function _o(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.V = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Po(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.W = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Oo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 4)); return r ? ((e.y = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Mo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.y = +r[0] + (+r[0] > 68 ? 1900 : 2e3)), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function To(e, t, n) { var r = /^(Z)|([+-]\d\d)(?::?(\d\d))?/.exec(t.slice(n, n + 6)); return r ? ((e.Z = r[1] ? 0 : -(r[2] + (r[3] || "00"))), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function No(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.m = r[0] - 1), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Fo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.d = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Do(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 3)); return r ? ((e.m = 0), (e.d = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function jo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.H = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Ro(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.M = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function zo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 2)); return r ? ((e.S = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Io(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 3)); return r ? ((e.L = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Wo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n, n + 6)); return r ? ((e.L = Math.floor(r[0] / 1e3)), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Uo(e, t, n) { var r = ay.exec(t.slice(n, n + 1)); return r ? n + r[0].length : -1; } function Lo(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.Q = +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Go(e, t, n) { var r = iy.exec(t.slice(n)); return r ? ((e.Q = 1e3 * +r[0]), n + r[0].length) : -1; } function Vo(e, t) { return xo(e.getDate(), t, 2); } function qo(e, t) { return xo(e.getHours(), t, 2); } function Ho(e, t) { return xo(e.getHours() % 12 || 12, t, 2); } function Yo(e, t) { return xo(1 + Sm.count(zm(e), e), t, 3); } function Ko(e, t) { return xo(e.getMilliseconds(), t, 3); } function Xo(e, t) { return Ko(e, t) + "000"; } function Qo(e, t) { return xo(e.getMonth() + 1, t, 2); } function Zo(e, t) { return xo(e.getMinutes(), t, 2); } function Jo(e, t) { return xo(e.getSeconds(), t, 2); } function $o(e) { var t = e.getDay(); return 0 === t ? 7 : t; } function ei(e, t) { return xo(_m.count(zm(e), e), t, 2); } function ti(e, t) { var n = e.getDay(); return (e = n >= 4 || 0 === n ? Tm(e) : Tm.ceil(e)), xo(Tm.count(zm(e), e) + (4 === zm(e).getDay()), t, 2); } function ni(e) { return e.getDay(); } function ri(e, t) { return xo(Pm.count(zm(e), e), t, 2); } function oi(e, t) { return xo(e.getFullYear() % 100, t, 2); } function ii(e, t) { return xo(e.getFullYear() % 1e4, t, 4); } function ai(e) { var t = e.getTimezoneOffset(); return (t > 0 ? "-" : ((t *= -1), "+")) + xo((t / 60) | 0, "0", 2) + xo(t % 60, "0", 2); } function li(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCDate(), t, 2); } function ui(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCHours(), t, 2); } function si(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCHours() % 12 || 12, t, 2); } function ci(e, t) { return xo(1 + Lm.count(ry(e), e), t, 3); } function fi(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCMilliseconds(), t, 3); } function pi(e, t) { return fi(e, t) + "000"; } function di(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCMonth() + 1, t, 2); } function hi(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCMinutes(), t, 2); } function mi(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCSeconds(), t, 2); } function yi(e) { var t = e.getUTCDay(); return 0 === t ? 7 : t; } function gi(e, t) { return xo(Gm.count(ry(e), e), t, 2); } function vi(e, t) { var n = e.getUTCDay(); return (e = n >= 4 || 0 === n ? Ym(e) : Ym.ceil(e)), xo(Ym.count(ry(e), e) + (4 === ry(e).getUTCDay()), t, 2); } function bi(e) { return e.getUTCDay(); } function Ai(e, t) { return xo(Vm.count(ry(e), e), t, 2); } function xi(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCFullYear() % 100, t, 2); } function Ci(e, t) { return xo(e.getUTCFullYear() % 1e4, t, 4); } function wi() { return "+0000"; } function ki() { return "%"; } function Ei(e) { return +e; } function Bi(e) { return Math.floor(+e / 1e3); } function Si(e) { return e.toISOString(); } function _i(e) { var t = new Date(e); return isNaN(t) ? null : t; } function Pi(e) { return new Date(e); } function Oi(e) { return e instanceof Date ? +e : +new Date(+e); } function Mi(e, t, n, r, o, a, l, u, s) { function c(i) { return (l(i) < i ? m : a(i) < i ? y : o(i) < i ? g : r(i) < i ? v : t(i) < i ? (n(i) < i ? b : A) : e(i) < i ? x : C)(i); } function f(t, n, r, o) { if ((null == t && (t = 10), "number" === typeof t)) { var a = Math.abs(r - n) / t, l = rs(function (e) { return e[2]; }).right(w, a); l === w.length ? ((o = i(n / hy, r / hy, t)), (t = e)) : l ? ((l = w[a / w[l - 1][2] < w[l][2] / a ? l - 1 : l]), (o = l[1]), (t = l[0])) : ((o = Math.max(i(n, r, t), 1)), (t = u)); } return null == o ? t : t.every(o); } var p = co(oo, ff), d = p.invert, h = p.domain, m = s(".%L"), y = s(":%S"), g = s("%I:%M"), v = s("%I %p"), b = s("%a %d"), A = s("%b %d"), x = s("%B"), C = s("%Y"), w = [ [l, 1, uy], [l, 5, 5 * uy], [l, 15, 15 * uy], [l, 30, 30 * uy], [a, 1, sy], [a, 5, 5 * sy], [a, 15, 15 * sy], [a, 30, 30 * sy], [o, 1, cy], [o, 3, 3 * cy], [o, 6, 6 * cy], [o, 12, 12 * cy], [r, 1, fy], [r, 2, 2 * fy], [n, 1, py], [t, 1, dy], [t, 3, 3 * dy], [e, 1, hy], ]; return ( (p.invert = function (e) { return new Date(d(e)); }), (p.domain = function (e) { return arguments.length ? h(lm.call(e, Oi)) : h().map(Pi); }), (p.ticks = function (e, t) { var n, r = h(), o = r[0], i = r[r.length - 1], a = i < o; return a && ((n = o), (o = i), (i = n)), (n = f(e, o, i, t)), (n = n ? n.range(o, i + 1) : []), a ? n.reverse() : n; }), (p.tickFormat = function (e, t) { return null == t ? c : s(t); }), (p.nice = function (e, t) { var n = h(); return (e = f(e, n[0], n[n.length - 1], t)) ? h(dm(n, e)) : p; }), (p.copy = function () { return so(p, Mi(e, t, n, r, o, a, l, u, s)); }), p ); } function Ti(e) { var t = e.length; return function (n) { return e[Math.max(0, Math.min(t - 1, Math.floor(n * t)))]; }; } function Ni(e) { this._context = e; } function Fi(e) { return e[0]; } function Di(e) { return e[1]; } function ji(e) { this._curve = e; } function Ri(e) { function t(t) { return new ji(e(t)); } return (t._curve = e), t; } function zi(e, t, n) { e._context.bezierCurveTo((2 * e._x0 + e._x1) / 3, (2 * e._y0 + e._y1) / 3, (e._x0 + 2 * e._x1) / 3, (e._y0 + 2 * e._y1) / 3, (e._x0 + 4 * e._x1 + t) / 6, (e._y0 + 4 * e._y1 + n) / 6); } function Ii(e) { this._context = e; } function Wi(e) { this._context = e; } function Ui(e) { this._context = e; } function Li(e, t) { (this._basis = new Ii(e)), (this._beta = t); } function Gi(e, t, n) { e._context.bezierCurveTo(e._x1 + e._k * (e._x2 - e._x0), e._y1 + e._k * (e._y2 - e._y0), e._x2 + e._k * (e._x1 - t), e._y2 + e._k * (e._y1 - n), e._x2, e._y2); } function Vi(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._k = (1 - t) / 6); } function qi(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._k = (1 - t) / 6); } function Hi(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._k = (1 - t) / 6); } function Yi(e, t, n) { var r = e._x1, o = e._y1, i = e._x2, a = e._y2; if (e._l01_a > vy) { var l = 2 * e._l01_2a + 3 * e._l01_a * e._l12_a + e._l12_2a, u = 3 * e._l01_a * (e._l01_a + e._l12_a); (r = (r * l - e._x0 * e._l12_2a + e._x2 * e._l01_2a) / u), (o = (o * l - e._y0 * e._l12_2a + e._y2 * e._l01_2a) / u); } if (e._l23_a > vy) { var s = 2 * e._l23_2a + 3 * e._l23_a * e._l12_a + e._l12_2a, c = 3 * e._l23_a * (e._l23_a + e._l12_a); (i = (i * s + e._x1 * e._l23_2a - t * e._l12_2a) / c), (a = (a * s + e._y1 * e._l23_2a - n * e._l12_2a) / c); } e._context.bezierCurveTo(r, o, i, a, e._x2, e._y2); } function Ki(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._alpha = t); } function Xi(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._alpha = t); } function Qi(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._alpha = t); } function Zi(e) { this._context = e; } function Ji(e) { return e < 0 ? -1 : 1; } function $i(e, t, n) { var r = e._x1 - e._x0, o = t - e._x1, i = (e._y1 - e._y0) / (r || (o < 0 && -0)), a = (n - e._y1) / (o || (r < 0 && -0)), l = (i * o + a * r) / (r + o); return (Ji(i) + Ji(a)) * Math.min(Math.abs(i), Math.abs(a), 0.5 * Math.abs(l)) || 0; } function ea(e, t) { var n = e._x1 - e._x0; return n ? ((3 * (e._y1 - e._y0)) / n - t) / 2 : t; } function ta(e, t, n) { var r = e._x0, o = e._y0, i = e._x1, a = e._y1, l = (i - r) / 3; e._context.bezierCurveTo(r + l, o + l * t, i - l, a - l * n, i, a); } function na(e) { this._context = e; } function ra(e) { this._context = new oa(e); } function oa(e) { this._context = e; } function ia(e) { this._context = e; } function aa(e) { var t, n, r = e.length - 1, o = new Array(r), i = new Array(r), a = new Array(r); for (o[0] = 0, i[0] = 2, a[0] = e[0] + 2 * e[1], t = 1; t < r - 1; ++t) (o[t] = 1), (i[t] = 4), (a[t] = 4 * e[t] + 2 * e[t + 1]); for (o[r - 1] = 2, i[r - 1] = 7, a[r - 1] = 8 * e[r - 1] + e[r], t = 1; t < r; ++t) (n = o[t] / i[t - 1]), (i[t] -= n), (a[t] -= n * a[t - 1]); for (o[r - 1] = a[r - 1] / i[r - 1], t = r - 2; t >= 0; --t) o[t] = (a[t] - o[t + 1]) / i[t]; for (i[r - 1] = (e[r] + o[r - 1]) / 2, t = 0; t < r - 1; ++t) i[t] = 2 * e[t + 1] - o[t + 1]; return [o, i]; } function la(e, t) { (this._context = e), (this._t = t); } function ua() { this._ = null; } function sa(e) { e.U = e.C = e.L = e.R = e.P = e.N = null; } function ca(e, t) { var n = t, r = t.R, o = n.U; o ? (o.L === n ? (o.L = r) : (o.R = r)) : (e._ = r), (r.U = o), (n.U = r), (n.R = r.L), n.R && (n.R.U = n), (r.L = n); } function fa(e, t) { var n = t, r = t.L, o = n.U; o ? (o.L === n ? (o.L = r) : (o.R = r)) : (e._ = r), (r.U = o), (n.U = r), (n.L = r.R), n.L && (n.L.U = n), (r.R = n); } function pa(e) { for (; e.L; ) e = e.L; return e; } function da(e, t, n, r) { var o = [null, null], i = Py.push(o) - 1; return (o.left = e), (o.right = t), n && ma(o, e, t, n), r && ma(o, t, e, r), Sy[e.index].halfedges.push(i), Sy[t.index].halfedges.push(i), o; } function ha(e, t, n) { var r = [t, n]; return (r.left = e), r; } function ma(e, t, n, r) { e[0] || e[1] ? (e.left === n ? (e[1] = r) : (e[0] = r)) : ((e[0] = r), (e.left = t), (e.right = n)); } function ya(e, t, n, r, o) { var i, a = e[0], l = e[1], u = a[0], s = a[1], c = l[0], f = l[1], p = 0, d = 1, h = c - u, m = f - s; if (((i = t - u), h || !(i > 0))) { if (((i /= h), h < 0)) { if (i < p) return; i < d && (d = i); } else if (h > 0) { if (i > d) return; i > p && (p = i); } if (((i = r - u), h || !(i < 0))) { if (((i /= h), h < 0)) { if (i > d) return; i > p && (p = i); } else if (h > 0) { if (i < p) return; i < d && (d = i); } if (((i = n - s), m || !(i > 0))) { if (((i /= m), m < 0)) { if (i < p) return; i < d && (d = i); } else if (m > 0) { if (i > d) return; i > p && (p = i); } if (((i = o - s), m || !(i < 0))) { if (((i /= m), m < 0)) { if (i > d) return; i > p && (p = i); } else if (m > 0) { if (i < p) return; i < d && (d = i); } return !(p > 0 || d < 1) || (p > 0 && (e[0] = [u + p * h, s + p * m]), d < 1 && (e[1] = [u + d * h, s + d * m]), !0); } } } } } function ga(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = e[1]; if (i) return !0; var a, l, u = e[0], s = e.left, c = e.right, f = s[0], p = s[1], d = c[0], h = c[1], m = (f + d) / 2, y = (p + h) / 2; if (h === p) { if (m < t || m >= r) return; if (f > d) { if (u) { if (u[1] >= o) return; } else u = [m, n]; i = [m, o]; } else { if (u) { if (u[1] < n) return; } else u = [m, o]; i = [m, n]; } } else if (((a = (f - d) / (h - p)), (l = y - a * m), a < -1 || a > 1)) if (f > d) { if (u) { if (u[1] >= o) return; } else u = [(n - l) / a, n]; i = [(o - l) / a, o]; } else { if (u) { if (u[1] < n) return; } else u = [(o - l) / a, o]; i = [(n - l) / a, n]; } else if (p < h) { if (u) { if (u[0] >= r) return; } else u = [t, a * t + l]; i = [r, a * r + l]; } else { if (u) { if (u[0] < t) return; } else u = [r, a * r + l]; i = [t, a * t + l]; } return (e[0] = u), (e[1] = i), !0; } function va(e, t, n, r) { for (var o, i = Py.length; i--; ) (ga((o = Py[i]), e, t, n, r) && ya(o, e, t, n, r) && (Math.abs(o[0][0] - o[1][0]) > Ny || Math.abs(o[0][1] - o[1][1]) > Ny)) || delete Py[i]; } function ba(e) { return (Sy[e.index] = { site: e, halfedges: [] }); } function Aa(e, t) { var n = e.site, r = t.left, o = t.right; return n === o && ((o = r), (r = n)), o ? Math.atan2(o[1] - r[1], o[0] - r[0]) : (n === r ? ((r = t[1]), (o = t[0])) : ((r = t[0]), (o = t[1])), Math.atan2(r[0] - o[0], o[1] - r[1])); } function xa(e, t) { return t[+(t.left !== e.site)]; } function Ca(e, t) { return t[+(t.left === e.site)]; } function wa() { for (var e, t, n, r, o = 0, i = Sy.length; o < i; ++o) if ((e = Sy[o]) && (r = (t = e.halfedges).length)) { var a = new Array(r), l = new Array(r); for (n = 0; n < r; ++n) (a[n] = n), (l[n] = Aa(e, Py[t[n]])); for ( a.sort(function (e, t) { return l[t] - l[e]; }), n = 0; n < r; ++n ) l[n] = t[a[n]]; for (n = 0; n < r; ++n) t[n] = l[n]; } } function ka(e, t, n, r) { var o, i, a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d, h, m, y = Sy.length, g = !0; for (o = 0; o < y; ++o) if ((i = Sy[o])) { for (a = i.site, u = i.halfedges, l = u.length; l--; ) Py[u[l]] || u.splice(l, 1); for (l = 0, s = u.length; l < s; ) (d = Ca(i, Py[u[l]])), (h = d[0]), (m = d[1]), (c = xa(i, Py[u[++l % s]])), (f = c[0]), (p = c[1]), (Math.abs(h - f) > Ny || Math.abs(m - p) > Ny) && (u.splice( l, 0, Py.push( ha( a, d, Math.abs(h - e) < Ny && r - m > Ny ? [e, Math.abs(f - e) < Ny ? p : r] : Math.abs(m - r) < Ny && n - h > Ny ? [Math.abs(p - r) < Ny ? f : n, r] : Math.abs(h - n) < Ny && m - t > Ny ? [n, Math.abs(f - n) < Ny ? p : t] : Math.abs(m - t) < Ny && h - e > Ny ? [Math.abs(p - t) < Ny ? f : e, t] : null ) ) - 1 ), ++s); s && (g = !1); } if (g) { var v, b, A, x = 1 / 0; for (o = 0, g = null; o < y; ++o) (i = Sy[o]) && ((a = i.site), (v = a[0] - e), (b = a[1] - t), (A = v * v + b * b) < x && ((x = A), (g = i))); if (g) { var C = [e, t], w = [e, r], k = [n, r], E = [n, t]; g.halfedges.push(Py.push(ha((a = g.site), C, w)) - 1, Py.push(ha(a, w, k)) - 1, Py.push(ha(a, k, E)) - 1, Py.push(ha(a, E, C)) - 1); } } for (o = 0; o < y; ++o) (i = Sy[o]) && (i.halfedges.length || delete Sy[o]); } function Ea() { sa(this), (this.x = this.y = this.arc = this.site = this.cy = null); } function Ba(e) { var t = e.P, n = e.N; if (t && n) { var r = t.site, o = e.site, i = n.site; if (r !== i) { var a = o[0], l = o[1], u = r[0] - a, s = r[1] - l, c = i[0] - a, f = i[1] - l, p = 2 * (u * f - s * c); if (!(p >= -Fy)) { var d = u * u + s * s, h = c * c + f * f, m = (f * d - s * h) / p, y = (u * h - c * d) / p, g = My.pop() || new Ea(); (g.arc = e), (g.site = o), (g.x = m + a), (g.y = (g.cy = y + l) + Math.sqrt(m * m + y * y)), (e.circle = g); for (var v = null, b = _y._; b; ) if (g.y < b.y || (g.y === b.y && g.x <= b.x)) { if (!b.L) { v = b.P; break; } b = b.L; } else { if (!b.R) { v = b; break; } b = b.R; } _y.insert(v, g), v || (Ey = g); } } } } function Sa(e) { var t = e.circle; t && (t.P || (Ey = t.N), _y.remove(t), My.push(t), sa(t), (e.circle = null)); } function _a() { sa(this), (this.edge = this.site = this.circle = null); } function Pa(e) { var t = Ty.pop() || new _a(); return (t.site = e), t; } function Oa(e) { Sa(e), By.remove(e), Ty.push(e), sa(e); } function Ma(e) { var t = e.circle, n = t.x, r = t.cy, o = [n, r], i = e.P, a = e.N, l = [e]; Oa(e); for (var u = i; u.circle && Math.abs(n - u.circle.x) < Ny && Math.abs(r - u.circle.cy) < Ny; ) (i = u.P), l.unshift(u), Oa(u), (u = i); l.unshift(u), Sa(u); for (var s = a; s.circle && Math.abs(n - s.circle.x) < Ny && Math.abs(r - s.circle.cy) < Ny; ) (a = s.N), l.push(s), Oa(s), (s = a); l.push(s), Sa(s); var c, f = l.length; for (c = 1; c < f; ++c) (s = l[c]), (u = l[c - 1]), ma(s.edge, u.site, s.site, o); (u = l[0]), (s = l[f - 1]), (s.edge = da(u.site, s.site, null, o)), Ba(u), Ba(s); } function Ta(e) { for (var t, n, r, o, i = e[0], a = e[1], l = By._; l; ) if ((r = Na(l, a) - i) > Ny) l = l.L; else { if (!((o = i - Fa(l, a)) > Ny)) { r > -Ny ? ((t = l.P), (n = l)) : o > -Ny ? ((t = l), (n = l.N)) : (t = n = l); break; } if (!l.R) { t = l; break; } l = l.R; } ba(e); var u = Pa(e); if ((By.insert(t, u), t || n)) { if (t === n) return Sa(t), (n = Pa(t.site)), By.insert(u, n), (u.edge = n.edge = da(t.site, u.site)), Ba(t), void Ba(n); if (!n) return void (u.edge = da(t.site, u.site)); Sa(t), Sa(n); var s = t.site, c = s[0], f = s[1], p = e[0] - c, d = e[1] - f, h = n.site, m = h[0] - c, y = h[1] - f, g = 2 * (p * y - d * m), v = p * p + d * d, b = m * m + y * y, A = [(y * v - d * b) / g + c, (p * b - m * v) / g + f]; ma(n.edge, s, h, A), (u.edge = da(s, e, null, A)), (n.edge = da(e, h, null, A)), Ba(t), Ba(n); } } function Na(e, t) { var n = e.site, r = n[0], o = n[1], i = o - t; if (!i) return r; var a = e.P; if (!a) return -1 / 0; n = a.site; var l = n[0], u = n[1], s = u - t; if (!s) return l; var c = l - r, f = 1 / i - 1 / s, p = c / s; return f ? (-p + Math.sqrt(p * p - 2 * f * ((c * c) / (-2 * s) - u + s / 2 + o - i / 2))) / f + r : (r + l) / 2; } function Fa(e, t) { var n = e.N; if (n) return Na(n, t); var r = e.site; return r[1] === t ? r[0] : 1 / 0; } function Da(e, t, n) { return (e[0] - n[0]) * (t[1] - e[1]) - (e[0] - t[0]) * (n[1] - e[1]); } function ja(e, t) { return t[1] - e[1] || t[0] - e[0]; } function Ra(e, t) { var n, r, o, i = e.sort(ja).pop(); for (Py = [], Sy = new Array(e.length), By = new Oy(), _y = new Oy(); ; ) if (((o = Ey), i && (!o || i[1] < o.y || (i[1] === o.y && i[0] < o.x)))) (i[0] === n && i[1] === r) || (Ta(i), (n = i[0]), (r = i[1])), (i = e.pop()); else { if (!o) break; Ma(o.arc); } if ((wa(), t)) { var a = +t[0][0], l = +t[0][1], u = +t[1][0], s = +t[1][1]; va(a, l, u, s), ka(a, l, u, s); } (this.edges = Py), (this.cells = Sy), (By = _y = Py = Sy = null); } function za(e, t, n) { (this.target = e), (this.type = t), (this.transform = n); } function Ia(e, t, n) { (this.k = e), (this.x = t), (this.y = n); } function Wa(e) { return e.__zoom || jy; } function Ua() { fc.stopImmediatePropagation(); } function La() { return !fc.button; } function Ga() { var e, t, n = this; return ( n instanceof SVGElement ? ((n = n.ownerSVGElement || n), (e = n.width.baseVal.value), (t = n.height.baseVal.value)) : ((e = n.clientWidth), (t = n.clientHeight)), [ [0, 0], [e, t], ] ); } function Va() { return this.__zoom || jy; } function qa() { return (-fc.deltaY * (fc.deltaMode ? 120 : 1)) / 500; } function Ha() { return "ontouchstart" in this; } function Ya(e, t, n) { var r = e.invertX(t[0][0]) - n[0][0], o = e.invertX(t[1][0]) - n[1][0], i = e.invertY(t[0][1]) - n[0][1], a = e.invertY(t[1][1]) - n[1][1]; return e.translate(o > r ? (r + o) / 2 : Math.min(0, r) || Math.max(0, o), a > i ? (i + a) / 2 : Math.min(0, i) || Math.max(0, a)); } function Ka(e) { for (var t = arguments.length, n = Array(t > 1 ? t - 1 : 0), r = 1; r < t; r++) n[r - 1] = arguments[r]; n.forEach(function (t) { e[t] = e[t].bind(e); }); } function Xa(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Qa(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Za(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Ja(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function $a(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function el(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function tl(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function nl(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function rl(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function ol(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function il(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function al(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function ll(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function ul(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function sl(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function cl(e) { return e ? e / Math.sin(e) : 1; } function fl(e) { return e > 1 ? fg : e < -1 ? -fg : Math.asin(e); } function pl(e) { return e > 1 ? 0 : e < -1 ? cg : Math.acos(e); } function dl(e) { return e > 0 ? Math.sqrt(e) : 0; } function hl(e) { return ((e = $y(2 * e)) - 1) / (e + 1); } function ml(e) { return ($y(e) - $y(-e)) / 2; } function yl(e) { return ($y(e) + $y(-e)) / 2; } function gl(e) { return tg(e + dl(e * e + 1)); } function vl(e) { return tg(e + dl(e * e - 1)); } function bl(e, t) { var n = Jy(t), r = cl(pl(n * Jy((e /= 2)))); return [2 * n * ag(e) * r, ag(t) * r]; } function Al(e, t) { var n = lg(t / 2), r = dl(1 - n * n), o = 1 + r * Jy((e /= 2)), i = (ag(e) * r) / o, a = n / o, l = i * i, u = a * a; return [(4 / 3) * i * (3 + l - 3 * u), (4 / 3) * a * (3 + 3 * l - u)]; } function xl(e, t) { var n = Xy(t); return n < pg ? [e, tg(lg(pg + t / 2))] : [e * Jy(n) * (2 * hg - 1 / ag(n)), ig(t) * (2 * hg * (n - pg) - tg(lg(n / 2)))]; } function Cl(e, t) { return [(e * Jy(t)) / Jy((t /= 2)), 2 * ag(t)]; } function wl(e, t, n) { var r, o, i, a = 100; (n = void 0 === n ? 0 : +n), (t = +t); do { (o = e(n)), (i = e(n + ug)), o === i && (i = o + ug), (n -= r = (-1 * ug * (o - t)) / (o - i)); } while (a-- > 0 && Xy(r) > ug); return a < 0 ? NaN : n; } function kl(e, t) { var n, r = e * ag(t), o = 30; do { t -= n = (t + ag(t) - r) / (1 + Jy(t)); } while (Xy(n) > ug && --o > 0); return t / 2; } function El(e, t, n) { function r(r, o) { return [e * r * Jy((o = kl(n, o))), t * ag(o)]; } return ( (r.invert = function (r, o) { return (o = fl(o / t)), [r / (e * Jy(o)), fl((2 * o + ag(2 * o)) / n)]; }), r ); } function Bl(e, t) { var n = kl(cg, t); return [(Cg * e) / (1 / Jy(t) + wg / Jy(n)), (t + hg * ag(n)) / Cg]; } function Sl(e, t) { return [e * Jy(t), t]; } function _l(e, t) { var n = dl(1 - ag(t)); return [(2 / mg) * e * n, mg * (1 - n)]; } function Pl(e, t) { return [(kg * e * (2 * Jy((2 * t) / 3) - 1)) / mg, kg * mg * ag(t / 3)]; } function Ol(e) { function t(e, t) { return [e * n, ag(t) / n]; } var n = Jy(e); return ( (t.invert = function (e, t) { return [e / n, fl(t * n)]; }), t ); } function Ml(e, t) { var n = dl(8 / (3 * cg)); return [n * e * (1 - Xy(t) / cg), n * t]; } function Tl(e, t) { var n = dl(4 - 3 * ag(Xy(t))); return [(2 / dl(6 * cg)) * e * n, ig(t) * dl((2 * cg) / 3) * (2 - n)]; } function Nl(e, t) { var n = dl(cg * (4 + cg)); return [(2 / n) * e * (1 + dl(1 - (4 * t * t) / (cg * cg))), (4 / n) * t]; } function Fl(e, t) { var n = (2 + fg) * ag(t); t /= 2; for (var r = 0, o = 1 / 0; r < 10 && Xy(o) > ug; r++) { var i = Jy(t); t -= o = (t + ag(t) * (i + 2) - n) / (2 * i * (1 + i)); } return [(2 / dl(cg * (4 + cg))) * e * (1 + Jy(t)), 2 * dl(cg / (4 + cg)) * ag(t)]; } function Dl(e, t) { return [(e * (1 + Jy(t))) / dl(2 + cg), (2 * t) / dl(2 + cg)]; } function jl(e, t) { for (var n = (1 + fg) * ag(t), r = 0, o = 1 / 0; r < 10 && Xy(o) > ug; r++) t -= o = (t + ag(t) - n) / (1 + Jy(t)); return (n = dl(2 + cg)), [(e * (1 + Jy(t))) / n, (2 * t) / n]; } function Rl(e, t) { var n = ag((e /= 2)), r = Jy(e), o = dl(Jy(t)), i = Jy((t /= 2)), a = ag(t) / (i + hg * r * o), l = dl(2 / (1 + a * a)), u = dl((hg * i + (r + n) * o) / (hg * i + (r - n) * o)); return [Eg * (l * (u - 1 / u) - 2 * tg(u)), Eg * (l * a * (u + 1 / u) - 2 * Qy(a))]; } function zl(e, t) { var n = lg(t / 2); return [e * Bg * dl(1 - n * n), (1 + Bg) * n]; } function Il(e, t) { var n = t / 2, r = Jy(n); return [((2 * e) / mg) * Jy(t) * r * r, mg * lg(n)]; } function Wl(e, t) { var n = e * e, r = t * t; return [e * (1 - 0.162388 * r) * (0.87 - 952426e-9 * n * n), t * (1 + r / 12)]; } function Ul(e, t) { var n = ig(e), r = ig(t), o = Jy(t), i = Jy(e) * o, a = ag(e) * o, l = ag(r * t); (e = Xy(Zy(a, l))), (t = fl(i)), Xy(e - fg) > ug && (e %= fg); var u = Ll(e > cg / 4 ? fg - e : e, t); return e > cg / 4 && ((l = u[0]), (u[0] = -u[1]), (u[1] = -l)), (u[0] *= n), (u[1] *= -r), u; } function Ll(e, t) { if (t === fg) return [0, 0]; var n, r, o = ag(t), i = o * o, a = i * i, l = 1 + a, u = 1 + 3 * a, s = 1 - a, c = fl(1 / dl(l)), f = s + i * l * c, p = (1 - o) / f, d = dl(p), h = p * l, m = dl(h), y = d * s; if (0 === e) return [0, -(y + i * m)]; var g, v = Jy(t), b = 1 / v, A = 2 * o * v, x = (-3 * i + c * u) * A, C = (-f * v - (1 - o) * x) / (f * f), w = (0.5 * C) / d, k = s * w - 2 * i * d * A, E = i * l * C + p * u * A, B = -b * A, S = -b * E, _ = -2 * b * k, P = (4 * e) / cg; if (e > 0.222 * cg || (t < cg / 4 && e > 0.175 * cg)) { if (((n = (y + i * dl(h * (1 + a) - y * y)) / (1 + a)), e > cg / 4)) return [n, n]; var O = n, M = 0.5 * n; (n = 0.5 * (M + O)), (r = 50); do { var T = dl(h - n * n), N = n * (_ + B * T) + S * fl(n / m) - P; if (!N) break; N < 0 ? (M = n) : (O = n), (n = 0.5 * (M + O)); } while (Xy(O - M) > ug && --r > 0); } else { (n = ug), (r = 25); do { var F = n * n, D = dl(h - F), j = _ + B * D, R = n * j + S * fl(n / m) - P, z = j + (S - B * F) / D; n -= g = D ? R / z : 0; } while (Xy(g) > ug && --r > 0); } return [n, -y - i * dl(h - n * n)]; } function Gl(e, t) { for (var n = 0, r = 1, o = 0.5, i = 50; ; ) { var a = o * o, l = dl(o), u = fl(1 / dl(1 + a)), s = 1 - a + o * (1 + a) * u, c = (1 - l) / s, f = dl(c), p = c * (1 + a), d = f * (1 - a), h = p - e * e, m = dl(h), y = t + d + o * m; if (Xy(r - n) < sg || 0 === --i || 0 === y) break; y > 0 ? (n = o) : (r = o), (o = 0.5 * (n + r)); } if (!i) return null; var g = fl(l), v = Jy(g), b = 1 / v, A = 2 * l * v, x = (-3 * o + u * (1 + 3 * a)) * A, C = (-s * v - (1 - l) * x) / (s * s); return [(cg / 4) * (e * (-2 * b * (((0.5 * C) / f) * (1 - a) - 2 * o * f * A) + -b * A * m) + -b * (o * (1 + a) * C + c * (1 + 3 * a) * A) * fl(e / dl(p))), g]; } function Vl(e, t, n) { var r, o, i; return e ? ((r = ql(e, n)), t ? ((o = ql(t, 1 - n)), (i = o[1] * o[1] + n * r[0] * r[0] * o[0] * o[0]), [ [(r[0] * o[2]) / i, (r[1] * r[2] * o[0] * o[1]) / i], [(r[1] * o[1]) / i, (-r[0] * r[2] * o[0] * o[2]) / i], [(r[2] * o[1] * o[2]) / i, (-n * r[0] * r[1] * o[0]) / i], ]) : [ [r[0], 0], [r[1], 0], [r[2], 0], ]) : ((o = ql(t, 1 - n)), [ [0, o[0] / o[1]], [1 / o[1], 0], [o[2] / o[1], 0], ]); } function ql(e, t) { var n, r, o, i, a; if (t < ug) return (i = ag(e)), (r = Jy(e)), (n = (t * (e - i * r)) / 4), [i - n * r, r + n * i, 1 - (t * i * i) / 2, e - n]; if (t >= 1 - ug) return (n = (1 - t) / 4), (r = yl(e)), (i = hl(e)), (o = 1 / r), (a = r * ml(e)), [i + (n * (a - e)) / (r * r), o - n * i * o * (a - e), o + n * i * o * (a + e), 2 * Qy($y(e)) - fg + (n * (a - e)) / r]; var l = [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], u = [dl(t), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], s = 0; for (r = dl(1 - t), a = 1; Xy(u[s] / l[s]) > ug && s < 8; ) (n = l[s++]), (u[s] = (n - r) / 2), (l[s] = (n + r) / 2), (r = dl(n * r)), (a *= 2); o = a * l[s] * e; do { (i = (u[s] * ag((r = o))) / l[s]), (o = (fl(i) + o) / 2); } while (--s); return [ag(o), (i = Jy(o)), i / Jy(o - r), o]; } function Hl(e, t, n) { var r = Xy(e), o = Xy(t), i = ml(o); if (r) { var a = 1 / ag(r), l = 1 / (lg(r) * lg(r)), u = -(l + n * (i * i * a * a) - 1 + n), s = (n - 1) * l, c = (-u + dl(u * u - 4 * s)) / 2; return [Yl(Qy(1 / dl(c)), n) * ig(e), Yl(Qy(dl((c / l - 1) / n)), 1 - n) * ig(t)]; } return [0, Yl(Qy(i), 1 - n) * ig(t)]; } function Yl(e, t) { if (!t) return e; if (1 === t) return tg(lg(e / 2 + pg)); for (var n = 1, r = dl(1 - t), o = dl(t), i = 0; Xy(o) > ug; i++) { if (e % cg) { var a = Qy((r * lg(e)) / n); a < 0 && (a += cg), (e += a + ~~(e / cg) * cg); } else e += e; (o = (n + r) / 2), (r = dl(n * r)), (o = ((n = o) - r) / 2); } return e / (og(2, i) * n); } function Kl(e, t) { var n = (hg - 1) / (hg + 1), r = dl(1 - n * n), o = Yl(fg, r * r), i = tg(lg(cg / 4 + Xy(t) / 2)), a = $y(-1 * i) / dl(n), l = Xl(a * Jy(-1 * e), a * ag(-1 * e)), u = Hl(l[0], l[1], r * r); return [-u[1], (t >= 0 ? 1 : -1) * (0.5 * o - u[0])]; } function Xl(e, t) { var n = e * e, r = t + 1, o = 1 - n - t * t; return [0.5 * ((e >= 0 ? fg : -fg) - Zy(o, 2 * e)), -0.25 * tg(o * o + 4 * n) + 0.5 * tg(r * r + n)]; } function Ql(e, t) { var n = t[0] * t[0] + t[1] * t[1]; return [(e[0] * t[0] + e[1] * t[1]) / n, (e[1] * t[0] - e[0] * t[1]) / n]; } function Zl(e, t) { return t > -_g ? ((e = xg(e, t)), (e[1] += Pg), e) : Sl(e, t); } function Jl(e, t) { return Xy(t) > _g ? ((e = xg(e, t)), (e[1] -= t > 0 ? Pg : -Pg), e) : Sl(e, t); } function $l(e, t) { return [(3 / yg) * e * dl((cg * cg) / 3 - t * t), t]; } function eu(e, t) { return [(e * (1 + dl(Jy(t)))) / 2, t / (Jy(t / 2) * Jy(e / 6))]; } function tu(e, t) { var n = e * e, r = t * t; return [e * (0.975534 + r * (-0.0143059 * n - 0.119161 + -0.0547009 * r)), t * (1.00384 + n * (0.0802894 + -0.02855 * r + 199025e-9 * n) + r * (0.0998909 + -0.0491032 * r))]; } function nu(e, t) { return [ag(e) / Jy(t), lg(t) * Jy(e)]; } function ru(e, t) { return [e, 1.25 * tg(lg(pg + 0.4 * t))]; } function ou(e, t) { var n = fl((7 * ag(t)) / (3 * Tg)); return [(Tg * e * (2 * Jy((2 * n) / 3) - 1)) / Ng, (9 * ag(n / 3)) / Ng]; } function iu(e, t) { for (var n, r = (1 + dg) * ag(t), o = t, i = 0; i < 25 && ((o -= n = (ag(o / 2) + ag(o) - r) / (0.5 * Jy(o / 2) + Jy(o))), !(Xy(n) < ug)); i++); return [(e * (1 + (2 * Jy(o)) / Jy(o / 2))) / (3 * hg), (2 * dl(3) * ag(o / 2)) / dl(2 + hg)]; } function au(e, t) { for (var n, r = dl(6 / (4 + cg)), o = (1 + cg / 4) * ag(t), i = t / 2, a = 0; a < 25 && ((i -= n = (i / 2 + ag(i) - o) / (0.5 + Jy(i))), !(Xy(n) < ug)); a++); return [(r * (0.5 + Jy(i)) * e) / 1.5, r * i]; } function lu(e, t) { var n = t * t, r = n * n, o = n * r; return [e * (0.84719 - 0.13063 * n + o * o * (0.05494 * n - 0.04515 - 0.02326 * r + 0.00331 * o)), t * (1.01183 + r * r * (0.01926 * n - 0.02625 - 0.00396 * r))]; } function uu(e, t) { return [(e * (1 + Jy(t))) / 2, 2 * (t - lg(t / 2))]; } function su(e, t) { var n = ag(t), r = Jy(t), o = ig(e); if (0 === e || Xy(t) === fg) return [0, t]; if (0 === t) return [e, 0]; if (Xy(e) === fg) return [e * r, fg * n]; var i = cg / (2 * e) - (2 * e) / cg, a = (2 * t) / cg, l = (1 - a * a) / (n - a), u = i * i, s = l * l, c = 1 + u / s, f = 1 + s / u, p = ((i * n) / l - i / 2) / c, d = ((s * n) / u + l / 2) / f, h = p * p + (r * r) / c, m = d * d - ((s * n * n) / u + l * n - 1) / f; return [fg * (p + dl(h) * o), fg * (d + dl(m < 0 ? 0 : m) * ig(-t * i) * o)]; } function cu(e, t) { var n = t * t; return [e, t * (Fg + n * n * (Dg + n * (jg + Rg * n)))]; } function fu(e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; var n = lg(t), r = e * ag(t); return [ag(r) / n, t + (1 - Jy(r)) / n]; } function pu(e, t) { var n = _l(e, t); return [n[0] * Gg, n[1]]; } function du(e, t) { var n, r = rg(18, (36 * Xy(t)) / cg), o = eg(r), i = r - o, a = (n = Vg[o])[0], l = n[1], u = (n = Vg[++o])[0], s = n[1], c = (n = Vg[rg(19, ++o)])[0], f = n[1]; return [e * (u + (i * (c - a)) / 2 + (i * i * (c - 2 * u + a)) / 2), (t > 0 ? fg : -fg) * (s + (i * (f - l)) / 2 + (i * i * (f - 2 * s + l)) / 2)]; } function hu(e, t) { var n = lg(t / 2), r = ag(pg * n); return [e * (0.74482 - 0.34588 * r * r), 1.70711 * n]; } function mu(e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; var n = Xy(t / fg), r = fl(n); if (Xy(e) < ug || Xy(Xy(t) - fg) < ug) return [0, ig(t) * cg * lg(r / 2)]; var o = Jy(r), i = Xy(cg / e - e / cg) / 2, a = i * i, l = o / (n + o - 1), u = l * (2 / n - 1), s = u * u, c = s + a, f = l - s, p = a + l; return [(ig(e) * cg * (i * f + dl(a * f * f - c * (l * l - s)))) / c, (ig(t) * cg * (u * p - i * dl((a + 1) * c - p * p))) / c]; } function yu(e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; var n = Xy(t / fg), r = fl(n); if (Xy(e) < ug || Xy(Xy(t) - fg) < ug) return [0, ig(t) * cg * lg(r / 2)]; var o = Jy(r), i = Xy(cg / e - e / cg) / 2, a = i * i, l = (o * (dl(1 + a) - i * o)) / (1 + a * n * n); return [ig(e) * cg * l, ig(t) * cg * dl(1 - l * (2 * i + l))]; } function gu(e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; var n = t / fg, r = fl(n); if (Xy(e) < ug || Xy(Xy(t) - fg) < ug) return [0, cg * lg(r / 2)]; var o = (cg / e - e / cg) / 2, i = n / (1 + Jy(r)); return [cg * (ig(e) * dl(o * o + 1 - i * i) - o), cg * i]; } function vu(e, t) { if (!t) return [e, 0]; var n = Xy(t); if (!e || n === fg) return [0, t]; var r = n / fg, o = r * r, i = (8 * r - o * (o + 2) - 5) / (2 * o * (r - 1)), a = i * i, l = r * i, u = o + a + 2 * l, s = r + 3 * i, c = e / fg, f = c + 1 / c, p = ig(Xy(e) - fg) * dl(f * f - 4), d = p * p, h = u * (o + a * d - 1) + (1 - o) * (o * (s * s + 4 * a) + 12 * l * a + 4 * a * a), m = (p * (u + a - 1) + 2 * dl(h)) / (4 * u + d); return [ig(e) * fg * m, ig(t) * fg * dl(1 + p * Xy(m) - m * m)]; } function bu(e, t) { return [e * dl(1 - (3 * t * t) / (cg * cg)), t]; } function Au(e, t) { var n = Jy(t), r = Jy(e) * n, o = 1 - r, i = Jy((e = Zy(ag(e) * n, -ag(t)))), a = ag(e); return (n = dl(1 - r * r)), [a * n - i * o, -i * n - a * o]; } function xu(e, t) { var n = bl(e, t); return [(n[0] + e / fg) / 2, (n[1] + t) / 2]; } function Cu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function wu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function ku(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Eu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Bu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Su(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function _u(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n), e; } function Pu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Ou(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Mu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Tu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Nu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Fu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Du(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function ju(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Ru(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function zu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Iu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Wu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Uu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Lu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Gu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Vu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function qu(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Hu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } function Yu(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function Ku(e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== typeof t && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; } function Xu(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof t); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var Qu = (n("xHuH"), n("1n8/")), Zu = n.n(Qu), Ju = n("NKHc"), $u = n.n(Ju), es = n("u8U4"), ts = n.n(es), ns = function (e, t) { return e < t ? -1 : e > t ? 1 : e >= t ? 0 : NaN; }, rs = function (e) { return ( 1 === e.length && (e = r(e)), { left: function (t, n, r, o) { for (null == r && (r = 0), null == o && (o = t.length); r < o; ) { var i = (r + o) >>> 1; e(t[i], n) < 0 ? (r = i + 1) : (o = i); } return r; }, right: function (t, n, r, o) { for (null == r && (r = 0), null == o && (o = t.length); r < o; ) { var i = (r + o) >>> 1; e(t[i], n) > 0 ? (o = i) : (r = i + 1); } return r; }, } ); }, os = rs(ns), is = os.right, as = (os.left, is), ls = Array.prototype, us = (ls.slice, ls.map, Math.sqrt(50)), ss = Math.sqrt(10), cs = Math.sqrt(2), fs = function (e, t, n) { var r, i, a, l, u = -1; if (((t = +t), (e = +e), (n = +n), e === t && n > 0)) return [e]; if (((r = t < e) && ((i = e), (e = t), (t = i)), 0 === (l = o(e, t, n)) || !isFinite(l))) return []; if (l > 0) for (e = Math.ceil(e / l), t = Math.floor(t / l), a = new Array((i = Math.ceil(t - e + 1))); ++u < i; ) a[u] = (e + u) * l; else for (e = Math.floor(e * l), t = Math.ceil(t * l), a = new Array((i = Math.ceil(e - t + 1))); ++u < i; ) a[u] = (e - u) / l; return r && a.reverse(), a; }, ps = function (e) { for (var t, n, r, o = e.length, i = -1, a = 0; ++i < o; ) a += e[i].length; for (n = new Array(a); --o >= 0; ) for (r = e[o], t = r.length; --t >= 0; ) n[--a] = r[t]; return n; }, ds = Array.prototype.slice, hs = function (e) { return e; }, ms = 1, ys = 2, gs = 3, vs = 4, bs = 1e-6, As = { value: function () {} }; m.prototype = h.prototype = { constructor: m, on: function (e, t) { var n, r = this._, o = y(e + "", r), i = -1, a = o.length; { if (!(arguments.length < 2)) { if (null != t && "function" !== typeof t) throw new Error("invalid callback: " + t); for (; ++i < a; ) if ((n = (e = o[i]).type)) r[n] = v(r[n], e.name, t); else if (null == t) for (n in r) r[n] = v(r[n], e.name, null); return this; } for (; ++i < a; ) if ((n = (e = o[i]).type) && (n = g(r[n], e.name))) return n; } }, copy: function () { var e = {}, t = this._; for (var n in t) e[n] = t[n].slice(); return new m(e); }, call: function (e, t) { if ((n = arguments.length - 2) > 0) for (var n, r, o = new Array(n), i = 0; i < n; ++i) o[i] = arguments[i + 2]; if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + e); for (r = this._[e], i = 0, n = r.length; i < n; ++i) r[i].value.apply(t, o); }, apply: function (e, t, n) { if (!this._.hasOwnProperty(e)) throw new Error("unknown type: " + e); for (var r = this._[e], o = 0, i = r.length; o < i; ++o) r[o].value.apply(t, n); }, }; var xs = h, Cs = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", ws = { svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg", xhtml: Cs, xlink: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", xml: "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", xmlns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/" }, ks = function (e) { var t = (e += ""), n = t.indexOf(":"); return n >= 0 && "xmlns" !== (t = e.slice(0, n)) && (e = e.slice(n + 1)), ws.hasOwnProperty(t) ? { space: ws[t], local: e } : e; }, Es = function (e) { var t = ks(e); return (t.local ? A : b)(t); }, Bs = function (e) { return null == e ? x : function () { return this.querySelector(e); }; }, Ss = function (e) { "function" !== typeof e && (e = Bs(e)); for (var t = this._groups, n = t.length, r = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; ++o) for (var i, a, l = t[o], u = l.length, s = (r[o] = new Array(u)), c = 0; c < u; ++c) (i = l[c]) && (a = e.call(i, i.__data__, c, l)) && ("__data__" in i && (a.__data__ = i.__data__), (s[c] = a)); return new me(r, this._parents); }, _s = function (e) { return null == e ? C : function () { return this.querySelectorAll(e); }; }, Ps = function (e) { "function" !== typeof e && (e = _s(e)); for (var t = this._groups, n = t.length, r = [], o = [], i = 0; i < n; ++i) for (var a, l = t[i], u = l.length, s = 0; s < u; ++s) (a = l[s]) && (r.push(e.call(a, a.__data__, s, l)), o.push(a)); return new me(r, o); }, Os = function (e) { return function () { return this.matches(e); }; }; if ("undefined" !== typeof document) { var Ms = document.documentElement; if (!Ms.matches) { var Ts = Ms.webkitMatchesSelector || Ms.msMatchesSelector || Ms.mozMatchesSelector || Ms.oMatchesSelector; Os = function (e) { return function () { return Ts.call(this, e); }; }; } } var Ns = Os, Fs = function (e) { "function" !== typeof e && (e = Ns(e)); for (var t = this._groups, n = t.length, r = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; ++o) for (var i, a = t[o], l = a.length, u = (r[o] = []), s = 0; s < l; ++s) (i = a[s]) && e.call(i, i.__data__, s, a) && u.push(i); return new me(r, this._parents); }, Ds = function (e) { return new Array(e.length); }, js = function () { return new me(this._enter || this._groups.map(Ds), this._parents); }; w.prototype = { constructor: w, appendChild: function (e) { return this._parent.insertBefore(e, this._next); }, insertBefore: function (e, t) { return this._parent.insertBefore(e, t); }, querySelector: function (e) { return this._parent.querySelector(e); }, querySelectorAll: function (e) { return this._parent.querySelectorAll(e); }, }; var Rs = function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }, zs = "$", Is = function (e, t) { if (!e) return ( (d = new Array(this.size())), (s = -1), this.each(function (e) { d[++s] = e; }), d ); var n = t ? E : k, r = this._parents, o = this._groups; "function" !== typeof e && (e = Rs(e)); for (var i = o.length, a = new Array(i), l = new Array(i), u = new Array(i), s = 0; s < i; ++s) { var c = r[s], f = o[s], p = f.length, d = e.call(c, c && c.__data__, s, r), h = d.length, m = (l[s] = new Array(h)), y = (a[s] = new Array(h)); n(c, f, m, y, (u[s] = new Array(p)), d, t); for (var g, v, b = 0, A = 0; b < h; ++b) if ((g = m[b])) { for (b >= A && (A = b + 1); !(v = y[A]) && ++A < h; ); g._next = v || null; } } return (a = new me(a, r)), (a._enter = l), (a._exit = u), a; }, Ws = function () { return new me(this._exit || this._groups.map(Ds), this._parents); }, Us = function (e) { for (var t = this._groups, n = e._groups, r = t.length, o = n.length, i = Math.min(r, o), a = new Array(r), l = 0; l < i; ++l) for (var u, s = t[l], c = n[l], f = s.length, p = (a[l] = new Array(f)), d = 0; d < f; ++d) (u = s[d] || c[d]) && (p[d] = u); for (; l < r; ++l) a[l] = t[l]; return new me(a, this._parents); }, Ls = function () { for (var e = this._groups, t = -1, n = e.length; ++t < n; ) for (var r, o = e[t], i = o.length - 1, a = o[i]; --i >= 0; ) (r = o[i]) && (a && a !== r.nextSibling && a.parentNode.insertBefore(r, a), (a = r)); return this; }, Gs = function (e) { function t(t, n) { return t && n ? e(t.__data__, n.__data__) : !t - !n; } e || (e = B); for (var n = this._groups, r = n.length, o = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; ++i) { for (var a, l = n[i], u = l.length, s = (o[i] = new Array(u)), c = 0; c < u; ++c) (a = l[c]) && (s[c] = a); s.sort(t); } return new me(o, this._parents).order(); }, Vs = function () { var e = arguments[0]; return (arguments[0] = this), e.apply(null, arguments), this; }, qs = function () { var e = new Array(this.size()), t = -1; return ( this.each(function () { e[++t] = this; }), e ); }, Hs = function () { for (var e = this._groups, t = 0, n = e.length; t < n; ++t) for (var r = e[t], o = 0, i = r.length; o < i; ++o) { var a = r[o]; if (a) return a; } return null; }, Ys = function () { var e = 0; return ( this.each(function () { ++e; }), e ); }, Ks = function () { return !this.node(); }, Xs = function (e) { for (var t = this._groups, n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; ++n) for (var o, i = t[n], a = 0, l = i.length; a < l; ++a) (o = i[a]) && e.call(o, o.__data__, a, i); return this; }, Qs = function (e, t) { var n = ks(e); if (arguments.length < 2) { var r = this.node(); return n.local ? r.getAttributeNS(n.space, n.local) : r.getAttribute(n); } return this.each((null == t ? (n.local ? _ : S) : "function" === typeof t ? (n.local ? T : M) : n.local ? O : P)(n, t)); }, Zs = function (e) { return (e.ownerDocument && e.ownerDocument.defaultView) || (e.document && e) || e.defaultView; }, Js = function (e, t, n) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((null == t ? N : "function" === typeof t ? D : F)(e, t, null == n ? "" : n)) : j(this.node(), e); }, $s = function (e, t) { return arguments.length > 1 ? this.each((null == t ? R : "function" === typeof t ? I : z)(e, t)) : this.node()[e]; }; L.prototype = { add: function (e) { this._names.indexOf(e) < 0 && (this._names.push(e), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "))); }, remove: function (e) { var t = this._names.indexOf(e); t >= 0 && (this._names.splice(t, 1), this._node.setAttribute("class", this._names.join(" "))); }, contains: function (e) { return this._names.indexOf(e) >= 0; }, }; var ec = function (e, t) { var n = W(e + ""); if (arguments.length < 2) { for (var r = U(this.node()), o = -1, i = n.length; ++o < i; ) if (!r.contains(n[o])) return !1; return !0; } return this.each(("function" === typeof t ? Y : t ? q : H)(n, t)); }, tc = function (e) { return arguments.length ? this.each(null == e ? K : ("function" === typeof e ? Q : X)(e)) : this.node().textContent; }, nc = function (e) { return arguments.length ? this.each(null == e ? Z : ("function" === typeof e ? $ : J)(e)) : this.node().innerHTML; }, rc = function () { return this.each(ee); }, oc = function () { return this.each(te); }, ic = function (e) { var t = "function" === typeof e ? e : Es(e); return this.select(function () { return this.appendChild(t.apply(this, arguments)); }); }, ac = function (e, t) { var n = "function" === typeof e ? e : Es(e), r = null == t ? ne : "function" === typeof t ? t : Bs(t); return this.select(function () { return this.insertBefore(n.apply(this, arguments), r.apply(this, arguments) || null); }); }, lc = function () { return this.each(re); }, uc = function (e) { return this.select(e ? ie : oe); }, sc = function (e) { return arguments.length ? this.property("__data__", e) : this.node().__data__; }, cc = {}, fc = null; if ("undefined" !== typeof document) { "onmouseenter" in document.documentElement || (cc = { mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout" }); } var pc = function (e, t, n) { var r, o, i = ue(e + ""), a = i.length; { if (!(arguments.length < 2)) { for (l = t ? ce : se, null == n && (n = !1), r = 0; r < a; ++r) this.each(l(i[r], t, n)); return this; } var l = this.node().__on; if (l) for (var u, s = 0, c = l.length; s < c; ++s) for (r = 0, u = l[s]; r < a; ++r) if ((o = i[r]).type === u.type && o.name === u.name) return u.value; } }, dc = function (e, t) { return this.each(("function" === typeof t ? he : de)(e, t)); }, hc = [null]; me.prototype = ye.prototype = { constructor: me, select: Ss, selectAll: Ps, filter: Fs, data: Is, enter: js, exit: Ws, merge: Us, order: Ls, sort: Gs, call: Vs, nodes: qs, node: Hs, size: Ys, empty: Ks, each: Xs, attr: Qs, style: Js, property: $s, classed: ec, text: tc, html: nc, raise: rc, lower: oc, append: ic, insert: ac, remove: lc, clone: uc, datum: sc, on: pc, dispatch: dc, }; var mc = ye, yc = function (e) { return "string" === typeof e ? new me([[document.querySelector(e)]], [document.documentElement]) : new me([[e]], hc); }, gc = 0; ve.prototype = ge.prototype = { constructor: ve, get: function (e) { for (var t = this._; !(t in e); ) if (!(e = e.parentNode)) return; return e[t]; }, set: function (e, t) { return (e[this._] = t); }, remove: function (e) { return this._ in e && delete e[this._]; }, toString: function () { return this._; }, }; var vc = function () { for (var e, t = fc; (e = t.sourceEvent); ) t = e; return t; }, bc = function (e, t) { var n = e.ownerSVGElement || e; if (n.createSVGPoint) { var r = n.createSVGPoint(); return (r.x = t.clientX), (r.y = t.clientY), (r = r.matrixTransform(e.getScreenCTM().inverse())), [r.x, r.y]; } var o = e.getBoundingClientRect(); return [t.clientX - o.left - e.clientLeft, t.clientY - o.top - e.clientTop]; }, Ac = function (e) { var t = vc(); return t.changedTouches && (t = t.changedTouches[0]), bc(e, t); }, xc = function (e, t, n) { arguments.length < 3 && ((n = t), (t = vc().changedTouches)); for (var r, o = 0, i = t ? t.length : 0; o < i; ++o) if ((r = t[o]).identifier === n) return bc(e, r); return null; }, Cc = function () { fc.preventDefault(), fc.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, wc = function (e) { var t = e.document.documentElement, n = yc(e).on("dragstart.drag", Cc, !0); "onselectstart" in t ? n.on("selectstart.drag", Cc, !0) : ((t.__noselect = t.style.MozUserSelect), (t.style.MozUserSelect = "none")); }; Ae.prototype.on = function () { var e = this._.on.apply(this._, arguments); return e === this._ ? this : e; }; var kc = function (e, t, n) { (e.prototype = t.prototype = n), (n.constructor = e); }, Ec = "\\s*([+-]?\\d+)\\s*", Bc = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)\\s*", Sc = "\\s*([+-]?\\d*\\.?\\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\\d+)?)%\\s*", _c = /^#([0-9a-f]{3})$/, Pc = /^#([0-9a-f]{6})$/, Oc = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [Ec, Ec, Ec] + "\\)$"), Mc = new RegExp("^rgb\\(" + [Sc, Sc, Sc] + "\\)$"), Tc = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [Ec, Ec, Ec, Bc] + "\\)$"), Nc = new RegExp("^rgba\\(" + [Sc, Sc, Sc, Bc] + "\\)$"), Fc = new RegExp("^hsl\\(" + [Bc, Sc, Sc] + "\\)$"), Dc = new RegExp("^hsla\\(" + [Bc, Sc, Sc, Bc] + "\\)$"), jc = { aliceblue: 15792383, antiquewhite: 16444375, aqua: 65535, aquamarine: 8388564, azure: 15794175, beige: 16119260, bisque: 16770244, black: 0, blanchedalmond: 16772045, blue: 255, blueviolet: 9055202, brown: 10824234, burlywood: 14596231, cadetblue: 6266528, chartreuse: 8388352, chocolate: 13789470, coral: 16744272, cornflowerblue: 6591981, cornsilk: 16775388, crimson: 14423100, cyan: 65535, darkblue: 139, darkcyan: 35723, darkgoldenrod: 12092939, darkgray: 11119017, darkgreen: 25600, darkgrey: 11119017, darkkhaki: 12433259, darkmagenta: 9109643, darkolivegreen: 5597999, darkorange: 16747520, darkorchid: 10040012, darkred: 9109504, darksalmon: 15308410, darkseagreen: 9419919, darkslateblue: 4734347, darkslategray: 3100495, darkslategrey: 3100495, darkturquoise: 52945, darkviolet: 9699539, deeppink: 16716947, deepskyblue: 49151, dimgray: 6908265, dimgrey: 6908265, dodgerblue: 2003199, firebrick: 11674146, floralwhite: 16775920, forestgreen: 2263842, fuchsia: 16711935, gainsboro: 14474460, ghostwhite: 16316671, gold: 16766720, goldenrod: 14329120, gray: 8421504, green: 32768, greenyellow: 11403055, grey: 8421504, honeydew: 15794160, hotpink: 16738740, indianred: 13458524, indigo: 4915330, ivory: 16777200, khaki: 15787660, lavender: 15132410, lavenderblush: 16773365, lawngreen: 8190976, lemonchiffon: 16775885, lightblue: 11393254, lightcoral: 15761536, lightcyan: 14745599, lightgoldenrodyellow: 16448210, lightgray: 13882323, lightgreen: 9498256, lightgrey: 13882323, lightpink: 16758465, lightsalmon: 16752762, lightseagreen: 2142890, lightskyblue: 8900346, lightslategray: 7833753, lightslategrey: 7833753, lightsteelblue: 11584734, lightyellow: 16777184, lime: 65280, limegreen: 3329330, linen: 16445670, magenta: 16711935, maroon: 8388608, mediumaquamarine: 6737322, mediumblue: 205, mediumorchid: 12211667, mediumpurple: 9662683, mediumseagreen: 3978097, mediumslateblue: 8087790, mediumspringgreen: 64154, mediumturquoise: 4772300, mediumvioletred: 13047173, midnightblue: 1644912, mintcream: 16121850, mistyrose: 16770273, moccasin: 16770229, navajowhite: 16768685, navy: 128, oldlace: 16643558, olive: 8421376, olivedrab: 7048739, orange: 16753920, orangered: 16729344, orchid: 14315734, palegoldenrod: 15657130, palegreen: 10025880, paleturquoise: 11529966, palevioletred: 14381203, papayawhip: 16773077, peachpuff: 16767673, peru: 13468991, pink: 16761035, plum: 14524637, powderblue: 11591910, purple: 8388736, rebeccapurple: 6697881, red: 16711680, rosybrown: 12357519, royalblue: 4286945, saddlebrown: 9127187, salmon: 16416882, sandybrown: 16032864, seagreen: 3050327, seashell: 16774638, sienna: 10506797, silver: 12632256, skyblue: 8900331, slateblue: 6970061, slategray: 7372944, slategrey: 7372944, snow: 16775930, springgreen: 65407, steelblue: 4620980, tan: 13808780, teal: 32896, thistle: 14204888, tomato: 16737095, turquoise: 4251856, violet: 15631086, wheat: 16113331, white: 16777215, whitesmoke: 16119285, yellow: 16776960, yellowgreen: 10145074, }; kc(Ce, we, { displayable: function () { return this.rgb().displayable(); }, toString: function () { return this.rgb() + ""; }, }), kc( _e, Se, xe(Ce, { brighter: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 1 / 0.7 : Math.pow(1 / 0.7, e)), new _e(this.r * e, this.g * e, this.b * e, this.opacity); }, darker: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 0.7 : Math.pow(0.7, e)), new _e(this.r * e, this.g * e, this.b * e, this.opacity); }, rgb: function () { return this; }, displayable: function () { return 0 <= this.r && this.r <= 255 && 0 <= this.g && this.g <= 255 && 0 <= this.b && this.b <= 255 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1; }, toString: function () { var e = this.opacity; return ( (e = isNaN(e) ? 1 : Math.max(0, Math.min(1, e))), (1 === e ? "rgb(" : "rgba(") + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.r) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.g) || 0)) + ", " + Math.max(0, Math.min(255, Math.round(this.b) || 0)) + (1 === e ? ")" : ", " + e + ")") ); }, }) ), kc( Te, Me, xe(Ce, { brighter: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 1 / 0.7 : Math.pow(1 / 0.7, e)), new Te(this.h, this.s, this.l * e, this.opacity); }, darker: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 0.7 : Math.pow(0.7, e)), new Te(this.h, this.s, this.l * e, this.opacity); }, rgb: function () { var e = (this.h % 360) + 360 * (this.h < 0), t = isNaN(e) || isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s, n = this.l, r = n + (n < 0.5 ? n : 1 - n) * t, o = 2 * n - r; return new _e(Ne(e >= 240 ? e - 240 : e + 120, o, r), Ne(e, o, r), Ne(e < 120 ? e + 240 : e - 120, o, r), this.opacity); }, displayable: function () { return ((0 <= this.s && this.s <= 1) || isNaN(this.s)) && 0 <= this.l && this.l <= 1 && 0 <= this.opacity && this.opacity <= 1; }, }) ); var Rc = Math.PI / 180, zc = 180 / Math.PI, Ic = 0.95047, Wc = 1, Uc = 1.08883, Lc = 4 / 29, Gc = 6 / 29, Vc = 3 * Gc * Gc, qc = Gc * Gc * Gc; kc( je, De, xe(Ce, { brighter: function (e) { return new je(this.l + 18 * (null == e ? 1 : e), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); }, darker: function (e) { return new je(this.l - 18 * (null == e ? 1 : e), this.a, this.b, this.opacity); }, rgb: function () { var e = (this.l + 16) / 116, t = isNaN(this.a) ? e : e + this.a / 500, n = isNaN(this.b) ? e : e - this.b / 200; return ( (e = Wc * ze(e)), (t = Ic * ze(t)), (n = Uc * ze(n)), new _e(Ie(3.2404542 * t - 1.5371385 * e - 0.4985314 * n), Ie(-0.969266 * t + 1.8760108 * e + 0.041556 * n), Ie(0.0556434 * t - 0.2040259 * e + 1.0572252 * n), this.opacity) ); }, }) ), kc( Ge, Le, xe(Ce, { brighter: function (e) { return new Ge(this.h, this.c, this.l + 18 * (null == e ? 1 : e), this.opacity); }, darker: function (e) { return new Ge(this.h, this.c, this.l - 18 * (null == e ? 1 : e), this.opacity); }, rgb: function () { return Fe(this).rgb(); }, }) ); var Hc = -0.29227, Yc = -0.90649, Kc = 1.97294, Xc = Kc * Yc, Qc = 1.78277 * Kc, Zc = 1.78277 * Hc - -0.14861 * Yc; kc( He, qe, xe(Ce, { brighter: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 1 / 0.7 : Math.pow(1 / 0.7, e)), new He(this.h, this.s, this.l * e, this.opacity); }, darker: function (e) { return (e = null == e ? 0.7 : Math.pow(0.7, e)), new He(this.h, this.s, this.l * e, this.opacity); }, rgb: function () { var e = isNaN(this.h) ? 0 : (this.h + 120) * Rc, t = +this.l, n = isNaN(this.s) ? 0 : this.s * t * (1 - t), r = Math.cos(e), o = Math.sin(e); return new _e(255 * (t + n * (-0.14861 * r + 1.78277 * o)), 255 * (t + n * (Hc * r + Yc * o)), 255 * (t + n * (Kc * r)), this.opacity); }, }) ); var Jc, $c, ef, tf, nf, rf, of = function (e) { var t = e.length - 1; return function (n) { var r = n <= 0 ? (n = 0) : n >= 1 ? ((n = 1), t - 1) : Math.floor(n * t), o = e[r], i = e[r + 1], a = r > 0 ? e[r - 1] : 2 * o - i, l = r < t - 1 ? e[r + 2] : 2 * i - o; return Ye((n - r / t) * t, a, o, i, l); }; }, af = function (e) { var t = e.length; return function (n) { var r = Math.floor(((n %= 1) < 0 ? ++n : n) * t), o = e[(r + t - 1) % t], i = e[r % t], a = e[(r + 1) % t], l = e[(r + 2) % t]; return Ye((n - r / t) * t, o, i, a, l); }; }, lf = function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }, uf = (function e(t) { function n(e, t) { var n = r((e = Se(e)).r, (t = Se(t)).r), o = r(e.g, t.g), i = r(e.b, t.b), a = Je(e.opacity, t.opacity); return function (t) { return (e.r = n(t)), (e.g = o(t)), (e.b = i(t)), (e.opacity = a(t)), e + ""; }; } var r = Ze(t); return (n.gamma = e), n; })(1), sf = ($e(of), $e(af), function (e, t) { var n, r = t ? t.length : 0, o = e ? Math.min(r, e.length) : 0, i = new Array(o), a = new Array(r); for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) i[n] = yf(e[n], t[n]); for (; n < r; ++n) a[n] = t[n]; return function (e) { for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) a[n] = i[n](e); return a; }; }), cf = function (e, t) { var n = new Date(); return ( (e = +e), (t -= e), function (r) { return n.setTime(e + t * r), n; } ); }, ff = function (e, t) { return ( (e = +e), (t -= e), function (n) { return e + t * n; } ); }, pf = function (e, t) { var n, r = {}, o = {}; (null !== e && "object" === typeof e) || (e = {}), (null !== t && "object" === typeof t) || (t = {}); for (n in t) n in e ? (r[n] = yf(e[n], t[n])) : (o[n] = t[n]); return function (e) { for (n in r) o[n] = r[n](e); return o; }; }, df = /[-+]?(?:\d+\.?\d*|\.?\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\d+)?/g, hf = new RegExp(df.source, "g"), mf = function (e, t) { var n, r, o, i = (df.lastIndex = hf.lastIndex = 0), a = -1, l = [], u = []; for (e += "", t += ""; (n = df.exec(e)) && (r = hf.exec(t)); ) (o = r.index) > i && ((o = t.slice(i, o)), l[a] ? (l[a] += o) : (l[++a] = o)), (n = n[0]) === (r = r[0]) ? (l[a] ? (l[a] += r) : (l[++a] = r)) : ((l[++a] = null), u.push({ i: a, x: ff(n, r) })), (i = hf.lastIndex); return ( i < t.length && ((o = t.slice(i)), l[a] ? (l[a] += o) : (l[++a] = o)), l.length < 2 ? u[0] ? tt(u[0].x) : et(t) : ((t = u.length), function (e) { for (var n, r = 0; r < t; ++r) l[(n = u[r]).i] = n.x(e); return l.join(""); }) ); }, yf = function (e, t) { var n, r = typeof t; return null == t || "boolean" === r ? lf(t) : ("number" === r ? ff : "string" === r ? (n = we(t)) ? ((t = n), uf) : mf : t instanceof we ? uf : t instanceof Date ? cf : Array.isArray(t) ? sf : ("function" !== typeof t.valueOf && "function" !== typeof t.toString) || isNaN(t) ? pf : ff)(e, t); }, gf = function (e, t) { return ( (e = +e), (t -= e), function (n) { return Math.round(e + t * n); } ); }, vf = 180 / Math.PI, bf = { translateX: 0, translateY: 0, rotate: 0, skewX: 0, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1 }, Af = function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a, l, u; return ( (a = Math.sqrt(e * e + t * t)) && ((e /= a), (t /= a)), (u = e * n + t * r) && ((n -= e * u), (r -= t * u)), (l = Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r)) && ((n /= l), (r /= l), (u /= l)), e * r < t * n && ((e = -e), (t = -t), (u = -u), (a = -a)), { translateX: o, translateY: i, rotate: Math.atan2(t, e) * vf, skewX: Math.atan(u) * vf, scaleX: a, scaleY: l } ); }, xf = ot(nt, "px, ", "px)", "deg)"), Cf = ot(rt, ", ", ")", ")"), wf = Math.SQRT2, kf = function (e, t) { var n, r, o = e[0], i = e[1], a = e[2], l = t[0], u = t[1], s = t[2], c = l - o, f = u - i, p = c * c + f * f; if (p < 1e-12) (r = Math.log(s / a) / wf), (n = function (e) { return [o + e * c, i + e * f, a * Math.exp(wf * e * r)]; }); else { var d = Math.sqrt(p), h = (s * s - a * a + 4 * p) / (2 * a * 2 * d), m = (s * s - a * a - 4 * p) / (2 * s * 2 * d), y = Math.log(Math.sqrt(h * h + 1) - h), g = Math.log(Math.sqrt(m * m + 1) - m); (r = (g - y) / wf), (n = function (e) { var t = e * r, n = it(y), l = (a / (2 * d)) * (n * lt(wf * t + y) - at(y)); return [o + l * c, i + l * f, (a * n) / it(wf * t + y)]; }); } return (n.duration = 1e3 * r), n; }, Ef = (ut(Qe), ut(Je), st(Qe), st(Je), ct(Qe), ct(Je)), Bf = 0, Sf = 0, _f = 0, Pf = 1e3, Of = 0, Mf = 0, Tf = 0, Nf = "object" === typeof performance && performance.now ? performance : Date, Ff = "object" === typeof window && window.requestAnimationFrame ? window.requestAnimationFrame.bind(window) : function (e) { setTimeout(e, 17); }; dt.prototype = ht.prototype = { constructor: dt, restart: function (e, t, n) { if ("function" !== typeof e) throw new TypeError("callback is not a function"); (n = (null == n ? ft() : +n) + (null == t ? 0 : +t)), this._next || rf === this || (rf ? (rf._next = this) : (nf = this), (rf = this)), (this._call = e), (this._time = n), bt(); }, stop: function () { this._call && ((this._call = null), (this._time = 1 / 0), bt()); }, }; var Df = function (e, t, n) { var r = new dt(); return ( (t = null == t ? 0 : +t), r.restart( function (n) { r.stop(), e(n + t); }, t, n ), r ); }, jf = xs("start", "end", "interrupt"), Rf = [], zf = 0, If = 1, Wf = 2, Uf = 3, Lf = 4, Gf = 5, Vf = 6, qf = function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = e.__transition; if (a) { if (n in a) return; } else e.__transition = {}; wt(e, n, { name: t, index: r, group: o, on: jf, tween: Rf, time: i.time, delay: i.delay, duration: i.duration, ease: i.ease, timer: null, state: zf }); }, Hf = function (e, t) { var n, r, o, i = e.__transition, a = !0; if (i) { t = null == t ? null : t + ""; for (o in i) (n = i[o]).name === t ? ((r = n.state > Wf && n.state < Gf), (n.state = Vf), n.timer.stop(), r && n.on.call("interrupt", e, e.__data__, n.index, n.group), delete i[o]) : (a = !1); a && delete e.__transition; } }, Yf = function (e) { return this.each(function () { Hf(this, e); }); }, Kf = function (e, t) { var n = this._id; if (((e += ""), arguments.length < 2)) { for (var r, o = Ct(this.node(), n).tween, i = 0, a = o.length; i < a; ++i) if ((r = o[i]).name === e) return r.value; return null; } return this.each((null == t ? kt : Et)(n, e, t)); }, Xf = function (e, t) { var n; return ("number" === typeof t ? ff : t instanceof we ? uf : (n = we(t)) ? ((t = n), uf) : mf)(e, t); }, Qf = function (e, t) { var n = ks(e), r = "transform" === n ? Cf : Xf; return this.attrTween(e, "function" === typeof t ? (n.local ? Tt : Mt)(n, r, Bt(this, "attr." + e, t)) : null == t ? (n.local ? _t : St)(n) : (n.local ? Ot : Pt)(n, r, t + "")); }, Zf = function (e, t) { var n = "attr." + e; if (arguments.length < 2) return (n = this.tween(n)) && n._value; if (null == t) return this.tween(n, null); if ("function" !== typeof t) throw new Error(); var r = ks(e); return this.tween(n, (r.local ? Nt : Ft)(r, t)); }, Jf = function (e) { var t = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each(("function" === typeof e ? Dt : jt)(t, e)) : Ct(this.node(), t).delay; }, $f = function (e) { var t = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each(("function" === typeof e ? Rt : zt)(t, e)) : Ct(this.node(), t).duration; }, ep = function (e) { var t = this._id; return arguments.length ? this.each(It(t, e)) : Ct(this.node(), t).ease; }, tp = function (e) { "function" !== typeof e && (e = Ns(e)); for (var t = this._groups, n = t.length, r = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; ++o) for (var i, a = t[o], l = a.length, u = (r[o] = []), s = 0; s < l; ++s) (i = a[s]) && e.call(i, i.__data__, s, a) && u.push(i); return new Qt(r, this._parents, this._name, this._id); }, np = function (e) { if (e._id !== this._id) throw new Error(); for (var t = this._groups, n = e._groups, r = t.length, o = n.length, i = Math.min(r, o), a = new Array(r), l = 0; l < i; ++l) for (var u, s = t[l], c = n[l], f = s.length, p = (a[l] = new Array(f)), d = 0; d < f; ++d) (u = s[d] || c[d]) && (p[d] = u); for (; l < r; ++l) a[l] = t[l]; return new Qt(a, this._parents, this._name, this._id); }, rp = function (e, t) { var n = this._id; return arguments.length < 2 ? Ct(this.node(), n).on.on(e) : this.each(Ut(n, e, t)); }, op = function () { return this.on("end.remove", Lt(this._id)); }, ip = function (e) { var t = this._name, n = this._id; "function" !== typeof e && (e = Bs(e)); for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, i = new Array(o), a = 0; a < o; ++a) for (var l, u, s = r[a], c = s.length, f = (i[a] = new Array(c)), p = 0; p < c; ++p) (l = s[p]) && (u = e.call(l, l.__data__, p, s)) && ("__data__" in l && (u.__data__ = l.__data__), (f[p] = u), qf(f[p], t, n, p, f, Ct(l, n))); return new Qt(i, this._parents, t, n); }, ap = function (e) { var t = this._name, n = this._id; "function" !== typeof e && (e = _s(e)); for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, i = [], a = [], l = 0; l < o; ++l) for (var u, s = r[l], c = s.length, f = 0; f < c; ++f) if ((u = s[f])) { for (var p, d = e.call(u, u.__data__, f, s), h = Ct(u, n), m = 0, y = d.length; m < y; ++m) (p = d[m]) && qf(p, t, n, m, d, h); i.push(d), a.push(u); } return new Qt(i, a, t, n); }, lp = mc.prototype.constructor, up = function () { return new lp(this._groups, this._parents); }, sp = function (e, t, n) { var r = "transform" === (e += "") ? xf : Xf; return null == t ? this.styleTween(e, Gt(e, r)).on("end.style." + e, Vt(e)) : this.styleTween(e, "function" === typeof t ? Ht(e, r, Bt(this, "style." + e, t)) : qt(e, r, t + ""), n); }, cp = function (e, t, n) { var r = "style." + (e += ""); if (arguments.length < 2) return (r = this.tween(r)) && r._value; if (null == t) return this.tween(r, null); if ("function" !== typeof t) throw new Error(); return this.tween(r, Yt(e, t, null == n ? "" : n)); }, fp = function (e) { return this.tween("text", "function" === typeof e ? Xt(Bt(this, "text", e)) : Kt(null == e ? "" : e + "")); }, pp = function () { for (var e = this._name, t = this._id, n = Jt(), r = this._groups, o = r.length, i = 0; i < o; ++i) for (var a, l = r[i], u = l.length, s = 0; s < u; ++s) if ((a = l[s])) { var c = Ct(a, t); qf(a, e, n, s, l, { time: c.time + c.delay + c.duration, delay: 0, duration: c.duration, ease: c.ease }); } return new Qt(r, this._parents, e, n); }, dp = 0, hp = mc.prototype; Qt.prototype = Zt.prototype = { constructor: Qt, select: ip, selectAll: ap, filter: tp, merge: np, selection: up, transition: pp, call: hp.call, nodes: hp.nodes, node: hp.node, size: hp.size, empty: hp.empty, each: hp.each, on: rp, attr: Qf, attrTween: Zf, style: sp, styleTween: cp, text: fp, remove: op, tween: Kf, delay: Jf, duration: $f, ease: ep, }; var mp = ((function e(t) { function n(e) { return Math.pow(e, t); } return (t = +t), (n.exponent = e), n; })(3), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return 1 - Math.pow(1 - e, t); } return (t = +t), (n.exponent = e), n; })(3), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return ((e *= 2) <= 1 ? Math.pow(e, t) : 2 - Math.pow(2 - e, t)) / 2; } return (t = +t), (n.exponent = e), n; })(3), Math.PI, (function e(t) { function n(e) { return e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t); } return (t = +t), (n.overshoot = e), n; })(1.70158), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return --e * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 1; } return (t = +t), (n.overshoot = e), n; })(1.70158), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return ((e *= 2) < 1 ? e * e * ((t + 1) * e - t) : (e -= 2) * e * ((t + 1) * e + t) + 2) / 2; } return (t = +t), (n.overshoot = e), n; })(1.70158), 2 * Math.PI), yp = ((function e(t, n) { function r(e) { return t * Math.pow(2, 10 * --e) * Math.sin((o - e) / n); } var o = Math.asin(1 / (t = Math.max(1, t))) * (n /= mp); return ( (r.amplitude = function (t) { return e(t, n * mp); }), (r.period = function (n) { return e(t, n); }), r ); })(1, 0.3), (function e(t, n) { function r(e) { return 1 - t * Math.pow(2, -10 * (e = +e)) * Math.sin((e + o) / n); } var o = Math.asin(1 / (t = Math.max(1, t))) * (n /= mp); return ( (r.amplitude = function (t) { return e(t, n * mp); }), (r.period = function (n) { return e(t, n); }), r ); })(1, 0.3), (function e(t, n) { function r(e) { return ((e = 2 * e - 1) < 0 ? t * Math.pow(2, 10 * e) * Math.sin((o - e) / n) : 2 - t * Math.pow(2, -10 * e) * Math.sin((o + e) / n)) / 2; } var o = Math.asin(1 / (t = Math.max(1, t))) * (n /= mp); return ( (r.amplitude = function (t) { return e(t, n * mp); }), (r.period = function (n) { return e(t, n); }), r ); })(1, 0.3), { time: null, delay: 0, duration: 250, ease: $t }), gp = function (e) { var t, n; e instanceof Qt ? ((t = e._id), (e = e._name)) : ((t = Jt()), ((n = yp).time = ft()), (e = null == e ? null : e + "")); for (var r = this._groups, o = r.length, i = 0; i < o; ++i) for (var a, l = r[i], u = l.length, s = 0; s < u; ++s) (a = l[s]) && qf(a, e, t, s, l, n || en(a, t)); return new Qt(r, this._parents, e, t); }; (mc.prototype.interrupt = Yf), (mc.prototype.transition = gp); var vp = (["e", "w"].map(tn), ["n", "s"].map(tn), ["n", "e", "s", "w", "nw", "ne", "se", "sw"].map(tn), Math.cos, Math.sin, Math.PI, Math.max, Array.prototype.slice, Math.PI), bp = 2 * vp, Ap = bp - 1e-6; nn.prototype = rn.prototype = { constructor: nn, moveTo: function (e, t) { this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t); }, closePath: function () { null !== this._x1 && ((this._x1 = this._x0), (this._y1 = this._y0), (this._ += "Z")); }, lineTo: function (e, t) { this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y1 = +t); }, quadraticCurveTo: function (e, t, n, r) { this._ += "Q" + +e + "," + +t + "," + (this._x1 = +n) + "," + (this._y1 = +r); }, bezierCurveTo: function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { this._ += "C" + +e + "," + +t + "," + +n + "," + +r + "," + (this._x1 = +o) + "," + (this._y1 = +i); }, arcTo: function (e, t, n, r, o) { (e = +e), (t = +t), (n = +n), (r = +r), (o = +o); var i = this._x1, a = this._y1, l = n - e, u = r - t, s = i - e, c = a - t, f = s * s + c * c; if (o < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + o); if (null === this._x1) this._ += "M" + (this._x1 = e) + "," + (this._y1 = t); else if (f > 1e-6) if (Math.abs(c * l - u * s) > 1e-6 && o) { var p = n - i, d = r - a, h = l * l + u * u, m = p * p + d * d, y = Math.sqrt(h), g = Math.sqrt(f), v = o * Math.tan((vp - Math.acos((h + f - m) / (2 * y * g))) / 2), b = v / g, A = v / y; Math.abs(b - 1) > 1e-6 && (this._ += "L" + (e + b * s) + "," + (t + b * c)), (this._ += "A" + o + "," + o + ",0,0," + +(c * p > s * d) + "," + (this._x1 = e + A * l) + "," + (this._y1 = t + A * u)); } else this._ += "L" + (this._x1 = e) + "," + (this._y1 = t); else; }, arc: function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { (e = +e), (t = +t), (n = +n); var a = n * Math.cos(r), l = n * Math.sin(r), u = e + a, s = t + l, c = 1 ^ i, f = i ? r - o : o - r; if (n < 0) throw new Error("negative radius: " + n); null === this._x1 ? (this._ += "M" + u + "," + s) : (Math.abs(this._x1 - u) > 1e-6 || Math.abs(this._y1 - s) > 1e-6) && (this._ += "L" + u + "," + s), n && (f < 0 && (f = (f % bp) + bp), f > Ap ? (this._ += "A" + n + "," + n + ",0,1," + c + "," + (e - a) + "," + (t - l) + "A" + n + "," + n + ",0,1," + c + "," + (this._x1 = u) + "," + (this._y1 = s)) : f > 1e-6 && (this._ += "A" + n + "," + n + ",0," + +(f >= vp) + "," + c + "," + (this._x1 = e + n * Math.cos(o)) + "," + (this._y1 = t + n * Math.sin(o)))); }, rect: function (e, t, n, r) { this._ += "M" + (this._x0 = this._x1 = +e) + "," + (this._y0 = this._y1 = +t) + "h" + +n + "v" + +r + "h" + -n + "Z"; }, toString: function () { return this._; }, }; var xp = rn; on.prototype = an.prototype = { constructor: on, has: function (e) { return "$" + e in this; }, get: function (e) { return this["$" + e]; }, set: function (e, t) { return (this["$" + e] = t), this; }, remove: function (e) { var t = "$" + e; return t in this && delete this[t]; }, clear: function () { for (var e in this) "$" === e[0] && delete this[e]; }, keys: function () { var e = []; for (var t in this) "$" === t[0] && e.push(t.slice(1)); return e; }, values: function () { var e = []; for (var t in this) "$" === t[0] && e.push(this[t]); return e; }, entries: function () { var e = []; for (var t in this) "$" === t[0] && e.push({ key: t.slice(1), value: this[t] }); return e; }, size: function () { var e = 0; for (var t in this) "$" === t[0] && ++e; return e; }, empty: function () { for (var e in this) if ("$" === e[0]) return !1; return !0; }, each: function (e) { for (var t in this) "$" === t[0] && e(this[t], t.slice(1), this); }, }; var Cp = an, wp = Cp.prototype; ln.prototype = un.prototype = { constructor: ln, has: wp.has, add: function (e) { return (e += ""), (this["$" + e] = e), this; }, remove: wp.remove, clear: wp.clear, values: wp.keys, size: wp.size, empty: wp.empty, each: wp.each, }; var kp = {}, Ep = {}, Bp = 34, Sp = 10, _p = 13, Pp = function (e) { function t(e, t) { var r, o, i = n(e, function (e, n) { if (r) return r(e, n - 1); (o = e), (r = t ? cn(e, t) : sn(e)); }); return (i.columns = o || []), i; } function n(e, t) { function n() { if (s) return Ep; if (c) return (c = !1), kp; var t, n, r = a; if (e.charCodeAt(r) === Bp) { for (; (a++ < i && e.charCodeAt(a) !== Bp) || e.charCodeAt(++a) === Bp; ); return (t = a) >= i ? (s = !0) : (n = e.charCodeAt(a++)) === Sp ? (c = !0) : n === _p && ((c = !0), e.charCodeAt(a) === Sp && ++a), e.slice(r + 1, t - 1).replace(/""/g, '"'); } for (; a < i; ) { if ((n = e.charCodeAt((t = a++))) === Sp) c = !0; else if (n === _p) (c = !0), e.charCodeAt(a) === Sp && ++a; else if (n !== u) continue; return e.slice(r, t); } return (s = !0), e.slice(r, i); } var r, o = [], i = e.length, a = 0, l = 0, s = i <= 0, c = !1; for (e.charCodeAt(i - 1) === Sp && --i, e.charCodeAt(i - 1) === _p && --i; (r = n()) !== Ep; ) { for (var f = []; r !== kp && r !== Ep; ) f.push(r), (r = n()); (t && null == (f = t(f, l++))) || o.push(f); } return o; } function r(t, n) { return ( null == n && (n = fn(t)), [n.map(a).join(e)] .concat( t.map(function (t) { return n .map(function (e) { return a(t[e]); }) .join(e); }) ) .join("\n") ); } function o(e) { return e.map(i).join("\n"); } function i(t) { return t.map(a).join(e); } function a(e) { return null == e ? "" : l.test((e += "")) ? '"' + e.replace(/"/g, '""') + '"' : e; } var l = new RegExp('["' + e + "\n\r]"), u = e.charCodeAt(0); return { parse: t, parseRows: n, format: r, formatRows: o }; }, Op = Pp(","), Mp = Op.parse, Tp = (Op.parseRows, Op.format, Op.formatRows, Pp("\t")), Np = Tp.parse, Fp = (Tp.parseRows, Tp.format, Tp.formatRows, function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }), Dp = function (e) { var t = +this._x.call(null, e), n = +this._y.call(null, e); return pn(this.cover(t, n), t, n, e); }, jp = function (e, t) { if (isNaN((e = +e)) || isNaN((t = +t))) return this; var n = this._x0, r = this._y0, o = this._x1, i = this._y1; if (isNaN(n)) (o = (n = Math.floor(e)) + 1), (i = (r = Math.floor(t)) + 1); else { if (!(n > e || e > o || r > t || t > i)) return this; var a, l, u = o - n, s = this._root; switch ((l = ((t < (r + i) / 2) << 1) | (e < (n + o) / 2))) { case 0: do { (a = new Array(4)), (a[l] = s), (s = a); } while (((u *= 2), (o = n + u), (i = r + u), e > o || t > i)); break; case 1: do { (a = new Array(4)), (a[l] = s), (s = a); } while (((u *= 2), (n = o - u), (i = r + u), n > e || t > i)); break; case 2: do { (a = new Array(4)), (a[l] = s), (s = a); } while (((u *= 2), (o = n + u), (r = i - u), e > o || r > t)); break; case 3: do { (a = new Array(4)), (a[l] = s), (s = a); } while (((u *= 2), (n = o - u), (r = i - u), n > e || r > t)); } this._root && this._root.length && (this._root = s); } return (this._x0 = n), (this._y0 = r), (this._x1 = o), (this._y1 = i), this; }, Rp = function () { var e = []; return ( this.visit(function (t) { if (!t.length) do { e.push(t.data); } while ((t = t.next)); }), e ); }, zp = function (e) { return arguments.length ? this.cover(+e[0][0], +e[0][1]).cover(+e[1][0], +e[1][1]) : isNaN(this._x0) ? void 0 : [ [this._x0, this._y0], [this._x1, this._y1], ]; }, Ip = function (e, t, n, r, o) { (this.node = e), (this.x0 = t), (this.y0 = n), (this.x1 = r), (this.y1 = o); }, Wp = function (e, t, n) { var r, o, i, a, l, u, s, c = this._x0, f = this._y0, p = this._x1, d = this._y1, h = [], m = this._root; for (m && h.push(new Ip(m, c, f, p, d)), null == n ? (n = 1 / 0) : ((c = e - n), (f = t - n), (p = e + n), (d = t + n), (n *= n)); (u = h.pop()); ) if (!(!(m = u.node) || (o = u.x0) > p || (i = u.y0) > d || (a = u.x1) < c || (l = u.y1) < f)) if (m.length) { var y = (o + a) / 2, g = (i + l) / 2; h.push(new Ip(m[3], y, g, a, l), new Ip(m[2], o, g, y, l), new Ip(m[1], y, i, a, g), new Ip(m[0], o, i, y, g)), (s = ((t >= g) << 1) | (e >= y)) && ((u = h[h.length - 1]), (h[h.length - 1] = h[h.length - 1 - s]), (h[h.length - 1 - s] = u)); } else { var v = e - +this._x.call(null, m.data), b = t - +this._y.call(null, m.data), A = v * v + b * b; if (A < n) { var x = Math.sqrt((n = A)); (c = e - x), (f = t - x), (p = e + x), (d = t + x), (r = m.data); } } return r; }, Up = function (e) { if (isNaN((i = +this._x.call(null, e))) || isNaN((a = +this._y.call(null, e)))) return this; var t, n, r, o, i, a, l, u, s, c, f, p, d = this._root, h = this._x0, m = this._y0, y = this._x1, g = this._y1; if (!d) return this; if (d.length) for (;;) { if (((s = i >= (l = (h + y) / 2)) ? (h = l) : (y = l), (c = a >= (u = (m + g) / 2)) ? (m = u) : (g = u), (t = d), !(d = d[(f = (c << 1) | s)]))) return this; if (!d.length) break; (t[(f + 1) & 3] || t[(f + 2) & 3] || t[(f + 3) & 3]) && ((n = t), (p = f)); } for (; d.data !== e; ) if (((r = d), !(d = d.next))) return this; return ( (o = d.next) && delete d.next, r ? (o ? (r.next = o) : delete r.next, this) : t ? (o ? (t[f] = o) : delete t[f], (d = t[0] || t[1] || t[2] || t[3]) && d === (t[3] || t[2] || t[1] || t[0]) && !d.length && (n ? (n[p] = d) : (this._root = d)), this) : ((this._root = o), this) ); }, Lp = function () { return this._root; }, Gp = function () { var e = 0; return ( this.visit(function (t) { if (!t.length) do { ++e; } while ((t = t.next)); }), e ); }, Vp = function (e) { var t, n, r, o, i, a, l = [], u = this._root; for (u && l.push(new Ip(u, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1)); (t = l.pop()); ) if (!e((u = t.node), (r = t.x0), (o = t.y0), (i = t.x1), (a = t.y1)) && u.length) { var s = (r + i) / 2, c = (o + a) / 2; (n = u[3]) && l.push(new Ip(n, s, c, i, a)), (n = u[2]) && l.push(new Ip(n, r, c, s, a)), (n = u[1]) && l.push(new Ip(n, s, o, i, c)), (n = u[0]) && l.push(new Ip(n, r, o, s, c)); } return this; }, qp = function (e) { var t, n = [], r = []; for (this._root && n.push(new Ip(this._root, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1)); (t = n.pop()); ) { var o = t.node; if (o.length) { var i, a = t.x0, l = t.y0, u = t.x1, s = t.y1, c = (a + u) / 2, f = (l + s) / 2; (i = o[0]) && n.push(new Ip(i, a, l, c, f)), (i = o[1]) && n.push(new Ip(i, c, l, u, f)), (i = o[2]) && n.push(new Ip(i, a, f, c, s)), (i = o[3]) && n.push(new Ip(i, c, f, u, s)); } r.push(t); } for (; (t = r.pop()); ) e(t.node, t.x0, t.y0, t.x1, t.y1); return this; }, Hp = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((this._x = e), this) : this._x; }, Yp = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((this._y = e), this) : this._y; }, Kp = (gn.prototype = vn.prototype); (Kp.copy = function () { var e, t, n = new vn(this._x, this._y, this._x0, this._y0, this._x1, this._y1), r = this._root; if (!r) return n; if (!r.length) return (n._root = bn(r)), n; for (e = [{ source: r, target: (n._root = new Array(4)) }]; (r = e.pop()); ) for (var o = 0; o < 4; ++o) (t = r.source[o]) && (t.length ? e.push({ source: t, target: (r.target[o] = new Array(4)) }) : (r.target[o] = bn(t))); return n; }), (Kp.add = Dp), (Kp.addAll = dn), (Kp.cover = jp), (Kp.data = Rp), (Kp.extent = zp), (Kp.find = Wp), (Kp.remove = Up), (Kp.removeAll = hn), (Kp.root = Lp), (Kp.size = Gp), (Kp.visit = Vp), (Kp.visitAfter = qp), (Kp.x = Hp), (Kp.y = Yp); var Xp, Qp = (Math.PI, Math.sqrt(5), function (e, t) { if ((n = (e = t ? e.toExponential(t - 1) : e.toExponential()).indexOf("e")) < 0) return null; var n, r = e.slice(0, n); return [r.length > 1 ? r[0] + r.slice(2) : r, +e.slice(n + 1)]; }), Zp = function (e) { return (e = Qp(Math.abs(e))), e ? e[1] : NaN; }, Jp = function (e, t) { return function (n, r) { for (var o = n.length, i = [], a = 0, l = e[0], u = 0; o > 0 && l > 0 && (u + l + 1 > r && (l = Math.max(1, r - u)), i.push(n.substring((o -= l), o + l)), !((u += l + 1) > r)); ) l = e[(a = (a + 1) % e.length)]; return i.reverse().join(t); }; }, $p = function (e) { return function (t) { return t.replace(/[0-9]/g, function (t) { return e[+t]; }); }; }, ed = function (e, t) { e = e.toPrecision(t); e: for (var n, r = e.length, o = 1, i = -1; o < r; ++o) switch (e[o]) { case ".": i = n = o; break; case "0": 0 === i && (i = o), (n = o); break; case "e": break e; default: i > 0 && (i = 0); } return i > 0 ? e.slice(0, i) + e.slice(n + 1) : e; }, td = function (e, t) { var n = Qp(e, t); if (!n) return e + ""; var r = n[0], o = n[1], i = o - (Xp = 3 * Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(o / 3)))) + 1, a = r.length; return i === a ? r : i > a ? r + new Array(i - a + 1).join("0") : i > 0 ? r.slice(0, i) + "." + r.slice(i) : "0." + new Array(1 - i).join("0") + Qp(e, Math.max(0, t + i - 1))[0]; }, nd = function (e, t) { var n = Qp(e, t); if (!n) return e + ""; var r = n[0], o = n[1]; return o < 0 ? "0." + new Array(-o).join("0") + r : r.length > o + 1 ? r.slice(0, o + 1) + "." + r.slice(o + 1) : r + new Array(o - r.length + 2).join("0"); }, rd = { "": ed, "%": function (e, t) { return (100 * e).toFixed(t); }, b: function (e) { return Math.round(e).toString(2); }, c: function (e) { return e + ""; }, d: function (e) { return Math.round(e).toString(10); }, e: function (e, t) { return e.toExponential(t); }, f: function (e, t) { return e.toFixed(t); }, g: function (e, t) { return e.toPrecision(t); }, o: function (e) { return Math.round(e).toString(8); }, p: function (e, t) { return nd(100 * e, t); }, r: nd, s: td, X: function (e) { return Math.round(e).toString(16).toUpperCase(); }, x: function (e) { return Math.round(e).toString(16); }, }, od = /^(?:(.)?([<>=^]))?([+\-\( ])?([$#])?(0)?(\d+)?(,)?(\.\d+)?([a-z%])?$/i; (An.prototype = xn.prototype), (xn.prototype.toString = function () { return ( this.fill + this.align + this.sign + this.symbol + (this.zero ? "0" : "") + (null == this.width ? "" : Math.max(1, 0 | this.width)) + (this.comma ? "," : "") + (null == this.precision ? "" : "." + Math.max(0, 0 | this.precision)) + this.type ); }); var id, ad, ld, ud = function (e) { return e; }, sd = ["y", "z", "a", "f", "p", "n", "\xb5", "m", "", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"], cd = function (e) { function t(e) { function t(e) { var t, o, l, c = y, A = g; if ("c" === m) (A = v(e) + A), (e = ""); else { e = +e; var x = e < 0; if (((e = v(Math.abs(e), h)), x && 0 === +e && (x = !1), (c = (x ? ("(" === s ? s : "-") : "-" === s || "(" === s ? "" : s) + c), (A = ("s" === m ? sd[8 + Xp / 3] : "") + A + (x && "(" === s ? ")" : "")), b)) for (t = -1, o = e.length; ++t < o; ) if (48 > (l = e.charCodeAt(t)) || l > 57) { (A = (46 === l ? i + e.slice(t + 1) : e.slice(t)) + A), (e = e.slice(0, t)); break; } } d && !f && (e = r(e, 1 / 0)); var C = c.length + e.length + A.length, w = C < p ? new Array(p - C + 1).join(n) : ""; switch ((d && f && ((e = r(w + e, w.length ? p - A.length : 1 / 0)), (w = "")), u)) { case "<": e = c + e + A + w; break; case "=": e = c + w + e + A; break; case "^": e = w.slice(0, (C = w.length >> 1)) + c + e + A + w.slice(C); break; default: e = w + c + e + A; } return a(e); } e = An(e); var n = e.fill, u = e.align, s = e.sign, c = e.symbol, f = e.zero, p = e.width, d = e.comma, h = e.precision, m = e.type, y = "$" === c ? o[0] : "#" === c && /[boxX]/.test(m) ? "0" + m.toLowerCase() : "", g = "$" === c ? o[1] : /[%p]/.test(m) ? l : "", v = rd[m], b = !m || /[defgprs%]/.test(m); return ( (h = null == h ? (m ? 6 : 12) : /[gprs]/.test(m) ? Math.max(1, Math.min(21, h)) : Math.max(0, Math.min(20, h))), (t.toString = function () { return e + ""; }), t ); } function n(e, n) { var r = t(((e = An(e)), (e.type = "f"), e)), o = 3 * Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(Zp(n) / 3))), i = Math.pow(10, -o), a = sd[8 + o / 3]; return function (e) { return r(i * e) + a; }; } var r = e.grouping && e.thousands ? Jp(e.grouping, e.thousands) : ud, o = e.currency, i = e.decimal, a = e.numerals ? $p(e.numerals) : ud, l = e.percent || "%"; return { format: t, formatPrefix: n }; }; !(function (e) { (id = cd(e)), (ad = id.format), (ld = id.formatPrefix); })({ decimal: ".", thousands: ",", grouping: [3], currency: ["$", ""] }); var fd = function (e) { return Math.max(0, -Zp(Math.abs(e))); }, pd = function (e, t) { return Math.max(0, 3 * Math.max(-8, Math.min(8, Math.floor(Zp(t) / 3))) - Zp(Math.abs(e))); }, dd = function (e, t) { return (e = Math.abs(e)), (t = Math.abs(t) - e), Math.max(0, Zp(t) - Zp(e)) + 1; }, hd = function () { return new Cn(); }; Cn.prototype = { constructor: Cn, reset: function () { this.s = this.t = 0; }, add: function (e) { wn(md, e, this.t), wn(this, md.s, this.s), this.s ? (this.t += md.t) : (this.s = md.t); }, valueOf: function () { return this.s; }, }; var md = new Cn(), yd = 1e-6, gd = Math.PI, vd = gd / 2, bd = gd / 4, Ad = 2 * gd, xd = 180 / gd, Cd = gd / 180, wd = Math.abs, kd = Math.atan, Ed = Math.atan2, Bd = Math.cos, Sd = (Math.ceil, Math.exp), _d = (Math.floor, Math.log), Pd = (Math.pow, Math.sin), Od = (Math.sign, Math.sqrt), Md = Math.tan, Td = { Feature: function (e, t) { Sn(e.geometry, t); }, FeatureCollection: function (e, t) { for (var n = e.features, r = -1, o = n.length; ++r < o; ) Sn(n[r].geometry, t); }, }, Nd = { Sphere: function (e, t) { t.sphere(); }, Point: function (e, t) { (e = e.coordinates), t.point(e[0], e[1], e[2]); }, MultiPoint: function (e, t) { for (var n = e.coordinates, r = -1, o = n.length; ++r < o; ) (e = n[r]), t.point(e[0], e[1], e[2]); }, LineString: function (e, t) { _n(e.coordinates, t, 0); }, MultiLineString: function (e, t) { for (var n = e.coordinates, r = -1, o = n.length; ++r < o; ) _n(n[r], t, 0); }, Polygon: function (e, t) { Pn(e.coordinates, t); }, MultiPolygon: function (e, t) { for (var n = e.coordinates, r = -1, o = n.length; ++r < o; ) Pn(n[r], t); }, GeometryCollection: function (e, t) { for (var n = e.geometries, r = -1, o = n.length; ++r < o; ) Sn(n[r], t); }, }, Fd = function (e, t) { e && Td.hasOwnProperty(e.type) ? Td[e.type](e, t) : Sn(e, t); }, Dd = (hd(), hd(), hd(), function (e, t) { function n(n, r) { return (n = e(n, r)), t(n[0], n[1]); } return ( e.invert && t.invert && (n.invert = function (n, r) { return (n = t.invert(n, r)) && e.invert(n[0], n[1]); }), n ); }); Rn.invert = Rn; var jd, Rd, zd, Id, Wd, Ud, Ld, Gd, Vd = function () { var e, t = []; return { point: function (t, n) { e.push([t, n]); }, lineStart: function () { t.push((e = [])); }, lineEnd: Bn, rejoin: function () { t.length > 1 && t.push(t.pop().concat(t.shift())); }, result: function () { var n = t; return (t = []), (e = null), n; }, }; }, qd = function (e, t) { return wd(e[0] - t[0]) < yd && wd(e[1] - t[1]) < yd; }, Hd = function (e, t, n, r, o) { var i, a, l = [], u = []; if ( (e.forEach(function (e) { if (!((t = e.length - 1) <= 0)) { var t, n, r = e[0], a = e[t]; if (qd(r, a)) { for (o.lineStart(), i = 0; i < t; ++i) o.point((r = e[i])[0], r[1]); return void o.lineEnd(); } l.push((n = new Vn(r, e, null, !0))), u.push((n.o = new Vn(r, null, n, !1))), l.push((n = new Vn(a, e, null, !1))), u.push((n.o = new Vn(a, null, n, !0))); } }), l.length) ) { for (u.sort(t), qn(l), qn(u), i = 0, a = u.length; i < a; ++i) u[i].e = n = !n; for (var s, c, f = l[0]; ; ) { for (var p = f, d = !0; p.v; ) if ((p = p.n) === f) return; (s = p.z), o.lineStart(); do { if (((p.v = p.o.v = !0), p.e)) { if (d) for (i = 0, a = s.length; i < a; ++i) o.point((c = s[i])[0], c[1]); else r(p.x, p.n.x, 1, o); p = p.n; } else { if (d) for (s = p.p.z, i = s.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) o.point((c = s[i])[0], c[1]); else r(p.x, p.p.x, -1, o); p = p.p; } (p = p.o), (s = p.z), (d = !d); } while (!p.v); o.lineEnd(); } } }, Yd = hd(), Kd = function (e, t) { var n = t[0], r = t[1], o = [Pd(n), -Bd(n), 0], i = 0, a = 0; Yd.reset(); for (var l = 0, u = e.length; l < u; ++l) if ((c = (s = e[l]).length)) for (var s, c, f = s[c - 1], p = f[0], d = f[1] / 2 + bd, h = Pd(d), m = Bd(d), y = 0; y < c; ++y, p = v, h = A, m = x, f = g) { var g = s[y], v = g[0], b = g[1] / 2 + bd, A = Pd(b), x = Bd(b), C = v - p, w = C >= 0 ? 1 : -1, k = w * C, E = k > gd, B = h * A; if ((Yd.add(Ed(B * w * Pd(k), m * x + B * Bd(k))), (i += E ? C + w * Ad : C), E ^ (p >= n) ^ (v >= n))) { var S = Nn(Mn(f), Mn(g)); jn(S); var _ = Nn(o, S); jn(_); var P = (E ^ (C >= 0) ? -1 : 1) * En(_[2]); (r > P || (r === P && (S[0] || S[1]))) && (a += E ^ (C >= 0) ? 1 : -1); } } return (i < -yd || (i < yd && Yd < -yd)) ^ (1 & a); }, Xd = function (e, t, n, r) { return function (o) { function i(t, n) { e(t, n) && o.point(t, n); } function a(e, t) { m.point(e, t); } function l() { (b.point = a), m.lineStart(); } function u() { (b.point = i), m.lineEnd(); } function s(e, t) { h.push([e, t]), g.point(e, t); } function c() { g.lineStart(), (h = []); } function f() { s(h[0][0], h[0][1]), g.lineEnd(); var e, t, n, r, i = g.clean(), a = y.result(), l = a.length; if ((h.pop(), p.push(h), (h = null), l)) if (1 & i) { if (((n = a[0]), (t = n.length - 1) > 0)) { for (v || (o.polygonStart(), (v = !0)), o.lineStart(), e = 0; e < t; ++e) o.point((r = n[e])[0], r[1]); o.lineEnd(); } } else l > 1 && 2 & i && a.push(a.pop().concat(a.shift())), d.push(a.filter(Hn)); } var p, d, h, m = t(o), y = Vd(), g = t(y), v = !1, b = { point: i, lineStart: l, lineEnd: u, polygonStart: function () { (b.point = s), (b.lineStart = c), (b.lineEnd = f), (d = []), (p = []); }, polygonEnd: function () { (b.point = i), (b.lineStart = l), (b.lineEnd = u), (d = ps(d)); var e = Kd(p, r); d.length ? (v || (o.polygonStart(), (v = !0)), Hd(d, Yn, e, n, o)) : e && (v || (o.polygonStart(), (v = !0)), o.lineStart(), n(null, null, 1, o), o.lineEnd()), v && (o.polygonEnd(), (v = !1)), (d = p = null); }, sphere: function () { o.polygonStart(), o.lineStart(), n(null, null, 1, o), o.lineEnd(), o.polygonEnd(); }, }; return b; }; }, Qd = Xd( function () { return !0; }, Kn, Qn, [-gd, -vd] ), Zd = function (e) { function t(t, n, r, o) { Ln(o, e, l, r, t, n); } function n(e, t) { return Bd(e) * Bd(t) > a; } function r(e) { var t, r, a, l, c; return { lineStart: function () { (l = a = !1), (c = 1); }, point: function (f, p) { var d, h = [f, p], m = n(f, p), y = u ? (m ? 0 : i(f, p)) : m ? i(f + (f < 0 ? gd : -gd), p) : 0; if ((!t && (l = a = m) && e.lineStart(), m !== a && (!(d = o(t, h)) || qd(t, d) || qd(h, d)) && ((h[0] += yd), (h[1] += yd), (m = n(h[0], h[1]))), m !== a)) (c = 0), m ? (e.lineStart(), (d = o(h, t)), e.point(d[0], d[1])) : ((d = o(t, h)), e.point(d[0], d[1]), e.lineEnd()), (t = d); else if (s && t && u ^ m) { var g; y & r || !(g = o(h, t, !0)) || ((c = 0), u ? (e.lineStart(), e.point(g[0][0], g[0][1]), e.point(g[1][0], g[1][1]), e.lineEnd()) : (e.point(g[1][0], g[1][1]), e.lineEnd(), e.lineStart(), e.point(g[0][0], g[0][1]))); } !m || (t && qd(t, h)) || e.point(h[0], h[1]), (t = h), (a = m), (r = y); }, lineEnd: function () { a && e.lineEnd(), (t = null); }, clean: function () { return c | ((l && a) << 1); }, }; } function o(e, t, n) { var r = Mn(e), o = Mn(t), i = [1, 0, 0], l = Nn(r, o), u = Tn(l, l), s = l[0], c = u - s * s; if (!c) return !n && e; var f = (a * u) / c, p = (-a * s) / c, d = Nn(i, l), h = Dn(i, f); Fn(h, Dn(l, p)); var m = d, y = Tn(h, m), g = Tn(m, m), v = y * y - g * (Tn(h, h) - 1); if (!(v < 0)) { var b = Od(v), A = Dn(m, (-y - b) / g); if ((Fn(A, h), (A = On(A)), !n)) return A; var x, C = e[0], w = t[0], k = e[1], E = t[1]; w < C && ((x = C), (C = w), (w = x)); var B = w - C, S = wd(B - gd) < yd, _ = S || B < yd; if ((!S && E < k && ((x = k), (k = E), (E = x)), _ ? (S ? (k + E > 0) ^ (A[1] < (wd(A[0] - C) < yd ? k : E)) : k <= A[1] && A[1] <= E) : (B > gd) ^ (C <= A[0] && A[0] <= w))) { var P = Dn(m, (-y + b) / g); return Fn(P, h), [A, On(P)]; } } } function i(t, n) { var r = u ? e : gd - e, o = 0; return t < -r ? (o |= 1) : t > r && (o |= 2), n < -r ? (o |= 4) : n > r && (o |= 8), o; } var a = Bd(e), l = 6 * Cd, u = a > 0, s = wd(a) > yd; return Xd(n, r, t, u ? [0, -e] : [-gd, e - gd]); }, Jd = function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a, l = e[0], u = e[1], s = t[0], c = t[1], f = 0, p = 1, d = s - l, h = c - u; if (((a = n - l), d || !(a > 0))) { if (((a /= d), d < 0)) { if (a < f) return; a < p && (p = a); } else if (d > 0) { if (a > p) return; a > f && (f = a); } if (((a = o - l), d || !(a < 0))) { if (((a /= d), d < 0)) { if (a > p) return; a > f && (f = a); } else if (d > 0) { if (a < f) return; a < p && (p = a); } if (((a = r - u), h || !(a > 0))) { if (((a /= h), h < 0)) { if (a < f) return; a < p && (p = a); } else if (h > 0) { if (a > p) return; a > f && (f = a); } if (((a = i - u), h || !(a < 0))) { if (((a /= h), h < 0)) { if (a > p) return; a > f && (f = a); } else if (h > 0) { if (a < f) return; a < p && (p = a); } return f > 0 && ((e[0] = l + f * d), (e[1] = u + f * h)), p < 1 && ((t[0] = l + p * d), (t[1] = u + p * h)), !0; } } } } }, $d = 1e9, eh = -$d, th = (hd(), function (e) { return e; }), nh = hd(), rh = hd(), oh = { point: Bn, lineStart: Bn, lineEnd: Bn, polygonStart: function () { (oh.lineStart = Jn), (oh.lineEnd = tr); }, polygonEnd: function () { (oh.lineStart = oh.lineEnd = oh.point = Bn), nh.add(wd(rh)), rh.reset(); }, result: function () { var e = nh / 2; return nh.reset(), e; }, }, ih = oh, ah = 1 / 0, lh = ah, uh = -ah, sh = uh, ch = { point: nr, lineStart: Bn, lineEnd: Bn, polygonStart: Bn, polygonEnd: Bn, result: function () { var e = [ [ah, lh], [uh, sh], ]; return (uh = sh = -(lh = ah = 1 / 0)), e; }, }, fh = ch, ph = 0, dh = 0, hh = 0, mh = 0, yh = 0, gh = 0, vh = 0, bh = 0, Ah = 0, xh = { point: rr, lineStart: or, lineEnd: lr, polygonStart: function () { (xh.lineStart = ur), (xh.lineEnd = sr); }, polygonEnd: function () { (xh.point = rr), (xh.lineStart = or), (xh.lineEnd = lr); }, result: function () { var e = Ah ? [vh / Ah, bh / Ah] : gh ? [mh / gh, yh / gh] : hh ? [ph / hh, dh / hh] : [NaN, NaN]; return (ph = dh = hh = mh = yh = gh = vh = bh = Ah = 0), e; }, }, Ch = xh; pr.prototype = { _radius: 4.5, pointRadius: function (e) { return (this._radius = e), this; }, polygonStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, polygonEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { this._point = 0; }, lineEnd: function () { 0 === this._line && this._context.closePath(), (this._point = NaN); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (this._point) { case 0: this._context.moveTo(e, t), (this._point = 1); break; case 1: this._context.lineTo(e, t); break; default: this._context.moveTo(e + this._radius, t), this._context.arc(e, t, this._radius, 0, Ad); } }, result: Bn, }; var wh, kh, Eh, Bh, Sh, _h = hd(), Ph = { point: Bn, lineStart: function () { Ph.point = dr; }, lineEnd: function () { wh && hr(kh, Eh), (Ph.point = Bn); }, polygonStart: function () { wh = !0; }, polygonEnd: function () { wh = null; }, result: function () { var e = +_h; return _h.reset(), e; }, }, Oh = Ph; mr.prototype = { _radius: 4.5, _circle: yr(4.5), pointRadius: function (e) { return (e = +e) !== this._radius && ((this._radius = e), (this._circle = null)), this; }, polygonStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, polygonEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { this._point = 0; }, lineEnd: function () { 0 === this._line && this._string.push("Z"), (this._point = NaN); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (this._point) { case 0: this._string.push("M", e, ",", t), (this._point = 1); break; case 1: this._string.push("L", e, ",", t); break; default: null == this._circle && (this._circle = yr(this._radius)), this._string.push("M", e, ",", t, this._circle); } }, result: function () { if (this._string.length) { var e = this._string.join(""); return (this._string = []), e; } return null; }, }; var Mh = function (e, t) { function n(e) { return e && ("function" === typeof i && o.pointRadius(+i.apply(this, arguments)), Fd(e, r(o))), o.result(); } var r, o, i = 4.5; return ( (n.area = function (e) { return Fd(e, r(ih)), ih.result(); }), (n.measure = function (e) { return Fd(e, r(Oh)), Oh.result(); }), (n.bounds = function (e) { return Fd(e, r(fh)), fh.result(); }), (n.centroid = function (e) { return Fd(e, r(Ch)), Ch.result(); }), (n.projection = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((r = null == t ? ((e = null), th) : (e = t).stream), n) : e; }), (n.context = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((o = null == e ? ((t = null), new mr()) : new pr((t = e))), "function" !== typeof i && o.pointRadius(i), n) : t; }), (n.pointRadius = function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((i = "function" === typeof e ? e : (o.pointRadius(+e), +e)), n) : i; }), n.projection(e).context(t) ); }; vr.prototype = { constructor: vr, point: function (e, t) { this.stream.point(e, t); }, sphere: function () { this.stream.sphere(); }, lineStart: function () { this.stream.lineStart(); }, lineEnd: function () { this.stream.lineEnd(); }, polygonStart: function () { this.stream.polygonStart(); }, polygonEnd: function () { this.stream.polygonEnd(); }, }; var Th = 16, Nh = Bd(30 * Cd), Fh = function (e, t) { return +t ? Er(e, t) : kr(e); }, Dh = gr({ point: function (e, t) { this.stream.point(e * Cd, t * Cd); }, }), jh = Pr(function (e) { return Od(2 / (1 + e)); }); jh.invert = Or(function (e) { return 2 * En(e / 2); }); var Rh = Pr(function (e) { return (e = kn(e)) && e / Pd(e); }); Rh.invert = Or(function (e) { return e; }); Mr.invert = function (e, t) { return [e, 2 * kd(Sd(t)) - vd]; }; Tr.invert = Tr; Nr.invert = Or(kd); Fr.invert = function (e, t) { var n, r = t, o = 25; do { var i = r * r, a = i * i; r -= n = (r * (1.007226 + i * (0.015085 + a * (0.028874 * i - 0.044475 - 0.005916 * a))) - t) / (1.007226 + i * (0.045255 + a * (0.259866 * i - 0.311325 - 0.005916 * 11 * a))); } while (wd(n) > yd && --o > 0); return [e / (0.8707 + (i = r * r) * (i * (i * i * i * (0.003971 - 0.001529 * i) - 0.013791) - 0.131979)), r]; }; Dr.invert = Or(En); jr.invert = Or(function (e) { return 2 * kd(e); }); Rr.invert = function (e, t) { return [-t, 2 * kd(Sd(e)) - vd]; }; var zh = function () { return this.eachAfter(zr); }, Ih = function (e) { var t, n, r, o, i = this, a = [i]; do { for (t = a.reverse(), a = []; (i = t.pop()); ) if ((e(i), (n = i.children))) for (r = 0, o = n.length; r < o; ++r) a.push(n[r]); } while (a.length); return this; }, Wh = function (e) { for (var t, n, r = this, o = [r]; (r = o.pop()); ) if ((e(r), (t = r.children))) for (n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; --n) o.push(t[n]); return this; }, Uh = function (e) { for (var t, n, r, o = this, i = [o], a = []; (o = i.pop()); ) if ((a.push(o), (t = o.children))) for (n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; ++n) i.push(t[n]); for (; (o = a.pop()); ) e(o); return this; }, Lh = function (e) { return this.eachAfter(function (t) { for (var n = +e(t.data) || 0, r = t.children, o = r && r.length; --o >= 0; ) n += r[o].value; t.value = n; }); }, Gh = function (e) { return this.eachBefore(function (t) { t.children && t.children.sort(e); }); }, Vh = function (e) { for (var t = this, n = Ir(t, e), r = [t]; t !== n; ) (t = t.parent), r.push(t); for (var o = r.length; e !== n; ) r.splice(o, 0, e), (e = e.parent); return r; }, qh = function () { for (var e = this, t = [e]; (e = e.parent); ) t.push(e); return t; }, Hh = function () { var e = []; return ( this.each(function (t) { e.push(t); }), e ); }, Yh = function () { var e = []; return ( this.eachBefore(function (t) { t.children || e.push(t); }), e ); }, Kh = function () { var e = this, t = []; return ( e.each(function (n) { n !== e && t.push({ source: n.parent, target: n }); }), t ); }; qr.prototype = Wr.prototype = { constructor: qr, count: zh, each: Ih, eachAfter: Uh, eachBefore: Wh, sum: Lh, sort: Gh, path: Vh, ancestors: qh, descendants: Hh, leaves: Yh, links: Kh, copy: Ur }; var Xh = (Array.prototype.slice, function (e, t, n, r, o) { for (var i, a = e.children, l = -1, u = a.length, s = e.value && (r - t) / e.value; ++l < u; ) (i = a[l]), (i.y0 = n), (i.y1 = o), (i.x0 = t), (i.x1 = t += i.value * s); }); Hr.prototype = Object.create(qr.prototype); var Qh = function (e, t, n, r, o) { for (var i, a = e.children, l = -1, u = a.length, s = e.value && (o - n) / e.value; ++l < u; ) (i = a[l]), (i.x0 = t), (i.x1 = r), (i.y0 = n), (i.y1 = n += i.value * s); }, Zh = (1 + Math.sqrt(5)) / 2, Jh = ((function e(t) { function n(e, n, r, o, i) { Yr(t, e, n, r, o, i); } return ( (n.ratio = function (t) { return e((t = +t) > 1 ? t : 1); }), n ); })(Zh), (function e(t) { function n(e, n, r, o, i) { if ((a = e._squarify) && a.ratio === t) for (var a, l, u, s, c, f = -1, p = a.length, d = e.value; ++f < p; ) { for (l = a[f], u = l.children, s = l.value = 0, c = u.length; s < c; ++s) l.value += u[s].value; l.dice ? Xh(l, n, r, o, (r += ((i - r) * l.value) / d)) : Qh(l, n, r, (n += ((o - n) * l.value) / d), i), (d -= l.value); } else (e._squarify = a = Yr(t, e, n, r, o, i)), (a.ratio = t); } return ( (n.ratio = function (t) { return e((t = +t) > 1 ? t : 1); }), n ); })(Zh), [].slice), $h = {}; Kr.prototype = eo.prototype = { constructor: Kr, defer: function (e) { if ("function" !== typeof e) throw new Error("invalid callback"); if (this._call) throw new Error("defer after await"); if (null != this._error) return this; var t = Jh.call(arguments, 1); return t.push(e), ++this._waiting, this._tasks.push(t), Xr(this), this; }, abort: function () { return null == this._error && Jr(this, new Error("abort")), this; }, await: function (e) { if ("function" !== typeof e) throw new Error("invalid callback"); if (this._call) throw new Error("multiple await"); return ( (this._call = function (t, n) { e.apply(null, [t].concat(n)); }), $r(this), this ); }, awaitAll: function (e) { if ("function" !== typeof e) throw new Error("invalid callback"); if (this._call) throw new Error("multiple await"); return (this._call = e), $r(this), this; }, }; var em = function () { return Math.random(); }, tm = ((function e(t) { function n(e, n) { return ( (e = null == e ? 0 : +e), (n = null == n ? 1 : +n), 1 === arguments.length ? ((n = e), (e = 0)) : (n -= e), function () { return t() * n + e; } ); } return (n.source = e), n; })(em), (function e(t) { function n(e, n) { var r, o; return ( (e = null == e ? 0 : +e), (n = null == n ? 1 : +n), function () { var i; if (null != r) (i = r), (r = null); else do { (r = 2 * t() - 1), (i = 2 * t() - 1), (o = r * r + i * i); } while (!o || o > 1); return e + n * i * Math.sqrt((-2 * Math.log(o)) / o); } ); } return (n.source = e), n; })(em)), nm = ((function e(t) { function n() { var e = tm.source(t).apply(this, arguments); return function () { return Math.exp(e()); }; } return (n.source = e), n; })(em), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return function () { for (var n = 0, r = 0; r < e; ++r) n += t(); return n; }; } return (n.source = e), n; })(em)), rm = ((function e(t) { function n(e) { var n = nm.source(t)(e); return function () { return n() / e; }; } return (n.source = e), n; })(em), (function e(t) { function n(e) { return function () { return -Math.log(1 - t()) / e; }; } return (n.source = e), n; })(em), function (e, t) { function n(e) { var t, n = s.status; if ((!n && no(s)) || (n >= 200 && n < 300) || 304 === n) { if (i) try { t = i.call(r, s); } catch (e) { return void l.call("error", r, e); } else t = s; l.call("load", r, t); } else l.call("error", r, e); } var r, o, i, a, l = xs("beforesend", "progress", "load", "error"), u = Cp(), s = new XMLHttpRequest(), c = null, f = null, p = 0; if ( ("undefined" === typeof XDomainRequest || "withCredentials" in s || !/^(http(s)?:)?\/\//.test(e) || (s = new XDomainRequest()), "onload" in s ? (s.onload = s.onerror = s.ontimeout = n) : (s.onreadystatechange = function (e) { s.readyState > 3 && n(e); }), (s.onprogress = function (e) { l.call("progress", r, e); }), (r = { header: function (e, t) { return (e = (e + "").toLowerCase()), arguments.length < 2 ? u.get(e) : (null == t ? u.remove(e) : u.set(e, t + ""), r); }, mimeType: function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((o = null == e ? null : e + ""), r) : o; }, responseType: function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((a = e), r) : a; }, timeout: function (e) { return arguments.length ? ((p = +e), r) : p; }, user: function (e) { return arguments.length < 1 ? c : ((c = null == e ? null : e + ""), r); }, password: function (e) { return arguments.length < 1 ? f : ((f = null == e ? null : e + ""), r); }, response: function (e) { return (i = e), r; }, get: function (e, t) { return r.send("GET", e, t); }, post: function (e, t) { return r.send("POST", e, t); }, send: function (t, n, i) { return ( s.open(t, e, !0, c, f), null == o || u.has("accept") || u.set("accept", o + ",*/*"), s.setRequestHeader && u.each(function (e, t) { s.setRequestHeader(t, e); }), null != o && s.overrideMimeType && s.overrideMimeType(o), null != a && (s.responseType = a), p > 0 && (s.timeout = p), null == i && "function" === typeof n && ((i = n), (n = null)), null != i && 1 === i.length && (i = to(i)), null != i && r.on("error", i).on("load", function (e) { i(null, e); }), l.call("beforesend", r, s), s.send(null == n ? null : n), r ); }, abort: function () { return s.abort(), r; }, on: function () { var e = l.on.apply(l, arguments); return e === l ? r : e; }, }), null != t) ) { if ("function" !== typeof t) throw new Error("invalid callback: " + t); return r.get(t); } return r; }), om = function (e, t) { return function (n, r) { var o = rm(n).mimeType(e).response(t); if (null != r) { if ("function" !== typeof r) throw new Error("invalid callback: " + r); return o.get(r); } return o; }; }, im = (om("text/html", function (e) { return document.createRange().createContextualFragment(e.responseText); }), om("application/json", function (e) { return JSON.parse(e.responseText); }), om("text/plain", function (e) { return e.responseText; }), om("application/xml", function (e) { var t = e.responseXML; if (!t) throw new Error("parse error"); return t; }), function (e, t) { return function (n, r, o) { arguments.length < 3 && ((o = r), (r = null)); var i = rm(n).mimeType(e); return ( (i.row = function (e) { return arguments.length ? i.response(ro(t, (r = e))) : r; }), i.row(r), o ? i.get(o) : i ); }; }), am = (im("text/csv", Mp), im("text/tab-separated-values", Np), Array.prototype), lm = am.map, um = am.slice, sm = function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }, cm = function (e) { return +e; }, fm = [0, 1], pm = function (e, t, n) { var r, o = e[0], a = e[e.length - 1], l = i(o, a, null == t ? 10 : t); switch (((n = An(null == n ? ",f" : n)), n.type)) { case "s": var u = Math.max(Math.abs(o), Math.abs(a)); return null != n.precision || isNaN((r = pd(l, u))) || (n.precision = r), ld(n, u); case "": case "e": case "g": case "p": case "r": null != n.precision || isNaN((r = dd(l, Math.max(Math.abs(o), Math.abs(a))))) || (n.precision = r - ("e" === n.type)); break; case "f": case "%": null != n.precision || isNaN((r = fd(l))) || (n.precision = r - 2 * ("%" === n.type)); } return ad(n); }, dm = function (e, t) { e = e.slice(); var n, r = 0, o = e.length - 1, i = e[r], a = e[o]; return a < i && ((n = r), (r = o), (o = n), (n = i), (i = a), (a = n)), (e[r] = t.floor(i)), (e[o] = t.ceil(a)), e; }, hm = new Date(), mm = new Date(), ym = ho( function () {}, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + t); }, function (e, t) { return t - e; } ); ym.every = function (e) { return ( (e = Math.floor(e)), isFinite(e) && e > 0 ? e > 1 ? ho( function (t) { t.setTime(Math.floor(t / e) * e); }, function (t, n) { t.setTime(+t + n * e); }, function (t, n) { return (n - t) / e; } ) : ym : null ); }; var gm = ym, vm = (ym.range, 6e4), bm = 6048e5, Am = ho( function (e) { e.setTime(1e3 * Math.floor(e / 1e3)); }, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + 1e3 * t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / 1e3; }, function (e) { return e.getUTCSeconds(); } ), xm = Am, Cm = (Am.range, ho( function (e) { e.setTime(Math.floor(e / vm) * vm); }, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + t * vm); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / vm; }, function (e) { return e.getMinutes(); } )), wm = Cm, km = (Cm.range, ho( function (e) { var t = (e.getTimezoneOffset() * vm) % 36e5; t < 0 && (t += 36e5), e.setTime(36e5 * Math.floor((+e - t) / 36e5) + t); }, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + 36e5 * t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / 36e5; }, function (e) { return e.getHours(); } )), Em = km, Bm = (km.range, ho( function (e) { e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setDate(e.getDate() + t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e - (t.getTimezoneOffset() - e.getTimezoneOffset()) * vm) / 864e5; }, function (e) { return e.getDate() - 1; } )), Sm = Bm, _m = (Bm.range, mo(0)), Pm = mo(1), Om = mo(2), Mm = mo(3), Tm = mo(4), Nm = mo(5), Fm = mo(6), Dm = (_m.range, Pm.range, Om.range, Mm.range, Tm.range, Nm.range, Fm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setDate(1), e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setMonth(e.getMonth() + t); }, function (e, t) { return t.getMonth() - e.getMonth() + 12 * (t.getFullYear() - e.getFullYear()); }, function (e) { return e.getMonth(); } )), jm = Dm, Rm = (Dm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setMonth(0, 1), e.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setFullYear(e.getFullYear() + t); }, function (e, t) { return t.getFullYear() - e.getFullYear(); }, function (e) { return e.getFullYear(); } )); Rm.every = function (e) { return isFinite((e = Math.floor(e))) && e > 0 ? ho( function (t) { t.setFullYear(Math.floor(t.getFullYear() / e) * e), t.setMonth(0, 1), t.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (t, n) { t.setFullYear(t.getFullYear() + n * e); } ) : null; }; var zm = Rm, Im = (Rm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setUTCSeconds(0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + t * vm); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / vm; }, function (e) { return e.getUTCMinutes(); } )), Wm = (Im.range, ho( function (e) { e.setUTCMinutes(0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setTime(+e + 36e5 * t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / 36e5; }, function (e) { return e.getUTCHours(); } )), Um = (Wm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setUTCDate(e.getUTCDate() + t); }, function (e, t) { return (t - e) / 864e5; }, function (e) { return e.getUTCDate() - 1; } )), Lm = Um, Gm = (Um.range, yo(0)), Vm = yo(1), qm = yo(2), Hm = yo(3), Ym = yo(4), Km = yo(5), Xm = yo(6), Qm = (Gm.range, Vm.range, qm.range, Hm.range, Ym.range, Km.range, Xm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setUTCDate(1), e.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setUTCMonth(e.getUTCMonth() + t); }, function (e, t) { return t.getUTCMonth() - e.getUTCMonth() + 12 * (t.getUTCFullYear() - e.getUTCFullYear()); }, function (e) { return e.getUTCMonth(); } )), Zm = (Qm.range, ho( function (e) { e.setUTCMonth(0, 1), e.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (e, t) { e.setUTCFullYear(e.getUTCFullYear() + t); }, function (e, t) { return t.getUTCFullYear() - e.getUTCFullYear(); }, function (e) { return e.getUTCFullYear(); } )); Zm.every = function (e) { return isFinite((e = Math.floor(e))) && e > 0 ? ho( function (t) { t.setUTCFullYear(Math.floor(t.getUTCFullYear() / e) * e), t.setUTCMonth(0, 1), t.setUTCHours(0, 0, 0, 0); }, function (t, n) { t.setUTCFullYear(t.getUTCFullYear() + n * e); } ) : null; }; var Jm, $m, ey, ty, ny, ry = Zm, oy = (Zm.range, { "-": "", _: " ", 0: "0" }), iy = /^\s*\d+/, ay = /^%/, ly = /[\\^$*+?|[\]().{}]/g; !(function (e) { (Jm = Ao(e)), ($m = Jm.format), (ey = Jm.parse), (ty = Jm.utcFormat), (ny = Jm.utcParse); })({ dateTime: "%x, %X", date: "%-m/%-d/%Y", time: "%-I:%M:%S %p", periods: ["AM", "PM"], days: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], shortDays: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"], months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], shortMonths: ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"], }); var uy = (Date.prototype.toISOString || ty("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ"), +new Date("2000-01-01T00:00:00.000Z") || ny("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%LZ"), 1e3), sy = 60 * uy, cy = 60 * sy, fy = 24 * cy, py = 7 * fy, dy = 30 * fy, hy = 365 * fy, my = function () { return Mi(zm, jm, _m, Sm, Em, wm, xm, gm, $m).domain([new Date(2e3, 0, 1), new Date(2e3, 0, 2)]); }, yy = function (e) { return e.match(/.{6}/g).map(function (e) { return "#" + e; }); }, gy = (yy("1f77b4ff7f0e2ca02cd627289467bd8c564be377c27f7f7fbcbd2217becf"), yy("393b795254a36b6ecf9c9ede6379398ca252b5cf6bcedb9c8c6d31bd9e39e7ba52e7cb94843c39ad494ad6616be7969c7b4173a55194ce6dbdde9ed6"), yy("3182bd6baed69ecae1c6dbefe6550dfd8d3cfdae6bfdd0a231a35474c476a1d99bc7e9c0756bb19e9ac8bcbddcdadaeb636363969696bdbdbdd9d9d9"), yy("1f77b4aec7e8ff7f0effbb782ca02c98df8ad62728ff98969467bdc5b0d58c564bc49c94e377c2f7b6d27f7f7fc7c7c7bcbd22dbdb8d17becf9edae5"), Ef(qe(300, 0.5, 0), qe(-240, 0.5, 1)), Ef(qe(-100, 0.75, 0.35), qe(80, 1.5, 0.8)), Ef(qe(260, 0.75, 0.35), qe(80, 1.5, 0.8)), qe(), Ti( yy( "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" ) ), Ti( yy( "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" ) ), Ti( yy( "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" ) ), Ti( yy( "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" ) ), function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }), vy = (Math.abs, Math.atan2, Math.cos, Math.max, Math.min, Math.sin, Math.sqrt, 1e-12), by = Math.PI, Ay = 2 * by; Ni.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { this._point = 0; }, lineEnd: function () { (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: this._point = 2; default: this._context.lineTo(e, t); } }, }; var xy = function (e) { return new Ni(e); }, Cy = function () { function e(e) { var l, u, s, c = e.length, f = !1; for (null == o && (a = i((s = xp()))), l = 0; l <= c; ++l) !(l < c && r((u = e[l]), l, e)) === f && ((f = !f) ? a.lineStart() : a.lineEnd()), f && a.point(+t(u, l, e), +n(u, l, e)); if (s) return (a = null), s + "" || null; } var t = Fi, n = Di, r = gy(!0), o = null, i = xy, a = null; return ( (e.x = function (n) { return arguments.length ? ((t = "function" === typeof n ? n : gy(+n)), e) : t; }), (e.y = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((n = "function" === typeof t ? t : gy(+t)), e) : n; }), (e.defined = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((r = "function" === typeof t ? t : gy(!!t)), e) : r; }), (e.curve = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((i = t), null != o && (a = i(o)), e) : i; }), (e.context = function (t) { return arguments.length ? (null == t ? (o = a = null) : (a = i((o = t))), e) : o; }), e ); }; Ri(xy); ji.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._curve.areaStart(); }, areaEnd: function () { this._curve.areaEnd(); }, lineStart: function () { this._curve.lineStart(); }, lineEnd: function () { this._curve.lineEnd(); }, point: function (e, t) { this._curve.point(t * Math.sin(e), t * -Math.cos(e)); }, }; var wy = (Array.prototype.slice, Math.sqrt(1 / 3), Math.sin(by / 10) / Math.sin((7 * by) / 10)), ky = (Math.sin(Ay / 10), Math.cos(Ay / 10), Math.sqrt(3), Math.sqrt(3), Math.sqrt(12), function () {}); Ii.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 3: zi(this, this._x1, this._y1); case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1); } (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: (this._point = 3), this._context.lineTo((5 * this._x0 + this._x1) / 6, (5 * this._y0 + this._y1) / 6); default: zi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = t); }, }; Wi.prototype = { areaStart: ky, areaEnd: ky, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 1: this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2), this._context.closePath(); break; case 2: this._context.moveTo((this._x2 + 2 * this._x3) / 3, (this._y2 + 2 * this._y3) / 3), this._context.lineTo((this._x3 + 2 * this._x2) / 3, (this._y3 + 2 * this._y2) / 3), this._context.closePath(); break; case 3: this.point(this._x2, this._y2), this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4); } }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), (this._x2 = e), (this._y2 = t); break; case 1: (this._point = 2), (this._x3 = e), (this._y3 = t); break; case 2: (this._point = 3), (this._x4 = e), (this._y4 = t), this._context.moveTo((this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + e) / 6, (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + t) / 6); break; default: zi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = t); }, }; Ui.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 3 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: this._point = 1; break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: this._point = 3; var n = (this._x0 + 4 * this._x1 + e) / 6, r = (this._y0 + 4 * this._y1 + t) / 6; this._line ? this._context.lineTo(n, r) : this._context.moveTo(n, r); break; case 3: this._point = 4; default: zi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = t); }, }; Li.prototype = { lineStart: function () { (this._x = []), (this._y = []), this._basis.lineStart(); }, lineEnd: function () { var e = this._x, t = this._y, n = e.length - 1; if (n > 0) for (var r, o = e[0], i = t[0], a = e[n] - o, l = t[n] - i, u = -1; ++u <= n; ) (r = u / n), this._basis.point(this._beta * e[u] + (1 - this._beta) * (o + r * a), this._beta * t[u] + (1 - this._beta) * (i + r * l)); (this._x = this._y = null), this._basis.lineEnd(); }, point: function (e, t) { this._x.push(+e), this._y.push(+t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return 1 === t ? new Ii(e) : new Li(e, t); } return ( (n.beta = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0.85); Vi.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2); break; case 3: Gi(this, this._x1, this._y1); } (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: (this._point = 2), (this._x1 = e), (this._y1 = t); break; case 2: this._point = 3; default: Gi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return new Vi(e, t); } return ( (n.tension = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0); qi.prototype = { areaStart: ky, areaEnd: ky, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 1: this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath(); break; case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath(); break; case 3: this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4), this.point(this._x5, this._y5); } }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), (this._x3 = e), (this._y3 = t); break; case 1: (this._point = 2), this._context.moveTo((this._x4 = e), (this._y4 = t)); break; case 2: (this._point = 3), (this._x5 = e), (this._y5 = t); break; default: Gi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return new qi(e, t); } return ( (n.tension = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0); Hi.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 3 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: this._point = 1; break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: (this._point = 3), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2); break; case 3: this._point = 4; default: Gi(this, e, t); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return new Hi(e, t); } return ( (n.tension = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0); Ki.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN), (this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2); break; case 3: this.point(this._x2, this._y2); } (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { if (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { var n = this._x2 - e, r = this._y2 - t; this._l23_a = Math.sqrt((this._l23_2a = Math.pow(n * n + r * r, this._alpha))); } switch (this._point) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: this._point = 3; default: Yi(this, e, t); } (this._l01_a = this._l12_a), (this._l12_a = this._l23_a), (this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a), (this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a), (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return t ? new Ki(e, t) : new Vi(e, 0); } return ( (n.alpha = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0.5); Xi.prototype = { areaStart: ky, areaEnd: ky, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._x3 = this._x4 = this._x5 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = this._y3 = this._y4 = this._y5 = NaN), (this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 1: this._context.moveTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath(); break; case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x3, this._y3), this._context.closePath(); break; case 3: this.point(this._x3, this._y3), this.point(this._x4, this._y4), this.point(this._x5, this._y5); } }, point: function (e, t) { if (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { var n = this._x2 - e, r = this._y2 - t; this._l23_a = Math.sqrt((this._l23_2a = Math.pow(n * n + r * r, this._alpha))); } switch (this._point) { case 0: (this._point = 1), (this._x3 = e), (this._y3 = t); break; case 1: (this._point = 2), this._context.moveTo((this._x4 = e), (this._y4 = t)); break; case 2: (this._point = 3), (this._x5 = e), (this._y5 = t); break; default: Yi(this, e, t); } (this._l01_a = this._l12_a), (this._l12_a = this._l23_a), (this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a), (this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a), (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return t ? new Xi(e, t) : new qi(e, 0); } return ( (n.alpha = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0.5); Qi.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._x2 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._y2 = NaN), (this._l01_a = this._l12_a = this._l23_a = this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a = this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 3 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { if (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { var n = this._x2 - e, r = this._y2 - t; this._l23_a = Math.sqrt((this._l23_2a = Math.pow(n * n + r * r, this._alpha))); } switch (this._point) { case 0: this._point = 1; break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: (this._point = 3), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(this._x2, this._y2) : this._context.moveTo(this._x2, this._y2); break; case 3: this._point = 4; default: Yi(this, e, t); } (this._l01_a = this._l12_a), (this._l12_a = this._l23_a), (this._l01_2a = this._l12_2a), (this._l12_2a = this._l23_2a), (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = this._x2), (this._x2 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = this._y2), (this._y2 = t); }, }; !(function e(t) { function n(e) { return t ? new Qi(e, t) : new Hi(e, 0); } return ( (n.alpha = function (t) { return e(+t); }), n ); })(0.5); Zi.prototype = { areaStart: ky, areaEnd: ky, lineStart: function () { this._point = 0; }, lineEnd: function () { this._point && this._context.closePath(); }, point: function (e, t) { (e = +e), (t = +t), this._point ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : ((this._point = 1), this._context.moveTo(e, t)); }, }; (na.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x0 = this._x1 = this._y0 = this._y1 = this._t0 = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { switch (this._point) { case 2: this._context.lineTo(this._x1, this._y1); break; case 3: ta(this, this._t0, ea(this, this._t0)); } (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line); }, point: function (e, t) { var n = NaN; if (((e = +e), (t = +t), e !== this._x1 || t !== this._y1)) { switch (this._point) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: this._point = 2; break; case 2: (this._point = 3), ta(this, ea(this, (n = $i(this, e, t))), n); break; default: ta(this, this._t0, (n = $i(this, e, t))); } (this._x0 = this._x1), (this._x1 = e), (this._y0 = this._y1), (this._y1 = t), (this._t0 = n); } }, }), ((ra.prototype = Object.create(na.prototype)).point = function (e, t) { na.prototype.point.call(this, t, e); }), (oa.prototype = { moveTo: function (e, t) { this._context.moveTo(t, e); }, closePath: function () { this._context.closePath(); }, lineTo: function (e, t) { this._context.lineTo(t, e); }, bezierCurveTo: function (e, t, n, r, o, i) { this._context.bezierCurveTo(t, e, r, n, i, o); }, }), (ia.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x = []), (this._y = []); }, lineEnd: function () { var e = this._x, t = this._y, n = e.length; if (n) if ((this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e[0], t[0]) : this._context.moveTo(e[0], t[0]), 2 === n)) this._context.lineTo(e[1], t[1]); else for (var r = aa(e), o = aa(t), i = 0, a = 1; a < n; ++i, ++a) this._context.bezierCurveTo(r[0][i], o[0][i], r[1][i], o[1][i], e[a], t[a]); (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === n)) && this._context.closePath(), (this._line = 1 - this._line), (this._x = this._y = null); }, point: function (e, t) { this._x.push(+e), this._y.push(+t); }, }); la.prototype = { areaStart: function () { this._line = 0; }, areaEnd: function () { this._line = NaN; }, lineStart: function () { (this._x = this._y = NaN), (this._point = 0); }, lineEnd: function () { 0 < this._t && this._t < 1 && 2 === this._point && this._context.lineTo(this._x, this._y), (this._line || (0 !== this._line && 1 === this._point)) && this._context.closePath(), this._line >= 0 && ((this._t = 1 - this._t), (this._line = 1 - this._line)); }, point: function (e, t) { switch (((e = +e), (t = +t), this._point)) { case 0: (this._point = 1), this._line ? this._context.lineTo(e, t) : this._context.moveTo(e, t); break; case 1: this._point = 2; default: if (this._t <= 0) this._context.lineTo(this._x, t), this._context.lineTo(e, t); else { var n = this._x * (1 - this._t) + e * this._t; this._context.lineTo(n, this._y), this._context.lineTo(n, t); } } (this._x = e), (this._y = t); }, }; ua.prototype = { constructor: ua, insert: function (e, t) { var n, r, o; if (e) { if (((t.P = e), (t.N = e.N), e.N && (e.N.P = t), (e.N = t), e.R)) { for (e = e.R; e.L; ) e = e.L; e.L = t; } else e.R = t; n = e; } else this._ ? ((e = pa(this._)), (t.P = null), (t.N = e), (e.P = e.L = t), (n = e)) : ((t.P = t.N = null), (this._ = t), (n = null)); for (t.L = t.R = null, t.U = n, t.C = !0, e = t; n && n.C; ) (r = n.U), n === r.L ? ((o = r.R), o && o.C ? ((n.C = o.C = !1), (r.C = !0), (e = r)) : (e === n.R && (ca(this, n), (e = n), (n = e.U)), (n.C = !1), (r.C = !0), fa(this, r))) : ((o = r.L), o && o.C ? ((n.C = o.C = !1), (r.C = !0), (e = r)) : (e === n.L && (fa(this, n), (e = n), (n = e.U)), (n.C = !1), (r.C = !0), ca(this, r))), (n = e.U); this._.C = !1; }, remove: function (e) { e.N && (e.N.P = e.P), e.P && (e.P.N = e.N), (e.N = e.P = null); var t, n, r, o = e.U, i = e.L, a = e.R; if ( ((n = i ? (a ? pa(a) : i) : a), o ? (o.L === e ? (o.L = n) : (o.R = n)) : (this._ = n), i && a ? ((r = n.C), (n.C = e.C), (n.L = i), (i.U = n), n !== a ? ((o = n.U), (n.U = e.U), (e = n.R), (o.L = e), (n.R = a), (a.U = n)) : ((n.U = o), (o = n), (e = n.R))) : ((r = e.C), (e = n)), e && (e.U = o), !r) ) { if (e && e.C) return void (e.C = !1); do { if (e === this._) break; if (e === o.L) { if (((t = o.R), t.C && ((t.C = !1), (o.C = !0), ca(this, o), (t = o.R)), (t.L && t.L.C) || (t.R && t.R.C))) { (t.R && t.R.C) || ((t.L.C = !1), (t.C = !0), fa(this, t), (t = o.R)), (t.C = o.C), (o.C = t.R.C = !1), ca(this, o), (e = this._); break; } } else if (((t = o.L), t.C && ((t.C = !1), (o.C = !0), fa(this, o), (t = o.L)), (t.L && t.L.C) || (t.R && t.R.C))) { (t.L && t.L.C) || ((t.R.C = !1), (t.C = !0), ca(this, t), (t = o.L)), (t.C = o.C), (o.C = t.L.C = !1), fa(this, o), (e = this._); break; } (t.C = !0), (e = o), (o = o.U); } while (!e.C); e && (e.C = !1); } }, }; var Ey, By, Sy, _y, Py, Oy = ua, My = [], Ty = [], Ny = 1e-6, Fy = 1e-12; Ra.prototype = { constructor: Ra, polygons: function () { var e = this.edges; return this.cells.map(function (t) { var n = t.halfedges.map(function (n) { return xa(t, e[n]); }); return (n.data = t.site.data), n; }); }, triangles: function () { var e = [], t = this.edges; return ( this.cells.forEach(function (n, r) { if ((i = (o = n.halfedges).length)) for (var o, i, a, l = n.site, u = -1, s = t[o[i - 1]], c = s.left === l ? s.right : s.left; ++u < i; ) (a = c), (s = t[o[u]]), (c = s.left === l ? s.right : s.left), a && c && r < a.index && r < c.index && Da(l, a, c) < 0 && e.push([l.data, a.data, c.data]); }), e ); }, links: function () { return this.edges .filter(function (e) { return e.right; }) .map(function (e) { return { source: e.left.data, target: e.right.data }; }); }, find: function (e, t, n) { for (var r, o, i = this, a = i._found || 0, l = i.cells.length; !(o = i.cells[a]); ) if (++a >= l) return null; var u = e - o.site[0], s = t - o.site[1], c = u * u + s * s; do { (o = i.cells[(r = a)]), (a = null), o.halfedges.forEach(function (n) { var r = i.edges[n], l = r.left; if ((l !== o.site && l) || (l = r.right)) { var u = e - l[0], s = t - l[1], f = u * u + s * s; f < c && ((c = f), (a = l.index)); } }); } while (null !== a); return (i._found = r), null == n || c <= n * n ? o.site : null; }, }; var Dy = function (e) { return function () { return e; }; }; Ia.prototype = { constructor: Ia, scale: function (e) { return 1 === e ? this : new Ia(this.k * e, this.x, this.y); }, translate: function (e, t) { return (0 === e) & (0 === t) ? this : new Ia(this.k, this.x + this.k * e, this.y + this.k * t); }, apply: function (e) { return [e[0] * this.k + this.x, e[1] * this.k + this.y]; }, applyX: function (e) { return e * this.k + this.x; }, applyY: function (e) { return e * this.k + this.y; }, invert: function (e) { return [(e[0] - this.x) / this.k, (e[1] - this.y) / this.k]; }, invertX: function (e) { return (e - this.x) / this.k; }, invertY: function (e) { return (e - this.y) / this.k; }, rescaleX: function (e) { return e.copy().domain(e.range().map(this.invertX, this).map(e.invert, e)); }, rescaleY: function (e) { return e.copy().domain(e.range().map(this.invertY, this).map(e.invert, e)); }, toString: function () { return "translate(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ") scale(" + this.k + ")"; }, }; var jy = new Ia(1, 0, 0); Wa.prototype = Ia.prototype; var Ry = function () { fc.preventDefault(), fc.stopImmediatePropagation(); }, zy = function () { function e(e) { e.property("__zoom", Va) .on("wheel.zoom", l) .on("mousedown.zoom", u) .on("dblclick.zoom", s) .filter(b) .on("touchstart.zoom", c) .on("touchmove.zoom", f) .on("touchend.zoom touchcancel.zoom", p) .style("touch-action", "none") .style("-webkit-tap-highlight-color", "rgba(0,0,0,0)"); } function t(e, t) { return (t = Math.max(A[0], Math.min(A[1], t))), t === e.k ? e : new Ia(t, e.x, e.y); } function n(e, t, n) { var r = t[0] - n[0] * e.k, o = t[1] - n[1] * e.k; return r === e.x && o === e.y ? e : new Ia(e.k, r, o); } function r(e) { return [(+e[0][0] + +e[1][0]) / 2, (+e[0][1] + +e[1][1]) / 2]; } function o(e, t, n) { e.on("start.zoom", function () { i(this, arguments).start(); }) .on("interrupt.zoom end.zoom", function () { i(this, arguments).end(); }) .tween("zoom", function () { var e = this, o = arguments, a = i(e, o), l = y.apply(e, o), u = n || r(l), s = Math.max(l[1][0] - l[0][0], l[1][1] - l[0][1]), c = e.__zoom, f = "function" === typeof t ? t.apply(e, o) : t, p = w(c.invert(u).concat(s / c.k), f.invert(u).concat(s / f.k)); return function (e) { if (1 === e) e = f; else { var t = p(e), n = s / t[2]; e = new Ia(n, u[0] - t[0] * n, u[1] - t[1] * n); } a.zoom(null, e); }; }); } function i(e, t) { for (var n, r = 0, o = k.length; r < o; ++r) if ((n = k[r]).that === e) return n; return new a(e, t); } function a(e, t) { (this.that = e), (this.args = t), (this.index = -1), (this.active = 0), (this.extent = y.apply(e, t)); } function l() { function e() { (r.wheel = null), r.end(); } if (m.apply(this, arguments)) { var r = i(this, arguments), o = this.__zoom, a = Math.max(A[0], Math.min(A[1], o.k * Math.pow(2, v.apply(this, arguments)))), l = Ac(this); if (r.wheel) (r.mouse[0][0] === l[0] && r.mouse[0][1] === l[1]) || (r.mouse[1] = o.invert((r.mouse[0] = l))), clearTimeout(r.wheel); else { if (o.k === a) return; (r.mouse = [l, o.invert(l)]), Hf(this), r.start(); } Ry(), (r.wheel = setTimeout(e, S)), r.zoom("mouse", g(n(t(o, a), r.mouse[0], r.mouse[1]), r.extent, x)); } } function u() { function e() { if ((Ry(), !r.moved)) { var e = fc.clientX - l, t = fc.clientY - u; r.moved = e * e + t * t > _; } r.zoom("mouse", g(n(r.that.__zoom, (r.mouse[0] = Ac(r.that)), r.mouse[1]), r.extent, x)); } function t() { o.on("mousemove.zoom mouseup.zoom", null), be(fc.view, r.moved), Ry(), r.end(); } if (!h && m.apply(this, arguments)) { var r = i(this, arguments), o = yc(fc.view).on("mousemove.zoom", e, !0).on("mouseup.zoom", t, !0), a = Ac(this), l = fc.clientX, u = fc.clientY; wc(fc.view), Ua(), (r.mouse = [a, this.__zoom.invert(a)]), Hf(this), r.start(); } } function s() { if (m.apply(this, arguments)) { var r = this.__zoom, i = Ac(this), a = r.invert(i), l = r.k * (fc.shiftKey ? 0.5 : 2), u = g(n(t(r, l), i, a), y.apply(this, arguments), x); Ry(), C > 0 ? yc(this).transition().duration(C).call(o, u, i) : yc(this).call(e.transform, u); } } function c() { if (m.apply(this, arguments)) { var e, t, n, r, o = i(this, arguments), a = fc.changedTouches, l = a.length; for (Ua(), t = 0; t < l; ++t) (n = a[t]), (r = xc(this, a, n.identifier)), (r = [r, this.__zoom.invert(r), n.identifier]), o.touch0 ? o.touch1 || (o.touch1 = r) : ((o.touch0 = r), (e = !0)); if (d && ((d = clearTimeout(d)), !o.touch1)) return o.end(), void ((r = yc(this).on("dblclick.zoom")) && r.apply(this, arguments)); e && ((d = setTimeout(function () { d = null; }, B)), Hf(this), o.start()); } } function f() { var e, r, o, a, l = i(this, arguments), u = fc.changedTouches, s = u.length; for (Ry(), d && (d = clearTimeout(d)), e = 0; e < s; ++e) (r = u[e]), (o = xc(this, u, r.identifier)), l.touch0 && l.touch0[2] === r.identifier ? (l.touch0[0] = o) : l.touch1 && l.touch1[2] === r.identifier && (l.touch1[0] = o); if (((r = l.that.__zoom), l.touch1)) { var c = l.touch0[0], f = l.touch0[1], p = l.touch1[0], h = l.touch1[1], m = (m = p[0] - c[0]) * m + (m = p[1] - c[1]) * m, y = (y = h[0] - f[0]) * y + (y = h[1] - f[1]) * y; (r = t(r, Math.sqrt(m / y))), (o = [(c[0] + p[0]) / 2, (c[1] + p[1]) / 2]), (a = [(f[0] + h[0]) / 2, (f[1] + h[1]) / 2]); } else { if (!l.touch0) return; (o = l.touch0[0]), (a = l.touch0[1]); } l.zoom("touch", g(n(r, o, a), l.extent, x)); } function p() { var e, t, n = i(this, arguments), r = fc.changedTouches, o = r.length; for ( Ua(), h && clearTimeout(h), h = setTimeout(function () { h = null; }, B), e = 0; e < o; ++e ) (t = r[e]), n.touch0 && n.touch0[2] === t.identifier ? delete n.touch0 : n.touch1 && n.touch1[2] === t.identifier && delete n.touch1; n.touch1 && !n.touch0 && ((n.touch0 = n.touch1), delete n.touch1), n.touch0 ? (n.touch0[1] = this.__zoom.invert(n.touch0[0])) : n.end(); } var d, h, m = La, y = Ga, g = Ya, v = qa, b = Ha, A = [0, 1 / 0], x = [ [-1 / 0, -1 / 0], [1 / 0, 1 / 0], ], C = 250, w = kf, k = [], E = xs("start", "zoom", "end"), B = 500, S = 150, _ = 0; return ( (e.transform = function (e, t) { var n = e.selection ? e.selection() : e; n.property("__zoom", Va), e !== n ? o(e, t) : n.interrupt().each(function () { i(this, arguments) .start() .zoom(null, "function" === typeof t ? t.apply(this, arguments) : t) .end(); }); }), (e.scaleBy = function (t, n) { e.scaleTo(t, function () { return this.__zoom.k * ("function" === typeof n ? n.apply(this, arguments) : n); }); }), (e.scaleTo = function (o, i) { e.transform(o, function () { var e = y.apply(this, arguments), o = this.__zoom, a = r(e), l = o.invert(a), u = "function" === typeof i ? i.apply(this, arguments) : i; return g(n(t(o, u), a, l), e, x); }); }), (e.translateBy = function (t, n, r) { e.transform(t, function () { return g(this.__zoom.translate("function" === typeof n ? n.apply(this, arguments) : n, "function" === typeof r ? r.apply(this, arguments) : r), y.apply(this, arguments), x); }); }), (e.translateTo = function (t, n, o) { e.transform(t, function () { var e = y.apply(this, arguments), t = this.__zoom, i = r(e); return g( jy .translate(i[0], i[1]) .scale(t.k) .translate("function" === typeof n ? -n.apply(this, arguments) : -n, "function" === typeof o ? -o.apply(this, arguments) : -o), e, x ); }); }), (a.prototype = { start: function () { return 1 === ++this.active && ((this.index = k.push(this) - 1), this.emit("start")), this; }, zoom: function (e, t) { return ( this.mouse && "mouse" !== e && (this.mouse[1] = t.invert(this.mouse[0])), this.touch0 && "touch" !== e && (this.touch0[1] = t.invert(this.touch0[0])), this.touch1 && "touch" !== e && (this.touch1[1] = t.invert(this.touch1[0])), (this.that.__zoom = t), this.emit("zoom"), this ); }, end: function () { return 0 === --this.active && (k.splice(this.index, 1), (this.index = -1), this.emit("end")), this; }, emit: function (t) { fe(new za(e, t, this.that.__zoom), E.apply, E, [t, this.that, this.args]); }, }), (e.wheelDelta = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((v = "function" === typeof t ? t : Dy(+t)), e) : v; }), (e.filter = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((m = "function" === typeof t ? t : Dy(!!t)), e) : m; }), (e.touchable = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((b = "function" === typeof t ? t : Dy(!!t)), e) : b; }), (e.extent = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((y = "function" === typeof t ? t : Dy([ [+t[0][0], +t[0][1]], [+t[1][0], +t[1][1]], ])), e) : y; }), (e.scaleExtent = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((A[0] = +t[0]), (A[1] = +t[1]), e) : [A[0], A[1]]; }), (e.translateExtent = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((x[0][0] = +t[0][0]), (x[1][0] = +t[1][0]), (x[0][1] = +t[0][1]), (x[1][1] = +t[1][1]), e) : [ [x[0][0], x[0][1]], [x[1][0], x[1][1]], ]; }), (e.constrain = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((g = t), e) : g; }), (e.duration = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((C = +t), e) : C; }), (e.interpolate = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((w = t), e) : w; }), (e.on = function () { var t = E.on.apply(E, arguments); return t === E ? e : t; }), (e.clickDistance = function (t) { return arguments.length ? ((_ = (t = +t) * t), e) : Math.sqrt(_); }), e ); }, Iy = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Wy = (function (e) { function t(e) { Xa(this, t); var n = Qa(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { country1: e.country1, country2: e.country2, country3: e.country3, wd: document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart"), (n.tooltip = yc("body").append("div").attr("class", "pm-tooltip1").style("opacity", 0)), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#6390c6", "#5c7d70", "#e77c22"]), (n.boundWidth = 800), (n.boundWidth2 = 1050), n ); } return ( Za(t, e), Iy(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth != this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth }), yc(".pm-graph1-svg").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { var e = yc(".pm-graph1-svg"), t = { top: (this.state.wd, 20), right: this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : 20, bottom: 40, left: this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : 40 }; (this.width = +e.attr("width") - t.left - t.right), (this.height = +e.attr("height") - t.top - t.bottom), (this.g = e.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(" + t.left + "," + t.top + ")")), this.createAxis(), this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "createData", value: function (e) { var t = 2006, n = []; return ( e && e.forEach(function (e) { 0 != e && n.push({ dt: new Date(t, 0, 1), val: e }), t++; }), n ); }, }, { key: "createAxis", value: function () { function e(e) { e.call(i), e.select(".domain").remove(), e.selectAll(".tick line").attr("stroke", "#acadb3").attr("y2", 0), e .selectAll(".tick:first-of-type line") .attr("y2", (r.state.wd, r.boundWidth, -r.height)) .attr("y1", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? 5 : 10), e .selectAll(".tick text") .attr("dy", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? 6 : 20) .attr("fill", "#acadb3") .attr("font-size", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? "10px" : "18px") .attr("font-family", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? "Helvetica Neue Web" : "Helvetica Neue Web Bd"), r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth && (e.selectAll(".tick text").attr("opacity", 0), e.selectAll(".tick:first-of-type text").attr("opacity", 1), e.selectAll(".tick:last-of-type text").attr("opacity", 1)); } function t(e) { e.call(a), e.select(".domain").remove(), e.selectAll(".tick line").attr("stroke", "#acadb3"), e.selectAll(".tick:not(:first-of-type) line").attr("stroke-dasharray", "2,2").attr("stroke-opacity", "0"), e .selectAll(".tick text") .attr("x", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? -5 : 4) .attr("dy", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? -6 : 6) .attr("fill", "#acadb3") .attr("text-anchor", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? "start" : "end") .attr("font-size", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? "10px" : "18px") .attr("font-family", r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? "Helvetica Neue Web" : "Helvetica Neue Web Bd"), e.selectAll(".tick:first-of-type text").attr("opacity", 0), r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth && (e.selectAll(".tick text").attr("opacity", 0), e.selectAll(".tick:first-of-type text").attr("opacity", 1), e.selectAll(".tick:last-of-type text").attr("opacity", 1)); } var n = this, r = this, o = this.createData(this.props.data.GLOBAL); (this.x = my() .domain([new Date(2005, (this.state.wd, 10), 1), new Date(2018, 2, 1)]) .range([0, this.width])), (this.y = po().domain([0, 100]).range([this.height, 0])); var i = d(this.x) .ticks(zm) .tickFormat(function (e) { var t = e.getFullYear(); return 2018 == t && (t = 2019), 2017 == t && (t = 2018), t; }), a = p(this.y) .tickSize(this.width) .tickFormat(function (e) { return e; }), l = Cy() .x(function (e) { return r.x(e.dt); }) .y(function (e) { return r.y(e.val); }); this.g .append("g") .attr("transform", "translate(0," + this.height + ")") .call(e), this.g.append("g").attr("transform", "translate(0,0)").call(t), (this.black = this.g.append("g").attr("id", "blackg")), this.black .append("path") .attr("class", "blackPath") .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", "#494a4f") .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round") .attr("stroke-linecap", "round") .attr("stroke-width", 2) .attr("opacity", (r.state.wd, r.boundWidth, 1)) .attr("d", l(o)), this.black .selectAll("circle") .data(o) .enter() .append("circle") .attr("r", this.state.wd < r.boundWidth ? 4 : 6) .attr("fill", "#494a4f") .attr("stroke", "#494a4f") .attr("stroke-width", "20px") .attr("stroke-opacity", 0) .style("display", function (e) { return r.state.wd < r.boundWidth ? "none" : "block"; }) .attr("cx", function (e) { return r.x(e.dt); }) .attr("cy", function (e) { return r.y(e.val); }) .on("mouseover", function (e) { parseFloat(yc("#powerman1-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetLeft, n.tooltip.style("background", "#494a4f").style("color", "white").transition().duration(300).style("opacity", 0.9), n.tooltip .html(e.val + "%") .style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px") .style("top", fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"); }) .on("mousemove", function (e) { parseFloat(yc("#powerman1-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetLeft, n.tooltip.style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px").style("top", fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"); }) .on("mouseout", function (e) { n.tooltip.transition().duration(0).style("opacity", 0); }), (this.white1 = this.g.append("g").attr("id", "whiteg")), this.white1 .append("path") .attr("class", "whitePath1") .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", r.colors[0]) .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round") .attr("stroke-linecap", "round") .attr("stroke-width", 2) .attr("d", l(r.createData(r.props.data[r.props.country1]).reverse())), (this.white2 = this.g.append("g").attr("id", "whiteg2")), this.white2 .append("path") .attr("class", "whitePath2") .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", this.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? r.colors[3] : r.colors[1]) .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round") .attr("stroke-linecap", "round") .attr("stroke-width", 2) .attr("d", l(r.createData(r.props.data[r.props.country2]).reverse())), (this.white3 = this.g.append("g").attr("id", "whiteg3")), this.white3 .append("path") .attr("class", "whitePath3") .attr("fill", "none") .attr("stroke", r.colors[2]) .attr("stroke-linejoin", "round") .attr("stroke-linecap", "round") .attr("stroke-width", 2) .attr("d", l(r.createData(r.props.data[r.props.country3]).reverse())); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country1]), t = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country2]), n = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country3]); this.drawGraph(e, 1), this.drawGraph(t, 2), this.drawGraph(n, 3); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function (e, t) { var n = this, r = this, o = Cy() .x(function (e) { return r.x(e.dt); }) .y(function (e) { return r.y(e.val); }); this["white" + t] .select(".whitePath" + t) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .attr("d", o(e.reverse())); var i = this["white" + t].selectAll("circle").data(e, function (e) { return e.dt; }); i .enter() .append("circle") .attr("r", this.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? 4 : 6) .attr("fill", r.colors[t - 1]) .attr("stroke", r.colors[t - 1]) .attr("stroke-width", "20px") .attr("stroke-opacity", 0) .style("opacity", function (e) { return r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth ? 0 : 1; }) .attr("cx", function (e) { return r.x(e.dt); }) .attr("cy", function (e) { return r.y(e.val); }) .on("mouseover", function (e) { var o = (parseFloat(yc("#powerman1-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetLeft, r.colors[t - 1]); r.state.wd <= r.boundWidth && t - 1 > 0 && (o = r.colors[3]), n.tooltip.style("background", o).transition().duration(300).style("opacity", 0.9), n.tooltip .html(e.val + "%") .style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px") .style("top", fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"); }) .on("mousemove", function (e) { parseFloat(yc("#powerman1-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetLeft; n.tooltip.style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px").style("top", fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"); }) .on("mouseout", function (e) { n.tooltip.transition().duration(0).style("opacity", 0); }), i .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .attr("cx", function (e) { return r.x(e.dt); }) .attr("cy", function (e) { return r.y(e.val); }), i.exit().remove(); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.state.wd <= this.boundWidth2 ? this.state.wd : this.boundWidth2, t = this.state.wd <= this.boundWidth ? 180 : 530; return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-graph1-container" }, Zu.a.createElement("svg", { className: "pm-graph1-svg", width: e, height: t }), Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-label1-2 pm-label" }, "GLOBAL") ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), Uy = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Ly = (function (e) { function t(e) { Ja(this, t); var n = $a(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.dt = Object.values(e.data)), (n.state = { selection: e.selection || "" == e.selection ? ("" == e.selection ? "CHOOSE A COUNTRY" : e.selection) : n.dt[0], open: !1 }), Ka(n, "update", "open", "close", "handleClickOutside", "setWrapperRef"), n ); } return ( el(t, e), Uy(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { document.addEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside); }, }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { document.removeEventListener("mousedown", this.handleClickOutside); }, }, { key: "handleClickOutside", value: function () { this.wrapperRef && !this.wrapperRef.contains(event.target) && this.state.open && this.setState({ open: !1 }); }, }, { key: "open", value: function () { this.setState({ open: !this.state.open }); }, }, { key: "close", value: function (e) { this.props.deleteable && "CHOOSE A COUNTRY" != this.state.selection && (e.stopPropagation(), e.nativeEvent.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.setState({ selection: "CHOOSE A COUNTRY", open: !1 }), this.props.update("")); }, }, { key: "update", value: function (e) { this.setState({ selection: e, open: !1 }), this.props.update(e); }, }, { key: "setWrapperRef", value: function (e) { this.wrapperRef = e; }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this; this.dt = Object.values(this.props.data); var t = { width: this.props.wd ? this.props.wd + "px" : "100%", display: this.props.hide ? 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"customSelect2 csopened" : "customSelect2") : this.state.open ? "customSelect csopened" : "customSelect", ref: this.setWrapperRef, style: t }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: this.state.open ? "selectContainer selectContainerOpen" : "selectContainer", onClick: this.open, style: n }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "selectText" }, this.state.selection), Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "selectIcon", onClick: this.close, style: r }, Zu.a.createElement("img", { src: "https://go.manpowergroup.com/hubfs/infographic-assets-2020/" + l + ".svg" })) ), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { style: o, className: this.state.open ? "dropdownContainer dropdownContainerOpen" : "dropdownContainer" }, this.dt.map(function (t, n) { return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: t == e.state.selection ? i : a, key: n, value: t, onClick: function () { return e.update(t); }, }, t ); }) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), Gy = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Vy = (function (e) { function t(e) { tl(this, t); var n = nl(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)), r = document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth; return ( (n.dt = Object.keys(e.data)), (n.state = { country: r <= 800 ? n.dt[1] : "", country2: r <= 800 ? n.dt[2] : "", country3: "", wd: r }), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#6390c6", "#5c7d70", "#e77c22"]), Ka(n, "update", "update2", "update3", "handleResize"), n ); } return ( rl(t, e), Gy(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { var e = document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth; e != this.state.wd && this.setState({ wd: e }); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () {} }, { key: "update", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country: e }); }, }, { key: "update2", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country2: e }); }, }, { key: "update3", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country3: e }); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this, t = document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth <= 800, n = t ? "Compare countries" : this.props.header, r = Object.keys(this.props.data), o = (Object.keys(this.props.data), r[0], r.slice(1)), i = o.filter(function (t, n) { return t != e.state.country2 && t != e.state.country3; }), a = o.filter(function (t, n) { return t != e.state.country && t != e.state.country3; }), l = o.filter(function (t, n) { return t != e.state.country && t != e.state.country2; }), u = t ? "" : 300; return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph1", className: "pm-graph" }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls1" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label1-1", className: "pm-label" }, n), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-selectGroup" }, Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { colored: this.colors[0], coloredId: 1, wd: u, deleteable: !t, selection: this.state.country, data: i, update: this.update }), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { colored: t ? this.colors[3] : this.colors[1], coloredId: t ? 4 : 2, wd: u, deleteable: !t, selection: this.state.country2, data: a, update: this.update2 }), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { hide: t, colored: this.colors[2], coloredId: 3, wd: u, deleteable: !0, selection: this.state.country3, data: l, update: this.update3 }) ) ), Zu.a.createElement(Wy, { data: this.props.data, country1: this.state.country, country2: this.state.country2, country3: this.state.country3 }) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), qy = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Hy = (function (e) { function t(e) { ol(this, t); var n = il(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { country: e.country, wd: document.getElementById("powerman2-app-root").offsetWidth }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart", "createData"), (n.colors = ["#efeff0", "#efeff0", "#efeff0"]), (n.names = [ "Skilled Trades", "Sales Reps", "Engineers", "Drivers", "Technicians", "IT Staff", "Accounting and Finance Staff", "White Collar Professionals", "Office Support Staff", "Production Operators / Machine Operators", "Management / Executive (Management / Corporate)", "Health Care Professionals", "Restaurants & Hotel staff", "Teachers", "Customer Support", "Cleaners & Domestic staff", "Security Guards", "Supervisors", "Laborers", ]), (n.names2 = [ "Accounting and Finance Staff", "Cleaners & Domestic staff", "Customer Support", "Drivers", "Engineers", "Health Care Professionals", "IT Staff", "Laborers", "Management / Executive (Management / Corporate)", "Production Operators / Machine Operators", "Office Support Staff", "White Collar Professionals", "Restaurants & Hotel staff", "Sales Reps", "Security Guards", "Skilled Trades", "Supervisors", "Teachers", "Technicians", ]), (n.preffix = "https://go.manpowergroup.com/hubfs/infographic-assets-2020/"), n ); } return ( al(t, e), qy(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { document.getElementById("powerman2-app-root").offsetWidth != this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: document.getElementById("powerman2-app-root").offsetWidth }), yc(".pm-graph2-div").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { (this.g = yc(".pm-graph2-div")), this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country]); this.drawGraph(e); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function (e) { var t = this, n = this.state.wd < 1350 ? this.state.wd : 1350, r = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : 25, o = this.state.wd <= 800 ? (n - 1 * r) / 2 : (n - 4 * r) / 5, i = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 2 : 5, a = this.g.selectAll(".pm-cards").data(e, function (e) { return e.name; }); a .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "pm-cards") .style("visibility", function (e, t) { return "visible"; }) .html(function (e, n) { return '
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' + (n + 1) + '
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(e - 1 * t) / 2 : (e - 4 * t) / 5, r = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 3 * n + 2 * t : 5 * n + 4 * t, o = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 5 * n + 4 * t : 2 * n + 1 * t, i = { width: r + "px", height: o + "px" }; return Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-graph2-div", style: i }); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), Yy = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Ky = (function (e) { function t(e) { ll(this, t); var n = ul(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return (n.dt = Object.keys(e.data)), (n.state = { country: n.dt[0] }), Ka(n, "update"), n; } return ( sl(t, e), Yy(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () {} }, { key: "update", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country: e }); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.props.header, t = Object.keys(this.props.data), n = (Object.keys(this.props.data), t[0], t); return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph2", className: "pm-graph" }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls2" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label2", className: "pm-label" }, e), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { className: "customSelect", data: n, update: this.update }) ), Zu.a.createElement(Hy, { data: this.props.data, country: this.state.country }) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), Xy = Math.abs, Qy = Math.atan, Zy = Math.atan2, Jy = (Math.ceil, Math.cos), $y = Math.exp, eg = Math.floor, tg = Math.log, ng = Math.max, rg = Math.min, og = Math.pow, ig = (Math.round, Math.sign || function (e) { return e > 0 ? 1 : e < 0 ? -1 : 0; }), ag = Math.sin, lg = Math.tan, ug = 1e-6, sg = 1e-12, cg = Math.PI, fg = cg / 2, pg = cg / 4, dg = Math.SQRT1_2, hg = dl(2), mg = dl(cg), yg = 2 * cg, gg = 180 / cg, vg = cg / 180; bl.invert = function (e, t) { if (!(e * e + 4 * t * t > cg * cg + ug)) { var n = e, r = t, o = 25; do { var i, a = ag(n), l = ag(n / 2), u = Jy(n / 2), s = ag(r), c = Jy(r), f = ag(2 * r), p = s * s, d = c * c, h = l * l, m = 1 - d * u * u, y = m ? pl(c * u) * dl((i = 1 / m)) : (i = 0), g = 2 * y * c * l - e, v = y * s - t, b = i * (d * h + y * c * u * p), A = i * (0.5 * a * f - 2 * y * s * l), x = 0.25 * i * (f * l - y * s * d * a), C = i * (p * u + y * h * c), w = A * x - C * b; if (!w) break; var k = (v * A - g * C) / w, E = (g * x - v * b) / w; (n -= k), (r -= E); } while ((Xy(k) > ug || Xy(E) > ug) && --o > 0); return [n, r]; } }; Al.invert = function (e, t) { if (((e *= 3 / 8), (t *= 3 / 8), !e && Xy(t) > 1)) return null; var n = e * e, r = t * t, o = 1 + n + r, i = dl((o - dl(o * o - 4 * t * t)) / 2), a = fl(i) / 3, l = i ? vl(Xy(t / i)) / 3 : gl(Xy(e)) / 3, u = Jy(a), s = yl(l), c = s * s - u * u; return [2 * ig(e) * Zy(ml(l) * u, 0.25 - c), 2 * ig(t) * Zy(s * ag(a), 0.25 + c)]; }; var bg = dl(8), Ag = tg(1 + hg); xl.invert = function (e, t) { if ((r = Xy(t)) < Ag) return [e, 2 * Qy($y(t)) - fg]; var n, r, o = pg, i = 25; do { var a = Jy(o / 2), l = lg(o / 2); o -= n = (bg * (o - pg) - tg(l) - r) / (bg - (a * a) / (2 * l)); } while (Xy(n) > sg && --i > 0); return [e / (Jy(o) * (bg - 1 / ag(o))), ig(t) * o]; }; Cl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = 2 * fl(t / 2); return [(e * Jy(n / 2)) / Jy(n), n]; }; var xg = El(hg / fg, hg, cg), Cg = 2.00276, wg = 1.11072; Bl.invert = function (e, t) { var n, r, o = Cg * t, i = t < 0 ? -pg : pg, a = 25; do { (r = o - hg * ag(i)), (i -= n = (ag(2 * i) + 2 * i - cg * ag(r)) / (2 * Jy(2 * i) + 2 + cg * Jy(r) * hg * Jy(i))); } while (Xy(n) > ug && --a > 0); return (r = o - hg * ag(i)), [(e * (1 / Jy(r) + wg / Jy(i))) / Cg, r]; }; Sl.invert = function (e, t) { return [e / Jy(t), t]; }; El(1, 4 / cg, cg); _l.invert = function (e, t) { var n = (n = t / mg - 1) * n; return [n > 0 ? (e * dl(cg / n)) / 2 : 0, fl(1 - n)]; }; var kg = dl(3); Pl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = 3 * fl(t / (kg * mg)); return [(mg * e) / (kg * (2 * Jy((2 * n) / 3) - 1)), n]; }; Ml.invert = function (e, t) { var n = dl(8 / (3 * cg)), r = t / n; return [e / (n * (1 - Xy(r) / cg)), r]; }; Tl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = 2 - Xy(t) / dl((2 * cg) / 3); return [(e * dl(6 * cg)) / (2 * n), ig(t) * fl((4 - n * n) / 3)]; }; Nl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = dl(cg * (4 + cg)) / 2; return [(e * n) / (1 + dl(1 - (t * t * (4 + cg)) / (4 * cg))), (t * n) / 2]; }; Fl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = (t * dl((4 + cg) / cg)) / 2, r = fl(n), o = Jy(r); return [e / ((2 / dl(cg * (4 + cg))) * (1 + o)), fl((r + n * (o + 2)) / (2 + fg))]; }; Dl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = dl(2 + cg), r = (t * n) / 2; return [(n * e) / (1 + Jy(r)), r]; }; jl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = 1 + fg, r = dl(n / 2); return [(2 * e * r) / (1 + Jy((t *= r))), fl((t + ag(t)) / n)]; }; var Eg = 3 + 2 * hg; Rl.invert = function (e, t) { if (!(n = Al.invert(e / 1.2, 1.065 * t))) return null; var n, r = n[0], o = n[1], i = 20; (e /= Eg), (t /= Eg); do { var a = r / 2, l = o / 2, u = ag(a), s = Jy(a), c = ag(l), f = Jy(l), p = Jy(o), d = dl(p), h = c / (f + hg * s * d), m = h * h, y = dl(2 / (1 + m)), g = hg * f + (s + u) * d, v = hg * f + (s - u) * d, b = g / v, A = dl(b), x = A - 1 / A, C = A + 1 / A, w = y * x - 2 * tg(A) - e, k = y * h * C - 2 * Qy(h) - t, E = c && (dg * d * u * m) / c, B = (hg * s * f + d) / (2 * (f + hg * s * d) * (f + hg * s * d) * d), S = -0.5 * h * y * y * y, _ = S * E, P = S * B, O = (O = 2 * f + hg * d * (s - u)) * O * A, M = (hg * s * f * d + p) / O, T = (-hg * u * c) / (d * O), N = x * _ - (2 * M) / A + y * (M + M / b), F = x * P - (2 * T) / A + y * (T + T / b), D = h * C * _ - (2 * E) / (1 + m) + y * C * E + y * h * (M - M / b), j = h * C * P - (2 * B) / (1 + m) + y * C * B + y * h * (T - T / b), R = F * D - j * N; if (!R) break; var z = (k * F - w * j) / R, I = (w * D - k * N) / R; (r -= z), (o = ng(-fg, rg(fg, o - I))); } while ((Xy(z) > ug || Xy(I) > ug) && --i > 0); return Xy(Xy(o) - fg) < ug ? [0, o] : i && [r, o]; }; var Bg = Jy(35 * vg); zl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = t / (1 + Bg); return [e && e / (Bg * dl(1 - n * n)), 2 * Qy(n)]; }; Il.invert = function (e, t) { var n = Qy(t / mg), r = Jy(n), o = 2 * n; return [(e * mg) / 2 / (Jy(o) * r * r), o]; }; var Sg = function (e, t, n, r, o, i, a, l) { function u(u, s) { if (!s) return [(e * u) / cg, 0]; var c = s * s, f = e + c * (t + c * (n + c * r)), p = s * (o - 1 + c * (i - l + c * a)), d = (f * f + p * p) / (2 * p), h = (u * fl(f / d)) / cg; return [d * ag(h), s * (1 + c * l) + d * (1 - Jy(h))]; } return ( arguments.length < 8 && (l = 0), (u.invert = function (u, s) { var c, f, p = (cg * u) / e, d = s, h = 50; do { var m = d * d, y = e + m * (t + m * (n + m * r)), g = d * (o - 1 + m * (i - l + m * a)), v = y * y + g * g, b = 2 * g, A = v / b, x = A * A, C = fl(y / A) / cg, w = p * C, k = y * y, E = (2 * t + m * (4 * n + 6 * m * r)) * d, B = o + m * (3 * i + 5 * m * a), S = 2 * (y * E + g * (B - 1)), _ = 2 * (B - 1), P = (S * b - v * _) / (b * b), O = Jy(w), M = ag(w), T = A * O, N = A * M, F = ((p / cg) * (1 / dl(1 - k / x)) * (E * A - y * P)) / x, D = N - u, j = d * (1 + m * l) + A - T - s, R = P * M + T * F, z = T * C, I = 1 + P - (P * O - N * F), W = N * C, U = R * W - I * z; if (!U) break; (p -= c = (j * R - D * I) / U), (d -= f = (D * W - j * z) / U); } while ((Xy(c) > ug || Xy(f) > ug) && --h > 0); return [p, d]; }), u ); }; Sg(2.8284, -1.6988, 0.75432, -0.18071, 1.76003, -0.38914, 0.042555), Sg(2.583819, -0.835827, 0.170354, -0.038094, 1.543313, -0.411435, 0.082742), Sg((5 / 6) * cg, -0.62636, -0.0344, 0, 1.3493, -0.05524, 0, 0.045); Wl.invert = function (e, t) { var n, r = e, o = t, i = 50; do { var a = o * o; o -= n = (o * (1 + a / 12) - t) / (1 + a / 4); } while (Xy(n) > ug && --i > 0); (i = 50), (e /= 1 - 0.162388 * a); do { var l = (l = r * r) * l; r -= n = (r * (0.87 - 952426e-9 * l) - e) / (0.87 - 0.00476213 * l); } while (Xy(n) > ug && --i > 0); return [r, o]; }; Sg(2.6516, -0.76534, 0.19123, -0.047094, 1.36289, -0.13965, 0.031762); Ul.invert = function (e, t) { Xy(e) > 1 && (e = 2 * ig(e) - e), Xy(t) > 1 && (t = 2 * ig(t) - t); var n = ig(e), r = ig(t), o = -n * e, i = -r * t, a = i / o < 1, l = Gl(a ? i : o, a ? o : i), u = l[0], s = l[1], c = Jy(s); return a && (u = -fg - u), [n * (Zy(ag(u) * c, -ag(s)) + cg), r * fl(Jy(u) * c)]; }; Kl.invert = function (e, t) { var n = (hg - 1) / (hg + 1), r = dl(1 - n * n), o = Yl(fg, r * r), i = Vl(0.5 * o - t, -e, r * r), a = Ql(i[0], i[1]); return [Zy(a[1], a[0]) / -1, 2 * Qy($y(-0.5 * tg(n * a[0] * a[0] + n * a[1] * a[1]))) - fg]; }; var _g = (fl(1 - 1 / 3), Ol(0), 0.7109889596207567), Pg = 0.0528035274542; Zl.invert = function (e, t) { return t > -_g ? xg.invert(e, t - Pg) : Sl.invert(e, t); }; Jl.invert = function (e, t) { return Xy(t) > _g ? xg.invert(e, t + (t > 0 ? Pg : -Pg)) : Sl.invert(e, t); }; $l.invert = function (e, t) { return [((yg / 3) * e) / dl((cg * cg) / 3 - t * t), t]; }; var Og = cg / hg; eu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = Xy(e), r = Xy(t), o = ug, i = fg; r < Og ? (i *= r / Og) : (o += 6 * pl(Og / r)); for (var a = 0; a < 25; a++) { var l = ag(i), u = dl(Jy(i)), s = ag(i / 2), c = Jy(i / 2), f = ag(o / 6), p = Jy(o / 6), d = 0.5 * o * (1 + u) - n, h = i / (c * p) - r, m = u ? (-0.25 * o * l) / u : 0, y = 0.5 * (1 + u), g = (1 + (0.5 * i * s) / c) / (c * p), v = ((i / c) * (f / 6)) / (p * p), b = m * v - g * y, A = (d * v - h * y) / b, x = (h * m - d * g) / b; if (((i -= A), (o -= x), Xy(A) < ug && Xy(x) < ug)) break; } return [e < 0 ? -o : o, t < 0 ? -i : i]; }; tu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = ig(e) * cg, r = t / 2, o = 50; do { var i = n * n, a = r * r, l = n * r, u = n * (0.975534 + a * (-0.0143059 * i - 0.119161 + -0.0547009 * a)) - e, s = r * (1.00384 + i * (0.0802894 + -0.02855 * a + 199025e-9 * i) + a * (0.0998909 + -0.0491032 * a)) - t, c = 0.975534 - a * (0.119161 + 3 * i * 0.0143059 + 0.0547009 * a), f = -l * (0.238322 + 0.2188036 * a + 0.0286118 * i), p = l * (0.1605788 + 7961e-7 * i + -0.0571 * a), d = 1.00384 + i * (0.0802894 + 199025e-9 * i) + a * (3 * (0.0998909 - 0.02855 * i) - 0.245516 * a), h = f * p - d * c, m = (s * f - u * d) / h, y = (u * p - s * c) / h; (n -= m), (r -= y); } while ((Xy(m) > ug || Xy(y) > ug) && --o > 0); return o && [n, r]; }; nu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = e * e, r = t * t, o = r + 1, i = n + o, a = e ? dg * dl((i - dl(i * i - 4 * n)) / n) : 1 / dl(o); return [fl(e * a), ig(t) * pl(a)]; }; ru.invert = function (e, t) { return [e, 2.5 * Qy($y(0.8 * t)) - 0.625 * cg]; }; var Mg = function () { return Sr(ru).scale(108.318); }, Tg = dl(6), Ng = dl(7); ou.invert = function (e, t) { var n = 3 * fl((t * Ng) / 9); return [(e * Ng) / (Tg * (2 * Jy((2 * n) / 3) - 1)), fl((3 * ag(n) * Tg) / 7)]; }; iu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = (t * dl(2 + hg)) / (2 * dl(3)), r = 2 * fl(n); return [(3 * hg * e) / (1 + (2 * Jy(r)) / Jy(r / 2)), fl((n + ag(r)) / (1 + dg))]; }; au.invert = function (e, t) { var n = dl(6 / (4 + cg)), r = t / n; return Xy(Xy(r) - fg) < ug && (r = r < 0 ? -fg : fg), [(1.5 * e) / (n * (0.5 + Jy(r))), fl((r / 2 + ag(r)) / (1 + cg / 4))]; }; lu.invert = function (e, t) { var n, r, o, i, a = t, l = 25; do { (r = a * a), (o = r * r), (a -= n = (a * (1.01183 + o * o * (0.01926 * r - 0.02625 - 0.00396 * o)) - t) / (1.01183 + o * o * (0.21186 * r - 0.23625 + -0.05148 * o))); } while (Xy(n) > sg && --l > 0); return (r = a * a), (o = r * r), (i = r * o), [e / (0.84719 - 0.13063 * r + i * i * (0.05494 * r - 0.04515 - 0.02326 * o + 0.00331 * i)), a]; }; uu.invert = function (e, t) { for (var n = t / 2, r = 0, o = 1 / 0; r < 10 && Xy(o) > ug; ++r) { var i = Jy(t / 2); t -= o = (t - lg(t / 2) - n) / (1 - 0.5 / (i * i)); } return [(2 * e) / (1 + Jy(t)), t]; }; su.invert = function (e, t) { (e /= fg), (t /= fg); var n = e * e, r = t * t, o = n + r, i = cg * cg; return [ e ? ((o - 1 + dl((1 - o) * (1 - o) + 4 * n)) / (2 * e)) * fg : 0, wl(function (e) { return o * (cg * ag(e) - 2 * e) * cg + 4 * e * e * (t - ag(e)) + 2 * cg * e - i * t; }, 0), ]; }; var Fg = 1.0148, Dg = 0.23185, jg = -0.14499, Rg = 0.02406, zg = Fg, Ig = 5 * Dg, Wg = 7 * jg, Ug = 9 * Rg; cu.invert = function (e, t) { t > 1.790857183 ? (t = 1.790857183) : t < -1.790857183 && (t = -1.790857183); var n, r = t; do { var o = r * r; r -= n = (r * (Fg + o * o * (Dg + o * (jg + Rg * o))) - t) / (zg + o * o * (Ig + o * (Wg + Ug * o))); } while (Xy(n) > ug); return [e, r]; }; fu.invert = function (e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; var n, r = e * e + t * t, o = 0.5 * t, i = 10; do { var a = lg(o), l = 1 / Jy(o), u = r - 2 * t * o + o * o; o -= n = (a * u + 2 * (o - t)) / (2 + u * l * l + 2 * (o - t) * a); } while (Xy(n) > ug && --i > 0); return (a = lg(o)), [(Xy(t) < Xy(o + 1 / a) ? fl(e * a) : ig(e) * (pl(Xy(e * a)) + fg)) / ag(o), o]; }; var Lg = [ [0, 90], [-90, 0], [0, 0], [90, 0], [180, 0], [0, -90], ], Gg = ([ [0, 2, 1], [0, 3, 2], [5, 1, 2], [5, 2, 3], [0, 1, 4], [0, 4, 3], [5, 4, 1], [5, 3, 4], ].map(function (e) { return e.map(function (e) { return Lg[e]; }); }), 2 / dl(3)); pu.invert = function (e, t) { return _l.invert(e / Gg, t); }; var Vg = [ [0.9986, -0.062], [1, 0], [0.9986, 0.062], [0.9954, 0.124], [0.99, 0.186], [0.9822, 0.248], [0.973, 0.31], [0.96, 0.372], [0.9427, 0.434], [0.9216, 0.4958], [0.8962, 0.5571], [0.8679, 0.6176], [0.835, 0.6769], [0.7986, 0.7346], [0.7597, 0.7903], [0.7186, 0.8435], [0.6732, 0.8936], [0.6213, 0.9394], [0.5722, 0.9761], [0.5322, 1], ]; Vg.forEach(function (e) { e[1] *= 1.0144; }), (du.invert = function (e, t) { var n = t / fg, r = 90 * n, o = rg(18, Xy(r / 5)), i = ng(0, eg(o)); do { var a = Vg[i][1], l = Vg[i + 1][1], u = Vg[rg(19, i + 2)][1], s = u - a, c = u - 2 * l + a, f = (2 * (Xy(n) - l)) / s, p = c / s, d = f * (1 - p * f * (1 - 2 * p * f)); if (d >= 0 || 1 === i) { r = (t >= 0 ? 5 : -5) * (d + o); var h, m = 50; do { (o = rg(18, Xy(r) / 5)), (i = eg(o)), (d = o - i), (a = Vg[i][1]), (l = Vg[i + 1][1]), (u = Vg[rg(19, i + 2)][1]), (r -= (h = (t >= 0 ? fg : -fg) * (l + (d * (u - a)) / 2 + (d * d * (u - 2 * l + a)) / 2) - t) * gg); } while (Xy(h) > sg && --m > 0); break; } } while (--i >= 0); var y = Vg[i][0], g = Vg[i + 1][0], v = Vg[rg(19, i + 2)][0]; return [e / (g + (d * (v - y)) / 2 + (d * d * (v - 2 * g + y)) / 2), r * vg]; }); hu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = t / 1.70711, r = ag(pg * n); return [e / (0.74482 - 0.34588 * r * r), 2 * Qy(n)]; }; mu.invert = function (e, t) { if (Xy(t) < ug) return [e, 0]; if (Xy(e) < ug) return [0, fg * ag(2 * Qy(t / cg))]; var n = (e /= cg) * e, r = (t /= cg) * t, o = n + r, i = o * o, a = -Xy(t) * (1 + o), l = a - 2 * r + n, u = -2 * a + 1 + 2 * r + i, s = r / u + ((2 * l * l * l) / (u * u * u) - (9 * a * l) / (u * u)) / 27, c = (a - (l * l) / (3 * u)) / u, f = 2 * dl(-c / 3), p = pl((3 * s) / (c * f)) / 3; return [(cg * (o - 1 + dl(1 + 2 * (n - r) + i))) / (2 * e), ig(t) * cg * (-f * Jy(p + cg / 3) - l / (3 * u))]; }; yu.invert = function (e, t) { if (!e) return [0, fg * ag(2 * Qy(t / cg))]; var n = Xy(e / cg), r = (1 - n * n - (t /= cg) * t) / (2 * n), o = r * r, i = dl(o + 1); return [ig(e) * cg * (i - r), ig(t) * fg * ag(2 * Zy(dl((1 - 2 * r * n) * (r + i) - n), dl(i + r + n)))]; }; gu.invert = function (e, t) { if (!t) return [e, 0]; var n = t / cg, r = (cg * cg * (1 - n * n) - e * e) / (2 * cg * e); return [e ? cg * (ig(e) * dl(r * r + 1) - r) : 0, fg * ag(2 * Qy(n))]; }; vu.invert = function (e, t) { var n; if (!e || !t) return [e, t]; t /= cg; var r = (ig(e) * e) / fg, o = (r * r - 1 + 4 * t * t) / Xy(r), i = o * o, a = 2 * t, l = 50; do { var u = a * a, s = (8 * a - u * (u + 2) - 5) / (2 * u * (a - 1)), c = (3 * a - u * a - 10) / (2 * u * a), f = s * s, p = a * s, d = a + s, h = d * d, m = a + 3 * s, y = h * (u + f * i - 1) + (1 - u) * (u * (m * m + 4 * f) + f * (12 * p + 4 * f)), g = -2 * d * (4 * p * f + (1 - 4 * u + 3 * u * u) * (1 + c) + f * (14 * u - 6 - i + (8 * u - 8 - 2 * i) * c) + p * (12 * u - 8 + (10 * u - 10 - i) * c)), v = dl(y); a -= n = (o * (h + f - 1) + 2 * v - r * (4 * h + i)) / (o * (2 * s * c + 2 * d * (1 + c)) + g / v - (8 * d * (o * (-1 + f + h) + 2 * v) * (1 + c)) / (i + 4 * h)); } while (n > ug && --l > 0); return [(ig(e) * (dl(o * o + 4) + o) * cg) / 4, fg * a]; }; var qg = 4 * cg + 3 * dl(3), Hg = 2 * dl((2 * cg * dl(3)) / qg); El((Hg * dl(3)) / cg, Hg, qg / 6); bu.invert = function (e, t) { return [e / dl(1 - (3 * t * t) / (cg * cg)), t]; }; Au.invert = function (e, t) { var n = (e * e + t * t) / -2, r = dl(-n * (2 + n)), o = t * n + e * r, i = e * n - t * r, a = dl(i * i + o * o); return [Zy(r * o, a * (1 + n)), a ? -fl((r * i) / a) : 0]; }; xu.invert = function (e, t) { var n = e, r = t, o = 25; do { var i, a = Jy(r), l = ag(r), u = ag(2 * r), s = l * l, c = a * a, f = ag(n), p = Jy(n / 2), d = ag(n / 2), h = d * d, m = 1 - c * p * p, y = m ? pl(a * p) * dl((i = 1 / m)) : (i = 0), g = 0.5 * (2 * y * a * d + n / fg) - e, v = 0.5 * (y * l + r) - t, b = 0.5 * i * (c * h + y * a * p * s) + 0.5 / fg, A = i * ((f * u) / 4 - y * l * d), x = 0.125 * i * (u * d - y * l * c * f), C = 0.5 * i * (s * p + y * h * a) + 0.5, w = A * x - C * b, k = (v * A - g * C) / w, E = (g * x - v * b) / w; (n -= k), (r -= E); } while ((Xy(k) > ug || Xy(E) > ug) && --o > 0); return [n, r]; }; var Yg = (n("Fp1v"), n("E/fr"), n("olYX")), Kg = n.n(Yg), Xg = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Qg = (function (e) { function t(e) { Cu(this, t); var n = wu(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { interval: e.interval, wd: window.innerWidth, zoom: 1 }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart", "getWd"), (n.tooltip = yc("body").append("div").attr("class", "pm-tooltip2").style("opacity", 0)), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#e77c22", "#5c7d70", "#ab404b"]), n ); } return ( ku(t, e), Xg(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { window.innerWidth != this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: window.innerWidth }), yc(".mp-graph3-svg").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { function e() { n.svg.attr("transform", fc.transform); } function t(e) { var t = 1, i = [0, 0]; (n.zoom = e), yc(".mp-map-controls") .style("display", 0 == e ? "block" : "none") .style("opacity", 0) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("opacity", 0 == e ? 1 : 0); var l = 0, u = 0; 1 == e && ((l = 80), (u = 55)), 2 == e && ((l = 29), (u = 35)), 3 == e && ((l = 30), (u = 55)), yc("#mp-mbout") .style("display", 0 == e ? "none" : "block") .style("left", l + "%") .style("top", u + "%") .style("opacity", 0) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("opacity", 0 == e ? 0 : 1), 1 == e && ((t = 4), (i = [r / 2 - t * (r / 1.3), o / 2 - (t * o) / 1.8])), 2 == e && ((t = 3), (i = [r / 2 - t * (r / 1.9), o / 2 - (t * o) / 3.2])), 3 == e && ((t = 2), (i = [r / 2 - t * (r / 3.3), o / 2 - (t * o) / 1.6])), n.svg.transition().ease($t).duration(900).call(a.transform, jy.translate(i[0], i[1]).scale(t)), n.setState({ zoom: 0 == e ? 1 : 2 }), n.svg.selectAll("path").attr("stroke-width", 0.5); } var n = this, r = this.getWd(), o = 500; (this.zoom = 0), yc(".mp-mapcontainer").on("click", function () { 0 != n.zoom && t(0); }), yc(".mp-map-controls") .style("display", 0 == n.zoom ? "block" : "none") .style("opacity", 1), yc("#mp-mb1").on("click", function () { fc.stopPropagation(), t(1); }), yc("#mp-mb2").on("click", function () { fc.stopPropagation(), t(2); }), yc("#mp-mb3").on("click", function () { fc.stopPropagation(), t(3); }), (this.svg = yc(".mp-graph3-svg").append("g").attr("class", "map")); var i = Mg(); i.fitExtent( [ [0, 0], [r, 500], ], Kg.a ), (this.path = Mh().projection(i)); var a = zy().scaleExtent([1, 8]).on("zoom", e); this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "getMaxMin", value: function (e) { return 3 == e ? { max: 100, min: 52 } : 2 == e ? { max: 51, min: 45 } : 1 == e ? { max: 44, min: 34 } : 0 == e ? { max: 33, min: -1 } : void 0; }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { this.drawGraph(); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function () { var e = this, t = this.svg.selectAll("path").data(Kg.a.features); t .enter() .append("path") .attr("d", e.path) .attr("class", "mp-country") .style("opacity", 1) .style("fill", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"); var r = e.props.data[n]; return e.isActive(t.properties.name.toUpperCase()) ? e.colors[e.getColor(r)] : r ? "#bbb" : "#dedede"; }) .style("cursor", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); return "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"), e.props.data[n] ? "pointer" : "auto"; }) .on("mouseover", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); if (("ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"), e.props.data[n])) { yc(this) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(300) .style("fill", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"); var r = e.props.data[n]; return e.colors[e.getColor(r)]; }) .style("opacity", 0.75); var r = e.props.data[n], o = e.colors[e.getColor(r)]; (r = Math.round(r) + "%"), parseFloat(yc("#powerman3-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman3-app-root").offsetLeft, e.tooltip.style("background", o).style("color", "white").transition().duration(300).style("opacity", 0.9), e.tooltip .html(n + ", " + r + "") .style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px") .style("top", function (e) { return fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"; }); } }) .on("mouseout", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"), e.props.data[n] && (yc(this) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(300) .style("fill", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"); var r = e.props.data[n]; return e.isActive(t.properties.name.toUpperCase()) ? e.colors[e.getColor(r)] : r ? "#bbb" : "#dedede"; }) .style("opacity", 1), e.tooltip.transition().duration(0).style("opacity", 0)); }) .on("mousemove", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"); var r = e.props.data[n]; parseFloat(yc("#powerman3-app-root").style("margin-top")), document.getElementById("powerman3-app-root").offsetLeft; r && e.tooltip.style("left", fc.pageX + 5 + "px").style("top", function (e) { return fc.pageY - 28 - 5 + "px"; }); }), t .style("cursor", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); return "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"), e.props.data[n] ? "pointer" : "auto"; }) .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("fill", function (t) { var n = t.properties.name.toUpperCase(); "ENGLAND" == n && (n = "UK"); var r = e.props.data[n]; return e.isActive(t.properties.name.toUpperCase()) ? e.colors[e.getColor(r)] : r ? "#bbb" : "#dedede"; }); }, }, { key: "getColor", value: function (e) { return e > 51 ? 3 : e >= 45 ? 2 : e > 33 ? 1 : 0; }, }, { key: "isActive", value: function (e) { "ENGLAND" == e && (e = "UK"); var t = this.props.data[e], n = this.getMaxMin(this.props.interval); return t <= n.max && t >= n.min; }, }, { key: "getWd", value: function () { return document.getElementById("powerman3-app-root").offsetWidth - 200; }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.getWd(), t = { width: e, height: e, top: (500 - e) / 2 }, n = 1 == this.state.zoom ? "Click on the zoom icon to zoom into the map" : "Click on the map to zoom out", r = "https://go.manpowergroup.com/hubfs/infographic-assets-2020/"; return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "mp-supermap" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "mp-maplabel" }, n), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "mp-mapcontainer" }, Zu.a.createElement("svg", { className: "mp-graph3-svg", width: e, height: "500" }), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "mp-map-controls", style: t }, Zu.a.createElement("img", { className: "mp-map-button", id: "mp-mb1", src: r + "zoom.svg" }), Zu.a.createElement("img", { className: "mp-map-button", id: "mp-mb2", src: r + "zoom.svg" }), Zu.a.createElement("img", { className: "mp-map-button", id: "mp-mb3", src: r + "zoom.svg" }) ), Zu.a.createElement("img", { className: "mp-map-button", id: "mp-mbout", src: r + "zoomout.svg" }) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), Zg = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), Jg = (function (e) { function t(e) { Eu(this, t); var n = Bu(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { country: e.country, wd: document.getElementById("powerman3-app-root").offsetWidth }), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#e77c22", "#494a4f", "#5c7d70", "#ab404b"]), (n.values = [ "Least difficulty filling positions", "Below average difficulty filling positions", "Average difficulty filling positions", "Above average difficulty filling positions", "Most difficulty filling positions", ]), n ); } return ( Su(t, e), Zg(t, [ { key: "getIntervalId", value: function (e) { return e > 51 ? 4 : e > 45 ? 3 : 45 == e ? 2 : e > 33 ? 1 : 0; }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = Math.round(this.props.data[this.props.country]), t = this.getIntervalId(e); return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { style: { color: this.colors[t] } }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-map-mobile-number" }, Zu.a.createElement("span", null, e), Zu.a.createElement("span", { className: "pm-percent" }, "%")), Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-blueline", style: { backgroundColor: this.colors[t] } }), Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-interval" }, this.values[t] + "*") ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), $g = (n("5D9O"), n("+Ptv"), n("Pl3a")), ev = n.n($g), tv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), nv = (function (e) { function t(e) { Pu(this, t); var n = Ou(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.dt = Object.keys(e.data)), (n.state = { interval: 0, wd: document.getElementById("powerman3-app-root").offsetWidth, country: n.dt[0] }), Ka(n, "update", "handleResize", "update2"), (n.values = ["Least difficulty filling", "Below average difficulty", "Above average difficulty", "Most difficulty filling positions"]), n ); } return ( Mu(t, e), tv(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { var e = document.getElementById("powerman1-app-root").offsetWidth; e != this.state.wd && this.setState({ wd: e }); }, }, { key: "update", value: function (e) { this.setState({ interval: e }); }, }, { key: "update2", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country: e }); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this, t = this.props.header, n = Object.keys(this.props.data), r = (n[0], n.splice(1), this.state.wd <= 800); return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph3", className: "pm-graph" }, r ? Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls3-2" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label3-2", className: "pm-label" }, "Compare with global average"), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { className: "customSelect", data: Object.keys(this.props.data), update: this.update2 }), Zu.a.createElement(Jg, { data: this.props.data, interval: this.state.interval, country: this.state.country }), Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label3-3", className: "pm-label" }, "*Global average 74%") ) : Zu.a.createElement( "div", null, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls3" }, Zu.a.createElement("img", { className: "pm-mapglobalicon", src: "https://go.manpowergroup.com/hubfs/infographic-assets-2020/mapglobal.svg" }), Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label3-1", className: "pm-label" }, t), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "mp-menuc" }, e.values.map(function (t, n) { var r; return Zu.a.createElement( ev.a, ((r = { key: n, id: "mp-button3-" + n, variant: "outlined", className: "mp-button3" }), _u(r, "className", n != e.state.interval ? "mp-button" : "mp-button mp-buttonSelected-" + n), _u(r, "onClick", function () { return e.update(n); }), r), t ); }) ) ), Zu.a.createElement(Qg, { data: this.props.data, interval: this.state.interval }) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), rv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), ov = (function (e) { function t(e) { Tu(this, t); var n = Nu(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return (n.state = { country: e.country, wd: document.getElementById("powerman4-app-root").offsetWidth }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart"), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#6390c6", "#5c7d70", "#e77c22"]), n; } return ( Fu(t, e), rv(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { document.getElementById("powerman4-app-root").offsetWidth !== this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: document.getElementById("powerman4-app-root").offsetWidth }), yc(".pm-graph4-div").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { (this.g = yc(".pm-graph4-div")), this.createAxis(), this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "createData", value: function (e) { var t = []; return ( e.forEach(function (e, n) { t.push({ name: n, val: e }); }), t ); }, }, { key: "createAxis", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data.GLOBAL), t = this.state.wd <= 800 ? this.state.wd : this.state.wd < 1180 ? this.state.wd - 320 : 860, n = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 270 : 550, r = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : this.state.wd <= 1200 ? 30 : 70, o = (t - 3 * r) / 4; this.g .selectAll(".pm-blackbar") .data(e) .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", function (e, t) { return "pm-blackbar pm-gradientbar" + t; }) .style("width", (2 * o) / 3 + "px") .style("height", function (e) { return n * (e.val / 100) + "px"; }) .style("left", function (e, t) { return (o + r) * t + o / 3 + "px"; }) .append("span") .attr("class", function (e, t) { return "pm-blackspan pm-colorspan" + t; }) .text(function (e) { return e.val + "%"; }); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country]); this.drawGraph(e); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function (e) { var t = this, n = this.state.wd <= 800 ? this.state.wd : this.state.wd < 1180 ? this.state.wd - 320 : 860, r = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 270 : 550, o = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : this.state.wd <= 1200 ? 30 : 70, i = (n - 3 * o) / 4, a = this.g.selectAll(".pm-whitebar").data(e); a .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "pm-whitebar") .style("width", (2 * i) / 3 + "px") .style("height", function (e) { return r * (e.val / 100) + "px"; }) .style("left", function (e, t) { return (i + o) * t + "px"; }) .style("background-color", function (e, n) { return t.colors[n]; }) .html(function (e, n) { var r = [32, 45, 56, 67], o = ""; return ( e.val >= r[n] && e.val < r[n] + 5 && (o = "antioverlapUp"), e.val < r[n] && e.val > r[n] - 5 && (o = "antioverlapDown"), '= 800 ? "" : o) + '">' + (0 == e.val ? "" : e.val + "%") + "" ); }), a .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("height", function (e) { return r * (e.val / 100) + "px"; }), a.html(function (e, n) { var r = [32, 45, 56, 67], o = ""; return ( e.val >= r[n] && e.val < r[n] + 5 && (o = "antioverlapUp"), e.val < r[n] && e.val > r[n] - 5 && (o = "antioverlapDown"), '= 800 ? "" : o) + '">' + (0 == e.val ? "" : e.val + "%") + "" ); }); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.state.wd <= 800 ? this.state.wd : this.state.wd < 1180 ? this.state.wd - 320 : 860, t = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 270 : 550, n = { width: e + "px", height: t + "px" }, r = { width: e + "px" }, o = this.state.wd <= 800 ? 10 : this.state.wd <= 1200 ? 30 : 70, i = (e - 3 * o) / 4, a = { width: i + "px" }, l = ["MICRO", "SMALL", "MEDIUM", "LARGE"], u = ["<10", "10-49", "50-250", "250+"]; return Zu.a.createElement( "div", null, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-graph4-div", style: n }), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend", style: r }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend-line0" }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend-text", style: a }, Zu.a.createElement("span", null, l[0]), Zu.a.createElement("br", null), Zu.a.createElement("span", { className: "pm-legendboldspan" }, u[0]) ), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend-text", style: a }, Zu.a.createElement("span", null, l[1]), Zu.a.createElement("br", null), Zu.a.createElement("span", { className: "pm-legendboldspan" }, u[1]) ), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend-text", style: a }, Zu.a.createElement("span", null, l[2]), Zu.a.createElement("br", null), Zu.a.createElement("span", { className: "pm-legendboldspan" }, u[2]) ), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend-text", style: a }, Zu.a.createElement("span", null, l[3]), Zu.a.createElement("br", null), Zu.a.createElement("span", { className: "pm-legendboldspan" }, u[3]) ) ) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), iv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), av = (function (e) { function t(e) { Du(this, t); var n = ju(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return (n.dt = Object.keys(e.data)), (n.state = { country: n.dt[1] }), Ka(n, "update"), n; } return ( Ru(t, e), iv(t, [ { key: "update", value: function (e) { this.setState({ country: e }); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.props.header, t = Object.keys(this.props.data), n = (t[0], t.splice(1)); return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph4", className: "pm-graph" }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls4" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label4-1", className: "pm-label" }, "GLOBAL"), Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label4legend" }), Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label4-2", className: "pm-label" }, e), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { className: "customSelect", data: n, update: this.update }) ), Zu.a.createElement(ov, { data: this.props.data, country: this.state.country }) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), lv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), uv = (function (e) { function t(e) { zu(this, t); var n = Iu(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { country: e.country, wd: window.innerWidth }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart", "hoverEffect"), (n.handleOver = n.handleOver.bind(n)), (n.handleOut = n.handleOut.bind(n)), (n.texts = [ "Lack of applicants", "Lack of experience", "Applicants lack required hard skills", "Applicants lack required soft skills", "Applicants expect higher pay than offered", "Applicants expecting better benefits than offered", "An issue specific to my organization", "Other/ don\u2019t know", ]), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#6390c6", "#5c7d70", "#e77c22", "#ab404b", "#494a4f", "#74757e", "#cacbce"]), (n.minpercent = 2), n ); } return ( Wu(t, e), lv(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { window.innerWidth != this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: window.innerWidth }), yc(".pm-graph5-div").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { (this.g = yc(".pm-graph5-div")), this.createAxis(), this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "createData", value: function (e) { var t = [], n = 0; return ( e.forEach(function (r, o) { o < e.length - 2 && (n += r), t.push({ name: o, val: r }); }), (t[t.length - 2].val = 100 - n), t.pop(), t ); }, }, { key: "createAxis", value: function () { var e = this, t = this.createData(this.props.data.GLOBAL), n = this.g.append("div").attr("class", "pm-globalbar"); this.g.append("div").attr("class", "pm-countrybar"); n.selectAll(".pm-globalbars") .data(t) .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "pm-globalbars") .attr("id", function (e, t) { return "pm-globalbars" + t; }) .style("width", function (t) { return (e.state.wd > 800 ? t.val : 100) + "%"; }) .style("height", function (t) { return (e.state.wd > 800 ? 100 : t.val) + "%"; }) .style("background-color", function (t, n) { return e.colors[n]; }) .html(function (t) { return '' + t.val + "%"; }) .on("mouseover", function (t) { e.hoverEffect(t.name, !0); }) .on("mouseout", function (t) { e.hoverEffect(t.name, !1); }); }, }, { key: "hoverEffect", value: function (e, t) { var n = this; yc("#pm-globalbars" + e).classed("pm-globalbarsSelected", t), yc("#pm-countrybars" + e).classed("pm-countrybarsSelected", t), yc("#pm-legend5Btn" + e) .select(".pm-legend5BtnText") .style("color", t ? n.colors[e] : "#494a4f"), yc("#pm-legend5Btn" + e) .select(".pm-legend5BtnText") .classed("pm-legend5BtnSelected", t), yc("#pm-legend5Btn" + e) .select(".pm-legend5BtnColorContent") .classed("pm-legend5BtnColorSelected", t); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country]); this.drawGraph(e); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function (e) { var t = this, n = this.g.select(".pm-countrybar").selectAll(".pm-countrybars").data(e); n .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "pm-countrybars") .attr("id", function (e, t) { return "pm-countrybars" + t; }) .style("width", function (e) { return (t.state.wd > 800 ? e.val : 100) + "%"; }) .style("height", function (e) { return (t.state.wd > 800 ? 100 : e.val) + "%"; }) .style("background-color", function (e, n) { return t.colors[n]; }) .html(function (e) { return '' + e.val + "%"; }) .on("mouseover", function (e) { t.hoverEffect(e.name, !0); }) .on("mouseout", function (e) { t.hoverEffect(e.name, !1); }), n .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("width", function (e) { return (t.state.wd > 800 ? e.val : 100) + "%"; }) .style("height", function (e) { return (t.state.wd > 800 ? 100 : e.val) + "%"; }), n.html(function (e) { return '' + e.val + "%"; }); }, }, { key: "handleOver", value: function (e) { var t = yc(e.target).select(".pm-legend5BtnText").text(); this.hoverEffect(this.texts.indexOf(t), !0); }, }, { key: "handleOut", value: function (e) { var t = yc(e.target).select(".pm-legend5BtnText").text(); this.hoverEffect(this.texts.indexOf(t), !1); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this, t = { width: "100%" }; return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { style: t }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-graph5-div" }), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend5" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-legend5Header" }, "Colour key"), Zu.a.createElement( "div", { className: "pm-legend5Btns" }, this.colors.map(function (t, n) { return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { key: n, className: "pm-legend5Btn", id: "pm-legend5Btn" + n, onMouseOver: e.handleOver, onMouseOut: e.handleOut }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-legend5BtnColor" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-legend5BtnColorContent", style: { backgroundColor: e.colors[n] } })), Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-legend5BtnText" }, e.texts[n]) ); }) ) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), sv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), cv = (function (e) { function t(e) { Uu(this, t); var n = Lu(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); return ( (n.state = { country: e.country, wd: document.getElementById("powerman5-app-root").offsetWidth }), Ka(n, "handleResize", "createChart"), (n.colors = ["#466ea5", "#6390c6", "#5c7d70", "#e77c22", "#ab404b", "#494a4f", "#74757e", "#cacbce"]), (n.texts = [ "Lack of applicants", "Lack of experience", "Applicants lack required hard skills", "Applicants lack required soft skills", "Applicants expect higher pay
than offered", "Applicants expecting better
benefits than offered", "An issue specific to my organisation", "Other/ don\u2019t know", ]), n ); } return ( Gu(t, e), sv(t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { window.addEventListener("resize", this.handleResize), this.createChart(); }, }, { key: "handleResize", value: function () { document.getElementById("powerman5-app-root").offsetWidth != this.state.wd && (this.setState({ wd: document.getElementById("powerman5-app-root").offsetWidth }), yc(".pm-graph5-2-div").selectAll("*").remove(), this.createChart()); }, }, { key: "createChart", value: function () { (this.g = yc(".pm-graph5-2-div")), this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function () { this.redrawGraph(); }, }, { key: "createData", value: function (e) { var t = []; return ( e.forEach(function (e, n) { n <= 7 && t.push({ name: n, val: e }); }), t ); }, }, { key: "redrawGraph", value: function () { var e = this.createData(this.props.data[this.props.country]); this.drawGraph(e); }, }, { key: "drawGraph", value: function (e) { var t = this, n = this, r = (this.state.wd <= 800 ? this.state.wd : this.state.wd < 1180 && this.state.wd, this.state.wd, this.g.selectAll(".pm-whitebar2").data(e)); r .enter() .append("div") .attr("class", "pm-whitebar2") .style("width", function (e) { return e.val + "%"; }) .style("height", "50px") .style("background-color", function (e, t) { return n.colors[t]; }) .style("margin-bottom", function (e, t) { return 3 == t || 4 == t ? "45px" : "30px"; }) .html(function (e, n) { return '' + (0 == e.val ? "" : e.val + "%") + '
' + t.texts[n] + "
"; }), r .transition() .ease($t) .duration(900) .style("width", function (e) { return e.val + "%"; }), r.html(function (e, n) { return '' + (0 == e.val ? "" : e.val + "%") + '
' + t.texts[n] + "
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"Explore by country" : this.props.header, n = Object.keys(this.props.data), r = (n[0], n.splice(1)); return Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph5", className: "pm-graph" }, e ? Zu.a.createElement( "div", null, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls5" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label5-2", className: "pm-label" }, t), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { className: "customSelect", data: r, update: this.update }) ), Zu.a.createElement(cv, { data: this.props.data, country: this.state.country }) ) : Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-graph5-container" }, Zu.a.createElement( "div", { id: "pm-controls5" }, Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label5-1", className: "pm-label" }, "GLOBAL"), Zu.a.createElement("div", { id: "pm-label5-2", className: "pm-label" }, t), Zu.a.createElement(Ly, { wd: 200, className: "customSelect", data: r, update: this.update }) ), Zu.a.createElement(uv, { data: this.props.data, country: this.state.country }) ) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component), dv = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), hv = (function (e) { function t(e) { return Yu(this, t), Ku(this, (t.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(t)).call(this, e)); } return ( Xu(t, e), dv(t, [ { key: "getGraph", value: function (e, t) { return 1 === e ? Zu.a.createElement(Vy, t.graph1) : 2 === e ? Zu.a.createElement(Ky, t.graph2) : 3 === e ? Zu.a.createElement(nv, t.graph3) : 4 === e ? Zu.a.createElement(av, t.graph4) : 5 === e ? Zu.a.createElement(pv, t.graph5) : Zu.a.createElement(Vy, t.graph1); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.props.data, t = this.props.idtype, n = this.getGraph(t, e); return Zu.a.createElement(ts.a, null, Zu.a.createElement("div", { className: "pm-container" }, n)); }, }, ]), t ); })(Zu.a.Component); fetch("https://go.manpowergroup.com/hubfs/infographic-assets-2022/data22.json") .then(function (e) { return e.json(); }) .then(function (e) { var t = { "powerman1-app-root": Zu.a.createElement(hv, { idtype: 1, data: e }), "powerman2-app-root": Zu.a.createElement(hv, { idtype: 2, data: e }), "powerman3-app-root": Zu.a.createElement(hv, { idtype: 3, data: e }), "powerman4-app-root": Zu.a.createElement(hv, { idtype: 4, data: e }), "powerman5-app-root": Zu.a.createElement(hv, { idtype: 5, data: e }), }, n = Object.keys(t), r = !0, o = !1, i = void 0; try { for (var a, l = n[Symbol.iterator](); !(r = (a = l.next()).done); r = !0) { var u = a.value, s = document.getElementById(u); s && $u.a.render(t[u], s); } } catch (e) { (o = !0), (i = e); } finally { try { !r && l.return && l.return(); } finally { if (o) throw i; } } }); }, Ke8z: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.browserName, u = r.browserVersion, c = r.cssPrefix, f = r.keepUnprefixed, p = r.requiresPrefix; if ( (s.indexOf(e) > -1 || ("display" === e && "string" === typeof t && t.indexOf("flex") > -1)) && (("firefox" === o && u < 22) || ("chrome" === o && u < 21) || (("safari" === o || "ios_saf" === o) && u <= 6.1) || ("android" === o && u < 4.4) || "and_uc" === o) ) { if ( (delete p[e], f || Array.isArray(n[e]) || delete n[e], "flexDirection" === e && "string" === typeof t && (t.indexOf("column") > -1 ? (n.WebkitBoxOrient = "vertical") : (n.WebkitBoxOrient = "horizontal"), t.indexOf("reverse") > -1 ? (n.WebkitBoxDirection = "reverse") : (n.WebkitBoxDirection = "normal")), "display" === e && a.hasOwnProperty(t)) ) return (0, i.default)(c + a[t], t, f); l.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n[l[e]] = a[t] || t); } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = { "space-around": "justify", "space-between": "justify", "flex-start": "start", "flex-end": "end", "wrap-reverse": "multiple", wrap: "multiple", flex: "box", "inline-flex": "inline-box" }, l = { alignItems: "WebkitBoxAlign", justifyContent: "WebkitBoxPack", flexWrap: "WebkitBoxLines" }, u = ["alignContent", "alignSelf", "order", "flexGrow", "flexShrink", "flexBasis", "flexDirection"], s = Object.keys(l).concat(u); e.exports = t.default; }, KxjL: function (e, t) { e.exports = "constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf".split(","); }, Ky5l: function (e, t, n) { n("Aa2f"), n("tuDi"), n("c6mp"), n("2mwf"), (e.exports = n("zKeE").Symbol); }, KzYS: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { (e.renderable = t), e.rules && t.cssRules && e.rules.link(t.cssRules); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); }, LNnS: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Wyka"), o = n("S7IM"), i = n("Zwq5"); e.exports = function (e) { return function (t, n, a) { var l, u = r(t), s = o(u.length), c = i(a, s); if (e && n != n) { for (; s > c; ) if ((l = u[c++]) != l) return !0; } else for (; s > c; c++) if ((e || c in u) && u[c] === n) return e || c || 0; return !e && -1; }; }; }, LkZ7: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), function (e, r) { var o, i = n("JZ8d"); o = "undefined" !== typeof self ? self : "undefined" !== typeof window ? window : "undefined" !== typeof e ? e : r; var a = Object(i.a)(o); t.default = a; }.call(t, n("h6ac"), n("pv+l")(e)); }, Lli7: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Ug9I")("iterator"), o = !1; try { var i = [7][r](); (i.return = function () { o = !0; }), Array.from(i, function () { throw 2; }); } catch (e) {} e.exports = function (e, t) { if (!t && !o) return !1; var n = !1; try { var i = [7], a = i[r](); (a.next = function () { return { done: (n = !0) }; }), (i[r] = function () { return a; }), e(i); } catch (e) {} return n; }; }, MDSO: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; e.exports = n("5IvP"); }, Mmn3: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = { iconSize: 24, desktopGutter: 24, desktopGutterMore: 32, desktopGutterLess: 16, desktopGutterMini: 8, desktopKeylineIncrement: 64, desktopDropDownMenuItemHeight: 32, desktopDropDownMenuFontSize: 15, desktopDrawerMenuItemHeight: 48, desktopSubheaderHeight: 48, desktopToolbarHeight: 56, }); }, MpYs: function (e, t) { var n = Math.ceil, r = Math.floor; e.exports = function (e) { return isNaN((e = +e)) ? 0 : (e > 0 ? r : n)(e); }; }, N484: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("3zRh"), o = n("vSO4"), i = n("mbLO"), a = n("hEIm"), l = n("af0K"), u = n("S7IM"), s = n("vUQk"), c = n("7AqT"); o( o.S + o.F * !n("Lli7")(function (e) { Array.from(e); }), "Array", { from: function (e) { var t, n, o, f, p = i(e), d = "function" == typeof this ? this : Array, h = arguments.length, m = h > 1 ? arguments[1] : void 0, y = void 0 !== m, g = 0, v = c(p); if ((y && (m = r(m, h > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, 2)), void 0 == v || (d == Array && l(v)))) for (t = u(p.length), n = new d(t); t > g; g++) s(n, g, y ? m(p[g], g) : p[g]); else for (f = v.call(p), n = new d(); !(o = f.next()).done; g++) s(n, g, y ? a(f, m, [o.value, g], !0) : o.value); return (n.length = g), n; }, } ); }, NB7d: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("zKeE"), o = n("i1Q6"), i = o["__core-js_shared__"] || (o["__core-js_shared__"] = {}); (e.exports = function (e, t) { return i[e] || (i[e] = void 0 !== t ? t : {}); })("versions", []).push({ version: r.version, mode: n("1kq3") ? "pure" : "global", copyright: "\xa9 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)" }); }, NKHc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { if ("undefined" !== typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__ && "function" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE) try { __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__.checkDCE(r); } catch (e) { console.error(e); } } r(), (e.exports = n("i17t")); }, NNyR: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.cssPrefix, u = r.keepUnprefixed, s = r.requiresPrefix; if ("string" === typeof t && a.hasOwnProperty(e)) { l || (l = Object.keys(s).map(function (e) { return (0, i.default)(e); })); var c = t.split(/,(?![^()]*(?:\([^()]*\))?\))/g); return ( l.forEach(function (e) { c.forEach(function (t, n) { t.indexOf(e) > -1 && "order" !== e && (c[n] = t.replace(e, o + e) + (u ? "," + t : "")); }); }), c.join(",") ); } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("S6J3"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = { transition: !0, transitionProperty: !0, WebkitTransition: !0, WebkitTransitionProperty: !0, MozTransition: !0, MozTransitionProperty: !0 }, l = void 0; e.exports = t.default; }, Ni5N: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("B9Lq"), o = n("KxjL").concat("length", "prototype"); t.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function (e) { return r(e, o); }; }, NxHG: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = (function () { function e() { r(this, e); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "setProperty", value: function () { return !0; }, }, { key: "getPropertyValue", value: function () { return ""; }, }, { key: "removeProperty", value: function () {} }, { key: "setSelector", value: function () { return !0; }, }, { key: "getKey", value: function () { return ""; }, }, { key: "attach", value: function () {} }, { key: "detach", value: function () {} }, { key: "deploy", value: function () {} }, { key: "insertRule", value: function () { return !1; }, }, { key: "deleteRule", value: function () { return !0; }, }, { key: "replaceRule", value: function () { return !1; }, }, { key: "getRules", value: function () {} }, { key: "indexOf", value: function () { return -1; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = i; }, NySk: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return e < t ? t : e > n ? n : e; } function o(e) { var t = e.type, n = e.values; if (t.indexOf("rgb") > -1) for (var r = 0; r < 3; r++) n[r] = parseInt(n[r]); var o = void 0; return (o = t.indexOf("hsl") > -1 ? e.type + "(" + n[0] + ", " + n[1] + "%, " + n[2] + "%" : e.type + "(" + n[0] + ", " + n[1] + ", " + n[2]), 4 === n.length ? (o += ", " + e.values[3] + ")") : (o += ")"), o; } function i(e) { if (4 === e.length) { for (var t = "#", n = 1; n < e.length; n++) t += e.charAt(n) + e.charAt(n); e = t; } var r = { r: parseInt(e.substr(1, 2), 16), g: parseInt(e.substr(3, 2), 16), b: parseInt(e.substr(5, 2), 16) }; return "rgb(" + r.r + ", " + r.g + ", " + r.b + ")"; } function a(e) { if ("#" === e.charAt(0)) return a(i(e)); var t = e.indexOf("("), n = e.substring(0, t), r = e.substring(t + 1, e.length - 1).split(","); return ( (r = r.map(function (e) { return parseFloat(e); })), { type: n, values: r } ); } function l(e, t) { var n = u(e), r = u(t), o = (Math.max(n, r) + 0.05) / (Math.min(n, r) + 0.05); return Number(o.toFixed(2)); } function u(e) { if (((e = a(e)), e.type.indexOf("rgb") > -1)) { var t = e.values.map(function (e) { return (e /= 255), e <= 0.03928 ? e / 12.92 : Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }); return Number((0.2126 * t[0] + 0.7152 * t[1] + 0.0722 * t[2]).toFixed(3)); } if (e.type.indexOf("hsl") > -1) return e.values[2] / 100; } function s(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0.15; return u(e) > 0.5 ? f(e, t) : p(e, t); } function c(e, t) { return (e = a(e)), (t = r(t, 0, 1)), ("rgb" !== e.type && "hsl" !== e.type) || (e.type += "a"), (e.values[3] = t), o(e); } function f(e, t) { if (((e = a(e)), (t = r(t, 0, 1)), e.type.indexOf("hsl") > -1)) e.values[2] *= 1 - t; else if (e.type.indexOf("rgb") > -1) for (var n = 0; n < 3; n++) e.values[n] *= 1 - t; return o(e); } function p(e, t) { if (((e = a(e)), (t = r(t, 0, 1)), e.type.indexOf("hsl") > -1)) e.values[2] += (100 - e.values[2]) * t; else if (e.type.indexOf("rgb") > -1) for (var n = 0; n < 3; n++) e.values[n] += (255 - e.values[n]) * t; return o(e); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.convertColorToString = o), (t.convertHexToRGB = i), (t.decomposeColor = a), (t.getContrastRatio = l), (t.getLuminance = u), (t.emphasize = s), (t.fade = c), (t.darken = f), (t.lighten = p); var d = n("XOCG"); !(function (e) { e && e.__esModule; })(d); }, O2oT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return t in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, t, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : (e[t] = n), e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o, i = n("5D9O"), a = n("GPtb"), l = (function (e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && (t[n] = e[n]); return (t.default = e), t; })(a), u = n("9okA"), s = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(u); t.default = ((o = {}), r(o, l.jss, s.default.jss), r(o, l.sheetOptions, i.object), r(o, l.sheetsRegistry, s.default.registry), r(o, l.managers, i.object), o); }, O35A: function (e, t, n) { n("i+u+"), n("N484"), (e.exports = n("zKeE").Array.from); }, O4VS: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("e1OT"), o = n("NySk"), i = n("Mmn3"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i); t.default = { spacing: a.default, fontFamily: "Roboto, sans-serif", borderRadius: 2, palette: { primary1Color: r.cyan500, primary2Color: r.cyan700, primary3Color: r.grey400, accent1Color: r.pinkA200, accent2Color: r.grey100, accent3Color: r.grey500, textColor: r.darkBlack, secondaryTextColor: (0, o.fade)(r.darkBlack, 0.54), alternateTextColor: r.white, canvasColor: r.white, borderColor: r.grey300, disabledColor: (0, o.fade)(r.darkBlack, 0.3), pickerHeaderColor: r.cyan500, clockCircleColor: (0, o.fade)(r.darkBlack, 0.07), shadowColor: r.fullBlack, }, }; }, OMTj: function (e, t) { function n(e) { if (Symbol.iterator in Object(e) || "[object Arguments]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(e)) return Array.from(e); } e.exports = n; }, OYXR: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("ID6i"), o = n("xwD+"), i = n("dhak"), a = n("Wyka"); (e.exports = n("uRfg")( Array, "Array", function (e, t) { (this._t = a(e)), (this._i = 0), (this._k = t); }, function () { var e = this._t, t = this._k, n = this._i++; return !e || n >= e.length ? ((this._t = void 0), o(1)) : "keys" == t ? o(0, n) : "values" == t ? o(0, e[n]) : o(0, [n, e[n]]); }, "values" )), (i.Arguments = i.Array), r("keys"), r("values"), r("entries"); }, Ocr3: function (e, t) { t.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; }, P8NW: function (e, t) { function n(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } function r(e, t, r) { return t && n(e.prototype, t), r && n(e, r), e; } e.exports = r; }, PDcB: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("mbLO"), o = n("knrM"); n("cOHw")("keys", function () { return function (e) { return o(r(e)); }; }); }, PLaZ: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { e[t] || (e.hasOwnProperty(n) ? (e[t] = e[n]) : "light" === t ? (e.light = (0, h.lighten)(e.main, r)) : "dark" === t && (e.dark = (0, h.darken)(e.main, 1.5 * r))); } function o(e) { function t(e) { var t = (0, h.getContrastRatio)(e, y.text.primary) >= k ? y.text.primary : m.text.primary; return t; } function n(e) { var n = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 500, o = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 300, i = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 700; !e.main && e[n] && (e.main = e[n]), r(e, "light", o, B), r(e, "dark", i, B), e.contrastText || (e.contrastText = t(e.main)); } var o = e.primary, i = void 0 === o ? { light: s.default[300], main: s.default[500], dark: s.default[700] } : o, g = e.secondary, v = void 0 === g ? { light: c.default.A200, main: c.default.A400, dark: c.default.A700 } : g, b = e.error, A = void 0 === b ? { light: p.default[300], main: p.default[500], dark: p.default[700] } : b, x = e.type, C = void 0 === x ? "light" : x, w = e.contrastThreshold, k = void 0 === w ? 3 : w, E = e.tonalOffset, B = void 0 === E ? 0.2 : E, S = (0, l.default)(e, ["primary", "secondary", "error", "type", "contrastThreshold", "tonalOffset"]); n(i), n(v, "A400", "A200", "A700"), n(A); var _ = { dark: y, light: m }; return (0, u.default)((0, a.default)({ common: d.default, type: C, primary: i, secondary: v, error: A, grey: f.default, contrastThreshold: k, getContrastText: t, augmentColor: n, tonalOffset: B }, _[C]), S, { clone: !1 }); } var i = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o), (t.dark = t.light = void 0); var a = i(n("3dLy")), l = i(n("U8F3")), u = (i(n("XOCG")), i(n("BokN"))), s = i(n("TWru")), c = i(n("mK0O")), f = i(n("jysE")), p = i(n("kom8")), d = i(n("BSdx")), h = n("t6Xt"), m = { text: { primary: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)", secondary: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)", disabled: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)", hint: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.38)" }, divider: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)", background: { paper: d.default.white, default: f.default[50] }, action: { active: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)", hover: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.08)", hoverOpacity: 0.08, selected: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14)", disabled: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)", disabledBackground: "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)" }, }; t.light = m; var y = { text: { primary: d.default.white, secondary: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.7)", disabled: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", hint: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)", icon: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)" }, divider: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)", background: { paper: f.default[800], default: "#303030" }, action: { active: d.default.white, hover: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1)", hoverOpacity: 0.1, selected: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.2)", disabled: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.3)", disabledBackground: "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.12)" }, }; t.dark = y; }, Pl3a: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "default", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.default; }, }); var o = r(n("w/Jb")); }, Q0vi: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var r; return (0, a.default)( { gutters: function () { var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; return (0, a.default)({ paddingLeft: 2 * t.unit, paddingRight: 2 * t.unit }, n, (0, i.default)({}, e.up("sm"), (0, a.default)({ paddingLeft: 3 * t.unit, paddingRight: 3 * t.unit }, n[e.up("sm")]))); }, toolbar: ((r = { minHeight: 56 }), (0, i.default)(r, "".concat(e.up("xs"), " and (orientation: landscape)"), { minHeight: 48 }), (0, i.default)(r, e.up("sm"), { minHeight: 64 }), r), }, n ); } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var i = o(n("IxO8")), a = o(n("3dLy")); }, QDke: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), n.d(t, "isBrowser", function () { return o; }); var r = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, o = "object" === ("undefined" === typeof window ? "undefined" : r(window)) && "object" === ("undefined" === typeof document ? "undefined" : r(document)) && 9 === document.nodeType; t.default = o; }, QJHX: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("ciB6"), i = r(o), a = n("v3CT"), l = r(a), u = n("WcDi"), s = r(u), c = Date.now(), f = "fnValues" + c, p = "fnStyle" + ++c; t.default = { onCreateRule: function (e, t, n) { if ("function" !== typeof t) return null; var r = (0, s.default)(e, {}, n); return (r[p] = t), r; }, onProcessStyle: function (e, t) { var n = {}; for (var r in e) { var o = e[r]; "function" === typeof o && (delete e[r], (n[r] = o)); } return (t = t), (t[f] = n), e; }, onUpdate: function (e, t) { if (t.rules instanceof i.default) return void t.rules.update(e); if (t instanceof l.default) { if (((t = t), t[f])) for (var n in t[f]) t.prop(n, t[f][n](e)); t = t; var r = t[p]; if (r) { var o = r(e); for (var a in o) t.prop(a, o[a]); } } }, }; }, QXNG: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "string" === typeof e && o.test(e); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = /-webkit-|-moz-|-ms-/; e.exports = t.default; }, R6c1: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = !n("6MLN") && !n("wLcK")(function () { return ( 7 != Object.defineProperty(n("9kxq")("div"), "a", { get: function () { return 7; }, }).a ); }); }, Rf6V: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.styles = t.DELAY_RIPPLE = void 0); var o = r(n("3dLy")), i = r(n("U8F3")), a = r(n("Fhqp")), l = r(n("0fcM")), u = r(n("P8NW")), s = r(n("0421")), c = r(n("UJE0")), f = r(n("d4H2")), p = r(n("E7HD")), d = r(n("1n8/")), h = (r(n("5D9O")), r(n("NKHc"))), m = r(n("i8vT")), y = r(n("9qb7")), g = r(n("FV5o")), v = r(n("j034")), b = 550, A = 80; t.DELAY_RIPPLE = A; var x = function (e) { return { root: { display: "block", position: "absolute", overflow: "hidden", borderRadius: "inherit", width: "100%", height: "100%", left: 0, top: 0, pointerEvents: "none", zIndex: 0 }, ripple: { width: 50, height: 50, left: 0, top: 0, opacity: 0, position: "absolute" }, rippleVisible: { opacity: 0.3, transform: "scale(1)", animation: "mui-ripple-enter ".concat(b, "ms ").concat(e.transitions.easing.easeInOut) }, ripplePulsate: { animationDuration: "".concat(e.transitions.duration.shorter, "ms") }, child: { opacity: 1, display: "block", width: "100%", height: "100%", borderRadius: "50%", backgroundColor: "currentColor" }, childLeaving: { opacity: 0, animation: "mui-ripple-exit ".concat(b, "ms ").concat(e.transitions.easing.easeInOut) }, childPulsate: { position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0, animation: "mui-ripple-pulsate 2500ms ".concat(e.transitions.easing.easeInOut, " 200ms infinite") }, "@keyframes mui-ripple-enter": { "0%": { transform: "scale(0)", opacity: 0.1 }, "100%": { transform: "scale(1)", opacity: 0.3 } }, "@keyframes mui-ripple-exit": { "0%": { opacity: 1 }, "100%": { opacity: 0 } }, "@keyframes mui-ripple-pulsate": { "0%": { transform: "scale(1)" }, "50%": { transform: "scale(0.92)" }, "100%": { transform: "scale(1)" } }, }; }; t.styles = x; var C = (function (e) { function t() { var e, n; (0, l.default)(this, t); for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) o[i] = arguments[i]; return ( (n = (0, s.default)(this, (e = (0, c.default)(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(o)))), (n.ignoringMouseDown = !1), (n.startTimer = null), (n.startTimerCommit = null), (n.state = { nextKey: 0, ripples: [] }), (n.pulsate = function () { n.start({}, { pulsate: !0 }); }), (n.start = function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, r = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : void 0, o = t.pulsate, i = void 0 !== o && o, a = t.center, l = void 0 === a ? n.props.center || t.pulsate : a, u = t.fakeElement, s = void 0 !== u && u; if ("mousedown" === e.type && n.ignoringMouseDown) return void (n.ignoringMouseDown = !1); "touchstart" === e.type && (n.ignoringMouseDown = !0); var c, f, d, m = s ? null : h.default.findDOMNode((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n))), y = m ? m.getBoundingClientRect() : { width: 0, height: 0, left: 0, top: 0 }; if (l || (0 === e.clientX && 0 === e.clientY) || (!e.clientX && !e.touches)) (c = Math.round(y.width / 2)), (f = Math.round(y.height / 2)); else { var g = e.clientX ? e.clientX : e.touches[0].clientX, v = e.clientY ? e.clientY : e.touches[0].clientY; (c = Math.round(g - y.left)), (f = Math.round(v - y.top)); } if (l) (d = Math.sqrt((2 * Math.pow(y.width, 2) + Math.pow(y.height, 2)) / 3)) % 2 === 0 && (d += 1); else { var b = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs((m ? m.clientWidth : 0) - c), c) + 2, x = 2 * Math.max(Math.abs((m ? m.clientHeight : 0) - f), f) + 2; d = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(b, 2) + Math.pow(x, 2)); } e.touches ? ((n.startTimerCommit = function () { n.startCommit({ pulsate: i, rippleX: c, rippleY: f, rippleSize: d, cb: r }); }), (n.startTimer = setTimeout(function () { n.startTimerCommit && (n.startTimerCommit(), (n.startTimerCommit = null)); }, A))) : n.startCommit({ pulsate: i, rippleX: c, rippleY: f, rippleSize: d, cb: r }); }), (n.startCommit = function (e) { var t = e.pulsate, r = e.rippleX, o = e.rippleY, i = e.rippleSize, l = e.cb; n.setState(function (e) { return { nextKey: e.nextKey + 1, ripples: (0, a.default)(e.ripples).concat([ d.default.createElement(v.default, { key: e.nextKey, classes: n.props.classes, timeout: { exit: b, enter: b }, pulsate: t, rippleX: r, rippleY: o, rippleSize: i }), ]), }; }, l); }), (n.stop = function (e, t) { clearTimeout(n.startTimer); var r = n.state.ripples; if ("touchend" === e.type && n.startTimerCommit) return ( e.persist(), n.startTimerCommit(), (n.startTimerCommit = null), void (n.startTimer = setTimeout(function () { n.stop(e, t); }, 0)) ); (n.startTimerCommit = null), r && r.length && n.setState({ ripples: r.slice(1) }, t); }), n ); } return ( (0, f.default)(t, e), (0, u.default)(t, [ { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { clearTimeout(this.startTimer); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e = this.props, t = (e.center, e.classes), n = e.className, r = (0, i.default)(e, ["center", "classes", "className"]); return d.default.createElement(m.default, (0, o.default)({ component: "span", enter: !0, exit: !0, className: (0, y.default)(t.root, n) }, r), this.state.ripples); }, }, ]), t ); })(d.default.PureComponent); (C.propTypes = {}), (C.defaultProps = { center: !1 }); var w = (0, g.default)(x, { flip: !1, name: "MuiTouchRipple" })(C); t.default = w; }, S6J3: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return (0, i.default)(e); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("jNGL"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o); e.exports = t.default; }, S7IM: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("MpYs"), o = Math.min; e.exports = function (e) { return e > 0 ? o(r(e), 9007199254740991) : 0; }; }, ShN9: function (e, t) { var n = {}.toString; e.exports = function (e) { return n.call(e).slice(8, -1); }; }, SpGf: function (e, t) { function n(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } e.exports = n; }, TCEC: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = {}; for (var n in e) t[(0, a.default)(n)] = e[n]; return e.fallbacks && (Array.isArray(e.fallbacks) ? (t.fallbacks = e.fallbacks.map(r)) : (t.fallbacks = r(e.fallbacks))), t; } function o() { function e(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] = r(e[t]); return e; } return r(e); } function t(e, t, n) { var r = (0, a.default)(t); return t === r ? e : (n.prop(r, e), null); } return { onProcessStyle: e, onChangeValue: t }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("jNGL"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i); }, TNJq: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("zotD"), o = n("gjjs"), i = n("KxjL"), a = n("/wuY")("IE_PROTO"), l = function () {}, u = function () { var e, t = n("9kxq")("iframe"), r = i.length; for (t.style.display = "none", n("ebIA").appendChild(t), t.src = "javascript:", e = t.contentWindow.document, e.open(), e.write(""), e.close(), u = e.F; r--; ) delete u.prototype[i[r]]; return u(); }; e.exports = Object.create || function (e, t) { var n; return null !== e ? ((l.prototype = r(e)), (n = new l()), (l.prototype = null), (n[a] = e)) : (n = u()), void 0 === t ? n : o(n, t); }; }, TUng: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r, o) { for (var i = 0, a = e.length; i < a; ++i) { var l = e[i](t, n, r, o); if (l) return l; } } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (e.exports = t.default); }, TWru: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { 50: "#e8eaf6", 100: "#c5cae9", 200: "#9fa8da", 300: "#7986cb", 400: "#5c6bc0", 500: "#3f51b5", 600: "#3949ab", 700: "#303f9f", 800: "#283593", 900: "#1a237e", A100: "#8c9eff", A200: "#536dfe", A400: "#3d5afe", A700: "#304ffe", }, o = r; t.default = o; }, U72i: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { if (void 0 == e) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + e); return e; }; }, U8F3: function (e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var n, r, i = o(e, t); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var a = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); for (r = 0; r < a.length; r++) (n = a[r]), t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, n) && (i[n] = e[n])); } return i; } var o = n("t2zx"); e.exports = r; }, UJE0: function (e, t) { function n(t) { return ( (e.exports = n = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function (e) { return e.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(e); }), n(t) ); } e.exports = n; }, UU8C: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e) { function t(e) { for (var o in e) { var i = e[o]; if ((0, p.default)(i)) e[o] = t(i); else if (Array.isArray(i)) { for (var l = [], s = 0, f = i.length; s < f; ++s) { var d = (0, u.default)(r, o, i[s], e, n); (0, c.default)(l, d || i[s]); } l.length > 0 && (e[o] = l); } else { var h = (0, u.default)(r, o, i, e, n); h && (e[o] = h), (0, a.default)(n, o, e); } } return e; } var n = e.prefixMap, r = e.plugins; return t; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("ee02"), a = r(i), l = n("TUng"), u = r(l), s = n("Z54K"), c = r(s), f = n("Vrbh"), p = r(f); e.exports = t.default; }, Ug9I: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("NB7d")("wks"), o = n("X6va"), i = n("i1Q6").Symbol, a = "function" == typeof i; (e.exports = function (e) { return r[e] || (r[e] = (a && i[e]) || (a ? i : o)("Symbol." + e)); }).store = r; }, VAPn: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = e.breakpoints, n = void 0 === t ? {} : t, r = e.mixins, o = void 0 === r ? {} : r, v = e.palette, b = void 0 === v ? {} : v, A = e.shadows, x = e.typography, C = void 0 === x ? {} : x, w = (0, a.default)(e, ["breakpoints", "mixins", "palette", "shadows", "typography"]), k = (0, f.default)(b), E = (0, s.default)(n), B = (0, i.default)( { breakpoints: E, direction: "ltr", mixins: (0, c.default)(E, m.default, o), overrides: {}, palette: k, props: {}, shadows: A || d.default, typography: (0, p.default)(k, C) }, (0, l.default)({ shape: h.default, spacing: m.default, transitions: y.default, zIndex: g.default }, w, { isMergeableObject: u.default }) ); return B; } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i = o(n("3dLy")), a = o(n("U8F3")), l = o(n("BokN")), u = o(n("6dK+")), s = (o(n("XOCG")), o(n("txUJ"))), c = o(n("Q0vi")), f = o(n("PLaZ")), p = o(n("CjV/")), d = o(n("0968")), h = o(n("GkUC")), m = o(n("CJ8n")), y = o(n("bCwc")), g = o(n("DnKM")), v = r; t.default = v; }, VOrx: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.__esModule = !0; var r = n("GyB/"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r); t.default = function (e, t) { if (!e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return !t || ("object" !== ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, o.default)(t)) && "function" !== typeof t) ? e : t; }; }, Vrbh: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e instanceof Object && !Array.isArray(e); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (e.exports = t.default); }, VuZO: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("O35A"), __esModule: !0 }; }, "W+Pd": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.slice(1); } function o(e, t) { return Object.keys(t).every(function (n) { return e.hasOwnProperty(n) && e[n] === t[n]; }); } function i(e, t) { for (var n = (0, s.default)(t), r = 0; r < e.length; r += 1) { if ("function" === n && !0 === !!t(e[r], r, e)) return r; if ("object" === n && o(e[r], t)) return r; if (-1 !== ["string", "number", "boolean"].indexOf(n)) return e.indexOf(t); } return -1; } function a(e, t) { var n = i(e, t); return n > -1 ? e[n] : void 0; } function l() { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return t.reduce( function (e, t) { return null == t ? e : function () { for (var n = arguments.length, r = new Array(n), o = 0; o < n; o++) r[o] = arguments[o]; e.apply(this, r), t.apply(this, r); }; }, function () {} ); } var u = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.capitalize = r), (t.contains = o), (t.findIndex = i), (t.find = a), (t.createChainedFunction = l); var s = u(n("b9XL")); u(n("XOCG")); }, WcDi: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : "unnamed", t = arguments[1], n = arguments[2], r = n.jss, o = (0, c.default)(t), i = r.plugins.onCreateRule(e, o, n); return i || ("@" === e[0] && (0, a.default)(!1, "[JSS] Unknown at-rule %s", e), new u.default(e, o, n)); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("XOCG"), a = r(i), l = n("v3CT"), u = r(l), s = n("ioJm"), c = r(s); }, Wyka: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("E5Ce"), o = n("U72i"); e.exports = function (e) { return r(o(e)); }; }, X6va: function (e, t) { var n = 0, r = Math.random(); e.exports = function (e) { return "Symbol(".concat(void 0 === e ? "" : e, ")_", (++n + r).toString(36)); }; }, XOCG: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = function () {}; e.exports = r; }, "XR+i": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.styles = void 0); var o = r(n("3dLy")), i = r(n("IxO8")), a = r(n("U8F3")), l = r(n("0fcM")), u = r(n("P8NW")), s = r(n("0421")), c = r(n("UJE0")), f = r(n("d4H2")), p = r(n("E7HD")), d = r(n("1n8/")), h = (r(n("5D9O")), r(n("NKHc"))), m = r(n("9qb7")), y = r(n("dy/l")), g = r(n("eVF9")), v = r(n("FV5o")), b = n("ushz"), A = r(n("Rf6V")), x = r(n("FuMT")), C = { root: { display: "inline-flex", alignItems: "center", justifyContent: "center", position: "relative", WebkitTapHighlightColor: "transparent", backgroundColor: "transparent", outline: "none", border: 0, margin: 0, borderRadius: 0, padding: 0, cursor: "pointer", userSelect: "none", verticalAlign: "middle", "-moz-appearance": "none", "-webkit-appearance": "none", textDecoration: "none", color: "inherit", "&::-moz-focus-inner": { borderStyle: "none" }, "&$disabled": { pointerEvents: "none", cursor: "default" }, }, disabled: {}, focusVisible: {}, }; t.styles = C; var w = (function (e) { function t() { var e, n; (0, l.default)(this, t); for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) o[i] = arguments[i]; return ( (n = (0, s.default)(this, (e = (0, c.default)(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(o)))), (n.ripple = null), (n.keyDown = !1), (n.button = null), (n.focusVisibleTimeout = null), (n.focusVisibleCheckTime = 50), (n.focusVisibleMaxCheckTimes = 5), (n.handleMouseDown = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "MouseDown", "start", function () { clearTimeout(n.focusVisibleTimeout), n.state.focusVisible && n.setState({ focusVisible: !1 }); })), (n.handleMouseUp = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "MouseUp", "stop")), (n.handleMouseLeave = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "MouseLeave", "stop", function (e) { n.state.focusVisible && e.preventDefault(); })), (n.handleTouchStart = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "TouchStart", "start")), (n.handleTouchEnd = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "TouchEnd", "stop")), (n.handleTouchMove = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "TouchMove", "stop")), (n.handleBlur = (0, x.default)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), "Blur", "stop", function () { clearTimeout(n.focusVisibleTimeout), n.state.focusVisible && n.setState({ focusVisible: !1 }); })), (n.state = {}), (n.onRippleRef = function (e) { n.ripple = e; }), (n.onFocusVisibleHandler = function (e) { (n.keyDown = !1), n.setState({ focusVisible: !0 }), n.props.onFocusVisible && n.props.onFocusVisible(e); }), (n.handleKeyDown = function (e) { var t = n.props, r = t.component, o = t.focusRipple, i = t.onKeyDown, a = t.onClick, l = (0, y.default)(e); o && !n.keyDown && n.state.focusVisible && n.ripple && "space" === l && ((n.keyDown = !0), e.persist(), n.ripple.stop(e, function () { n.ripple.start(e); })), i && i(e), e.target !== e.currentTarget || !r || "button" === r || ("space" !== l && "enter" !== l) || ("A" === n.button.tagName && n.button.href) || (e.preventDefault(), a && a(e)); }), (n.handleKeyUp = function (e) { n.props.focusRipple && "space" === (0, y.default)(e) && n.ripple && n.state.focusVisible && ((n.keyDown = !1), e.persist(), n.ripple.stop(e, function () { n.ripple.pulsate(e); })), n.props.onKeyUp && n.props.onKeyUp(e); }), (n.handleFocus = function (e) { n.props.disabled || (n.button || (n.button = e.currentTarget), e.persist(), (0, b.detectFocusVisible)((0, p.default)((0, p.default)(n)), n.button, function () { n.onFocusVisibleHandler(e); }), n.props.onFocus && n.props.onFocus(e)); }), n ); } return ( (0, f.default)(t, e), (0, u.default)( t, [ { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { var e = this; (this.button = h.default.findDOMNode(this)), (0, b.listenForFocusKeys)((0, g.default)(this.button)), this.props.action && this.props.action({ focusVisible: function () { e.setState({ focusVisible: !0 }), e.button.focus(); }, }); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function (e, t) { this.props.focusRipple && !this.props.disableRipple && !t.focusVisible && this.state.focusVisible && this.ripple.pulsate(); }, }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { (this.button = null), clearTimeout(this.focusVisibleTimeout); }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { var e, t = this.props, n = (t.action, t.buttonRef), r = t.centerRipple, l = t.children, u = t.classes, s = t.className, c = t.component, f = t.disabled, p = t.disableRipple, h = (t.disableTouchRipple, t.focusRipple, t.focusVisibleClassName), y = (t.onBlur, t.onFocus, t.onFocusVisible, t.onKeyDown, t.onKeyUp, t.onMouseDown, t.onMouseLeave, t.onMouseUp, t.onTouchEnd, t.onTouchMove, t.onTouchStart, t.tabIndex), g = t.TouchRippleProps, v = t.type, b = (0, a.default)(t, [ "action", "buttonRef", "centerRipple", "children", "classes", "className", "component", "disabled", "disableRipple", "disableTouchRipple", "focusRipple", "focusVisibleClassName", "onBlur", "onFocus", "onFocusVisible", "onKeyDown", "onKeyUp", "onMouseDown", "onMouseLeave", "onMouseUp", "onTouchEnd", "onTouchMove", "onTouchStart", "tabIndex", "TouchRippleProps", "type", ]), x = (0, m.default)(u.root, ((e = {}), (0, i.default)(e, u.disabled, f), (0, i.default)(e, u.focusVisible, this.state.focusVisible), (0, i.default)(e, h, this.state.focusVisible), e), s), C = {}, w = c; return ( "button" === w && b.href && (w = "a"), "button" === w ? ((C.type = v || "button"), (C.disabled = f)) : (C.role = "button"), d.default.createElement( w, (0, o.default)( { onBlur: this.handleBlur, onFocus: this.handleFocus, onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown, onKeyUp: this.handleKeyUp, onMouseDown: this.handleMouseDown, onMouseLeave: this.handleMouseLeave, onMouseUp: this.handleMouseUp, onTouchEnd: this.handleTouchEnd, onTouchMove: this.handleTouchMove, onTouchStart: this.handleTouchStart, tabIndex: f ? "-1" : y, className: x, ref: n, }, C, b ), l, p || f ? null : d.default.createElement(A.default, (0, o.default)({ innerRef: this.onRippleRef, center: r }, g)) ) ); }, }, ], [ { key: "getDerivedStateFromProps", value: function (e, t) { return "undefined" === typeof t.focusVisible ? { focusVisible: !1, lastDisabled: e.disabled } : !t.prevState && e.disabled && t.focusVisible ? { focusVisible: !1, lastDisabled: e.disabled } : { lastDisabled: e.disabled }; }, }, ] ), t ); })(d.default.Component); (w.propTypes = {}), (w.defaultProps = { centerRipple: !1, component: "button", disableRipple: !1, disableTouchRipple: !1, focusRipple: !1, tabIndex: "0", type: "button" }); var k = (0, v.default)(C, { name: "MuiButtonBase" })(w); t.default = k; }, XfJI: function (e, t) { function n(e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0, n = new Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t]; return n; } } e.exports = n; }, XxCd: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function i(e, t) { try { return e.style.getPropertyValue(t); } catch (e) { return ""; } } function a(e, t, n) { try { var r = n; if (Array.isArray(n) && ((r = (0, C.default)(n, !0)), "!important" === n[n.length - 1])) return e.style.setProperty(t, r, "important"), !0; e.style.setProperty(t, r); } catch (e) { return !1; } return !0; } function l(e, t) { try { e.style.removeProperty(t); } catch (e) { (0, y.default)(!1, '[JSS] DOMException "%s" was thrown. Tried to remove property "%s".', e.message, t); } } function u(e, t) { return (e.selectorText = t), e.selectorText === t; } function s(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n]; if (r.attached && r.options.index > t.index && r.options.insertionPoint === t.insertionPoint) return r; } return null; } function c(e, t) { for (var n = e.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) { var r = e[n]; if (r.attached && r.options.insertionPoint === t.insertionPoint) return r; } return null; } function f(e) { for (var t = B(), n = 0; n < t.childNodes.length; n++) { var r = t.childNodes[n]; if (8 === r.nodeType && r.nodeValue.trim() === e) return r; } return null; } function p(e) { var t = v.default.registry; if (t.length > 0) { var n = s(t, e); if (n) return n.renderer.element; if ((n = c(t, e))) return n.renderer.element.nextElementSibling; } var r = e.insertionPoint; if (r && "string" === typeof r) { var o = f(r); if (o) return o.nextSibling; (0, y.default)("jss" === r, '[JSS] Insertion point "%s" not found.', r); } return null; } function d(e, t) { var n = t.insertionPoint, r = p(t); if (r) { var o = r.parentNode; return void (o && o.insertBefore(e, r)); } if (n && "number" === typeof n.nodeType) { var i = n, a = i.parentNode; return void (a ? a.insertBefore(e, i.nextSibling) : (0, y.default)(!1, "[JSS] Insertion point is not in the DOM.")); } B().insertBefore(e, r); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var h = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), m = n("XOCG"), y = r(m), g = n("iE6D"), v = r(g), b = n("v3CT"), A = r(b), x = n("rmh+"), C = r(x), w = function (e) { var t = void 0; return function () { return t || (t = e()), t; }; }, k = { STYLE_RULE: 1, KEYFRAMES_RULE: 7 }, E = (function () { var e = function (e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0; return e.substr(t, e.indexOf("{") - 1); }; return function (t) { if (t.type === k.STYLE_RULE) return t.selectorText; if (t.type === k.KEYFRAMES_RULE) { var n = t.name; if (n) return "@keyframes " + n; var r = t.cssText; return "@" + e(r, r.indexOf("keyframes")); } return e(t.cssText); }; })(), B = w(function () { return document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; }), S = (function () { var e = void 0, t = !1; return function (n) { var r = {}; e || (e = document.createElement("style")); for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) { var i = n[o]; if (i instanceof A.default) { var a = i.selector; if (a && -1 !== a.indexOf("\\")) { t || (B().appendChild(e), (t = !0)), (e.textContent = a + " {}"); var l = e, u = l.sheet; if (u) { var s = u.cssRules; s && (r[s[0].selectorText] = i.key); } } } } return t && (B().removeChild(e), (t = !1)), r; }; })(), _ = w(function () { var e = document.querySelector('meta[property="csp-nonce"]'); return e ? e.getAttribute("content") : null; }), P = (function () { function e(t) { o(this, e), (this.getPropertyValue = i), (this.setProperty = a), (this.removeProperty = l), (this.setSelector = u), (this.getKey = E), (this.getUnescapedKeysMap = S), (this.hasInsertedRules = !1), t && v.default.add(t), (this.sheet = t); var n = this.sheet ? this.sheet.options : {}, r = n.media, s = n.meta, c = n.element; (this.element = c || document.createElement("style")), this.element.setAttribute("data-jss", ""), r && this.element.setAttribute("media", r), s && this.element.setAttribute("data-meta", s); var f = _(); f && this.element.setAttribute("nonce", f); } return ( h(e, [ { key: "attach", value: function () { !this.element.parentNode && this.sheet && (this.hasInsertedRules && (this.deploy(), (this.hasInsertedRules = !1)), d(this.element, this.sheet.options)); }, }, { key: "detach", value: function () { this.element.parentNode.removeChild(this.element); }, }, { key: "deploy", value: function () { this.sheet && (this.element.textContent = "\n" + this.sheet.toString() + "\n"); }, }, { key: "insertRule", value: function (e, t) { var n = this.element.sheet, r = n.cssRules, o = e.toString(); if ((t || (t = r.length), !o)) return !1; try { n.insertRule(o, t); } catch (t) { return (0, y.default)(!1, "[JSS] Can not insert an unsupported rule \n\r%s", e), !1; } return (this.hasInsertedRules = !0), r[t]; }, }, { key: "deleteRule", value: function (e) { var t = this.element.sheet, n = this.indexOf(e); return -1 !== n && (t.deleteRule(n), !0); }, }, { key: "indexOf", value: function (e) { for (var t = this.element.sheet.cssRules, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) if (e === t[n]) return n; return -1; }, }, { key: "replaceRule", value: function (e, t) { var n = this.indexOf(e), r = this.insertRule(t, n); return this.element.sheet.deleteRule(n), r; }, }, { key: "getRules", value: function () { return this.element.sheet.cssRules; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = P; }, Y8tX: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, t = e.baseClasses, n = e.newClasses; e.Component, e.noBase; return n ? (0, i.default)( {}, t, Object.keys(n).reduce(function (e, r) { return n[r] && (e[r] = "".concat(t[r], " ").concat(n[r])), e; }, {}) ) : t; } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i = o(n("3dLy")), a = (o(n("XOCG")), o(n("6KFX")), r); t.default = a; }, YEpT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("3t7p"), o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i = o(n("3dLy")), a = o(n("IxO8")), l = o(n("0fcM")), u = o(n("P8NW")), s = o(n("0421")), c = o(n("UJE0")), f = o(n("d4H2")), p = o(n("1n8/")), d = o(n("5D9O")), h = (o(n("XOCG")), o(n("yUOG"))), m = r(n("pkRn")), y = (o(n("hY4B")), (function (e) { function t(e, n) { var r; return ( (0, l.default)(this, t), (r = (0, s.default)(this, (0, c.default)(t).call(this))), (r.broadcast = (0, h.default)()), (r.unsubscribeId = null), (r.outerTheme = null), (r.outerTheme = m.default.initial(n)), r.broadcast.setState(r.mergeOuterLocalTheme(e.theme)), r ); } return ( (0, f.default)(t, e), (0, u.default)(t, [ { key: "getChildContext", value: function () { var e, t = this.props, n = t.sheetsManager, r = t.disableStylesGeneration, o = this.context.muiThemeProviderOptions || {}; return void 0 !== n && (o.sheetsManager = n), void 0 !== r && (o.disableStylesGeneration = r), (e = {}), (0, a.default)(e, m.CHANNEL, this.broadcast), (0, a.default)(e, "muiThemeProviderOptions", o), e; }, }, { key: "componentDidMount", value: function () { var e = this; this.unsubscribeId = m.default.subscribe(this.context, function (t) { (e.outerTheme = t), e.broadcast.setState(e.mergeOuterLocalTheme(e.props.theme)); }); }, }, { key: "componentDidUpdate", value: function (e) { this.props.theme !== e.theme && this.broadcast.setState(this.mergeOuterLocalTheme(this.props.theme)); }, }, { key: "componentWillUnmount", value: function () { null !== this.unsubscribeId && m.default.unsubscribe(this.context, this.unsubscribeId); }, }, { key: "mergeOuterLocalTheme", value: function (e) { return "function" === typeof e ? e(this.outerTheme) : this.outerTheme ? (0, i.default)({}, this.outerTheme, e) : e; }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { return this.props.children; }, }, ]), t ); })(p.default.Component)); (y.propTypes = {}), (y.propTypes = {}), (y.childContextTypes = (0, i.default)({}, m.default.contextTypes, { muiThemeProviderOptions: d.default.object })), (y.contextTypes = (0, i.default)({}, m.default.contextTypes, { muiThemeProviderOptions: d.default.object })); var g = y; t.default = g; }, Z54K: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { -1 === e.indexOf(t) && e.push(t); } function o(e, t) { if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var n = 0, o = t.length; n < o; ++n) r(e, t[n]); else r(e, t); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o), (e.exports = t.default); }, ZHsT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.browserName, a = r.browserVersion, l = r.cssPrefix, u = r.keepUnprefixed; if ("string" === typeof t && t.indexOf("calc(") > -1 && (("firefox" === o && a < 15) || ("chrome" === o && a < 25) || ("safari" === o && a < 6.1) || ("ios_saf" === o && a < 7))) return (0, i.default)(t.replace(/calc\(/g, l + "calc("), t, u); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o); e.exports = t.default; }, ZHvQ: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("ShN9"), o = n("Ug9I")("toStringTag"), i = "Arguments" == r( (function () { return arguments; })() ), a = function (e, t) { try { return e[t]; } catch (e) {} }; e.exports = function (e) { var t, n, l; return void 0 === e ? "Undefined" : null === e ? "Null" : "string" == typeof (n = a((t = Object(e)), o)) ? n : i ? r(t) : "Object" == (l = r(t)) && "function" == typeof t.callee ? "Arguments" : l; }; }, ZKjc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } t.__esModule = !0; var o = n("Aq8W"), i = r(o), a = n("yeEC"), l = r(a), u = n("GyB/"), s = r(u); t.default = function (e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + ("undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : (0, s.default)(t))); (e.prototype = (0, l.default)(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && (i.default ? (0, i.default)(e, t) : (e.__proto__ = t)); }; }, ZaKr: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("BxvP"), o = n("zotD"), i = function (e, t) { if ((o(e), !r(t) && null !== t)) throw TypeError(t + ": can't set as prototype!"); }; e.exports = { set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ("__proto__" in {} ? (function (e, t, r) { try { (r = n("3zRh")(Function.call, n("sxPs").f(Object.prototype, "__proto__").set, 2)), r(e, []), (t = !(e instanceof Array)); } catch (e) { t = !0; } return function (e, n) { return i(e, n), t ? (e.__proto__ = n) : r(e, n), e; }; })({}, !1) : void 0), check: i, }; }, Zwq5: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("MpYs"), o = Math.max, i = Math.min; e.exports = function (e, t) { return (e = r(e)), e < 0 ? o(e + t, 0) : i(e, t); }; }, ZxII: function (e, t, n) { t.f = n("Ug9I"); }, a3V9: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = e.theme, n = e.name; return n && t.props && t.props[n] ? t.props[n] : {}; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = r; t.default = o; }, aUfQ: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; (t.__esModule = !0), (t.classNamesShape = t.timeoutsShape = void 0); !(function (e) { e && e.__esModule; })(n("5D9O")); t.timeoutsShape = null; t.classNamesShape = null; }, af0K: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("dhak"), o = n("Ug9I")("iterator"), i = Array.prototype; e.exports = function (e) { return void 0 !== e && (r.Array === e || i[o] === e); }; }, akPY: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Gfzd"), o = n("0WCH"); e.exports = n("6MLN") ? function (e, t, n) { return r.f(e, t, o(1, n)); } : function (e, t, n) { return (e[t] = n), e; }; }, awqi: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (var t = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]); return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."; } function o(e, t, n) { (this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = D), (this.updater = n || F); } function i() {} function a(e, t, n) { (this.props = e), (this.context = t), (this.refs = D), (this.updater = n || F); } function l(e, t, n) { var r, o = {}, i = null, a = null; if (null != t) for (r in (void 0 !== t.ref && (a = t.ref), void 0 !== t.key && (i = "" + t.key), t)) I.call(t, r) && !W.hasOwnProperty(r) && (o[r] = t[r]); var l = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === l) o.children = n; else if (1 < l) { for (var u = Array(l), s = 0; s < l; s++) u[s] = arguments[s + 2]; o.children = u; } if (e && e.defaultProps) for (r in (l = e.defaultProps)) void 0 === o[r] && (o[r] = l[r]); return { $$typeof: C, type: e, key: i, ref: a, props: o, _owner: z.current }; } function u(e, t) { return { $$typeof: C, type: e.type, key: t, ref: e.ref, props: e.props, _owner: e._owner }; } function s(e) { return "object" === typeof e && null !== e && e.$$typeof === C; } function c(e) { var t = { "=": "=0", ":": "=2" }; return ( "$" + ("" + e).replace(/[=:]/g, function (e) { return t[e]; }) ); } function f(e, t, n, r) { if (L.length) { var o = L.pop(); return (o.result = e), (o.keyPrefix = t), (o.func = n), (o.context = r), (o.count = 0), o; } return { result: e, keyPrefix: t, func: n, context: r, count: 0 }; } function p(e) { (e.result = null), (e.keyPrefix = null), (e.func = null), (e.context = null), (e.count = 0), 10 > L.length && L.push(e); } function d(e, t, n, o) { var i = typeof e; ("undefined" !== i && "boolean" !== i) || (e = null); var a = !1; if (null === e) a = !0; else switch (i) { case "string": case "number": a = !0; break; case "object": switch (e.$$typeof) { case C: case w: a = !0; } } if (a) return n(o, e, "" === t ? "." + m(e, 0) : t), 1; if (((a = 0), (t = "" === t ? "." : t + ":"), Array.isArray(e))) for (var l = 0; l < e.length; l++) { i = e[l]; var u = t + m(i, l); a += d(i, u, n, o); } else if ((null === e || "object" !== typeof e ? (u = null) : ((u = (N && e[N]) || e["@@iterator"]), (u = "function" === typeof u ? u : null)), "function" === typeof u)) for (e = u.call(e), l = 0; !(i = e.next()).done; ) (i = i.value), (u = t + m(i, l++)), (a += d(i, u, n, o)); else if ("object" === i) throw ((n = "" + e), Error(r(31, "[object Object]" === n ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(e).join(", ") + "}" : n, ""))); return a; } function h(e, t, n) { return null == e ? 0 : d(e, "", t, n); } function m(e, t) { return "object" === typeof e && null !== e && null != e.key ? c(e.key) : t.toString(36); } function y(e, t) { e.func.call(e.context, t, e.count++); } function g(e, t, n) { var r = e.result, o = e.keyPrefix; (e = e.func.call(e.context, t, e.count++)), Array.isArray(e) ? v(e, r, n, function (e) { return e; }) : null != e && (s(e) && (e = u(e, o + (!e.key || (t && t.key === e.key) ? "" : ("" + e.key).replace(U, "$&/") + "/") + n)), r.push(e)); } function v(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = ""; null != n && (i = ("" + n).replace(U, "$&/") + "/"), (t = f(t, i, r, o)), h(e, g, t), p(t); } function b() { var e = R.current; if (null === e) throw Error(r(321)); return e; } var A = n("J4Nk"), x = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, C = x ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, w = x ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, k = x ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, E = x ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, B = x ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, S = x ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, _ = x ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, P = x ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, O = x ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113; x && Symbol.for("react.suspense_list"); var M = x ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, T = x ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116; x && Symbol.for("react.fundamental"), x && Symbol.for("react.responder"), x && Symbol.for("react.scope"); var N = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, F = { isMounted: function () { return !1; }, enqueueForceUpdate: function () {}, enqueueReplaceState: function () {}, enqueueSetState: function () {}, }, D = {}; (o.prototype.isReactComponent = {}), (o.prototype.setState = function (e, t) { if ("object" !== typeof e && "function" !== typeof e && null != e) throw Error(r(85)); this.updater.enqueueSetState(this, e, t, "setState"); }), (o.prototype.forceUpdate = function (e) { this.updater.enqueueForceUpdate(this, e, "forceUpdate"); }), (i.prototype = o.prototype); var j = (a.prototype = new i()); (j.constructor = a), A(j, o.prototype), (j.isPureReactComponent = !0); var R = { current: null }, z = { current: null }, I = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, W = { key: !0, ref: !0, __self: !0, __source: !0 }, U = /\/+/g, L = [], G = { Children: { map: function (e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; var r = []; return v(e, r, null, t, n), r; }, forEach: function (e, t, n) { if (null == e) return e; (t = f(null, null, t, n)), h(e, y, t), p(t); }, count: function (e) { return h( e, function () { return null; }, null ); }, toArray: function (e) { var t = []; return ( v(e, t, null, function (e) { return e; }), t ); }, only: function (e) { if (!s(e)) throw Error(r(143)); return e; }, }, createRef: function () { return { current: null }; }, Component: o, PureComponent: a, createContext: function (e, t) { return ( void 0 === t && (t = null), (e = { $$typeof: _, _calculateChangedBits: t, _currentValue: e, _currentValue2: e, _threadCount: 0, Provider: null, Consumer: null }), (e.Provider = { $$typeof: S, _context: e }), (e.Consumer = e) ); }, forwardRef: function (e) { return { $$typeof: P, render: e }; }, lazy: function (e) { return { $$typeof: T, _ctor: e, _status: -1, _result: null }; }, memo: function (e, t) { return { $$typeof: M, type: e, compare: void 0 === t ? null : t }; }, useCallback: function (e, t) { return b().useCallback(e, t); }, useContext: function (e, t) { return b().useContext(e, t); }, useEffect: function (e, t) { return b().useEffect(e, t); }, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { return b().useImperativeHandle(e, t, n); }, useDebugValue: function () {}, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return b().useLayoutEffect(e, t); }, useMemo: function (e, t) { return b().useMemo(e, t); }, useReducer: function (e, t, n) { return b().useReducer(e, t, n); }, useRef: function (e) { return b().useRef(e); }, useState: function (e) { return b().useState(e); }, Fragment: k, Profiler: B, StrictMode: E, Suspense: O, createElement: l, cloneElement: function (e, t, n) { if (null === e || void 0 === e) throw Error(r(267, e)); var o = A({}, e.props), i = e.key, a = e.ref, l = e._owner; if (null != t) { if ((void 0 !== t.ref && ((a = t.ref), (l = z.current)), void 0 !== t.key && (i = "" + t.key), e.type && e.type.defaultProps)) var u = e.type.defaultProps; for (s in t) I.call(t, s) && !W.hasOwnProperty(s) && (o[s] = void 0 === t[s] && void 0 !== u ? u[s] : t[s]); } var s = arguments.length - 2; if (1 === s) o.children = n; else if (1 < s) { u = Array(s); for (var c = 0; c < s; c++) u[c] = arguments[c + 2]; o.children = u; } return { $$typeof: C, type: e.type, key: i, ref: a, props: o, _owner: l }; }, createFactory: function (e) { var t = l.bind(null, e); return (t.type = e), t; }, isValidElement: s, version: "16.12.0", __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: { ReactCurrentDispatcher: R, ReactCurrentBatchConfig: { suspense: null }, ReactCurrentOwner: z, IsSomeRendererActing: { current: !1 }, assign: A }, }, V = { default: G }, q = (V && G) || V; e.exports = q.default || q; }, ayXv: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("ShN9"); e.exports = Array.isArray || function (e) { return "Array" == r(e); }; }, b1tA: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("vSO4"); r(r.S, "Object", { setPrototypeOf: n("ZaKr").set }); }, b7Q2: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("TNJq"), o = n("0WCH"), i = n("11Ut"), a = {}; n("akPY")(a, n("Ug9I")("iterator"), function () { return this; }), (e.exports = function (e, t, n) { (e.prototype = r(a, { next: o(1, n) })), i(e, t + " Iterator"); }); }, b9XL: function (e, t) { function n(e) { return (n = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; })(e); } function r(t) { return ( "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === n(Symbol.iterator) ? (e.exports = r = function (e) { return n(e); }) : (e.exports = r = function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : n(e); }), r(t) ); } e.exports = r; }, bCwc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.isNumber = t.isString = t.formatMs = t.duration = t.easing = void 0); var o = r(n("U8F3")), i = (r(n("XOCG")), { easeInOut: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1)", easeOut: "cubic-bezier(0.0, 0, 0.2, 1)", easeIn: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 1, 1)", sharp: "cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.6, 1)" }); t.easing = i; var a = { shortest: 150, shorter: 200, short: 250, standard: 300, complex: 375, enteringScreen: 225, leavingScreen: 195 }; t.duration = a; var l = function (e) { return "".concat(Math.round(e), "ms"); }; t.formatMs = l; var u = function (e) { return "string" === typeof e; }; t.isString = u; var s = function (e) { return !isNaN(parseFloat(e)); }; t.isNumber = s; var c = { easing: i, duration: a, create: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : ["all"], t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : {}, n = t.duration, r = void 0 === n ? a.standard : n, u = t.easing, s = void 0 === u ? i.easeInOut : u, c = t.delay, f = void 0 === c ? 0 : c; (0, o.default)(t, ["duration", "easing", "delay"]); return (Array.isArray(e) ? e : [e]) .map(function (e) { return "" .concat(e, " ") .concat("string" === typeof r ? r : l(r), " ") .concat(s, " ") .concat("string" === typeof f ? f : l(f)); }) .join(","); }, getAutoHeightDuration: function (e) { if (!e) return 0; var t = e / 36; return Math.round(10 * (4 + 15 * Math.pow(t, 0.25) + t / 5)); }, }; t.default = c; }, bJ7U: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("LkZ7"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r); t.default = function (e) { return e && e[o.default] && e === e[o.default](); }; }, bKbX: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, i = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), a = n("ciB6"), l = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(a), u = (function () { function e(t, n, i) { r(this, e), (this.type = "conditional"), (this.isProcessed = !1), (this.key = t), (this.options = i), (this.rules = new l.default(o({}, i, { parent: this }))); for (var a in n) this.rules.add(a, n[a]); this.rules.process(); } return ( i(e, [ { key: "getRule", value: function (e) { return this.rules.get(e); }, }, { key: "indexOf", value: function (e) { return this.rules.indexOf(e); }, }, { key: "addRule", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this.rules.add(e, t, n); return this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(r), r; }, }, { key: "toString", value: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : { indent: 1 }, t = this.rules.toString(e); return t ? this.key + " {\n" + t + "\n}" : ""; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = u; }, c2zY: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("i1Q6"), o = n("zKeE"), i = n("1kq3"), a = n("ZxII"), l = n("Gfzd").f; e.exports = function (e) { var t = o.Symbol || (o.Symbol = i ? {} : r.Symbol || {}); "_" == e.charAt(0) || e in t || l(t, e, { value: a.f(e) }); }; }, c6mp: function (e, t, n) { n("c2zY")("asyncIterator"); }, cOHw: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("vSO4"), o = n("zKeE"), i = n("wLcK"); e.exports = function (e, t) { var n = (o.Object || {})[e] || Object[e], a = {}; (a[e] = t(n)), r( r.S + r.F * i(function () { n(1); }), "Object", a ); }; }, ciB6: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, a = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), l = n("WcDi"), u = r(l), s = n("KzYS"), c = r(s), f = n("v3CT"), p = r(f), d = n("808+"), h = r(d), m = (function () { function e(t) { var n = this; o(this, e), (this.map = {}), (this.raw = {}), (this.index = []), (this.update = function (e, t) { var r = n.options, o = r.jss.plugins, i = r.sheet; if ("string" === typeof e) o.onUpdate(t, n.get(e), i); else for (var a = 0; a < n.index.length; a++) o.onUpdate(e, n.index[a], i); }), (this.options = t), (this.classes = t.classes); } return ( a(e, [ { key: "add", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this.options, o = r.parent, a = r.sheet, l = r.jss, s = r.Renderer, c = r.generateClassName; (n = i({ classes: this.classes, parent: o, sheet: a, jss: l, Renderer: s, generateClassName: c }, n)), !n.selector && this.classes[e] && (n.selector = "." + (0, h.default)(this.classes[e])), (this.raw[e] = t); var f = (0, u.default)(e, t, n), d = void 0; !n.selector && f instanceof p.default && ((d = c(f, a)), (f.selector = "." + (0, h.default)(d))), this.register(f, d); var m = void 0 === n.index ? this.index.length : n.index; return this.index.splice(m, 0, f), f; }, }, { key: "get", value: function (e) { return this.map[e]; }, }, { key: "remove", value: function (e) { this.unregister(e), this.index.splice(this.indexOf(e), 1); }, }, { key: "indexOf", value: function (e) { return this.index.indexOf(e); }, }, { key: "process", value: function () { var e = this.options.jss.plugins; this.index.slice(0).forEach(e.onProcessRule, e); }, }, { key: "register", value: function (e, t) { (this.map[e.key] = e), e instanceof p.default && ((this.map[e.selector] = e), t && (this.classes[e.key] = t)); }, }, { key: "unregister", value: function (e) { delete this.map[e.key], e instanceof p.default && (delete this.map[e.selector], delete this.classes[e.key]); }, }, { key: "link", value: function (e) { for (var t = this.options.sheet.renderer.getUnescapedKeysMap(this.index), n = 0; n < e.length; n++) { var r = e[n], o = this.options.sheet.renderer.getKey(r); t[o] && (o = t[o]); var i = this.map[o]; i && (0, c.default)(i, r); } }, }, { key: "toString", value: function (e) { for (var t = "", n = this.options.sheet, r = !!n && n.options.link, o = 0; o < this.index.length; o++) { var i = this.index[o], a = i.toString(e); (a || r) && (t && (t += "\n"), (t += a)); } return t; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = m; }, cjsw: function (e, t, n) { n("yOG5"); var r = n("zKeE").Object; e.exports = function (e, t) { return r.create(e, t); }; }, cvfj: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = (function () { function e(t, n, o) { r(this, e), (this.type = "simple"), (this.isProcessed = !1), (this.key = t), (this.value = n), (this.options = o); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "toString", value: function (e) { if (Array.isArray(this.value)) { for (var t = "", n = 0; n < this.value.length; n++) (t += this.key + " " + this.value[n] + ";"), this.value[n + 1] && (t += "\n"); return t; } return this.key + " " + this.value + ";"; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = i; }, d4H2: function (e, t, n) { function r(e, t) { if ("function" !== typeof t && null !== t) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); (e.prototype = Object.create(t && t.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })), t && o(e, t); } var o = n("AkAO"); e.exports = r; }, dACh: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = function (e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); }); }, dXs8: function (e, t, n) { n("b1tA"), (e.exports = n("zKeE").Object.setPrototypeOf); }, dYQv: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function i(e) { var t = e.prefixMap, n = e.plugins, r = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : function (e) { return e; }; return (function () { function e() { var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}; o(this, e); var r = "undefined" !== typeof navigator ? navigator.userAgent : void 0; if (((this._userAgent = n.userAgent || r), (this._keepUnprefixed = n.keepUnprefixed || !1), this._userAgent && (this._browserInfo = (0, u.default)(this._userAgent)), !this._browserInfo || !this._browserInfo.cssPrefix)) return (this._useFallback = !0), !1; this.prefixedKeyframes = (0, c.default)(this._browserInfo.browserName, this._browserInfo.browserVersion, this._browserInfo.cssPrefix); var i = this._browserInfo.browserName && t[this._browserInfo.browserName]; if (i) { this._requiresPrefix = {}; for (var a in i) i[a] >= this._browserInfo.browserVersion && (this._requiresPrefix[a] = !0); this._hasPropsRequiringPrefix = Object.keys(this._requiresPrefix).length > 0; } else this._useFallback = !0; this._metaData = { browserVersion: this._browserInfo.browserVersion, browserName: this._browserInfo.browserName, cssPrefix: this._browserInfo.cssPrefix, jsPrefix: this._browserInfo.jsPrefix, keepUnprefixed: this._keepUnprefixed, requiresPrefix: this._requiresPrefix, }; } return ( a( e, [ { key: "prefix", value: function (e) { return this._useFallback ? r(e) : this._hasPropsRequiringPrefix ? this._prefixStyle(e) : e; }, }, { key: "_prefixStyle", value: function (e) { for (var t in e) { var r = e[t]; if ((0, y.default)(r)) e[t] = this.prefix(r); else if (Array.isArray(r)) { for (var o = [], i = 0, a = r.length; i < a; ++i) { var l = (0, v.default)(n, t, r[i], e, this._metaData); (0, h.default)(o, l || r[i]); } o.length > 0 && (e[t] = o); } else { var u = (0, v.default)(n, t, r, e, this._metaData); u && (e[t] = u), this._requiresPrefix.hasOwnProperty(t) && ((e[this._browserInfo.jsPrefix + (0, p.default)(t)] = r), this._keepUnprefixed || delete e[t]); } } return e; }, }, ], [ { key: "prefixAll", value: function (e) { return r(e); }, }, ] ), e ); })(); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(); t.default = i; var l = n("EBZy"), u = r(l), s = n("g3tO"), c = r(s), f = n("/eMc"), p = r(f), d = n("Z54K"), h = r(d), m = n("Vrbh"), y = r(m), g = n("TUng"), v = r(g); e.exports = t.default; }, dhak: function (e, t) { e.exports = {}; }, dtN7: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.cssPrefix, u = r.keepUnprefixed; if (a.hasOwnProperty(e) && l.hasOwnProperty(t)) return (0, i.default)(o + t, t, u); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = { maxHeight: !0, maxWidth: !0, width: !0, height: !0, columnWidth: !0, minWidth: !0, minHeight: !0 }, l = { "min-content": !0, "max-content": !0, "fill-available": !0, "fit-content": !0, "contain-floats": !0 }; e.exports = t.default; }, "dy/l": function (e, t) { function n(e) { if (e && "object" === typeof e) { var t = e.which || e.keyCode || e.charCode; t && (e = t); } if ("number" === typeof e) return a[e]; var n = String(e), i = r[n.toLowerCase()]; if (i) return i; var i = o[n.toLowerCase()]; return i || (1 === n.length ? n.charCodeAt(0) : void 0); } (n.isEventKey = function (e, t) { if (e && "object" === typeof e) { var n = e.which || e.keyCode || e.charCode; if (null === n || void 0 === n) return !1; if ("string" === typeof t) { var i = r[t.toLowerCase()]; if (i) return i === n; var i = o[t.toLowerCase()]; if (i) return i === n; } else if ("number" === typeof t) return t === n; return !1; } }), (t = e.exports = n); var r = (t.code = t.codes = { backspace: 8, tab: 9, enter: 13, shift: 16, ctrl: 17, alt: 18, "pause/break": 19, "caps lock": 20, esc: 27, space: 32, "page up": 33, "page down": 34, end: 35, home: 36, left: 37, up: 38, right: 39, down: 40, insert: 45, delete: 46, command: 91, "left command": 91, "right command": 93, "numpad *": 106, "numpad +": 107, "numpad -": 109, "numpad .": 110, "numpad /": 111, "num lock": 144, "scroll lock": 145, "my computer": 182, "my calculator": 183, ";": 186, "=": 187, ",": 188, "-": 189, ".": 190, "/": 191, "`": 192, "[": 219, "\\": 220, "]": 221, "'": 222, }), o = (t.aliases = { windows: 91, "\u21e7": 16, "\u2325": 18, "\u2303": 17, "\u2318": 91, ctl: 17, control: 17, option: 18, pause: 19, break: 19, caps: 20, return: 13, escape: 27, spc: 32, spacebar: 32, pgup: 33, pgdn: 34, ins: 45, del: 46, cmd: 91, }); for (i = 97; i < 123; i++) r[String.fromCharCode(i)] = i - 32; for (var i = 48; i < 58; i++) r[i - 48] = i; for (i = 1; i < 13; i++) r["f" + i] = i + 111; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) r["numpad " + i] = i + 96; var a = (t.names = t.title = {}); for (i in r) a[r[i]] = i; for (var l in o) r[l] = o[l]; }, e1OT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); (t.red50 = "#ffebee"), (t.red100 = "#ffcdd2"), (t.red200 = "#ef9a9a"), (t.red300 = "#e57373"), (t.red400 = "#ef5350"), (t.red500 = "#f44336"), (t.red600 = "#e53935"), (t.red700 = "#d32f2f"), (t.red800 = "#c62828"), (t.red900 = "#b71c1c"), (t.redA100 = "#ff8a80"), (t.redA200 = "#ff5252"), (t.redA400 = "#ff1744"), (t.redA700 = "#d50000"), (t.pink50 = "#fce4ec"), (t.pink100 = "#f8bbd0"), (t.pink200 = "#f48fb1"), (t.pink300 = "#f06292"), (t.pink400 = "#ec407a"), (t.pink500 = "#e91e63"), (t.pink600 = "#d81b60"), (t.pink700 = "#c2185b"), (t.pink800 = "#ad1457"), (t.pink900 = "#880e4f"), (t.pinkA100 = "#ff80ab"), (t.pinkA200 = "#ff4081"), (t.pinkA400 = "#f50057"), (t.pinkA700 = "#c51162"), (t.purple50 = "#f3e5f5"), (t.purple100 = "#e1bee7"), (t.purple200 = "#ce93d8"), (t.purple300 = "#ba68c8"), (t.purple400 = "#ab47bc"), (t.purple500 = "#9c27b0"), (t.purple600 = "#8e24aa"), (t.purple700 = "#7b1fa2"), (t.purple800 = "#6a1b9a"), (t.purple900 = "#4a148c"), (t.purpleA100 = "#ea80fc"), (t.purpleA200 = "#e040fb"), (t.purpleA400 = "#d500f9"), (t.purpleA700 = "#aa00ff"), (t.deepPurple50 = "#ede7f6"), (t.deepPurple100 = "#d1c4e9"), (t.deepPurple200 = "#b39ddb"), (t.deepPurple300 = "#9575cd"), (t.deepPurple400 = "#7e57c2"), (t.deepPurple500 = "#673ab7"), (t.deepPurple600 = "#5e35b1"), (t.deepPurple700 = "#512da8"), (t.deepPurple800 = "#4527a0"), (t.deepPurple900 = "#311b92"), (t.deepPurpleA100 = "#b388ff"), (t.deepPurpleA200 = "#7c4dff"), (t.deepPurpleA400 = "#651fff"), (t.deepPurpleA700 = "#6200ea"), (t.indigo50 = "#e8eaf6"), (t.indigo100 = "#c5cae9"), (t.indigo200 = "#9fa8da"), (t.indigo300 = "#7986cb"), (t.indigo400 = "#5c6bc0"), (t.indigo500 = "#3f51b5"), (t.indigo600 = "#3949ab"), (t.indigo700 = "#303f9f"), (t.indigo800 = "#283593"), (t.indigo900 = "#1a237e"), (t.indigoA100 = "#8c9eff"), (t.indigoA200 = "#536dfe"), (t.indigoA400 = "#3d5afe"), (t.indigoA700 = "#304ffe"), (t.blue50 = "#e3f2fd"), (t.blue100 = "#bbdefb"), (t.blue200 = "#90caf9"), (t.blue300 = "#64b5f6"), (t.blue400 = "#42a5f5"), (t.blue500 = "#2196f3"), (t.blue600 = "#1e88e5"), (t.blue700 = "#1976d2"), (t.blue800 = "#1565c0"), (t.blue900 = "#0d47a1"), (t.blueA100 = "#82b1ff"), (t.blueA200 = "#448aff"), (t.blueA400 = "#2979ff"), (t.blueA700 = "#2962ff"), (t.lightBlue50 = "#e1f5fe"), (t.lightBlue100 = "#b3e5fc"), (t.lightBlue200 = "#81d4fa"), (t.lightBlue300 = "#4fc3f7"), (t.lightBlue400 = "#29b6f6"), (t.lightBlue500 = "#03a9f4"), (t.lightBlue600 = "#039be5"), (t.lightBlue700 = "#0288d1"), (t.lightBlue800 = "#0277bd"), (t.lightBlue900 = "#01579b"), (t.lightBlueA100 = "#80d8ff"), (t.lightBlueA200 = "#40c4ff"), (t.lightBlueA400 = "#00b0ff"), (t.lightBlueA700 = "#0091ea"), (t.cyan50 = "#e0f7fa"), (t.cyan100 = "#b2ebf2"), (t.cyan200 = "#80deea"), (t.cyan300 = "#4dd0e1"), (t.cyan400 = "#26c6da"), (t.cyan500 = "#00bcd4"), (t.cyan600 = "#00acc1"), (t.cyan700 = "#0097a7"), (t.cyan800 = "#00838f"), (t.cyan900 = "#006064"), (t.cyanA100 = "#84ffff"), (t.cyanA200 = "#18ffff"), (t.cyanA400 = "#00e5ff"), (t.cyanA700 = "#00b8d4"), (t.teal50 = "#e0f2f1"), (t.teal100 = "#b2dfdb"), (t.teal200 = "#80cbc4"), (t.teal300 = "#4db6ac"), (t.teal400 = "#26a69a"), (t.teal500 = "#009688"), (t.teal600 = "#00897b"), (t.teal700 = "#00796b"), (t.teal800 = "#00695c"), (t.teal900 = "#004d40"), (t.tealA100 = "#a7ffeb"), (t.tealA200 = "#64ffda"), (t.tealA400 = "#1de9b6"), (t.tealA700 = "#00bfa5"), (t.green50 = "#e8f5e9"), (t.green100 = "#c8e6c9"), (t.green200 = "#a5d6a7"), (t.green300 = "#81c784"), (t.green400 = "#66bb6a"), (t.green500 = "#4caf50"), (t.green600 = "#43a047"), (t.green700 = "#388e3c"), (t.green800 = "#2e7d32"), (t.green900 = "#1b5e20"), (t.greenA100 = "#b9f6ca"), (t.greenA200 = "#69f0ae"), (t.greenA400 = "#00e676"), (t.greenA700 = "#00c853"), (t.lightGreen50 = "#f1f8e9"), (t.lightGreen100 = "#dcedc8"), (t.lightGreen200 = "#c5e1a5"), (t.lightGreen300 = "#aed581"), (t.lightGreen400 = "#9ccc65"), (t.lightGreen500 = "#8bc34a"), (t.lightGreen600 = "#7cb342"), (t.lightGreen700 = "#689f38"), (t.lightGreen800 = "#558b2f"), (t.lightGreen900 = "#33691e"), (t.lightGreenA100 = "#ccff90"), (t.lightGreenA200 = "#b2ff59"), (t.lightGreenA400 = "#76ff03"), (t.lightGreenA700 = "#64dd17"), (t.lime50 = "#f9fbe7"), (t.lime100 = "#f0f4c3"), (t.lime200 = "#e6ee9c"), (t.lime300 = "#dce775"), (t.lime400 = "#d4e157"), (t.lime500 = "#cddc39"), (t.lime600 = "#c0ca33"), (t.lime700 = "#afb42b"), (t.lime800 = "#9e9d24"), (t.lime900 = "#827717"), (t.limeA100 = "#f4ff81"), (t.limeA200 = "#eeff41"), (t.limeA400 = "#c6ff00"), (t.limeA700 = "#aeea00"), (t.yellow50 = "#fffde7"), (t.yellow100 = "#fff9c4"), (t.yellow200 = "#fff59d"), (t.yellow300 = "#fff176"), (t.yellow400 = "#ffee58"), (t.yellow500 = "#ffeb3b"), (t.yellow600 = "#fdd835"), (t.yellow700 = "#fbc02d"), (t.yellow800 = "#f9a825"), (t.yellow900 = "#f57f17"), (t.yellowA100 = "#ffff8d"), (t.yellowA200 = "#ffff00"), (t.yellowA400 = "#ffea00"), (t.yellowA700 = "#ffd600"), (t.amber50 = "#fff8e1"), (t.amber100 = "#ffecb3"), (t.amber200 = "#ffe082"), (t.amber300 = "#ffd54f"), (t.amber400 = "#ffca28"), (t.amber500 = "#ffc107"), (t.amber600 = "#ffb300"), (t.amber700 = "#ffa000"), (t.amber800 = "#ff8f00"), (t.amber900 = "#ff6f00"), (t.amberA100 = "#ffe57f"), (t.amberA200 = "#ffd740"), (t.amberA400 = "#ffc400"), (t.amberA700 = "#ffab00"), (t.orange50 = "#fff3e0"), (t.orange100 = "#ffe0b2"), (t.orange200 = "#ffcc80"), (t.orange300 = "#ffb74d"), (t.orange400 = "#ffa726"), (t.orange500 = "#ff9800"), (t.orange600 = "#fb8c00"), (t.orange700 = "#f57c00"), (t.orange800 = "#ef6c00"), (t.orange900 = "#e65100"), (t.orangeA100 = "#ffd180"), (t.orangeA200 = "#ffab40"), (t.orangeA400 = "#ff9100"), (t.orangeA700 = "#ff6d00"), (t.deepOrange50 = "#fbe9e7"), (t.deepOrange100 = "#ffccbc"), (t.deepOrange200 = "#ffab91"), (t.deepOrange300 = "#ff8a65"), (t.deepOrange400 = "#ff7043"), (t.deepOrange500 = "#ff5722"), (t.deepOrange600 = "#f4511e"), (t.deepOrange700 = "#e64a19"), (t.deepOrange800 = "#d84315"), (t.deepOrange900 = "#bf360c"), (t.deepOrangeA100 = "#ff9e80"), (t.deepOrangeA200 = "#ff6e40"), (t.deepOrangeA400 = "#ff3d00"), (t.deepOrangeA700 = "#dd2c00"), (t.brown50 = "#efebe9"), (t.brown100 = "#d7ccc8"), (t.brown200 = "#bcaaa4"), (t.brown300 = "#a1887f"), (t.brown400 = "#8d6e63"), (t.brown500 = "#795548"), (t.brown600 = "#6d4c41"), (t.brown700 = "#5d4037"), (t.brown800 = "#4e342e"), (t.brown900 = "#3e2723"), (t.blueGrey50 = "#eceff1"), (t.blueGrey100 = "#cfd8dc"), (t.blueGrey200 = "#b0bec5"), (t.blueGrey300 = "#90a4ae"), (t.blueGrey400 = "#78909c"), (t.blueGrey500 = "#607d8b"), (t.blueGrey600 = "#546e7a"), (t.blueGrey700 = "#455a64"), (t.blueGrey800 = "#37474f"), (t.blueGrey900 = "#263238"), (t.grey50 = "#fafafa"), (t.grey100 = "#f5f5f5"), (t.grey200 = "#eeeeee"), (t.grey300 = "#e0e0e0"), (t.grey400 = "#bdbdbd"), (t.grey500 = "#9e9e9e"), (t.grey600 = "#757575"), (t.grey700 = "#616161"), (t.grey800 = "#424242"), (t.grey900 = "#212121"), (t.black = "#000000"), (t.white = "#ffffff"), (t.transparent = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)"), (t.fullBlack = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)"), (t.darkBlack = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)"), (t.lightBlack = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.54)"), (t.minBlack = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.26)"), (t.faintBlack = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12)"), (t.fullWhite = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"), (t.darkWhite = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.87)"), (t.lightWhite = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.54)"); }, e7NH: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = null; for (var n in e) { var i = e[n], a = "undefined" === typeof i ? "undefined" : o(i); if ("function" === a) t || (t = {}), (t[n] = i); else if ("object" === a && null !== i && !Array.isArray(i)) { var l = r(i); l && (t || (t = {}), (t[n] = l)); } } return t; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; t.default = r; }, e8vu: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("X6va")("meta"), o = n("BxvP"), i = n("yS17"), a = n("Gfzd").f, l = 0, u = Object.isExtensible || function () { return !0; }, s = !n("wLcK")(function () { return u(Object.preventExtensions({})); }), c = function (e) { a(e, r, { value: { i: "O" + ++l, w: {} } }); }, f = function (e, t) { if (!o(e)) return "symbol" == typeof e ? e : ("string" == typeof e ? "S" : "P") + e; if (!i(e, r)) { if (!u(e)) return "F"; if (!t) return "E"; c(e); } return e[r].i; }, p = function (e, t) { if (!i(e, r)) { if (!u(e)) return !0; if (!t) return !1; c(e); } return e[r].w; }, d = function (e) { return s && h.NEED && u(e) && !i(e, r) && c(e), e; }, h = (e.exports = { KEY: r, NEED: !1, fastKey: f, getWeak: p, onFreeze: d }); }, eJdH: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = (function () { function e() { r(this, e), (this.registry = []); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "add", value: function (e) { var t = this.registry, n = e.options.index; if (-1 === t.indexOf(e)) { if (0 === t.length || n >= this.index) return void t.push(e); for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) if (t[r].options.index > n) return void t.splice(r, 0, e); } }, }, { key: "reset", value: function () { this.registry = []; }, }, { key: "remove", value: function (e) { var t = this.registry.indexOf(e); this.registry.splice(t, 1); }, }, { key: "toString", value: function (e) { return this.registry .filter(function (e) { return e.attached; }) .map(function (t) { return t.toString(e); }) .join("\n"); }, }, { key: "index", get: function () { return 0 === this.registry.length ? 0 : this.registry[this.registry.length - 1].options.index; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = i; }, eOdm: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = n("XOCG"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = (function () { function e() { r(this, e), (this.sheets = []), (this.refs = []), (this.keys = []); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "get", value: function (e) { var t = this.keys.indexOf(e); return this.sheets[t]; }, }, { key: "add", value: function (e, t) { var n = this.sheets, r = this.refs, o = this.keys, i = n.indexOf(t); return -1 !== i ? i : (n.push(t), r.push(0), o.push(e), n.length - 1); }, }, { key: "manage", value: function (e) { var t = this.keys.indexOf(e), n = this.sheets[t]; return 0 === this.refs[t] && n.attach(), this.refs[t]++, this.keys[t] || this.keys.splice(t, 0, e), n; }, }, { key: "unmanage", value: function (e) { var t = this.keys.indexOf(e); if (-1 === t) return void (0, a.default)(!1, "SheetsManager: can't find sheet to unmanage"); this.refs[t] > 0 && 0 === --this.refs[t] && this.sheets[t].detach(); }, }, { key: "size", get: function () { return this.keys.length; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = l; }, eOjq: function (e, t, n) { n("PDcB"), (e.exports = n("zKeE").Object.keys); }, eVF9: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : window, n = (0, i.default)(e); return n.defaultView || n.parentView || t; } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i = o(n("moE3")), a = r; t.default = a; }, ebIA: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("i1Q6").document; e.exports = r && r.documentElement; }, ee02: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) for (var r = e[t], o = 0, a = r.length; o < a; ++o) n[r[o] + (0, i.default)(t)] = n[t]; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("/eMc"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o); e.exports = t.default; }, g31e: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { if ("function" != typeof e) throw TypeError(e + " is not a function!"); return e; }; }, g3tO: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return ("chrome" === e && t < 43) || (("safari" === e || "ios_saf" === e) && t < 9) || ("opera" === e && t < 30) || ("android" === e && t <= 4.4) || "and_uc" === e ? n + "keyframes" : "keyframes"; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (e.exports = t.default); }, gU5c: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = n("zAZ2"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = (function () { function e(t, n, o) { r(this, e), (this.type = "font-face"), (this.isProcessed = !1), (this.key = t), (this.style = n), (this.options = o); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "toString", value: function (e) { if (Array.isArray(this.style)) { for (var t = "", n = 0; n < this.style.length; n++) (t += (0, a.default)(this.key, this.style[n])), this.style[n + 1] && (t += "\n"); return t; } return (0, a.default)(this.key, this.style, e); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = l; }, gZsz: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { return t; } function o(e) { function t(t, o) { var i = n ? e(t) : e; if (!o || !t.overrides || !t.overrides[o]) return i; var u = t.overrides[o], s = (0, a.default)({}, i); return ( Object.keys(u).forEach(function (e) { s[e] = (0, l.default)(s[e], u[e], { arrayMerge: r }); }), s ); } var n = "function" === typeof e; return { create: t, options: {}, themingEnabled: n }; } var i = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var a = i(n("3dLy")), l = (i(n("b9XL")), i(n("XOCG")), i(n("BokN"))), u = o; t.default = u; }, gf6g: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { "flexDirection" === e && "string" === typeof t && (t.indexOf("column") > -1 ? (n.WebkitBoxOrient = "vertical") : (n.WebkitBoxOrient = "horizontal"), t.indexOf("reverse") > -1 ? (n.WebkitBoxDirection = "reverse") : (n.WebkitBoxDirection = "normal")), i.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n[i[e]] = o[t] || t); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = { "space-around": "justify", "space-between": "justify", "flex-start": "start", "flex-end": "end", "wrap-reverse": "multiple", wrap: "multiple" }, i = { alignItems: "WebkitBoxAlign", justifyContent: "WebkitBoxPack", flexWrap: "WebkitBoxLines" }; e.exports = t.default; }, gjjs: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Gfzd"), o = n("zotD"), i = n("knrM"); e.exports = n("6MLN") ? Object.defineProperties : function (e, t) { o(e); for (var n, a = i(t), l = a.length, u = 0; l > u; ) r.f(e, (n = a[u++]), t[n]); return e; }; }, gojl: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = n("akPY"); }, gwKb: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.supportedValue = t.supportedProperty = t.prefix = void 0); var o = n("393P"), i = r(o), a = n("wjI/"), l = r(a), u = n("hz6I"), s = r(u); (t.default = { prefix: i.default, supportedProperty: l.default, supportedValue: s.default }), (t.prefix = i.default), (t.supportedProperty = l.default), (t.supportedValue = s.default); }, h6ac: function (e, t) { var n; n = (function () { return this; })(); try { n = n || Function("return this")() || (0, eval)("this"); } catch (e) { "object" === typeof window && (n = window); } e.exports = n; }, hEIm: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("zotD"); e.exports = function (e, t, n, o) { try { return o ? t(r(n)[0], n[1]) : t(n); } catch (t) { var i = e.return; throw (void 0 !== i && r(i.call(e)), t); } }; }, hM0O: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function (e) { Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var n = "2f1acc6c3a606b082e5eef5e54414ffb"; null == e[n] && (e[n] = 0), (t.default = e[n]++); }.call(t, n("h6ac"))); }, hTqB: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n, r) { var o = r.browserName, l = r.browserVersion, u = r.cssPrefix, s = r.keepUnprefixed; if ( "string" === typeof t && a.test(t) && (("firefox" === o && l < 16) || ("chrome" === o && l < 26) || (("safari" === o || "ios_saf" === o) && l < 7) || (("opera" === o || "op_mini" === o) && l < 12.1) || ("android" === o && l < 4.4) || "and_uc" === o) ) return (0, i.default)(u + t, t, s); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("rQKw"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o), a = /linear-gradient|radial-gradient|repeating-linear-gradient|repeating-radial-gradient/; e.exports = t.default; }, hY4B: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e; } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.specialProperty = void 0); var i = (o(n("IxO8")), o(n("3dLy")), "exact-prop: \u200b"); t.specialProperty = i; var a = r; t.default = a; }, htFH: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("vSO4"); r(r.S + r.F * !n("6MLN"), "Object", { defineProperty: n("Gfzd").f }); }, hz6I: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!c) return t; if ("string" !== typeof t || !isNaN(parseInt(t, 10))) return t; var n = e + t; if (null != s[n]) return s[n]; try { c.style[e] = t; } catch (e) { return (s[n] = !1), !1; } return "" !== c.style[e] ? (s[n] = t) : ((t = u.default.css + t), "-ms-flex" === t && (t = "-ms-flexbox"), (c.style[e] = t), "" !== c.style[e] && (s[n] = t)), s[n] || (s[n] = !1), (c.style[e] = ""), s[n]; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("QDke"), a = r(i), l = n("393P"), u = r(l), s = {}, c = void 0; a.default && (c = document.createElement("p")); }, "i+u+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("lytE")(!0); n("uRfg")( String, "String", function (e) { (this._t = String(e)), (this._i = 0); }, function () { var e, t = this._t, n = this._i; return n >= t.length ? { value: void 0, done: !0 } : ((e = r(t, n)), (this._i += e.length), { value: e, done: !1 }); } ); }, i17t: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { for (var t = "https://reactjs.org/docs/error-decoder.html?invariant=" + e, n = 1; n < arguments.length; n++) t += "&args[]=" + encodeURIComponent(arguments[n]); return "Minified React error #" + e + "; visit " + t + " for the full message or use the non-minified dev environment for full errors and additional helpful warnings."; } function o() { if (jo) for (var e in Ro) { var t = Ro[e], n = jo.indexOf(e); if (!(-1 < n)) throw Error(r(96, e)); if (!zo[n]) { if (!t.extractEvents) throw Error(r(97, e)); (zo[n] = t), (n = t.eventTypes); for (var o in n) { var a = void 0, l = n[o], u = t, s = o; if (Io.hasOwnProperty(s)) throw Error(r(99, s)); Io[s] = l; var c = l.phasedRegistrationNames; if (c) { for (a in c) c.hasOwnProperty(a) && i(c[a], u, s); a = !0; } else l.registrationName ? (i(l.registrationName, u, s), (a = !0)) : (a = !1); if (!a) throw Error(r(98, o, e)); } } } } function i(e, t, n) { if (Wo[e]) throw Error(r(100, e)); (Wo[e] = t), (Uo[e] = t.eventTypes[n].dependencies); } function a(e, t, n, r, o, i, a, l, u) { var s = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 3); try { t.apply(n, s); } catch (e) { this.onError(e); } } function l(e, t, n, r, o, i, l, u, s) { (Lo = !1), (Go = null), a.apply(Ho, arguments); } function u(e, t, n, o, i, a, u, s, c) { if ((l.apply(this, arguments), Lo)) { if (!Lo) throw Error(r(198)); var f = Go; (Lo = !1), (Go = null), Vo || ((Vo = !0), (qo = f)); } } function s(e, t, n) { var r = e.type || "unknown-event"; (e.currentTarget = Xo(n)), u(r, t, void 0, e), (e.currentTarget = null); } function c(e, t) { if (null == t) throw Error(r(30)); return null == e ? t : Array.isArray(e) ? (Array.isArray(t) ? (e.push.apply(e, t), e) : (e.push(t), e)) : Array.isArray(t) ? [e].concat(t) : [e, t]; } function f(e, t, n) { Array.isArray(e) ? e.forEach(t, n) : e && t.call(n, e); } function p(e) { if (e) { var t = e._dispatchListeners, n = e._dispatchInstances; if (Array.isArray(t)) for (var r = 0; r < t.length && !e.isPropagationStopped(); r++) s(e, t[r], n[r]); else t && s(e, t, n); (e._dispatchListeners = null), (e._dispatchInstances = null), e.isPersistent() || e.constructor.release(e); } } function d(e) { if ((null !== e && (Qo = c(Qo, e)), (e = Qo), (Qo = null), e)) { if ((f(e, p), Qo)) throw Error(r(95)); if (Vo) throw ((e = qo), (Vo = !1), (qo = null), e); } } function h(e, t) { var n = e.stateNode; if (!n) return null; var o = Yo(n); if (!o) return null; n = o[t]; e: switch (t) { case "onClick": case "onClickCapture": case "onDoubleClick": case "onDoubleClickCapture": case "onMouseDown": case "onMouseDownCapture": case "onMouseMove": case "onMouseMoveCapture": case "onMouseUp": case "onMouseUpCapture": (o = !o.disabled) || ((e = e.type), (o = !("button" === e || "input" === e || "select" === e || "textarea" === e))), (e = !o); break e; default: e = !1; } if (e) return null; if (n && "function" !== typeof n) throw Error(r(231, t, typeof n)); return n; } function m(e) { return null === e || "object" !== typeof e ? null : ((e = (hi && e[hi]) || e["@@iterator"]), "function" === typeof e ? e : null); } function y(e) { if (-1 === e._status) { e._status = 0; var t = e._ctor; (t = t()), (e._result = t), t.then( function (t) { 0 === e._status && ((t = t.default), (e._status = 1), (e._result = t)); }, function (t) { 0 === e._status && ((e._status = 2), (e._result = t)); } ); } } function g(e) { if (null == e) return null; if ("function" === typeof e) return e.displayName || e.name || null; if ("string" === typeof e) return e; switch (e) { case ri: return "Fragment"; case ni: return "Portal"; case ii: return "Profiler"; case oi: return "StrictMode"; case ci: return "Suspense"; case fi: return "SuspenseList"; } if ("object" === typeof e) switch (e.$$typeof) { case li: return "Context.Consumer"; case ai: return "Context.Provider"; case si: var t = e.render; return (t = t.displayName || t.name || ""), e.displayName || ("" !== t ? "ForwardRef(" + t + ")" : "ForwardRef"); case pi: return g(e.type); case di: if ((e = 1 === e._status ? e._result : null)) return g(e); } return null; } function v(e) { var t = ""; do { e: switch (e.tag) { case 3: case 4: case 6: case 7: case 10: case 9: var n = ""; break e; default: var r = e._debugOwner, o = e._debugSource, i = g(e.type); (n = null), r && (n = g(r.type)), (r = i), (i = ""), o ? (i = " (at " + o.fileName.replace($o, "") + ":" + o.lineNumber + ")") : n && (i = " (created by " + n + ")"), (n = "\n in " + (r || "Unknown") + i); } (t += n), (e = e.return); } while (e); return t; } function b(e) { if ((e = Ko(e))) { if ("function" !== typeof yi) throw Error(r(280)); var t = Yo(e.stateNode); yi(e.stateNode, e.type, t); } } function A(e) { gi ? (vi ? vi.push(e) : (vi = [e])) : (gi = e); } function x() { if (gi) { var e = gi, t = vi; if (((vi = gi = null), b(e), t)) for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) b(t[e]); } } function C(e, t) { return e(t); } function w(e, t, n, r) { return e(t, n, r); } function k() {} function E() { (null === gi && null === vi) || (k(), x()); } function B(e) { return !!wi.call(Ei, e) || (!wi.call(ki, e) && (Ci.test(e) ? (Ei[e] = !0) : ((ki[e] = !0), !1))); } function S(e, t, n, r) { if (null !== n && 0 === n.type) return !1; switch (typeof t) { case "function": case "symbol": return !0; case "boolean": return !r && (null !== n ? !n.acceptsBooleans : "data-" !== (e = e.toLowerCase().slice(0, 5)) && "aria-" !== e); default: return !1; } } function _(e, t, n, r) { if (null === t || "undefined" === typeof t || S(e, t, n, r)) return !0; if (r) return !1; if (null !== n) switch (n.type) { case 3: return !t; case 4: return !1 === t; case 5: return isNaN(t); case 6: return isNaN(t) || 1 > t; } return !1; } function P(e, t, n, r, o, i) { (this.acceptsBooleans = 2 === t || 3 === t || 4 === t), (this.attributeName = r), (this.attributeNamespace = o), (this.mustUseProperty = n), (this.propertyName = e), (this.type = t), (this.sanitizeURL = i); } function O(e) { return e[1].toUpperCase(); } function M(e) { switch (typeof e) { case "boolean": case "number": case "object": case "string": case "undefined": return e; default: return ""; } } function T(e, t, n, r) { var o = Bi.hasOwnProperty(t) ? Bi[t] : null; (null !== o ? 0 === o.type : !r && 2 < t.length && ("o" === t[0] || "O" === t[0]) && ("n" === t[1] || "N" === t[1])) || (_(t, n, o, r) && (n = null), r || null === o ? B(t) && (null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : e.setAttribute(t, "" + n)) : o.mustUseProperty ? (e[o.propertyName] = null === n ? 3 !== o.type && "" : n) : ((t = o.attributeName), (r = o.attributeNamespace), null === n ? e.removeAttribute(t) : ((o = o.type), (n = 3 === o || (4 === o && !0 === n) ? "" : "" + n), r ? e.setAttributeNS(r, t, n) : e.setAttribute(t, n)))); } function N(e) { var t = e.type; return (e = e.nodeName) && "input" === e.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === t || "radio" === t); } function F(e) { var t = N(e) ? "checked" : "value", n = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e.constructor.prototype, t), r = "" + e[t]; if (!e.hasOwnProperty(t) && "undefined" !== typeof n && "function" === typeof n.get && "function" === typeof n.set) { var o = n.get, i = n.set; return ( Object.defineProperty(e, t, { configurable: !0, get: function () { return o.call(this); }, set: function (e) { (r = "" + e), i.call(this, e); }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, t, { enumerable: n.enumerable }), { getValue: function () { return r; }, setValue: function (e) { r = "" + e; }, stopTracking: function () { (e._valueTracker = null), delete e[t]; }, } ); } } function D(e) { e._valueTracker || (e._valueTracker = F(e)); } function j(e) { if (!e) return !1; var t = e._valueTracker; if (!t) return !0; var n = t.getValue(), r = ""; return e && (r = N(e) ? (e.checked ? "true" : "false") : e.value), (e = r) !== n && (t.setValue(e), !0); } function R(e, t) { var n = t.checked; return Fo({}, t, { defaultChecked: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, value: void 0, checked: null != n ? n : e._wrapperState.initialChecked }); } function z(e, t) { var n = null == t.defaultValue ? "" : t.defaultValue, r = null != t.checked ? t.checked : t.defaultChecked; (n = M(null != t.value ? t.value : n)), (e._wrapperState = { initialChecked: r, initialValue: n, controlled: "checkbox" === t.type || "radio" === t.type ? null != t.checked : null != t.value }); } function I(e, t) { null != (t = t.checked) && T(e, "checked", t, !1); } function W(e, t) { I(e, t); var n = M(t.value), r = t.type; if (null != n) "number" === r ? ((0 === n && "" === e.value) || e.value != n) && (e.value = "" + n) : e.value !== "" + n && (e.value = "" + n); else if ("submit" === r || "reset" === r) return void e.removeAttribute("value"); t.hasOwnProperty("value") ? L(e, t.type, n) : t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue") && L(e, t.type, M(t.defaultValue)), null == t.checked && null != t.defaultChecked && (e.defaultChecked = !!t.defaultChecked); } function U(e, t, n) { if (t.hasOwnProperty("value") || t.hasOwnProperty("defaultValue")) { var r = t.type; if (!(("submit" !== r && "reset" !== r) || (void 0 !== t.value && null !== t.value))) return; (t = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue), n || t === e.value || (e.value = t), (e.defaultValue = t); } (n = e.name), "" !== n && (e.name = ""), (e.defaultChecked = !e.defaultChecked), (e.defaultChecked = !!e._wrapperState.initialChecked), "" !== n && (e.name = n); } function L(e, t, n) { ("number" === t && e.ownerDocument.activeElement === e) || (null == n ? (e.defaultValue = "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue) : e.defaultValue !== "" + n && (e.defaultValue = "" + n)); } function G(e) { var t = ""; return ( No.Children.forEach(e, function (e) { null != e && (t += e); }), t ); } function V(e, t) { return (e = Fo({ children: void 0 }, t)), (t = G(t.children)) && (e.children = t), e; } function q(e, t, n, r) { if (((e = e.options), t)) { t = {}; for (var o = 0; o < n.length; o++) t["$" + n[o]] = !0; for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) (o = t.hasOwnProperty("$" + e[n].value)), e[n].selected !== o && (e[n].selected = o), o && r && (e[n].defaultSelected = !0); } else { for (n = "" + M(n), t = null, o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { if (e[o].value === n) return (e[o].selected = !0), void (r && (e[o].defaultSelected = !0)); null !== t || e[o].disabled || (t = e[o]); } null !== t && (t.selected = !0); } } function H(e, t) { if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) throw Error(r(91)); return Fo({}, t, { value: void 0, defaultValue: void 0, children: "" + e._wrapperState.initialValue }); } function Y(e, t) { var n = t.value; if (null == n) { if (((n = t.defaultValue), null != (t = t.children))) { if (null != n) throw Error(r(92)); if (Array.isArray(t)) { if (!(1 >= t.length)) throw Error(r(93)); t = t[0]; } n = t; } null == n && (n = ""); } e._wrapperState = { initialValue: M(n) }; } function K(e, t) { var n = M(t.value), r = M(t.defaultValue); null != n && ((n = "" + n), n !== e.value && (e.value = n), null == t.defaultValue && e.defaultValue !== n && (e.defaultValue = n)), null != r && (e.defaultValue = "" + r); } function X(e) { var t = e.textContent; t === e._wrapperState.initialValue && "" !== t && null !== t && (e.value = t); } function Q(e) { switch (e) { case "svg": return "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"; case "math": return "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"; default: return "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; } } function Z(e, t) { return null == e || "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" === e ? Q(t) : "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" === e && "foreignObject" === t ? "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" : e; } function J(e, t) { if (t) { var n = e.firstChild; if (n && n === e.lastChild && 3 === n.nodeType) return void (n.nodeValue = t); } e.textContent = t; } function $(e, t) { var n = {}; return (n[e.toLowerCase()] = t.toLowerCase()), (n["Webkit" + e] = "webkit" + t), (n["Moz" + e] = "moz" + t), n; } function ee(e) { if (Ti[e]) return Ti[e]; if (!Mi[e]) return e; var t, n = Mi[e]; for (t in n) if (n.hasOwnProperty(t) && t in Ni) return (Ti[e] = n[t]); return e; } function te(e) { var t = e, n = e; if (e.alternate) for (; t.return; ) t = t.return; else { e = t; do { (t = e), 0 !== (1026 & t.effectTag) && (n = t.return), (e = t.return); } while (e); } return 3 === t.tag ? n : null; } function ne(e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = e.memoizedState; if ((null === t && null !== (e = e.alternate) && (t = e.memoizedState), null !== t)) return t.dehydrated; } return null; } function re(e) { if (te(e) !== e) throw Error(r(188)); } function oe(e) { var t = e.alternate; if (!t) { if (null === (t = te(e))) throw Error(r(188)); return t !== e ? null : e; } for (var n = e, o = t; ; ) { var i = n.return; if (null === i) break; var a = i.alternate; if (null === a) { if (null !== (o = i.return)) { n = o; continue; } break; } if (i.child === a.child) { for (a = i.child; a; ) { if (a === n) return re(i), e; if (a === o) return re(i), t; a = a.sibling; } throw Error(r(188)); } if (n.return !== o.return) (n = i), (o = a); else { for (var l = !1, u = i.child; u; ) { if (u === n) { (l = !0), (n = i), (o = a); break; } if (u === o) { (l = !0), (o = i), (n = a); break; } u = u.sibling; } if (!l) { for (u = a.child; u; ) { if (u === n) { (l = !0), (n = a), (o = i); break; } if (u === o) { (l = !0), (o = a), (n = i); break; } u = u.sibling; } if (!l) throw Error(r(189)); } } if (n.alternate !== o) throw Error(r(190)); } if (3 !== n.tag) throw Error(r(188)); return n.stateNode.current === n ? e : t; } function ie(e) { if (!(e = oe(e))) return null; for (var t = e; ; ) { if (5 === t.tag || 6 === t.tag) return t; if (t.child) (t.child.return = t), (t = t.child); else { if (t === e) break; for (; !t.sibling; ) { if (!t.return || t.return === e) return null; t = t.return; } (t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling); } } return null; } function ae(e) { var t = Le(e); Qi.forEach(function (n) { Ge(n, e, t); }), Zi.forEach(function (n) { Ge(n, e, t); }); } function le(e, t, n, r) { return { blockedOn: e, topLevelType: t, eventSystemFlags: 32 | n, nativeEvent: r }; } function ue(e, t) { switch (e) { case "focus": case "blur": Vi = null; break; case "dragenter": case "dragleave": qi = null; break; case "mouseover": case "mouseout": Hi = null; break; case "pointerover": case "pointerout": Yi.delete(t.pointerId); break; case "gotpointercapture": case "lostpointercapture": Ki.delete(t.pointerId); } } function se(e, t, n, r, o) { return null === e || e.nativeEvent !== o ? ((e = le(t, n, r, o)), null !== t && null !== (t = lt(t)) && Di(t), e) : ((e.eventSystemFlags |= r), e); } function ce(e, t, n, r) { switch (t) { case "focus": return (Vi = se(Vi, e, t, n, r)), !0; case "dragenter": return (qi = se(qi, e, t, n, r)), !0; case "mouseover": return (Hi = se(Hi, e, t, n, r)), !0; case "pointerover": var o = r.pointerId; return Yi.set(o, se(Yi.get(o) || null, e, t, n, r)), !0; case "gotpointercapture": return (o = r.pointerId), Ki.set(o, se(Ki.get(o) || null, e, t, n, r)), !0; } return !1; } function fe(e) { var t = at(e.target); if (null !== t) { var n = te(t); if (null !== n) if (13 === (t = n.tag)) { if (null !== (t = ne(n))) return ( (e.blockedOn = t), void Do.unstable_runWithPriority(e.priority, function () { ji(n); }) ); } else if (3 === t && n.stateNode.hydrate) return void (e.blockedOn = 3 === n.tag ? n.stateNode.containerInfo : null); } e.blockedOn = null; } function pe(e) { if (null !== e.blockedOn) return !1; var t = We(e.topLevelType, e.eventSystemFlags, e.nativeEvent); if (null !== t) { var n = lt(t); return null !== n && Di(n), (e.blockedOn = t), !1; } return !0; } function de(e, t, n) { pe(e) && n.delete(t); } function he() { for (Li = !1; 0 < Gi.length; ) { var e = Gi[0]; if (null !== e.blockedOn) { (e = lt(e.blockedOn)), null !== e && Fi(e); break; } var t = We(e.topLevelType, e.eventSystemFlags, e.nativeEvent); null !== t ? (e.blockedOn = t) : Gi.shift(); } null !== Vi && pe(Vi) && (Vi = null), null !== qi && pe(qi) && (qi = null), null !== Hi && pe(Hi) && (Hi = null), Yi.forEach(de), Ki.forEach(de); } function me(e, t) { e.blockedOn === t && ((e.blockedOn = null), Li || ((Li = !0), Do.unstable_scheduleCallback(Do.unstable_NormalPriority, he))); } function ye(e) { function t(t) { return me(t, e); } if (0 < Gi.length) { me(Gi[0], e); for (var n = 1; n < Gi.length; n++) { var r = Gi[n]; r.blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null); } } for (null !== Vi && me(Vi, e), null !== qi && me(qi, e), null !== Hi && me(Hi, e), Yi.forEach(t), Ki.forEach(t), n = 0; n < Xi.length; n++) (r = Xi[n]), r.blockedOn === e && (r.blockedOn = null); for (; 0 < Xi.length && ((n = Xi[0]), null === n.blockedOn); ) fe(n), null === n.blockedOn && Xi.shift(); } function ge(e) { return (e = e.target || e.srcElement || window), e.correspondingUseElement && (e = e.correspondingUseElement), 3 === e.nodeType ? e.parentNode : e; } function ve(e) { do { e = e.return; } while (e && 5 !== e.tag); return e || null; } function be(e, t, n) { (t = h(e, n.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames[t])) && ((n._dispatchListeners = c(n._dispatchListeners, t)), (n._dispatchInstances = c(n._dispatchInstances, e))); } function Ae(e) { if (e && e.dispatchConfig.phasedRegistrationNames) { for (var t = e._targetInst, n = []; t; ) n.push(t), (t = ve(t)); for (t = n.length; 0 < t--; ) be(n[t], "captured", e); for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) be(n[t], "bubbled", e); } } function xe(e, t, n) { e && n && n.dispatchConfig.registrationName && (t = h(e, n.dispatchConfig.registrationName)) && ((n._dispatchListeners = c(n._dispatchListeners, t)), (n._dispatchInstances = c(n._dispatchInstances, e))); } function Ce(e) { e && e.dispatchConfig.registrationName && xe(e._targetInst, null, e); } function we(e) { f(e, Ae); } function ke() { return !0; } function Ee() { return !1; } function Be(e, t, n, r) { (this.dispatchConfig = e), (this._targetInst = t), (this.nativeEvent = n), (e = this.constructor.Interface); for (var o in e) e.hasOwnProperty(o) && ((t = e[o]) ? (this[o] = t(n)) : "target" === o ? (this.target = r) : (this[o] = n[o])); return (this.isDefaultPrevented = (null != n.defaultPrevented ? n.defaultPrevented : !1 === n.returnValue) ? ke : Ee), (this.isPropagationStopped = Ee), this; } function Se(e, t, n, r) { if (this.eventPool.length) { var o = this.eventPool.pop(); return this.call(o, e, t, n, r), o; } return new this(e, t, n, r); } function _e(e) { if (!(e instanceof this)) throw Error(r(279)); e.destructor(), 10 > this.eventPool.length && this.eventPool.push(e); } function Pe(e) { (e.eventPool = []), (e.getPooled = Se), (e.release = _e); } function Oe(e) { var t = e.keyCode; return "charCode" in e ? 0 === (e = e.charCode) && 13 === t && (e = 13) : (e = t), 10 === e && (e = 13), 32 <= e || 13 === e ? e : 0; } function Me(e) { var t = this.nativeEvent; return t.getModifierState ? t.getModifierState(e) : !!(e = oa[e]) && !!t[e]; } function Te() { return Me; } function Ne(e) { var t = e.targetInst, n = t; do { if (!n) { e.ancestors.push(n); break; } var r = n; if (3 === r.tag) r = r.stateNode.containerInfo; else { for (; r.return; ) r = r.return; r = 3 !== r.tag ? null : r.stateNode.containerInfo; } if (!r) break; (t = n.tag), (5 !== t && 6 !== t) || e.ancestors.push(n), (n = at(r)); } while (n); for (n = 0; n < e.ancestors.length; n++) { t = e.ancestors[n]; var o = ge(e.nativeEvent); r = e.topLevelType; for (var i = e.nativeEvent, a = e.eventSystemFlags, l = null, u = 0; u < zo.length; u++) { var s = zo[u]; s && (s = s.extractEvents(r, t, i, o, a)) && (l = c(l, s)); } d(l); } } function Fe(e, t) { De(t, e, !1); } function De(e, t, n) { switch (Pa(t)) { case 0: var r = je.bind(null, t, 1); break; case 1: r = Re.bind(null, t, 1); break; default: r = Ie.bind(null, t, 1); } n ? e.addEventListener(t, r, !0) : e.addEventListener(t, r, !1); } function je(e, t, n) { Ai || k(); var r = Ie, o = Ai; Ai = !0; try { w(r, e, t, n); } finally { (Ai = o) || E(); } } function Re(e, t, n) { _a(Sa, Ie.bind(null, e, t, n)); } function ze(e, t, n, r) { if (Ma.length) { var o = Ma.pop(); (o.topLevelType = e), (o.eventSystemFlags = t), (o.nativeEvent = n), (o.targetInst = r), (e = o); } else e = { topLevelType: e, eventSystemFlags: t, nativeEvent: n, targetInst: r, ancestors: [] }; try { if (((t = Ne), (n = e), xi)) t(n, void 0); else { xi = !0; try { bi(t, n, void 0); } finally { (xi = !1), E(); } } } finally { (e.topLevelType = null), (e.nativeEvent = null), (e.targetInst = null), (e.ancestors.length = 0), Ma.length < Oa && Ma.push(e); } } function Ie(e, t, n) { if (Ta) if (0 < Gi.length && -1 < Qi.indexOf(e)) (e = le(null, e, t, n)), Gi.push(e); else { var r = We(e, t, n); null === r ? ue(e, n) : -1 < Qi.indexOf(e) ? ((e = le(r, e, t, n)), Gi.push(e)) : ce(r, e, t, n) || (ue(e, n), ze(e, t, n, null)); } } function We(e, t, n) { var r = ge(n); if (null !== (r = at(r))) { var o = te(r); if (null === o) r = null; else { var i = o.tag; if (13 === i) { if (null !== (r = ne(o))) return r; r = null; } else if (3 === i) { if (o.stateNode.hydrate) return 3 === o.tag ? o.stateNode.containerInfo : null; r = null; } else o !== r && (r = null); } } return ze(e, t, n, r), null; } function Ue(e) { if (!mi) return !1; e = "on" + e; var t = e in document; return t || ((t = document.createElement("div")), t.setAttribute(e, "return;"), (t = "function" === typeof t[e])), t; } function Le(e) { var t = Na.get(e); return void 0 === t && ((t = new Set()), Na.set(e, t)), t; } function Ge(e, t, n) { if (!n.has(e)) { switch (e) { case "scroll": De(t, "scroll", !0); break; case "focus": case "blur": De(t, "focus", !0), De(t, "blur", !0), n.add("blur"), n.add("focus"); break; case "cancel": case "close": Ue(e) && De(t, e, !0); break; case "invalid": case "submit": case "reset": break; default: -1 === Ui.indexOf(e) && Fe(e, t); } n.add(e); } } function Ve(e, t, n) { return null == t || "boolean" === typeof t || "" === t ? "" : n || "number" !== typeof t || 0 === t || (Fa.hasOwnProperty(e) && Fa[e]) ? ("" + t).trim() : t + "px"; } function qe(e, t) { e = e.style; for (var n in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(n)) { var r = 0 === n.indexOf("--"), o = Ve(n, t[n], r); "float" === n && (n = "cssFloat"), r ? e.setProperty(n, o) : (e[n] = o); } } function He(e, t) { if (t) { if (ja[e] && (null != t.children || null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(r(137, e, "")); if (null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML) { if (null != t.children) throw Error(r(60)); if (!("object" === typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && "__html" in t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML)) throw Error(r(61)); } if (null != t.style && "object" !== typeof t.style) throw Error(r(62, "")); } } function Ye(e, t) { if (-1 === e.indexOf("-")) return "string" === typeof t.is; switch (e) { case "annotation-xml": case "color-profile": case "font-face": case "font-face-src": case "font-face-uri": case "font-face-format": case "font-face-name": case "missing-glyph": return !1; default: return !0; } } function Ke(e, t) { e = 9 === e.nodeType || 11 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument; var n = Le(e); t = Uo[t]; for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) Ge(t[r], e, n); } function Xe() {} function Qe(e) { if ("undefined" === typeof (e = e || ("undefined" !== typeof document ? document : void 0))) return null; try { return e.activeElement || e.body; } catch (t) { return e.body; } } function Ze(e) { for (; e && e.firstChild; ) e = e.firstChild; return e; } function Je(e, t) { var n = Ze(e); e = 0; for (var r; n; ) { if (3 === n.nodeType) { if (((r = e + n.textContent.length), e <= t && r >= t)) return { node: n, offset: t - e }; e = r; } e: { for (; n; ) { if (n.nextSibling) { n = n.nextSibling; break e; } n = n.parentNode; } n = void 0; } n = Ze(n); } } function $e(e, t) { return !(!e || !t) && (e === t || ((!e || 3 !== e.nodeType) && (t && 3 === t.nodeType ? $e(e, t.parentNode) : "contains" in e ? e.contains(t) : !!e.compareDocumentPosition && !!(16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(t))))); } function et() { for (var e = window, t = Qe(); t instanceof e.HTMLIFrameElement; ) { try { var n = "string" === typeof t.contentWindow.location.href; } catch (e) { n = !1; } if (!n) break; (e = t.contentWindow), (t = Qe(e.document)); } return t; } function tt(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return t && (("input" === t && ("text" === e.type || "search" === e.type || "tel" === e.type || "url" === e.type || "password" === e.type)) || "textarea" === t || "true" === e.contentEditable); } function nt(e, t) { switch (e) { case "button": case "input": case "select": case "textarea": return !!t.autoFocus; } return !1; } function rt(e, t) { return ( "textarea" === e || "option" === e || "noscript" === e || "string" === typeof t.children || "number" === typeof t.children || ("object" === typeof t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null !== t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML && null != t.dangerouslySetInnerHTML.__html) ); } function ot(e) { for (; null != e; e = e.nextSibling) { var t = e.nodeType; if (1 === t || 3 === t) break; } return e; } function it(e) { e = e.previousSibling; for (var t = 0; e; ) { if (8 === e.nodeType) { var n = e.data; if (n === Ra || n === Wa || n === Ia) { if (0 === t) return e; t--; } else n === za && t++; } e = e.previousSibling; } return null; } function at(e) { var t = e[Ha]; if (t) return t; for (var n = e.parentNode; n; ) { if ((t = n[Ka] || n[Ha])) { if (((n = t.alternate), null !== t.child || (null !== n && null !== n.child))) for (e = it(e); null !== e; ) { if ((n = e[Ha])) return n; e = it(e); } return t; } (e = n), (n = e.parentNode); } return null; } function lt(e) { return (e = e[Ha] || e[Ka]), !e || (5 !== e.tag && 6 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag) ? null : e; } function ut(e) { if (5 === e.tag || 6 === e.tag) return e.stateNode; throw Error(r(33)); } function st(e) { return e[Ya] || null; } function ct() { if (Za) return Za; var e, t, n = Qa, r = n.length, o = "value" in Xa ? Xa.value : Xa.textContent, i = o.length; for (e = 0; e < r && n[e] === o[e]; e++); var a = r - e; for (t = 1; t <= a && n[r - t] === o[i - t]; t++); return (Za = o.slice(e, 1 < t ? 1 - t : void 0)); } function ft(e, t) { switch (e) { case "keyup": return -1 !== el.indexOf(t.keyCode); case "keydown": return 229 !== t.keyCode; case "keypress": case "mousedown": case "blur": return !0; default: return !1; } } function pt(e) { return (e = e.detail), "object" === typeof e && "data" in e ? e.data : null; } function dt(e, t) { switch (e) { case "compositionend": return pt(t); case "keypress": return 32 !== t.which ? null : ((ll = !0), il); case "textInput": return (e = t.data), e === il && ll ? null : e; default: return null; } } function ht(e, t) { if (ul) return "compositionend" === e || (!tl && ft(e, t)) ? ((e = ct()), (Za = Qa = Xa = null), (ul = !1), e) : null; switch (e) { case "paste": return null; case "keypress": if (!(t.ctrlKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey) || (t.ctrlKey && t.altKey)) { if (t.char && 1 < t.char.length) return t.char; if (t.which) return String.fromCharCode(t.which); } return null; case "compositionend": return ol && "ko" !== t.locale ? null : t.data; default: return null; } } function mt(e) { var t = e && e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase(); return "input" === t ? !!cl[e.type] : "textarea" === t; } function yt(e, t, n) { return (e = Be.getPooled(fl.change, e, t, n)), (e.type = "change"), A(n), we(e), e; } function gt(e) { d(e); } function vt(e) { if (j(ut(e))) return e; } function bt(e, t) { if ("change" === e) return t; } function At() { pl && (pl.detachEvent("onpropertychange", xt), (dl = pl = null)); } function xt(e) { if ("value" === e.propertyName && vt(dl)) if (((e = yt(dl, e, ge(e))), Ai)) d(e); else { Ai = !0; try { C(gt, e); } finally { (Ai = !1), E(); } } } function Ct(e, t, n) { "focus" === e ? (At(), (pl = t), (dl = n), pl.attachEvent("onpropertychange", xt)) : "blur" === e && At(); } function wt(e) { if ("selectionchange" === e || "keyup" === e || "keydown" === e) return vt(dl); } function kt(e, t) { if ("click" === e) return vt(t); } function Et(e, t) { if ("input" === e || "change" === e) return vt(t); } function Bt(e, t) { return (e === t && (0 !== e || 1 / e === 1 / t)) || (e !== e && t !== t); } function St(e, t) { if (bl(e, t)) return !0; if ("object" !== typeof e || null === e || "object" !== typeof t || null === t) return !1; var n = Object.keys(e), r = Object.keys(t); if (n.length !== r.length) return !1; for (r = 0; r < n.length; r++) if (!Al.call(t, n[r]) || !bl(e[n[r]], t[n[r]])) return !1; return !0; } function _t(e, t) { var n = t.window === t ? t.document : 9 === t.nodeType ? t : t.ownerDocument; return Bl || null == wl || wl !== Qe(n) ? null : ((n = wl), "selectionStart" in n && tt(n) ? (n = { start: n.selectionStart, end: n.selectionEnd }) : ((n = ((n.ownerDocument && n.ownerDocument.defaultView) || window).getSelection()), (n = { anchorNode: n.anchorNode, anchorOffset: n.anchorOffset, focusNode: n.focusNode, focusOffset: n.focusOffset })), El && St(El, n) ? null : ((El = n), (e = Be.getPooled(Cl.select, kl, e, t)), (e.type = "select"), (e.target = wl), we(e), e)); } function Pt(e) { 0 > Fl || ((e.current = Nl[Fl]), (Nl[Fl] = null), Fl--); } function Ot(e, t) { Fl++, (Nl[Fl] = e.current), (e.current = t); } function Mt(e, t) { var n = e.type.contextTypes; if (!n) return Dl; var r = e.stateNode; if (r && r.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext === t) return r.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext; var o, i = {}; for (o in n) i[o] = t[o]; return r && ((e = e.stateNode), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = t), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i)), i; } function Tt(e) { return null !== (e = e.childContextTypes) && void 0 !== e; } function Nt(e) { Pt(Rl, e), Pt(jl, e); } function Ft(e) { Pt(Rl, e), Pt(jl, e); } function Dt(e, t, n) { if (jl.current !== Dl) throw Error(r(168)); Ot(jl, t, e), Ot(Rl, n, e); } function jt(e, t, n) { var o = e.stateNode; if (((e = t.childContextTypes), "function" !== typeof o.getChildContext)) return n; o = o.getChildContext(); for (var i in o) if (!(i in e)) throw Error(r(108, g(t) || "Unknown", i)); return Fo({}, n, {}, o); } function Rt(e) { var t = e.stateNode; return (t = (t && t.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext) || Dl), (zl = jl.current), Ot(jl, t, e), Ot(Rl, Rl.current, e), !0; } function zt(e, t, n) { var o = e.stateNode; if (!o) throw Error(r(169)); n ? ((t = jt(e, t, zl)), (o.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext = t), Pt(Rl, e), Pt(jl, e), Ot(jl, t, e)) : Pt(Rl, e), Ot(Rl, n, e); } function It() { switch (ql()) { case Hl: return 99; case Yl: return 98; case Kl: return 97; case Xl: return 96; case Ql: return 95; default: throw Error(r(332)); } } function Wt(e) { switch (e) { case 99: return Hl; case 98: return Yl; case 97: return Kl; case 96: return Xl; case 95: return Ql; default: throw Error(r(332)); } } function Ut(e, t) { return (e = Wt(e)), Il(e, t); } function Lt(e, t, n) { return (e = Wt(e)), Wl(e, t, n); } function Gt(e) { return null === $l ? (($l = [e]), (eu = Wl(Hl, qt))) : $l.push(e), Zl; } function Vt() { if (null !== eu) { var e = eu; (eu = null), Ul(e); } qt(); } function qt() { if (!tu && null !== $l) { tu = !0; var e = 0; try { var t = $l; Ut(99, function () { for (; e < t.length; e++) { var n = t[e]; do { n = n(!0); } while (null !== n); } }), ($l = null); } catch (t) { throw (null !== $l && ($l = $l.slice(e + 1)), Wl(Hl, Vt), t); } finally { tu = !1; } } } function Ht(e, t, n) { return (n /= 10), 1073741821 - (1 + (((1073741821 - e + t / 10) / n) | 0)) * n; } function Yt(e, t) { if (e && e.defaultProps) { (t = Fo({}, t)), (e = e.defaultProps); for (var n in e) void 0 === t[n] && (t[n] = e[n]); } return t; } function Kt() { uu = lu = au = null; } function Xt(e, t) { var n = e.type._context; Ot(iu, n._currentValue, e), (n._currentValue = t); } function Qt(e) { var t = iu.current; Pt(iu, e), (e.type._context._currentValue = t); } function Zt(e, t) { for (; null !== e; ) { var n = e.alternate; if (e.childExpirationTime < t) (e.childExpirationTime = t), null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t && (n.childExpirationTime = t); else { if (!(null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t)) break; n.childExpirationTime = t; } e = e.return; } } function Jt(e, t) { (au = e), (uu = lu = null), null !== (e = e.dependencies) && null !== e.firstContext && (e.expirationTime >= t && (Gu = !0), (e.firstContext = null)); } function $t(e, t) { if (uu !== e && !1 !== t && 0 !== t) if ((("number" === typeof t && 1073741823 !== t) || ((uu = e), (t = 1073741823)), (t = { context: e, observedBits: t, next: null }), null === lu)) { if (null === au) throw Error(r(308)); (lu = t), (au.dependencies = { expirationTime: 0, firstContext: t, responders: null }); } else lu = lu.next = t; return e._currentValue; } function en(e) { return { baseState: e, firstUpdate: null, lastUpdate: null, firstCapturedUpdate: null, lastCapturedUpdate: null, firstEffect: null, lastEffect: null, firstCapturedEffect: null, lastCapturedEffect: null }; } function tn(e) { return { baseState: e.baseState, firstUpdate: e.firstUpdate, lastUpdate: e.lastUpdate, firstCapturedUpdate: null, lastCapturedUpdate: null, firstEffect: null, lastEffect: null, firstCapturedEffect: null, lastCapturedEffect: null, }; } function nn(e, t) { return { expirationTime: e, suspenseConfig: t, tag: 0, payload: null, callback: null, next: null, nextEffect: null }; } function rn(e, t) { null === e.lastUpdate ? (e.firstUpdate = e.lastUpdate = t) : ((e.lastUpdate.next = t), (e.lastUpdate = t)); } function on(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; if (null === n) { var r = e.updateQueue, o = null; null === r && (r = e.updateQueue = en(e.memoizedState)); } else (r = e.updateQueue), (o = n.updateQueue), null === r ? (null === o ? ((r = e.updateQueue = en(e.memoizedState)), (o = n.updateQueue = en(n.memoizedState))) : (r = e.updateQueue = tn(o))) : null === o && (o = n.updateQueue = tn(r)); null === o || r === o ? rn(r, t) : null === r.lastUpdate || null === o.lastUpdate ? (rn(r, t), rn(o, t)) : (rn(r, t), (o.lastUpdate = t)); } function an(e, t) { var n = e.updateQueue; (n = null === n ? (e.updateQueue = en(e.memoizedState)) : ln(e, n)), null === n.lastCapturedUpdate ? (n.firstCapturedUpdate = n.lastCapturedUpdate = t) : ((n.lastCapturedUpdate.next = t), (n.lastCapturedUpdate = t)); } function ln(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; return null !== n && t === n.updateQueue && (t = e.updateQueue = tn(t)), t; } function un(e, t, n, r, o, i) { switch (n.tag) { case 1: return (e = n.payload), "function" === typeof e ? e.call(i, r, o) : e; case 3: e.effectTag = (-4097 & e.effectTag) | 64; case 0: if (((e = n.payload), null === (o = "function" === typeof e ? e.call(i, r, o) : e) || void 0 === o)) break; return Fo({}, r, o); case 2: su = !0; } return r; } function sn(e, t, n, r, o) { (su = !1), (t = ln(e, t)); for (var i = t.baseState, a = null, l = 0, u = t.firstUpdate, s = i; null !== u; ) { var c = u.expirationTime; c < o ? (null === a && ((a = u), (i = s)), l < c && (l = c)) : (qr(c, u.suspenseConfig), (s = un(e, t, u, s, n, r)), null !== u.callback && ((e.effectTag |= 32), (u.nextEffect = null), null === t.lastEffect ? (t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = u) : ((t.lastEffect.nextEffect = u), (t.lastEffect = u)))), (u = u.next); } for (c = null, u = t.firstCapturedUpdate; null !== u; ) { var f = u.expirationTime; f < o ? (null === c && ((c = u), null === a && (i = s)), l < f && (l = f)) : ((s = un(e, t, u, s, n, r)), null !== u.callback && ((e.effectTag |= 32), (u.nextEffect = null), null === t.lastCapturedEffect ? (t.firstCapturedEffect = t.lastCapturedEffect = u) : ((t.lastCapturedEffect.nextEffect = u), (t.lastCapturedEffect = u)))), (u = u.next); } null === a && (t.lastUpdate = null), null === c ? (t.lastCapturedUpdate = null) : (e.effectTag |= 32), null === a && null === c && (i = s), (t.baseState = i), (t.firstUpdate = a), (t.firstCapturedUpdate = c), Hr(l), (e.expirationTime = l), (e.memoizedState = s); } function cn(e, t, n) { null !== t.firstCapturedUpdate && (null !== t.lastUpdate && ((t.lastUpdate.next = t.firstCapturedUpdate), (t.lastUpdate = t.lastCapturedUpdate)), (t.firstCapturedUpdate = t.lastCapturedUpdate = null)), fn(t.firstEffect, n), (t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = null), fn(t.firstCapturedEffect, n), (t.firstCapturedEffect = t.lastCapturedEffect = null); } function fn(e, t) { for (; null !== e; ) { var n = e.callback; if (null !== n) { e.callback = null; var o = t; if ("function" !== typeof n) throw Error(r(191, n)); n.call(o); } e = e.nextEffect; } } function pn(e, t, n, r) { (t = e.memoizedState), (n = n(r, t)), (n = null === n || void 0 === n ? t : Fo({}, t, n)), (e.memoizedState = n), null !== (r = e.updateQueue) && 0 === e.expirationTime && (r.baseState = n); } function dn(e, t, n, r, o, i, a) { return (e = e.stateNode), "function" === typeof e.shouldComponentUpdate ? e.shouldComponentUpdate(r, i, a) : !t.prototype || !t.prototype.isPureReactComponent || !St(n, r) || !St(o, i); } function hn(e, t, n) { var r = !1, o = Dl, i = t.contextType; return ( "object" === typeof i && null !== i ? (i = $t(i)) : ((o = Tt(t) ? zl : jl.current), (r = t.contextTypes), (i = (r = null !== r && void 0 !== r) ? Mt(e, o) : Dl)), (t = new t(n, i)), (e.memoizedState = null !== t.state && void 0 !== t.state ? t.state : null), (t.updater = pu), (e.stateNode = t), (t._reactInternalFiber = e), r && ((e = e.stateNode), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedUnmaskedChildContext = o), (e.__reactInternalMemoizedMaskedChildContext = i)), t ); } function mn(e, t, n, r) { (e = t.state), "function" === typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps && t.componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps(n, r), t.state !== e && pu.enqueueReplaceState(t, t.state, null); } function yn(e, t, n, r) { var o = e.stateNode; (o.props = n), (o.state = e.memoizedState), (o.refs = fu); var i = t.contextType; "object" === typeof i && null !== i ? (o.context = $t(i)) : ((i = Tt(t) ? zl : jl.current), (o.context = Mt(e, i))), (i = e.updateQueue), null !== i && (sn(e, i, n, o, r), (o.state = e.memoizedState)), (i = t.getDerivedStateFromProps), "function" === typeof i && (pn(e, t, i, n), (o.state = e.memoizedState)), "function" === typeof t.getDerivedStateFromProps || "function" === typeof o.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || ("function" !== typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof o.componentWillMount) || ((t = o.state), "function" === typeof o.componentWillMount && o.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && o.UNSAFE_componentWillMount(), t !== o.state && pu.enqueueReplaceState(o, o.state, null), null !== (i = e.updateQueue) && (sn(e, i, n, o, r), (o.state = e.memoizedState))), "function" === typeof o.componentDidMount && (e.effectTag |= 4); } function gn(e, t, n) { if (null !== (e = n.ref) && "function" !== typeof e && "object" !== typeof e) { if (n._owner) { if ((n = n._owner)) { if (1 !== n.tag) throw Error(r(309)); var o = n.stateNode; } if (!o) throw Error(r(147, e)); var i = "" + e; return null !== t && null !== t.ref && "function" === typeof t.ref && t.ref._stringRef === i ? t.ref : ((t = function (e) { var t = o.refs; t === fu && (t = o.refs = {}), null === e ? delete t[i] : (t[i] = e); }), (t._stringRef = i), t); } if ("string" !== typeof e) throw Error(r(284)); if (!n._owner) throw Error(r(290, e)); } return e; } function vn(e, t) { if ("textarea" !== e.type) throw Error(r(31, "[object Object]" === Object.prototype.toString.call(t) ? "object with keys {" + Object.keys(t).join(", ") + "}" : t, "")); } function bn(e) { function t(t, n) { if (e) { var r = t.lastEffect; null !== r ? ((r.nextEffect = n), (t.lastEffect = n)) : (t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = n), (n.nextEffect = null), (n.effectTag = 8); } } function n(n, r) { if (!e) return null; for (; null !== r; ) t(n, r), (r = r.sibling); return null; } function o(e, t) { for (e = new Map(); null !== t; ) null !== t.key ? e.set(t.key, t) : e.set(t.index, t), (t = t.sibling); return e; } function i(e, t, n) { return (e = po(e, t)), (e.index = 0), (e.sibling = null), e; } function a(t, n, r) { return (t.index = r), e ? (null !== (r = t.alternate) ? ((r = r.index), r < n ? ((t.effectTag = 2), n) : r) : ((t.effectTag = 2), n)) : n; } function l(t) { return e && null === t.alternate && (t.effectTag = 2), t; } function u(e, t, n, r) { return null === t || 6 !== t.tag ? ((t = yo(n, e.mode, r)), (t.return = e), t) : ((t = i(t, n, r)), (t.return = e), t); } function s(e, t, n, r) { return null !== t && t.elementType === n.type ? ((r = i(t, n.props, r)), (r.ref = gn(e, t, n)), (r.return = e), r) : ((r = ho(n.type, n.key, n.props, null, e.mode, r)), (r.ref = gn(e, t, n)), (r.return = e), r); } function c(e, t, n, r) { return null === t || 4 !== t.tag || t.stateNode.containerInfo !== n.containerInfo || t.stateNode.implementation !== n.implementation ? ((t = go(n, e.mode, r)), (t.return = e), t) : ((t = i(t, n.children || [], r)), (t.return = e), t); } function f(e, t, n, r, o) { return null === t || 7 !== t.tag ? ((t = mo(n, e.mode, r, o)), (t.return = e), t) : ((t = i(t, n, r)), (t.return = e), t); } function p(e, t, n) { if ("string" === typeof t || "number" === typeof t) return (t = yo("" + t, e.mode, n)), (t.return = e), t; if ("object" === typeof t && null !== t) { switch (t.$$typeof) { case ti: return (n = ho(t.type, t.key, t.props, null, e.mode, n)), (n.ref = gn(e, null, t)), (n.return = e), n; case ni: return (t = go(t, e.mode, n)), (t.return = e), t; } if (du(t) || m(t)) return (t = mo(t, e.mode, n, null)), (t.return = e), t; vn(e, t); } return null; } function d(e, t, n, r) { var o = null !== t ? t.key : null; if ("string" === typeof n || "number" === typeof n) return null !== o ? null : u(e, t, "" + n, r); if ("object" === typeof n && null !== n) { switch (n.$$typeof) { case ti: return n.key === o ? (n.type === ri ? f(e, t, n.props.children, r, o) : s(e, t, n, r)) : null; case ni: return n.key === o ? c(e, t, n, r) : null; } if (du(n) || m(n)) return null !== o ? null : f(e, t, n, r, null); vn(e, n); } return null; } function h(e, t, n, r, o) { if ("string" === typeof r || "number" === typeof r) return (e = e.get(n) || null), u(t, e, "" + r, o); if ("object" === typeof r && null !== r) { switch (r.$$typeof) { case ti: return (e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null), r.type === ri ? f(t, e, r.props.children, o, r.key) : s(t, e, r, o); case ni: return (e = e.get(null === r.key ? n : r.key) || null), c(t, e, r, o); } if (du(r) || m(r)) return (e = e.get(n) || null), f(t, e, r, o, null); vn(t, r); } return null; } function y(r, i, l, u) { for (var s = null, c = null, f = i, m = (i = 0), y = null; null !== f && m < l.length; m++) { f.index > m ? ((y = f), (f = null)) : (y = f.sibling); var g = d(r, f, l[m], u); if (null === g) { null === f && (f = y); break; } e && f && null === g.alternate && t(r, f), (i = a(g, i, m)), null === c ? (s = g) : (c.sibling = g), (c = g), (f = y); } if (m === l.length) return n(r, f), s; if (null === f) { for (; m < l.length; m++) null !== (f = p(r, l[m], u)) && ((i = a(f, i, m)), null === c ? (s = f) : (c.sibling = f), (c = f)); return s; } for (f = o(r, f); m < l.length; m++) null !== (y = h(f, r, m, l[m], u)) && (e && null !== y.alternate && f.delete(null === y.key ? m : y.key), (i = a(y, i, m)), null === c ? (s = y) : (c.sibling = y), (c = y)); return ( e && f.forEach(function (e) { return t(r, e); }), s ); } function g(i, l, u, s) { var c = m(u); if ("function" !== typeof c) throw Error(r(150)); if (null == (u = c.call(u))) throw Error(r(151)); for (var f = (c = null), y = l, g = (l = 0), v = null, b = u.next(); null !== y && !b.done; g++, b = u.next()) { y.index > g ? ((v = y), (y = null)) : (v = y.sibling); var A = d(i, y, b.value, s); if (null === A) { null === y && (y = v); break; } e && y && null === A.alternate && t(i, y), (l = a(A, l, g)), null === f ? (c = A) : (f.sibling = A), (f = A), (y = v); } if (b.done) return n(i, y), c; if (null === y) { for (; !b.done; g++, b = u.next()) null !== (b = p(i, b.value, s)) && ((l = a(b, l, g)), null === f ? (c = b) : (f.sibling = b), (f = b)); return c; } for (y = o(i, y); !b.done; g++, b = u.next()) null !== (b = h(y, i, g, b.value, s)) && (e && null !== b.alternate && y.delete(null === b.key ? g : b.key), (l = a(b, l, g)), null === f ? (c = b) : (f.sibling = b), (f = b)); return ( e && y.forEach(function (e) { return t(i, e); }), c ); } return function (e, o, a, u) { var s = "object" === typeof a && null !== a && a.type === ri && null === a.key; s && (a = a.props.children); var c = "object" === typeof a && null !== a; if (c) switch (a.$$typeof) { case ti: e: { for (c = a.key, s = o; null !== s; ) { if (s.key === c) { if (7 === s.tag ? a.type === ri : s.elementType === a.type) { n(e, s.sibling), (o = i(s, a.type === ri ? a.props.children : a.props, u)), (o.ref = gn(e, s, a)), (o.return = e), (e = o); break e; } n(e, s); break; } t(e, s), (s = s.sibling); } a.type === ri ? ((o = mo(a.props.children, e.mode, u, a.key)), (o.return = e), (e = o)) : ((u = ho(a.type, a.key, a.props, null, e.mode, u)), (u.ref = gn(e, o, a)), (u.return = e), (e = u)); } return l(e); case ni: e: { for (s = a.key; null !== o; ) { if (o.key === s) { if (4 === o.tag && o.stateNode.containerInfo === a.containerInfo && o.stateNode.implementation === a.implementation) { n(e, o.sibling), (o = i(o, a.children || [], u)), (o.return = e), (e = o); break e; } n(e, o); break; } t(e, o), (o = o.sibling); } (o = go(a, e.mode, u)), (o.return = e), (e = o); } return l(e); } if ("string" === typeof a || "number" === typeof a) return (a = "" + a), null !== o && 6 === o.tag ? (n(e, o.sibling), (o = i(o, a, u)), (o.return = e), (e = o)) : (n(e, o), (o = yo(a, e.mode, u)), (o.return = e), (e = o)), l(e); if (du(a)) return y(e, o, a, u); if (m(a)) return g(e, o, a, u); if ((c && vn(e, a), "undefined" === typeof a && !s)) switch (e.tag) { case 1: case 0: throw ((e = e.type), Error(r(152, e.displayName || e.name || "Component"))); } return n(e, o); }; } function An(e) { if (e === yu) throw Error(r(174)); return e; } function xn(e, t) { Ot(bu, t, e), Ot(vu, e, e), Ot(gu, yu, e); var n = t.nodeType; switch (n) { case 9: case 11: t = (t = t.documentElement) ? t.namespaceURI : Z(null, ""); break; default: (n = 8 === n ? t.parentNode : t), (t = n.namespaceURI || null), (n = n.tagName), (t = Z(t, n)); } Pt(gu, e), Ot(gu, t, e); } function Cn(e) { Pt(gu, e), Pt(vu, e), Pt(bu, e); } function wn(e) { An(bu.current); var t = An(gu.current), n = Z(t, e.type); t !== n && (Ot(vu, e, e), Ot(gu, n, e)); } function kn(e) { vu.current === e && (Pt(gu, e), Pt(vu, e)); } function En(e) { for (var t = e; null !== t; ) { if (13 === t.tag) { var n = t.memoizedState; if (null !== n && (null === (n = n.dehydrated) || n.data === Ia || n.data === Wa)) return t; } else if (19 === t.tag && void 0 !== t.memoizedProps.revealOrder) { if (0 !== (64 & t.effectTag)) return t; } else if (null !== t.child) { (t.child.return = t), (t = t.child); continue; } if (t === e) break; for (; null === t.sibling; ) { if (null === t.return || t.return === e) return null; t = t.return; } (t.sibling.return = t.return), (t = t.sibling); } return null; } function Bn(e, t) { return { responder: e, props: t }; } function Sn() { throw Error(r(321)); } function _n(e, t) { if (null === t) return !1; for (var n = 0; n < t.length && n < e.length; n++) if (!bl(e[n], t[n])) return !1; return !0; } function Pn(e, t, n, o, i, a) { if (((wu = a), (ku = t), (Bu = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null), (xu.current = null === Bu ? Ru : zu), (t = n(o, i)), Nu)) { do { (Nu = !1), (Du += 1), (Bu = null !== e ? e.memoizedState : null), (Pu = Su), (Mu = _u = Eu = null), (xu.current = zu), (t = n(o, i)); } while (Nu); (Fu = null), (Du = 0); } if ( ((xu.current = ju), (e = ku), (e.memoizedState = Su), (e.expirationTime = Ou), (e.updateQueue = Mu), (e.effectTag |= Tu), (e = null !== Eu && null !== Eu.next), (wu = 0), (Pu = _u = Su = Bu = Eu = ku = null), (Ou = 0), (Mu = null), (Tu = 0), e) ) throw Error(r(300)); return t; } function On() { (xu.current = ju), (wu = 0), (Pu = _u = Su = Bu = Eu = ku = null), (Ou = 0), (Mu = null), (Tu = 0), (Nu = !1), (Fu = null), (Du = 0); } function Mn() { var e = { memoizedState: null, baseState: null, queue: null, baseUpdate: null, next: null }; return null === _u ? (Su = _u = e) : (_u = _u.next = e), _u; } function Tn() { if (null !== Pu) (_u = Pu), (Pu = _u.next), (Eu = Bu), (Bu = null !== Eu ? Eu.next : null); else { if (null === Bu) throw Error(r(310)); Eu = Bu; var e = { memoizedState: Eu.memoizedState, baseState: Eu.baseState, queue: Eu.queue, baseUpdate: Eu.baseUpdate, next: null }; (_u = null === _u ? (Su = e) : (_u.next = e)), (Bu = Eu.next); } return _u; } function Nn(e, t) { return "function" === typeof t ? t(e) : t; } function Fn(e) { var t = Tn(), n = t.queue; if (null === n) throw Error(r(311)); if (((n.lastRenderedReducer = e), 0 < Du)) { var o = n.dispatch; if (null !== Fu) { var i = Fu.get(n); if (void 0 !== i) { Fu.delete(n); var a = t.memoizedState; do { (a = e(a, i.action)), (i = i.next); } while (null !== i); return bl(a, t.memoizedState) || (Gu = !0), (t.memoizedState = a), t.baseUpdate === n.last && (t.baseState = a), (n.lastRenderedState = a), [a, o]; } } return [t.memoizedState, o]; } o = n.last; var l = t.baseUpdate; if (((a = t.baseState), null !== l ? (null !== o && (o.next = null), (o = l.next)) : (o = null !== o ? o.next : null), null !== o)) { var u = (i = null), s = o, c = !1; do { var f = s.expirationTime; f < wu ? (c || ((c = !0), (u = l), (i = a)), f > Ou && ((Ou = f), Hr(Ou))) : (qr(f, s.suspenseConfig), (a = s.eagerReducer === e ? s.eagerState : e(a, s.action))), (l = s), (s = s.next); } while (null !== s && s !== o); c || ((u = l), (i = a)), bl(a, t.memoizedState) || (Gu = !0), (t.memoizedState = a), (t.baseUpdate = u), (t.baseState = i), (n.lastRenderedState = a); } return [t.memoizedState, n.dispatch]; } function Dn(e) { var t = Mn(); return ( "function" === typeof e && (e = e()), (t.memoizedState = t.baseState = e), (e = t.queue = { last: null, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: Nn, lastRenderedState: e }), (e = e.dispatch = Hn.bind(null, ku, e)), [t.memoizedState, e] ); } function jn(e) { return Fn(Nn, e); } function Rn(e, t, n, r) { return ( (e = { tag: e, create: t, destroy: n, deps: r, next: null }), null === Mu ? ((Mu = { lastEffect: null }), (Mu.lastEffect = e.next = e)) : ((t = Mu.lastEffect), null === t ? (Mu.lastEffect = e.next = e) : ((n = t.next), (t.next = e), (e.next = n), (Mu.lastEffect = e))), e ); } function zn(e, t, n, r) { var o = Mn(); (Tu |= e), (o.memoizedState = Rn(t, n, void 0, void 0 === r ? null : r)); } function In(e, t, n, r) { var o = Tn(); r = void 0 === r ? null : r; var i = void 0; if (null !== Eu) { var a = Eu.memoizedState; if (((i = a.destroy), null !== r && _n(r, a.deps))) return void Rn(0, n, i, r); } (Tu |= e), (o.memoizedState = Rn(t, n, i, r)); } function Wn(e, t) { return zn(516, 192, e, t); } function Un(e, t) { return In(516, 192, e, t); } function Ln(e, t) { return "function" === typeof t ? ((e = e()), t(e), function () { t(null); }) : null !== t && void 0 !== t ? ((e = e()), (t.current = e), function () { t.current = null; }) : void 0; } function Gn() {} function Vn(e, t) { return (Mn().memoizedState = [e, void 0 === t ? null : t]), e; } function qn(e, t) { var n = Tn(); t = void 0 === t ? null : t; var r = n.memoizedState; return null !== r && null !== t && _n(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : ((n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e); } function Hn(e, t, n) { if (!(25 > Du)) throw Error(r(301)); var o = e.alternate; if (e === ku || (null !== o && o === ku)) if (((Nu = !0), (e = { expirationTime: wu, suspenseConfig: null, action: n, eagerReducer: null, eagerState: null, next: null }), null === Fu && (Fu = new Map()), void 0 === (n = Fu.get(t)))) Fu.set(t, e); else { for (t = n; null !== t.next; ) t = t.next; t.next = e; } else { var i = Mr(), a = cu.suspense; (i = Tr(i, e, a)), (a = { expirationTime: i, suspenseConfig: a, action: n, eagerReducer: null, eagerState: null, next: null }); var l = t.last; if (null === l) a.next = a; else { var u = l.next; null !== u && (a.next = u), (l.next = a); } if (((t.last = a), 0 === e.expirationTime && (null === o || 0 === o.expirationTime) && null !== (o = t.lastRenderedReducer))) try { var s = t.lastRenderedState, c = o(s, n); if (((a.eagerReducer = o), (a.eagerState = c), bl(c, s))) return; } catch (e) {} Nr(e, i); } } function Yn(e, t) { var n = so(5, null, null, 0); (n.elementType = "DELETED"), (n.type = "DELETED"), (n.stateNode = t), (n.return = e), (n.effectTag = 8), null !== e.lastEffect ? ((e.lastEffect.nextEffect = n), (e.lastEffect = n)) : (e.firstEffect = e.lastEffect = n); } function Kn(e, t) { switch (e.tag) { case 5: var n = e.type; return null !== (t = 1 !== t.nodeType || n.toLowerCase() !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase() ? null : t) && ((e.stateNode = t), !0); case 6: return null !== (t = "" === e.pendingProps || 3 !== t.nodeType ? null : t) && ((e.stateNode = t), !0); case 13: default: return !1; } } function Xn(e) { if (Uu) { var t = Wu; if (t) { var n = t; if (!Kn(e, t)) { if (!(t = ot(n.nextSibling)) || !Kn(e, t)) return (e.effectTag = (-1025 & e.effectTag) | 2), (Uu = !1), void (Iu = e); Yn(Iu, n); } (Iu = e), (Wu = ot(t.firstChild)); } else (e.effectTag = (-1025 & e.effectTag) | 2), (Uu = !1), (Iu = e); } } function Qn(e) { for (e = e.return; null !== e && 5 !== e.tag && 3 !== e.tag && 13 !== e.tag; ) e = e.return; Iu = e; } function Zn(e) { if (e !== Iu) return !1; if (!Uu) return Qn(e), (Uu = !0), !1; var t = e.type; if (5 !== e.tag || ("head" !== t && "body" !== t && !rt(t, e.memoizedProps))) for (t = Wu; t; ) Yn(e, t), (t = ot(t.nextSibling)); if ((Qn(e), 13 === e.tag)) { if (((e = e.memoizedState), !(e = null !== e ? e.dehydrated : null))) throw Error(r(317)); e: { for (e = e.nextSibling, t = 0; e; ) { if (8 === e.nodeType) { var n = e.data; if (n === za) { if (0 === t) { Wu = ot(e.nextSibling); break e; } t--; } else (n !== Ra && n !== Wa && n !== Ia) || t++; } e = e.nextSibling; } Wu = null; } } else Wu = Iu ? ot(e.stateNode.nextSibling) : null; return !0; } function Jn() { (Wu = Iu = null), (Uu = !1); } function $n(e, t, n, r) { t.child = null === e ? mu(t, null, n, r) : hu(t, e.child, n, r); } function er(e, t, n, r, o) { n = n.render; var i = t.ref; return ( Jt(t, o), (r = Pn(e, t, n, r, i, o)), null === e || Gu ? ((t.effectTag |= 1), $n(e, t, r, o), t.child) : ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.effectTag &= -517), e.expirationTime <= o && (e.expirationTime = 0), pr(e, t, o)) ); } function tr(e, t, n, r, o, i) { if (null === e) { var a = n.type; return "function" !== typeof a || co(a) || void 0 !== a.defaultProps || null !== n.compare || void 0 !== n.defaultProps ? ((e = ho(n.type, null, r, null, t.mode, i)), (e.ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e)) : ((t.tag = 15), (t.type = a), nr(e, t, a, r, o, i)); } return (a = e.child), o < i && ((o = a.memoizedProps), (n = n.compare), (n = null !== n ? n : St)(o, r) && e.ref === t.ref) ? pr(e, t, i) : ((t.effectTag |= 1), (e = po(a, r)), (e.ref = t.ref), (e.return = t), (t.child = e)); } function nr(e, t, n, r, o, i) { return null !== e && St(e.memoizedProps, r) && e.ref === t.ref && ((Gu = !1), o < i) ? pr(e, t, i) : or(e, t, n, r, i); } function rr(e, t) { var n = t.ref; ((null === e && null !== n) || (null !== e && e.ref !== n)) && (t.effectTag |= 128); } function or(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = Tt(n) ? zl : jl.current; return ( (i = Mt(t, i)), Jt(t, o), (n = Pn(e, t, n, r, i, o)), null === e || Gu ? ((t.effectTag |= 1), $n(e, t, n, o), t.child) : ((t.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t.effectTag &= -517), e.expirationTime <= o && (e.expirationTime = 0), pr(e, t, o)) ); } function ir(e, t, n, r, o) { if (Tt(n)) { var i = !0; Rt(t); } else i = !1; if ((Jt(t, o), null === t.stateNode)) null !== e && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.effectTag |= 2)), hn(t, n, r, o), yn(t, n, r, o), (r = !0); else if (null === e) { var a = t.stateNode, l = t.memoizedProps; a.props = l; var u = a.context, s = n.contextType; "object" === typeof s && null !== s ? (s = $t(s)) : ((s = Tt(n) ? zl : jl.current), (s = Mt(t, s))); var c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps, f = "function" === typeof c || "function" === typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate; f || ("function" !== typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((l !== r || u !== s) && mn(t, a, r, s)), (su = !1); var p = t.memoizedState; u = a.state = p; var d = t.updateQueue; null !== d && (sn(t, d, r, a, o), (u = t.memoizedState)), l !== r || p !== u || Rl.current || su ? ("function" === typeof c && (pn(t, n, c, r), (u = t.memoizedState)), (l = su || dn(t, n, l, r, p, u, s)) ? (f || ("function" !== typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && "function" !== typeof a.componentWillMount) || ("function" === typeof a.componentWillMount && a.componentWillMount(), "function" === typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && a.UNSAFE_componentWillMount()), "function" === typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4)) : ("function" === typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), (t.memoizedProps = r), (t.memoizedState = u)), (a.props = r), (a.state = u), (a.context = s), (r = l)) : ("function" === typeof a.componentDidMount && (t.effectTag |= 4), (r = !1)); } else (a = t.stateNode), (l = t.memoizedProps), (a.props = t.type === t.elementType ? l : Yt(t.type, l)), (u = a.context), (s = n.contextType), "object" === typeof s && null !== s ? (s = $t(s)) : ((s = Tt(n) ? zl : jl.current), (s = Mt(t, s))), (c = n.getDerivedStateFromProps), (f = "function" === typeof c || "function" === typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) || ("function" !== typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && "function" !== typeof a.componentWillReceiveProps) || ((l !== r || u !== s) && mn(t, a, r, s)), (su = !1), (u = t.memoizedState), (p = a.state = u), (d = t.updateQueue), null !== d && (sn(t, d, r, a, o), (p = t.memoizedState)), l !== r || u !== p || Rl.current || su ? ("function" === typeof c && (pn(t, n, c, r), (p = t.memoizedState)), (c = su || dn(t, n, l, r, u, p, s)) ? (f || ("function" !== typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && "function" !== typeof a.componentWillUpdate) || ("function" === typeof a.componentWillUpdate && a.componentWillUpdate(r, p, s), "function" === typeof a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && a.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate(r, p, s)), "function" === typeof a.componentDidUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" === typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate && (t.effectTag |= 256)) : ("function" !== typeof a.componentDidUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState) || (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" !== typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState) || (t.effectTag |= 256), (t.memoizedProps = r), (t.memoizedState = p)), (a.props = r), (a.state = p), (a.context = s), (r = c)) : ("function" !== typeof a.componentDidUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState) || (t.effectTag |= 4), "function" !== typeof a.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate || (l === e.memoizedProps && u === e.memoizedState) || (t.effectTag |= 256), (r = !1)); return ar(e, t, n, r, i, o); } function ar(e, t, n, r, o, i) { rr(e, t); var a = 0 !== (64 & t.effectTag); if (!r && !a) return o && zt(t, n, !1), pr(e, t, i); (r = t.stateNode), (Lu.current = t); var l = a && "function" !== typeof n.getDerivedStateFromError ? null : r.render(); return (t.effectTag |= 1), null !== e && a ? ((t.child = hu(t, e.child, null, i)), (t.child = hu(t, null, l, i))) : $n(e, t, l, i), (t.memoizedState = r.state), o && zt(t, n, !0), t.child; } function lr(e) { var t = e.stateNode; t.pendingContext ? Dt(e, t.pendingContext, t.pendingContext !== t.context) : t.context && Dt(e, t.context, !1), xn(e, t.containerInfo); } function ur(e, t, n) { var r, o = t.mode, i = t.pendingProps, a = Au.current, l = !1; if ( ((r = 0 !== (64 & t.effectTag)) || (r = 0 !== (2 & a) && (null === e || null !== e.memoizedState)), r ? ((l = !0), (t.effectTag &= -65)) : (null !== e && null === e.memoizedState) || void 0 === i.fallback || !0 === i.unstable_avoidThisFallback || (a |= 1), Ot(Au, 1 & a, t), null === e) ) { if ((void 0 !== i.fallback && Xn(t), l)) { if (((l = i.fallback), (i = mo(null, o, 0, null)), (i.return = t), 0 === (2 & t.mode))) for (e = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child, i.child = e; null !== e; ) (e.return = i), (e = e.sibling); return (n = mo(l, o, n, null)), (n.return = t), (i.sibling = n), (t.memoizedState = Vu), (t.child = i), n; } return (o = i.children), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.child = mu(t, null, o, n)); } if (null !== e.memoizedState) { if (((e = e.child), (o = e.sibling), l)) { if (((i = i.fallback), (n = po(e, e.pendingProps)), (n.return = t), 0 === (2 & t.mode) && (l = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child) !== e.child)) for (n.child = l; null !== l; ) (l.return = n), (l = l.sibling); return (o = po(o, i, o.expirationTime)), (o.return = t), (n.sibling = o), (n.childExpirationTime = 0), (t.memoizedState = Vu), (t.child = n), o; } return (n = hu(t, e.child, i.children, n)), (t.memoizedState = null), (t.child = n); } if (((e = e.child), l)) { if (((l = i.fallback), (i = mo(null, o, 0, null)), (i.return = t), (i.child = e), null !== e && (e.return = i), 0 === (2 & t.mode))) for (e = null !== t.memoizedState ? t.child.child : t.child, i.child = e; null !== e; ) (e.return = i), (e = e.sibling); return (n = mo(l, o, n, null)), (n.return = t), (i.sibling = n), (n.effectTag |= 2), (i.childExpirationTime = 0), (t.memoizedState = Vu), (t.child = i), n; } return (t.memoizedState = null), (t.child = hu(t, e, i.children, n)); } function sr(e, t) { e.expirationTime < t && (e.expirationTime = t); var n = e.alternate; null !== n && n.expirationTime < t && (n.expirationTime = t), Zt(e.return, t); } function cr(e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a = e.memoizedState; null === a ? (e.memoizedState = { isBackwards: t, rendering: null, last: r, tail: n, tailExpiration: 0, tailMode: o, lastEffect: i }) : ((a.isBackwards = t), (a.rendering = null), (a.last = r), (a.tail = n), (a.tailExpiration = 0), (a.tailMode = o), (a.lastEffect = i)); } function fr(e, t, n) { var r = t.pendingProps, o = r.revealOrder, i = r.tail; if (($n(e, t, r.children, n), 0 !== (2 & (r = Au.current)))) (r = (1 & r) | 2), (t.effectTag |= 64); else { if (null !== e && 0 !== (64 & e.effectTag)) e: for (e = t.child; null !== e; ) { if (13 === e.tag) null !== e.memoizedState && sr(e, n); else if (19 === e.tag) sr(e, n); else if (null !== e.child) { (e.child.return = e), (e = e.child); continue; } if (e === t) break e; for (; null === e.sibling; ) { if (null === e.return || e.return === t) break e; e = e.return; } (e.sibling.return = e.return), (e = e.sibling); } r &= 1; } if ((Ot(Au, r, t), 0 === (2 & t.mode))) t.memoizedState = null; else switch (o) { case "forwards": for (n = t.child, o = null; null !== n; ) (e = n.alternate), null !== e && null === En(e) && (o = n), (n = n.sibling); (n = o), null === n ? ((o = t.child), (t.child = null)) : ((o = n.sibling), (n.sibling = null)), cr(t, !1, o, n, i, t.lastEffect); break; case "backwards": for (n = null, o = t.child, t.child = null; null !== o; ) { if (null !== (e = o.alternate) && null === En(e)) { t.child = o; break; } (e = o.sibling), (o.sibling = n), (n = o), (o = e); } cr(t, !0, n, null, i, t.lastEffect); break; case "together": cr(t, !1, null, null, void 0, t.lastEffect); break; default: t.memoizedState = null; } return t.child; } function pr(e, t, n) { null !== e && (t.dependencies = e.dependencies); var o = t.expirationTime; if ((0 !== o && Hr(o), t.childExpirationTime < n)) return null; if (null !== e && t.child !== e.child) throw Error(r(153)); if (null !== t.child) { for (e = t.child, n = po(e, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime), t.child = n, n.return = t; null !== e.sibling; ) (e = e.sibling), (n = n.sibling = po(e, e.pendingProps, e.expirationTime)), (n.return = t); n.sibling = null; } return t.child; } function dr(e) { e.effectTag |= 4; } function hr(e, t) { switch (e.tailMode) { case "hidden": t = e.tail; for (var n = null; null !== t; ) null !== t.alternate && (n = t), (t = t.sibling); null === n ? (e.tail = null) : (n.sibling = null); break; case "collapsed": n = e.tail; for (var r = null; null !== n; ) null !== n.alternate && (r = n), (n = n.sibling); null === r ? (t || null === e.tail ? (e.tail = null) : (e.tail.sibling = null)) : (r.sibling = null); } } function mr(e) { switch (e.tag) { case 1: Tt(e.type) && Nt(e); var t = e.effectTag; return 4096 & t ? ((e.effectTag = (-4097 & t) | 64), e) : null; case 3: if ((Cn(e), Ft(e), 0 !== (64 & (t = e.effectTag)))) throw Error(r(285)); return (e.effectTag = (-4097 & t) | 64), e; case 5: return kn(e), null; case 13: return Pt(Au, e), (t = e.effectTag), 4096 & t ? ((e.effectTag = (-4097 & t) | 64), e) : null; case 19: return Pt(Au, e), null; case 4: return Cn(e), null; case 10: return Qt(e), null; default: return null; } } function yr(e, t) { return { value: e, source: t, stack: v(t) }; } function gr(e, t) { var n = t.source, r = t.stack; null === r && null !== n && (r = v(n)), null !== n && g(n.type), (t = t.value), null !== e && 1 === e.tag && g(e.type); try { console.error(t); } catch (e) { setTimeout(function () { throw e; }); } } function vr(e, t) { try { (t.props = e.memoizedProps), (t.state = e.memoizedState), t.componentWillUnmount(); } catch (t) { oo(e, t); } } function br(e) { var t = e.ref; if (null !== t) if ("function" === typeof t) try { t(null); } catch (t) { oo(e, t); } else t.current = null; } function Ar(e, t) { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: xr(2, 0, t); break; case 1: if (256 & t.effectTag && null !== e) { var n = e.memoizedProps, o = e.memoizedState; (e = t.stateNode), (t = e.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(t.elementType === t.type ? n : Yt(t.type, n), o)), (e.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate = t); } break; case 3: case 5: case 6: case 4: case 17: break; default: throw Error(r(163)); } } function xr(e, t, n) { if (((n = n.updateQueue), null !== (n = null !== n ? n.lastEffect : null))) { var r = (n = n.next); do { if (0 !== (r.tag & e)) { var o = r.destroy; (r.destroy = void 0), void 0 !== o && o(); } 0 !== (r.tag & t) && ((o = r.create), (r.destroy = o())), (r = r.next); } while (r !== n); } } function Cr(e, t, n) { switch (("function" === typeof Ts && Ts(t), t.tag)) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: if (null !== (e = t.updateQueue) && null !== (e = e.lastEffect)) { var r = e.next; Ut(97 < n ? 97 : n, function () { var e = r; do { var n = e.destroy; if (void 0 !== n) { var o = t; try { n(); } catch (e) { oo(o, e); } } e = e.next; } while (e !== r); }); } break; case 1: br(t), (n = t.stateNode), "function" === typeof n.componentWillUnmount && vr(t, n); break; case 5: br(t); break; case 4: Br(e, t, n); } } function wr(e) { var t = e.alternate; (e.return = null), (e.child = null), (e.memoizedState = null), (e.updateQueue = null), (e.dependencies = null), (e.alternate = null), (e.firstEffect = null), (e.lastEffect = null), (e.pendingProps = null), (e.memoizedProps = null), null !== t && wr(t); } function kr(e) { return 5 === e.tag || 3 === e.tag || 4 === e.tag; } function Er(e) { e: { for (var t = e.return; null !== t; ) { if (kr(t)) { var n = t; break e; } t = t.return; } throw Error(r(160)); } switch (((t = n.stateNode), n.tag)) { case 5: var o = !1; break; case 3: case 4: (t = t.containerInfo), (o = !0); break; default: throw Error(r(161)); } 16 & n.effectTag && (J(t, ""), (n.effectTag &= -17)); e: t: for (n = e; ; ) { for (; null === n.sibling; ) { if (null === n.return || kr(n.return)) { n = null; break e; } n = n.return; } for (n.sibling.return = n.return, n = n.sibling; 5 !== n.tag && 6 !== n.tag && 18 !== n.tag; ) { if (2 & n.effectTag) continue t; if (null === n.child || 4 === n.tag) continue t; (n.child.return = n), (n = n.child); } if (!(2 & n.effectTag)) { n = n.stateNode; break e; } } for (var i = e; ; ) { var a = 5 === i.tag || 6 === i.tag; if (a) { var l = a ? i.stateNode : i.stateNode.instance; if (n) if (o) { a = t; var u = l; (l = n), 8 === a.nodeType ? a.parentNode.insertBefore(u, l) : a.insertBefore(u, l); } else t.insertBefore(l, n); else o ? ((u = t), 8 === u.nodeType ? ((a = u.parentNode), a.insertBefore(l, u)) : ((a = u), a.appendChild(l)), (null !== (u = u._reactRootContainer) && void 0 !== u) || null !== a.onclick || (a.onclick = Xe)) : t.appendChild(l); } else if (4 !== i.tag && null !== i.child) { (i.child.return = i), (i = i.child); continue; } if (i === e) break; for (; null === i.sibling; ) { if (null === i.return || i.return === e) return; i = i.return; } (i.sibling.return = i.return), (i = i.sibling); } } function Br(e, t, n) { for (var o, i, a = t, l = !1; ; ) { if (!l) { l = a.return; e: for (;;) { if (null === l) throw Error(r(160)); switch (((o = l.stateNode), l.tag)) { case 5: i = !1; break e; case 3: case 4: (o = o.containerInfo), (i = !0); break e; } l = l.return; } l = !0; } if (5 === a.tag || 6 === a.tag) { e: for (var u = e, s = a, c = n, f = s; ; ) if ((Cr(u, f, c), null !== f.child && 4 !== f.tag)) (f.child.return = f), (f = f.child); else { if (f === s) break; for (; null === f.sibling; ) { if (null === f.return || f.return === s) break e; f = f.return; } (f.sibling.return = f.return), (f = f.sibling); } i ? ((u = o), (s = a.stateNode), 8 === u.nodeType ? u.parentNode.removeChild(s) : u.removeChild(s)) : o.removeChild(a.stateNode); } else if (4 === a.tag) { if (null !== a.child) { (o = a.stateNode.containerInfo), (i = !0), (a.child.return = a), (a = a.child); continue; } } else if ((Cr(e, a, n), null !== a.child)) { (a.child.return = a), (a = a.child); continue; } if (a === t) break; for (; null === a.sibling; ) { if (null === a.return || a.return === t) return; (a = a.return), 4 === a.tag && (l = !1); } (a.sibling.return = a.return), (a = a.sibling); } } function Sr(e, t) { switch (t.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 14: case 15: xr(4, 8, t); break; case 1: break; case 5: var n = t.stateNode; if (null != n) { var o = t.memoizedProps, i = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : o; e = t.type; var a = t.updateQueue; if (((t.updateQueue = null), null !== a)) { for (n[Ya] = o, "input" === e && "radio" === o.type && null != o.name && I(n, o), Ye(e, i), t = Ye(e, o), i = 0; i < a.length; i += 2) { var l = a[i], u = a[i + 1]; "style" === l ? qe(n, u) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === l ? Oi(n, u) : "children" === l ? J(n, u) : T(n, l, u, t); } switch (e) { case "input": W(n, o); break; case "textarea": K(n, o); break; case "select": (t = n._wrapperState.wasMultiple), (n._wrapperState.wasMultiple = !!o.multiple), (e = o.value), null != e ? q(n, !!o.multiple, e, !1) : t !== !!o.multiple && (null != o.defaultValue ? q(n, !!o.multiple, o.defaultValue, !0) : q(n, !!o.multiple, o.multiple ? [] : "", !1)); } } } break; case 6: if (null === t.stateNode) throw Error(r(162)); t.stateNode.nodeValue = t.memoizedProps; break; case 3: (t = t.stateNode), t.hydrate && ((t.hydrate = !1), ye(t.containerInfo)); break; case 12: break; case 13: if (((n = t), null === t.memoizedState ? (o = !1) : ((o = !0), (n = t.child), (vs = ru())), null !== n)) e: for (e = n; ; ) { if (5 === e.tag) (a = e.stateNode), o ? ((a = a.style), "function" === typeof a.setProperty ? a.setProperty("display", "none", "important") : (a.display = "none")) : ((a = e.stateNode), (i = e.memoizedProps.style), (i = void 0 !== i && null !== i && i.hasOwnProperty("display") ? i.display : null), (a.style.display = Ve("display", i))); else if (6 === e.tag) e.stateNode.nodeValue = o ? "" : e.memoizedProps; else { if (13 === e.tag && null !== e.memoizedState && null === e.memoizedState.dehydrated) { (a = e.child.sibling), (a.return = e), (e = a); continue; } if (null !== e.child) { (e.child.return = e), (e = e.child); continue; } } if (e === n) break e; for (; null === e.sibling; ) { if (null === e.return || e.return === n) break e; e = e.return; } (e.sibling.return = e.return), (e = e.sibling); } _r(t); break; case 19: _r(t); break; case 17: case 20: case 21: break; default: throw Error(r(163)); } } function _r(e) { var t = e.updateQueue; if (null !== t) { e.updateQueue = null; var n = e.stateNode; null === n && (n = e.stateNode = new Hu()), t.forEach(function (t) { var r = ao.bind(null, e, t); n.has(t) || (n.add(t), t.then(r, r)); }); } } function Pr(e, t, n) { (n = nn(n, null)), (n.tag = 3), (n.payload = { element: null }); var r = t.value; return ( (n.callback = function () { xs || ((xs = !0), (Cs = r)), gr(e, t); }), n ); } function Or(e, t, n) { (n = nn(n, null)), (n.tag = 3); var r = e.type.getDerivedStateFromError; if ("function" === typeof r) { var o = t.value; n.payload = function () { return gr(e, t), r(o); }; } var i = e.stateNode; return ( null !== i && "function" === typeof i.componentDidCatch && (n.callback = function () { "function" !== typeof r && (null === ws ? (ws = new Set([this])) : ws.add(this), gr(e, t)); var n = t.stack; this.componentDidCatch(t.value, { componentStack: null !== n ? n : "" }); }), n ); } function Mr() { return (ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu ? 1073741821 - ((ru() / 10) | 0) : 0 !== Os ? Os : (Os = 1073741821 - ((ru() / 10) | 0)); } function Tr(e, t, n) { if (0 === (2 & (t = t.mode))) return 1073741823; var o = It(); if (0 === (4 & t)) return 99 === o ? 1073741823 : 1073741822; if ((ls & $u) !== Zu) return cs; if (null !== n) e = Ht(e, 0 | n.timeoutMs || 5e3, 250); else switch (o) { case 99: e = 1073741823; break; case 98: e = Ht(e, 150, 100); break; case 97: case 96: e = Ht(e, 5e3, 250); break; case 95: e = 2; break; default: throw Error(r(326)); } return null !== us && e === cs && --e, e; } function Nr(e, t) { if (50 < _s) throw ((_s = 0), (Ps = null), Error(r(185))); if (null !== (e = Fr(e, t))) { var n = It(); 1073741823 === t ? ((ls & Ju) !== Zu && (ls & ($u | es)) === Zu ? zr(e) : (jr(e), ls === Zu && Vt())) : jr(e), (4 & ls) === Zu || (98 !== n && 99 !== n) || (null === Ss ? (Ss = new Map([[e, t]])) : (void 0 === (n = Ss.get(e)) || n > t) && Ss.set(e, t)); } } function Fr(e, t) { e.expirationTime < t && (e.expirationTime = t); var n = e.alternate; null !== n && n.expirationTime < t && (n.expirationTime = t); var r = e.return, o = null; if (null === r && 3 === e.tag) o = e.stateNode; else for (; null !== r; ) { if (((n = r.alternate), r.childExpirationTime < t && (r.childExpirationTime = t), null !== n && n.childExpirationTime < t && (n.childExpirationTime = t), null === r.return && 3 === r.tag)) { o = r.stateNode; break; } r = r.return; } return null !== o && (us === o && (Hr(t), fs === is && Ao(o, cs)), xo(o, t)), o; } function Dr(e) { var t = e.lastExpiredTime; return 0 !== t ? t : ((t = e.firstPendingTime), bo(e, t) ? ((t = e.lastPingedTime), (e = e.nextKnownPendingLevel), t > e ? t : e) : t); } function jr(e) { if (0 !== e.lastExpiredTime) (e.callbackExpirationTime = 1073741823), (e.callbackPriority = 99), (e.callbackNode = Gt(zr.bind(null, e))); else { var t = Dr(e), n = e.callbackNode; if (0 === t) null !== n && ((e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackExpirationTime = 0), (e.callbackPriority = 90)); else { var r = Mr(); if ((1073741823 === t ? (r = 99) : 1 === t || 2 === t ? (r = 95) : ((r = 10 * (1073741821 - t) - 10 * (1073741821 - r)), (r = 0 >= r ? 99 : 250 >= r ? 98 : 5250 >= r ? 97 : 95)), null !== n)) { var o = e.callbackPriority; if (e.callbackExpirationTime === t && o >= r) return; n !== Zl && Ul(n); } (e.callbackExpirationTime = t), (e.callbackPriority = r), (t = 1073741823 === t ? Gt(zr.bind(null, e)) : Lt(r, Rr.bind(null, e), { timeout: 10 * (1073741821 - t) - ru() })), (e.callbackNode = t); } } } function Rr(e, t) { if (((Os = 0), t)) return (t = Mr()), Co(e, t), jr(e), null; var n = Dr(e); if (0 !== n) { if (((t = e.callbackNode), (ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu)) throw Error(r(327)); if ((to(), (e === us && n === cs) || Lr(e, n), null !== ss)) { var o = ls; ls |= $u; for (var i = Vr(); ; ) try { Kr(); break; } catch (t) { Gr(e, t); } if ((Kt(), (ls = o), (Xu.current = i), fs === ns)) throw ((t = ps), Lr(e, n), Ao(e, n), jr(e), t); if (null === ss) switch (((i = e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate), (e.finishedExpirationTime = n), (o = fs), (us = null), o)) { case ts: case ns: throw Error(r(345)); case rs: Co(e, 2 < n ? 2 : n); break; case os: if ((Ao(e, n), (o = e.lastSuspendedTime), n === o && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = Zr(i)), 1073741823 === ds && 10 < (i = vs + bs - ru()))) { if (gs) { var a = e.lastPingedTime; if (0 === a || a >= n) { (e.lastPingedTime = n), Lr(e, n); break; } } if (0 !== (a = Dr(e)) && a !== n) break; if (0 !== o && o !== n) { e.lastPingedTime = o; break; } e.timeoutHandle = Ga(Jr.bind(null, e), i); break; } Jr(e); break; case is: if ((Ao(e, n), (o = e.lastSuspendedTime), n === o && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = Zr(i)), gs && (0 === (i = e.lastPingedTime) || i >= n))) { (e.lastPingedTime = n), Lr(e, n); break; } if (0 !== (i = Dr(e)) && i !== n) break; if (0 !== o && o !== n) { e.lastPingedTime = o; break; } if ( (1073741823 !== hs ? (o = 10 * (1073741821 - hs) - ru()) : 1073741823 === ds ? (o = 0) : ((o = 10 * (1073741821 - ds) - 5e3), (i = ru()), (n = 10 * (1073741821 - n) - i), (o = i - o), 0 > o && (o = 0), (o = (120 > o ? 120 : 480 > o ? 480 : 1080 > o ? 1080 : 1920 > o ? 1920 : 3e3 > o ? 3e3 : 4320 > o ? 4320 : 1960 * Ku(o / 1960)) - o), n < o && (o = n)), 10 < o) ) { e.timeoutHandle = Ga(Jr.bind(null, e), o); break; } Jr(e); break; case as: if (1073741823 !== ds && null !== ms) { a = ds; var l = ms; if (((o = 0 | l.busyMinDurationMs), 0 >= o ? (o = 0) : ((i = 0 | l.busyDelayMs), (a = ru() - (10 * (1073741821 - a) - (0 | l.timeoutMs || 5e3))), (o = a <= i ? 0 : i + o - a)), 10 < o)) { Ao(e, n), (e.timeoutHandle = Ga(Jr.bind(null, e), o)); break; } } Jr(e); break; default: throw Error(r(329)); } if ((jr(e), e.callbackNode === t)) return Rr.bind(null, e); } } return null; } function zr(e) { var t = e.lastExpiredTime; if (((t = 0 !== t ? t : 1073741823), e.finishedExpirationTime === t)) Jr(e); else { if ((ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu) throw Error(r(327)); if ((to(), (e === us && t === cs) || Lr(e, t), null !== ss)) { var n = ls; ls |= $u; for (var o = Vr(); ; ) try { Yr(); break; } catch (t) { Gr(e, t); } if ((Kt(), (ls = n), (Xu.current = o), fs === ns)) throw ((n = ps), Lr(e, t), Ao(e, t), jr(e), n); if (null !== ss) throw Error(r(261)); (e.finishedWork = e.current.alternate), (e.finishedExpirationTime = t), (us = null), Jr(e), jr(e); } } return null; } function Ir() { if (null !== Ss) { var e = Ss; (Ss = null), e.forEach(function (e, t) { Co(t, e), jr(t); }), Vt(); } } function Wr(e, t) { var n = ls; ls |= 1; try { return e(t); } finally { (ls = n) === Zu && Vt(); } } function Ur(e, t) { var n = ls; (ls &= -2), (ls |= Ju); try { return e(t); } finally { (ls = n) === Zu && Vt(); } } function Lr(e, t) { (e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedExpirationTime = 0); var n = e.timeoutHandle; if ((-1 !== n && ((e.timeoutHandle = -1), Va(n)), null !== ss)) for (n = ss.return; null !== n; ) { var r = n; switch (r.tag) { case 1: var o = r.type.childContextTypes; null !== o && void 0 !== o && Nt(r); break; case 3: Cn(r), Ft(r); break; case 5: kn(r); break; case 4: Cn(r); break; case 13: case 19: Pt(Au, r); break; case 10: Qt(r); } n = n.return; } (us = e), (ss = po(e.current, null)), (cs = t), (fs = ts), (ps = null), (hs = ds = 1073741823), (ms = null), (ys = 0), (gs = !1); } function Gr(e, t) { for (;;) { try { if ((Kt(), On(), null === ss || null === ss.return)) return (fs = ns), (ps = t), null; e: { var n = e, r = ss.return, o = ss, i = t; if (((t = cs), (o.effectTag |= 2048), (o.firstEffect = o.lastEffect = null), null !== i && "object" === typeof i && "function" === typeof i.then)) { var a = i, l = 0 !== (1 & Au.current), u = r; do { var s; if ((s = 13 === u.tag)) { var c = u.memoizedState; if (null !== c) s = null !== c.dehydrated; else { var f = u.memoizedProps; s = void 0 !== f.fallback && (!0 !== f.unstable_avoidThisFallback || !l); } } if (s) { var p = u.updateQueue; if (null === p) { var d = new Set(); d.add(a), (u.updateQueue = d); } else p.add(a); if (0 === (2 & u.mode)) { if (((u.effectTag |= 64), (o.effectTag &= -2981), 1 === o.tag)) if (null === o.alternate) o.tag = 17; else { var h = nn(1073741823, null); (h.tag = 2), on(o, h); } o.expirationTime = 1073741823; break e; } (i = void 0), (o = t); var m = n.pingCache; if ((null === m ? ((m = n.pingCache = new Yu()), (i = new Set()), m.set(a, i)) : void 0 === (i = m.get(a)) && ((i = new Set()), m.set(a, i)), !i.has(o))) { i.add(o); var y = io.bind(null, n, a, o); a.then(y, y); } (u.effectTag |= 4096), (u.expirationTime = t); break e; } u = u.return; } while (null !== u); i = Error( (g(o.type) || "A React component") + " suspended while rendering, but no fallback UI was specified.\n\nAdd a component higher in the tree to provide a loading indicator or placeholder to display." + v(o) ); } fs !== as && (fs = rs), (i = yr(i, o)), (u = r); do { switch (u.tag) { case 3: (a = i), (u.effectTag |= 4096), (u.expirationTime = t); an(u, Pr(u, a, t)); break e; case 1: a = i; var b = u.type, A = u.stateNode; if (0 === (64 & u.effectTag) && ("function" === typeof b.getDerivedStateFromError || (null !== A && "function" === typeof A.componentDidCatch && (null === ws || !ws.has(A))))) { (u.effectTag |= 4096), (u.expirationTime = t); an(u, Or(u, a, t)); break e; } } u = u.return; } while (null !== u); } ss = Qr(ss); } catch (e) { t = e; continue; } break; } } function Vr() { var e = Xu.current; return (Xu.current = ju), null === e ? ju : e; } function qr(e, t) { e < ds && 2 < e && (ds = e), null !== t && e < hs && 2 < e && ((hs = e), (ms = t)); } function Hr(e) { e > ys && (ys = e); } function Yr() { for (; null !== ss; ) ss = Xr(ss); } function Kr() { for (; null !== ss && !Ll(); ) ss = Xr(ss); } function Xr(e) { var t = qu(e.alternate, e, cs); return (e.memoizedProps = e.pendingProps), null === t && (t = Qr(e)), (Qu.current = null), t; } function Qr(e) { ss = e; do { var t = ss.alternate; if (((e = ss.return), 0 === (2048 & ss.effectTag))) { e: { var n = t; t = ss; var o = cs, i = t.pendingProps; switch (t.tag) { case 2: case 16: break; case 15: case 0: break; case 1: Tt(t.type) && Nt(t); break; case 3: Cn(t), Ft(t), (i = t.stateNode), i.pendingContext && ((i.context = i.pendingContext), (i.pendingContext = null)), (null === n || null === n.child) && Zn(t) && dr(t), Ol(t); break; case 5: kn(t), (o = An(bu.current)); var a = t.type; if (null !== n && null != t.stateNode) Ml(n, t, a, i, o), n.ref !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128); else if (i) { var l = An(gu.current); if (Zn(t)) { i = t; var u = i.stateNode; n = i.type; var s = i.memoizedProps, c = o; switch (((u[Ha] = i), (u[Ya] = s), (a = void 0), (o = u), n)) { case "iframe": case "object": case "embed": Fe("load", o); break; case "video": case "audio": for (u = 0; u < Ui.length; u++) Fe(Ui[u], o); break; case "source": Fe("error", o); break; case "img": case "image": case "link": Fe("error", o), Fe("load", o); break; case "form": Fe("reset", o), Fe("submit", o); break; case "details": Fe("toggle", o); break; case "input": z(o, s), Fe("invalid", o), Ke(c, "onChange"); break; case "select": (o._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!s.multiple }), Fe("invalid", o), Ke(c, "onChange"); break; case "textarea": Y(o, s), Fe("invalid", o), Ke(c, "onChange"); } He(n, s), (u = null); for (a in s) s.hasOwnProperty(a) && ((l = s[a]), "children" === a ? "string" === typeof l ? o.textContent !== l && (u = ["children", l]) : "number" === typeof l && o.textContent !== "" + l && (u = ["children", "" + l]) : Wo.hasOwnProperty(a) && null != l && Ke(c, a)); switch (n) { case "input": D(o), U(o, s, !0); break; case "textarea": D(o), X(o, s); break; case "select": case "option": break; default: "function" === typeof s.onClick && (o.onclick = Xe); } (a = u), (i.updateQueue = a), (i = null !== a), i && dr(t); } else { (n = t), (c = a), (s = i), (u = 9 === o.nodeType ? o : o.ownerDocument), l === Pi.html && (l = Q(c)), l === Pi.html ? "script" === c ? ((s = u.createElement("div")), (s.innerHTML = ""), (u = s.removeChild(s.firstChild))) : "string" === typeof s.is ? (u = u.createElement(c, { is: s.is })) : ((u = u.createElement(c)), "select" === c && ((c = u), s.multiple ? (c.multiple = !0) : s.size && (c.size = s.size))) : (u = u.createElementNS(l, c)), (s = u), (s[Ha] = n), (s[Ya] = i), Pl(s, t, !1, !1), (t.stateNode = s), (c = a), (n = i); var f = o, p = Ye(c, n); switch (c) { case "iframe": case "object": case "embed": Fe("load", s), (o = n); break; case "video": case "audio": for (o = 0; o < Ui.length; o++) Fe(Ui[o], s); o = n; break; case "source": Fe("error", s), (o = n); break; case "img": case "image": case "link": Fe("error", s), Fe("load", s), (o = n); break; case "form": Fe("reset", s), Fe("submit", s), (o = n); break; case "details": Fe("toggle", s), (o = n); break; case "input": z(s, n), (o = R(s, n)), Fe("invalid", s), Ke(f, "onChange"); break; case "option": o = V(s, n); break; case "select": (s._wrapperState = { wasMultiple: !!n.multiple }), (o = Fo({}, n, { value: void 0 })), Fe("invalid", s), Ke(f, "onChange"); break; case "textarea": Y(s, n), (o = H(s, n)), Fe("invalid", s), Ke(f, "onChange"); break; default: o = n; } He(c, o), (u = void 0), (l = c); var d = s, h = o; for (u in h) if (h.hasOwnProperty(u)) { var m = h[u]; "style" === u ? qe(d, m) : "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === u ? null != (m = m ? m.__html : void 0) && Oi(d, m) : "children" === u ? "string" === typeof m ? ("textarea" !== l || "" !== m) && J(d, m) : "number" === typeof m && J(d, "" + m) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== u && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== u && "autoFocus" !== u && (Wo.hasOwnProperty(u) ? null != m && Ke(f, u) : null != m && T(d, u, m, p)); } switch (c) { case "input": D(s), U(s, n, !1); break; case "textarea": D(s), X(s, n); break; case "option": null != n.value && s.setAttribute("value", "" + M(n.value)); break; case "select": (o = s), (o.multiple = !!n.multiple), (s = n.value), null != s ? q(o, !!n.multiple, s, !1) : null != n.defaultValue && q(o, !!n.multiple, n.defaultValue, !0); break; default: "function" === typeof o.onClick && (s.onclick = Xe); } (i = nt(a, i)) && dr(t); } null !== t.ref && (t.effectTag |= 128); } else if (null === t.stateNode) throw Error(r(166)); break; case 6: if (n && null != t.stateNode) Tl(n, t, n.memoizedProps, i); else { if ("string" !== typeof i && null === t.stateNode) throw Error(r(166)); (o = An(bu.current)), An(gu.current), Zn(t) ? ((i = t), (a = i.stateNode), (o = i.memoizedProps), (a[Ha] = i), (i = a.nodeValue !== o) && dr(t)) : ((a = t), (i = (9 === o.nodeType ? o : o.ownerDocument).createTextNode(i)), (i[Ha] = a), (t.stateNode = i)); } break; case 11: break; case 13: if ((Pt(Au, t), (i = t.memoizedState), 0 !== (64 & t.effectTag))) { t.expirationTime = o; break e; } (i = null !== i), (a = !1), null === n ? void 0 !== t.memoizedProps.fallback && Zn(t) : ((o = n.memoizedState), (a = null !== o), i || null === o || (null !== (o = n.child.sibling) && ((s = t.firstEffect), null !== s ? ((t.firstEffect = o), (o.nextEffect = s)) : ((t.firstEffect = t.lastEffect = o), (o.nextEffect = null)), (o.effectTag = 8)))), i && !a && 0 !== (2 & t.mode) && ((null === n && !0 !== t.memoizedProps.unstable_avoidThisFallback) || 0 !== (1 & Au.current) ? fs === ts && (fs = os) : ((fs !== ts && fs !== os) || (fs = is), 0 !== ys && null !== us && (Ao(us, cs), xo(us, ys)))), (i || a) && (t.effectTag |= 4); break; case 7: case 8: case 12: break; case 4: Cn(t), Ol(t); break; case 10: Qt(t); break; case 9: case 14: break; case 17: Tt(t.type) && Nt(t); break; case 19: if ((Pt(Au, t), null === (i = t.memoizedState))) break; if (((a = 0 !== (64 & t.effectTag)), null === (s = i.rendering))) { if (a) hr(i, !1); else if (fs !== ts || (null !== n && 0 !== (64 & n.effectTag))) for (n = t.child; null !== n; ) { if (null !== (s = En(n))) { for ( t.effectTag |= 64, hr(i, !1), a = s.updateQueue, null !== a && ((t.updateQueue = a), (t.effectTag |= 4)), null === i.lastEffect && (t.firstEffect = null), t.lastEffect = i.lastEffect, i = o, a = t.child; null !== a; ) (o = a), (n = i), (o.effectTag &= 2), (o.nextEffect = null), (o.firstEffect = null), (o.lastEffect = null), (s = o.alternate), null === s ? ((o.childExpirationTime = 0), (o.expirationTime = n), (o.child = null), (o.memoizedProps = null), (o.memoizedState = null), (o.updateQueue = null), (o.dependencies = null)) : ((o.childExpirationTime = s.childExpirationTime), (o.expirationTime = s.expirationTime), (o.child = s.child), (o.memoizedProps = s.memoizedProps), (o.memoizedState = s.memoizedState), (o.updateQueue = s.updateQueue), (n = s.dependencies), (o.dependencies = null === n ? null : { expirationTime: n.expirationTime, firstContext: n.firstContext, responders: n.responders })), (a = a.sibling); Ot(Au, (1 & Au.current) | 2, t), (t = t.child); break e; } n = n.sibling; } } else { if (!a) if (null !== (n = En(s))) { if (((t.effectTag |= 64), (a = !0), (o = n.updateQueue), null !== o && ((t.updateQueue = o), (t.effectTag |= 4)), hr(i, !0), null === i.tail && "hidden" === i.tailMode && !s.alternate)) { (t = t.lastEffect = i.lastEffect), null !== t && (t.nextEffect = null); break; } } else ru() > i.tailExpiration && 1 < o && ((t.effectTag |= 64), (a = !0), hr(i, !1), (t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = o - 1)); i.isBackwards ? ((s.sibling = t.child), (t.child = s)) : ((o = i.last), null !== o ? (o.sibling = s) : (t.child = s), (i.last = s)); } if (null !== i.tail) { 0 === i.tailExpiration && (i.tailExpiration = ru() + 500), (o = i.tail), (i.rendering = o), (i.tail = o.sibling), (i.lastEffect = t.lastEffect), (o.sibling = null), (i = Au.current), (i = a ? (1 & i) | 2 : 1 & i), Ot(Au, i, t), (t = o); break e; } break; case 20: case 21: break; default: throw Error(r(156, t.tag)); } t = null; } if (((i = ss), 1 === cs || 1 !== i.childExpirationTime)) { for (a = 0, o = i.child; null !== o; ) (n = o.expirationTime), (s = o.childExpirationTime), n > a && (a = n), s > a && (a = s), (o = o.sibling); i.childExpirationTime = a; } if (null !== t) return t; null !== e && 0 === (2048 & e.effectTag) && (null === e.firstEffect && (e.firstEffect = ss.firstEffect), null !== ss.lastEffect && (null !== e.lastEffect && (e.lastEffect.nextEffect = ss.firstEffect), (e.lastEffect = ss.lastEffect)), 1 < ss.effectTag && (null !== e.lastEffect ? (e.lastEffect.nextEffect = ss) : (e.firstEffect = ss), (e.lastEffect = ss))); } else { if (null !== (t = mr(ss, cs))) return (t.effectTag &= 2047), t; null !== e && ((e.firstEffect = e.lastEffect = null), (e.effectTag |= 2048)); } if (null !== (t = ss.sibling)) return t; ss = e; } while (null !== ss); return fs === ts && (fs = as), null; } function Zr(e) { var t = e.expirationTime; return (e = e.childExpirationTime), t > e ? t : e; } function Jr(e) { var t = It(); return Ut(99, $r.bind(null, e, t)), null; } function $r(e, t) { do { to(); } while (null !== Es); if ((ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu) throw Error(r(327)); var n = e.finishedWork, o = e.finishedExpirationTime; if (null === n) return null; if (((e.finishedWork = null), (e.finishedExpirationTime = 0), n === e.current)) throw Error(r(177)); (e.callbackNode = null), (e.callbackExpirationTime = 0), (e.callbackPriority = 90), (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0); var i = Zr(n); if ( ((e.firstPendingTime = i), o <= e.lastSuspendedTime ? (e.firstSuspendedTime = e.lastSuspendedTime = e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0) : o <= e.firstSuspendedTime && (e.firstSuspendedTime = o - 1), o <= e.lastPingedTime && (e.lastPingedTime = 0), o <= e.lastExpiredTime && (e.lastExpiredTime = 0), e === us && ((ss = us = null), (cs = 0)), 1 < n.effectTag ? (null !== n.lastEffect ? ((n.lastEffect.nextEffect = n), (i = n.firstEffect)) : (i = n)) : (i = n.firstEffect), null !== i) ) { var a = ls; (ls |= es), (Qu.current = null), (Ua = Ta); var l = et(); if (tt(l)) { if ("selectionStart" in l) var u = { start: l.selectionStart, end: l.selectionEnd }; else e: { u = ((u = l.ownerDocument) && u.defaultView) || window; var s = u.getSelection && u.getSelection(); if (s && 0 !== s.rangeCount) { u = s.anchorNode; var c = s.anchorOffset, f = s.focusNode; s = s.focusOffset; try { u.nodeType, f.nodeType; } catch (e) { u = null; break e; } var p = 0, d = -1, h = -1, m = 0, y = 0, g = l, v = null; t: for (;;) { for (var b; g !== u || (0 !== c && 3 !== g.nodeType) || (d = p + c), g !== f || (0 !== s && 3 !== g.nodeType) || (h = p + s), 3 === g.nodeType && (p += g.nodeValue.length), null !== (b = g.firstChild); ) (v = g), (g = b); for (;;) { if (g === l) break t; if ((v === u && ++m === c && (d = p), v === f && ++y === s && (h = p), null !== (b = g.nextSibling))) break; (g = v), (v = g.parentNode); } g = b; } u = -1 === d || -1 === h ? null : { start: d, end: h }; } else u = null; } u = u || { start: 0, end: 0 }; } else u = null; (La = { focusedElem: l, selectionRange: u }), (Ta = !1), (As = i); do { try { eo(); } catch (e) { if (null === As) throw Error(r(330)); oo(As, e), (As = As.nextEffect); } } while (null !== As); As = i; do { try { for (l = e, u = t; null !== As; ) { var A = As.effectTag; if ((16 & A && J(As.stateNode, ""), 128 & A)) { var x = As.alternate; if (null !== x) { var C = x.ref; null !== C && ("function" === typeof C ? C(null) : (C.current = null)); } } switch (1038 & A) { case 2: Er(As), (As.effectTag &= -3); break; case 6: Er(As), (As.effectTag &= -3), Sr(As.alternate, As); break; case 1024: As.effectTag &= -1025; break; case 1028: (As.effectTag &= -1025), Sr(As.alternate, As); break; case 4: Sr(As.alternate, As); break; case 8: (c = As), Br(l, c, u), wr(c); } As = As.nextEffect; } } catch (e) { if (null === As) throw Error(r(330)); oo(As, e), (As = As.nextEffect); } } while (null !== As); if (((C = La), (x = et()), (A = C.focusedElem), (u = C.selectionRange), x !== A && A && A.ownerDocument && $e(A.ownerDocument.documentElement, A))) { null !== u && tt(A) && ((x = u.start), (C = u.end), void 0 === C && (C = x), "selectionStart" in A ? ((A.selectionStart = x), (A.selectionEnd = Math.min(C, A.value.length))) : ((C = ((x = A.ownerDocument || document) && x.defaultView) || window), C.getSelection && ((C = C.getSelection()), (c = A.textContent.length), (l = Math.min(u.start, c)), (u = void 0 === u.end ? l : Math.min(u.end, c)), !C.extend && l > u && ((c = u), (u = l), (l = c)), (c = Je(A, l)), (f = Je(A, u)), c && f && (1 !== C.rangeCount || C.anchorNode !== c.node || C.anchorOffset !== c.offset || C.focusNode !== f.node || C.focusOffset !== f.offset) && ((x = x.createRange()), x.setStart(c.node, c.offset), C.removeAllRanges(), l > u ? (C.addRange(x), C.extend(f.node, f.offset)) : (x.setEnd(f.node, f.offset), C.addRange(x)))))), (x = []); for (C = A; (C = C.parentNode); ) 1 === C.nodeType && x.push({ element: C, left: C.scrollLeft, top: C.scrollTop }); for ("function" === typeof A.focus && A.focus(), A = 0; A < x.length; A++) (C = x[A]), (C.element.scrollLeft = C.left), (C.element.scrollTop = C.top); } (La = null), (Ta = !!Ua), (Ua = null), (e.current = n), (As = i); do { try { for (A = o; null !== As; ) { var w = As.effectTag; if (36 & w) { var k = As.alternate; switch (((x = As), (C = A), x.tag)) { case 0: case 11: case 15: xr(16, 32, x); break; case 1: var E = x.stateNode; if (4 & x.effectTag) if (null === k) E.componentDidMount(); else { var B = x.elementType === x.type ? k.memoizedProps : Yt(x.type, k.memoizedProps); E.componentDidUpdate(B, k.memoizedState, E.__reactInternalSnapshotBeforeUpdate); } var S = x.updateQueue; null !== S && cn(x, S, E, C); break; case 3: var _ = x.updateQueue; if (null !== _) { if (((l = null), null !== x.child)) switch (x.child.tag) { case 5: l = x.child.stateNode; break; case 1: l = x.child.stateNode; } cn(x, _, l, C); } break; case 5: var P = x.stateNode; null === k && 4 & x.effectTag && nt(x.type, x.memoizedProps) && P.focus(); break; case 6: case 4: case 12: break; case 13: if (null === x.memoizedState) { var O = x.alternate; if (null !== O) { var M = O.memoizedState; if (null !== M) { var T = M.dehydrated; null !== T && ye(T); } } } break; case 19: case 17: case 20: case 21: break; default: throw Error(r(163)); } } if (128 & w) { x = void 0; var N = As.ref; if (null !== N) { var F = As.stateNode; switch (As.tag) { case 5: x = F; break; default: x = F; } "function" === typeof N ? N(x) : (N.current = x); } } As = As.nextEffect; } } catch (e) { if (null === As) throw Error(r(330)); oo(As, e), (As = As.nextEffect); } } while (null !== As); (As = null), Jl(), (ls = a); } else e.current = n; if (ks) (ks = !1), (Es = e), (Bs = t); else for (As = i; null !== As; ) (t = As.nextEffect), (As.nextEffect = null), (As = t); if (((t = e.firstPendingTime), 0 === t && (ws = null), 1073741823 === t ? (e === Ps ? _s++ : ((_s = 0), (Ps = e))) : (_s = 0), "function" === typeof Ms && Ms(n.stateNode, o), jr(e), xs)) throw ((xs = !1), (e = Cs), (Cs = null), e); return (ls & Ju) !== Zu ? null : (Vt(), null); } function eo() { for (; null !== As; ) { var e = As.effectTag; 0 !== (256 & e) && Ar(As.alternate, As), 0 === (512 & e) || ks || ((ks = !0), Lt(97, function () { return to(), null; })), (As = As.nextEffect); } } function to() { if (90 !== Bs) { var e = 97 < Bs ? 97 : Bs; return (Bs = 90), Ut(e, no); } } function no() { if (null === Es) return !1; var e = Es; if (((Es = null), (ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu)) throw Error(r(331)); var t = ls; for (ls |= es, e = e.current.firstEffect; null !== e; ) { try { var n = e; if (0 !== (512 & n.effectTag)) switch (n.tag) { case 0: case 11: case 15: xr(128, 0, n), xr(0, 64, n); } } catch (t) { if (null === e) throw Error(r(330)); oo(e, t); } (n = e.nextEffect), (e.nextEffect = null), (e = n); } return (ls = t), Vt(), !0; } function ro(e, t, n) { (t = yr(n, t)), (t = Pr(e, t, 1073741823)), on(e, t), null !== (e = Fr(e, 1073741823)) && jr(e); } function oo(e, t) { if (3 === e.tag) ro(e, e, t); else for (var n = e.return; null !== n; ) { if (3 === n.tag) { ro(n, e, t); break; } if (1 === n.tag) { var r = n.stateNode; if ("function" === typeof n.type.getDerivedStateFromError || ("function" === typeof r.componentDidCatch && (null === ws || !ws.has(r)))) { (e = yr(t, e)), (e = Or(n, e, 1073741823)), on(n, e), (n = Fr(n, 1073741823)), null !== n && jr(n); break; } } n = n.return; } } function io(e, t, n) { var r = e.pingCache; null !== r && r.delete(t), us === e && cs === n ? fs === is || (fs === os && 1073741823 === ds && ru() - vs < bs) ? Lr(e, cs) : (gs = !0) : bo(e, n) && ((0 !== (t = e.lastPingedTime) && t < n) || ((e.lastPingedTime = n), e.finishedExpirationTime === n && ((e.finishedExpirationTime = 0), (e.finishedWork = null)), jr(e))); } function ao(e, t) { var n = e.stateNode; null !== n && n.delete(t), (t = 0), 0 === t && ((t = Mr()), (t = Tr(t, e, null))), null !== (e = Fr(e, t)) && jr(e); } function lo(e) { if ("undefined" === typeof __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__) return !1; var t = __REACT_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__; if (t.isDisabled || !t.supportsFiber) return !0; try { var n = t.inject(e); (Ms = function (e) { try { t.onCommitFiberRoot(n, e, void 0, 64 === (64 & e.current.effectTag)); } catch (e) {} }), (Ts = function (e) { try { t.onCommitFiberUnmount(n, e); } catch (e) {} }); } catch (e) {} return !0; } function uo(e, t, n, r) { (this.tag = e), (this.key = n), (this.sibling = this.child = this.return = this.stateNode = this.type = this.elementType = null), (this.index = 0), (this.ref = null), (this.pendingProps = t), (this.dependencies = this.memoizedState = this.updateQueue = this.memoizedProps = null), (this.mode = r), (this.effectTag = 0), (this.lastEffect = this.firstEffect = this.nextEffect = null), (this.childExpirationTime = this.expirationTime = 0), (this.alternate = null); } function so(e, t, n, r) { return new uo(e, t, n, r); } function co(e) { return !(!(e = e.prototype) || !e.isReactComponent); } function fo(e) { if ("function" === typeof e) return co(e) ? 1 : 0; if (void 0 !== e && null !== e) { if ((e = e.$$typeof) === si) return 11; if (e === pi) return 14; } return 2; } function po(e, t) { var n = e.alternate; return ( null === n ? ((n = so(e.tag, t, e.key, e.mode)), (n.elementType = e.elementType), (n.type = e.type), (n.stateNode = e.stateNode), (n.alternate = e), (e.alternate = n)) : ((n.pendingProps = t), (n.effectTag = 0), (n.nextEffect = null), (n.firstEffect = null), (n.lastEffect = null)), (n.childExpirationTime = e.childExpirationTime), (n.expirationTime = e.expirationTime), (n.child = e.child), (n.memoizedProps = e.memoizedProps), (n.memoizedState = e.memoizedState), (n.updateQueue = e.updateQueue), (t = e.dependencies), (n.dependencies = null === t ? null : { expirationTime: t.expirationTime, firstContext: t.firstContext, responders: t.responders }), (n.sibling = e.sibling), (n.index = e.index), (n.ref = e.ref), n ); } function ho(e, t, n, o, i, a) { var l = 2; if (((o = e), "function" === typeof e)) co(e) && (l = 1); else if ("string" === typeof e) l = 5; else e: switch (e) { case ri: return mo(n.children, i, a, t); case ui: (l = 8), (i |= 7); break; case oi: (l = 8), (i |= 1); break; case ii: return (e = so(12, n, t, 8 | i)), (e.elementType = ii), (e.type = ii), (e.expirationTime = a), e; case ci: return (e = so(13, n, t, i)), (e.type = ci), (e.elementType = ci), (e.expirationTime = a), e; case fi: return (e = so(19, n, t, i)), (e.elementType = fi), (e.expirationTime = a), e; default: if ("object" === typeof e && null !== e) switch (e.$$typeof) { case ai: l = 10; break e; case li: l = 9; break e; case si: l = 11; break e; case pi: l = 14; break e; case di: (l = 16), (o = null); break e; } throw Error(r(130, null == e ? e : typeof e, "")); } return (t = so(l, n, t, i)), (t.elementType = e), (t.type = o), (t.expirationTime = a), t; } function mo(e, t, n, r) { return (e = so(7, e, r, t)), (e.expirationTime = n), e; } function yo(e, t, n) { return (e = so(6, e, null, t)), (e.expirationTime = n), e; } function go(e, t, n) { return (t = so(4, null !== e.children ? e.children : [], e.key, t)), (t.expirationTime = n), (t.stateNode = { containerInfo: e.containerInfo, pendingChildren: null, implementation: e.implementation }), t; } function vo(e, t, n) { (this.tag = t), (this.current = null), (this.containerInfo = e), (this.pingCache = this.pendingChildren = null), (this.finishedExpirationTime = 0), (this.finishedWork = null), (this.timeoutHandle = -1), (this.pendingContext = this.context = null), (this.hydrate = n), (this.callbackNode = null), (this.callbackPriority = 90), (this.lastExpiredTime = this.lastPingedTime = this.nextKnownPendingLevel = this.lastSuspendedTime = this.firstSuspendedTime = this.firstPendingTime = 0); } function bo(e, t) { var n = e.firstSuspendedTime; return (e = e.lastSuspendedTime), 0 !== n && n >= t && e <= t; } function Ao(e, t) { var n = e.firstSuspendedTime, r = e.lastSuspendedTime; n < t && (e.firstSuspendedTime = t), (r > t || 0 === n) && (e.lastSuspendedTime = t), t <= e.lastPingedTime && (e.lastPingedTime = 0), t <= e.lastExpiredTime && (e.lastExpiredTime = 0); } function xo(e, t) { t > e.firstPendingTime && (e.firstPendingTime = t); var n = e.firstSuspendedTime; 0 !== n && (t >= n ? (e.firstSuspendedTime = e.lastSuspendedTime = e.nextKnownPendingLevel = 0) : t >= e.lastSuspendedTime && (e.lastSuspendedTime = t + 1), t > e.nextKnownPendingLevel && (e.nextKnownPendingLevel = t)); } function Co(e, t) { var n = e.lastExpiredTime; (0 === n || n > t) && (e.lastExpiredTime = t); } function wo(e, t, n, o) { var i = t.current, a = Mr(), l = cu.suspense; a = Tr(a, i, l); e: if (n) { n = n._reactInternalFiber; t: { if (te(n) !== n || 1 !== n.tag) throw Error(r(170)); var u = n; do { switch (u.tag) { case 3: u = u.stateNode.context; break t; case 1: if (Tt(u.type)) { u = u.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext; break t; } } u = u.return; } while (null !== u); throw Error(r(171)); } if (1 === n.tag) { var s = n.type; if (Tt(s)) { n = jt(n, s, u); break e; } } n = u; } else n = Dl; return null === t.context ? (t.context = n) : (t.pendingContext = n), (t = nn(a, l)), (t.payload = { element: e }), (o = void 0 === o ? null : o), null !== o && (t.callback = o), on(i, t), Nr(i, a), a; } function ko(e) { if (((e = e.current), !e.child)) return null; switch (e.child.tag) { case 5: default: return e.child.stateNode; } } function Eo(e, t) { null !== (e = e.memoizedState) && null !== e.dehydrated && e.retryTime < t && (e.retryTime = t); } function Bo(e, t) { Eo(e, t), (e = e.alternate) && Eo(e, t); } function So(e, t, n) { n = null != n && !0 === n.hydrate; var r = new vo(e, t, n), o = so(3, null, null, 2 === t ? 7 : 1 === t ? 3 : 0); (r.current = o), (o.stateNode = r), (e[Ka] = r.current), n && 0 !== t && ae(9 === e.nodeType ? e : e.ownerDocument), (this._internalRoot = r); } function _o(e) { return !(!e || (1 !== e.nodeType && 9 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType && (8 !== e.nodeType || " react-mount-point-unstable " !== e.nodeValue))); } function Po(e, t) { if ((t || ((t = e ? (9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e.firstChild) : null), (t = !(!t || 1 !== t.nodeType || !t.hasAttribute("data-reactroot")))), !t)) for (var n; (n = e.lastChild); ) e.removeChild(n); return new So(e, 0, t ? { hydrate: !0 } : void 0); } function Oo(e, t, n, r, o) { var i = n._reactRootContainer; if (i) { var a = i._internalRoot; if ("function" === typeof o) { var l = o; o = function () { var e = ko(a); l.call(e); }; } wo(t, a, e, o); } else { if (((i = n._reactRootContainer = Po(n, r)), (a = i._internalRoot), "function" === typeof o)) { var u = o; o = function () { var e = ko(a); u.call(e); }; } Ur(function () { wo(t, a, e, o); }); } return ko(a); } function Mo(e, t, n) { var r = 3 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : null; return { $$typeof: ni, key: null == r ? null : "" + r, children: e, containerInfo: t, implementation: n }; } function To(e, t) { var n = 2 < arguments.length && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : null; if (!_o(t)) throw Error(r(200)); return Mo(e, t, null, n); } var No = n("1n8/"), Fo = n("J4Nk"), Do = n("MDSO"); if (!No) throw Error(r(227)); var jo = null, Ro = {}, zo = [], Io = {}, Wo = {}, Uo = {}, Lo = !1, Go = null, Vo = !1, qo = null, Ho = { onError: function (e) { (Lo = !0), (Go = e); }, }, Yo = null, Ko = null, Xo = null, Qo = null, Zo = { injectEventPluginOrder: function (e) { if (jo) throw Error(r(101)); (jo = Array.prototype.slice.call(e)), o(); }, injectEventPluginsByName: function (e) { var t, n = !1; for (t in e) if (e.hasOwnProperty(t)) { var i = e[t]; if (!Ro.hasOwnProperty(t) || Ro[t] !== i) { if (Ro[t]) throw Error(r(102, t)); (Ro[t] = i), (n = !0); } } n && o(); }, }, Jo = No.__SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED; Jo.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentDispatcher") || (Jo.ReactCurrentDispatcher = { current: null }), Jo.hasOwnProperty("ReactCurrentBatchConfig") || (Jo.ReactCurrentBatchConfig = { suspense: null }); var $o = /^(.*)[\\\/]/, ei = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.for, ti = ei ? Symbol.for("react.element") : 60103, ni = ei ? Symbol.for("react.portal") : 60106, ri = ei ? Symbol.for("react.fragment") : 60107, oi = ei ? Symbol.for("react.strict_mode") : 60108, ii = ei ? Symbol.for("react.profiler") : 60114, ai = ei ? Symbol.for("react.provider") : 60109, li = ei ? Symbol.for("react.context") : 60110, ui = ei ? Symbol.for("react.concurrent_mode") : 60111, si = ei ? Symbol.for("react.forward_ref") : 60112, ci = ei ? Symbol.for("react.suspense") : 60113, fi = ei ? Symbol.for("react.suspense_list") : 60120, pi = ei ? Symbol.for("react.memo") : 60115, di = ei ? Symbol.for("react.lazy") : 60116; ei && Symbol.for("react.fundamental"), ei && Symbol.for("react.responder"), ei && Symbol.for("react.scope"); var hi = "function" === typeof Symbol && Symbol.iterator, mi = !("undefined" === typeof window || "undefined" === typeof window.document || "undefined" === typeof window.document.createElement), yi = null, gi = null, vi = null, bi = C, Ai = !1, xi = !1; new Map(); var Ci = /^[:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD][:A-Z_a-z\u00C0-\u00D6\u00D8-\u00F6\u00F8-\u02FF\u0370-\u037D\u037F-\u1FFF\u200C-\u200D\u2070-\u218F\u2C00-\u2FEF\u3001-\uD7FF\uF900-\uFDCF\uFDF0-\uFFFD\-.0-9\u00B7\u0300-\u036F\u203F-\u2040]*$/, wi = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, ki = {}, Ei = {}, Bi = {}; "children dangerouslySetInnerHTML defaultValue defaultChecked innerHTML suppressContentEditableWarning suppressHydrationWarning style".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 0, !1, e, null, !1); }), [ ["acceptCharset", "accept-charset"], ["className", "class"], ["htmlFor", "for"], ["httpEquiv", "http-equiv"], ].forEach(function (e) { var t = e[0]; Bi[t] = new P(t, 1, !1, e[1], null, !1); }), ["contentEditable", "draggable", "spellCheck", "value"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 2, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1); }), ["autoReverse", "externalResourcesRequired", "focusable", "preserveAlpha"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 2, !1, e, null, !1); }), "allowFullScreen async autoFocus autoPlay controls default defer disabled disablePictureInPicture formNoValidate hidden loop noModule noValidate open playsInline readOnly required reversed scoped seamless itemScope" .split(" ") .forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 3, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1); }), ["checked", "multiple", "muted", "selected"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 3, !0, e, null, !1); }), ["capture", "download"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 4, !1, e, null, !1); }), ["cols", "rows", "size", "span"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 6, !1, e, null, !1); }), ["rowSpan", "start"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 5, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1); }); var Si = /[\-:]([a-z])/g; "accent-height alignment-baseline arabic-form baseline-shift cap-height clip-path clip-rule color-interpolation color-interpolation-filters color-profile color-rendering dominant-baseline enable-background fill-opacity fill-rule flood-color flood-opacity font-family font-size font-size-adjust font-stretch font-style font-variant font-weight glyph-name glyph-orientation-horizontal glyph-orientation-vertical horiz-adv-x horiz-origin-x image-rendering letter-spacing lighting-color marker-end marker-mid marker-start overline-position overline-thickness paint-order panose-1 pointer-events rendering-intent shape-rendering stop-color stop-opacity strikethrough-position strikethrough-thickness stroke-dasharray stroke-dashoffset stroke-linecap stroke-linejoin stroke-miterlimit stroke-opacity stroke-width text-anchor text-decoration text-rendering underline-position underline-thickness unicode-bidi unicode-range units-per-em v-alphabetic v-hanging v-ideographic v-mathematical vector-effect vert-adv-y vert-origin-x vert-origin-y word-spacing writing-mode xmlns:xlink x-height" .split(" ") .forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(Si, O); Bi[t] = new P(t, 1, !1, e, null, !1); }), "xlink:actuate xlink:arcrole xlink:role xlink:show xlink:title xlink:type".split(" ").forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(Si, O); Bi[t] = new P(t, 1, !1, e, "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", !1); }), ["xml:base", "xml:lang", "xml:space"].forEach(function (e) { var t = e.replace(Si, O); Bi[t] = new P(t, 1, !1, e, "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace", !1); }), ["tabIndex", "crossOrigin"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !1); }), (Bi.xlinkHref = new P("xlinkHref", 1, !1, "xlink:href", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink", !0)), ["src", "href", "action", "formAction"].forEach(function (e) { Bi[e] = new P(e, 1, !1, e.toLowerCase(), null, !0); }); var _i, Pi = { html: "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", mathml: "http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML", svg: "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" }, Oi = (function (e) { return "undefined" !== typeof MSApp && MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction ? function (t, n, r, o) { MSApp.execUnsafeLocalFunction(function () { return e(t, n); }); } : e; })(function (e, t) { if (e.namespaceURI !== Pi.svg || "innerHTML" in e) e.innerHTML = t; else { for (_i = _i || document.createElement("div"), _i.innerHTML = "" + t.valueOf().toString() + "", t = _i.firstChild; e.firstChild; ) e.removeChild(e.firstChild); for (; t.firstChild; ) e.appendChild(t.firstChild); } }), Mi = { animationend: $("Animation", "AnimationEnd"), animationiteration: $("Animation", "AnimationIteration"), animationstart: $("Animation", "AnimationStart"), transitionend: $("Transition", "TransitionEnd") }, Ti = {}, Ni = {}; mi && ((Ni = document.createElement("div").style), "AnimationEvent" in window || (delete Mi.animationend.animation, delete Mi.animationiteration.animation, delete Mi.animationstart.animation), "TransitionEvent" in window || delete Mi.transitionend.transition); var Fi, Di, ji, Ri = ee("animationend"), zi = ee("animationiteration"), Ii = ee("animationstart"), Wi = ee("transitionend"), Ui = "abort canplay canplaythrough durationchange emptied encrypted ended error loadeddata loadedmetadata loadstart pause play playing progress ratechange seeked seeking stalled suspend timeupdate volumechange waiting".split( " " ), Li = !1, Gi = [], Vi = null, qi = null, Hi = null, Yi = new Map(), Ki = new Map(), Xi = [], Qi = "mousedown mouseup touchcancel touchend touchstart auxclick dblclick pointercancel pointerdown pointerup dragend dragstart drop compositionend compositionstart keydown keypress keyup input textInput close cancel copy cut paste click change contextmenu reset submit".split( " " ), Zi = "focus blur dragenter dragleave mouseover mouseout pointerover pointerout gotpointercapture lostpointercapture".split(" "); Fo(Be.prototype, { preventDefault: function () { this.defaultPrevented = !0; var e = this.nativeEvent; e && (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : "unknown" !== typeof e.returnValue && (e.returnValue = !1), (this.isDefaultPrevented = ke)); }, stopPropagation: function () { var e = this.nativeEvent; e && (e.stopPropagation ? e.stopPropagation() : "unknown" !== typeof e.cancelBubble && (e.cancelBubble = !0), (this.isPropagationStopped = ke)); }, persist: function () { this.isPersistent = ke; }, isPersistent: Ee, destructor: function () { var e, t = this.constructor.Interface; for (e in t) this[e] = null; (this.nativeEvent = this._targetInst = this.dispatchConfig = null), (this.isPropagationStopped = this.isDefaultPrevented = Ee), (this._dispatchInstances = this._dispatchListeners = null); }, }), (Be.Interface = { type: null, target: null, currentTarget: function () { return null; }, eventPhase: null, bubbles: null, cancelable: null, timeStamp: function (e) { return e.timeStamp || Date.now(); }, defaultPrevented: null, isTrusted: null, }), (Be.extend = function (e) { function t() {} function n() { return r.apply(this, arguments); } var r = this; t.prototype = r.prototype; var o = new t(); return Fo(o, n.prototype), (n.prototype = o), (n.prototype.constructor = n), (n.Interface = Fo({}, r.Interface, e)), (n.extend = r.extend), Pe(n), n; }), Pe(Be); for ( var Ji = Be.extend({ animationName: null, elapsedTime: null, pseudoElement: null }), $i = Be.extend({ clipboardData: function (e) { return ("clipboardData" in e) ? e.clipboardData : window.clipboardData; }, }), ea = Be.extend({ view: null, detail: null }), ta = ea.extend({ relatedTarget: null }), na = { Esc: "Escape", Spacebar: " ", Left: "ArrowLeft", Up: "ArrowUp", Right: "ArrowRight", Down: "ArrowDown", Del: "Delete", Win: "OS", Menu: "ContextMenu", Apps: "ContextMenu", Scroll: "ScrollLock", MozPrintableKey: "Unidentified", }, ra = { 8: "Backspace", 9: "Tab", 12: "Clear", 13: "Enter", 16: "Shift", 17: "Control", 18: "Alt", 19: "Pause", 20: "CapsLock", 27: "Escape", 32: " ", 33: "PageUp", 34: "PageDown", 35: "End", 36: "Home", 37: "ArrowLeft", 38: "ArrowUp", 39: "ArrowRight", 40: "ArrowDown", 45: "Insert", 46: "Delete", 112: "F1", 113: "F2", 114: "F3", 115: "F4", 116: "F5", 117: "F6", 118: "F7", 119: "F8", 120: "F9", 121: "F10", 122: "F11", 123: "F12", 144: "NumLock", 145: "ScrollLock", 224: "Meta", }, oa = { Alt: "altKey", Control: "ctrlKey", Meta: "metaKey", Shift: "shiftKey" }, ia = ea.extend({ key: function (e) { if (e.key) { var t = na[e.key] || e.key; if ("Unidentified" !== t) return t; } return "keypress" === e.type ? ((e = Oe(e)), 13 === e ? "Enter" : String.fromCharCode(e)) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? ra[e.keyCode] || "Unidentified" : ""; }, location: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, repeat: null, locale: null, getModifierState: Te, charCode: function (e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? Oe(e) : 0; }, keyCode: function (e) { return "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0; }, which: function (e) { return "keypress" === e.type ? Oe(e) : "keydown" === e.type || "keyup" === e.type ? e.keyCode : 0; }, }), aa = 0, la = 0, ua = !1, sa = !1, ca = ea.extend({ screenX: null, screenY: null, clientX: null, clientY: null, pageX: null, pageY: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, getModifierState: Te, button: null, buttons: null, relatedTarget: function (e) { return e.relatedTarget || (e.fromElement === e.srcElement ? e.toElement : e.fromElement); }, movementX: function (e) { if (("movementX" in e)) return e.movementX; var t = aa; return (aa = e.screenX), ua ? ("mousemove" === e.type ? e.screenX - t : 0) : ((ua = !0), 0); }, movementY: function (e) { if (("movementY" in e)) return e.movementY; var t = la; return (la = e.screenY), sa ? ("mousemove" === e.type ? e.screenY - t : 0) : ((sa = !0), 0); }, }), fa = ca.extend({ pointerId: null, width: null, height: null, pressure: null, tangentialPressure: null, tiltX: null, tiltY: null, twist: null, pointerType: null, isPrimary: null }), pa = ca.extend({ dataTransfer: null }), da = ea.extend({ touches: null, targetTouches: null, changedTouches: null, altKey: null, metaKey: null, ctrlKey: null, shiftKey: null, getModifierState: Te }), ha = Be.extend({ propertyName: null, elapsedTime: null, pseudoElement: null }), ma = ca.extend({ deltaX: function (e) { return ("deltaX" in e) ? e.deltaX : ("wheelDeltaX" in e) ? -e.wheelDeltaX : 0; }, deltaY: function (e) { return ("deltaY" in e) ? e.deltaY : ("wheelDeltaY" in e) ? -e.wheelDeltaY : ("wheelDelta" in e) ? -e.wheelDelta : 0; }, deltaZ: null, deltaMode: null, }), ya = [ ["blur", "blur", 0], ["cancel", "cancel", 0], ["click", "click", 0], ["close", "close", 0], ["contextmenu", "contextMenu", 0], ["copy", "copy", 0], ["cut", "cut", 0], ["auxclick", "auxClick", 0], ["dblclick", "doubleClick", 0], ["dragend", "dragEnd", 0], ["dragstart", "dragStart", 0], ["drop", "drop", 0], ["focus", "focus", 0], ["input", "input", 0], ["invalid", "invalid", 0], ["keydown", "keyDown", 0], ["keypress", "keyPress", 0], ["keyup", "keyUp", 0], ["mousedown", "mouseDown", 0], ["mouseup", "mouseUp", 0], ["paste", "paste", 0], ["pause", "pause", 0], ["play", "play", 0], ["pointercancel", "pointerCancel", 0], ["pointerdown", "pointerDown", 0], ["pointerup", "pointerUp", 0], ["ratechange", "rateChange", 0], ["reset", "reset", 0], ["seeked", "seeked", 0], ["submit", "submit", 0], ["touchcancel", "touchCancel", 0], ["touchend", "touchEnd", 0], ["touchstart", "touchStart", 0], ["volumechange", "volumeChange", 0], ["drag", "drag", 1], ["dragenter", "dragEnter", 1], ["dragexit", "dragExit", 1], ["dragleave", "dragLeave", 1], ["dragover", "dragOver", 1], ["mousemove", "mouseMove", 1], ["mouseout", "mouseOut", 1], ["mouseover", "mouseOver", 1], ["pointermove", "pointerMove", 1], ["pointerout", "pointerOut", 1], ["pointerover", "pointerOver", 1], ["scroll", "scroll", 1], ["toggle", "toggle", 1], ["touchmove", "touchMove", 1], ["wheel", "wheel", 1], ["abort", "abort", 2], [Ri, "animationEnd", 2], [zi, "animationIteration", 2], [Ii, "animationStart", 2], ["canplay", "canPlay", 2], ["canplaythrough", "canPlayThrough", 2], ["durationchange", "durationChange", 2], ["emptied", "emptied", 2], ["encrypted", "encrypted", 2], ["ended", "ended", 2], ["error", "error", 2], ["gotpointercapture", "gotPointerCapture", 2], ["load", "load", 2], ["loadeddata", "loadedData", 2], ["loadedmetadata", "loadedMetadata", 2], ["loadstart", "loadStart", 2], ["lostpointercapture", "lostPointerCapture", 2], ["playing", "playing", 2], ["progress", "progress", 2], ["seeking", "seeking", 2], ["stalled", "stalled", 2], ["suspend", "suspend", 2], ["timeupdate", "timeUpdate", 2], [Wi, "transitionEnd", 2], ["waiting", "waiting", 2], ], ga = {}, va = {}, ba = 0; ba < ya.length; ba++ ) { var Aa = ya[ba], xa = Aa[0], Ca = Aa[1], wa = Aa[2], ka = "on" + (Ca[0].toUpperCase() + Ca.slice(1)), Ea = { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: ka, captured: ka + "Capture" }, dependencies: [xa], eventPriority: wa }; (ga[Ca] = Ea), (va[xa] = Ea); } var Ba = { eventTypes: ga, getEventPriority: function (e) { return (e = va[e]), void 0 !== e ? e.eventPriority : 2; }, extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) { var o = va[e]; if (!o) return null; switch (e) { case "keypress": if (0 === Oe(n)) return null; case "keydown": case "keyup": e = ia; break; case "blur": case "focus": e = ta; break; case "click": if (2 === n.button) return null; case "auxclick": case "dblclick": case "mousedown": case "mousemove": case "mouseup": case "mouseout": case "mouseover": case "contextmenu": e = ca; break; case "drag": case "dragend": case "dragenter": case "dragexit": case "dragleave": case "dragover": case "dragstart": case "drop": e = pa; break; case "touchcancel": case "touchend": case "touchmove": case "touchstart": e = da; break; case Ri: case zi: case Ii: e = Ji; break; case Wi: e = ha; break; case "scroll": e = ea; break; case "wheel": e = ma; break; case "copy": case "cut": case "paste": e = $i; break; case "gotpointercapture": case "lostpointercapture": case "pointercancel": case "pointerdown": case "pointermove": case "pointerout": case "pointerover": case "pointerup": e = fa; break; default: e = Be; } return (t = e.getPooled(o, t, n, r)), we(t), t; }, }, Sa = Do.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, _a = Do.unstable_runWithPriority, Pa = Ba.getEventPriority, Oa = 10, Ma = [], Ta = !0, Na = new ("function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map)(), Fa = { animationIterationCount: !0, borderImageOutset: !0, borderImageSlice: !0, borderImageWidth: !0, boxFlex: !0, boxFlexGroup: !0, boxOrdinalGroup: !0, columnCount: !0, columns: !0, flex: !0, flexGrow: !0, flexPositive: !0, flexShrink: !0, flexNegative: !0, flexOrder: !0, gridArea: !0, gridRow: !0, gridRowEnd: !0, gridRowSpan: !0, gridRowStart: !0, gridColumn: !0, gridColumnEnd: !0, gridColumnSpan: !0, gridColumnStart: !0, fontWeight: !0, lineClamp: !0, lineHeight: !0, opacity: !0, order: !0, orphans: !0, tabSize: !0, widows: !0, zIndex: !0, zoom: !0, fillOpacity: !0, floodOpacity: !0, stopOpacity: !0, strokeDasharray: !0, strokeDashoffset: !0, strokeMiterlimit: !0, strokeOpacity: !0, strokeWidth: !0, }, Da = ["Webkit", "ms", "Moz", "O"]; Object.keys(Fa).forEach(function (e) { Da.forEach(function (t) { (t = t + e.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + e.substring(1)), (Fa[t] = Fa[e]); }); }); var ja = Fo({ menuitem: !0 }, { area: !0, base: !0, br: !0, col: !0, embed: !0, hr: !0, img: !0, input: !0, keygen: !0, link: !0, meta: !0, param: !0, source: !0, track: !0, wbr: !0 }), Ra = "$", za = "/$", Ia = "$?", Wa = "$!", Ua = null, La = null, Ga = "function" === typeof setTimeout ? setTimeout : void 0, Va = "function" === typeof clearTimeout ? clearTimeout : void 0, qa = Math.random().toString(36).slice(2), Ha = "__reactInternalInstance$" + qa, Ya = "__reactEventHandlers$" + qa, Ka = "__reactContainere$" + qa, Xa = null, Qa = null, Za = null, Ja = Be.extend({ data: null }), $a = Be.extend({ data: null }), el = [9, 13, 27, 32], tl = mi && "CompositionEvent" in window, nl = null; mi && "documentMode" in document && (nl = document.documentMode); var rl = mi && "TextEvent" in window && !nl, ol = mi && (!tl || (nl && 8 < nl && 11 >= nl)), il = String.fromCharCode(32), al = { beforeInput: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onBeforeInput", captured: "onBeforeInputCapture" }, dependencies: ["compositionend", "keypress", "textInput", "paste"] }, compositionEnd: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onCompositionEnd", captured: "onCompositionEndCapture" }, dependencies: "blur compositionend keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ") }, compositionStart: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onCompositionStart", captured: "onCompositionStartCapture" }, dependencies: "blur compositionstart keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ") }, compositionUpdate: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onCompositionUpdate", captured: "onCompositionUpdateCapture" }, dependencies: "blur compositionupdate keydown keypress keyup mousedown".split(" ") }, }, ll = !1, ul = !1, sl = { eventTypes: al, extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) { var o; if (tl) e: { switch (e) { case "compositionstart": var i = al.compositionStart; break e; case "compositionend": i = al.compositionEnd; break e; case "compositionupdate": i = al.compositionUpdate; break e; } i = void 0; } else ul ? ft(e, n) && (i = al.compositionEnd) : "keydown" === e && 229 === n.keyCode && (i = al.compositionStart); return ( i ? (ol && "ko" !== n.locale && (ul || i !== al.compositionStart ? i === al.compositionEnd && ul && (o = ct()) : ((Xa = r), (Qa = "value" in Xa ? Xa.value : Xa.textContent), (ul = !0))), (i = Ja.getPooled(i, t, n, r)), o ? (i.data = o) : null !== (o = pt(n)) && (i.data = o), we(i), (o = i)) : (o = null), (e = rl ? dt(e, n) : ht(e, n)) ? ((t = $a.getPooled(al.beforeInput, t, n, r)), (t.data = e), we(t)) : (t = null), null === o ? t : null === t ? o : [o, t] ); }, }, cl = { color: !0, date: !0, datetime: !0, "datetime-local": !0, email: !0, month: !0, number: !0, password: !0, range: !0, search: !0, tel: !0, text: !0, time: !0, url: !0, week: !0 }, fl = { change: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onChange", captured: "onChangeCapture" }, dependencies: "blur change click focus input keydown keyup selectionchange".split(" ") } }, pl = null, dl = null, hl = !1; mi && (hl = Ue("input") && (!document.documentMode || 9 < document.documentMode)); var ml, yl = { eventTypes: fl, _isInputEventSupported: hl, extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) { var o = t ? ut(t) : window, i = o.nodeName && o.nodeName.toLowerCase(); if ("select" === i || ("input" === i && "file" === o.type)) var a = bt; else if (mt(o)) if (hl) a = Et; else { a = wt; var l = Ct; } else (i = o.nodeName) && "input" === i.toLowerCase() && ("checkbox" === o.type || "radio" === o.type) && (a = kt); if (a && (a = a(e, t))) return yt(a, n, r); l && l(e, o, t), "blur" === e && (e = o._wrapperState) && e.controlled && "number" === o.type && L(o, "number", o.value); }, }, gl = { mouseEnter: { registrationName: "onMouseEnter", dependencies: ["mouseout", "mouseover"] }, mouseLeave: { registrationName: "onMouseLeave", dependencies: ["mouseout", "mouseover"] }, pointerEnter: { registrationName: "onPointerEnter", dependencies: ["pointerout", "pointerover"] }, pointerLeave: { registrationName: "onPointerLeave", dependencies: ["pointerout", "pointerover"] }, }, vl = { eventTypes: gl, extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r, o) { var i = "mouseover" === e || "pointerover" === e, a = "mouseout" === e || "pointerout" === e; if ((i && 0 === (32 & o) && (n.relatedTarget || n.fromElement)) || (!a && !i)) return null; if ( ((o = r.window === r ? r : (o = r.ownerDocument) ? o.defaultView || o.parentWindow : window), a ? ((a = t), null !== (t = (t = n.relatedTarget || n.toElement) ? at(t) : null) && ((i = te(t)), t !== i || (5 !== t.tag && 6 !== t.tag)) && (t = null)) : (a = null), a === t) ) return null; if ("mouseout" === e || "mouseover" === e) var l = ca, u = gl.mouseLeave, s = gl.mouseEnter, c = "mouse"; else ("pointerout" !== e && "pointerover" !== e) || ((l = fa), (u = gl.pointerLeave), (s = gl.pointerEnter), (c = "pointer")); if ( ((e = null == a ? o : ut(a)), (o = null == t ? o : ut(t)), (u = l.getPooled(u, a, n, r)), (u.type = c + "leave"), (u.target = e), (u.relatedTarget = o), (r = l.getPooled(s, t, n, r)), (r.type = c + "enter"), (r.target = o), (r.relatedTarget = e), (l = a), (c = t), l && c) ) e: { for (s = l, e = c, a = 0, t = s; t; t = ve(t)) a++; for (t = 0, o = e; o; o = ve(o)) t++; for (; 0 < a - t; ) (s = ve(s)), a--; for (; 0 < t - a; ) (e = ve(e)), t--; for (; a--; ) { if (s === e || s === e.alternate) break e; (s = ve(s)), (e = ve(e)); } s = null; } else s = null; for (e = s, s = []; l && l !== e && (null === (a = l.alternate) || a !== e); ) s.push(l), (l = ve(l)); for (l = []; c && c !== e && (null === (a = c.alternate) || a !== e); ) l.push(c), (c = ve(c)); for (c = 0; c < s.length; c++) xe(s[c], "bubbled", u); for (c = l.length; 0 < c--; ) xe(l[c], "captured", r); return n === ml ? ((ml = null), [u]) : ((ml = n), [u, r]); }, }, bl = "function" === typeof Object.is ? Object.is : Bt, Al = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, xl = mi && "documentMode" in document && 11 >= document.documentMode, Cl = { select: { phasedRegistrationNames: { bubbled: "onSelect", captured: "onSelectCapture" }, dependencies: "blur contextmenu dragend focus keydown keyup mousedown mouseup selectionchange".split(" ") } }, wl = null, kl = null, El = null, Bl = !1, Sl = { eventTypes: Cl, extractEvents: function (e, t, n, r) { var o, i = r.window === r ? r.document : 9 === r.nodeType ? r : r.ownerDocument; if (!(o = !i)) { e: { (i = Le(i)), (o = Uo.onSelect); for (var a = 0; a < o.length; a++) if (!i.has(o[a])) { i = !1; break e; } i = !0; } o = !i; } if (o) return null; switch (((i = t ? ut(t) : window), e)) { case "focus": (mt(i) || "true" === i.contentEditable) && ((wl = i), (kl = t), (El = null)); break; case "blur": El = kl = wl = null; break; case "mousedown": Bl = !0; break; case "contextmenu": case "mouseup": case "dragend": return (Bl = !1), _t(n, r); case "selectionchange": if (xl) break; case "keydown": case "keyup": return _t(n, r); } return null; }, }; Zo.injectEventPluginOrder("ResponderEventPlugin SimpleEventPlugin EnterLeaveEventPlugin ChangeEventPlugin SelectEventPlugin BeforeInputEventPlugin".split(" ")); var _l = lt; (Yo = st), (Ko = _l), (Xo = ut), Zo.injectEventPluginsByName({ SimpleEventPlugin: Ba, EnterLeaveEventPlugin: vl, ChangeEventPlugin: yl, SelectEventPlugin: Sl, BeforeInputEventPlugin: sl }), new Set(); var Pl, Ol, Ml, Tl, Nl = [], Fl = -1, Dl = {}, jl = { current: Dl }, Rl = { current: !1 }, zl = Dl, Il = Do.unstable_runWithPriority, Wl = Do.unstable_scheduleCallback, Ul = Do.unstable_cancelCallback, Ll = Do.unstable_shouldYield, Gl = Do.unstable_requestPaint, Vl = Do.unstable_now, ql = Do.unstable_getCurrentPriorityLevel, Hl = Do.unstable_ImmediatePriority, Yl = Do.unstable_UserBlockingPriority, Kl = Do.unstable_NormalPriority, Xl = Do.unstable_LowPriority, Ql = Do.unstable_IdlePriority, Zl = {}, Jl = void 0 !== Gl ? Gl : function () {}, $l = null, eu = null, tu = !1, nu = Vl(), ru = 1e4 > nu ? Vl : function () { return Vl() - nu; }, ou = 3, iu = { current: null }, au = null, lu = null, uu = null, su = !1, cu = Jo.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, fu = new No.Component().refs, pu = { isMounted: function (e) { return !!(e = e._reactInternalFiber) && te(e) === e; }, enqueueSetState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternalFiber; var r = Mr(), o = cu.suspense; (r = Tr(r, e, o)), (o = nn(r, o)), (o.payload = t), void 0 !== n && null !== n && (o.callback = n), on(e, o), Nr(e, r); }, enqueueReplaceState: function (e, t, n) { e = e._reactInternalFiber; var r = Mr(), o = cu.suspense; (r = Tr(r, e, o)), (o = nn(r, o)), (o.tag = 1), (o.payload = t), void 0 !== n && null !== n && (o.callback = n), on(e, o), Nr(e, r); }, enqueueForceUpdate: function (e, t) { e = e._reactInternalFiber; var n = Mr(), r = cu.suspense; (n = Tr(n, e, r)), (r = nn(n, r)), (r.tag = 2), void 0 !== t && null !== t && (r.callback = t), on(e, r), Nr(e, n); }, }, du = Array.isArray, hu = bn(!0), mu = bn(!1), yu = {}, gu = { current: yu }, vu = { current: yu }, bu = { current: yu }, Au = { current: 0 }, xu = Jo.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Cu = Jo.ReactCurrentBatchConfig, wu = 0, ku = null, Eu = null, Bu = null, Su = null, _u = null, Pu = null, Ou = 0, Mu = null, Tu = 0, Nu = !1, Fu = null, Du = 0, ju = { readContext: $t, useCallback: Sn, useContext: Sn, useEffect: Sn, useImperativeHandle: Sn, useLayoutEffect: Sn, useMemo: Sn, useReducer: Sn, useRef: Sn, useState: Sn, useDebugValue: Sn, useResponder: Sn, useDeferredValue: Sn, useTransition: Sn, }, Ru = { readContext: $t, useCallback: Vn, useContext: $t, useEffect: Wn, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { return (n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null), zn(4, 36, Ln.bind(null, t, e), n); }, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return zn(4, 36, e, t); }, useMemo: function (e, t) { var n = Mn(); return (t = void 0 === t ? null : t), (e = e()), (n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e; }, useReducer: function (e, t, n) { var r = Mn(); return ( (t = void 0 !== n ? n(t) : t), (r.memoizedState = r.baseState = t), (e = r.queue = { last: null, dispatch: null, lastRenderedReducer: e, lastRenderedState: t }), (e = e.dispatch = Hn.bind(null, ku, e)), [r.memoizedState, e] ); }, useRef: function (e) { var t = Mn(); return (e = { current: e }), (t.memoizedState = e); }, useState: Dn, useDebugValue: Gn, useResponder: Bn, useDeferredValue: function (e, t) { var n = Dn(e), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return ( Wn( function () { Do.unstable_next(function () { var n = Cu.suspense; Cu.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t; try { o(e); } finally { Cu.suspense = n; } }); }, [e, t] ), r ); }, useTransition: function (e) { var t = Dn(!1), n = t[0], r = t[1]; return [ Vn( function (t) { r(!0), Do.unstable_next(function () { var n = Cu.suspense; Cu.suspense = void 0 === e ? null : e; try { r(!1), t(); } finally { Cu.suspense = n; } }); }, [e, n] ), n, ]; }, }, zu = { readContext: $t, useCallback: qn, useContext: $t, useEffect: Un, useImperativeHandle: function (e, t, n) { return (n = null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n.concat([e]) : null), In(4, 36, Ln.bind(null, t, e), n); }, useLayoutEffect: function (e, t) { return In(4, 36, e, t); }, useMemo: function (e, t) { var n = Tn(); t = void 0 === t ? null : t; var r = n.memoizedState; return null !== r && null !== t && _n(t, r[1]) ? r[0] : ((e = e()), (n.memoizedState = [e, t]), e); }, useReducer: Fn, useRef: function () { return Tn().memoizedState; }, useState: jn, useDebugValue: Gn, useResponder: Bn, useDeferredValue: function (e, t) { var n = jn(e), r = n[0], o = n[1]; return ( Un( function () { Do.unstable_next(function () { var n = Cu.suspense; Cu.suspense = void 0 === t ? null : t; try { o(e); } finally { Cu.suspense = n; } }); }, [e, t] ), r ); }, useTransition: function (e) { var t = jn(!1), n = t[0], r = t[1]; return [ qn( function (t) { r(!0), Do.unstable_next(function () { var n = Cu.suspense; Cu.suspense = void 0 === e ? null : e; try { r(!1), t(); } finally { Cu.suspense = n; } }); }, [e, n] ), n, ]; }, }, Iu = null, Wu = null, Uu = !1, Lu = Jo.ReactCurrentOwner, Gu = !1, Vu = { dehydrated: null, retryTime: 0 }; (Pl = function (e, t) { for (var n = t.child; null !== n; ) { if (5 === n.tag || 6 === n.tag) e.appendChild(n.stateNode); else if (4 !== n.tag && null !== n.child) { (n.child.return = n), (n = n.child); continue; } if (n === t) break; for (; null === n.sibling; ) { if (null === n.return || n.return === t) return; n = n.return; } (n.sibling.return = n.return), (n = n.sibling); } }), (Ol = function () {}), (Ml = function (e, t, n, r, o) { var i = e.memoizedProps; if (i !== r) { var a = t.stateNode; switch ((An(gu.current), (e = null), n)) { case "input": (i = R(a, i)), (r = R(a, r)), (e = []); break; case "option": (i = V(a, i)), (r = V(a, r)), (e = []); break; case "select": (i = Fo({}, i, { value: void 0 })), (r = Fo({}, r, { value: void 0 })), (e = []); break; case "textarea": (i = H(a, i)), (r = H(a, r)), (e = []); break; default: "function" !== typeof i.onClick && "function" === typeof r.onClick && (a.onclick = Xe); } He(n, r); var l, u; n = null; for (l in i) if (!r.hasOwnProperty(l) && i.hasOwnProperty(l) && null != i[l]) if ("style" === l) for (u in (a = i[l])) a.hasOwnProperty(u) && (n || (n = {}), (n[u] = "")); else "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" !== l && "children" !== l && "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l && "autoFocus" !== l && (Wo.hasOwnProperty(l) ? e || (e = []) : (e = e || []).push(l, null)); for (l in r) { var s = r[l]; if (((a = null != i ? i[l] : void 0), r.hasOwnProperty(l) && s !== a && (null != s || null != a))) if ("style" === l) if (a) { for (u in a) !a.hasOwnProperty(u) || (s && s.hasOwnProperty(u)) || (n || (n = {}), (n[u] = "")); for (u in s) s.hasOwnProperty(u) && a[u] !== s[u] && (n || (n = {}), (n[u] = s[u])); } else n || (e || (e = []), e.push(l, n)), (n = s); else "dangerouslySetInnerHTML" === l ? ((s = s ? s.__html : void 0), (a = a ? a.__html : void 0), null != s && a !== s && (e = e || []).push(l, "" + s)) : "children" === l ? a === s || ("string" !== typeof s && "number" !== typeof s) || (e = e || []).push(l, "" + s) : "suppressContentEditableWarning" !== l && "suppressHydrationWarning" !== l && (Wo.hasOwnProperty(l) ? (null != s && Ke(o, l), e || a === s || (e = [])) : (e = e || []).push(l, s)); } n && (e = e || []).push("style", n), (o = e), (t.updateQueue = o) && dr(t); } }), (Tl = function (e, t, n, r) { n !== r && dr(t); }); var qu, Hu = "function" === typeof WeakSet ? WeakSet : Set, Yu = "function" === typeof WeakMap ? WeakMap : Map, Ku = Math.ceil, Xu = Jo.ReactCurrentDispatcher, Qu = Jo.ReactCurrentOwner, Zu = 0, Ju = 8, $u = 16, es = 32, ts = 0, ns = 1, rs = 2, os = 3, is = 4, as = 5, ls = Zu, us = null, ss = null, cs = 0, fs = ts, ps = null, ds = 1073741823, hs = 1073741823, ms = null, ys = 0, gs = !1, vs = 0, bs = 500, As = null, xs = !1, Cs = null, ws = null, ks = !1, Es = null, Bs = 90, Ss = null, _s = 0, Ps = null, Os = 0; qu = function (e, t, n) { var o = t.expirationTime; if (null !== e) { var i = t.pendingProps; if (e.memoizedProps !== i || Rl.current) Gu = !0; else { if (o < n) { switch (((Gu = !1), t.tag)) { case 3: lr(t), Jn(); break; case 5: if ((wn(t), 4 & t.mode && 1 !== n && i.hidden)) return (t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = 1), null; break; case 1: Tt(t.type) && Rt(t); break; case 4: xn(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo); break; case 10: Xt(t, t.memoizedProps.value); break; case 13: if (null !== t.memoizedState) return 0 !== (o = t.child.childExpirationTime) && o >= n ? ur(e, t, n) : (Ot(Au, 1 & Au.current, t), (t = pr(e, t, n)), null !== t ? t.sibling : null); Ot(Au, 1 & Au.current, t); break; case 19: if (((o = t.childExpirationTime >= n), 0 !== (64 & e.effectTag))) { if (o) return fr(e, t, n); t.effectTag |= 64; } if (((i = t.memoizedState), null !== i && ((i.rendering = null), (i.tail = null)), Ot(Au, Au.current, t), !o)) return null; } return pr(e, t, n); } Gu = !1; } } else Gu = !1; switch (((t.expirationTime = 0), t.tag)) { case 2: if ( ((o = t.type), null !== e && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.effectTag |= 2)), (e = t.pendingProps), (i = Mt(t, jl.current)), Jt(t, n), (i = Pn(null, t, o, e, i, n)), (t.effectTag |= 1), "object" === typeof i && null !== i && "function" === typeof i.render && void 0 === i.$$typeof) ) { if (((t.tag = 1), On(), Tt(o))) { var a = !0; Rt(t); } else a = !1; t.memoizedState = null !== i.state && void 0 !== i.state ? i.state : null; var l = o.getDerivedStateFromProps; "function" === typeof l && pn(t, o, l, e), (i.updater = pu), (t.stateNode = i), (i._reactInternalFiber = t), yn(t, o, e, n), (t = ar(null, t, o, !0, a, n)); } else (t.tag = 0), $n(null, t, i, n), (t = t.child); return t; case 16: if (((i = t.elementType), null !== e && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.effectTag |= 2)), (e = t.pendingProps), y(i), 1 !== i._status)) throw i._result; switch (((i = i._result), (t.type = i), (a = t.tag = fo(i)), (e = Yt(i, e)), a)) { case 0: t = or(null, t, i, e, n); break; case 1: t = ir(null, t, i, e, n); break; case 11: t = er(null, t, i, e, n); break; case 14: t = tr(null, t, i, Yt(i.type, e), o, n); break; default: throw Error(r(306, i, "")); } return t; case 0: return (o = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (i = t.elementType === o ? i : Yt(o, i)), or(e, t, o, i, n); case 1: return (o = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (i = t.elementType === o ? i : Yt(o, i)), ir(e, t, o, i, n); case 3: if ((lr(t), null === (o = t.updateQueue))) throw Error(r(282)); if (((i = t.memoizedState), (i = null !== i ? i.element : null), sn(t, o, t.pendingProps, null, n), (o = t.memoizedState.element) === i)) Jn(), (t = pr(e, t, n)); else { if (((i = t.stateNode.hydrate) && ((Wu = ot(t.stateNode.containerInfo.firstChild)), (Iu = t), (i = Uu = !0)), i)) for (n = mu(t, null, o, n), t.child = n; n; ) (n.effectTag = (-3 & n.effectTag) | 1024), (n = n.sibling); else $n(e, t, o, n), Jn(); t = t.child; } return t; case 5: return ( wn(t), null === e && Xn(t), (o = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (a = null !== e ? e.memoizedProps : null), (l = i.children), rt(o, i) ? (l = null) : null !== a && rt(o, a) && (t.effectTag |= 16), rr(e, t), 4 & t.mode && 1 !== n && i.hidden ? ((t.expirationTime = t.childExpirationTime = 1), (t = null)) : ($n(e, t, l, n), (t = t.child)), t ); case 6: return null === e && Xn(t), null; case 13: return ur(e, t, n); case 4: return xn(t, t.stateNode.containerInfo), (o = t.pendingProps), null === e ? (t.child = hu(t, null, o, n)) : $n(e, t, o, n), t.child; case 11: return (o = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (i = t.elementType === o ? i : Yt(o, i)), er(e, t, o, i, n); case 7: return $n(e, t, t.pendingProps, n), t.child; case 8: case 12: return $n(e, t, t.pendingProps.children, n), t.child; case 10: e: { if (((o = t.type._context), (i = t.pendingProps), (l = t.memoizedProps), (a = i.value), Xt(t, a), null !== l)) { var u = l.value; if (0 === (a = bl(u, a) ? 0 : 0 | ("function" === typeof o._calculateChangedBits ? o._calculateChangedBits(u, a) : 1073741823))) { if (l.children === i.children && !Rl.current) { t = pr(e, t, n); break e; } } else for (null !== (u = t.child) && (u.return = t); null !== u; ) { var s = u.dependencies; if (null !== s) { l = u.child; for (var c = s.firstContext; null !== c; ) { if (c.context === o && 0 !== (c.observedBits & a)) { 1 === u.tag && ((c = nn(n, null)), (c.tag = 2), on(u, c)), u.expirationTime < n && (u.expirationTime = n), (c = u.alternate), null !== c && c.expirationTime < n && (c.expirationTime = n), Zt(u.return, n), s.expirationTime < n && (s.expirationTime = n); break; } c = c.next; } } else l = 10 === u.tag && u.type === t.type ? null : u.child; if (null !== l) l.return = u; else for (l = u; null !== l; ) { if (l === t) { l = null; break; } if (null !== (u = l.sibling)) { (u.return = l.return), (l = u); break; } l = l.return; } u = l; } } $n(e, t, i.children, n), (t = t.child); } return t; case 9: return (i = t.type), (a = t.pendingProps), (o = a.children), Jt(t, n), (i = $t(i, a.unstable_observedBits)), (o = o(i)), (t.effectTag |= 1), $n(e, t, o, n), t.child; case 14: return (i = t.type), (a = Yt(i, t.pendingProps)), (a = Yt(i.type, a)), tr(e, t, i, a, o, n); case 15: return nr(e, t, t.type, t.pendingProps, o, n); case 17: return ( (o = t.type), (i = t.pendingProps), (i = t.elementType === o ? i : Yt(o, i)), null !== e && ((e.alternate = null), (t.alternate = null), (t.effectTag |= 2)), (t.tag = 1), Tt(o) ? ((e = !0), Rt(t)) : (e = !1), Jt(t, n), hn(t, o, i, n), yn(t, o, i, n), ar(null, t, o, !0, e, n) ); case 19: return fr(e, t, n); } throw Error(r(156, t.tag)); }; var Ms = null, Ts = null; (So.prototype.render = function (e, t) { wo(e, this._internalRoot, null, void 0 === t ? null : t); }), (So.prototype.unmount = function (e) { var t = this._internalRoot, n = void 0 === e ? null : e, r = t.containerInfo; wo(null, t, null, function () { (r[Ka] = null), null !== n && n(); }); }), (Fi = function (e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = Ht(Mr(), 150, 100); Nr(e, t), Bo(e, t); } }), (Di = function (e) { if (13 === e.tag) { Mr(); var t = ou++; Nr(e, t), Bo(e, t); } }), (ji = function (e) { if (13 === e.tag) { var t = Mr(); (t = Tr(t, e, null)), Nr(e, t), Bo(e, t); } }), (yi = function (e, t, n) { switch (t) { case "input": if ((W(e, n), (t = n.name), "radio" === n.type && null != t)) { for (n = e; n.parentNode; ) n = n.parentNode; for (n = n.querySelectorAll("input[name=" + JSON.stringify("" + t) + '][type="radio"]'), t = 0; t < n.length; t++) { var o = n[t]; if (o !== e && o.form === e.form) { var i = st(o); if (!i) throw Error(r(90)); j(o), W(o, i); } } } break; case "textarea": K(e, n); break; case "select": null != (t = n.value) && q(e, !!n.multiple, t, !1); } }), (C = Wr), (w = function (e, t, n, r) { var o = ls; ls |= 4; try { return Ut(98, e.bind(null, t, n, r)); } finally { (ls = o) === Zu && Vt(); } }), (k = function () { (ls & (1 | $u | es)) === Zu && (Ir(), to()); }), (bi = function (e, t) { var n = ls; ls |= 2; try { return e(t); } finally { (ls = n) === Zu && Vt(); } }); var Ns = { createPortal: To, findDOMNode: function (e) { if (null == e) return null; if (1 === e.nodeType) return e; var t = e._reactInternalFiber; if (void 0 === t) { if ("function" === typeof e.render) throw Error(r(188)); throw Error(r(268, Object.keys(e))); } return (e = ie(t)), (e = null === e ? null : e.stateNode); }, hydrate: function (e, t, n) { if (!_o(t)) throw Error(r(200)); return Oo(null, e, t, !0, n); }, render: function (e, t, n) { if (!_o(t)) throw Error(r(200)); return Oo(null, e, t, !1, n); }, unstable_renderSubtreeIntoContainer: function (e, t, n, o) { if (!_o(n)) throw Error(r(200)); if (null == e || void 0 === e._reactInternalFiber) throw Error(r(38)); return Oo(e, t, n, !1, o); }, unmountComponentAtNode: function (e) { if (!_o(e)) throw Error(r(40)); return ( !!e._reactRootContainer && (Ur(function () { Oo(null, null, e, !1, function () { (e._reactRootContainer = null), (e[Ka] = null); }); }), !0) ); }, unstable_createPortal: function () { return To.apply(void 0, arguments); }, unstable_batchedUpdates: Wr, flushSync: function (e, t) { if ((ls & ($u | es)) !== Zu) throw Error(r(187)); var n = ls; ls |= 1; try { return Ut(99, e.bind(null, t)); } finally { (ls = n), Vt(); } }, __SECRET_INTERNALS_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED: { Events: [ lt, ut, st, Zo.injectEventPluginsByName, Io, we, function (e) { f(e, Ce); }, A, x, Ie, d, to, { current: !1 }, ], }, }; !(function (e) { var t = e.findFiberByHostInstance; lo( Fo({}, e, { overrideHookState: null, overrideProps: null, setSuspenseHandler: null, scheduleUpdate: null, currentDispatcherRef: Jo.ReactCurrentDispatcher, findHostInstanceByFiber: function (e) { return (e = ie(e)), null === e ? null : e.stateNode; }, findFiberByHostInstance: function (e) { return t ? t(e) : null; }, findHostInstancesForRefresh: null, scheduleRefresh: null, scheduleRoot: null, setRefreshHandler: null, getCurrentFiber: null, }) ); })({ findFiberByHostInstance: at, bundleType: 0, version: "16.12.0", rendererPackageName: "react-dom" }); var Fs = { default: Ns }, Ds = (Fs && Ns) || Fs; e.exports = Ds.default || Ds; }, i1Q6: function (e, t) { var n = (e.exports = "undefined" != typeof window && window.Math == Math ? window : "undefined" != typeof self && self.Math == Math ? self : Function("return this")()); "number" == typeof __g && (__g = n); }, i8vT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var n, r, o = {}, i = Object.keys(e); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) (n = i[r]), t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (o[n] = e[n]); return o; } function i() { return ( (i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }), i.apply(this, arguments) ); } function a(e, t) { (e.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype)), (e.prototype.constructor = e), (e.__proto__ = t); } function l(e) { if (void 0 === e) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); return e; } (t.__esModule = !0), (t.default = void 0); var u = r(n("5D9O")), s = r(n("1n8/")), c = n("nkXc"), f = n("GT3O"), p = Object.values || function (e) { return Object.keys(e).map(function (t) { return e[t]; }); }, d = { component: "div", childFactory: function (e) { return e; }, }, h = (function (e) { function t(t, n) { var r; r = e.call(this, t, n) || this; var o = r.handleExited.bind(l(l(r))); return (r.state = { handleExited: o, firstRender: !0 }), r; } a(t, e); var n = t.prototype; return ( (n.getChildContext = function () { return { transitionGroup: { isMounting: !this.appeared } }; }), (n.componentDidMount = function () { (this.appeared = !0), (this.mounted = !0); }), (n.componentWillUnmount = function () { this.mounted = !1; }), (t.getDerivedStateFromProps = function (e, t) { var n = t.children, r = t.handleExited; return { children: t.firstRender ? (0, f.getInitialChildMapping)(e, r) : (0, f.getNextChildMapping)(e, n, r), firstRender: !1 }; }), (n.handleExited = function (e, t) { var n = (0, f.getChildMapping)(this.props.children); e.key in n || (e.props.onExited && e.props.onExited(t), this.mounted && this.setState(function (t) { var n = i({}, t.children); return delete n[e.key], { children: n }; })); }), (n.render = function () { var e = this.props, t = e.component, n = e.childFactory, r = o(e, ["component", "childFactory"]), i = p(this.state.children).map(n); return delete r.appear, delete r.enter, delete r.exit, null === t ? i : s.default.createElement(t, r, i); }), t ); })(s.default.Component); (h.childContextTypes = { transitionGroup: u.default.object.isRequired }), (h.propTypes = {}), (h.defaultProps = d); var m = (0, c.polyfill)(h); (t.default = m), (e.exports = t.default); }, iE6D: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var r = n("eJdH"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r); t.default = new o.default(); }, ibPW: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("Ky5l"), __esModule: !0 }; }, ioJm: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (null == e) return e; var t = "undefined" === typeof e ? "undefined" : o(e); if ("string" === t || "number" === t || "function" === t) return e; if (l(e)) return e.map(r); if ((0, a.default)(e)) return e; var n = {}; for (var i in e) { var u = e[i]; "object" !== ("undefined" === typeof u ? "undefined" : o(u)) ? (n[i] = u) : (n[i] = r(u)); } return n; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; t.default = r; var i = n("bJ7U"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = Array.isArray; }, j034: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = r(n("3dLy")), i = r(n("IxO8")), a = r(n("U8F3")), l = r(n("0fcM")), u = r(n("P8NW")), s = r(n("0421")), c = r(n("UJE0")), f = r(n("d4H2")), p = r(n("1n8/")), d = (r(n("5D9O")), r(n("9qb7"))), h = r(n("4RiQ")), m = (function (e) { function t() { var e, n; (0, l.default)(this, t); for (var r = arguments.length, o = new Array(r), i = 0; i < r; i++) o[i] = arguments[i]; return ( (n = (0, s.default)(this, (e = (0, c.default)(t)).call.apply(e, [this].concat(o)))), (n.state = { visible: !1, leaving: !1 }), (n.handleEnter = function () { n.setState({ visible: !0 }); }), (n.handleExit = function () { n.setState({ leaving: !0 }); }), n ); } return ( (0, f.default)(t, e), (0, u.default)(t, [ { key: "render", value: function () { var e, t, n = this.props, r = n.classes, l = n.className, u = n.pulsate, s = n.rippleX, c = n.rippleY, f = n.rippleSize, m = (0, a.default)(n, ["classes", "className", "pulsate", "rippleX", "rippleY", "rippleSize"]), y = this.state, g = y.visible, v = y.leaving, b = (0, d.default)(r.ripple, ((e = {}), (0, i.default)(e, r.rippleVisible, g), (0, i.default)(e, r.ripplePulsate, u), e), l), A = { width: f, height: f, top: -f / 2 + c, left: -f / 2 + s }, x = (0, d.default)(r.child, ((t = {}), (0, i.default)(t, r.childLeaving, v), (0, i.default)(t, r.childPulsate, u), t)); return p.default.createElement( h.default, (0, o.default)({ onEnter: this.handleEnter, onExit: this.handleExit }, m), p.default.createElement("span", { className: b, style: A }, p.default.createElement("span", { className: x })) ); }, }, ]), t ); })(p.default.Component); (m.propTypes = {}), (m.defaultProps = { pulsate: !1 }); var y = m; t.default = y; }, j5AU: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = /(-[a-z])/g, n = function (e) { return e[1].toUpperCase(); }, r = {}; for (var o in e) (r[o] = e[o]), (r[o.replace(t, n)] = e[o]); return r; } function o(e, t, n) { if (!t) return t; var r = t, i = "undefined" === typeof t ? "undefined" : a(t); switch (("object" === i && Array.isArray(t) && (i = "array"), i)) { case "object": if ("fallbacks" === e) { for (var l in t) t[l] = o(l, t[l], n); break; } for (var u in t) t[u] = o(e + "-" + u, t[u], n); break; case "array": for (var c = 0; c < t.length; c++) t[c] = o(e, t[c], n); break; case "number": 0 !== t && (r = t + (n[e] || s[e] || "")); } return r; } function i() { function e(e, t) { if ("style" !== t.type) return e; for (var n in e) e[n] = o(n, e[n], i); return e; } function t(e, t) { return o(t, e, i); } var n = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, i = r(n); return { onProcessStyle: e, onChangeValue: t }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var a = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }; t.default = i; var l = n("9I/U"), u = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(l), s = r(u.default); }, jNGL: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return "-" + e.toLowerCase(); } function o(e) { if (l.hasOwnProperty(e)) return l[e]; var t = e.replace(i, r); return (l[e] = a.test(t) ? "-" + t : t); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = /[A-Z]/g, a = /^ms-/, l = {}; t.default = o; }, jx4H: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.__esModule = !0; var r = n("FFZn"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r); t.default = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), (0, o.default)(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(); }, jysE: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { 50: "#fafafa", 100: "#f5f5f5", 200: "#eeeeee", 300: "#e0e0e0", 400: "#bdbdbd", 500: "#9e9e9e", 600: "#757575", 700: "#616161", 800: "#424242", 900: "#212121", A100: "#d5d5d5", A200: "#aaaaaa", A400: "#303030", A700: "#616161", }, o = r; t.default = o; }, ka1r: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (i.hasOwnProperty(e) && a.hasOwnProperty(t)) return o.map(function (e) { return e + t; }); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = ["-webkit-", "-moz-", ""], i = { maxHeight: !0, maxWidth: !0, width: !0, height: !0, columnWidth: !0, minWidth: !0, minHeight: !0 }, a = { "min-content": !0, "max-content": !0, "fill-available": !0, "fit-content": !0, "contain-floats": !0 }; e.exports = t.default; }, knrM: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("B9Lq"), o = n("KxjL"); e.exports = Object.keys || function (e) { return r(e, o); }; }, kom8: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { 50: "#ffebee", 100: "#ffcdd2", 200: "#ef9a9a", 300: "#e57373", 400: "#ef5350", 500: "#f44336", 600: "#e53935", 700: "#d32f2f", 800: "#c62828", 900: "#b71c1c", A100: "#ff8a80", A200: "#ff5252", A400: "#ff1744", A700: "#d50000", }, o = r; t.default = o; }, ky2m: function (e, t, n) { n("BtHH"), (e.exports = n("zKeE").Object.getPrototypeOf); }, "l+ms": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { return { plugins: [(0, i.default)(), (0, a.default)(), (0, l.default)(), (0, u.default)(), (0, s.default)(), (0, c.default)()] }; } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var i = o(n("oVtX")), a = o(n("vQxc")), l = o(n("TCEC")), u = o(n("j5AU")), s = o(n("np4e")), c = o(n("0kgT")), f = r; t.default = f; }, l262: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { return ( e.webpackPolyfill || ((e.deprecate = function () {}), (e.paths = []), e.children || (e.children = []), Object.defineProperty(e, "loaded", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return e.l; }, }), Object.defineProperty(e, "id", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return e.i; }, }), (e.webpackPolyfill = 1)), e ); }; }, lcwS: function (e, t) { function n(e, t) { var n = e[1] || "", o = e[3]; if (!o) return n; if (t && "function" === typeof btoa) { var i = r(o); return [n] .concat( o.sources.map(function (e) { return "/*# sourceURL=" + o.sourceRoot + e + " */"; }) ) .concat([i]) .join("\n"); } return [n].join("\n"); } function r(e) { return "/*# sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64," + btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(e)))) + " */"; } e.exports = function (e) { var t = []; return ( (t.toString = function () { return this.map(function (t) { var r = n(t, e); return t[2] ? "@media " + t[2] + "{" + r + "}" : r; }).join(""); }), (t.i = function (e, n) { "string" === typeof e && (e = [[null, e, ""]]); for (var r = {}, o = 0; o < this.length; o++) { var i = this[o][0]; "number" === typeof i && (r[i] = !0); } for (o = 0; o < e.length; o++) { var a = e[o]; ("number" === typeof a[0] && r[a[0]]) || (n && !a[2] ? (a[2] = n) : n && (a[2] = "(" + a[2] + ") and (" + n + ")"), t.push(a)); } }), t ); }; }, lfEA: function (e, t) { e.exports = function () { throw new Error("define cannot be used indirect"); }; }, lytE: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("MpYs"), o = n("U72i"); e.exports = function (e) { return function (t, n) { var i, a, l = String(o(t)), u = r(n), s = l.length; return u < 0 || u >= s ? e ? "" : void 0 : ((i = l.charCodeAt(u)), i < 55296 || i > 56319 || u + 1 === s || (a = l.charCodeAt(u + 1)) < 56320 || a > 57343 ? (e ? l.charAt(u) : i) : e ? l.slice(u, u + 2) : a - 56320 + ((i - 55296) << 10) + 65536); }; }; }, mK0O: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = { 50: "#fce4ec", 100: "#f8bbd0", 200: "#f48fb1", 300: "#f06292", 400: "#ec407a", 500: "#e91e63", 600: "#d81b60", 700: "#c2185b", 800: "#ad1457", 900: "#880e4f", A100: "#ff80ab", A200: "#ff4081", A400: "#f50057", A700: "#c51162", }, o = r; t.default = o; }, mYpx: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; t.__esModule = !0; var r = n("VuZO"), o = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(r); t.default = function (e) { if (Array.isArray(e)) { for (var t = 0, n = Array(e.length); t < e.length; t++) n[t] = e[t]; return n; } return (0, o.default)(e); }; }, mZSj: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if ("display" === e && o.hasOwnProperty(t)) return o[t]; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = { flex: ["-webkit-box", "-moz-box", "-ms-flexbox", "-webkit-flex", "flex"], "inline-flex": ["-webkit-inline-box", "-moz-inline-box", "-ms-inline-flexbox", "-webkit-inline-flex", "inline-flex"] }; e.exports = t.default; }, mbLO: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("U72i"); e.exports = function (e) { return Object(r(e)); }; }, moE3: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return (e && e.ownerDocument) || document; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = r; t.default = o; }, nFDa: function (e, t, n) { n("i+u+"), n("COf8"), (e.exports = n("ZxII").f("iterator")); }, nZkr: function (e, t, n) { !(function (t, r, o) { "undefined" != typeof e && e.exports ? (e.exports = o()) : n("lfEA")("bowser", o); })(0, 0, function () { function e(e) { function t(t) { var n = e.match(t); return (n && n.length > 1 && n[1]) || ""; } function n(t) { var n = e.match(t); return (n && n.length > 1 && n[2]) || ""; } var o, i = t(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i).toLowerCase(), l = /like android/i.test(e), u = !l && /android/i.test(e), s = /nexus\s*[0-6]\s*/i.test(e), c = !s && /nexus\s*[0-9]+/i.test(e), f = /CrOS/.test(e), p = /silk/i.test(e), d = /sailfish/i.test(e), h = /tizen/i.test(e), m = /(web|hpw)(o|0)s/i.test(e), y = /windows phone/i.test(e), g = (/SamsungBrowser/i.test(e), !y && /windows/i.test(e)), v = !i && !p && /macintosh/i.test(e), b = !u && !d && !h && !m && /linux/i.test(e), A = n(/edg([ea]|ios)\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i), x = t(/version\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i), C = /tablet/i.test(e) && !/tablet pc/i.test(e), w = !C && /[^-]mobi/i.test(e), k = /xbox/i.test(e); /opera/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Opera", opera: a, version: x || t(/(?:opera|opr|opios)[\s\/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /opr\/|opios/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Opera", opera: a, version: t(/(?:opr|opios)[\s\/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) || x }) : /SamsungBrowser/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Samsung Internet for Android", samsungBrowser: a, version: x || t(/(?:SamsungBrowser)[\s\/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /Whale/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "NAVER Whale browser", whale: a, version: t(/(?:whale)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /MZBrowser/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "MZ Browser", mzbrowser: a, version: t(/(?:MZBrowser)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /coast/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Opera Coast", coast: a, version: x || t(/(?:coast)[\s\/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /focus/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Focus", focus: a, version: t(/(?:focus)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /yabrowser/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Yandex Browser", yandexbrowser: a, version: x || t(/(?:yabrowser)[\s\/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /ucbrowser/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "UC Browser", ucbrowser: a, version: t(/(?:ucbrowser)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /mxios/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Maxthon", maxthon: a, version: t(/(?:mxios)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /epiphany/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Epiphany", epiphany: a, version: t(/(?:epiphany)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /puffin/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Puffin", puffin: a, version: t(/(?:puffin)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /sleipnir/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Sleipnir", sleipnir: a, version: t(/(?:sleipnir)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : /k-meleon/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "K-Meleon", kMeleon: a, version: t(/(?:k-meleon)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) }) : y ? ((o = { name: "Windows Phone", osname: "Windows Phone", windowsphone: a }), A ? ((o.msedge = a), (o.version = A)) : ((o.msie = a), (o.version = t(/iemobile\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i)))) : /msie|trident/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Internet Explorer", msie: a, version: t(/(?:msie |rv:)(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : f ? (o = { name: "Chrome", osname: "Chrome OS", chromeos: a, chromeBook: a, chrome: a, version: t(/(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /edg([ea]|ios)/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Microsoft Edge", msedge: a, version: A }) : /vivaldi/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Vivaldi", vivaldi: a, version: t(/vivaldi\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) || x }) : d ? (o = { name: "Sailfish", osname: "Sailfish OS", sailfish: a, version: t(/sailfish\s?browser\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /seamonkey\//i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "SeaMonkey", seamonkey: a, version: t(/seamonkey\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /firefox|iceweasel|fxios/i.test(e) ? ((o = { name: "Firefox", firefox: a, version: t(/(?:firefox|iceweasel|fxios)[ \/](\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }), /\((mobile|tablet);[^\)]*rv:[\d\.]+\)/i.test(e) && ((o.firefoxos = a), (o.osname = "Firefox OS"))) : p ? (o = { name: "Amazon Silk", silk: a, version: t(/silk\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /phantom/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "PhantomJS", phantom: a, version: t(/phantomjs\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /slimerjs/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "SlimerJS", slimer: a, version: t(/slimerjs\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : /blackberry|\bbb\d+/i.test(e) || /rim\stablet/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "BlackBerry", osname: "BlackBerry OS", blackberry: a, version: x || t(/blackberry[\d]+\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : m ? ((o = { name: "WebOS", osname: "WebOS", webos: a, version: x || t(/w(?:eb)?osbrowser\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }), /touchpad\//i.test(e) && (o.touchpad = a)) : /bada/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Bada", osname: "Bada", bada: a, version: t(/dolfin\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : h ? (o = { name: "Tizen", osname: "Tizen", tizen: a, version: t(/(?:tizen\s?)?browser\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) || x }) : /qupzilla/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "QupZilla", qupzilla: a, version: t(/(?:qupzilla)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)+)/i) || x }) : /chromium/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Chromium", chromium: a, version: t(/(?:chromium)[\s\/](\d+(?:\.\d+)?)/i) || x }) : /chrome|crios|crmo/i.test(e) ? (o = { name: "Chrome", chrome: a, version: t(/(?:chrome|crios|crmo)\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i) }) : u ? (o = { name: "Android", version: x }) : /safari|applewebkit/i.test(e) ? ((o = { name: "Safari", safari: a }), x && (o.version = x)) : i ? ((o = { name: "iphone" == i ? "iPhone" : "ipad" == i ? "iPad" : "iPod" }), x && (o.version = x)) : (o = /googlebot/i.test(e) ? { name: "Googlebot", googlebot: a, version: t(/googlebot\/(\d+(\.\d+))/i) || x } : { name: t(/^(.*)\/(.*) /), version: n(/^(.*)\/(.*) /) }), !o.msedge && /(apple)?webkit/i.test(e) ? (/(apple)?webkit\/537\.36/i.test(e) ? ((o.name = o.name || "Blink"), (o.blink = a)) : ((o.name = o.name || "Webkit"), (o.webkit = a)), !o.version && x && (o.version = x)) : !o.opera && /gecko\//i.test(e) && ((o.name = o.name || "Gecko"), (o.gecko = a), (o.version = o.version || t(/gecko\/(\d+(\.\d+)?)/i))), o.windowsphone || (!u && !o.silk) ? !o.windowsphone && i ? ((o[i] = a), (o.ios = a), (o.osname = "iOS")) : v ? ((o.mac = a), (o.osname = "macOS")) : k ? ((o.xbox = a), (o.osname = "Xbox")) : g ? ((o.windows = a), (o.osname = "Windows")) : b && ((o.linux = a), (o.osname = "Linux")) : ((o.android = a), (o.osname = "Android")); var E = ""; o.windows ? (E = (function (e) { switch (e) { case "NT": return "NT"; case "XP": return "XP"; case "NT 5.0": return "2000"; case "NT 5.1": return "XP"; case "NT 5.2": return "2003"; case "NT 6.0": return "Vista"; case "NT 6.1": return "7"; case "NT 6.2": return "8"; case "NT 6.3": return "8.1"; case "NT 10.0": return "10"; default: return; } })(t(/Windows ((NT|XP)( \d\d?.\d)?)/i))) : o.windowsphone ? (E = t(/windows phone (?:os)?\s?(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)) : o.mac ? ((E = t(/Mac OS X (\d+([_\.\s]\d+)*)/i)), (E = E.replace(/[_\s]/g, "."))) : i ? ((E = t(/os (\d+([_\s]\d+)*) like mac os x/i)), (E = E.replace(/[_\s]/g, "."))) : u ? (E = t(/android[ \/-](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)) : o.webos ? (E = t(/(?:web|hpw)os\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)) : o.blackberry ? (E = t(/rim\stablet\sos\s(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)) : o.bada ? (E = t(/bada\/(\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)) : o.tizen && (E = t(/tizen[\/\s](\d+(\.\d+)*)/i)), E && (o.osversion = E); var B = !o.windows && E.split(".")[0]; return ( C || c || "ipad" == i || (u && (3 == B || (B >= 4 && !w))) || o.silk ? (o.tablet = a) : (w || "iphone" == i || "ipod" == i || u || s || o.blackberry || o.webos || o.bada) && (o.mobile = a), o.msedge || (o.msie && o.version >= 10) || (o.yandexbrowser && o.version >= 15) || (o.vivaldi && o.version >= 1) || (o.chrome && o.version >= 20) || (o.samsungBrowser && o.version >= 4) || (o.whale && 1 === r([o.version, "1.0"])) || (o.mzbrowser && 1 === r([o.version, "6.0"])) || (o.focus && 1 === r([o.version, "1.0"])) || (o.firefox && o.version >= 20) || (o.safari && o.version >= 6) || (o.opera && o.version >= 10) || (o.ios && o.osversion && o.osversion.split(".")[0] >= 6) || (o.blackberry && o.version >= 10.1) || (o.chromium && o.version >= 20) ? (o.a = a) : (o.msie && o.version < 10) || (o.chrome && o.version < 20) || (o.firefox && o.version < 20) || (o.safari && o.version < 6) || (o.opera && o.version < 10) || (o.ios && o.osversion && o.osversion.split(".")[0] < 6) || (o.chromium && o.version < 20) ? (o.c = a) : (o.x = a), o ); } function t(e) { return e.split(".").length; } function n(e, t) { var n, r = []; if (Array.prototype.map) return Array.prototype.map.call(e, t); for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r.push(t(e[n])); return r; } function r(e) { for ( var r = Math.max(t(e[0]), t(e[1])), o = n(e, function (e) { var o = r - t(e); return ( (e += new Array(o + 1).join(".0")), n(e.split("."), function (e) { return new Array(20 - e.length).join("0") + e; }).reverse() ); }); --r >= 0; ) { if (o[0][r] > o[1][r]) return 1; if (o[0][r] !== o[1][r]) return -1; if (0 === r) return 0; } } function o(t, n, o) { var i = l; "string" === typeof n && ((o = n), (n = void 0)), void 0 === n && (n = !1), o && (i = e(o)); var a = "" + i.version; for (var u in t) if (t.hasOwnProperty(u) && i[u]) { if ("string" !== typeof t[u]) throw new Error("Browser version in the minVersion map should be a string: " + u + ": " + String(t)); return r([a, t[u]]) < 0; } return n; } function i(e, t, n) { return !o(e, t, n); } var a = !0, l = e("undefined" !== typeof navigator ? navigator.userAgent || "" : ""); return ( (l.test = function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { var n = e[t]; if ("string" === typeof n && n in l) return !0; } return !1; }), (l.isUnsupportedBrowser = o), (l.compareVersions = r), (l.check = i), (l._detect = e), (l.detect = e), l ); }); }, nkXc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { var e = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(this.props, this.state); null !== e && void 0 !== e && this.setState(e); } function o(e) { function t(t) { var n = this.constructor.getDerivedStateFromProps(e, t); return null !== n && void 0 !== n ? n : null; } this.setState(t.bind(this)); } function i(e, t) { try { var n = this.props, r = this.state; (this.props = e), (this.state = t), (this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag = !0), (this.__reactInternalSnapshot = this.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate(n, r)); } finally { (this.props = n), (this.state = r); } } function a(e) { var t = e.prototype; if (!t || !t.isReactComponent) throw new Error("Can only polyfill class components"); if ("function" !== typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && "function" !== typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate) return e; var n = null, a = null, l = null; if ( ("function" === typeof t.componentWillMount ? (n = "componentWillMount") : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillMount && (n = "UNSAFE_componentWillMount"), "function" === typeof t.componentWillReceiveProps ? (a = "componentWillReceiveProps") : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps && (a = "UNSAFE_componentWillReceiveProps"), "function" === typeof t.componentWillUpdate ? (l = "componentWillUpdate") : "function" === typeof t.UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate && (l = "UNSAFE_componentWillUpdate"), null !== n || null !== a || null !== l) ) { var u = e.displayName || e.name, s = "function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps ? "getDerivedStateFromProps()" : "getSnapshotBeforeUpdate()"; throw Error( "Unsafe legacy lifecycles will not be called for components using new component APIs.\n\n" + u + " uses " + s + " but also contains the following legacy lifecycles:" + (null !== n ? "\n " + n : "") + (null !== a ? "\n " + a : "") + (null !== l ? "\n " + l : "") + "\n\nThe above lifecycles should be removed. Learn more about this warning here:\nhttps://fb.me/react-async-component-lifecycle-hooks" ); } if (("function" === typeof e.getDerivedStateFromProps && ((t.componentWillMount = r), (t.componentWillReceiveProps = o)), "function" === typeof t.getSnapshotBeforeUpdate)) { if ("function" !== typeof t.componentDidUpdate) throw new Error("Cannot polyfill getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() for components that do not define componentDidUpdate() on the prototype"); t.componentWillUpdate = i; var c = t.componentDidUpdate; t.componentDidUpdate = function (e, t, n) { var r = this.__reactInternalSnapshotFlag ? this.__reactInternalSnapshot : n; c.call(this, e, t, r); }; } return e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), n.d(t, "polyfill", function () { return a; }), (r.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0), (o.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0), (i.__suppressDeprecationWarning = !0); }, noYc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, i = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), a = n("ciB6"), l = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(a), u = (function () { function e(t, n, i) { r(this, e), (this.type = "keyframes"), (this.isProcessed = !1), (this.key = t), (this.options = i), (this.rules = new l.default(o({}, i, { parent: this }))); for (var a in n) this.rules.add(a, n[a], o({}, this.options, { parent: this, selector: a })); this.rules.process(); } return ( i(e, [ { key: "toString", value: function () { var e = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : { indent: 1 }, t = this.rules.toString(e); return t && (t += "\n"), this.key + " {\n" + t + "}"; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = u; }, np4e: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { function e(e) { "keyframes" === e.type && (e.key = "@" + i.prefix.css + e.key.substr(1)); } function t(e, t) { if ("style" !== t.type) return e; for (var n in e) { var r = e[n], o = !1, a = i.supportedProperty(n); a && a !== n && (o = !0); var l = !1, u = i.supportedValue(a, r); u && u !== r && (l = !0), (o || l) && (o && delete e[n], (e[a || n] = u || r)); } return e; } function n(e, t) { return i.supportedValue(t, e); } return { onProcessRule: e, onProcessStyle: t, onChangeValue: n }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = n("gwKb"), i = (function (e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var t = {}; if (null != e) for (var n in e) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e, n) && (t[n] = e[n]); return (t.default = e), t; })(o); }, oVtX: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } function o(e, t) { for (var n = e.split(m), r = "", o = 0; o < n.length; o++) (r += t + " " + n[o].trim()), n[o + 1] && (r += ", "); return r; } function i(e) { var t = e.options, n = e.style, r = n[f]; if (r) { for (var i in r) t.sheet.addRule(i, r[i], u({}, t, { selector: o(i, e.selector) })); delete n[f]; } } function a(e) { var t = e.options, n = e.style; for (var r in n) if (r.substr(0, f.length) === f) { var i = o(r.substr(f.length), e.selector); t.sheet.addRule(i, n[r], u({}, t, { selector: i })), delete n[r]; } } function l() { function e(e, t, n) { if (e === f) return new d(e, t, n); if ("@" === e[0] && e.substr(0, p.length) === p) return new h(e, t, n); var r = n.parent; return r && (("global" !== r.type && "global" !== r.options.parent.type) || (n.global = !0)), n.global && (n.selector = e), null; } function t(e) { "style" === e.type && (i(e), a(e)); } return { onCreateRule: e, onProcessRule: t }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var u = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, s = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(); t.default = l; var c = n("+HdU"), f = "@global", p = "@global ", d = (function () { function e(t, n, o) { r(this, e), (this.type = "global"), (this.key = t), (this.options = o), (this.rules = new c.RuleList(u({}, o, { parent: this }))); for (var i in n) this.rules.add(i, n[i], { selector: i }); this.rules.process(); } return ( s(e, [ { key: "getRule", value: function (e) { return this.rules.get(e); }, }, { key: "addRule", value: function (e, t, n) { var r = this.rules.add(e, t, n); return this.options.jss.plugins.onProcessRule(r), r; }, }, { key: "indexOf", value: function (e) { return this.rules.indexOf(e); }, }, { key: "toString", value: function () { return this.rules.toString(); }, }, ]), e ); })(), h = (function () { function e(t, n, o) { r(this, e), (this.name = t), (this.options = o); var i = t.substr(p.length); this.rule = o.jss.createRule(i, n, u({}, o, { parent: this, selector: i })); } return ( s(e, [ { key: "toString", value: function (e) { return this.rule.toString(e); }, }, ]), e ); })(), m = /\s*,\s*/g; }, olYX: function (e, t) { e.exports = { type: "FeatureCollection", features: [ { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Afghanistan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [61.210817, 35.650072], [62.230651, 35.270664], [62.984662, 35.404041], [63.193538, 35.857166], [63.982896, 36.007957], [64.546479, 36.312073], [64.746105, 37.111818], [65.588948, 37.305217], [65.745631, 37.661164], [66.217385, 37.39379], [66.518607, 37.362784], [67.075782, 37.356144], [67.83, 37.144994], [68.135562, 37.023115], [68.859446, 37.344336], [69.196273, 37.151144], [69.518785, 37.608997], [70.116578, 37.588223], [70.270574, 37.735165], [70.376304, 38.138396], [70.806821, 38.486282], [71.348131, 38.258905], [71.239404, 37.953265], [71.541918, 37.905774], [71.448693, 37.065645], [71.844638, 36.738171], [72.193041, 36.948288], [72.63689, 37.047558], [73.260056, 37.495257], [73.948696, 37.421566], [74.980002, 37.41999], [75.158028, 37.133031], [74.575893, 37.020841], [74.067552, 36.836176], [72.920025, 36.720007], [71.846292, 36.509942], [71.262348, 36.074388], [71.498768, 35.650563], [71.613076, 35.153203], [71.115019, 34.733126], [71.156773, 34.348911], [70.881803, 33.988856], [69.930543, 34.02012], [70.323594, 33.358533], [69.687147, 33.105499], [69.262522, 32.501944], [69.317764, 31.901412], [68.926677, 31.620189], [68.556932, 31.71331], [67.792689, 31.58293], [67.683394, 31.303154], [66.938891, 31.304911], [66.381458, 30.738899], [66.346473, 29.887943], [65.046862, 29.472181], [64.350419, 29.560031], [64.148002, 29.340819], [63.550261, 29.468331], [62.549857, 29.318572], [60.874248, 29.829239], [61.781222, 30.73585], [61.699314, 31.379506], [60.941945, 31.548075], [60.863655, 32.18292], [60.536078, 32.981269], [60.9637, 33.528832], [60.52843, 33.676446], [60.803193, 34.404102], [61.210817, 35.650072], ], ], }, id: "AFG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Angola" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [16.326528, -5.87747], [16.57318, -6.622645], [16.860191, -7.222298], [17.089996, -7.545689], [17.47297, -8.068551], [18.134222, -7.987678], [18.464176, -7.847014], [19.016752, -7.988246], [19.166613, -7.738184], [19.417502, -7.155429], [20.037723, -7.116361], [20.091622, -6.94309], [20.601823, -6.939318], [20.514748, -7.299606], [21.728111, -7.290872], [21.746456, -7.920085], [21.949131, -8.305901], [21.801801, -8.908707], [21.875182, -9.523708], [22.208753, -9.894796], [22.155268, -11.084801], [22.402798, -10.993075], [22.837345, -11.017622], [23.456791, -10.867863], [23.912215, -10.926826], [24.017894, -11.237298], [23.904154, -11.722282], [24.079905, -12.191297], [23.930922, -12.565848], [24.016137, -12.911046], [21.933886, -12.898437], [21.887843, -16.08031], [22.562478, -16.898451], [23.215048, -17.523116], [21.377176, -17.930636], [18.956187, -17.789095], [18.263309, -17.309951], [14.209707, -17.353101], [14.058501, -17.423381], [13.462362, -16.971212], [12.814081, -16.941343], [12.215461, -17.111668], [11.734199, -17.301889], [11.640096, -16.673142], [11.778537, -15.793816], [12.123581, -14.878316], [12.175619, -14.449144], [12.500095, -13.5477], [12.738479, -13.137906], [13.312914, -12.48363], [13.633721, -12.038645], [13.738728, -11.297863], [13.686379, -10.731076], [13.387328, -10.373578], [13.120988, -9.766897], [12.87537, -9.166934], [12.929061, -8.959091], [13.236433, -8.562629], [12.93304, -7.596539], [12.728298, -6.927122], [12.227347, -6.294448], [12.322432, -6.100092], [12.735171, -5.965682], [13.024869, -5.984389], [13.375597, -5.864241], [16.326528, -5.87747], ], ], [ [ [12.436688, -5.684304], [12.182337, -5.789931], [11.914963, -5.037987], [12.318608, -4.60623], [12.62076, -4.438023], [12.995517, -4.781103], [12.631612, -4.991271], [12.468004, -5.248362], [12.436688, -5.684304], ], ], ], }, id: "AGO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Albania" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [20.590247, 41.855404], [20.463175, 41.515089], [20.605182, 41.086226], [21.02004, 40.842727], [20.99999, 40.580004], [20.674997, 40.435], [20.615, 40.110007], [20.150016, 39.624998], [19.98, 39.694993], [19.960002, 39.915006], [19.406082, 40.250773], [19.319059, 40.72723], [19.40355, 41.409566], [19.540027, 41.719986], [19.371769, 41.877548], [19.304486, 42.195745], [19.738051, 42.688247], [19.801613, 42.500093], [20.0707, 42.58863], [20.283755, 42.32026], [20.52295, 42.21787], [20.590247, 41.855404], ], ], }, id: "ALB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "United Arab Emirates" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [51.579519, 24.245497], [51.757441, 24.294073], [51.794389, 24.019826], [52.577081, 24.177439], [53.404007, 24.151317], [54.008001, 24.121758], [54.693024, 24.797892], [55.439025, 25.439145], [56.070821, 26.055464], [56.261042, 25.714606], [56.396847, 24.924732], [55.886233, 24.920831], [55.804119, 24.269604], [55.981214, 24.130543], [55.528632, 23.933604], [55.525841, 23.524869], [55.234489, 23.110993], [55.208341, 22.70833], [55.006803, 22.496948], [52.000733, 23.001154], [51.617708, 24.014219], [51.579519, 24.245497], ], ], }, id: "ARE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Argentina" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-65.5, -55.2], [-66.45, -55.25], [-66.95992, -54.89681], [-67.56244, -54.87001], [-68.63335, -54.8695], [-68.63401, -52.63637], [-68.25, -53.1], [-67.75, -53.85], [-66.45, -54.45], [-65.05, -54.7], [-65.5, -55.2], ], ], [ [ [-64.964892, -22.075862], [-64.377021, -22.798091], [-63.986838, -21.993644], [-62.846468, -22.034985], [-62.685057, -22.249029], [-60.846565, -23.880713], [-60.028966, -24.032796], [-58.807128, -24.771459], [-57.777217, -25.16234], [-57.63366, -25.603657], [-58.618174, -27.123719], [-57.60976, -27.395899], [-56.486702, -27.548499], [-55.695846, -27.387837], [-54.788795, -26.621786], [-54.625291, -25.739255], [-54.13005, -25.547639], [-53.628349, -26.124865], [-53.648735, -26.923473], [-54.490725, -27.474757], [-55.162286, -27.881915], [-56.2909, -28.852761], [-57.625133, -30.216295], [-57.874937, -31.016556], [-58.14244, -32.044504], [-58.132648, -33.040567], [-58.349611, -33.263189], [-58.427074, -33.909454], [-58.495442, -34.43149], [-57.22583, -35.288027], [-57.362359, -35.97739], [-56.737487, -36.413126], [-56.788285, -36.901572], [-57.749157, -38.183871], [-59.231857, -38.72022], [-61.237445, -38.928425], [-62.335957, -38.827707], [-62.125763, -39.424105], [-62.330531, -40.172586], [-62.145994, -40.676897], [-62.745803, -41.028761], [-63.770495, -41.166789], [-64.73209, -40.802677], [-65.118035, -41.064315], [-64.978561, -42.058001], [-64.303408, -42.359016], [-63.755948, -42.043687], [-63.458059, -42.563138], [-64.378804, -42.873558], [-65.181804, -43.495381], [-65.328823, -44.501366], [-65.565269, -45.036786], [-66.509966, -45.039628], [-67.293794, -45.551896], [-67.580546, -46.301773], [-66.597066, -47.033925], [-65.641027, -47.236135], [-65.985088, -48.133289], [-67.166179, -48.697337], [-67.816088, -49.869669], [-68.728745, -50.264218], [-69.138539, -50.73251], [-68.815561, -51.771104], [-68.149995, -52.349983], [-68.571545, -52.299444], [-69.498362, -52.142761], [-71.914804, -52.009022], [-72.329404, -51.425956], [-72.309974, -50.67701], [-72.975747, -50.74145], [-73.328051, -50.378785], [-73.415436, -49.318436], [-72.648247, -48.878618], [-72.331161, -48.244238], [-72.447355, -47.738533], [-71.917258, -46.884838], [-71.552009, -45.560733], [-71.659316, -44.973689], [-71.222779, -44.784243], [-71.329801, -44.407522], [-71.793623, -44.207172], [-71.464056, -43.787611], [-71.915424, -43.408565], [-72.148898, -42.254888], [-71.746804, -42.051386], [-71.915734, -40.832339], [-71.680761, -39.808164], [-71.413517, -38.916022], [-70.814664, -38.552995], [-71.118625, -37.576827], [-71.121881, -36.658124], [-70.364769, -36.005089], [-70.388049, -35.169688], [-69.817309, -34.193571], [-69.814777, -33.273886], [-70.074399, -33.09121], [-70.535069, -31.36501], [-69.919008, -30.336339], [-70.01355, -29.367923], [-69.65613, -28.459141], [-69.001235, -27.521214], [-68.295542, -26.89934], [-68.5948, -26.506909], [-68.386001, -26.185016], [-68.417653, -24.518555], [-67.328443, -24.025303], [-66.985234, -22.986349], [-67.106674, -22.735925], [-66.273339, -21.83231], [-64.964892, -22.075862], ], ], ], }, id: "ARG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Armenia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [43.582746, 41.092143], [44.97248, 41.248129], [45.179496, 40.985354], [45.560351, 40.81229], [45.359175, 40.561504], [45.891907, 40.218476], [45.610012, 39.899994], [46.034534, 39.628021], [46.483499, 39.464155], [46.50572, 38.770605], [46.143623, 38.741201], [45.735379, 39.319719], [45.739978, 39.473999], [45.298145, 39.471751], [45.001987, 39.740004], [44.79399, 39.713003], [44.400009, 40.005], [43.656436, 40.253564], [43.752658, 40.740201], [43.582746, 41.092143], ], ], }, id: "ARM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "French Southern and Antarctic Lands" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [68.935, -48.625], [69.58, -48.94], [70.525, -49.065], [70.56, -49.255], [70.28, -49.71], [68.745, -49.775], [68.72, -49.2425], [68.8675, -48.83], [68.935, -48.625], ], ], }, id: "ATF", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Australia" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [145.397978, -40.792549], [146.364121, -41.137695], [146.908584, -41.000546], [147.689259, -40.808258], [148.289068, -40.875438], [148.359865, -42.062445], [148.017301, -42.407024], [147.914052, -43.211522], [147.564564, -42.937689], [146.870343, -43.634597], [146.663327, -43.580854], [146.048378, -43.549745], [145.43193, -42.693776], [145.29509, -42.03361], [144.718071, -41.162552], [144.743755, -40.703975], [145.397978, -40.792549], ], ], [ [ [143.561811, -13.763656], [143.922099, -14.548311], [144.563714, -14.171176], [144.894908, -14.594458], [145.374724, -14.984976], [145.271991, -15.428205], [145.48526, -16.285672], [145.637033, -16.784918], [145.888904, -16.906926], [146.160309, -17.761655], [146.063674, -18.280073], [146.387478, -18.958274], [147.471082, -19.480723], [148.177602, -19.955939], [148.848414, -20.39121], [148.717465, -20.633469], [149.28942, -21.260511], [149.678337, -22.342512], [150.077382, -22.122784], [150.482939, -22.556142], [150.727265, -22.402405], [150.899554, -23.462237], [151.609175, -24.076256], [152.07354, -24.457887], [152.855197, -25.267501], [153.136162, -26.071173], [153.161949, -26.641319], [153.092909, -27.2603], [153.569469, -28.110067], [153.512108, -28.995077], [153.339095, -29.458202], [153.069241, -30.35024], [153.089602, -30.923642], [152.891578, -31.640446], [152.450002, -32.550003], [151.709117, -33.041342], [151.343972, -33.816023], [151.010555, -34.31036], [150.714139, -35.17346], [150.32822, -35.671879], [150.075212, -36.420206], [149.946124, -37.109052], [149.997284, -37.425261], [149.423882, -37.772681], [148.304622, -37.809061], [147.381733, -38.219217], [146.922123, -38.606532], [146.317922, -39.035757], [145.489652, -38.593768], [144.876976, -38.417448], [145.032212, -37.896188], [144.485682, -38.085324], [143.609974, -38.809465], [142.745427, -38.538268], [142.17833, -38.380034], [141.606582, -38.308514], [140.638579, -38.019333], [139.992158, -37.402936], [139.806588, -36.643603], [139.574148, -36.138362], [139.082808, -35.732754], [138.120748, -35.612296], [138.449462, -35.127261], [138.207564, -34.384723], [137.71917, -35.076825], [136.829406, -35.260535], [137.352371, -34.707339], [137.503886, -34.130268], [137.890116, -33.640479], [137.810328, -32.900007], [136.996837, -33.752771], [136.372069, -34.094766], [135.989043, -34.890118], [135.208213, -34.47867], [135.239218, -33.947953], [134.613417, -33.222778], [134.085904, -32.848072], [134.273903, -32.617234], [132.990777, -32.011224], [132.288081, -31.982647], [131.326331, -31.495803], [129.535794, -31.590423], [128.240938, -31.948489], [127.102867, -32.282267], [126.148714, -32.215966], [125.088623, -32.728751], [124.221648, -32.959487], [124.028947, -33.483847], [123.659667, -33.890179], [122.811036, -33.914467], [122.183064, -34.003402], [121.299191, -33.821036], [120.580268, -33.930177], [119.893695, -33.976065], [119.298899, -34.509366], [119.007341, -34.464149], [118.505718, -34.746819], [118.024972, -35.064733], [117.295507, -35.025459], [116.625109, -35.025097], [115.564347, -34.386428], [115.026809, -34.196517], [115.048616, -33.623425], [115.545123, -33.487258], [115.714674, -33.259572], [115.679379, -32.900369], [115.801645, -32.205062], [115.689611, -31.612437], [115.160909, -30.601594], [114.997043, -30.030725], [115.040038, -29.461095], [114.641974, -28.810231], [114.616498, -28.516399], [114.173579, -28.118077], [114.048884, -27.334765], [113.477498, -26.543134], [113.338953, -26.116545], [113.778358, -26.549025], [113.440962, -25.621278], [113.936901, -25.911235], [114.232852, -26.298446], [114.216161, -25.786281], [113.721255, -24.998939], [113.625344, -24.683971], [113.393523, -24.384764], [113.502044, -23.80635], [113.706993, -23.560215], [113.843418, -23.059987], [113.736552, -22.475475], [114.149756, -21.755881], [114.225307, -22.517488], [114.647762, -21.82952], [115.460167, -21.495173], [115.947373, -21.068688], [116.711615, -20.701682], [117.166316, -20.623599], [117.441545, -20.746899], [118.229559, -20.374208], [118.836085, -20.263311], [118.987807, -20.044203], [119.252494, -19.952942], [119.805225, -19.976506], [120.85622, -19.683708], [121.399856, -19.239756], [121.655138, -18.705318], [122.241665, -18.197649], [122.286624, -17.798603], [122.312772, -17.254967], [123.012574, -16.4052], [123.433789, -17.268558], [123.859345, -17.069035], [123.503242, -16.596506], [123.817073, -16.111316], [124.258287, -16.327944], [124.379726, -15.56706], [124.926153, -15.0751], [125.167275, -14.680396], [125.670087, -14.51007], [125.685796, -14.230656], [126.125149, -14.347341], [126.142823, -14.095987], [126.582589, -13.952791], [127.065867, -13.817968], [127.804633, -14.276906], [128.35969, -14.86917], [128.985543, -14.875991], [129.621473, -14.969784], [129.4096, -14.42067], [129.888641, -13.618703], [130.339466, -13.357376], [130.183506, -13.10752], [130.617795, -12.536392], [131.223495, -12.183649], [131.735091, -12.302453], [132.575298, -12.114041], [132.557212, -11.603012], [131.824698, -11.273782], [132.357224, -11.128519], [133.019561, -11.376411], [133.550846, -11.786515], [134.393068, -12.042365], [134.678632, -11.941183], [135.298491, -12.248606], [135.882693, -11.962267], [136.258381, -12.049342], [136.492475, -11.857209], [136.95162, -12.351959], [136.685125, -12.887223], [136.305407, -13.29123], [135.961758, -13.324509], [136.077617, -13.724278], [135.783836, -14.223989], [135.428664, -14.715432], [135.500184, -14.997741], [136.295175, -15.550265], [137.06536, -15.870762], [137.580471, -16.215082], [138.303217, -16.807604], [138.585164, -16.806622], [139.108543, -17.062679], [139.260575, -17.371601], [140.215245, -17.710805], [140.875463, -17.369069], [141.07111, -16.832047], [141.274095, -16.38887], [141.398222, -15.840532], [141.702183, -15.044921], [141.56338, -14.561333], [141.63552, -14.270395], [141.519869, -13.698078], [141.65092, -12.944688], [141.842691, -12.741548], [141.68699, -12.407614], [141.928629, -11.877466], [142.118488, -11.328042], [142.143706, -11.042737], [142.51526, -10.668186], [142.79731, -11.157355], [142.866763, -11.784707], [143.115947, -11.90563], [143.158632, -12.325656], [143.522124, -12.834358], [143.597158, -13.400422], [143.561811, -13.763656], ], ], ], }, id: "AUS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Austria" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [16.979667, 48.123497], [16.903754, 47.714866], [16.340584, 47.712902], [16.534268, 47.496171], [16.202298, 46.852386], [16.011664, 46.683611], [15.137092, 46.658703], [14.632472, 46.431817], [13.806475, 46.509306], [12.376485, 46.767559], [12.153088, 47.115393], [11.164828, 46.941579], [11.048556, 46.751359], [10.442701, 46.893546], [9.932448, 46.920728], [9.47997, 47.10281], [9.632932, 47.347601], [9.594226, 47.525058], [9.896068, 47.580197], [10.402084, 47.302488], [10.544504, 47.566399], [11.426414, 47.523766], [12.141357, 47.703083], [12.62076, 47.672388], [12.932627, 47.467646], [13.025851, 47.637584], [12.884103, 48.289146], [13.243357, 48.416115], [13.595946, 48.877172], [14.338898, 48.555305], [14.901447, 48.964402], [15.253416, 49.039074], [16.029647, 48.733899], [16.499283, 48.785808], [16.960288, 48.596982], [16.879983, 48.470013], [16.979667, 48.123497], ], ], }, id: "AUT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Azerbaijan" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [45.001987, 39.740004], [45.298145, 39.471751], [45.739978, 39.473999], [45.735379, 39.319719], [46.143623, 38.741201], [45.457722, 38.874139], [44.952688, 39.335765], [44.79399, 39.713003], [45.001987, 39.740004], ], ], [ [ [47.373315, 41.219732], [47.815666, 41.151416], [47.987283, 41.405819], [48.584353, 41.80887], [49.110264, 41.282287], [49.618915, 40.572924], [50.08483, 40.526157], [50.392821, 40.256561], [49.569202, 40.176101], [49.395259, 39.399482], [49.223228, 39.049219], [48.856532, 38.815486], [48.883249, 38.320245], [48.634375, 38.270378], [48.010744, 38.794015], [48.355529, 39.288765], [48.060095, 39.582235], [47.685079, 39.508364], [46.50572, 38.770605], [46.483499, 39.464155], [46.034534, 39.628021], [45.610012, 39.899994], [45.891907, 40.218476], [45.359175, 40.561504], [45.560351, 40.81229], [45.179496, 40.985354], [44.97248, 41.248129], [45.217426, 41.411452], [45.962601, 41.123873], [46.501637, 41.064445], [46.637908, 41.181673], [46.145432, 41.722802], [46.404951, 41.860675], [46.686071, 41.827137], [47.373315, 41.219732], ], ], ], }, id: "AZE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Burundi" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [29.339998, -4.499983], [29.276384, -3.293907], [29.024926, -2.839258], [29.632176, -2.917858], [29.938359, -2.348487], [30.469696, -2.413858], [30.527677, -2.807632], [30.743013, -3.034285], [30.752263, -3.35933], [30.50556, -3.568567], [30.116333, -4.090138], [29.753512, -4.452389], [29.339998, -4.499983], ], ], }, id: "BDI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Belgium" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [3.314971, 51.345781], [4.047071, 51.267259], [4.973991, 51.475024], [5.606976, 51.037298], [6.156658, 50.803721], [6.043073, 50.128052], [5.782417, 50.090328], [5.674052, 49.529484], [4.799222, 49.985373], [4.286023, 49.907497], [3.588184, 50.378992], [3.123252, 50.780363], [2.658422, 50.796848], [2.513573, 51.148506], [3.314971, 51.345781], ], ], }, id: "BEL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Benin" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [2.691702, 6.258817], [1.865241, 6.142158], [1.618951, 6.832038], [1.664478, 9.12859], [1.463043, 9.334624], [1.425061, 9.825395], [1.077795, 10.175607], [0.772336, 10.470808], [0.899563, 10.997339], [1.24347, 11.110511], [1.447178, 11.547719], [1.935986, 11.64115], [2.154474, 11.94015], [2.490164, 12.233052], [2.848643, 12.235636], [3.61118, 11.660167], [3.572216, 11.327939], [3.797112, 10.734746], [3.60007, 10.332186], [3.705438, 10.06321], [3.220352, 9.444153], [2.912308, 9.137608], [2.723793, 8.506845], [2.749063, 7.870734], [2.691702, 6.258817], ], ], }, id: "BEN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Burkina Faso" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-2.827496, 9.642461], [-3.511899, 9.900326], [-3.980449, 9.862344], [-4.330247, 9.610835], [-4.779884, 9.821985], [-4.954653, 10.152714], [-5.404342, 10.370737], [-5.470565, 10.95127], [-5.197843, 11.375146], [-5.220942, 11.713859], [-4.427166, 12.542646], [-4.280405, 13.228444], [-4.006391, 13.472485], [-3.522803, 13.337662], [-3.103707, 13.541267], [-2.967694, 13.79815], [-2.191825, 14.246418], [-2.001035, 14.559008], [-1.066363, 14.973815], [-0.515854, 15.116158], [-0.266257, 14.924309], [0.374892, 14.928908], [0.295646, 14.444235], [0.429928, 13.988733], [0.993046, 13.33575], [1.024103, 12.851826], [2.177108, 12.625018], [2.154474, 11.94015], [1.935986, 11.64115], [1.447178, 11.547719], [1.24347, 11.110511], [0.899563, 10.997339], [0.023803, 11.018682], [-0.438702, 11.098341], [-0.761576, 10.93693], [-1.203358, 11.009819], [-2.940409, 10.96269], [-2.963896, 10.395335], [-2.827496, 9.642461], ], ], }, id: "BFA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Bangladesh" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [92.672721, 22.041239], [92.652257, 21.324048], [92.303234, 21.475485], [92.368554, 20.670883], [92.082886, 21.192195], [92.025215, 21.70157], [91.834891, 22.182936], [91.417087, 22.765019], [90.496006, 22.805017], [90.586957, 22.392794], [90.272971, 21.836368], [89.847467, 22.039146], [89.70205, 21.857116], [89.418863, 21.966179], [89.031961, 22.055708], [88.876312, 22.879146], [88.52977, 23.631142], [88.69994, 24.233715], [88.084422, 24.501657], [88.306373, 24.866079], [88.931554, 25.238692], [88.209789, 25.768066], [88.563049, 26.446526], [89.355094, 26.014407], [89.832481, 25.965082], [89.920693, 25.26975], [90.872211, 25.132601], [91.799596, 25.147432], [92.376202, 24.976693], [91.915093, 24.130414], [91.46773, 24.072639], [91.158963, 23.503527], [91.706475, 22.985264], [91.869928, 23.624346], [92.146035, 23.627499], [92.672721, 22.041239], ], ], }, id: "BGD", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Bulgaria" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [22.65715, 44.234923], [22.944832, 43.823785], [23.332302, 43.897011], [24.100679, 43.741051], [25.569272, 43.688445], [26.065159, 43.943494], [27.2424, 44.175986], [27.970107, 43.812468], [28.558081, 43.707462], [28.039095, 43.293172], [27.673898, 42.577892], [27.99672, 42.007359], [27.135739, 42.141485], [26.117042, 41.826905], [26.106138, 41.328899], [25.197201, 41.234486], [24.492645, 41.583896], [23.692074, 41.309081], [22.952377, 41.337994], [22.881374, 41.999297], [22.380526, 42.32026], [22.545012, 42.461362], [22.436595, 42.580321], [22.604801, 42.898519], [22.986019, 43.211161], [22.500157, 43.642814], [22.410446, 44.008063], [22.65715, 44.234923], ], ], }, id: "BGR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "The Bahamas" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-77.53466, 23.75975], [-77.78, 23.71], [-78.03405, 24.28615], [-78.40848, 24.57564], [-78.19087, 25.2103], [-77.89, 25.17], [-77.54, 24.34], [-77.53466, 23.75975], ], ], [ [ [-77.82, 26.58], [-78.91, 26.42], [-78.98, 26.79], [-78.51, 26.87], [-77.85, 26.84], [-77.82, 26.58], ], ], [ [ [-77, 26.59], [-77.17255, 25.87918], [-77.35641, 26.00735], [-77.34, 26.53], [-77.78802, 26.92516], [-77.79, 27.04], [-77, 26.59], ], ], ], }, id: "BHS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Bosnia and Herzegovina" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [19.005486, 44.860234], [19.36803, 44.863], [19.11761, 44.42307], [19.59976, 44.03847], [19.454, 43.5681], [19.21852, 43.52384], [19.03165, 43.43253], [18.70648, 43.20011], [18.56, 42.65], [17.674922, 43.028563], [17.297373, 43.446341], [16.916156, 43.667722], [16.456443, 44.04124], [16.23966, 44.351143], [15.750026, 44.818712], [15.959367, 45.233777], [16.318157, 45.004127], [16.534939, 45.211608], [17.002146, 45.233777], [17.861783, 45.06774], [18.553214, 45.08159], [19.005486, 44.860234], ], ], }, id: "BIH", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Belarus" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [23.484128, 53.912498], [24.450684, 53.905702], [25.536354, 54.282423], [25.768433, 54.846963], [26.588279, 55.167176], [26.494331, 55.615107], [27.10246, 55.783314], [28.176709, 56.16913], [29.229513, 55.918344], [29.371572, 55.670091], [29.896294, 55.789463], [30.873909, 55.550976], [30.971836, 55.081548], [30.757534, 54.811771], [31.384472, 54.157056], [31.791424, 53.974639], [31.731273, 53.794029], [32.405599, 53.618045], [32.693643, 53.351421], [32.304519, 53.132726], [31.497644, 53.167427], [31.305201, 53.073996], [31.540018, 52.742052], [31.785998, 52.101678], [30.927549, 52.042353], [30.619454, 51.822806], [30.555117, 51.319503], [30.157364, 51.416138], [29.254938, 51.368234], [28.992835, 51.602044], [28.617613, 51.427714], [28.241615, 51.572227], [27.454066, 51.592303], [26.337959, 51.832289], [25.327788, 51.910656], [24.553106, 51.888461], [24.005078, 51.617444], [23.527071, 51.578454], [23.508002, 52.023647], [23.199494, 52.486977], [23.799199, 52.691099], [23.804935, 53.089731], [23.527536, 53.470122], [23.484128, 53.912498], ], ], }, id: "BLR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Belize" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-89.14308, 17.808319], [-89.150909, 17.955468], [-89.029857, 18.001511], [-88.848344, 17.883198], [-88.490123, 18.486831], [-88.300031, 18.499982], [-88.296336, 18.353273], [-88.106813, 18.348674], [-88.123479, 18.076675], [-88.285355, 17.644143], [-88.197867, 17.489475], [-88.302641, 17.131694], [-88.239518, 17.036066], [-88.355428, 16.530774], [-88.551825, 16.265467], [-88.732434, 16.233635], [-88.930613, 15.887273], [-89.229122, 15.886938], [-89.150806, 17.015577], [-89.14308, 17.808319], ], ], }, id: "BLZ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Bolivia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-62.846468, -22.034985], [-63.986838, -21.993644], [-64.377021, -22.798091], [-64.964892, -22.075862], [-66.273339, -21.83231], [-67.106674, -22.735925], [-67.82818, -22.872919], [-68.219913, -21.494347], [-68.757167, -20.372658], [-68.442225, -19.405068], [-68.966818, -18.981683], [-69.100247, -18.260125], [-69.590424, -17.580012], [-68.959635, -16.500698], [-69.389764, -15.660129], [-69.160347, -15.323974], [-69.339535, -14.953195], [-68.948887, -14.453639], [-68.929224, -13.602684], [-68.88008, -12.899729], [-68.66508, -12.5613], [-69.529678, -10.951734], [-68.786158, -11.03638], [-68.271254, -11.014521], [-68.048192, -10.712059], [-67.173801, -10.306812], [-66.646908, -9.931331], [-65.338435, -9.761988], [-65.444837, -10.511451], [-65.321899, -10.895872], [-65.402281, -11.56627], [-64.316353, -12.461978], [-63.196499, -12.627033], [-62.80306, -13.000653], [-62.127081, -13.198781], [-61.713204, -13.489202], [-61.084121, -13.479384], [-60.503304, -13.775955], [-60.459198, -14.354007], [-60.264326, -14.645979], [-60.251149, -15.077219], [-60.542966, -15.09391], [-60.15839, -16.258284], [-58.24122, -16.299573], [-58.388058, -16.877109], [-58.280804, -17.27171], [-57.734558, -17.552468], [-57.498371, -18.174188], [-57.676009, -18.96184], [-57.949997, -19.400004], [-57.853802, -19.969995], [-58.166392, -20.176701], [-58.183471, -19.868399], [-59.115042, -19.356906], [-60.043565, -19.342747], [-61.786326, -19.633737], [-62.265961, -20.513735], [-62.291179, -21.051635], [-62.685057, -22.249029], [-62.846468, -22.034985], ], ], }, id: "BOL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Brazil" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-57.625133, -30.216295], [-56.2909, -28.852761], [-55.162286, -27.881915], [-54.490725, -27.474757], [-53.648735, -26.923473], [-53.628349, -26.124865], [-54.13005, -25.547639], [-54.625291, -25.739255], [-54.428946, -25.162185], [-54.293476, -24.5708], [-54.29296, -24.021014], [-54.652834, -23.839578], [-55.027902, -24.001274], [-55.400747, -23.956935], [-55.517639, -23.571998], [-55.610683, -22.655619], [-55.797958, -22.35693], [-56.473317, -22.0863], [-56.88151, -22.282154], [-57.937156, -22.090176], [-57.870674, -20.732688], [-58.166392, -20.176701], [-57.853802, -19.969995], [-57.949997, -19.400004], [-57.676009, -18.96184], [-57.498371, -18.174188], [-57.734558, -17.552468], [-58.280804, -17.27171], [-58.388058, -16.877109], [-58.24122, -16.299573], [-60.15839, -16.258284], [-60.542966, -15.09391], [-60.251149, -15.077219], [-60.264326, -14.645979], [-60.459198, -14.354007], [-60.503304, -13.775955], [-61.084121, -13.479384], [-61.713204, -13.489202], [-62.127081, -13.198781], [-62.80306, -13.000653], [-63.196499, -12.627033], [-64.316353, -12.461978], [-65.402281, -11.56627], [-65.321899, -10.895872], [-65.444837, -10.511451], [-65.338435, -9.761988], [-66.646908, -9.931331], [-67.173801, -10.306812], [-68.048192, -10.712059], [-68.271254, -11.014521], [-68.786158, -11.03638], [-69.529678, -10.951734], [-70.093752, -11.123972], [-70.548686, -11.009147], [-70.481894, -9.490118], [-71.302412, -10.079436], [-72.184891, -10.053598], [-72.563033, -9.520194], [-73.226713, -9.462213], [-73.015383, -9.032833], [-73.571059, -8.424447], [-73.987235, -7.52383], [-73.723401, -7.340999], [-73.724487, -6.918595], [-73.120027, -6.629931], [-73.219711, -6.089189], [-72.964507, -5.741251], [-72.891928, -5.274561], [-71.748406, -4.593983], [-70.928843, -4.401591], [-70.794769, -4.251265], [-69.893635, -4.298187], [-69.444102, -1.556287], [-69.420486, -1.122619], [-69.577065, -0.549992], [-70.020656, -0.185156], [-70.015566, 0.541414], [-69.452396, 0.706159], [-69.252434, 0.602651], [-69.218638, 0.985677], [-69.804597, 1.089081], [-69.816973, 1.714805], [-67.868565, 1.692455], [-67.53781, 2.037163], [-67.259998, 1.719999], [-67.065048, 1.130112], [-66.876326, 1.253361], [-66.325765, 0.724452], [-65.548267, 0.789254], [-65.354713, 1.095282], [-64.611012, 1.328731], [-64.199306, 1.492855], [-64.083085, 1.916369], [-63.368788, 2.2009], [-63.422867, 2.411068], [-64.269999, 2.497006], [-64.408828, 3.126786], [-64.368494, 3.79721], [-64.816064, 4.056445], [-64.628659, 4.148481], [-63.888343, 4.02053], [-63.093198, 3.770571], [-62.804533, 4.006965], [-62.08543, 4.162124], [-60.966893, 4.536468], [-60.601179, 4.918098], [-60.733574, 5.200277], [-60.213683, 5.244486], [-59.980959, 5.014061], [-60.111002, 4.574967], [-59.767406, 4.423503], [-59.53804, 3.958803], [-59.815413, 3.606499], [-59.974525, 2.755233], [-59.718546, 2.24963], [-59.646044, 1.786894], [-59.030862, 1.317698], [-58.540013, 1.268088], [-58.429477, 1.463942], [-58.11345, 1.507195], [-57.660971, 1.682585], [-57.335823, 1.948538], [-56.782704, 1.863711], [-56.539386, 1.899523], [-55.995698, 1.817667], [-55.9056, 2.021996], [-56.073342, 2.220795], [-55.973322, 2.510364], [-55.569755, 2.421506], [-55.097587, 2.523748], [-54.524754, 2.311849], [-54.088063, 2.105557], [-53.778521, 2.376703], [-53.554839, 2.334897], [-53.418465, 2.053389], [-52.939657, 2.124858], [-52.556425, 2.504705], [-52.249338, 3.241094], [-51.657797, 4.156232], [-51.317146, 4.203491], [-51.069771, 3.650398], [-50.508875, 1.901564], [-49.974076, 1.736483], [-49.947101, 1.04619], [-50.699251, 0.222984], [-50.388211, -0.078445], [-48.620567, -0.235489], [-48.584497, -1.237805], [-47.824956, -0.581618], [-46.566584, -0.941028], [-44.905703, -1.55174], [-44.417619, -2.13775], [-44.581589, -2.691308], [-43.418791, -2.38311], [-41.472657, -2.912018], [-39.978665, -2.873054], [-38.500383, -3.700652], [-37.223252, -4.820946], [-36.452937, -5.109404], [-35.597796, -5.149504], [-35.235389, -5.464937], [-34.89603, -6.738193], [-34.729993, -7.343221], [-35.128212, -8.996401], [-35.636967, -9.649282], [-37.046519, -11.040721], [-37.683612, -12.171195], [-38.423877, -13.038119], [-38.673887, -13.057652], [-38.953276, -13.79337], [-38.882298, -15.667054], [-39.161092, -17.208407], [-39.267339, -17.867746], [-39.583521, -18.262296], [-39.760823, -19.599113], [-40.774741, -20.904512], [-40.944756, -21.937317], [-41.754164, -22.370676], [-41.988284, -22.97007], [-43.074704, -22.967693], [-44.647812, -23.351959], [-45.352136, -23.796842], [-46.472093, -24.088969], [-47.648972, -24.885199], [-48.495458, -25.877025], [-48.641005, -26.623698], [-48.474736, -27.175912], [-48.66152, -28.186135], [-48.888457, -28.674115], [-49.587329, -29.224469], [-50.696874, -30.984465], [-51.576226, -31.777698], [-52.256081, -32.24537], [-52.7121, -33.196578], [-53.373662, -33.768378], [-53.650544, -33.202004], [-53.209589, -32.727666], [-53.787952, -32.047243], [-54.572452, -31.494511], [-55.60151, -30.853879], [-55.973245, -30.883076], [-56.976026, -30.109686], [-57.625133, -30.216295], ], ], }, id: "BRA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Brunei" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [114.204017, 4.525874], [114.599961, 4.900011], [115.45071, 5.44773], [115.4057, 4.955228], [115.347461, 4.316636], [114.869557, 4.348314], [114.659596, 4.007637], [114.204017, 4.525874], ], ], }, id: "BRN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Bhutan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [91.696657, 27.771742], [92.103712, 27.452614], [92.033484, 26.83831], [91.217513, 26.808648], [90.373275, 26.875724], [89.744528, 26.719403], [88.835643, 27.098966], [88.814248, 27.299316], [89.47581, 28.042759], [90.015829, 28.296439], [90.730514, 28.064954], [91.258854, 28.040614], [91.696657, 27.771742], ], ], }, id: "BTN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Botswana" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [25.649163, -18.536026], [25.850391, -18.714413], [26.164791, -19.293086], [27.296505, -20.39152], [27.724747, -20.499059], [27.727228, -20.851802], [28.02137, -21.485975], [28.794656, -21.639454], [29.432188, -22.091313], [28.017236, -22.827754], [27.11941, -23.574323], [26.786407, -24.240691], [26.485753, -24.616327], [25.941652, -24.696373], [25.765849, -25.174845], [25.664666, -25.486816], [25.025171, -25.71967], [24.211267, -25.670216], [23.73357, -25.390129], [23.312097, -25.26869], [22.824271, -25.500459], [22.579532, -25.979448], [22.105969, -26.280256], [21.605896, -26.726534], [20.889609, -26.828543], [20.66647, -26.477453], [20.758609, -25.868136], [20.165726, -24.917962], [19.895768, -24.76779], [19.895458, -21.849157], [20.881134, -21.814327], [20.910641, -18.252219], [21.65504, -18.219146], [23.196858, -17.869038], [23.579006, -18.281261], [24.217365, -17.889347], [24.520705, -17.887125], [25.084443, -17.661816], [25.264226, -17.73654], [25.649163, -18.536026], ], ], }, id: "BWA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Central African Republic" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [15.27946, 7.421925], [16.106232, 7.497088], [16.290562, 7.754307], [16.456185, 7.734774], [16.705988, 7.508328], [17.96493, 7.890914], [18.389555, 8.281304], [18.911022, 8.630895], [18.81201, 8.982915], [19.094008, 9.074847], [20.059685, 9.012706], [21.000868, 9.475985], [21.723822, 10.567056], [22.231129, 10.971889], [22.864165, 11.142395], [22.977544, 10.714463], [23.554304, 10.089255], [23.55725, 9.681218], [23.394779, 9.265068], [23.459013, 8.954286], [23.805813, 8.666319], [24.567369, 8.229188], [25.114932, 7.825104], [25.124131, 7.500085], [25.796648, 6.979316], [26.213418, 6.546603], [26.465909, 5.946717], [27.213409, 5.550953], [27.374226, 5.233944], [27.044065, 5.127853], [26.402761, 5.150875], [25.650455, 5.256088], [25.278798, 5.170408], [25.128833, 4.927245], [24.805029, 4.897247], [24.410531, 5.108784], [23.297214, 4.609693], [22.84148, 4.710126], [22.704124, 4.633051], [22.405124, 4.02916], [21.659123, 4.224342], [20.927591, 4.322786], [20.290679, 4.691678], [19.467784, 5.031528], [18.932312, 4.709506], [18.542982, 4.201785], [18.453065, 3.504386], [17.8099, 3.560196], [17.133042, 3.728197], [16.537058, 3.198255], [16.012852, 2.26764], [15.907381, 2.557389], [15.862732, 3.013537], [15.405396, 3.335301], [15.03622, 3.851367], [14.950953, 4.210389], [14.478372, 4.732605], [14.558936, 5.030598], [14.459407, 5.451761], [14.53656, 6.226959], [14.776545, 6.408498], [15.27946, 7.421925], ], ], }, id: "CAF", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Canada" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-63.6645, 46.55001], [-62.9393, 46.41587], [-62.01208, 46.44314], [-62.50391, 46.03339], [-62.87433, 45.96818], [-64.1428, 46.39265], [-64.39261, 46.72747], [-64.01486, 47.03601], [-63.6645, 46.55001], ], ], [ [ [-61.806305, 49.10506], [-62.29318, 49.08717], [-63.58926, 49.40069], [-64.51912, 49.87304], [-64.17322, 49.95718], [-62.85829, 49.70641], [-61.835585, 49.28855], [-61.806305, 49.10506], ], ], [ [ [-123.510002, 48.510011], [-124.012891, 48.370846], [-125.655013, 48.825005], [-125.954994, 49.179996], [-126.850004, 49.53], [-127.029993, 49.814996], [-128.059336, 49.994959], [-128.444584, 50.539138], [-128.358414, 50.770648], [-127.308581, 50.552574], [-126.695001, 50.400903], [-125.755007, 50.295018], [-125.415002, 49.950001], [-124.920768, 49.475275], [-123.922509, 49.062484], [-123.510002, 48.510011], ], ], [ [ [-56.134036, 50.68701], [-56.795882, 49.812309], [-56.143105, 50.150117], [-55.471492, 49.935815], [-55.822401, 49.587129], [-54.935143, 49.313011], [-54.473775, 49.556691], [-53.476549, 49.249139], [-53.786014, 48.516781], [-53.086134, 48.687804], [-52.958648, 48.157164], [-52.648099, 47.535548], [-53.069158, 46.655499], [-53.521456, 46.618292], [-54.178936, 46.807066], [-53.961869, 47.625207], [-54.240482, 47.752279], [-55.400773, 46.884994], [-55.997481, 46.91972], [-55.291219, 47.389562], [-56.250799, 47.632545], [-57.325229, 47.572807], [-59.266015, 47.603348], [-59.419494, 47.899454], [-58.796586, 48.251525], [-59.231625, 48.523188], [-58.391805, 49.125581], [-57.35869, 50.718274], [-56.73865, 51.287438], [-55.870977, 51.632094], [-55.406974, 51.588273], [-55.600218, 51.317075], [-56.134036, 50.68701], ], ], [ [ [-132.710008, 54.040009], [-132.710009, 54.040009], [-132.710008, 54.040009], [-132.710008, 54.040009], [-131.74999, 54.120004], [-132.04948, 52.984621], [-131.179043, 52.180433], [-131.57783, 52.182371], [-132.180428, 52.639707], [-132.549992, 53.100015], [-133.054611, 53.411469], [-133.239664, 53.85108], [-133.180004, 54.169975], [-132.710008, 54.040009], ], ], [ [ [-79.26582, 62.158675], [-79.65752, 61.63308], [-80.09956, 61.7181], [-80.36215, 62.01649], [-80.315395, 62.085565], [-79.92939, 62.3856], [-79.52002, 62.36371], [-79.26582, 62.158675], ], ], [ [ [-81.89825, 62.7108], [-83.06857, 62.15922], [-83.77462, 62.18231], [-83.99367, 62.4528], [-83.25048, 62.91409], [-81.87699, 62.90458], [-81.89825, 62.7108], ], ], [ [ [-85.161308, 65.657285], [-84.975764, 65.217518], [-84.464012, 65.371772], [-83.882626, 65.109618], [-82.787577, 64.766693], [-81.642014, 64.455136], [-81.55344, 63.979609], [-80.817361, 64.057486], [-80.103451, 63.725981], [-80.99102, 63.411246], [-82.547178, 63.651722], [-83.108798, 64.101876], [-84.100417, 63.569712], [-85.523405, 63.052379], [-85.866769, 63.637253], [-87.221983, 63.541238], [-86.35276, 64.035833], [-86.224886, 64.822917], [-85.883848, 65.738778], [-85.161308, 65.657285], ], ], [ [ [-75.86588, 67.14886], [-76.98687, 67.09873], [-77.2364, 67.58809], [-76.81166, 68.14856], [-75.89521, 68.28721], [-75.1145, 68.01036], [-75.10333, 67.58202], [-75.21597, 67.44425], [-75.86588, 67.14886], ], ], [ [ [-95.647681, 69.10769], [-96.269521, 68.75704], [-97.617401, 69.06003], [-98.431801, 68.9507], [-99.797401, 69.40003], [-98.917401, 69.71003], [-98.218261, 70.14354], [-97.157401, 69.86003], [-96.557401, 69.68003], [-96.257401, 69.49003], [-95.647681, 69.10769], ], ], [ [ [-90.5471, 69.49766], [-90.55151, 68.47499], [-89.21515, 69.25873], [-88.01966, 68.61508], [-88.31749, 67.87338], [-87.35017, 67.19872], [-86.30607, 67.92146], [-85.57664, 68.78456], [-85.52197, 69.88211], [-84.10081, 69.80539], [-82.62258, 69.65826], [-81.28043, 69.16202], [-81.2202, 68.66567], [-81.96436, 68.13253], [-81.25928, 67.59716], [-81.38653, 67.11078], [-83.34456, 66.41154], [-84.73542, 66.2573], [-85.76943, 66.55833], [-86.0676, 66.05625], [-87.03143, 65.21297], [-87.32324, 64.77563], [-88.48296, 64.09897], [-89.91444, 64.03273], [-90.70398, 63.61017], [-90.77004, 62.96021], [-91.93342, 62.83508], [-93.15698, 62.02469], [-94.24153, 60.89865], [-94.62931, 60.11021], [-94.6846, 58.94882], [-93.21502, 58.78212], [-92.76462, 57.84571], [-92.29703, 57.08709], [-90.89769, 57.28468], [-89.03953, 56.85172], [-88.03978, 56.47162], [-87.32421, 55.99914], [-86.07121, 55.72383], [-85.01181, 55.3026], [-83.36055, 55.24489], [-82.27285, 55.14832], [-82.4362, 54.28227], [-82.12502, 53.27703], [-81.40075, 52.15788], [-79.91289, 51.20842], [-79.14301, 51.53393], [-78.60191, 52.56208], [-79.12421, 54.14145], [-79.82958, 54.66772], [-78.22874, 55.13645], [-77.0956, 55.83741], [-76.54137, 56.53423], [-76.62319, 57.20263], [-77.30226, 58.05209], [-78.51688, 58.80458], [-77.33676, 59.85261], [-77.77272, 60.75788], [-78.10687, 62.31964], [-77.41067, 62.55053], [-75.69621, 62.2784], [-74.6682, 62.18111], [-73.83988, 62.4438], [-72.90853, 62.10507], [-71.67708, 61.52535], [-71.37369, 61.13717], [-69.59042, 61.06141], [-69.62033, 60.22125], [-69.2879, 58.95736], [-68.37455, 58.80106], [-67.64976, 58.21206], [-66.20178, 58.76731], [-65.24517, 59.87071], [-64.58352, 60.33558], [-63.80475, 59.4426], [-62.50236, 58.16708], [-61.39655, 56.96745], [-61.79866, 56.33945], [-60.46853, 55.77548], [-59.56962, 55.20407], [-57.97508, 54.94549], [-57.3332, 54.6265], [-56.93689, 53.78032], [-56.15811, 53.64749], [-55.75632, 53.27036], [-55.68338, 52.14664], [-56.40916, 51.7707], [-57.12691, 51.41972], [-58.77482, 51.0643], [-60.03309, 50.24277], [-61.72366, 50.08046], [-63.86251, 50.29099], [-65.36331, 50.2982], [-66.39905, 50.22897], [-67.23631, 49.51156], [-68.51114, 49.06836], [-69.95362, 47.74488], [-71.10458, 46.82171], [-70.25522, 46.98606], [-68.65, 48.3], [-66.55243, 49.1331], [-65.05626, 49.23278], [-64.17099, 48.74248], [-65.11545, 48.07085], [-64.79854, 46.99297], [-64.47219, 46.23849], [-63.17329, 45.73902], [-61.52072, 45.88377], [-60.51815, 47.00793], [-60.4486, 46.28264], [-59.80287, 45.9204], [-61.03988, 45.26525], [-63.25471, 44.67014], [-64.24656, 44.26553], [-65.36406, 43.54523], [-66.1234, 43.61867], [-66.16173, 44.46512], [-64.42549, 45.29204], [-66.02605, 45.25931], [-67.13741, 45.13753], [-67.79134, 45.70281], [-67.79046, 47.06636], [-68.23444, 47.35486], [-68.905, 47.185], [-69.237216, 47.447781], [-69.99997, 46.69307], [-70.305, 45.915], [-70.66, 45.46], [-71.08482, 45.30524], [-71.405, 45.255], [-71.50506, 45.0082], [-73.34783, 45.00738], [-74.867, 45.00048], [-75.31821, 44.81645], [-76.375, 44.09631], [-76.5, 44.018459], [-76.820034, 43.628784], [-77.737885, 43.629056], [-78.72028, 43.625089], [-79.171674, 43.466339], [-79.01, 43.27], [-78.92, 42.965], [-78.939362, 42.863611], [-80.247448, 42.3662], [-81.277747, 42.209026], [-82.439278, 41.675105], [-82.690089, 41.675105], [-83.02981, 41.832796], [-83.142, 41.975681], [-83.12, 42.08], [-82.9, 42.43], [-82.43, 42.98], [-82.137642, 43.571088], [-82.337763, 44.44], [-82.550925, 45.347517], [-83.592851, 45.816894], [-83.469551, 45.994686], [-83.616131, 46.116927], [-83.890765, 46.116927], [-84.091851, 46.275419], [-84.14212, 46.512226], [-84.3367, 46.40877], [-84.6049, 46.4396], [-84.543749, 46.538684], [-84.779238, 46.637102], [-84.87608, 46.900083], [-85.652363, 47.220219], [-86.461991, 47.553338], [-87.439793, 47.94], [-88.378114, 48.302918], [-89.272917, 48.019808], [-89.6, 48.01], [-90.83, 48.27], [-91.64, 48.14], [-92.61, 48.45], [-93.63087, 48.60926], [-94.32914, 48.67074], [-94.64, 48.84], [-94.81758, 49.38905], [-95.15609, 49.38425], [-95.15907, 49], [-97.22872, 49.0007], [-100.65, 49], [-104.04826, 48.99986], [-107.05, 49], [-110.05, 49], [-113, 49], [-116.04818, 49], [-117.03121, 49], [-120, 49], [-122.84, 49], [-122.97421, 49.002538], [-124.91024, 49.98456], [-125.62461, 50.41656], [-127.43561, 50.83061], [-127.99276, 51.71583], [-127.85032, 52.32961], [-129.12979, 52.75538], [-129.30523, 53.56159], [-130.51497, 54.28757], [-130.53611, 54.80278], [-129.98, 55.285], [-130.00778, 55.91583], [-131.70781, 56.55212], [-132.73042, 57.69289], [-133.35556, 58.41028], [-134.27111, 58.86111], [-134.945, 59.27056], [-135.47583, 59.78778], [-136.47972, 59.46389], [-137.4525, 58.905], [-138.34089, 59.56211], [-139.039, 60], [-140.013, 60.27682], [-140.99778, 60.30639], [-140.9925, 66.00003], [-140.986, 69.712], [-139.12052, 69.47102], [-137.54636, 68.99002], [-136.50358, 68.89804], [-135.62576, 69.31512], [-134.41464, 69.62743], [-132.92925, 69.50534], [-131.43136, 69.94451], [-129.79471, 70.19369], [-129.10773, 69.77927], [-128.36156, 70.01286], [-128.13817, 70.48384], [-127.44712, 70.37721], [-125.75632, 69.48058], [-124.42483, 70.1584], [-124.28968, 69.39969], [-123.06108, 69.56372], [-122.6835, 69.85553], [-121.47226, 69.79778], [-119.94288, 69.37786], [-117.60268, 69.01128], [-116.22643, 68.84151], [-115.2469, 68.90591], [-113.89794, 68.3989], [-115.30489, 67.90261], [-113.49727, 67.68815], [-110.798, 67.80612], [-109.94619, 67.98104], [-108.8802, 67.38144], [-107.79239, 67.88736], [-108.81299, 68.31164], [-108.16721, 68.65392], [-106.95, 68.7], [-106.15, 68.8], [-105.34282, 68.56122], [-104.33791, 68.018], [-103.22115, 68.09775], [-101.45433, 67.64689], [-99.90195, 67.80566], [-98.4432, 67.78165], [-98.5586, 68.40394], [-97.66948, 68.57864], [-96.11991, 68.23939], [-96.12588, 67.29338], [-95.48943, 68.0907], [-94.685, 68.06383], [-94.23282, 69.06903], [-95.30408, 69.68571], [-96.47131, 70.08976], [-96.39115, 71.19482], [-95.2088, 71.92053], [-93.88997, 71.76015], [-92.87818, 71.31869], [-91.51964, 70.19129], [-92.40692, 69.69997], [-90.5471, 69.49766], ], ], [ [ [-114.16717, 73.12145], [-114.66634, 72.65277], [-112.44102, 72.9554], [-111.05039, 72.4504], [-109.92035, 72.96113], [-109.00654, 72.63335], [-108.18835, 71.65089], [-107.68599, 72.06548], [-108.39639, 73.08953], [-107.51645, 73.23598], [-106.52259, 73.07601], [-105.40246, 72.67259], [-104.77484, 71.6984], [-104.46476, 70.99297], [-102.78537, 70.49776], [-100.98078, 70.02432], [-101.08929, 69.58447], [-102.73116, 69.50402], [-102.09329, 69.11962], [-102.43024, 68.75282], [-104.24, 68.91], [-105.96, 69.18], [-107.12254, 69.11922], [-109, 68.78], [-111.534149, 68.630059], [-113.3132, 68.53554], [-113.85496, 69.00744], [-115.22, 69.28], [-116.10794, 69.16821], [-117.34, 69.96], [-116.67473, 70.06655], [-115.13112, 70.2373], [-113.72141, 70.19237], [-112.4161, 70.36638], [-114.35, 70.6], [-116.48684, 70.52045], [-117.9048, 70.54056], [-118.43238, 70.9092], [-116.11311, 71.30918], [-117.65568, 71.2952], [-119.40199, 71.55859], [-118.56267, 72.30785], [-117.86642, 72.70594], [-115.18909, 73.31459], [-114.16717, 73.12145], ], ], [ [ [-104.5, 73.42], [-105.38, 72.76], [-106.94, 73.46], [-106.6, 73.6], [-105.26, 73.64], [-104.5, 73.42], ], ], [ [ [-76.34, 73.102685], [-76.251404, 72.826385], [-77.314438, 72.855545], [-78.39167, 72.876656], [-79.486252, 72.742203], [-79.775833, 72.802902], [-80.876099, 73.333183], [-80.833885, 73.693184], [-80.353058, 73.75972], [-78.064438, 73.651932], [-76.34, 73.102685], ], ], [ [ [-86.562179, 73.157447], [-85.774371, 72.534126], [-84.850112, 73.340278], [-82.31559, 73.750951], [-80.600088, 72.716544], [-80.748942, 72.061907], [-78.770639, 72.352173], [-77.824624, 72.749617], [-75.605845, 72.243678], [-74.228616, 71.767144], [-74.099141, 71.33084], [-72.242226, 71.556925], [-71.200015, 70.920013], [-68.786054, 70.525024], [-67.91497, 70.121948], [-66.969033, 69.186087], [-68.805123, 68.720198], [-66.449866, 68.067163], [-64.862314, 67.847539], [-63.424934, 66.928473], [-61.851981, 66.862121], [-62.163177, 66.160251], [-63.918444, 64.998669], [-65.14886, 65.426033], [-66.721219, 66.388041], [-68.015016, 66.262726], [-68.141287, 65.689789], [-67.089646, 65.108455], [-65.73208, 64.648406], [-65.320168, 64.382737], [-64.669406, 63.392927], [-65.013804, 62.674185], [-66.275045, 62.945099], [-68.783186, 63.74567], [-67.369681, 62.883966], [-66.328297, 62.280075], [-66.165568, 61.930897], [-68.877367, 62.330149], [-71.023437, 62.910708], [-72.235379, 63.397836], [-71.886278, 63.679989], [-73.378306, 64.193963], [-74.834419, 64.679076], [-74.818503, 64.389093], [-77.70998, 64.229542], [-78.555949, 64.572906], [-77.897281, 65.309192], [-76.018274, 65.326969], [-73.959795, 65.454765], [-74.293883, 65.811771], [-73.944912, 66.310578], [-72.651167, 67.284576], [-72.92606, 67.726926], [-73.311618, 68.069437], [-74.843307, 68.554627], [-76.869101, 68.894736], [-76.228649, 69.147769], [-77.28737, 69.76954], [-78.168634, 69.826488], [-78.957242, 70.16688], [-79.492455, 69.871808], [-81.305471, 69.743185], [-84.944706, 69.966634], [-87.060003, 70.260001], [-88.681713, 70.410741], [-89.51342, 70.762038], [-88.467721, 71.218186], [-89.888151, 71.222552], [-90.20516, 72.235074], [-89.436577, 73.129464], [-88.408242, 73.537889], [-85.826151, 73.803816], [-86.562179, 73.157447], ], ], [ [ [-100.35642, 73.84389], [-99.16387, 73.63339], [-97.38, 73.76], [-97.12, 73.47], [-98.05359, 72.99052], [-96.54, 72.56], [-96.72, 71.66], [-98.35966, 71.27285], [-99.32286, 71.35639], [-100.01482, 71.73827], [-102.5, 72.51], [-102.48, 72.83], [-100.43836, 72.70588], [-101.54, 73.36], [-100.35642, 73.84389], ], ], [ [ [-93.196296, 72.771992], [-94.269047, 72.024596], [-95.409856, 72.061881], [-96.033745, 72.940277], [-96.018268, 73.43743], [-95.495793, 73.862417], [-94.503658, 74.134907], [-92.420012, 74.100025], [-90.509793, 73.856732], [-92.003965, 72.966244], [-93.196296, 72.771992], ], ], [ [ [-120.46, 71.383602], [-123.09219, 70.90164], [-123.62, 71.34], [-125.928949, 71.868688], [-125.5, 72.292261], [-124.80729, 73.02256], [-123.94, 73.68], [-124.91775, 74.29275], [-121.53788, 74.44893], [-120.10978, 74.24135], [-117.55564, 74.18577], [-116.58442, 73.89607], [-115.51081, 73.47519], [-116.76794, 73.22292], [-119.22, 72.52], [-120.46, 71.82], [-120.46, 71.383602], ], ], [ [ [-93.612756, 74.979997], [-94.156909, 74.592347], [-95.608681, 74.666864], [-96.820932, 74.927623], [-96.288587, 75.377828], [-94.85082, 75.647218], [-93.977747, 75.29649], [-93.612756, 74.979997], ], ], [ [ [-98.5, 76.72], [-97.735585, 76.25656], [-97.704415, 75.74344], [-98.16, 75], [-99.80874, 74.89744], [-100.88366, 75.05736], [-100.86292, 75.64075], [-102.50209, 75.5638], [-102.56552, 76.3366], [-101.48973, 76.30537], [-99.98349, 76.64634], [-98.57699, 76.58859], [-98.5, 76.72], ], ], [ [ [-108.21141, 76.20168], [-107.81943, 75.84552], [-106.92893, 76.01282], [-105.881, 75.9694], [-105.70498, 75.47951], [-106.31347, 75.00527], [-109.7, 74.85], [-112.22307, 74.41696], [-113.74381, 74.39427], [-113.87135, 74.72029], [-111.79421, 75.1625], [-116.31221, 75.04343], [-117.7104, 75.2222], [-116.34602, 76.19903], [-115.40487, 76.47887], [-112.59056, 76.14134], [-110.81422, 75.54919], [-109.0671, 75.47321], [-110.49726, 76.42982], [-109.5811, 76.79417], [-108.54859, 76.67832], [-108.21141, 76.20168], ], ], [ [ [-94.684086, 77.097878], [-93.573921, 76.776296], [-91.605023, 76.778518], [-90.741846, 76.449597], [-90.969661, 76.074013], [-89.822238, 75.847774], [-89.187083, 75.610166], [-87.838276, 75.566189], [-86.379192, 75.482421], [-84.789625, 75.699204], [-82.753445, 75.784315], [-81.128531, 75.713983], [-80.057511, 75.336849], [-79.833933, 74.923127], [-80.457771, 74.657304], [-81.948843, 74.442459], [-83.228894, 74.564028], [-86.097452, 74.410032], [-88.15035, 74.392307], [-89.764722, 74.515555], [-92.422441, 74.837758], [-92.768285, 75.38682], [-92.889906, 75.882655], [-93.893824, 76.319244], [-95.962457, 76.441381], [-97.121379, 76.751078], [-96.745123, 77.161389], [-94.684086, 77.097878], ], ], [ [ [-116.198587, 77.645287], [-116.335813, 76.876962], [-117.106051, 76.530032], [-118.040412, 76.481172], [-119.899318, 76.053213], [-121.499995, 75.900019], [-122.854924, 76.116543], [-122.854925, 76.116543], [-121.157535, 76.864508], [-119.103939, 77.51222], [-117.570131, 77.498319], [-116.198587, 77.645287], ], ], [ [ [-93.840003, 77.519997], [-94.295608, 77.491343], [-96.169654, 77.555111], [-96.436304, 77.834629], [-94.422577, 77.820005], [-93.720656, 77.634331], [-93.840003, 77.519997], ], ], [ [ [-110.186938, 77.697015], [-112.051191, 77.409229], [-113.534279, 77.732207], [-112.724587, 78.05105], [-111.264443, 78.152956], [-109.854452, 77.996325], [-110.186938, 77.697015], ], ], [ [ [-109.663146, 78.601973], [-110.881314, 78.40692], [-112.542091, 78.407902], [-112.525891, 78.550555], [-111.50001, 78.849994], [-110.963661, 78.804441], [-109.663146, 78.601973], ], ], [ [ [-95.830295, 78.056941], [-97.309843, 77.850597], [-98.124289, 78.082857], [-98.552868, 78.458105], [-98.631984, 78.87193], [-97.337231, 78.831984], [-96.754399, 78.765813], [-95.559278, 78.418315], [-95.830295, 78.056941], ], ], [ [ [-100.060192, 78.324754], [-99.670939, 77.907545], [-101.30394, 78.018985], [-102.949809, 78.343229], [-105.176133, 78.380332], [-104.210429, 78.67742], [-105.41958, 78.918336], [-105.492289, 79.301594], [-103.529282, 79.165349], [-100.825158, 78.800462], [-100.060192, 78.324754], ], ], [ [ [-87.02, 79.66], [-85.81435, 79.3369], [-87.18756, 79.0393], [-89.03535, 78.28723], [-90.80436, 78.21533], [-92.87669, 78.34333], [-93.95116, 78.75099], [-93.93574, 79.11373], [-93.14524, 79.3801], [-94.974, 79.37248], [-96.07614, 79.70502], [-96.70972, 80.15777], [-96.01644, 80.60233], [-95.32345, 80.90729], [-94.29843, 80.97727], [-94.73542, 81.20646], [-92.40984, 81.25739], [-91.13289, 80.72345], [-89.45, 80.509322], [-87.81, 80.32], [-87.02, 79.66], ], ], [ [ [-68.5, 83.106322], [-65.82735, 83.02801], [-63.68, 82.9], [-61.85, 82.6286], [-61.89388, 82.36165], [-64.334, 81.92775], [-66.75342, 81.72527], [-67.65755, 81.50141], [-65.48031, 81.50657], [-67.84, 80.9], [-69.4697, 80.61683], [-71.18, 79.8], [-73.2428, 79.63415], [-73.88, 79.430162], [-76.90773, 79.32309], [-75.52924, 79.19766], [-76.22046, 79.01907], [-75.39345, 78.52581], [-76.34354, 78.18296], [-77.88851, 77.89991], [-78.36269, 77.50859], [-79.75951, 77.20968], [-79.61965, 76.98336], [-77.91089, 77.022045], [-77.88911, 76.777955], [-80.56125, 76.17812], [-83.17439, 76.45403], [-86.11184, 76.29901], [-87.6, 76.42], [-89.49068, 76.47239], [-89.6161, 76.95213], [-87.76739, 77.17833], [-88.26, 77.9], [-87.65, 77.970222], [-84.97634, 77.53873], [-86.34, 78.18], [-87.96192, 78.37181], [-87.15198, 78.75867], [-85.37868, 78.9969], [-85.09495, 79.34543], [-86.50734, 79.73624], [-86.93179, 80.25145], [-84.19844, 80.20836], [-83.408696, 80.1], [-81.84823, 80.46442], [-84.1, 80.58], [-87.59895, 80.51627], [-89.36663, 80.85569], [-90.2, 81.26], [-91.36786, 81.5531], [-91.58702, 81.89429], [-90.1, 82.085], [-88.93227, 82.11751], [-86.97024, 82.27961], [-85.5, 82.652273], [-84.260005, 82.6], [-83.18, 82.32], [-82.42, 82.86], [-81.1, 83.02], [-79.30664, 83.13056], [-76.25, 83.172059], [-75.71878, 83.06404], [-72.83153, 83.23324], [-70.665765, 83.169781], [-68.5, 83.106322], ], ], ], }, id: "CAN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Switzerland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [9.594226, 47.525058], [9.632932, 47.347601], [9.47997, 47.10281], [9.932448, 46.920728], [10.442701, 46.893546], [10.363378, 46.483571], [9.922837, 46.314899], [9.182882, 46.440215], [8.966306, 46.036932], [8.489952, 46.005151], [8.31663, 46.163642], [7.755992, 45.82449], [7.273851, 45.776948], [6.843593, 45.991147], [6.5001, 46.429673], [6.022609, 46.27299], [6.037389, 46.725779], [6.768714, 47.287708], [6.736571, 47.541801], [7.192202, 47.449766], [7.466759, 47.620582], [8.317301, 47.61358], [8.522612, 47.830828], [9.594226, 47.525058], ], ], }, id: "CHE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Chile" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-68.63401, -52.63637], [-68.63335, -54.8695], [-67.56244, -54.87001], [-66.95992, -54.89681], [-67.29103, -55.30124], [-68.14863, -55.61183], [-68.639991, -55.580018], [-69.2321, -55.49906], [-69.95809, -55.19843], [-71.00568, -55.05383], [-72.2639, -54.49514], [-73.2852, -53.95752], [-74.66253, -52.83749], [-73.8381, -53.04743], [-72.43418, -53.7154], [-71.10773, -54.07433], [-70.59178, -53.61583], [-70.26748, -52.93123], [-69.34565, -52.5183], [-68.63401, -52.63637], ], ], [ [ [-68.219913, -21.494347], [-67.82818, -22.872919], [-67.106674, -22.735925], [-66.985234, -22.986349], [-67.328443, -24.025303], [-68.417653, -24.518555], [-68.386001, -26.185016], [-68.5948, -26.506909], [-68.295542, -26.89934], [-69.001235, -27.521214], [-69.65613, -28.459141], [-70.01355, -29.367923], [-69.919008, -30.336339], [-70.535069, -31.36501], [-70.074399, -33.09121], [-69.814777, -33.273886], [-69.817309, -34.193571], [-70.388049, -35.169688], [-70.364769, -36.005089], [-71.121881, -36.658124], [-71.118625, -37.576827], [-70.814664, -38.552995], [-71.413517, -38.916022], [-71.680761, -39.808164], [-71.915734, -40.832339], [-71.746804, -42.051386], [-72.148898, -42.254888], [-71.915424, -43.408565], [-71.464056, -43.787611], [-71.793623, -44.207172], [-71.329801, -44.407522], [-71.222779, -44.784243], [-71.659316, -44.973689], [-71.552009, -45.560733], [-71.917258, -46.884838], [-72.447355, -47.738533], [-72.331161, -48.244238], [-72.648247, -48.878618], [-73.415436, -49.318436], [-73.328051, -50.378785], [-72.975747, -50.74145], [-72.309974, -50.67701], [-72.329404, -51.425956], [-71.914804, -52.009022], [-69.498362, -52.142761], [-68.571545, -52.299444], [-69.461284, -52.291951], [-69.94278, -52.537931], [-70.845102, -52.899201], [-71.006332, -53.833252], [-71.429795, -53.856455], [-72.557943, -53.53141], [-73.702757, -52.835069], [-73.702757, -52.83507], [-74.946763, -52.262754], [-75.260026, -51.629355], [-74.976632, -51.043396], [-75.479754, -50.378372], [-75.608015, -48.673773], [-75.18277, -47.711919], [-74.126581, -46.939253], [-75.644395, -46.647643], [-74.692154, -45.763976], [-74.351709, -44.103044], [-73.240356, -44.454961], [-72.717804, -42.383356], [-73.3889, -42.117532], [-73.701336, -43.365776], [-74.331943, -43.224958], [-74.017957, -41.794813], [-73.677099, -39.942213], [-73.217593, -39.258689], [-73.505559, -38.282883], [-73.588061, -37.156285], [-73.166717, -37.12378], [-72.553137, -35.50884], [-71.861732, -33.909093], [-71.43845, -32.418899], [-71.668721, -30.920645], [-71.370083, -30.095682], [-71.489894, -28.861442], [-70.905124, -27.64038], [-70.724954, -25.705924], [-70.403966, -23.628997], [-70.091246, -21.393319], [-70.16442, -19.756468], [-70.372572, -18.347975], [-69.858444, -18.092694], [-69.590424, -17.580012], [-69.100247, -18.260125], [-68.966818, -18.981683], [-68.442225, -19.405068], [-68.757167, -20.372658], [-68.219913, -21.494347], ], ], ], }, id: "CHL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "China" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [110.339188, 18.678395], [109.47521, 18.197701], [108.655208, 18.507682], [108.626217, 19.367888], [109.119056, 19.821039], [110.211599, 20.101254], [110.786551, 20.077534], [111.010051, 19.69593], [110.570647, 19.255879], [110.339188, 18.678395], ], ], [ [ [127.657407, 49.76027], [129.397818, 49.4406], [130.582293, 48.729687], [130.987282, 47.790132], [132.506672, 47.78897], [133.373596, 48.183442], [135.026311, 48.47823], [134.500814, 47.57844], [134.112362, 47.212467], [133.769644, 46.116927], [133.097127, 45.144066], [131.883454, 45.321162], [131.025212, 44.967953], [131.288555, 44.11152], [131.144688, 42.92999], [130.633866, 42.903015], [130.640016, 42.395009], [129.994267, 42.985387], [129.596669, 42.424982], [128.052215, 41.994285], [128.208433, 41.466772], [127.343783, 41.503152], [126.869083, 41.816569], [126.182045, 41.107336], [125.079942, 40.569824], [124.265625, 39.928493], [122.86757, 39.637788], [122.131388, 39.170452], [121.054554, 38.897471], [121.585995, 39.360854], [121.376757, 39.750261], [122.168595, 40.422443], [121.640359, 40.94639], [120.768629, 40.593388], [119.639602, 39.898056], [119.023464, 39.252333], [118.042749, 39.204274], [117.532702, 38.737636], [118.059699, 38.061476], [118.87815, 37.897325], [118.911636, 37.448464], [119.702802, 37.156389], [120.823457, 37.870428], [121.711259, 37.481123], [122.357937, 37.454484], [122.519995, 36.930614], [121.104164, 36.651329], [120.637009, 36.11144], [119.664562, 35.609791], [119.151208, 34.909859], [120.227525, 34.360332], [120.620369, 33.376723], [121.229014, 32.460319], [121.908146, 31.692174], [121.891919, 30.949352], [121.264257, 30.676267], [121.503519, 30.142915], [122.092114, 29.83252], [121.938428, 29.018022], [121.684439, 28.225513], [121.125661, 28.135673], [120.395473, 27.053207], [119.585497, 25.740781], [118.656871, 24.547391], [117.281606, 23.624501], [115.890735, 22.782873], [114.763827, 22.668074], [114.152547, 22.22376], [113.80678, 22.54834], [113.241078, 22.051367], [111.843592, 21.550494], [110.785466, 21.397144], [110.444039, 20.341033], [109.889861, 20.282457], [109.627655, 21.008227], [109.864488, 21.395051], [108.522813, 21.715212], [108.05018, 21.55238], [107.04342, 21.811899], [106.567273, 22.218205], [106.725403, 22.794268], [105.811247, 22.976892], [105.329209, 23.352063], [104.476858, 22.81915], [103.504515, 22.703757], [102.706992, 22.708795], [102.170436, 22.464753], [101.652018, 22.318199], [101.80312, 21.174367], [101.270026, 21.201652], [101.180005, 21.436573], [101.150033, 21.849984], [100.416538, 21.558839], [99.983489, 21.742937], [99.240899, 22.118314], [99.531992, 22.949039], [98.898749, 23.142722], [98.660262, 24.063286], [97.60472, 23.897405], [97.724609, 25.083637], [98.671838, 25.918703], [98.712094, 26.743536], [98.68269, 27.508812], [98.246231, 27.747221], [97.911988, 28.335945], [97.327114, 28.261583], [96.248833, 28.411031], [96.586591, 28.83098], [96.117679, 29.452802], [95.404802, 29.031717], [94.56599, 29.277438], [93.413348, 28.640629], [92.503119, 27.896876], [91.696657, 27.771742], [91.258854, 28.040614], [90.730514, 28.064954], [90.015829, 28.296439], [89.47581, 28.042759], [88.814248, 27.299316], [88.730326, 28.086865], [88.120441, 27.876542], [86.954517, 27.974262], [85.82332, 28.203576], [85.011638, 28.642774], [84.23458, 28.839894], [83.898993, 29.320226], [83.337115, 29.463732], [82.327513, 30.115268], [81.525804, 30.422717], [81.111256, 30.183481], [79.721367, 30.882715], [78.738894, 31.515906], [78.458446, 32.618164], [79.176129, 32.48378], [79.208892, 32.994395], [78.811086, 33.506198], [78.912269, 34.321936], [77.837451, 35.49401], [76.192848, 35.898403], [75.896897, 36.666806], [75.158028, 37.133031], [74.980002, 37.41999], [74.829986, 37.990007], [74.864816, 38.378846], [74.257514, 38.606507], [73.928852, 38.505815], [73.675379, 39.431237], [73.960013, 39.660008], [73.822244, 39.893973], [74.776862, 40.366425], [75.467828, 40.562072], [76.526368, 40.427946], [76.904484, 41.066486], [78.187197, 41.185316], [78.543661, 41.582243], [80.11943, 42.123941], [80.25999, 42.349999], [80.18015, 42.920068], [80.866206, 43.180362], [79.966106, 44.917517], [81.947071, 45.317027], [82.458926, 45.53965], [83.180484, 47.330031], [85.16429, 47.000956], [85.720484, 47.452969], [85.768233, 48.455751], [86.598776, 48.549182], [87.35997, 49.214981], [87.751264, 49.297198], [88.013832, 48.599463], [88.854298, 48.069082], [90.280826, 47.693549], [90.970809, 46.888146], [90.585768, 45.719716], [90.94554, 45.286073], [92.133891, 45.115076], [93.480734, 44.975472], [94.688929, 44.352332], [95.306875, 44.241331], [95.762455, 43.319449], [96.349396, 42.725635], [97.451757, 42.74889], [99.515817, 42.524691], [100.845866, 42.663804], [101.83304, 42.514873], [103.312278, 41.907468], [104.522282, 41.908347], [104.964994, 41.59741], [106.129316, 42.134328], [107.744773, 42.481516], [109.243596, 42.519446], [110.412103, 42.871234], [111.129682, 43.406834], [111.829588, 43.743118], [111.667737, 44.073176], [111.348377, 44.457442], [111.873306, 45.102079], [112.436062, 45.011646], [113.463907, 44.808893], [114.460332, 45.339817], [115.985096, 45.727235], [116.717868, 46.388202], [117.421701, 46.672733], [118.874326, 46.805412], [119.66327, 46.69268], [119.772824, 47.048059], [118.866574, 47.74706], [118.064143, 48.06673], [117.295507, 47.697709], [116.308953, 47.85341], [115.742837, 47.726545], [115.485282, 48.135383], [116.191802, 49.134598], [116.678801, 49.888531], [117.879244, 49.510983], [119.288461, 50.142883], [119.279366, 50.582908], [120.18205, 51.643566], [120.738191, 51.964115], [120.725789, 52.516226], [120.177089, 52.753886], [121.003085, 53.251401], [122.245748, 53.431726], [123.571507, 53.458804], [125.068211, 53.161045], [125.946349, 52.792799], [126.564399, 51.784255], [126.939157, 51.353894], [127.287456, 50.739797], [127.657407, 49.76027], ], ], ], }, id: "CHN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ivory Coast" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-2.856125, 4.994476], [-3.311084, 4.984296], [-4.00882, 5.179813], [-4.649917, 5.168264], [-5.834496, 4.993701], [-6.528769, 4.705088], [-7.518941, 4.338288], [-7.712159, 4.364566], [-7.635368, 5.188159], [-7.539715, 5.313345], [-7.570153, 5.707352], [-7.993693, 6.12619], [-8.311348, 6.193033], [-8.60288, 6.467564], [-8.385452, 6.911801], [-8.485446, 7.395208], [-8.439298, 7.686043], [-8.280703, 7.68718], [-8.221792, 8.123329], [-8.299049, 8.316444], [-8.203499, 8.455453], [-7.8321, 8.575704], [-8.079114, 9.376224], [-8.309616, 9.789532], [-8.229337, 10.12902], [-8.029944, 10.206535], [-7.89959, 10.297382], [-7.622759, 10.147236], [-6.850507, 10.138994], [-6.666461, 10.430811], [-6.493965, 10.411303], [-6.205223, 10.524061], [-6.050452, 10.096361], [-5.816926, 10.222555], [-5.404342, 10.370737], [-4.954653, 10.152714], [-4.779884, 9.821985], [-4.330247, 9.610835], [-3.980449, 9.862344], [-3.511899, 9.900326], [-2.827496, 9.642461], [-2.56219, 8.219628], [-2.983585, 7.379705], [-3.24437, 6.250472], [-2.810701, 5.389051], [-2.856125, 4.994476], ], ], }, id: "CIV", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Cameroon" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [13.075822, 2.267097], [12.951334, 2.321616], [12.35938, 2.192812], [11.751665, 2.326758], [11.276449, 2.261051], [9.649158, 2.283866], [9.795196, 3.073404], [9.404367, 3.734527], [8.948116, 3.904129], [8.744924, 4.352215], [8.488816, 4.495617], [8.500288, 4.771983], [8.757533, 5.479666], [9.233163, 6.444491], [9.522706, 6.453482], [10.118277, 7.03877], [10.497375, 7.055358], [11.058788, 6.644427], [11.745774, 6.981383], [11.839309, 7.397042], [12.063946, 7.799808], [12.218872, 8.305824], [12.753672, 8.717763], [12.955468, 9.417772], [13.1676, 9.640626], [13.308676, 10.160362], [13.57295, 10.798566], [14.415379, 11.572369], [14.468192, 11.904752], [14.577178, 12.085361], [14.181336, 12.483657], [14.213531, 12.802035], [14.495787, 12.859396], [14.893386, 12.219048], [14.960152, 11.555574], [14.923565, 10.891325], [15.467873, 9.982337], [14.909354, 9.992129], [14.627201, 9.920919], [14.171466, 10.021378], [13.954218, 9.549495], [14.544467, 8.965861], [14.979996, 8.796104], [15.120866, 8.38215], [15.436092, 7.692812], [15.27946, 7.421925], [14.776545, 6.408498], [14.53656, 6.226959], [14.459407, 5.451761], [14.558936, 5.030598], [14.478372, 4.732605], [14.950953, 4.210389], [15.03622, 3.851367], [15.405396, 3.335301], [15.862732, 3.013537], [15.907381, 2.557389], [16.012852, 2.26764], [15.940919, 1.727673], [15.146342, 1.964015], [14.337813, 2.227875], [13.075822, 2.267097], ], ], }, id: "CMR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Democratic Republic of the Congo" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [30.83386, 3.509166], [30.773347, 2.339883], [31.174149, 2.204465], [30.85267, 1.849396], [30.468508, 1.583805], [30.086154, 1.062313], [29.875779, 0.59738], [29.819503, -0.20531], [29.587838, -0.587406], [29.579466, -1.341313], [29.291887, -1.620056], [29.254835, -2.21511], [29.117479, -2.292211], [29.024926, -2.839258], [29.276384, -3.293907], [29.339998, -4.499983], [29.519987, -5.419979], [29.419993, -5.939999], [29.620032, -6.520015], [30.199997, -7.079981], [30.740015, -8.340007], [30.346086, -8.238257], [29.002912, -8.407032], [28.734867, -8.526559], [28.449871, -9.164918], [28.673682, -9.605925], [28.49607, -10.789884], [28.372253, -11.793647], [28.642417, -11.971569], [29.341548, -12.360744], [29.616001, -12.178895], [29.699614, -13.257227], [28.934286, -13.248958], [28.523562, -12.698604], [28.155109, -12.272481], [27.388799, -12.132747], [27.16442, -11.608748], [26.553088, -11.92444], [25.75231, -11.784965], [25.418118, -11.330936], [24.78317, -11.238694], [24.314516, -11.262826], [24.257155, -10.951993], [23.912215, -10.926826], [23.456791, -10.867863], [22.837345, -11.017622], [22.402798, -10.993075], [22.155268, -11.084801], [22.208753, -9.894796], [21.875182, -9.523708], [21.801801, -8.908707], [21.949131, -8.305901], [21.746456, -7.920085], [21.728111, -7.290872], [20.514748, -7.299606], [20.601823, -6.939318], [20.091622, -6.94309], [20.037723, -7.116361], [19.417502, -7.155429], [19.166613, -7.738184], [19.016752, -7.988246], [18.464176, -7.847014], [18.134222, -7.987678], [17.47297, -8.068551], [17.089996, -7.545689], [16.860191, -7.222298], [16.57318, -6.622645], [16.326528, -5.87747], [13.375597, -5.864241], [13.024869, -5.984389], [12.735171, -5.965682], [12.322432, -6.100092], [12.182337, -5.789931], [12.436688, -5.684304], [12.468004, -5.248362], [12.631612, -4.991271], [12.995517, -4.781103], [13.25824, -4.882957], [13.600235, -4.500138], [14.144956, -4.510009], [14.209035, -4.793092], [14.582604, -4.970239], [15.170992, -4.343507], [15.75354, -3.855165], [16.00629, -3.535133], [15.972803, -2.712392], [16.407092, -1.740927], [16.865307, -1.225816], [17.523716, -0.74383], [17.638645, -0.424832], [17.663553, -0.058084], [17.82654, 0.288923], [17.774192, 0.855659], [17.898835, 1.741832], [18.094276, 2.365722], [18.393792, 2.900443], [18.453065, 3.504386], [18.542982, 4.201785], [18.932312, 4.709506], [19.467784, 5.031528], [20.290679, 4.691678], [20.927591, 4.322786], [21.659123, 4.224342], [22.405124, 4.02916], [22.704124, 4.633051], [22.84148, 4.710126], [23.297214, 4.609693], [24.410531, 5.108784], [24.805029, 4.897247], [25.128833, 4.927245], [25.278798, 5.170408], [25.650455, 5.256088], [26.402761, 5.150875], [27.044065, 5.127853], [27.374226, 5.233944], [27.979977, 4.408413], [28.428994, 4.287155], [28.696678, 4.455077], [29.159078, 4.389267], [29.715995, 4.600805], [29.9535, 4.173699], [30.83386, 3.509166], ], ], }, id: "COD", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Republic of the Congo" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [12.995517, -4.781103], [12.62076, -4.438023], [12.318608, -4.60623], [11.914963, -5.037987], [11.093773, -3.978827], [11.855122, -3.426871], [11.478039, -2.765619], [11.820964, -2.514161], [12.495703, -2.391688], [12.575284, -1.948511], [13.109619, -2.42874], [13.992407, -2.470805], [14.29921, -1.998276], [14.425456, -1.333407], [14.316418, -0.552627], [13.843321, 0.038758], [14.276266, 1.19693], [14.026669, 1.395677], [13.282631, 1.314184], [13.003114, 1.830896], [13.075822, 2.267097], [14.337813, 2.227875], [15.146342, 1.964015], [15.940919, 1.727673], [16.012852, 2.26764], [16.537058, 3.198255], [17.133042, 3.728197], [17.8099, 3.560196], [18.453065, 3.504386], [18.393792, 2.900443], [18.094276, 2.365722], [17.898835, 1.741832], [17.774192, 0.855659], [17.82654, 0.288923], [17.663553, -0.058084], [17.638645, -0.424832], [17.523716, -0.74383], [16.865307, -1.225816], [16.407092, -1.740927], [15.972803, -2.712392], [16.00629, -3.535133], [15.75354, -3.855165], [15.170992, -4.343507], [14.582604, -4.970239], [14.209035, -4.793092], [14.144956, -4.510009], [13.600235, -4.500138], [13.25824, -4.882957], [12.995517, -4.781103], ], ], }, id: "COG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Colombia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-75.373223, -0.152032], [-75.801466, 0.084801], [-76.292314, 0.416047], [-76.57638, 0.256936], [-77.424984, 0.395687], [-77.668613, 0.825893], [-77.855061, 0.809925], [-78.855259, 1.380924], [-78.990935, 1.69137], [-78.617831, 1.766404], [-78.662118, 2.267355], [-78.42761, 2.629556], [-77.931543, 2.696606], [-77.510431, 3.325017], [-77.12769, 3.849636], [-77.496272, 4.087606], [-77.307601, 4.667984], [-77.533221, 5.582812], [-77.318815, 5.845354], [-77.476661, 6.691116], [-77.881571, 7.223771], [-77.753414, 7.70984], [-77.431108, 7.638061], [-77.242566, 7.935278], [-77.474723, 8.524286], [-77.353361, 8.670505], [-76.836674, 8.638749], [-76.086384, 9.336821], [-75.6746, 9.443248], [-75.664704, 9.774003], [-75.480426, 10.61899], [-74.906895, 11.083045], [-74.276753, 11.102036], [-74.197223, 11.310473], [-73.414764, 11.227015], [-72.627835, 11.731972], [-72.238195, 11.95555], [-71.75409, 12.437303], [-71.399822, 12.376041], [-71.137461, 12.112982], [-71.331584, 11.776284], [-71.973922, 11.608672], [-72.227575, 11.108702], [-72.614658, 10.821975], [-72.905286, 10.450344], [-73.027604, 9.73677], [-73.304952, 9.152], [-72.78873, 9.085027], [-72.660495, 8.625288], [-72.439862, 8.405275], [-72.360901, 8.002638], [-72.479679, 7.632506], [-72.444487, 7.423785], [-72.198352, 7.340431], [-71.960176, 6.991615], [-70.674234, 7.087785], [-70.093313, 6.960376], [-69.38948, 6.099861], [-68.985319, 6.206805], [-68.265052, 6.153268], [-67.695087, 6.267318], [-67.34144, 6.095468], [-67.521532, 5.55687], [-67.744697, 5.221129], [-67.823012, 4.503937], [-67.621836, 3.839482], [-67.337564, 3.542342], [-67.303173, 3.318454], [-67.809938, 2.820655], [-67.447092, 2.600281], [-67.181294, 2.250638], [-66.876326, 1.253361], [-67.065048, 1.130112], [-67.259998, 1.719999], [-67.53781, 2.037163], [-67.868565, 1.692455], [-69.816973, 1.714805], [-69.804597, 1.089081], [-69.218638, 0.985677], [-69.252434, 0.602651], [-69.452396, 0.706159], [-70.015566, 0.541414], [-70.020656, -0.185156], [-69.577065, -0.549992], [-69.420486, -1.122619], [-69.444102, -1.556287], [-69.893635, -4.298187], [-70.394044, -3.766591], [-70.692682, -3.742872], [-70.047709, -2.725156], [-70.813476, -2.256865], [-71.413646, -2.342802], [-71.774761, -2.16979], [-72.325787, -2.434218], [-73.070392, -2.308954], [-73.659504, -1.260491], [-74.122395, -1.002833], [-74.441601, -0.53082], [-75.106625, -0.057205], [-75.373223, -0.152032], ], ], }, id: "COL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Costa Rica" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-82.965783, 8.225028], [-83.508437, 8.446927], [-83.711474, 8.656836], [-83.596313, 8.830443], [-83.632642, 9.051386], [-83.909886, 9.290803], [-84.303402, 9.487354], [-84.647644, 9.615537], [-84.713351, 9.908052], [-84.97566, 10.086723], [-84.911375, 9.795992], [-85.110923, 9.55704], [-85.339488, 9.834542], [-85.660787, 9.933347], [-85.797445, 10.134886], [-85.791709, 10.439337], [-85.659314, 10.754331], [-85.941725, 10.895278], [-85.71254, 11.088445], [-85.561852, 11.217119], [-84.903003, 10.952303], [-84.673069, 11.082657], [-84.355931, 10.999226], [-84.190179, 10.79345], [-83.895054, 10.726839], [-83.655612, 10.938764], [-83.40232, 10.395438], [-83.015677, 9.992982], [-82.546196, 9.566135], [-82.932891, 9.476812], [-82.927155, 9.07433], [-82.719183, 8.925709], [-82.868657, 8.807266], [-82.829771, 8.626295], [-82.913176, 8.423517], [-82.965783, 8.225028], ], ], }, id: "CRI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Cuba" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-82.268151, 23.188611], [-81.404457, 23.117271], [-80.618769, 23.10598], [-79.679524, 22.765303], [-79.281486, 22.399202], [-78.347434, 22.512166], [-77.993296, 22.277194], [-77.146422, 21.657851], [-76.523825, 21.20682], [-76.19462, 21.220565], [-75.598222, 21.016624], [-75.67106, 20.735091], [-74.933896, 20.693905], [-74.178025, 20.284628], [-74.296648, 20.050379], [-74.961595, 19.923435], [-75.63468, 19.873774], [-76.323656, 19.952891], [-77.755481, 19.855481], [-77.085108, 20.413354], [-77.492655, 20.673105], [-78.137292, 20.739949], [-78.482827, 21.028613], [-78.719867, 21.598114], [-79.285, 21.559175], [-80.217475, 21.827324], [-80.517535, 22.037079], [-81.820943, 22.192057], [-82.169992, 22.387109], [-81.795002, 22.636965], [-82.775898, 22.68815], [-83.494459, 22.168518], [-83.9088, 22.154565], [-84.052151, 21.910575], [-84.54703, 21.801228], [-84.974911, 21.896028], [-84.447062, 22.20495], [-84.230357, 22.565755], [-83.77824, 22.788118], [-83.267548, 22.983042], [-82.510436, 23.078747], [-82.268151, 23.188611], ], ], }, id: "CUB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Northern Cyprus" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [32.73178, 35.140026], [32.802474, 35.145504], [32.946961, 35.386703], [33.667227, 35.373216], [34.576474, 35.671596], [33.900804, 35.245756], [33.973617, 35.058506], [33.86644, 35.093595], [33.675392, 35.017863], [33.525685, 35.038688], [33.475817, 35.000345], [33.455922, 35.101424], [33.383833, 35.162712], [33.190977, 35.173125], [32.919572, 35.087833], [32.73178, 35.140026], ], ], }, id: "-99", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Cyprus" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [33.973617, 35.058506], [34.004881, 34.978098], [32.979827, 34.571869], [32.490296, 34.701655], [32.256667, 35.103232], [32.73178, 35.140026], [32.919572, 35.087833], [33.190977, 35.173125], [33.383833, 35.162712], [33.455922, 35.101424], [33.475817, 35.000345], [33.525685, 35.038688], [33.675392, 35.017863], [33.86644, 35.093595], [33.973617, 35.058506], ], ], }, id: "CYP", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Czech Republic" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [16.960288, 48.596982], [16.499283, 48.785808], [16.029647, 48.733899], [15.253416, 49.039074], [14.901447, 48.964402], [14.338898, 48.555305], [13.595946, 48.877172], [13.031329, 49.307068], [12.521024, 49.547415], [12.415191, 49.969121], [12.240111, 50.266338], [12.966837, 50.484076], [13.338132, 50.733234], [14.056228, 50.926918], [14.307013, 51.117268], [14.570718, 51.002339], [15.016996, 51.106674], [15.490972, 50.78473], [16.238627, 50.697733], [16.176253, 50.422607], [16.719476, 50.215747], [16.868769, 50.473974], [17.554567, 50.362146], [17.649445, 50.049038], [18.392914, 49.988629], [18.853144, 49.49623], [18.554971, 49.495015], [18.399994, 49.315001], [18.170498, 49.271515], [18.104973, 49.043983], [17.913512, 48.996493], [17.886485, 48.903475], [17.545007, 48.800019], [17.101985, 48.816969], [16.960288, 48.596982], ], ], }, id: "CZE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Germany" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [9.921906, 54.983104], [9.93958, 54.596642], [10.950112, 54.363607], [10.939467, 54.008693], [11.956252, 54.196486], [12.51844, 54.470371], [13.647467, 54.075511], [14.119686, 53.757029], [14.353315, 53.248171], [14.074521, 52.981263], [14.4376, 52.62485], [14.685026, 52.089947], [14.607098, 51.745188], [15.016996, 51.106674], [14.570718, 51.002339], [14.307013, 51.117268], [14.056228, 50.926918], [13.338132, 50.733234], [12.966837, 50.484076], [12.240111, 50.266338], [12.415191, 49.969121], [12.521024, 49.547415], [13.031329, 49.307068], [13.595946, 48.877172], [13.243357, 48.416115], [12.884103, 48.289146], [13.025851, 47.637584], [12.932627, 47.467646], [12.62076, 47.672388], [12.141357, 47.703083], [11.426414, 47.523766], [10.544504, 47.566399], [10.402084, 47.302488], [9.896068, 47.580197], [9.594226, 47.525058], [8.522612, 47.830828], [8.317301, 47.61358], [7.466759, 47.620582], [7.593676, 48.333019], [8.099279, 49.017784], [6.65823, 49.201958], [6.18632, 49.463803], [6.242751, 49.902226], [6.043073, 50.128052], [6.156658, 50.803721], [5.988658, 51.851616], [6.589397, 51.852029], [6.84287, 52.22844], [7.092053, 53.144043], [6.90514, 53.482162], [7.100425, 53.693932], [7.936239, 53.748296], [8.121706, 53.527792], [8.800734, 54.020786], [8.572118, 54.395646], [8.526229, 54.962744], [9.282049, 54.830865], [9.921906, 54.983104], ], ], }, id: "DEU", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Djibouti" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [43.081226, 12.699639], [43.317852, 12.390148], [43.286381, 11.974928], [42.715874, 11.735641], [43.145305, 11.46204], [42.776852, 10.926879], [42.55493, 11.10511], [42.31414, 11.0342], [41.75557, 11.05091], [41.73959, 11.35511], [41.66176, 11.6312], [42, 12.1], [42.35156, 12.54223], [42.779642, 12.455416], [43.081226, 12.699639], ], ], }, id: "DJI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Denmark" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [12.690006, 55.609991], [12.089991, 54.800015], [11.043543, 55.364864], [10.903914, 55.779955], [12.370904, 56.111407], [12.690006, 55.609991], ], ], [ [ [10.912182, 56.458621], [10.667804, 56.081383], [10.369993, 56.190007], [9.649985, 55.469999], [9.921906, 54.983104], [9.282049, 54.830865], [8.526229, 54.962744], [8.120311, 55.517723], [8.089977, 56.540012], [8.256582, 56.809969], [8.543438, 57.110003], [9.424469, 57.172066], [9.775559, 57.447941], [10.580006, 57.730017], [10.546106, 57.215733], [10.25, 56.890016], [10.369993, 56.609982], [10.912182, 56.458621], ], ], ], }, id: "DNK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Dominican Republic" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-71.712361, 19.714456], [-71.587304, 19.884911], [-70.806706, 19.880286], [-70.214365, 19.622885], [-69.950815, 19.648], [-69.76925, 19.293267], [-69.222126, 19.313214], [-69.254346, 19.015196], [-68.809412, 18.979074], [-68.317943, 18.612198], [-68.689316, 18.205142], [-69.164946, 18.422648], [-69.623988, 18.380713], [-69.952934, 18.428307], [-70.133233, 18.245915], [-70.517137, 18.184291], [-70.669298, 18.426886], [-70.99995, 18.283329], [-71.40021, 17.598564], [-71.657662, 17.757573], [-71.708305, 18.044997], [-71.687738, 18.31666], [-71.945112, 18.6169], [-71.701303, 18.785417], [-71.624873, 19.169838], [-71.712361, 19.714456], ], ], }, id: "DOM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Algeria" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [11.999506, 23.471668], [8.572893, 21.565661], [5.677566, 19.601207], [4.267419, 19.155265], [3.158133, 19.057364], [3.146661, 19.693579], [2.683588, 19.85623], [2.060991, 20.142233], [1.823228, 20.610809], [-1.550055, 22.792666], [-4.923337, 24.974574], [-8.6844, 27.395744], [-8.665124, 27.589479], [-8.66559, 27.656426], [-8.674116, 28.841289], [-7.059228, 29.579228], [-6.060632, 29.7317], [-5.242129, 30.000443], [-4.859646, 30.501188], [-3.690441, 30.896952], [-3.647498, 31.637294], [-3.06898, 31.724498], [-2.616605, 32.094346], [-1.307899, 32.262889], [-1.124551, 32.651522], [-1.388049, 32.864015], [-1.733455, 33.919713], [-1.792986, 34.527919], [-2.169914, 35.168396], [-1.208603, 35.714849], [-0.127454, 35.888662], [0.503877, 36.301273], [1.466919, 36.605647], [3.161699, 36.783905], [4.815758, 36.865037], [5.32012, 36.716519], [6.26182, 37.110655], [7.330385, 37.118381], [7.737078, 36.885708], [8.420964, 36.946427], [8.217824, 36.433177], [8.376368, 35.479876], [8.140981, 34.655146], [7.524482, 34.097376], [7.612642, 33.344115], [8.430473, 32.748337], [8.439103, 32.506285], [9.055603, 32.102692], [9.48214, 30.307556], [9.805634, 29.424638], [9.859998, 28.95999], [9.683885, 28.144174], [9.756128, 27.688259], [9.629056, 27.140953], [9.716286, 26.512206], [9.319411, 26.094325], [9.910693, 25.365455], [9.948261, 24.936954], [10.303847, 24.379313], [10.771364, 24.562532], [11.560669, 24.097909], [11.999506, 23.471668], ], ], }, id: "DZA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ecuador" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-80.302561, -3.404856], [-79.770293, -2.657512], [-79.986559, -2.220794], [-80.368784, -2.685159], [-80.967765, -2.246943], [-80.764806, -1.965048], [-80.933659, -1.057455], [-80.58337, -0.906663], [-80.399325, -0.283703], [-80.020898, 0.36034], [-80.09061, 0.768429], [-79.542762, 0.982938], [-78.855259, 1.380924], [-77.855061, 0.809925], [-77.668613, 0.825893], [-77.424984, 0.395687], [-76.57638, 0.256936], [-76.292314, 0.416047], [-75.801466, 0.084801], [-75.373223, -0.152032], [-75.233723, -0.911417], [-75.544996, -1.56161], [-76.635394, -2.608678], [-77.837905, -3.003021], [-78.450684, -3.873097], [-78.639897, -4.547784], [-79.205289, -4.959129], [-79.624979, -4.454198], [-80.028908, -4.346091], [-80.442242, -4.425724], [-80.469295, -4.059287], [-80.184015, -3.821162], [-80.302561, -3.404856], ], ], }, id: "ECU", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Egypt" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [34.9226, 29.50133], [34.64174, 29.09942], [34.42655, 28.34399], [34.15451, 27.8233], [33.92136, 27.6487], [33.58811, 27.97136], [33.13676, 28.41765], [32.42323, 29.85108], [32.32046, 29.76043], [32.73482, 28.70523], [33.34876, 27.69989], [34.10455, 26.14227], [34.47387, 25.59856], [34.79507, 25.03375], [35.69241, 23.92671], [35.49372, 23.75237], [35.52598, 23.10244], [36.69069, 22.20485], [36.86623, 22], [32.9, 22], [29.02, 22], [25, 22], [25, 25.6825], [25, 29.238655], [24.70007, 30.04419], [24.95762, 30.6616], [24.80287, 31.08929], [25.16482, 31.56915], [26.49533, 31.58568], [27.45762, 31.32126], [28.45048, 31.02577], [28.91353, 30.87005], [29.68342, 31.18686], [30.09503, 31.4734], [30.97693, 31.55586], [31.68796, 31.4296], [31.96041, 30.9336], [32.19247, 31.26034], [32.99392, 31.02407], [33.7734, 30.96746], [34.26544, 31.21936], [34.9226, 29.50133], ], ], }, id: "EGY", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Eritrea" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [42.35156, 12.54223], [42.00975, 12.86582], [41.59856, 13.45209], [41.155194, 13.77332], [40.8966, 14.11864], [40.026219, 14.519579], [39.34061, 14.53155], [39.0994, 14.74064], [38.51295, 14.50547], [37.90607, 14.95943], [37.59377, 14.2131], [36.42951, 14.42211], [36.323189, 14.822481], [36.75386, 16.291874], [36.85253, 16.95655], [37.16747, 17.26314], [37.904, 17.42754], [38.41009, 17.998307], [38.990623, 16.840626], [39.26611, 15.922723], [39.814294, 15.435647], [41.179275, 14.49108], [41.734952, 13.921037], [42.276831, 13.343992], [42.589576, 13.000421], [43.081226, 12.699639], [42.779642, 12.455416], [42.35156, 12.54223], ], ], }, id: "ERI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Spain" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-9.034818, 41.880571], [-8.984433, 42.592775], [-9.392884, 43.026625], [-7.97819, 43.748338], [-6.754492, 43.567909], [-5.411886, 43.57424], [-4.347843, 43.403449], [-3.517532, 43.455901], [-1.901351, 43.422802], [-1.502771, 43.034014], [0.338047, 42.579546], [0.701591, 42.795734], [1.826793, 42.343385], [2.985999, 42.473015], [3.039484, 41.89212], [2.091842, 41.226089], [0.810525, 41.014732], [0.721331, 40.678318], [0.106692, 40.123934], [-0.278711, 39.309978], [0.111291, 38.738514], [-0.467124, 38.292366], [-0.683389, 37.642354], [-1.438382, 37.443064], [-2.146453, 36.674144], [-3.415781, 36.6589], [-4.368901, 36.677839], [-4.995219, 36.324708], [-5.37716, 35.94685], [-5.866432, 36.029817], [-6.236694, 36.367677], [-6.520191, 36.942913], [-7.453726, 37.097788], [-7.537105, 37.428904], [-7.166508, 37.803894], [-7.029281, 38.075764], [-7.374092, 38.373059], [-7.098037, 39.030073], [-7.498632, 39.629571], [-7.066592, 39.711892], [-7.026413, 40.184524], [-6.86402, 40.330872], [-6.851127, 41.111083], [-6.389088, 41.381815], [-6.668606, 41.883387], [-7.251309, 41.918346], [-7.422513, 41.792075], [-8.013175, 41.790886], [-8.263857, 42.280469], [-8.671946, 42.134689], [-9.034818, 41.880571], ], ], }, id: "ESP", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Estonia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [24.312863, 57.793424], [24.428928, 58.383413], [24.061198, 58.257375], [23.42656, 58.612753], [23.339795, 59.18724], [24.604214, 59.465854], [25.864189, 59.61109], [26.949136, 59.445803], [27.981114, 59.475388], [28.131699, 59.300825], [27.420166, 58.724581], [27.716686, 57.791899], [27.288185, 57.474528], [26.463532, 57.476389], [25.60281, 57.847529], [25.164594, 57.970157], [24.312863, 57.793424], ], ], }, id: "EST", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ethiopia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [37.90607, 14.95943], [38.51295, 14.50547], [39.0994, 14.74064], [39.34061, 14.53155], [40.02625, 14.51959], [40.8966, 14.11864], [41.1552, 13.77333], [41.59856, 13.45209], [42.00975, 12.86582], [42.35156, 12.54223], [42, 12.1], [41.66176, 11.6312], [41.73959, 11.35511], [41.75557, 11.05091], [42.31414, 11.0342], [42.55493, 11.10511], [42.776852, 10.926879], [42.55876, 10.57258], [42.92812, 10.02194], [43.29699, 9.54048], [43.67875, 9.18358], [46.94834, 7.99688], [47.78942, 8.003], [44.9636, 5.00162], [43.66087, 4.95755], [42.76967, 4.25259], [42.12861, 4.23413], [41.855083, 3.918912], [41.1718, 3.91909], [40.76848, 4.25702], [39.85494, 3.83879], [39.559384, 3.42206], [38.89251, 3.50074], [38.67114, 3.61607], [38.43697, 3.58851], [38.120915, 3.598605], [36.855093, 4.447864], [36.159079, 4.447864], [35.817448, 4.776966], [35.817448, 5.338232], [35.298007, 5.506], [34.70702, 6.59422], [34.25032, 6.82607], [34.0751, 7.22595], [33.56829, 7.71334], [32.95418, 7.78497], [33.2948, 8.35458], [33.8255, 8.37916], [33.97498, 8.68456], [33.96162, 9.58358], [34.25745, 10.63009], [34.73115, 10.91017], [34.83163, 11.31896], [35.26049, 12.08286], [35.86363, 12.57828], [36.27022, 13.56333], [36.42951, 14.42211], [37.59377, 14.2131], [37.90607, 14.95943], ], ], }, id: "ETH", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Finland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [28.59193, 69.064777], [28.445944, 68.364613], [29.977426, 67.698297], [29.054589, 66.944286], [30.21765, 65.80598], [29.54443, 64.948672], [30.444685, 64.204453], [30.035872, 63.552814], [31.516092, 62.867687], [31.139991, 62.357693], [30.211107, 61.780028], [28.069998, 60.503517], [26.255173, 60.423961], [24.496624, 60.057316], [22.869695, 59.846373], [22.290764, 60.391921], [21.322244, 60.72017], [21.544866, 61.705329], [21.059211, 62.607393], [21.536029, 63.189735], [22.442744, 63.81781], [24.730512, 64.902344], [25.398068, 65.111427], [25.294043, 65.534346], [23.903379, 66.006927], [23.56588, 66.396051], [23.539473, 67.936009], [21.978535, 68.616846], [20.645593, 69.106247], [21.244936, 69.370443], [22.356238, 68.841741], [23.66205, 68.891247], [24.735679, 68.649557], [25.689213, 69.092114], [26.179622, 69.825299], [27.732292, 70.164193], [29.015573, 69.766491], [28.59193, 69.064777], ], ], }, id: "FIN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Fiji" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [178.3736, -17.33992], [178.71806, -17.62846], [178.55271, -18.15059], [177.93266, -18.28799], [177.38146, -18.16432], [177.28504, -17.72465], [177.67087, -17.38114], [178.12557, -17.50481], [178.3736, -17.33992], ], ], [ [ [179.364143, -16.801354], [178.725059, -17.012042], [178.596839, -16.63915], [179.096609, -16.433984], [179.413509, -16.379054], [180, -16.067133], [180, -16.555217], [179.364143, -16.801354], ], ], [ [ [-179.917369, -16.501783], [-180, -16.555217], [-180, -16.067133], [-179.79332, -16.020882], [-179.917369, -16.501783], ], ], ], }, id: "FJI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Falkland Islands" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-61.2, -51.85], [-60, -51.25], [-59.15, -51.5], [-58.55, -51.1], [-57.75, -51.55], [-58.05, -51.9], [-59.4, -52.2], [-59.85, -51.85], [-60.7, -52.3], [-61.2, -51.85], ], ], }, id: "FLK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "France" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [9.560016, 42.152492], [9.229752, 41.380007], [8.775723, 41.583612], [8.544213, 42.256517], [8.746009, 42.628122], [9.390001, 43.009985], [9.560016, 42.152492], ], [ [3.588184, 50.378992], [4.286023, 49.907497], [4.799222, 49.985373], [5.674052, 49.529484], [5.897759, 49.442667], [6.18632, 49.463803], [6.65823, 49.201958], [8.099279, 49.017784], [7.593676, 48.333019], [7.466759, 47.620582], [7.192202, 47.449766], [6.736571, 47.541801], [6.768714, 47.287708], [6.037389, 46.725779], [6.022609, 46.27299], [6.5001, 46.429673], [6.843593, 45.991147], [6.802355, 45.70858], [7.096652, 45.333099], [6.749955, 45.028518], [7.007562, 44.254767], [7.549596, 44.127901], [7.435185, 43.693845], [6.529245, 43.128892], [4.556963, 43.399651], [3.100411, 43.075201], [2.985999, 42.473015], [1.826793, 42.343385], [0.701591, 42.795734], [0.338047, 42.579546], [-1.502771, 43.034014], [-1.901351, 43.422802], [-1.384225, 44.02261], [-1.193798, 46.014918], [-2.225724, 47.064363], [-2.963276, 47.570327], [-4.491555, 47.954954], [-4.59235, 48.68416], [-3.295814, 48.901692], [-1.616511, 48.644421], [-1.933494, 49.776342], [-0.989469, 49.347376], [1.338761, 50.127173], [1.639001, 50.946606], [2.513573, 51.148506], [2.658422, 50.796848], [3.123252, 50.780363], [3.588184, 50.378992], ], ], ], }, id: "FRA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Gviana" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-52.556425, 2.504705], [-52.939657, 2.124858], [-53.418465, 2.053389], [-53.554839, 2.334897], [-53.778521, 2.376703], [-54.088063, 2.105557], [-54.524754, 2.311849], [-54.27123, 2.738748], [-54.184284, 3.194172], [-54.011504, 3.62257], [-54.399542, 4.212611], [-54.478633, 4.896756], [-53.958045, 5.756548], [-53.618453, 5.646529], [-52.882141, 5.409851], [-51.823343, 4.565768], [-51.657797, 4.156232], [-52.249338, 3.241094], [-52.556425, 2.504705], ], ], ], }, id: "GVI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Gabon" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [11.093773, -3.978827], [10.066135, -2.969483], [9.405245, -2.144313], [8.797996, -1.111301], [8.830087, -0.779074], [9.04842, -0.459351], [9.291351, 0.268666], [9.492889, 1.01012], [9.830284, 1.067894], [11.285079, 1.057662], [11.276449, 2.261051], [11.751665, 2.326758], [12.35938, 2.192812], [12.951334, 2.321616], [13.075822, 2.267097], [13.003114, 1.830896], [13.282631, 1.314184], [14.026669, 1.395677], [14.276266, 1.19693], [13.843321, 0.038758], [14.316418, -0.552627], [14.425456, -1.333407], [14.29921, -1.998276], [13.992407, -2.470805], [13.109619, -2.42874], [12.575284, -1.948511], [12.495703, -2.391688], [11.820964, -2.514161], [11.478039, -2.765619], [11.855122, -3.426871], [11.093773, -3.978827], ], ], }, id: "GAB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "England" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-5.661949, 54.554603], [-6.197885, 53.867565], [-6.95373, 54.073702], [-7.572168, 54.059956], [-7.366031, 54.595841], [-7.572168, 55.131622], [-6.733847, 55.17286], [-5.661949, 54.554603], ], ], [ [ [-3.005005, 58.635], [-4.073828, 57.553025], [-3.055002, 57.690019], [-1.959281, 57.6848], [-2.219988, 56.870017], [-3.119003, 55.973793], [-2.085009, 55.909998], [-2.005676, 55.804903], [-1.114991, 54.624986], [-0.430485, 54.464376], [0.184981, 53.325014], [0.469977, 52.929999], [1.681531, 52.73952], [1.559988, 52.099998], [1.050562, 51.806761], [1.449865, 51.289428], [0.550334, 50.765739], [-0.787517, 50.774989], [-2.489998, 50.500019], [-2.956274, 50.69688], [-3.617448, 50.228356], [-4.542508, 50.341837], [-5.245023, 49.96], [-5.776567, 50.159678], [-4.30999, 51.210001], [-3.414851, 51.426009], [-3.422719, 51.426848], [-4.984367, 51.593466], [-5.267296, 51.9914], [-4.222347, 52.301356], [-4.770013, 52.840005], [-4.579999, 53.495004], [-3.093831, 53.404547], [-3.09208, 53.404441], [-2.945009, 53.985], [-3.614701, 54.600937], [-3.630005, 54.615013], [-4.844169, 54.790971], [-5.082527, 55.061601], [-4.719112, 55.508473], [-5.047981, 55.783986], [-5.586398, 55.311146], [-5.644999, 56.275015], [-6.149981, 56.78501], [-5.786825, 57.818848], [-5.009999, 58.630013], [-4.211495, 58.550845], [-3.005005, 58.635], ], ], ], }, id: "GBR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Georgia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [41.554084, 41.535656], [41.703171, 41.962943], [41.45347, 42.645123], [40.875469, 43.013628], [40.321394, 43.128634], [39.955009, 43.434998], [40.076965, 43.553104], [40.922185, 43.382159], [42.394395, 43.220308], [43.756017, 42.740828], [43.9312, 42.554974], [44.537623, 42.711993], [45.470279, 42.502781], [45.77641, 42.092444], [46.404951, 41.860675], [46.145432, 41.722802], [46.637908, 41.181673], [46.501637, 41.064445], [45.962601, 41.123873], [45.217426, 41.411452], [44.97248, 41.248129], [43.582746, 41.092143], [42.619549, 41.583173], [41.554084, 41.535656], ], ], }, id: "GEO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ghana" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [1.060122, 5.928837], [-0.507638, 5.343473], [-1.063625, 5.000548], [-1.964707, 4.710462], [-2.856125, 4.994476], [-2.810701, 5.389051], [-3.24437, 6.250472], [-2.983585, 7.379705], [-2.56219, 8.219628], [-2.827496, 9.642461], [-2.963896, 10.395335], [-2.940409, 10.96269], [-1.203358, 11.009819], [-0.761576, 10.93693], [-0.438702, 11.098341], [0.023803, 11.018682], [-0.049785, 10.706918], [0.36758, 10.191213], [0.365901, 9.465004], [0.461192, 8.677223], [0.712029, 8.312465], [0.490957, 7.411744], [0.570384, 6.914359], [0.836931, 6.279979], [1.060122, 5.928837], ], ], }, id: "GHA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Guinea" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-8.439298, 7.686043], [-8.722124, 7.711674], [-8.926065, 7.309037], [-9.208786, 7.313921], [-9.403348, 7.526905], [-9.33728, 7.928534], [-9.755342, 8.541055], [-10.016567, 8.428504], [-10.230094, 8.406206], [-10.505477, 8.348896], [-10.494315, 8.715541], [-10.65477, 8.977178], [-10.622395, 9.26791], [-10.839152, 9.688246], [-11.117481, 10.045873], [-11.917277, 10.046984], [-12.150338, 9.858572], [-12.425929, 9.835834], [-12.596719, 9.620188], [-12.711958, 9.342712], [-13.24655, 8.903049], [-13.685154, 9.494744], [-14.074045, 9.886167], [-14.330076, 10.01572], [-14.579699, 10.214467], [-14.693232, 10.656301], [-14.839554, 10.876572], [-15.130311, 11.040412], [-14.685687, 11.527824], [-14.382192, 11.509272], [-14.121406, 11.677117], [-13.9008, 11.678719], [-13.743161, 11.811269], [-13.828272, 12.142644], [-13.718744, 12.247186], [-13.700476, 12.586183], [-13.217818, 12.575874], [-12.499051, 12.33209], [-12.278599, 12.35444], [-12.203565, 12.465648], [-11.658301, 12.386583], [-11.513943, 12.442988], [-11.456169, 12.076834], [-11.297574, 12.077971], [-11.036556, 12.211245], [-10.87083, 12.177887], [-10.593224, 11.923975], [-10.165214, 11.844084], [-9.890993, 12.060479], [-9.567912, 12.194243], [-9.327616, 12.334286], [-9.127474, 12.30806], [-8.905265, 12.088358], [-8.786099, 11.812561], [-8.376305, 11.393646], [-8.581305, 11.136246], [-8.620321, 10.810891], [-8.407311, 10.909257], [-8.282357, 10.792597], [-8.335377, 10.494812], [-8.029944, 10.206535], [-8.229337, 10.12902], [-8.309616, 9.789532], [-8.079114, 9.376224], [-7.8321, 8.575704], [-8.203499, 8.455453], [-8.299049, 8.316444], [-8.221792, 8.123329], [-8.280703, 7.68718], [-8.439298, 7.686043], ], ], }, id: "GIN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Gambia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-16.841525, 13.151394], [-16.713729, 13.594959], [-15.624596, 13.623587], [-15.39877, 13.860369], [-15.081735, 13.876492], [-14.687031, 13.630357], [-14.376714, 13.62568], [-14.046992, 13.794068], [-13.844963, 13.505042], [-14.277702, 13.280585], [-14.712197, 13.298207], [-15.141163, 13.509512], [-15.511813, 13.27857], [-15.691001, 13.270353], [-15.931296, 13.130284], [-16.841525, 13.151394], ], ], }, id: "GMB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Guinea Bissau" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-15.130311, 11.040412], [-15.66418, 11.458474], [-16.085214, 11.524594], [-16.314787, 11.806515], [-16.308947, 11.958702], [-16.613838, 12.170911], [-16.677452, 12.384852], [-16.147717, 12.547762], [-15.816574, 12.515567], [-15.548477, 12.62817], [-13.700476, 12.586183], [-13.718744, 12.247186], [-13.828272, 12.142644], [-13.743161, 11.811269], [-13.9008, 11.678719], [-14.121406, 11.677117], [-14.382192, 11.509272], [-14.685687, 11.527824], [-15.130311, 11.040412], ], ], }, id: "GNB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Equatorial Guinea" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [9.492889, 1.01012], [9.305613, 1.160911], [9.649158, 2.283866], [11.276449, 2.261051], [11.285079, 1.057662], [9.830284, 1.067894], [9.492889, 1.01012], ], ], }, id: "GNQ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Greece" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [23.69998, 35.705004], [24.246665, 35.368022], [25.025015, 35.424996], [25.769208, 35.354018], [25.745023, 35.179998], [26.290003, 35.29999], [26.164998, 35.004995], [24.724982, 34.919988], [24.735007, 35.084991], [23.514978, 35.279992], [23.69998, 35.705004], ], ], [ [ [26.604196, 41.562115], [26.294602, 40.936261], [26.056942, 40.824123], [25.447677, 40.852545], [24.925848, 40.947062], [23.714811, 40.687129], [24.407999, 40.124993], [23.899968, 39.962006], [23.342999, 39.960998], [22.813988, 40.476005], [22.626299, 40.256561], [22.849748, 39.659311], [23.350027, 39.190011], [22.973099, 38.970903], [23.530016, 38.510001], [24.025025, 38.219993], [24.040011, 37.655015], [23.115003, 37.920011], [23.409972, 37.409991], [22.774972, 37.30501], [23.154225, 36.422506], [22.490028, 36.41], [21.670026, 36.844986], [21.295011, 37.644989], [21.120034, 38.310323], [20.730032, 38.769985], [20.217712, 39.340235], [20.150016, 39.624998], [20.615, 40.110007], [20.674997, 40.435], [20.99999, 40.580004], [21.02004, 40.842727], [21.674161, 40.931275], [22.055378, 41.149866], [22.597308, 41.130487], [22.76177, 41.3048], [22.952377, 41.337994], [23.692074, 41.309081], [24.492645, 41.583896], [25.197201, 41.234486], [26.106138, 41.328899], [26.117042, 41.826905], [26.604196, 41.562115], ], ], ], }, id: "GRC", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Greenland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-46.76379, 82.62796], [-43.40644, 83.22516], [-39.89753, 83.18018], [-38.62214, 83.54905], [-35.08787, 83.64513], [-27.10046, 83.51966], [-20.84539, 82.72669], [-22.69182, 82.34165], [-26.51753, 82.29765], [-31.9, 82.2], [-31.39646, 82.02154], [-27.85666, 82.13178], [-24.84448, 81.78697], [-22.90328, 82.09317], [-22.07175, 81.73449], [-23.16961, 81.15271], [-20.62363, 81.52462], [-15.76818, 81.91245], [-12.77018, 81.71885], [-12.20855, 81.29154], [-16.28533, 80.58004], [-16.85, 80.35], [-20.04624, 80.17708], [-17.73035, 80.12912], [-18.9, 79.4], [-19.70499, 78.75128], [-19.67353, 77.63859], [-18.47285, 76.98565], [-20.03503, 76.94434], [-21.67944, 76.62795], [-19.83407, 76.09808], [-19.59896, 75.24838], [-20.66818, 75.15585], [-19.37281, 74.29561], [-21.59422, 74.22382], [-20.43454, 73.81713], [-20.76234, 73.46436], [-22.17221, 73.30955], [-23.56593, 73.30663], [-22.31311, 72.62928], [-22.29954, 72.18409], [-24.27834, 72.59788], [-24.79296, 72.3302], [-23.44296, 72.08016], [-22.13281, 71.46898], [-21.75356, 70.66369], [-23.53603, 70.471], [-24.30702, 70.85649], [-25.54341, 71.43094], [-25.20135, 70.75226], [-26.36276, 70.22646], [-23.72742, 70.18401], [-22.34902, 70.12946], [-25.02927, 69.2588], [-27.74737, 68.47046], [-30.67371, 68.12503], [-31.77665, 68.12078], [-32.81105, 67.73547], [-34.20196, 66.67974], [-36.35284, 65.9789], [-37.04378, 65.93768], [-38.37505, 65.69213], [-39.81222, 65.45848], [-40.66899, 64.83997], [-40.68281, 64.13902], [-41.1887, 63.48246], [-42.81938, 62.68233], [-42.41666, 61.90093], [-42.86619, 61.07404], [-43.3784, 60.09772], [-44.7875, 60.03676], [-46.26364, 60.85328], [-48.26294, 60.85843], [-49.23308, 61.40681], [-49.90039, 62.38336], [-51.63325, 63.62691], [-52.14014, 64.27842], [-52.27659, 65.1767], [-53.66166, 66.09957], [-53.30161, 66.8365], [-53.96911, 67.18899], [-52.9804, 68.35759], [-51.47536, 68.72958], [-51.08041, 69.14781], [-50.87122, 69.9291], [-52.013585, 69.574925], [-52.55792, 69.42616], [-53.45629, 69.283625], [-54.68336, 69.61003], [-54.75001, 70.28932], [-54.35884, 70.821315], [-53.431315, 70.835755], [-51.39014, 70.56978], [-53.10937, 71.20485], [-54.00422, 71.54719], [-55, 71.406537], [-55.83468, 71.65444], [-54.71819, 72.58625], [-55.32634, 72.95861], [-56.12003, 73.64977], [-57.32363, 74.71026], [-58.59679, 75.09861], [-58.58516, 75.51727], [-61.26861, 76.10238], [-63.39165, 76.1752], [-66.06427, 76.13486], [-68.50438, 76.06141], [-69.66485, 76.37975], [-71.40257, 77.00857], [-68.77671, 77.32312], [-66.76397, 77.37595], [-71.04293, 77.63595], [-73.297, 78.04419], [-73.15938, 78.43271], [-69.37345, 78.91388], [-65.7107, 79.39436], [-65.3239, 79.75814], [-68.02298, 80.11721], [-67.15129, 80.51582], [-63.68925, 81.21396], [-62.23444, 81.3211], [-62.65116, 81.77042], [-60.28249, 82.03363], [-57.20744, 82.19074], [-54.13442, 82.19962], [-53.04328, 81.88833], [-50.39061, 82.43883], [-48.00386, 82.06481], [-46.59984, 81.985945], [-44.523, 81.6607], [-46.9007, 82.19979], [-46.76379, 82.62796], ], ], }, id: "GRL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Guatemala" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-90.095555, 13.735338], [-90.608624, 13.909771], [-91.23241, 13.927832], [-91.689747, 14.126218], [-92.22775, 14.538829], [-92.20323, 14.830103], [-92.087216, 15.064585], [-92.229249, 15.251447], [-91.74796, 16.066565], [-90.464473, 16.069562], [-90.438867, 16.41011], [-90.600847, 16.470778], [-90.711822, 16.687483], [-91.08167, 16.918477], [-91.453921, 17.252177], [-91.002269, 17.254658], [-91.00152, 17.817595], [-90.067934, 17.819326], [-89.14308, 17.808319], [-89.150806, 17.015577], [-89.229122, 15.886938], [-88.930613, 15.887273], [-88.604586, 15.70638], [-88.518364, 15.855389], [-88.225023, 15.727722], [-88.68068, 15.346247], [-89.154811, 15.066419], [-89.22522, 14.874286], [-89.145535, 14.678019], [-89.353326, 14.424133], [-89.587343, 14.362586], [-89.534219, 14.244816], [-89.721934, 14.134228], [-90.064678, 13.88197], [-90.095555, 13.735338], ], ], }, id: "GTM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Guyana" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-59.758285, 8.367035], [-59.101684, 7.999202], [-58.482962, 7.347691], [-58.454876, 6.832787], [-58.078103, 6.809094], [-57.542219, 6.321268], [-57.147436, 5.97315], [-57.307246, 5.073567], [-57.914289, 4.812626], [-57.86021, 4.576801], [-58.044694, 4.060864], [-57.601569, 3.334655], [-57.281433, 3.333492], [-57.150098, 2.768927], [-56.539386, 1.899523], [-56.782704, 1.863711], [-57.335823, 1.948538], [-57.660971, 1.682585], [-58.11345, 1.507195], [-58.429477, 1.463942], [-58.540013, 1.268088], [-59.030862, 1.317698], [-59.646044, 1.786894], [-59.718546, 2.24963], [-59.974525, 2.755233], [-59.815413, 3.606499], [-59.53804, 3.958803], [-59.767406, 4.423503], [-60.111002, 4.574967], [-59.980959, 5.014061], [-60.213683, 5.244486], [-60.733574, 5.200277], [-61.410303, 5.959068], [-61.139415, 6.234297], [-61.159336, 6.696077], [-60.543999, 6.856584], [-60.295668, 7.043911], [-60.637973, 7.415], [-60.550588, 7.779603], [-59.758285, 8.367035], ], ], }, id: "GUY", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Honduras" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-87.316654, 12.984686], [-87.489409, 13.297535], [-87.793111, 13.38448], [-87.723503, 13.78505], [-87.859515, 13.893312], [-88.065343, 13.964626], [-88.503998, 13.845486], [-88.541231, 13.980155], [-88.843073, 14.140507], [-89.058512, 14.340029], [-89.353326, 14.424133], [-89.145535, 14.678019], [-89.22522, 14.874286], [-89.154811, 15.066419], [-88.68068, 15.346247], [-88.225023, 15.727722], [-88.121153, 15.688655], [-87.901813, 15.864458], [-87.61568, 15.878799], [-87.522921, 15.797279], [-87.367762, 15.84694], [-86.903191, 15.756713], [-86.440946, 15.782835], [-86.119234, 15.893449], [-86.001954, 16.005406], [-85.683317, 15.953652], [-85.444004, 15.885749], [-85.182444, 15.909158], [-84.983722, 15.995923], [-84.52698, 15.857224], [-84.368256, 15.835158], [-84.063055, 15.648244], [-83.773977, 15.424072], [-83.410381, 15.270903], [-83.147219, 14.995829], [-83.489989, 15.016267], [-83.628585, 14.880074], [-83.975721, 14.749436], [-84.228342, 14.748764], [-84.449336, 14.621614], [-84.649582, 14.666805], [-84.820037, 14.819587], [-84.924501, 14.790493], [-85.052787, 14.551541], [-85.148751, 14.560197], [-85.165365, 14.35437], [-85.514413, 14.079012], [-85.698665, 13.960078], [-85.801295, 13.836055], [-86.096264, 14.038187], [-86.312142, 13.771356], [-86.520708, 13.778487], [-86.755087, 13.754845], [-86.733822, 13.263093], [-86.880557, 13.254204], [-87.005769, 13.025794], [-87.316654, 12.984686], ], ], }, id: "HND", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Croatia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [18.829838, 45.908878], [19.072769, 45.521511], [19.390476, 45.236516], [19.005486, 44.860234], [18.553214, 45.08159], [17.861783, 45.06774], [17.002146, 45.233777], [16.534939, 45.211608], [16.318157, 45.004127], [15.959367, 45.233777], [15.750026, 44.818712], [16.23966, 44.351143], [16.456443, 44.04124], [16.916156, 43.667722], [17.297373, 43.446341], [17.674922, 43.028563], [18.56, 42.65], [18.450016, 42.479991], [17.50997, 42.849995], [16.930006, 43.209998], [16.015385, 43.507215], [15.174454, 44.243191], [15.37625, 44.317915], [14.920309, 44.738484], [14.901602, 45.07606], [14.258748, 45.233777], [13.952255, 44.802124], [13.656976, 45.136935], [13.679403, 45.484149], [13.71506, 45.500324], [14.411968, 45.466166], [14.595109, 45.634941], [14.935244, 45.471695], [15.327675, 45.452316], [15.323954, 45.731783], [15.67153, 45.834154], [15.768733, 46.238108], [16.564808, 46.503751], [16.882515, 46.380632], [17.630066, 45.951769], [18.456062, 45.759481], [18.829838, 45.908878], ], ], }, id: "HRV", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Haiti" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-73.189791, 19.915684], [-72.579673, 19.871501], [-71.712361, 19.714456], [-71.624873, 19.169838], [-71.701303, 18.785417], [-71.945112, 18.6169], [-71.687738, 18.31666], [-71.708305, 18.044997], [-72.372476, 18.214961], [-72.844411, 18.145611], [-73.454555, 18.217906], [-73.922433, 18.030993], [-74.458034, 18.34255], [-74.369925, 18.664908], [-73.449542, 18.526053], [-72.694937, 18.445799], [-72.334882, 18.668422], [-72.79165, 19.101625], [-72.784105, 19.483591], [-73.415022, 19.639551], [-73.189791, 19.915684], ], ], }, id: "HTI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Hungary" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [16.202298, 46.852386], [16.534268, 47.496171], [16.340584, 47.712902], [16.903754, 47.714866], [16.979667, 48.123497], [17.488473, 47.867466], [17.857133, 47.758429], [18.696513, 47.880954], [18.777025, 48.081768], [19.174365, 48.111379], [19.661364, 48.266615], [19.769471, 48.202691], [20.239054, 48.327567], [20.473562, 48.56285], [20.801294, 48.623854], [21.872236, 48.319971], [22.085608, 48.422264], [22.64082, 48.15024], [22.710531, 47.882194], [22.099768, 47.672439], [21.626515, 46.994238], [21.021952, 46.316088], [20.220192, 46.127469], [19.596045, 46.17173], [18.829838, 45.908878], [18.456062, 45.759481], [17.630066, 45.951769], [16.882515, 46.380632], [16.564808, 46.503751], [16.370505, 46.841327], [16.202298, 46.852386], ], ], }, id: "HUN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Indonesia" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [120.715609, -10.239581], [120.295014, -10.25865], [118.967808, -9.557969], [119.90031, -9.36134], [120.425756, -9.665921], [120.775502, -9.969675], [120.715609, -10.239581], ], ], [ [ [124.43595, -10.140001], [123.579982, -10.359987], [123.459989, -10.239995], [123.550009, -9.900016], [123.980009, -9.290027], [124.968682, -8.89279], [125.07002, -9.089987], [125.08852, -9.393173], [124.43595, -10.140001], ], ], [ [ [117.900018, -8.095681], [118.260616, -8.362383], [118.87846, -8.280683], [119.126507, -8.705825], [117.970402, -8.906639], [117.277731, -9.040895], [116.740141, -9.032937], [117.083737, -8.457158], [117.632024, -8.449303], [117.900018, -8.095681], ], ], [ [ [122.903537, -8.094234], [122.756983, -8.649808], [121.254491, -8.933666], [119.924391, -8.810418], [119.920929, -8.444859], [120.715092, -8.236965], [121.341669, -8.53674], [122.007365, -8.46062], [122.903537, -8.094234], ], ], [ [ [108.623479, -6.777674], [110.539227, -6.877358], [110.759576, -6.465186], [112.614811, -6.946036], [112.978768, -7.594213], [114.478935, -7.776528], [115.705527, -8.370807], [114.564511, -8.751817], [113.464734, -8.348947], [112.559672, -8.376181], [111.522061, -8.302129], [110.58615, -8.122605], [109.427667, -7.740664], [108.693655, -7.6416], [108.277763, -7.766657], [106.454102, -7.3549], [106.280624, -6.9249], [105.365486, -6.851416], [106.051646, -5.895919], [107.265009, -5.954985], [108.072091, -6.345762], [108.486846, -6.421985], [108.623479, -6.777674], ], ], [ [ [134.724624, -6.214401], [134.210134, -6.895238], [134.112776, -6.142467], [134.290336, -5.783058], [134.499625, -5.445042], [134.727002, -5.737582], [134.724624, -6.214401], ], ], [ [ [127.249215, -3.459065], [126.874923, -3.790983], [126.183802, -3.607376], [125.989034, -3.177273], [127.000651, -3.129318], [127.249215, -3.459065], ], ], [ [ [130.471344, -3.093764], [130.834836, -3.858472], [129.990547, -3.446301], [129.155249, -3.362637], [128.590684, -3.428679], [127.898891, -3.393436], [128.135879, -2.84365], [129.370998, -2.802154], [130.471344, -3.093764], ], ], [ [ [134.143368, -1.151867], [134.422627, -2.769185], [135.457603, -3.367753], [136.293314, -2.307042], [137.440738, -1.703513], [138.329727, -1.702686], [139.184921, -2.051296], [139.926684, -2.409052], [141.00021, -2.600151], [141.017057, -5.859022], [141.033852, -9.117893], [140.143415, -8.297168], [139.127767, -8.096043], [138.881477, -8.380935], [137.614474, -8.411683], [138.039099, -7.597882], [138.668621, -7.320225], [138.407914, -6.232849], [137.92784, -5.393366], [135.98925, -4.546544], [135.164598, -4.462931], [133.66288, -3.538853], [133.367705, -4.024819], [132.983956, -4.112979], [132.756941, -3.746283], [132.753789, -3.311787], [131.989804, -2.820551], [133.066845, -2.460418], [133.780031, -2.479848], [133.696212, -2.214542], [132.232373, -2.212526], [131.836222, -1.617162], [130.94284, -1.432522], [130.519558, -0.93772], [131.867538, -0.695461], [132.380116, -0.369538], [133.985548, -0.78021], [134.143368, -1.151867], ], ], [ [ [125.240501, 1.419836], [124.437035, 0.427881], [123.685505, 0.235593], [122.723083, 0.431137], [121.056725, 0.381217], [120.183083, 0.237247], [120.04087, -0.519658], [120.935905, -1.408906], [121.475821, -0.955962], [123.340565, -0.615673], [123.258399, -1.076213], [122.822715, -0.930951], [122.38853, -1.516858], [121.508274, -1.904483], [122.454572, -3.186058], [122.271896, -3.5295], [123.170963, -4.683693], [123.162333, -5.340604], [122.628515, -5.634591], [122.236394, -5.282933], [122.719569, -4.464172], [121.738234, -4.851331], [121.489463, -4.574553], [121.619171, -4.188478], [120.898182, -3.602105], [120.972389, -2.627643], [120.305453, -2.931604], [120.390047, -4.097579], [120.430717, -5.528241], [119.796543, -5.6734], [119.366906, -5.379878], [119.653606, -4.459417], [119.498835, -3.494412], [119.078344, -3.487022], [118.767769, -2.801999], [119.180974, -2.147104], [119.323394, -1.353147], [119.825999, 0.154254], [120.035702, 0.566477], [120.885779, 1.309223], [121.666817, 1.013944], [122.927567, 0.875192], [124.077522, 0.917102], [125.065989, 1.643259], [125.240501, 1.419836], ], ], [ [ [128.688249, 1.132386], [128.635952, 0.258486], [128.12017, 0.356413], [127.968034, -0.252077], [128.379999, -0.780004], [128.100016, -0.899996], [127.696475, -0.266598], [127.39949, 1.011722], [127.600512, 1.810691], [127.932378, 2.174596], [128.004156, 1.628531], [128.594559, 1.540811], [128.688249, 1.132386], ], ], [ [ [117.875627, 1.827641], [118.996747, 0.902219], [117.811858, 0.784242], [117.478339, 0.102475], [117.521644, -0.803723], [116.560048, -1.487661], [116.533797, -2.483517], [116.148084, -4.012726], [116.000858, -3.657037], [114.864803, -4.106984], [114.468652, -3.495704], [113.755672, -3.43917], [113.256994, -3.118776], [112.068126, -3.478392], [111.703291, -2.994442], [111.04824, -3.049426], [110.223846, -2.934032], [110.070936, -1.592874], [109.571948, -1.314907], [109.091874, -0.459507], [108.952658, 0.415375], [109.069136, 1.341934], [109.66326, 2.006467], [109.830227, 1.338136], [110.514061, 0.773131], [111.159138, 0.976478], [111.797548, 0.904441], [112.380252, 1.410121], [112.859809, 1.49779], [113.80585, 1.217549], [114.621355, 1.430688], [115.134037, 2.821482], [115.519078, 3.169238], [115.865517, 4.306559], [117.015214, 4.306094], [117.882035, 4.137551], [117.313232, 3.234428], [118.04833, 2.28769], [117.875627, 1.827641], ], ], [ [ [105.817655, -5.852356], [104.710384, -5.873285], [103.868213, -5.037315], [102.584261, -4.220259], [102.156173, -3.614146], [101.399113, -2.799777], [100.902503, -2.050262], [100.141981, -0.650348], [99.26374, 0.183142], [98.970011, 1.042882], [98.601351, 1.823507], [97.699598, 2.453184], [97.176942, 3.308791], [96.424017, 3.86886], [95.380876, 4.970782], [95.293026, 5.479821], [95.936863, 5.439513], [97.484882, 5.246321], [98.369169, 4.26837], [99.142559, 3.59035], [99.693998, 3.174329], [100.641434, 2.099381], [101.658012, 2.083697], [102.498271, 1.3987], [103.07684, 0.561361], [103.838396, 0.104542], [103.437645, -0.711946], [104.010789, -1.059212], [104.369991, -1.084843], [104.53949, -1.782372], [104.887893, -2.340425], [105.622111, -2.428844], [106.108593, -3.061777], [105.857446, -4.305525], [105.817655, -5.852356], ], ], ], }, id: "IDN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "India" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [77.837451, 35.49401], [78.912269, 34.321936], [78.811086, 33.506198], [79.208892, 32.994395], [79.176129, 32.48378], [78.458446, 32.618164], [78.738894, 31.515906], [79.721367, 30.882715], [81.111256, 30.183481], [80.476721, 29.729865], [80.088425, 28.79447], [81.057203, 28.416095], [81.999987, 27.925479], [83.304249, 27.364506], [84.675018, 27.234901], [85.251779, 26.726198], [86.024393, 26.630985], [87.227472, 26.397898], [88.060238, 26.414615], [88.174804, 26.810405], [88.043133, 27.445819], [88.120441, 27.876542], [88.730326, 28.086865], [88.814248, 27.299316], [88.835643, 27.098966], [89.744528, 26.719403], [90.373275, 26.875724], [91.217513, 26.808648], [92.033484, 26.83831], [92.103712, 27.452614], [91.696657, 27.771742], [92.503119, 27.896876], [93.413348, 28.640629], [94.56599, 29.277438], [95.404802, 29.031717], [96.117679, 29.452802], [96.586591, 28.83098], [96.248833, 28.411031], [97.327114, 28.261583], [97.402561, 27.882536], [97.051989, 27.699059], [97.133999, 27.083774], [96.419366, 27.264589], [95.124768, 26.573572], [95.155153, 26.001307], [94.603249, 25.162495], [94.552658, 24.675238], [94.106742, 23.850741], [93.325188, 24.078556], [93.286327, 23.043658], [93.060294, 22.703111], [93.166128, 22.27846], [92.672721, 22.041239], [92.146035, 23.627499], [91.869928, 23.624346], [91.706475, 22.985264], [91.158963, 23.503527], [91.46773, 24.072639], [91.915093, 24.130414], [92.376202, 24.976693], [91.799596, 25.147432], [90.872211, 25.132601], [89.920693, 25.26975], [89.832481, 25.965082], [89.355094, 26.014407], [88.563049, 26.446526], [88.209789, 25.768066], [88.931554, 25.238692], [88.306373, 24.866079], [88.084422, 24.501657], [88.69994, 24.233715], [88.52977, 23.631142], [88.876312, 22.879146], [89.031961, 22.055708], [88.888766, 21.690588], [88.208497, 21.703172], [86.975704, 21.495562], [87.033169, 20.743308], [86.499351, 20.151638], [85.060266, 19.478579], [83.941006, 18.30201], [83.189217, 17.671221], [82.192792, 17.016636], [82.191242, 16.556664], [81.692719, 16.310219], [80.791999, 15.951972], [80.324896, 15.899185], [80.025069, 15.136415], [80.233274, 13.835771], [80.286294, 13.006261], [79.862547, 12.056215], [79.857999, 10.357275], [79.340512, 10.308854], [78.885345, 9.546136], [79.18972, 9.216544], [78.277941, 8.933047], [77.941165, 8.252959], [77.539898, 7.965535], [76.592979, 8.899276], [76.130061, 10.29963], [75.746467, 11.308251], [75.396101, 11.781245], [74.864816, 12.741936], [74.616717, 13.992583], [74.443859, 14.617222], [73.534199, 15.990652], [73.119909, 17.92857], [72.820909, 19.208234], [72.824475, 20.419503], [72.630533, 21.356009], [71.175273, 20.757441], [70.470459, 20.877331], [69.16413, 22.089298], [69.644928, 22.450775], [69.349597, 22.84318], [68.176645, 23.691965], [68.842599, 24.359134], [71.04324, 24.356524], [70.844699, 25.215102], [70.282873, 25.722229], [70.168927, 26.491872], [69.514393, 26.940966], [70.616496, 27.989196], [71.777666, 27.91318], [72.823752, 28.961592], [73.450638, 29.976413], [74.42138, 30.979815], [74.405929, 31.692639], [75.258642, 32.271105], [74.451559, 32.7649], [74.104294, 33.441473], [73.749948, 34.317699], [74.240203, 34.748887], [75.757061, 34.504923], [76.871722, 34.653544], [77.837451, 35.49401], ], ], }, id: "IND", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ireland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-6.197885, 53.867565], [-6.032985, 53.153164], [-6.788857, 52.260118], [-8.561617, 51.669301], [-9.977086, 51.820455], [-9.166283, 52.864629], [-9.688525, 53.881363], [-8.327987, 54.664519], [-7.572168, 55.131622], [-7.366031, 54.595841], [-7.572168, 54.059956], [-6.95373, 54.073702], [-6.197885, 53.867565], ], ], }, id: "IRL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Iran" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [53.921598, 37.198918], [54.800304, 37.392421], [55.511578, 37.964117], [56.180375, 37.935127], [56.619366, 38.121394], [57.330434, 38.029229], [58.436154, 37.522309], [59.234762, 37.412988], [60.377638, 36.527383], [61.123071, 36.491597], [61.210817, 35.650072], [60.803193, 34.404102], [60.52843, 33.676446], [60.9637, 33.528832], [60.536078, 32.981269], [60.863655, 32.18292], [60.941945, 31.548075], [61.699314, 31.379506], [61.781222, 30.73585], [60.874248, 29.829239], [61.369309, 29.303276], [61.771868, 28.699334], [62.72783, 28.259645], [62.755426, 27.378923], [63.233898, 27.217047], [63.316632, 26.756532], [61.874187, 26.239975], [61.497363, 25.078237], [59.616134, 25.380157], [58.525761, 25.609962], [57.397251, 25.739902], [56.970766, 26.966106], [56.492139, 27.143305], [55.72371, 26.964633], [54.71509, 26.480658], [53.493097, 26.812369], [52.483598, 27.580849], [51.520763, 27.86569], [50.852948, 28.814521], [50.115009, 30.147773], [49.57685, 29.985715], [48.941333, 30.31709], [48.567971, 29.926778], [48.014568, 30.452457], [48.004698, 30.985137], [47.685286, 30.984853], [47.849204, 31.709176], [47.334661, 32.469155], [46.109362, 33.017287], [45.416691, 33.967798], [45.64846, 34.748138], [46.151788, 35.093259], [46.07634, 35.677383], [45.420618, 35.977546], [44.77267, 37.17045], [44.225756, 37.971584], [44.421403, 38.281281], [44.109225, 39.428136], [44.79399, 39.713003], [44.952688, 39.335765], [45.457722, 38.874139], [46.143623, 38.741201], [46.50572, 38.770605], [47.685079, 39.508364], [48.060095, 39.582235], [48.355529, 39.288765], [48.010744, 38.794015], [48.634375, 38.270378], [48.883249, 38.320245], [49.199612, 37.582874], [50.147771, 37.374567], [50.842354, 36.872814], [52.264025, 36.700422], [53.82579, 36.965031], [53.921598, 37.198918], ], ], }, id: "IRN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Iraq" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [45.420618, 35.977546], [46.07634, 35.677383], [46.151788, 35.093259], [45.64846, 34.748138], [45.416691, 33.967798], [46.109362, 33.017287], [47.334661, 32.469155], [47.849204, 31.709176], [47.685286, 30.984853], [48.004698, 30.985137], [48.014568, 30.452457], [48.567971, 29.926778], [47.974519, 29.975819], [47.302622, 30.05907], [46.568713, 29.099025], [44.709499, 29.178891], [41.889981, 31.190009], [40.399994, 31.889992], [39.195468, 32.161009], [38.792341, 33.378686], [41.006159, 34.419372], [41.383965, 35.628317], [41.289707, 36.358815], [41.837064, 36.605854], [42.349591, 37.229873], [42.779126, 37.385264], [43.942259, 37.256228], [44.293452, 37.001514], [44.772699, 37.170445], [45.420618, 35.977546], ], ], }, id: "IRQ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Iceland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-14.508695, 66.455892], [-14.739637, 65.808748], [-13.609732, 65.126671], [-14.909834, 64.364082], [-17.794438, 63.678749], [-18.656246, 63.496383], [-19.972755, 63.643635], [-22.762972, 63.960179], [-21.778484, 64.402116], [-23.955044, 64.89113], [-22.184403, 65.084968], [-22.227423, 65.378594], [-24.326184, 65.611189], [-23.650515, 66.262519], [-22.134922, 66.410469], [-20.576284, 65.732112], [-19.056842, 66.276601], [-17.798624, 65.993853], [-16.167819, 66.526792], [-14.508695, 66.455892], ], ], }, id: "ISL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Israel" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [35.719918, 32.709192], [35.545665, 32.393992], [35.18393, 32.532511], [34.974641, 31.866582], [35.225892, 31.754341], [34.970507, 31.616778], [34.927408, 31.353435], [35.397561, 31.489086], [35.420918, 31.100066], [34.922603, 29.501326], [34.265433, 31.219361], [34.556372, 31.548824], [34.488107, 31.605539], [34.752587, 32.072926], [34.955417, 32.827376], [35.098457, 33.080539], [35.126053, 33.0909], [35.460709, 33.08904], [35.552797, 33.264275], [35.821101, 33.277426], [35.836397, 32.868123], [35.700798, 32.716014], [35.719918, 32.709192], ], ], }, id: "ISR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Italy" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [15.520376, 38.231155], [15.160243, 37.444046], [15.309898, 37.134219], [15.099988, 36.619987], [14.335229, 36.996631], [13.826733, 37.104531], [12.431004, 37.61295], [12.570944, 38.126381], [13.741156, 38.034966], [14.761249, 38.143874], [15.520376, 38.231155], ], ], [ [ [9.210012, 41.209991], [9.809975, 40.500009], [9.669519, 39.177376], [9.214818, 39.240473], [8.806936, 38.906618], [8.428302, 39.171847], [8.388253, 40.378311], [8.159998, 40.950007], [8.709991, 40.899984], [9.210012, 41.209991], ], ], [ [ [12.376485, 46.767559], [13.806475, 46.509306], [13.69811, 46.016778], [13.93763, 45.591016], [13.141606, 45.736692], [12.328581, 45.381778], [12.383875, 44.885374], [12.261453, 44.600482], [12.589237, 44.091366], [13.526906, 43.587727], [14.029821, 42.761008], [15.14257, 41.95514], [15.926191, 41.961315], [16.169897, 41.740295], [15.889346, 41.541082], [16.785002, 41.179606], [17.519169, 40.877143], [18.376687, 40.355625], [18.480247, 40.168866], [18.293385, 39.810774], [17.73838, 40.277671], [16.869596, 40.442235], [16.448743, 39.795401], [17.17149, 39.4247], [17.052841, 38.902871], [16.635088, 38.843572], [16.100961, 37.985899], [15.684087, 37.908849], [15.687963, 38.214593], [15.891981, 38.750942], [16.109332, 38.964547], [15.718814, 39.544072], [15.413613, 40.048357], [14.998496, 40.172949], [14.703268, 40.60455], [14.060672, 40.786348], [13.627985, 41.188287], [12.888082, 41.25309], [12.106683, 41.704535], [11.191906, 42.355425], [10.511948, 42.931463], [10.200029, 43.920007], [9.702488, 44.036279], [8.888946, 44.366336], [8.428561, 44.231228], [7.850767, 43.767148], [7.435185, 43.693845], [7.549596, 44.127901], [7.007562, 44.254767], [6.749955, 45.028518], [7.096652, 45.333099], [6.802355, 45.70858], [6.843593, 45.991147], [7.273851, 45.776948], [7.755992, 45.82449], [8.31663, 46.163642], [8.489952, 46.005151], [8.966306, 46.036932], [9.182882, 46.440215], [9.922837, 46.314899], [10.363378, 46.483571], [10.442701, 46.893546], [11.048556, 46.751359], [11.164828, 46.941579], [12.153088, 47.115393], [12.376485, 46.767559], ], ], ], }, id: "ITA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Jamaica" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-77.569601, 18.490525], [-76.896619, 18.400867], [-76.365359, 18.160701], [-76.199659, 17.886867], [-76.902561, 17.868238], [-77.206341, 17.701116], [-77.766023, 17.861597], [-78.337719, 18.225968], [-78.217727, 18.454533], [-77.797365, 18.524218], [-77.569601, 18.490525], ], ], }, id: "JAM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Jordan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [35.545665, 32.393992], [35.719918, 32.709192], [36.834062, 32.312938], [38.792341, 33.378686], [39.195468, 32.161009], [39.004886, 32.010217], [37.002166, 31.508413], [37.998849, 30.5085], [37.66812, 30.338665], [37.503582, 30.003776], [36.740528, 29.865283], [36.501214, 29.505254], [36.068941, 29.197495], [34.956037, 29.356555], [34.922603, 29.501326], [35.420918, 31.100066], [35.397561, 31.489086], [35.545252, 31.782505], [35.545665, 32.393992], ], ], }, id: "JOR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Japan" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [134.638428, 34.149234], [134.766379, 33.806335], [134.203416, 33.201178], [133.79295, 33.521985], [133.280268, 33.28957], [133.014858, 32.704567], [132.363115, 32.989382], [132.371176, 33.463642], [132.924373, 34.060299], [133.492968, 33.944621], [133.904106, 34.364931], [134.638428, 34.149234], ], ], [ [ [140.976388, 37.142074], [140.59977, 36.343983], [140.774074, 35.842877], [140.253279, 35.138114], [138.975528, 34.6676], [137.217599, 34.606286], [135.792983, 33.464805], [135.120983, 33.849071], [135.079435, 34.596545], [133.340316, 34.375938], [132.156771, 33.904933], [130.986145, 33.885761], [132.000036, 33.149992], [131.33279, 31.450355], [130.686318, 31.029579], [130.20242, 31.418238], [130.447676, 32.319475], [129.814692, 32.61031], [129.408463, 33.296056], [130.353935, 33.604151], [130.878451, 34.232743], [131.884229, 34.749714], [132.617673, 35.433393], [134.608301, 35.731618], [135.677538, 35.527134], [136.723831, 37.304984], [137.390612, 36.827391], [138.857602, 37.827485], [139.426405, 38.215962], [140.05479, 39.438807], [139.883379, 40.563312], [140.305783, 41.195005], [141.368973, 41.37856], [141.914263, 39.991616], [141.884601, 39.180865], [140.959489, 38.174001], [140.976388, 37.142074], ], ], [ [ [143.910162, 44.1741], [144.613427, 43.960883], [145.320825, 44.384733], [145.543137, 43.262088], [144.059662, 42.988358], [143.18385, 41.995215], [141.611491, 42.678791], [141.067286, 41.584594], [139.955106, 41.569556], [139.817544, 42.563759], [140.312087, 43.333273], [141.380549, 43.388825], [141.671952, 44.772125], [141.967645, 45.551483], [143.14287, 44.510358], [143.910162, 44.1741], ], ], ], }, id: "JPN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Kazakhstan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [70.962315, 42.266154], [70.388965, 42.081308], [69.070027, 41.384244], [68.632483, 40.668681], [68.259896, 40.662325], [67.985856, 41.135991], [66.714047, 41.168444], [66.510649, 41.987644], [66.023392, 41.994646], [66.098012, 42.99766], [64.900824, 43.728081], [63.185787, 43.650075], [62.0133, 43.504477], [61.05832, 44.405817], [60.239972, 44.784037], [58.689989, 45.500014], [58.503127, 45.586804], [55.928917, 44.995858], [55.968191, 41.308642], [55.455251, 41.259859], [54.755345, 42.043971], [54.079418, 42.324109], [52.944293, 42.116034], [52.50246, 41.783316], [52.446339, 42.027151], [52.692112, 42.443895], [52.501426, 42.792298], [51.342427, 43.132975], [50.891292, 44.031034], [50.339129, 44.284016], [50.305643, 44.609836], [51.278503, 44.514854], [51.316899, 45.245998], [52.16739, 45.408391], [53.040876, 45.259047], [53.220866, 46.234646], [53.042737, 46.853006], [52.042023, 46.804637], [51.191945, 47.048705], [50.034083, 46.60899], [49.10116, 46.39933], [48.593241, 46.561034], [48.694734, 47.075628], [48.057253, 47.743753], [47.315231, 47.715847], [46.466446, 48.394152], [47.043672, 49.152039], [46.751596, 49.356006], [47.54948, 50.454698], [48.577841, 49.87476], [48.702382, 50.605128], [50.766648, 51.692762], [52.328724, 51.718652], [54.532878, 51.02624], [55.716941, 50.621717], [56.777961, 51.043551], [58.363291, 51.063653], [59.642282, 50.545442], [59.932807, 50.842194], [61.337424, 50.79907], [61.588003, 51.272659], [59.967534, 51.96042], [60.927269, 52.447548], [60.739993, 52.719986], [61.699986, 52.979996], [60.978066, 53.664993], [61.436591, 54.006265], [65.178534, 54.354228], [65.666876, 54.601267], [68.1691, 54.970392], [69.068167, 55.38525], [70.865267, 55.169734], [71.180131, 54.133285], [72.22415, 54.376655], [73.508516, 54.035617], [73.425679, 53.48981], [74.384845, 53.546861], [76.8911, 54.490524], [76.525179, 54.177003], [77.800916, 53.404415], [80.03556, 50.864751], [80.568447, 51.388336], [81.945986, 50.812196], [83.383004, 51.069183], [83.935115, 50.889246], [84.416377, 50.3114], [85.11556, 50.117303], [85.54127, 49.692859], [86.829357, 49.826675], [87.35997, 49.214981], [86.598776, 48.549182], [85.768233, 48.455751], [85.720484, 47.452969], [85.16429, 47.000956], [83.180484, 47.330031], [82.458926, 45.53965], [81.947071, 45.317027], [79.966106, 44.917517], [80.866206, 43.180362], [80.18015, 42.920068], [80.25999, 42.349999], [79.643645, 42.496683], [79.142177, 42.856092], [77.658392, 42.960686], [76.000354, 42.988022], [75.636965, 42.8779], [74.212866, 43.298339], [73.645304, 43.091272], [73.489758, 42.500894], [71.844638, 42.845395], [71.186281, 42.704293], [70.962315, 42.266154], ], ], }, id: "KAZ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Kenya" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [40.993, -0.85829], [41.58513, -1.68325], [40.88477, -2.08255], [40.63785, -2.49979], [40.26304, -2.57309], [40.12119, -3.27768], [39.80006, -3.68116], [39.60489, -4.34653], [39.20222, -4.67677], [37.7669, -3.67712], [37.69869, -3.09699], [34.07262, -1.05982], [33.903711, -0.95], [33.893569, 0.109814], [34.18, 0.515], [34.6721, 1.17694], [35.03599, 1.90584], [34.59607, 3.05374], [34.47913, 3.5556], [34.005, 4.249885], [34.620196, 4.847123], [35.298007, 5.506], [35.817448, 5.338232], [35.817448, 4.776966], [36.159079, 4.447864], [36.855093, 4.447864], [38.120915, 3.598605], [38.43697, 3.58851], [38.67114, 3.61607], [38.89251, 3.50074], [39.559384, 3.42206], [39.85494, 3.83879], [40.76848, 4.25702], [41.1718, 3.91909], [41.855083, 3.918912], [40.98105, 2.78452], [40.993, -0.85829], ], ], }, id: "KEN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Kyrgyzstan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [70.962315, 42.266154], [71.186281, 42.704293], [71.844638, 42.845395], [73.489758, 42.500894], [73.645304, 43.091272], [74.212866, 43.298339], [75.636965, 42.8779], [76.000354, 42.988022], [77.658392, 42.960686], [79.142177, 42.856092], [79.643645, 42.496683], [80.25999, 42.349999], [80.11943, 42.123941], [78.543661, 41.582243], [78.187197, 41.185316], [76.904484, 41.066486], [76.526368, 40.427946], [75.467828, 40.562072], [74.776862, 40.366425], [73.822244, 39.893973], [73.960013, 39.660008], [73.675379, 39.431237], [71.784694, 39.279463], [70.549162, 39.604198], [69.464887, 39.526683], [69.55961, 40.103211], [70.648019, 39.935754], [71.014198, 40.244366], [71.774875, 40.145844], [73.055417, 40.866033], [71.870115, 41.3929], [71.157859, 41.143587], [70.420022, 41.519998], [71.259248, 42.167711], [70.962315, 42.266154], ], ], }, id: "KGZ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Cambodia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [103.49728, 10.632555], [103.09069, 11.153661], [102.584932, 12.186595], [102.348099, 13.394247], [102.988422, 14.225721], [104.281418, 14.416743], [105.218777, 14.273212], [106.043946, 13.881091], [106.496373, 14.570584], [107.382727, 14.202441], [107.614548, 13.535531], [107.491403, 12.337206], [105.810524, 11.567615], [106.24967, 10.961812], [105.199915, 10.88931], [104.334335, 10.486544], [103.49728, 10.632555], ], ], }, id: "KHM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "South Korea" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [128.349716, 38.612243], [129.21292, 37.432392], [129.46045, 36.784189], [129.468304, 35.632141], [129.091377, 35.082484], [128.18585, 34.890377], [127.386519, 34.475674], [126.485748, 34.390046], [126.37392, 34.93456], [126.559231, 35.684541], [126.117398, 36.725485], [126.860143, 36.893924], [126.174759, 37.749686], [126.237339, 37.840378], [126.68372, 37.804773], [127.073309, 38.256115], [127.780035, 38.304536], [128.205746, 38.370397], [128.349716, 38.612243], ], ], }, id: "KOR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Kosovo" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [20.76216, 42.05186], [20.71731, 41.84711], [20.59023, 41.85541], [20.52295, 42.21787], [20.28374, 42.32025], [20.0707, 42.58863], [20.25758, 42.81275], [20.49679, 42.88469], [20.63508, 43.21671], [20.81448, 43.27205], [20.95651, 43.13094], [21.143395, 43.068685], [21.27421, 42.90959], [21.43866, 42.86255], [21.63302, 42.67717], [21.77505, 42.6827], [21.66292, 42.43922], [21.54332, 42.32025], [21.576636, 42.245224], [21.3527, 42.2068], [20.76216, 42.05186], ], ], }, id: "-99", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Kuwait" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [47.974519, 29.975819], [48.183189, 29.534477], [48.093943, 29.306299], [48.416094, 28.552004], [47.708851, 28.526063], [47.459822, 29.002519], [46.568713, 29.099025], [47.302622, 30.05907], [47.974519, 29.975819], ], ], }, id: "KWT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Laos" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [105.218777, 14.273212], [105.544338, 14.723934], [105.589039, 15.570316], [104.779321, 16.441865], [104.716947, 17.428859], [103.956477, 18.240954], [103.200192, 18.309632], [102.998706, 17.961695], [102.413005, 17.932782], [102.113592, 18.109102], [101.059548, 17.512497], [101.035931, 18.408928], [101.282015, 19.462585], [100.606294, 19.508344], [100.548881, 20.109238], [100.115988, 20.41785], [100.329101, 20.786122], [101.180005, 21.436573], [101.270026, 21.201652], [101.80312, 21.174367], [101.652018, 22.318199], [102.170436, 22.464753], [102.754896, 21.675137], [103.203861, 20.766562], [104.435, 20.758733], [104.822574, 19.886642], [104.183388, 19.624668], [103.896532, 19.265181], [105.094598, 18.666975], [105.925762, 17.485315], [106.556008, 16.604284], [107.312706, 15.908538], [107.564525, 15.202173], [107.382727, 14.202441], [106.496373, 14.570584], [106.043946, 13.881091], [105.218777, 14.273212], ], ], }, id: "LAO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Lebanon" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [35.821101, 33.277426], [35.552797, 33.264275], [35.460709, 33.08904], [35.126053, 33.0909], [35.482207, 33.90545], [35.979592, 34.610058], [35.998403, 34.644914], [36.448194, 34.593935], [36.61175, 34.201789], [36.06646, 33.824912], [35.821101, 33.277426], ], ], }, id: "LBN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Liberia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-7.712159, 4.364566], [-7.974107, 4.355755], [-9.004794, 4.832419], [-9.91342, 5.593561], [-10.765384, 6.140711], [-11.438779, 6.785917], [-11.199802, 7.105846], [-11.146704, 7.396706], [-10.695595, 7.939464], [-10.230094, 8.406206], [-10.016567, 8.428504], [-9.755342, 8.541055], [-9.33728, 7.928534], [-9.403348, 7.526905], [-9.208786, 7.313921], [-8.926065, 7.309037], [-8.722124, 7.711674], [-8.439298, 7.686043], [-8.485446, 7.395208], [-8.385452, 6.911801], [-8.60288, 6.467564], [-8.311348, 6.193033], [-7.993693, 6.12619], [-7.570153, 5.707352], [-7.539715, 5.313345], [-7.635368, 5.188159], [-7.712159, 4.364566], ], ], }, id: "LBR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Libya" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [14.8513, 22.86295], [14.143871, 22.491289], [13.581425, 23.040506], [11.999506, 23.471668], [11.560669, 24.097909], [10.771364, 24.562532], [10.303847, 24.379313], [9.948261, 24.936954], [9.910693, 25.365455], [9.319411, 26.094325], [9.716286, 26.512206], [9.629056, 27.140953], [9.756128, 27.688259], [9.683885, 28.144174], [9.859998, 28.95999], [9.805634, 29.424638], [9.48214, 30.307556], [9.970017, 30.539325], [10.056575, 30.961831], [9.950225, 31.37607], [10.636901, 31.761421], [10.94479, 32.081815], [11.432253, 32.368903], [11.488787, 33.136996], [12.66331, 32.79278], [13.08326, 32.87882], [13.91868, 32.71196], [15.24563, 32.26508], [15.71394, 31.37626], [16.61162, 31.18218], [18.02109, 30.76357], [19.08641, 30.26639], [19.57404, 30.52582], [20.05335, 30.98576], [19.82033, 31.75179], [20.13397, 32.2382], [20.85452, 32.7068], [21.54298, 32.8432], [22.89576, 32.63858], [23.2368, 32.19149], [23.60913, 32.18726], [23.9275, 32.01667], [24.92114, 31.89936], [25.16482, 31.56915], [24.80287, 31.08929], [24.95762, 30.6616], [24.70007, 30.04419], [25, 29.238655], [25, 25.6825], [25, 22], [25, 20.00304], [23.85, 20], [23.83766, 19.58047], [19.84926, 21.49509], [15.86085, 23.40972], [14.8513, 22.86295], ], ], }, id: "LBY", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Sri Lanka" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [81.787959, 7.523055], [81.637322, 6.481775], [81.21802, 6.197141], [80.348357, 5.96837], [79.872469, 6.763463], [79.695167, 8.200843], [80.147801, 9.824078], [80.838818, 9.268427], [81.304319, 8.564206], [81.787959, 7.523055], ], ], }, id: "LKA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Lesotho" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [28.978263, -28.955597], [29.325166, -29.257387], [29.018415, -29.743766], [28.8484, -30.070051], [28.291069, -30.226217], [28.107205, -30.545732], [27.749397, -30.645106], [26.999262, -29.875954], [27.532511, -29.242711], [28.074338, -28.851469], [28.5417, -28.647502], [28.978263, -28.955597], ], ], }, id: "LSO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Lithuania" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [22.731099, 54.327537], [22.651052, 54.582741], [22.757764, 54.856574], [22.315724, 55.015299], [21.268449, 55.190482], [21.0558, 56.031076], [22.201157, 56.337802], [23.878264, 56.273671], [24.860684, 56.372528], [25.000934, 56.164531], [25.533047, 56.100297], [26.494331, 55.615107], [26.588279, 55.167176], [25.768433, 54.846963], [25.536354, 54.282423], [24.450684, 53.905702], [23.484128, 53.912498], [23.243987, 54.220567], [22.731099, 54.327537], ], ], }, id: "LTU", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Luxembourg" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [6.043073, 50.128052], [6.242751, 49.902226], [6.18632, 49.463803], [5.897759, 49.442667], [5.674052, 49.529484], [5.782417, 50.090328], [6.043073, 50.128052], ], ], }, id: "LUX", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Latvia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [21.0558, 56.031076], [21.090424, 56.783873], [21.581866, 57.411871], [22.524341, 57.753374], [23.318453, 57.006236], [24.12073, 57.025693], [24.312863, 57.793424], [25.164594, 57.970157], [25.60281, 57.847529], [26.463532, 57.476389], [27.288185, 57.474528], [27.770016, 57.244258], [27.855282, 56.759326], [28.176709, 56.16913], [27.10246, 55.783314], [26.494331, 55.615107], [25.533047, 56.100297], [25.000934, 56.164531], [24.860684, 56.372528], [23.878264, 56.273671], [22.201157, 56.337802], [21.0558, 56.031076], ], ], }, id: "LVA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Morocco" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-5.193863, 35.755182], [-4.591006, 35.330712], [-3.640057, 35.399855], [-2.604306, 35.179093], [-2.169914, 35.168396], [-1.792986, 34.527919], [-1.733455, 33.919713], [-1.388049, 32.864015], [-1.124551, 32.651522], [-1.307899, 32.262889], [-2.616605, 32.094346], [-3.06898, 31.724498], [-3.647498, 31.637294], [-3.690441, 30.896952], [-4.859646, 30.501188], [-5.242129, 30.000443], [-6.060632, 29.7317], [-7.059228, 29.579228], [-8.674116, 28.841289], [-8.66559, 27.656426], [-8.817809, 27.656426], [-8.817828, 27.656426], [-8.794884, 27.120696], [-9.413037, 27.088476], [-9.735343, 26.860945], [-10.189424, 26.860945], [-10.551263, 26.990808], [-11.392555, 26.883424], [-11.71822, 26.104092], [-12.030759, 26.030866], [-12.500963, 24.770116], [-13.89111, 23.691009], [-14.221168, 22.310163], [-14.630833, 21.86094], [-14.750955, 21.5006], [-17.002962, 21.420734], [-17.020428, 21.42231], [-16.973248, 21.885745], [-16.589137, 22.158234], [-16.261922, 22.67934], [-16.326414, 23.017768], [-15.982611, 23.723358], [-15.426004, 24.359134], [-15.089332, 24.520261], [-14.824645, 25.103533], [-14.800926, 25.636265], [-14.43994, 26.254418], [-13.773805, 26.618892], [-13.139942, 27.640148], [-13.121613, 27.654148], [-12.618837, 28.038186], [-11.688919, 28.148644], [-10.900957, 28.832142], [-10.399592, 29.098586], [-9.564811, 29.933574], [-9.814718, 31.177736], [-9.434793, 32.038096], [-9.300693, 32.564679], [-8.657476, 33.240245], [-7.654178, 33.697065], [-6.912544, 34.110476], [-6.244342, 35.145865], [-5.929994, 35.759988], [-5.193863, 35.755182], ], ], }, id: "MAR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Moldova" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [26.619337, 48.220726], [26.857824, 48.368211], [27.522537, 48.467119], [28.259547, 48.155562], [28.670891, 48.118149], [29.122698, 47.849095], [29.050868, 47.510227], [29.415135, 47.346645], [29.559674, 46.928583], [29.908852, 46.674361], [29.83821, 46.525326], [30.024659, 46.423937], [29.759972, 46.349988], [29.170654, 46.379262], [29.072107, 46.517678], [28.862972, 46.437889], [28.933717, 46.25883], [28.659987, 45.939987], [28.485269, 45.596907], [28.233554, 45.488283], [28.054443, 45.944586], [28.160018, 46.371563], [28.12803, 46.810476], [27.551166, 47.405117], [27.233873, 47.826771], [26.924176, 48.123264], [26.619337, 48.220726], ], ], }, id: "MDA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Madagascar" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [49.543519, -12.469833], [49.808981, -12.895285], [50.056511, -13.555761], [50.217431, -14.758789], [50.476537, -15.226512], [50.377111, -15.706069], [50.200275, -16.000263], [49.860606, -15.414253], [49.672607, -15.710204], [49.863344, -16.451037], [49.774564, -16.875042], [49.498612, -17.106036], [49.435619, -17.953064], [49.041792, -19.118781], [48.548541, -20.496888], [47.930749, -22.391501], [47.547723, -23.781959], [47.095761, -24.94163], [46.282478, -25.178463], [45.409508, -25.601434], [44.833574, -25.346101], [44.03972, -24.988345], [43.763768, -24.460677], [43.697778, -23.574116], [43.345654, -22.776904], [43.254187, -22.057413], [43.433298, -21.336475], [43.893683, -21.163307], [43.89637, -20.830459], [44.374325, -20.072366], [44.464397, -19.435454], [44.232422, -18.961995], [44.042976, -18.331387], [43.963084, -17.409945], [44.312469, -16.850496], [44.446517, -16.216219], [44.944937, -16.179374], [45.502732, -15.974373], [45.872994, -15.793454], [46.312243, -15.780018], [46.882183, -15.210182], [47.70513, -14.594303], [48.005215, -14.091233], [47.869047, -13.663869], [48.293828, -13.784068], [48.84506, -13.089175], [48.863509, -12.487868], [49.194651, -12.040557], [49.543519, -12.469833], ], ], }, id: "MDG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Mexico" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-97.140008, 25.869997], [-97.528072, 24.992144], [-97.702946, 24.272343], [-97.776042, 22.93258], [-97.872367, 22.444212], [-97.699044, 21.898689], [-97.38896, 21.411019], [-97.189333, 20.635433], [-96.525576, 19.890931], [-96.292127, 19.320371], [-95.900885, 18.828024], [-94.839063, 18.562717], [-94.42573, 18.144371], [-93.548651, 18.423837], [-92.786114, 18.524839], [-92.037348, 18.704569], [-91.407903, 18.876083], [-90.77187, 19.28412], [-90.53359, 19.867418], [-90.451476, 20.707522], [-90.278618, 20.999855], [-89.601321, 21.261726], [-88.543866, 21.493675], [-87.658417, 21.458846], [-87.05189, 21.543543], [-86.811982, 21.331515], [-86.845908, 20.849865], [-87.383291, 20.255405], [-87.621054, 19.646553], [-87.43675, 19.472403], [-87.58656, 19.04013], [-87.837191, 18.259816], [-88.090664, 18.516648], [-88.300031, 18.499982], [-88.490123, 18.486831], [-88.848344, 17.883198], [-89.029857, 18.001511], [-89.150909, 17.955468], [-89.14308, 17.808319], [-90.067934, 17.819326], [-91.00152, 17.817595], [-91.002269, 17.254658], [-91.453921, 17.252177], [-91.08167, 16.918477], [-90.711822, 16.687483], [-90.600847, 16.470778], [-90.438867, 16.41011], [-90.464473, 16.069562], [-91.74796, 16.066565], [-92.229249, 15.251447], [-92.087216, 15.064585], [-92.20323, 14.830103], [-92.22775, 14.538829], [-93.359464, 15.61543], [-93.875169, 15.940164], [-94.691656, 16.200975], [-95.250227, 16.128318], [-96.053382, 15.752088], [-96.557434, 15.653515], [-97.263592, 15.917065], [-98.01303, 16.107312], [-98.947676, 16.566043], [-99.697397, 16.706164], [-100.829499, 17.171071], [-101.666089, 17.649026], [-101.918528, 17.91609], [-102.478132, 17.975751], [-103.50099, 18.292295], [-103.917527, 18.748572], [-104.99201, 19.316134], [-105.493038, 19.946767], [-105.731396, 20.434102], [-105.397773, 20.531719], [-105.500661, 20.816895], [-105.270752, 21.076285], [-105.265817, 21.422104], [-105.603161, 21.871146], [-105.693414, 22.26908], [-106.028716, 22.773752], [-106.90998, 23.767774], [-107.915449, 24.548915], [-108.401905, 25.172314], [-109.260199, 25.580609], [-109.444089, 25.824884], [-109.291644, 26.442934], [-109.801458, 26.676176], [-110.391732, 27.162115], [-110.641019, 27.859876], [-111.178919, 27.941241], [-111.759607, 28.467953], [-112.228235, 28.954409], [-112.271824, 29.266844], [-112.809594, 30.021114], [-113.163811, 30.786881], [-113.148669, 31.170966], [-113.871881, 31.567608], [-114.205737, 31.524045], [-114.776451, 31.799532], [-114.9367, 31.393485], [-114.771232, 30.913617], [-114.673899, 30.162681], [-114.330974, 29.750432], [-113.588875, 29.061611], [-113.424053, 28.826174], [-113.271969, 28.754783], [-113.140039, 28.411289], [-112.962298, 28.42519], [-112.761587, 27.780217], [-112.457911, 27.525814], [-112.244952, 27.171727], [-111.616489, 26.662817], [-111.284675, 25.73259], [-110.987819, 25.294606], [-110.710007, 24.826004], [-110.655049, 24.298595], [-110.172856, 24.265548], [-109.771847, 23.811183], [-109.409104, 23.364672], [-109.433392, 23.185588], [-109.854219, 22.818272], [-110.031392, 22.823078], [-110.295071, 23.430973], [-110.949501, 24.000964], [-111.670568, 24.484423], [-112.182036, 24.738413], [-112.148989, 25.470125], [-112.300711, 26.012004], [-112.777297, 26.32196], [-113.464671, 26.768186], [-113.59673, 26.63946], [-113.848937, 26.900064], [-114.465747, 27.14209], [-115.055142, 27.722727], [-114.982253, 27.7982], [-114.570366, 27.741485], [-114.199329, 28.115003], [-114.162018, 28.566112], [-114.931842, 29.279479], [-115.518654, 29.556362], [-115.887365, 30.180794], [-116.25835, 30.836464], [-116.721526, 31.635744], [-117.12776, 32.53534], [-115.99135, 32.61239], [-114.72139, 32.72083], [-114.815, 32.52528], [-113.30498, 32.03914], [-111.02361, 31.33472], [-109.035, 31.34194], [-108.24194, 31.34222], [-108.24, 31.754854], [-106.50759, 31.75452], [-106.1429, 31.39995], [-105.63159, 31.08383], [-105.03737, 30.64402], [-104.70575, 30.12173], [-104.45697, 29.57196], [-103.94, 29.27], [-103.11, 28.97], [-102.48, 29.76], [-101.6624, 29.7793], [-100.9576, 29.38071], [-100.45584, 28.69612], [-100.11, 28.11], [-99.52, 27.54], [-99.3, 26.84], [-99.02, 26.37], [-98.24, 26.06], [-97.53, 25.84], [-97.140008, 25.869997], ], ], }, id: "MEX", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Macedonia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [20.59023, 41.85541], [20.71731, 41.84711], [20.76216, 42.05186], [21.3527, 42.2068], [21.576636, 42.245224], [21.91708, 42.30364], [22.380526, 42.32026], [22.881374, 41.999297], [22.952377, 41.337994], [22.76177, 41.3048], [22.597308, 41.130487], [22.055378, 41.149866], [21.674161, 40.931275], [21.02004, 40.842727], [20.60518, 41.08622], [20.46315, 41.51509], [20.59023, 41.85541], ], ], }, id: "MKD", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Mali" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-12.17075, 14.616834], [-11.834208, 14.799097], [-11.666078, 15.388208], [-11.349095, 15.411256], [-10.650791, 15.132746], [-10.086846, 15.330486], [-9.700255, 15.264107], [-9.550238, 15.486497], [-5.537744, 15.50169], [-5.315277, 16.201854], [-5.488523, 16.325102], [-5.971129, 20.640833], [-6.453787, 24.956591], [-4.923337, 24.974574], [-1.550055, 22.792666], [1.823228, 20.610809], [2.060991, 20.142233], [2.683588, 19.85623], [3.146661, 19.693579], [3.158133, 19.057364], [4.267419, 19.155265], [4.27021, 16.852227], [3.723422, 16.184284], [3.638259, 15.56812], [2.749993, 15.409525], [1.385528, 15.323561], [1.015783, 14.968182], [0.374892, 14.928908], [-0.266257, 14.924309], [-0.515854, 15.116158], [-1.066363, 14.973815], [-2.001035, 14.559008], [-2.191825, 14.246418], [-2.967694, 13.79815], [-3.103707, 13.541267], [-3.522803, 13.337662], [-4.006391, 13.472485], [-4.280405, 13.228444], [-4.427166, 12.542646], [-5.220942, 11.713859], [-5.197843, 11.375146], [-5.470565, 10.95127], [-5.404342, 10.370737], [-5.816926, 10.222555], [-6.050452, 10.096361], [-6.205223, 10.524061], [-6.493965, 10.411303], [-6.666461, 10.430811], [-6.850507, 10.138994], [-7.622759, 10.147236], [-7.89959, 10.297382], [-8.029944, 10.206535], [-8.335377, 10.494812], [-8.282357, 10.792597], [-8.407311, 10.909257], [-8.620321, 10.810891], [-8.581305, 11.136246], [-8.376305, 11.393646], [-8.786099, 11.812561], [-8.905265, 12.088358], [-9.127474, 12.30806], [-9.327616, 12.334286], [-9.567912, 12.194243], [-9.890993, 12.060479], [-10.165214, 11.844084], [-10.593224, 11.923975], [-10.87083, 12.177887], [-11.036556, 12.211245], [-11.297574, 12.077971], [-11.456169, 12.076834], [-11.513943, 12.442988], [-11.467899, 12.754519], [-11.553398, 13.141214], [-11.927716, 13.422075], [-12.124887, 13.994727], [-12.17075, 14.616834], ], ], }, id: "MLI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Myanmar" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [99.543309, 20.186598], [98.959676, 19.752981], [98.253724, 19.708203], [97.797783, 18.62708], [97.375896, 18.445438], [97.859123, 17.567946], [98.493761, 16.837836], [98.903348, 16.177824], [98.537376, 15.308497], [98.192074, 15.123703], [98.430819, 14.622028], [99.097755, 13.827503], [99.212012, 13.269294], [99.196354, 12.804748], [99.587286, 11.892763], [99.038121, 10.960546], [98.553551, 9.93296], [98.457174, 10.675266], [98.764546, 11.441292], [98.428339, 12.032987], [98.509574, 13.122378], [98.103604, 13.64046], [97.777732, 14.837286], [97.597072, 16.100568], [97.16454, 16.928734], [96.505769, 16.427241], [95.369352, 15.71439], [94.808405, 15.803454], [94.188804, 16.037936], [94.533486, 17.27724], [94.324817, 18.213514], [93.540988, 19.366493], [93.663255, 19.726962], [93.078278, 19.855145], [92.368554, 20.670883], [92.303234, 21.475485], [92.652257, 21.324048], [92.672721, 22.041239], [93.166128, 22.27846], [93.060294, 22.703111], [93.286327, 23.043658], [93.325188, 24.078556], [94.106742, 23.850741], [94.552658, 24.675238], [94.603249, 25.162495], [95.155153, 26.001307], [95.124768, 26.573572], [96.419366, 27.264589], [97.133999, 27.083774], [97.051989, 27.699059], [97.402561, 27.882536], [97.327114, 28.261583], [97.911988, 28.335945], [98.246231, 27.747221], [98.68269, 27.508812], [98.712094, 26.743536], [98.671838, 25.918703], [97.724609, 25.083637], [97.60472, 23.897405], [98.660262, 24.063286], [98.898749, 23.142722], [99.531992, 22.949039], [99.240899, 22.118314], [99.983489, 21.742937], [100.416538, 21.558839], [101.150033, 21.849984], [101.180005, 21.436573], [100.329101, 20.786122], [100.115988, 20.41785], [99.543309, 20.186598], ], ], }, id: "MMR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Montenegro" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [19.801613, 42.500093], [19.738051, 42.688247], [19.30449, 42.19574], [19.37177, 41.87755], [19.16246, 41.95502], [18.88214, 42.28151], [18.45, 42.48], [18.56, 42.65], [18.70648, 43.20011], [19.03165, 43.43253], [19.21852, 43.52384], [19.48389, 43.35229], [19.63, 43.21378], [19.95857, 43.10604], [20.3398, 42.89852], [20.25758, 42.81275], [20.0707, 42.58863], [19.801613, 42.500093], ], ], }, id: "MNE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Mongolia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [87.751264, 49.297198], [88.805567, 49.470521], [90.713667, 50.331812], [92.234712, 50.802171], [93.104219, 50.49529], [94.147566, 50.480537], [94.815949, 50.013433], [95.814028, 49.977467], [97.259728, 49.726061], [98.231762, 50.422401], [97.82574, 51.010995], [98.861491, 52.047366], [99.981732, 51.634006], [100.88948, 51.516856], [102.065223, 51.259921], [102.255909, 50.510561], [103.676545, 50.089966], [104.621552, 50.275329], [105.886591, 50.406019], [106.888804, 50.274296], [107.868176, 49.793705], [108.475167, 49.282548], [109.402449, 49.292961], [110.662011, 49.130128], [111.581231, 49.377968], [112.89774, 49.543565], [114.362456, 50.248303], [114.96211, 50.140247], [115.485695, 49.805177], [116.678801, 49.888531], [116.191802, 49.134598], [115.485282, 48.135383], [115.742837, 47.726545], [116.308953, 47.85341], [117.295507, 47.697709], [118.064143, 48.06673], [118.866574, 47.74706], [119.772824, 47.048059], [119.66327, 46.69268], [118.874326, 46.805412], [117.421701, 46.672733], [116.717868, 46.388202], [115.985096, 45.727235], [114.460332, 45.339817], [113.463907, 44.808893], [112.436062, 45.011646], [111.873306, 45.102079], [111.348377, 44.457442], [111.667737, 44.073176], [111.829588, 43.743118], [111.129682, 43.406834], [110.412103, 42.871234], [109.243596, 42.519446], [107.744773, 42.481516], [106.129316, 42.134328], [104.964994, 41.59741], [104.522282, 41.908347], [103.312278, 41.907468], [101.83304, 42.514873], [100.845866, 42.663804], [99.515817, 42.524691], [97.451757, 42.74889], [96.349396, 42.725635], [95.762455, 43.319449], [95.306875, 44.241331], [94.688929, 44.352332], [93.480734, 44.975472], [92.133891, 45.115076], [90.94554, 45.286073], [90.585768, 45.719716], [90.970809, 46.888146], [90.280826, 47.693549], [88.854298, 48.069082], [88.013832, 48.599463], [87.751264, 49.297198], ], ], }, id: "MNG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Mozambique" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [34.559989, -11.52002], [35.312398, -11.439146], [36.514082, -11.720938], [36.775151, -11.594537], [37.471284, -11.568751], [37.827645, -11.268769], [38.427557, -11.285202], [39.52103, -10.896854], [40.316589, -10.317096], [40.478387, -10.765441], [40.437253, -11.761711], [40.560811, -12.639177], [40.59962, -14.201975], [40.775475, -14.691764], [40.477251, -15.406294], [40.089264, -16.100774], [39.452559, -16.720891], [38.538351, -17.101023], [37.411133, -17.586368], [36.281279, -18.659688], [35.896497, -18.84226], [35.1984, -19.552811], [34.786383, -19.784012], [34.701893, -20.497043], [35.176127, -21.254361], [35.373428, -21.840837], [35.385848, -22.14], [35.562546, -22.09], [35.533935, -23.070788], [35.371774, -23.535359], [35.60747, -23.706563], [35.458746, -24.12261], [35.040735, -24.478351], [34.215824, -24.816314], [33.01321, -25.357573], [32.574632, -25.727318], [32.660363, -26.148584], [32.915955, -26.215867], [32.83012, -26.742192], [32.071665, -26.73382], [31.985779, -26.29178], [31.837778, -25.843332], [31.752408, -25.484284], [31.930589, -24.369417], [31.670398, -23.658969], [31.191409, -22.25151], [32.244988, -21.116489], [32.508693, -20.395292], [32.659743, -20.30429], [32.772708, -19.715592], [32.611994, -19.419383], [32.654886, -18.67209], [32.849861, -17.979057], [32.847639, -16.713398], [32.328239, -16.392074], [31.852041, -16.319417], [31.636498, -16.07199], [31.173064, -15.860944], [30.338955, -15.880839], [30.274256, -15.507787], [30.179481, -14.796099], [33.214025, -13.97186], [33.7897, -14.451831], [34.064825, -14.35995], [34.459633, -14.61301], [34.517666, -15.013709], [34.307291, -15.478641], [34.381292, -16.18356], [35.03381, -16.8013], [35.339063, -16.10744], [35.771905, -15.896859], [35.686845, -14.611046], [35.267956, -13.887834], [34.907151, -13.565425], [34.559989, -13.579998], [34.280006, -12.280025], [34.559989, -11.52002], ], ], }, id: "MOZ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Mauritania" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-12.17075, 14.616834], [-12.830658, 15.303692], [-13.435738, 16.039383], [-14.099521, 16.304302], [-14.577348, 16.598264], [-15.135737, 16.587282], [-15.623666, 16.369337], [-16.12069, 16.455663], [-16.463098, 16.135036], [-16.549708, 16.673892], [-16.270552, 17.166963], [-16.146347, 18.108482], [-16.256883, 19.096716], [-16.377651, 19.593817], [-16.277838, 20.092521], [-16.536324, 20.567866], [-17.063423, 20.999752], [-16.845194, 21.333323], [-12.929102, 21.327071], [-13.118754, 22.77122], [-12.874222, 23.284832], [-11.937224, 23.374594], [-11.969419, 25.933353], [-8.687294, 25.881056], [-8.6844, 27.395744], [-4.923337, 24.974574], [-6.453787, 24.956591], [-5.971129, 20.640833], [-5.488523, 16.325102], [-5.315277, 16.201854], [-5.537744, 15.50169], [-9.550238, 15.486497], [-9.700255, 15.264107], [-10.086846, 15.330486], [-10.650791, 15.132746], [-11.349095, 15.411256], [-11.666078, 15.388208], [-11.834208, 14.799097], [-12.17075, 14.616834], ], ], }, id: "MRT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Malawi" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [34.559989, -11.52002], [34.280006, -12.280025], [34.559989, -13.579998], [34.907151, -13.565425], [35.267956, -13.887834], [35.686845, -14.611046], [35.771905, -15.896859], [35.339063, -16.10744], [35.03381, -16.8013], [34.381292, -16.18356], [34.307291, -15.478641], [34.517666, -15.013709], [34.459633, -14.61301], [34.064825, -14.35995], [33.7897, -14.451831], [33.214025, -13.97186], [32.688165, -13.712858], [32.991764, -12.783871], [33.306422, -12.435778], [33.114289, -11.607198], [33.31531, -10.79655], [33.485688, -10.525559], [33.231388, -9.676722], [32.759375, -9.230599], [33.739729, -9.417151], [33.940838, -9.693674], [34.280006, -10.16], [34.559989, -11.52002], ], ], }, id: "MWI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Malaysia" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [101.075516, 6.204867], [101.154219, 5.691384], [101.814282, 5.810808], [102.141187, 6.221636], [102.371147, 6.128205], [102.961705, 5.524495], [103.381215, 4.855001], [103.438575, 4.181606], [103.332122, 3.726698], [103.429429, 3.382869], [103.502448, 2.791019], [103.854674, 2.515454], [104.247932, 1.631141], [104.228811, 1.293048], [103.519707, 1.226334], [102.573615, 1.967115], [101.390638, 2.760814], [101.27354, 3.270292], [100.695435, 3.93914], [100.557408, 4.76728], [100.196706, 5.312493], [100.30626, 6.040562], [100.085757, 6.464489], [100.259596, 6.642825], [101.075516, 6.204867], ], ], [ [ [118.618321, 4.478202], [117.882035, 4.137551], [117.015214, 4.306094], [115.865517, 4.306559], [115.519078, 3.169238], [115.134037, 2.821482], [114.621355, 1.430688], [113.80585, 1.217549], [112.859809, 1.49779], [112.380252, 1.410121], [111.797548, 0.904441], [111.159138, 0.976478], [110.514061, 0.773131], [109.830227, 1.338136], [109.66326, 2.006467], [110.396135, 1.663775], [111.168853, 1.850637], [111.370081, 2.697303], [111.796928, 2.885897], [112.995615, 3.102395], [113.712935, 3.893509], [114.204017, 4.525874], [114.659596, 4.007637], [114.869557, 4.348314], [115.347461, 4.316636], [115.4057, 4.955228], [115.45071, 5.44773], [116.220741, 6.143191], [116.725103, 6.924771], [117.129626, 6.928053], [117.643393, 6.422166], [117.689075, 5.98749], [118.347691, 5.708696], [119.181904, 5.407836], [119.110694, 5.016128], [118.439727, 4.966519], [118.618321, 4.478202], ], ], ], }, id: "MYS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Singapore" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [103.60313415527344, 1.26675774823251], [103.61755371093749, 1.3244212231757635], [103.65325927734375, 1.3896342476555246], [103.66630554199219, 1.4143460858068593], [103.67179870605467, 1.4294476354255539], [103.68278503417969, 1.439057660807751], [103.69583129882812, 1.4438626583311722], [103.72055053710938, 1.4589640128389818], [103.73771667480469, 1.4582775898253464], [103.75419616699219, 1.4493540716333067], [103.7603759765625, 1.4500404973607948], [103.80363464355467, 1.4788701887242242], [103.8269805908203, 1.4754381021049132], [103.86680603027342, 1.4582775898253464], [103.8922119140625, 1.4321933610794366], [103.89701843261717, 1.4287612034988086], [103.91555786132812, 1.4267019064882447], [103.93478393554688, 1.4321933610794366], [103.96018981933592, 1.4218968729661605], [103.985595703125, 1.4246426076343077], [104.00070190429688, 1.4212104387885494], [104.02130126953125, 1.4397440896459617], [104.04396057128906, 1.445921939876798], [104.08721923828125, 1.4246426076343077], [104.09477233886719, 1.3971851147344805], [104.08103942871094, 1.3573711816421556], [104.12704467773438, 1.290097884072079], [104.12704467773438, 1.2777413679950957], [103.98216247558594, 1.2537146393239096], [103.81256103515625, 1.1754546449158993], [103.73634338378906, 1.1301452152248344], [103.65394592285156, 1.1905576261723045], [103.56536865234375, 1.1960495988987414], [103.60313415527344, 1.26675774823251], ], ], }, id: "SGP", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Namibia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [16.344977, -28.576705], [15.601818, -27.821247], [15.210472, -27.090956], [14.989711, -26.117372], [14.743214, -25.39292], [14.408144, -23.853014], [14.385717, -22.656653], [14.257714, -22.111208], [13.868642, -21.699037], [13.352498, -20.872834], [12.826845, -19.673166], [12.608564, -19.045349], [11.794919, -18.069129], [11.734199, -17.301889], [12.215461, -17.111668], [12.814081, -16.941343], [13.462362, -16.971212], [14.058501, -17.423381], [14.209707, -17.353101], [18.263309, -17.309951], [18.956187, -17.789095], [21.377176, -17.930636], [23.215048, -17.523116], [24.033862, -17.295843], [24.682349, -17.353411], [25.07695, -17.578823], [25.084443, -17.661816], [24.520705, -17.887125], [24.217365, -17.889347], [23.579006, -18.281261], [23.196858, -17.869038], [21.65504, -18.219146], [20.910641, -18.252219], [20.881134, -21.814327], [19.895458, -21.849157], [19.895768, -24.76779], [19.894734, -28.461105], [19.002127, -28.972443], [18.464899, -29.045462], [17.836152, -28.856378], [17.387497, -28.783514], [17.218929, -28.355943], [16.824017, -28.082162], [16.344977, -28.576705], ], ], }, id: "NAM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "New Caledonia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [165.77999, -21.080005], [166.599991, -21.700019], [167.120011, -22.159991], [166.740035, -22.399976], [166.189732, -22.129708], [165.474375, -21.679607], [164.829815, -21.14982], [164.167995, -20.444747], [164.029606, -20.105646], [164.459967, -20.120012], [165.020036, -20.459991], [165.460009, -20.800022], [165.77999, -21.080005], ], ], }, id: "NCL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Niger" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [2.154474, 11.94015], [2.177108, 12.625018], [1.024103, 12.851826], [0.993046, 13.33575], [0.429928, 13.988733], [0.295646, 14.444235], [0.374892, 14.928908], [1.015783, 14.968182], [1.385528, 15.323561], [2.749993, 15.409525], [3.638259, 15.56812], [3.723422, 16.184284], [4.27021, 16.852227], [4.267419, 19.155265], [5.677566, 19.601207], [8.572893, 21.565661], [11.999506, 23.471668], [13.581425, 23.040506], [14.143871, 22.491289], [14.8513, 22.86295], [15.096888, 21.308519], [15.471077, 21.048457], [15.487148, 20.730415], [15.903247, 20.387619], [15.685741, 19.95718], [15.300441, 17.92795], [15.247731, 16.627306], [13.972202, 15.684366], [13.540394, 14.367134], [13.956699, 13.996691], [13.954477, 13.353449], [14.595781, 13.330427], [14.495787, 12.859396], [14.213531, 12.802035], [14.181336, 12.483657], [13.995353, 12.461565], [13.318702, 13.556356], [13.083987, 13.596147], [12.302071, 13.037189], [11.527803, 13.32898], [10.989593, 13.387323], [10.701032, 13.246918], [10.114814, 13.277252], [9.524928, 12.851102], [9.014933, 12.826659], [7.804671, 13.343527], [7.330747, 13.098038], [6.820442, 13.115091], [6.445426, 13.492768], [5.443058, 13.865924], [4.368344, 13.747482], [4.107946, 13.531216], [3.967283, 12.956109], [3.680634, 12.552903], [3.61118, 11.660167], [2.848643, 12.235636], [2.490164, 12.233052], [2.154474, 11.94015], ], ], }, id: "NER", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Nigeria" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [8.500288, 4.771983], [7.462108, 4.412108], [7.082596, 4.464689], [6.698072, 4.240594], [5.898173, 4.262453], [5.362805, 4.887971], [5.033574, 5.611802], [4.325607, 6.270651], [3.57418, 6.2583], [2.691702, 6.258817], [2.749063, 7.870734], [2.723793, 8.506845], [2.912308, 9.137608], [3.220352, 9.444153], [3.705438, 10.06321], [3.60007, 10.332186], [3.797112, 10.734746], [3.572216, 11.327939], [3.61118, 11.660167], [3.680634, 12.552903], [3.967283, 12.956109], [4.107946, 13.531216], [4.368344, 13.747482], [5.443058, 13.865924], [6.445426, 13.492768], [6.820442, 13.115091], [7.330747, 13.098038], [7.804671, 13.343527], [9.014933, 12.826659], [9.524928, 12.851102], [10.114814, 13.277252], [10.701032, 13.246918], [10.989593, 13.387323], [11.527803, 13.32898], [12.302071, 13.037189], [13.083987, 13.596147], [13.318702, 13.556356], [13.995353, 12.461565], [14.181336, 12.483657], [14.577178, 12.085361], [14.468192, 11.904752], [14.415379, 11.572369], [13.57295, 10.798566], [13.308676, 10.160362], [13.1676, 9.640626], [12.955468, 9.417772], [12.753672, 8.717763], [12.218872, 8.305824], [12.063946, 7.799808], [11.839309, 7.397042], [11.745774, 6.981383], [11.058788, 6.644427], [10.497375, 7.055358], [10.118277, 7.03877], [9.522706, 6.453482], [9.233163, 6.444491], [8.757533, 5.479666], [8.500288, 4.771983], ], ], }, id: "NGA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Nicaragua" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-85.71254, 11.088445], [-86.058488, 11.403439], [-86.52585, 11.806877], [-86.745992, 12.143962], [-87.167516, 12.458258], [-87.668493, 12.90991], [-87.557467, 13.064552], [-87.392386, 12.914018], [-87.316654, 12.984686], [-87.005769, 13.025794], [-86.880557, 13.254204], [-86.733822, 13.263093], [-86.755087, 13.754845], [-86.520708, 13.778487], [-86.312142, 13.771356], [-86.096264, 14.038187], [-85.801295, 13.836055], [-85.698665, 13.960078], [-85.514413, 14.079012], [-85.165365, 14.35437], [-85.148751, 14.560197], [-85.052787, 14.551541], [-84.924501, 14.790493], [-84.820037, 14.819587], [-84.649582, 14.666805], [-84.449336, 14.621614], [-84.228342, 14.748764], [-83.975721, 14.749436], [-83.628585, 14.880074], [-83.489989, 15.016267], [-83.147219, 14.995829], [-83.233234, 14.899866], [-83.284162, 14.676624], [-83.182126, 14.310703], [-83.4125, 13.970078], [-83.519832, 13.567699], [-83.552207, 13.127054], [-83.498515, 12.869292], [-83.473323, 12.419087], [-83.626104, 12.32085], [-83.719613, 11.893124], [-83.650858, 11.629032], [-83.85547, 11.373311], [-83.808936, 11.103044], [-83.655612, 10.938764], [-83.895054, 10.726839], [-84.190179, 10.79345], [-84.355931, 10.999226], [-84.673069, 11.082657], [-84.903003, 10.952303], [-85.561852, 11.217119], [-85.71254, 11.088445], ], ], }, id: "NIC", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Netherlands" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [6.074183, 53.510403], [6.90514, 53.482162], [7.092053, 53.144043], [6.84287, 52.22844], [6.589397, 51.852029], [5.988658, 51.851616], [6.156658, 50.803721], [5.606976, 51.037298], [4.973991, 51.475024], [4.047071, 51.267259], [3.314971, 51.345755], [3.830289, 51.620545], [4.705997, 53.091798], [6.074183, 53.510403], ], ], }, id: "NLD", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Norway" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [28.165547, 71.185474], [31.293418, 70.453788], [30.005435, 70.186259], [31.101079, 69.55808], [29.399581, 69.156916], [28.59193, 69.064777], [29.015573, 69.766491], [27.732292, 70.164193], [26.179622, 69.825299], [25.689213, 69.092114], [24.735679, 68.649557], [23.66205, 68.891247], [22.356238, 68.841741], [21.244936, 69.370443], [20.645593, 69.106247], [20.025269, 69.065139], [19.87856, 68.407194], [17.993868, 68.567391], [17.729182, 68.010552], [16.768879, 68.013937], [16.108712, 67.302456], [15.108411, 66.193867], [13.55569, 64.787028], [13.919905, 64.445421], [13.571916, 64.049114], [12.579935, 64.066219], [11.930569, 63.128318], [11.992064, 61.800362], [12.631147, 61.293572], [12.300366, 60.117933], [11.468272, 59.432393], [11.027369, 58.856149], [10.356557, 59.469807], [8.382, 58.313288], [7.048748, 58.078884], [5.665835, 58.588155], [5.308234, 59.663232], [4.992078, 61.970998], [5.9129, 62.614473], [8.553411, 63.454008], [10.527709, 64.486038], [12.358347, 65.879726], [14.761146, 67.810642], [16.435927, 68.563205], [19.184028, 69.817444], [21.378416, 70.255169], [23.023742, 70.202072], [24.546543, 71.030497], [26.37005, 70.986262], [28.165547, 71.185474], ], ], [ [ [24.72412, 77.85385], [22.49032, 77.44493], [20.72601, 77.67704], [21.41611, 77.93504], [20.8119, 78.25463], [22.88426, 78.45494], [23.28134, 78.07954], [24.72412, 77.85385], ], ], [ [ [18.25183, 79.70175], [21.54383, 78.95611], [19.02737, 78.5626], [18.47172, 77.82669], [17.59441, 77.63796], [17.1182, 76.80941], [15.91315, 76.77045], [13.76259, 77.38035], [14.66956, 77.73565], [13.1706, 78.02493], [11.22231, 78.8693], [10.44453, 79.65239], [13.17077, 80.01046], [13.71852, 79.66039], [15.14282, 79.67431], [15.52255, 80.01608], [16.99085, 80.05086], [18.25183, 79.70175], ], ], [ [ [25.447625, 80.40734], [27.407506, 80.056406], [25.924651, 79.517834], [23.024466, 79.400012], [20.075188, 79.566823], [19.897266, 79.842362], [18.462264, 79.85988], [17.368015, 80.318896], [20.455992, 80.598156], [21.907945, 80.357679], [22.919253, 80.657144], [25.447625, 80.40734], ], ], ], }, id: "NOR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Nepal" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [88.120441, 27.876542], [88.043133, 27.445819], [88.174804, 26.810405], [88.060238, 26.414615], [87.227472, 26.397898], [86.024393, 26.630985], [85.251779, 26.726198], [84.675018, 27.234901], [83.304249, 27.364506], [81.999987, 27.925479], [81.057203, 28.416095], [80.088425, 28.79447], [80.476721, 29.729865], [81.111256, 30.183481], [81.525804, 30.422717], [82.327513, 30.115268], [83.337115, 29.463732], [83.898993, 29.320226], [84.23458, 28.839894], [85.011638, 28.642774], [85.82332, 28.203576], [86.954517, 27.974262], [88.120441, 27.876542], ], ], }, id: "NPL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "New Zealand" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [173.020375, -40.919052], [173.247234, -41.331999], [173.958405, -40.926701], [174.247587, -41.349155], [174.248517, -41.770008], [173.876447, -42.233184], [173.22274, -42.970038], [172.711246, -43.372288], [173.080113, -43.853344], [172.308584, -43.865694], [171.452925, -44.242519], [171.185138, -44.897104], [170.616697, -45.908929], [169.831422, -46.355775], [169.332331, -46.641235], [168.411354, -46.619945], [167.763745, -46.290197], [166.676886, -46.219917], [166.509144, -45.852705], [167.046424, -45.110941], [168.303763, -44.123973], [168.949409, -43.935819], [169.667815, -43.555326], [170.52492, -43.031688], [171.12509, -42.512754], [171.569714, -41.767424], [171.948709, -41.514417], [172.097227, -40.956104], [172.79858, -40.493962], [173.020375, -40.919052], ], ], [ [ [174.612009, -36.156397], [175.336616, -37.209098], [175.357596, -36.526194], [175.808887, -36.798942], [175.95849, -37.555382], [176.763195, -37.881253], [177.438813, -37.961248], [178.010354, -37.579825], [178.517094, -37.695373], [178.274731, -38.582813], [177.97046, -39.166343], [177.206993, -39.145776], [176.939981, -39.449736], [177.032946, -39.879943], [176.885824, -40.065978], [176.508017, -40.604808], [176.01244, -41.289624], [175.239567, -41.688308], [175.067898, -41.425895], [174.650973, -41.281821], [175.22763, -40.459236], [174.900157, -39.908933], [173.824047, -39.508854], [173.852262, -39.146602], [174.574802, -38.797683], [174.743474, -38.027808], [174.697017, -37.381129], [174.292028, -36.711092], [174.319004, -36.534824], [173.840997, -36.121981], [173.054171, -35.237125], [172.636005, -34.529107], [173.007042, -34.450662], [173.551298, -35.006183], [174.32939, -35.265496], [174.612009, -36.156397], ], ], ], }, id: "NZL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Oman" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [58.861141, 21.114035], [58.487986, 20.428986], [58.034318, 20.481437], [57.826373, 20.243002], [57.665762, 19.736005], [57.7887, 19.06757], [57.694391, 18.94471], [57.234264, 18.947991], [56.609651, 18.574267], [56.512189, 18.087113], [56.283521, 17.876067], [55.661492, 17.884128], [55.269939, 17.632309], [55.2749, 17.228354], [54.791002, 16.950697], [54.239253, 17.044981], [53.570508, 16.707663], [53.108573, 16.651051], [52.782184, 17.349742], [52.00001, 19.000003], [54.999982, 19.999994], [55.666659, 22.000001], [55.208341, 22.70833], [55.234489, 23.110993], [55.525841, 23.524869], [55.528632, 23.933604], [55.981214, 24.130543], [55.804119, 24.269604], [55.886233, 24.920831], [56.396847, 24.924732], [56.84514, 24.241673], [57.403453, 23.878594], [58.136948, 23.747931], [58.729211, 23.565668], [59.180502, 22.992395], [59.450098, 22.660271], [59.80806, 22.533612], [59.806148, 22.310525], [59.442191, 21.714541], [59.282408, 21.433886], [58.861141, 21.114035], ], ], [ [ [56.391421, 25.895991], [56.261042, 25.714606], [56.070821, 26.055464], [56.362017, 26.395934], [56.485679, 26.309118], [56.391421, 25.895991], ], ], ], }, id: "OMN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Pakistan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [75.158028, 37.133031], [75.896897, 36.666806], [76.192848, 35.898403], [77.837451, 35.49401], [76.871722, 34.653544], [75.757061, 34.504923], [74.240203, 34.748887], [73.749948, 34.317699], [74.104294, 33.441473], [74.451559, 32.7649], [75.258642, 32.271105], [74.405929, 31.692639], [74.42138, 30.979815], [73.450638, 29.976413], [72.823752, 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[71.156773, 34.348911], [71.115019, 34.733126], [71.613076, 35.153203], [71.498768, 35.650563], [71.262348, 36.074388], [71.846292, 36.509942], [72.920025, 36.720007], [74.067552, 36.836176], [74.575893, 37.020841], [75.158028, 37.133031], ], ], }, id: "PAK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Panama" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-77.881571, 7.223771], [-78.214936, 7.512255], [-78.429161, 8.052041], [-78.182096, 8.319182], [-78.435465, 8.387705], [-78.622121, 8.718124], [-79.120307, 8.996092], [-79.557877, 8.932375], [-79.760578, 8.584515], [-80.164481, 8.333316], [-80.382659, 8.298409], [-80.480689, 8.090308], [-80.00369, 7.547524], [-80.276671, 7.419754], [-80.421158, 7.271572], [-80.886401, 7.220541], [-81.059543, 7.817921], [-81.189716, 7.647906], [-81.519515, 7.70661], [-81.721311, 8.108963], [-82.131441, 8.175393], [-82.390934, 8.292362], [-82.820081, 8.290864], [-82.850958, 8.073823], [-82.965783, 8.225028], [-82.913176, 8.423517], [-82.829771, 8.626295], [-82.868657, 8.807266], [-82.719183, 8.925709], [-82.927155, 9.07433], [-82.932891, 9.476812], [-82.546196, 9.566135], [-82.187123, 9.207449], [-82.207586, 8.995575], [-81.808567, 8.950617], [-81.714154, 9.031955], [-81.439287, 8.786234], [-80.947302, 8.858504], [-80.521901, 9.111072], [-79.9146, 9.312765], [-79.573303, 9.61161], [-79.021192, 9.552931], [-79.05845, 9.454565], [-78.500888, 9.420459], [-78.055928, 9.24773], [-77.729514, 8.946844], [-77.353361, 8.670505], [-77.474723, 8.524286], [-77.242566, 7.935278], [-77.431108, 7.638061], [-77.753414, 7.70984], [-77.881571, 7.223771], ], ], }, id: "PAN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Peru" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-69.590424, -17.580012], [-69.858444, -18.092694], [-70.372572, -18.347975], [-71.37525, -17.773799], [-71.462041, -17.363488], [-73.44453, -16.359363], [-75.237883, -15.265683], [-76.009205, -14.649286], [-76.423469, -13.823187], [-76.259242, -13.535039], [-77.106192, -12.222716], [-78.092153, -10.377712], [-79.036953, -8.386568], [-79.44592, -7.930833], [-79.760578, -7.194341], [-80.537482, -6.541668], [-81.249996, -6.136834], [-80.926347, -5.690557], [-81.410943, -4.736765], [-81.09967, -4.036394], [-80.302561, -3.404856], [-80.184015, -3.821162], [-80.469295, -4.059287], [-80.442242, -4.425724], [-80.028908, -4.346091], [-79.624979, -4.454198], [-79.205289, -4.959129], [-78.639897, -4.547784], [-78.450684, -3.873097], [-77.837905, -3.003021], [-76.635394, -2.608678], [-75.544996, -1.56161], [-75.233723, -0.911417], [-75.373223, -0.152032], [-75.106625, -0.057205], [-74.441601, -0.53082], [-74.122395, -1.002833], [-73.659504, -1.260491], [-73.070392, -2.308954], [-72.325787, -2.434218], [-71.774761, -2.16979], [-71.413646, -2.342802], [-70.813476, -2.256865], [-70.047709, -2.725156], [-70.692682, -3.742872], [-70.394044, -3.766591], [-69.893635, -4.298187], [-70.794769, -4.251265], [-70.928843, -4.401591], [-71.748406, -4.593983], [-72.891928, -5.274561], [-72.964507, -5.741251], [-73.219711, -6.089189], [-73.120027, -6.629931], [-73.724487, -6.918595], [-73.723401, -7.340999], [-73.987235, -7.52383], [-73.571059, -8.424447], [-73.015383, -9.032833], [-73.226713, -9.462213], [-72.563033, -9.520194], [-72.184891, -10.053598], [-71.302412, -10.079436], [-70.481894, -9.490118], [-70.548686, -11.009147], [-70.093752, -11.123972], [-69.529678, -10.951734], [-68.66508, -12.5613], [-68.88008, -12.899729], [-68.929224, -13.602684], [-68.948887, -14.453639], [-69.339535, -14.953195], [-69.160347, -15.323974], [-69.389764, -15.660129], [-68.959635, -16.500698], [-69.590424, -17.580012], ], ], }, id: "PER", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Philippines" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [126.376814, 8.414706], [126.478513, 7.750354], [126.537424, 7.189381], [126.196773, 6.274294], [125.831421, 7.293715], [125.363852, 6.786485], [125.683161, 6.049657], [125.396512, 5.581003], [124.219788, 6.161355], [123.93872, 6.885136], [124.243662, 7.36061], [123.610212, 7.833527], [123.296071, 7.418876], [122.825506, 7.457375], [122.085499, 6.899424], [121.919928, 7.192119], [122.312359, 8.034962], [122.942398, 8.316237], [123.487688, 8.69301], [123.841154, 8.240324], [124.60147, 8.514158], [124.764612, 8.960409], [125.471391, 8.986997], [125.412118, 9.760335], [126.222714, 9.286074], [126.306637, 8.782487], [126.376814, 8.414706], ], ], [ [ [123.982438, 10.278779], [123.623183, 9.950091], [123.309921, 9.318269], [122.995883, 9.022189], [122.380055, 9.713361], [122.586089, 9.981045], [122.837081, 10.261157], [122.947411, 10.881868], [123.49885, 10.940624], [123.337774, 10.267384], [124.077936, 11.232726], [123.982438, 10.278779], ], ], [ [ [118.504581, 9.316383], [117.174275, 8.3675], [117.664477, 9.066889], [118.386914, 9.6845], [118.987342, 10.376292], [119.511496, 11.369668], [119.689677, 10.554291], [119.029458, 10.003653], [118.504581, 9.316383], ], ], [ [ [121.883548, 11.891755], [122.483821, 11.582187], [123.120217, 11.58366], [123.100838, 11.165934], [122.637714, 10.741308], [122.00261, 10.441017], [121.967367, 10.905691], [122.03837, 11.415841], [121.883548, 11.891755], ], ], [ [ [125.502552, 12.162695], [125.783465, 11.046122], [125.011884, 11.311455], [125.032761, 10.975816], [125.277449, 10.358722], [124.801819, 10.134679], [124.760168, 10.837995], [124.459101, 10.88993], [124.302522, 11.495371], [124.891013, 11.415583], [124.87799, 11.79419], [124.266762, 12.557761], [125.227116, 12.535721], [125.502552, 12.162695], ], ], [ [ [121.527394, 13.06959], [121.26219, 12.20556], [120.833896, 12.704496], [120.323436, 13.466413], [121.180128, 13.429697], [121.527394, 13.06959], ], ], [ [ [121.321308, 18.504065], [121.937601, 18.218552], [122.246006, 18.47895], [122.336957, 18.224883], [122.174279, 17.810283], [122.515654, 17.093505], [122.252311, 16.262444], [121.662786, 15.931018], [121.50507, 15.124814], [121.728829, 14.328376], [122.258925, 14.218202], [122.701276, 14.336541], [123.950295, 13.782131], [123.855107, 13.237771], [124.181289, 12.997527], [124.077419, 12.536677], [123.298035, 13.027526], [122.928652, 13.55292], [122.671355, 13.185836], [122.03465, 13.784482], [121.126385, 13.636687], [120.628637, 13.857656], [120.679384, 14.271016], [120.991819, 14.525393], [120.693336, 14.756671], [120.564145, 14.396279], [120.070429, 14.970869], [119.920929, 15.406347], [119.883773, 16.363704], [120.286488, 16.034629], [120.390047, 17.599081], [120.715867, 18.505227], [121.321308, 18.504065], ], ], ], }, id: "PHL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Papua New Guinea" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [155.880026, -6.819997], [155.599991, -6.919991], [155.166994, -6.535931], [154.729192, -5.900828], [154.514114, -5.139118], [154.652504, -5.042431], [154.759991, -5.339984], [155.062918, -5.566792], [155.547746, -6.200655], [156.019965, -6.540014], [155.880026, -6.819997], ], ], [ [ [151.982796, -5.478063], [151.459107, -5.56028], [151.30139, -5.840728], [150.754447, -6.083763], [150.241197, -6.317754], [149.709963, -6.316513], [148.890065, -6.02604], [148.318937, -5.747142], [148.401826, -5.437756], [149.298412, -5.583742], [149.845562, -5.505503], [149.99625, -5.026101], [150.139756, -5.001348], [150.236908, -5.53222], [150.807467, -5.455842], [151.089672, -5.113693], [151.647881, -4.757074], [151.537862, -4.167807], [152.136792, -4.14879], [152.338743, -4.312966], [152.318693, -4.867661], [151.982796, -5.478063], ], ], [ [ [147.191874, -7.388024], [148.084636, -8.044108], [148.734105, -9.104664], [149.306835, -9.071436], [149.266631, -9.514406], [150.038728, -9.684318], [149.738798, -9.872937], [150.801628, -10.293687], [150.690575, -10.582713], [150.028393, -10.652476], [149.78231, -10.393267], [148.923138, -10.280923], [147.913018, -10.130441], [147.135443, -9.492444], [146.567881, -8.942555], [146.048481, -8.067414], [144.744168, -7.630128], [143.897088, -7.91533], [143.286376, -8.245491], [143.413913, -8.983069], [142.628431, -9.326821], [142.068259, -9.159596], [141.033852, -9.117893], [141.017057, -5.859022], [141.00021, -2.600151], [142.735247, -3.289153], [144.583971, -3.861418], [145.27318, -4.373738], [145.829786, -4.876498], [145.981922, -5.465609], [147.648073, -6.083659], [147.891108, -6.614015], [146.970905, -6.721657], [147.191874, -7.388024], ], ], [ [ [153.140038, -4.499983], [152.827292, -4.766427], [152.638673, -4.176127], [152.406026, -3.789743], [151.953237, -3.462062], [151.384279, -3.035422], [150.66205, -2.741486], [150.939965, -2.500002], [151.479984, -2.779985], [151.820015, -2.999972], [152.239989, -3.240009], [152.640017, -3.659983], [153.019994, -3.980015], [153.140038, -4.499983], ], ], ], }, id: "PNG", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Poland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [15.016996, 51.106674], [14.607098, 51.745188], [14.685026, 52.089947], [14.4376, 52.62485], [14.074521, 52.981263], [14.353315, 53.248171], [14.119686, 53.757029], [14.8029, 54.050706], [16.363477, 54.513159], [17.622832, 54.851536], [18.620859, 54.682606], [18.696255, 54.438719], [19.66064, 54.426084], [20.892245, 54.312525], [22.731099, 54.327537], [23.243987, 54.220567], [23.484128, 53.912498], [23.527536, 53.470122], [23.804935, 53.089731], [23.799199, 52.691099], [23.199494, 52.486977], [23.508002, 52.023647], [23.527071, 51.578454], [24.029986, 50.705407], [23.922757, 50.424881], [23.426508, 50.308506], [22.51845, 49.476774], [22.776419, 49.027395], [22.558138, 49.085738], [21.607808, 49.470107], [20.887955, 49.328772], [20.415839, 49.431453], [19.825023, 49.217125], [19.320713, 49.571574], [18.909575, 49.435846], [18.853144, 49.49623], [18.392914, 49.988629], [17.649445, 50.049038], [17.554567, 50.362146], [16.868769, 50.473974], [16.719476, 50.215747], [16.176253, 50.422607], [16.238627, 50.697733], [15.490972, 50.78473], [15.016996, 51.106674], ], ], }, id: "POL", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Puerto Rico" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-66.282434, 18.514762], [-65.771303, 18.426679], [-65.591004, 18.228035], [-65.847164, 17.975906], [-66.599934, 17.981823], [-67.184162, 17.946553], [-67.242428, 18.37446], [-67.100679, 18.520601], [-66.282434, 18.514762], ], ], }, id: "PRI", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "North Korea" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [130.640016, 42.395009], [130.780007, 42.220007], [130.400031, 42.280004], [129.965949, 41.941368], [129.667362, 41.601104], [129.705189, 40.882828], [129.188115, 40.661808], [129.0104, 40.485436], [128.633368, 40.189847], [127.967414, 40.025413], [127.533436, 39.75685], [127.50212, 39.323931], [127.385434, 39.213472], [127.783343, 39.050898], [128.349716, 38.612243], [128.205746, 38.370397], [127.780035, 38.304536], [127.073309, 38.256115], [126.68372, 37.804773], [126.237339, 37.840378], [126.174759, 37.749686], [125.689104, 37.94001], [125.568439, 37.752089], [125.27533, 37.669071], [125.240087, 37.857224], [124.981033, 37.948821], [124.712161, 38.108346], [124.985994, 38.548474], [125.221949, 38.665857], [125.132859, 38.848559], [125.38659, 39.387958], [125.321116, 39.551385], [124.737482, 39.660344], [124.265625, 39.928493], [125.079942, 40.569824], [126.182045, 41.107336], [126.869083, 41.816569], [127.343783, 41.503152], [128.208433, 41.466772], [128.052215, 41.994285], [129.596669, 42.424982], [129.994267, 42.985387], [130.640016, 42.395009], ], ], }, id: "PRK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Portugal" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-9.034818, 41.880571], [-8.671946, 42.134689], [-8.263857, 42.280469], [-8.013175, 41.790886], [-7.422513, 41.792075], [-7.251309, 41.918346], [-6.668606, 41.883387], [-6.389088, 41.381815], [-6.851127, 41.111083], [-6.86402, 40.330872], [-7.026413, 40.184524], [-7.066592, 39.711892], [-7.498632, 39.629571], [-7.098037, 39.030073], [-7.374092, 38.373059], [-7.029281, 38.075764], [-7.166508, 37.803894], [-7.537105, 37.428904], [-7.453726, 37.097788], [-7.855613, 36.838269], [-8.382816, 36.97888], [-8.898857, 36.868809], [-8.746101, 37.651346], [-8.839998, 38.266243], [-9.287464, 38.358486], [-9.526571, 38.737429], [-9.446989, 39.392066], [-9.048305, 39.755093], [-8.977353, 40.159306], [-8.768684, 40.760639], [-8.790853, 41.184334], [-8.990789, 41.543459], [-9.034818, 41.880571], ], ], }, id: "PRT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Paraguay" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-62.685057, -22.249029], [-62.291179, -21.051635], [-62.265961, -20.513735], [-61.786326, -19.633737], [-60.043565, -19.342747], [-59.115042, -19.356906], [-58.183471, -19.868399], [-58.166392, -20.176701], [-57.870674, -20.732688], [-57.937156, -22.090176], [-56.88151, -22.282154], [-56.473317, -22.0863], [-55.797958, -22.35693], [-55.610683, -22.655619], [-55.517639, -23.571998], [-55.400747, -23.956935], [-55.027902, -24.001274], [-54.652834, -23.839578], [-54.29296, -24.021014], [-54.293476, -24.5708], [-54.428946, -25.162185], [-54.625291, -25.739255], [-54.788795, -26.621786], [-55.695846, -27.387837], [-56.486702, -27.548499], [-57.60976, -27.395899], [-58.618174, -27.123719], [-57.63366, -25.603657], [-57.777217, -25.16234], [-58.807128, -24.771459], [-60.028966, -24.032796], [-60.846565, -23.880713], [-62.685057, -22.249029], ], ], }, id: "PRY", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Qatar" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [50.810108, 24.754743], [50.743911, 25.482424], [51.013352, 26.006992], [51.286462, 26.114582], [51.589079, 25.801113], [51.6067, 25.21567], [51.389608, 24.627386], [51.112415, 24.556331], [50.810108, 24.754743], ], ], }, id: "QAT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Romania" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [22.710531, 47.882194], [23.142236, 48.096341], [23.760958, 47.985598], [24.402056, 47.981878], [24.866317, 47.737526], [25.207743, 47.891056], [25.945941, 47.987149], [26.19745, 48.220881], [26.619337, 48.220726], [26.924176, 48.123264], [27.233873, 47.826771], [27.551166, 47.405117], [28.12803, 46.810476], [28.160018, 46.371563], [28.054443, 45.944586], [28.233554, 45.488283], [28.679779, 45.304031], [29.149725, 45.464925], [29.603289, 45.293308], [29.626543, 45.035391], [29.141612, 44.82021], [28.837858, 44.913874], [28.558081, 43.707462], [27.970107, 43.812468], [27.2424, 44.175986], [26.065159, 43.943494], [25.569272, 43.688445], [24.100679, 43.741051], [23.332302, 43.897011], [22.944832, 43.823785], [22.65715, 44.234923], [22.474008, 44.409228], [22.705726, 44.578003], [22.459022, 44.702517], [22.145088, 44.478422], [21.562023, 44.768947], [21.483526, 45.18117], [20.874313, 45.416375], [20.762175, 45.734573], [20.220192, 46.127469], [21.021952, 46.316088], [21.626515, 46.994238], [22.099768, 47.672439], [22.710531, 47.882194], ], ], }, id: "ROU", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Russia" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [143.648007, 50.7476], [144.654148, 48.976391], [143.173928, 49.306551], [142.558668, 47.861575], [143.533492, 46.836728], [143.505277, 46.137908], [142.747701, 46.740765], [142.09203, 45.966755], [141.906925, 46.805929], [142.018443, 47.780133], [141.904445, 48.859189], [142.1358, 49.615163], [142.179983, 50.952342], [141.594076, 51.935435], [141.682546, 53.301966], [142.606934, 53.762145], [142.209749, 54.225476], [142.654786, 54.365881], [142.914616, 53.704578], [143.260848, 52.74076], [143.235268, 51.75666], [143.648007, 50.7476], ], ], [ [ [22.731099, 54.327537], [20.892245, 54.312525], [19.66064, 54.426084], [19.888481, 54.86616], [21.268449, 55.190482], [22.315724, 55.015299], [22.757764, 54.856574], [22.651052, 54.582741], [22.731099, 54.327537], ], ], [ [ [180, 70.832199], [178.903425, 70.78114], [178.7253, 71.0988], [180, 71.515714], [180, 70.832199], ], ], [ [ [143.60385, 73.21244], [142.08763, 73.20544], [140.038155, 73.31692], [139.86312, 73.36983], [140.81171, 73.76506], [142.06207, 73.85758], [143.48283, 73.47525], [143.60385, 73.21244], ], ], [ [ [150.73167, 75.08406], [149.575925, 74.68892], [147.977465, 74.778355], [146.11919, 75.17298], [146.358485, 75.49682], [148.22223, 75.345845], [150.73167, 75.08406], ], ], [ [ [145.086285, 75.562625], [144.3, 74.82], [140.61381, 74.84768], [138.95544, 74.61148], [136.97439, 75.26167], [137.51176, 75.94917], [138.831075, 76.13676], [141.471615, 76.09289], [145.086285, 75.562625], ], ], [ [ [57.535693, 70.720464], [56.944979, 70.632743], [53.677375, 70.762658], [53.412017, 71.206662], [51.601895, 71.474759], [51.455754, 72.014881], [52.478275, 72.229442], [52.444169, 72.774731], [54.427614, 73.627548], [53.50829, 73.749814], [55.902459, 74.627486], [55.631933, 75.081412], [57.868644, 75.60939], [61.170044, 76.251883], [64.498368, 76.439055], [66.210977, 76.809782], [68.15706, 76.939697], [68.852211, 76.544811], [68.180573, 76.233642], [64.637326, 75.737755], [61.583508, 75.260885], [58.477082, 74.309056], [56.986786, 73.333044], [55.419336, 72.371268], [55.622838, 71.540595], [57.535693, 70.720464], ], ], [ [ [106.97013, 76.97419], [107.24, 76.48], [108.1538, 76.72335], [111.07726, 76.71], [113.33151, 76.22224], [114.13417, 75.84764], [113.88539, 75.32779], [112.77918, 75.03186], [110.15125, 74.47673], [109.4, 74.18], [110.64, 74.04], [112.11919, 73.78774], [113.01954, 73.97693], [113.52958, 73.33505], [113.96881, 73.59488], [115.56782, 73.75285], [118.77633, 73.58772], [119.02, 73.12], [123.20066, 72.97122], [123.25777, 73.73503], [125.38, 73.56], [126.97644, 73.56549], [128.59126, 73.03871], [129.05157, 72.39872], [128.46, 71.98], [129.71599, 71.19304], [131.28858, 70.78699], [132.2535, 71.8363], [133.85766, 71.38642], [135.56193, 71.65525], [137.49755, 71.34763], [138.23409, 71.62803], [139.86983, 71.48783], [139.14791, 72.41619], [140.46817, 72.84941], [149.5, 72.2], [150.35118, 71.60643], [152.9689, 70.84222], [157.00688, 71.03141], [158.99779, 70.86672], [159.83031, 70.45324], [159.70866, 69.72198], [160.94053, 69.43728], [162.27907, 69.64204], [164.05248, 69.66823], [165.94037, 69.47199], [167.83567, 69.58269], [169.57763, 68.6938], [170.81688, 69.01363], [170.0082, 69.65276], [170.45345, 70.09703], [173.64391, 69.81743], [175.72403, 69.87725], [178.6, 69.4], [180, 68.963636], [180, 64.979709], [179.99281, 64.97433], [178.7072, 64.53493], [177.41128, 64.60821], [178.313, 64.07593], [178.90825, 63.25197], [179.37034, 62.98262], [179.48636, 62.56894], [179.22825, 62.3041], [177.3643, 62.5219], [174.56929, 61.76915], [173.68013, 61.65261], [172.15, 60.95], [170.6985, 60.33618], [170.33085, 59.88177], [168.90046, 60.57355], [166.29498, 59.78855], [165.84, 60.16], [164.87674, 59.7316], [163.53929, 59.86871], [163.21711, 59.21101], [162.01733, 58.24328], [162.05297, 57.83912], [163.19191, 57.61503], [163.05794, 56.15924], [162.12958, 56.12219], [161.70146, 55.28568], [162.11749, 54.85514], [160.36877, 54.34433], [160.02173, 53.20257], [158.53094, 52.95868], [158.23118, 51.94269], [156.78979, 51.01105], [156.42, 51.7], [155.99182, 53.15895], [155.43366, 55.38103], [155.91442, 56.76792], [156.75815, 57.3647], [156.81035, 57.83204], [158.36433, 58.05575], [160.15064, 59.31477], [161.87204, 60.343], [163.66969, 61.1409], [164.47355, 62.55061], [163.25842, 62.46627], [162.65791, 61.6425], [160.12148, 60.54423], [159.30232, 61.77396], [156.72068, 61.43442], [154.21806, 59.75818], [155.04375, 59.14495], [152.81185, 58.88385], [151.26573, 58.78089], [151.33815, 59.50396], [149.78371, 59.65573], [148.54481, 59.16448], [145.48722, 59.33637], [142.19782, 59.03998], [138.95848, 57.08805], [135.12619, 54.72959], [136.70171, 54.60355], [137.19342, 53.97732], [138.1647, 53.75501], [138.80463, 54.25455], [139.90151, 54.18968], [141.34531, 53.08957], [141.37923, 52.23877], [140.59742, 51.23967], [140.51308, 50.04553], [140.06193, 48.44671], [138.55472, 46.99965], [138.21971, 46.30795], [136.86232, 45.1435], [135.51535, 43.989], [134.86939, 43.39821], [133.53687, 42.81147], [132.90627, 42.79849], [132.27807, 43.28456], [130.93587, 42.55274], [130.78, 42.22], [130.64, 42.395], [130.633866, 42.903015], [131.144688, 42.92999], [131.288555, 44.11152], [131.02519, 44.96796], [131.883454, 45.321162], [133.09712, 45.14409], [133.769644, 46.116927], [134.11235, 47.21248], [134.50081, 47.57845], [135.026311, 48.47823], [133.373596, 48.183442], [132.50669, 47.78896], [130.98726, 47.79013], [130.582293, 48.729687], [129.397818, 49.4406], [127.6574, 49.76027], [127.287456, 50.739797], [126.939157, 51.353894], [126.564399, 51.784255], [125.946349, 52.792799], [125.068211, 53.161045], [123.57147, 53.4588], [122.245748, 53.431726], [121.003085, 53.251401], [120.177089, 52.753886], [120.725789, 52.516226], [120.7382, 51.96411], [120.18208, 51.64355], [119.27939, 50.58292], [119.288461, 50.142883], [117.879244, 49.510983], [116.678801, 49.888531], [115.485695, 49.805177], [114.96211, 50.140247], [114.362456, 50.248303], [112.89774, 49.543565], [111.581231, 49.377968], [110.662011, 49.130128], [109.402449, 49.292961], [108.475167, 49.282548], [107.868176, 49.793705], [106.888804, 50.274296], [105.886591, 50.406019], [104.62158, 50.27532], [103.676545, 50.089966], [102.25589, 50.51056], [102.06521, 51.25991], [100.88948, 51.516856], [99.981732, 51.634006], [98.861491, 52.047366], [97.82574, 51.010995], [98.231762, 50.422401], [97.25976, 49.72605], [95.81402, 49.97746], [94.815949, 50.013433], [94.147566, 50.480537], [93.10421, 50.49529], [92.234712, 50.802171], [90.713667, 50.331812], [88.805567, 49.470521], [87.751264, 49.297198], [87.35997, 49.214981], [86.829357, 49.826675], [85.54127, 49.692859], [85.11556, 50.117303], [84.416377, 50.3114], [83.935115, 50.889246], [83.383004, 51.069183], [81.945986, 50.812196], [80.568447, 51.388336], [80.03556, 50.864751], [77.800916, 53.404415], [76.525179, 54.177003], [76.8911, 54.490524], [74.38482, 53.54685], [73.425679, 53.48981], [73.508516, 54.035617], [72.22415, 54.376655], [71.180131, 54.133285], [70.865267, 55.169734], [69.068167, 55.38525], [68.1691, 54.970392], [65.66687, 54.60125], [65.178534, 54.354228], [61.4366, 54.00625], [60.978066, 53.664993], [61.699986, 52.979996], [60.739993, 52.719986], [60.927269, 52.447548], [59.967534, 51.96042], [61.588003, 51.272659], [61.337424, 50.79907], [59.932807, 50.842194], [59.642282, 50.545442], [58.36332, 51.06364], [56.77798, 51.04355], [55.71694, 50.62171], [54.532878, 51.02624], [52.328724, 51.718652], [50.766648, 51.692762], [48.702382, 50.605128], [48.577841, 49.87476], [47.54948, 50.454698], [46.751596, 49.356006], [47.043672, 49.152039], [46.466446, 48.394152], [47.31524, 47.71585], [48.05725, 47.74377], [48.694734, 47.075628], [48.59325, 46.56104], [49.10116, 46.39933], [48.64541, 45.80629], [47.67591, 45.64149], [46.68201, 44.6092], [47.59094, 43.66016], [47.49252, 42.98658], [48.58437, 41.80888], [47.987283, 41.405819], [47.815666, 41.151416], [47.373315, 41.219732], [46.686071, 41.827137], [46.404951, 41.860675], [45.7764, 42.09244], [45.470279, 42.502781], [44.537623, 42.711993], [43.93121, 42.55496], [43.75599, 42.74083], [42.3944, 43.2203], [40.92219, 43.38215], [40.076965, 43.553104], [39.955009, 43.434998], [38.68, 44.28], [37.53912, 44.65721], [36.67546, 45.24469], [37.40317, 45.40451], [38.23295, 46.24087], [37.67372, 46.63657], [39.14767, 47.04475], [39.1212, 47.26336], [38.223538, 47.10219], [38.255112, 47.5464], [38.77057, 47.82562], [39.738278, 47.898937], [39.89562, 48.23241], [39.67465, 48.78382], [40.080789, 49.30743], [40.06904, 49.60105], [38.594988, 49.926462], [38.010631, 49.915662], [37.39346, 50.383953], [36.626168, 50.225591], [35.356116, 50.577197], [35.37791, 50.77394], [35.022183, 51.207572], [34.224816, 51.255993], [34.141978, 51.566413], [34.391731, 51.768882], [33.7527, 52.335075], [32.715761, 52.238465], [32.412058, 52.288695], [32.15944, 52.06125], [31.78597, 52.10168], [31.540018, 52.742052], [31.305201, 53.073996], [31.49764, 53.16743], [32.304519, 53.132726], [32.693643, 53.351421], [32.405599, 53.618045], [31.731273, 53.794029], [31.791424, 53.974639], [31.384472, 54.157056], [30.757534, 54.811771], [30.971836, 55.081548], [30.873909, 55.550976], [29.896294, 55.789463], [29.371572, 55.670091], [29.229513, 55.918344], [28.176709, 56.16913], [27.855282, 56.759326], [27.770016, 57.244258], [27.288185, 57.474528], [27.716686, 57.791899], [27.42015, 58.72457], [28.131699, 59.300825], [27.98112, 59.47537], [29.1177, 60.02805], [28.07, 60.50352], [30.211107, 61.780028], [31.139991, 62.357693], [31.516092, 62.867687], [30.035872, 63.552814], [30.444685, 64.204453], [29.54443, 64.948672], [30.21765, 65.80598], [29.054589, 66.944286], [29.977426, 67.698297], [28.445944, 68.364613], [28.59193, 69.064777], [29.39955, 69.15692], [31.10108, 69.55811], [32.13272, 69.90595], [33.77547, 69.30142], [36.51396, 69.06342], [40.29234, 67.9324], [41.05987, 67.45713], [41.12595, 66.79158], [40.01583, 66.26618], [38.38295, 65.99953], [33.91871, 66.75961], [33.18444, 66.63253], [34.81477, 65.90015], [34.878574, 65.436213], [34.94391, 64.41437], [36.23129, 64.10945], [37.01273, 63.84983], [37.14197, 64.33471], [36.539579, 64.76446], [37.17604, 65.14322], [39.59345, 64.52079], [40.4356, 64.76446], [39.7626, 65.49682], [42.09309, 66.47623], [43.01604, 66.41858], [43.94975, 66.06908], [44.53226, 66.75634], [43.69839, 67.35245], [44.18795, 67.95051], [43.45282, 68.57079], [46.25, 68.25], [46.82134, 67.68997], [45.55517, 67.56652], [45.56202, 67.01005], [46.34915, 66.66767], [47.89416, 66.88455], [48.13876, 67.52238], [50.22766, 67.99867], [53.71743, 68.85738], [54.47171, 68.80815], [53.48582, 68.20131], [54.72628, 68.09702], [55.44268, 68.43866], [57.31702, 68.46628], [58.802, 68.88082], [59.94142, 68.27844], [61.07784, 68.94069], [60.03, 69.52], [60.55, 69.85], [63.504, 69.54739], [64.888115, 69.234835], [68.51216, 68.09233], [69.18068, 68.61563], [68.16444, 69.14436], [68.13522, 69.35649], [66.93008, 69.45461], [67.25976, 69.92873], [66.72492, 70.70889], [66.69466, 71.02897], [68.54006, 71.9345], [69.19636, 72.84336], [69.94, 73.04], [72.58754, 72.77629], [72.79603, 72.22006], [71.84811, 71.40898], [72.47011, 71.09019], [72.79188, 70.39114], [72.5647, 69.02085], [73.66787, 68.4079], [73.2387, 67.7404], [71.28, 66.32], [72.42301, 66.17267], [72.82077, 66.53267], [73.92099, 66.78946], [74.18651, 67.28429], [75.052, 67.76047], [74.46926, 68.32899], [74.93584, 68.98918], [73.84236, 69.07146], [73.60187, 69.62763], [74.3998, 70.63175], [73.1011, 71.44717], [74.89082, 72.12119], [74.65926, 72.83227], [75.15801, 72.85497], [75.68351, 72.30056], [75.28898, 71.33556], [76.35911, 71.15287], [75.90313, 71.87401], [77.57665, 72.26717], [79.65202, 72.32011], [81.5, 71.75], [80.61071, 72.58285], [80.51109, 73.6482], [82.25, 73.85], [84.65526, 73.80591], [86.8223, 73.93688], [86.00956, 74.45967], [87.16682, 75.11643], [88.31571, 75.14393], [90.26, 75.64], [92.90058, 75.77333], [93.23421, 76.0472], [95.86, 76.14], [96.67821, 75.91548], [98.92254, 76.44689], [100.75967, 76.43028], [101.03532, 76.86189], [101.99084, 77.28754], [104.3516, 77.69792], [106.06664, 77.37389], [104.705, 77.1274], [106.97013, 76.97419], ], ], [ [ [105.07547, 78.30689], [99.43814, 77.921], [101.2649, 79.23399], [102.08635, 79.34641], [102.837815, 79.28129], [105.37243, 78.71334], [105.07547, 78.30689], ], ], [ [ [51.136187, 80.54728], [49.793685, 80.415428], [48.894411, 80.339567], [48.754937, 80.175468], [47.586119, 80.010181], [46.502826, 80.247247], [47.072455, 80.559424], [44.846958, 80.58981], [46.799139, 80.771918], [48.318477, 80.78401], [48.522806, 80.514569], [49.09719, 80.753986], [50.039768, 80.918885], [51.522933, 80.699726], [51.136187, 80.54728], ], ], [ [ [99.93976, 78.88094], [97.75794, 78.7562], [94.97259, 79.044745], [93.31288, 79.4265], [92.5454, 80.14379], [91.18107, 80.34146], [93.77766, 81.0246], [95.940895, 81.2504], [97.88385, 80.746975], [100.186655, 79.780135], [99.93976, 78.88094], ], ], ], }, id: "RUS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Rwanda" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [30.419105, -1.134659], [30.816135, -1.698914], [30.758309, -2.28725], [30.469696, -2.413858], [29.938359, -2.348487], [29.632176, -2.917858], [29.024926, -2.839258], [29.117479, -2.292211], [29.254835, -2.21511], [29.291887, -1.620056], [29.579466, -1.341313], [29.821519, -1.443322], [30.419105, -1.134659], ], ], }, id: "RWA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Western Sahara" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-8.794884, 27.120696], [-8.817828, 27.656426], [-8.66559, 27.656426], [-8.665124, 27.589479], [-8.6844, 27.395744], [-8.687294, 25.881056], [-11.969419, 25.933353], [-11.937224, 23.374594], [-12.874222, 23.284832], [-13.118754, 22.77122], [-12.929102, 21.327071], [-16.845194, 21.333323], [-17.063423, 20.999752], [-17.020428, 21.42231], [-17.002962, 21.420734], [-14.750955, 21.5006], [-14.630833, 21.86094], [-14.221168, 22.310163], [-13.89111, 23.691009], [-12.500963, 24.770116], [-12.030759, 26.030866], [-11.71822, 26.104092], [-11.392555, 26.883424], [-10.551263, 26.990808], [-10.189424, 26.860945], [-9.735343, 26.860945], [-9.413037, 27.088476], [-8.794884, 27.120696], ], ], }, id: "-99", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Saudi Arabia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [42.779332, 16.347891], [42.649573, 16.774635], [42.347989, 17.075806], [42.270888, 17.474722], [41.754382, 17.833046], [41.221391, 18.6716], [40.939341, 19.486485], [40.247652, 20.174635], [39.801685, 20.338862], [39.139399, 21.291905], [39.023696, 21.986875], [39.066329, 22.579656], [38.492772, 23.688451], [38.02386, 24.078686], [37.483635, 24.285495], [37.154818, 24.858483], [37.209491, 25.084542], [36.931627, 25.602959], [36.639604, 25.826228], [36.249137, 26.570136], [35.640182, 27.37652], [35.130187, 28.063352], [34.632336, 28.058546], [34.787779, 28.607427], [34.83222, 28.957483], [34.956037, 29.356555], [36.068941, 29.197495], [36.501214, 29.505254], [36.740528, 29.865283], [37.503582, 30.003776], [37.66812, 30.338665], [37.998849, 30.5085], [37.002166, 31.508413], [39.004886, 32.010217], [39.195468, 32.161009], [40.399994, 31.889992], [41.889981, 31.190009], [44.709499, 29.178891], [46.568713, 29.099025], [47.459822, 29.002519], [47.708851, 28.526063], [48.416094, 28.552004], [48.807595, 27.689628], [49.299554, 27.461218], [49.470914, 27.109999], [50.152422, 26.689663], [50.212935, 26.277027], [50.113303, 25.943972], [50.239859, 25.60805], [50.527387, 25.327808], [50.660557, 24.999896], [50.810108, 24.754743], [51.112415, 24.556331], [51.389608, 24.627386], [51.579519, 24.245497], [51.617708, 24.014219], [52.000733, 23.001154], [55.006803, 22.496948], [55.208341, 22.70833], [55.666659, 22.000001], [54.999982, 19.999994], [52.00001, 19.000003], [49.116672, 18.616668], [48.183344, 18.166669], [47.466695, 17.116682], [47.000005, 16.949999], [46.749994, 17.283338], [46.366659, 17.233315], [45.399999, 17.333335], [45.216651, 17.433329], [44.062613, 17.410359], [43.791519, 17.319977], [43.380794, 17.579987], [43.115798, 17.08844], [43.218375, 16.66689], [42.779332, 16.347891], ], ], }, id: "SAU", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Sudan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [33.963393, 9.464285], [33.824963, 9.484061], [33.842131, 9.981915], [33.721959, 10.325262], [33.206938, 10.720112], [33.086766, 11.441141], [33.206938, 12.179338], [32.743419, 12.248008], [32.67475, 12.024832], [32.073892, 11.97333], [32.314235, 11.681484], [32.400072, 11.080626], [31.850716, 10.531271], [31.352862, 9.810241], [30.837841, 9.707237], [29.996639, 10.290927], [29.618957, 10.084919], [29.515953, 9.793074], [29.000932, 9.604232], [28.966597, 9.398224], [27.97089, 9.398224], [27.833551, 9.604232], [27.112521, 9.638567], [26.752006, 9.466893], [26.477328, 9.55273], [25.962307, 10.136421], [25.790633, 10.411099], [25.069604, 10.27376], [24.794926, 9.810241], [24.537415, 8.917538], [24.194068, 8.728696], [23.88698, 8.61973], [23.805813, 8.666319], [23.459013, 8.954286], [23.394779, 9.265068], [23.55725, 9.681218], [23.554304, 10.089255], [22.977544, 10.714463], [22.864165, 11.142395], [22.87622, 11.38461], [22.50869, 11.67936], [22.49762, 12.26024], [22.28801, 12.64605], [21.93681, 12.58818], [22.03759, 12.95546], [22.29658, 13.37232], [22.18329, 13.78648], [22.51202, 14.09318], [22.30351, 14.32682], [22.56795, 14.94429], [23.02459, 15.68072], [23.88689, 15.61084], [23.83766, 19.58047], [23.85, 20], [25, 20.00304], [25, 22], [29.02, 22], [32.9, 22], [36.86623, 22], [37.18872, 21.01885], [36.96941, 20.83744], [37.1147, 19.80796], [37.48179, 18.61409], [37.86276, 18.36786], [38.41009, 17.998307], [37.904, 17.42754], [37.16747, 17.26314], [36.85253, 16.95655], [36.75389, 16.29186], [36.32322, 14.82249], [36.42951, 14.42211], [36.27022, 13.56333], [35.86363, 12.57828], [35.26049, 12.08286], [34.83163, 11.31896], [34.73115, 10.91017], [34.25745, 10.63009], [33.96162, 9.58358], [33.963393, 9.464285], ], ], }, id: "SDN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "South Sudan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [33.963393, 9.464285], [33.97498, 8.68456], [33.8255, 8.37916], [33.2948, 8.35458], [32.95418, 7.78497], [33.56829, 7.71334], [34.0751, 7.22595], [34.25032, 6.82607], [34.70702, 6.59422], [35.298007, 5.506], [34.620196, 4.847123], [34.005, 4.249885], [33.39, 3.79], [32.68642, 3.79232], [31.88145, 3.55827], [31.24556, 3.7819], [30.83385, 3.50917], [29.95349, 4.1737], [29.715995, 4.600805], [29.159078, 4.389267], [28.696678, 4.455077], [28.428994, 4.287155], [27.979977, 4.408413], [27.374226, 5.233944], [27.213409, 5.550953], [26.465909, 5.946717], [26.213418, 6.546603], [25.796648, 6.979316], [25.124131, 7.500085], [25.114932, 7.825104], [24.567369, 8.229188], [23.88698, 8.61973], [24.194068, 8.728696], [24.537415, 8.917538], [24.794926, 9.810241], [25.069604, 10.27376], [25.790633, 10.411099], [25.962307, 10.136421], [26.477328, 9.55273], [26.752006, 9.466893], [27.112521, 9.638567], [27.833551, 9.604232], [27.97089, 9.398224], [28.966597, 9.398224], [29.000932, 9.604232], [29.515953, 9.793074], [29.618957, 10.084919], [29.996639, 10.290927], [30.837841, 9.707237], [31.352862, 9.810241], [31.850716, 10.531271], [32.400072, 11.080626], [32.314235, 11.681484], [32.073892, 11.97333], [32.67475, 12.024832], [32.743419, 12.248008], [33.206938, 12.179338], [33.086766, 11.441141], [33.206938, 10.720112], [33.721959, 10.325262], [33.842131, 9.981915], [33.824963, 9.484061], [33.963393, 9.464285], ], ], }, id: "SDS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Senegal" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-16.713729, 13.594959], [-17.126107, 14.373516], [-17.625043, 14.729541], [-17.185173, 14.919477], [-16.700706, 15.621527], [-16.463098, 16.135036], [-16.12069, 16.455663], [-15.623666, 16.369337], [-15.135737, 16.587282], [-14.577348, 16.598264], [-14.099521, 16.304302], [-13.435738, 16.039383], [-12.830658, 15.303692], [-12.17075, 14.616834], [-12.124887, 13.994727], [-11.927716, 13.422075], [-11.553398, 13.141214], [-11.467899, 12.754519], [-11.513943, 12.442988], [-11.658301, 12.386583], [-12.203565, 12.465648], [-12.278599, 12.35444], [-12.499051, 12.33209], [-13.217818, 12.575874], [-13.700476, 12.586183], [-15.548477, 12.62817], [-15.816574, 12.515567], [-16.147717, 12.547762], [-16.677452, 12.384852], [-16.841525, 13.151394], [-15.931296, 13.130284], [-15.691001, 13.270353], [-15.511813, 13.27857], [-15.141163, 13.509512], [-14.712197, 13.298207], [-14.277702, 13.280585], [-13.844963, 13.505042], [-14.046992, 13.794068], [-14.376714, 13.62568], [-14.687031, 13.630357], [-15.081735, 13.876492], [-15.39877, 13.860369], [-15.624596, 13.623587], [-16.713729, 13.594959], ], ], }, id: "SEN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Solomon Islands" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [162.119025, -10.482719], [162.398646, -10.826367], [161.700032, -10.820011], [161.319797, -10.204751], [161.917383, -10.446701], [162.119025, -10.482719], ], ], [ [ [160.852229, -9.872937], [160.462588, -9.89521], [159.849447, -9.794027], [159.640003, -9.63998], [159.702945, -9.24295], [160.362956, -9.400304], [160.688518, -9.610162], [160.852229, -9.872937], ], ], [ [ [161.679982, -9.599982], [161.529397, -9.784312], [160.788253, -8.917543], [160.579997, -8.320009], [160.920028, -8.320009], [161.280006, -9.120011], [161.679982, -9.599982], ], ], [ [ [159.875027, -8.33732], [159.917402, -8.53829], [159.133677, -8.114181], [158.586114, -7.754824], [158.21115, -7.421872], [158.359978, -7.320018], [158.820001, -7.560003], [159.640003, -8.020027], [159.875027, -8.33732], ], ], [ [ [157.538426, -7.34782], [157.33942, -7.404767], [156.90203, -7.176874], [156.491358, -6.765943], [156.542828, -6.599338], [157.14, -7.021638], [157.538426, -7.34782], ], ], ], }, id: "SLB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Sierra Leone" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-11.438779, 6.785917], [-11.708195, 6.860098], [-12.428099, 7.262942], [-12.949049, 7.798646], [-13.124025, 8.163946], [-13.24655, 8.903049], [-12.711958, 9.342712], [-12.596719, 9.620188], [-12.425929, 9.835834], [-12.150338, 9.858572], [-11.917277, 10.046984], [-11.117481, 10.045873], [-10.839152, 9.688246], [-10.622395, 9.26791], [-10.65477, 8.977178], [-10.494315, 8.715541], [-10.505477, 8.348896], [-10.230094, 8.406206], [-10.695595, 7.939464], [-11.146704, 7.396706], [-11.199802, 7.105846], [-11.438779, 6.785917], ], ], }, id: "SLE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "El Salvador" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-87.793111, 13.38448], [-87.904112, 13.149017], [-88.483302, 13.163951], [-88.843228, 13.259734], [-89.256743, 13.458533], [-89.812394, 13.520622], [-90.095555, 13.735338], [-90.064678, 13.88197], [-89.721934, 14.134228], [-89.534219, 14.244816], [-89.587343, 14.362586], [-89.353326, 14.424133], [-89.058512, 14.340029], [-88.843073, 14.140507], [-88.541231, 13.980155], [-88.503998, 13.845486], [-88.065343, 13.964626], [-87.859515, 13.893312], [-87.723503, 13.78505], [-87.793111, 13.38448], ], ], }, id: "SLV", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Somaliland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [48.93813, 9.451749], [48.486736, 8.837626], [47.78942, 8.003], [46.948328, 7.996877], [43.67875, 9.18358], [43.296975, 9.540477], [42.92812, 10.02194], [42.55876, 10.57258], [42.776852, 10.926879], [43.145305, 11.46204], [43.47066, 11.27771], [43.666668, 10.864169], [44.117804, 10.445538], [44.614259, 10.442205], [45.556941, 10.698029], [46.645401, 10.816549], [47.525658, 11.127228], [48.021596, 11.193064], [48.378784, 11.375482], [48.948206, 11.410622], [48.942005, 11.394266], [48.938491, 10.982327], [48.938233, 9.9735], [48.93813, 9.451749], ], ], }, id: "-99", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Somalia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [49.72862, 11.5789], [50.25878, 11.67957], [50.73202, 12.0219], [51.1112, 12.02464], [51.13387, 11.74815], [51.04153, 11.16651], [51.04531, 10.6409], [50.83418, 10.27972], [50.55239, 9.19874], [50.07092, 8.08173], [49.4527, 6.80466], [48.59455, 5.33911], [47.74079, 4.2194], [46.56476, 2.85529], [45.56399, 2.04576], [44.06815, 1.05283], [43.13597, 0.2922], [42.04157, -0.91916], [41.81095, -1.44647], [41.58513, -1.68325], [40.993, -0.85829], [40.98105, 2.78452], [41.855083, 3.918912], [42.12861, 4.23413], [42.76967, 4.25259], [43.66087, 4.95755], [44.9636, 5.00162], [47.78942, 8.003], [48.486736, 8.837626], [48.93813, 9.451749], [48.938233, 9.9735], [48.938491, 10.982327], [48.942005, 11.394266], [48.948205, 11.410617], [49.26776, 11.43033], [49.72862, 11.5789], ], ], }, id: "SOM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Republic of Serbia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [20.874313, 45.416375], [21.483526, 45.18117], [21.562023, 44.768947], [22.145088, 44.478422], [22.459022, 44.702517], [22.705726, 44.578003], [22.474008, 44.409228], [22.65715, 44.234923], [22.410446, 44.008063], [22.500157, 43.642814], [22.986019, 43.211161], [22.604801, 42.898519], [22.436595, 42.580321], [22.545012, 42.461362], [22.380526, 42.32026], [21.91708, 42.30364], [21.576636, 42.245224], [21.54332, 42.32025], [21.66292, 42.43922], [21.77505, 42.6827], [21.63302, 42.67717], [21.43866, 42.86255], [21.27421, 42.90959], [21.143395, 43.068685], [20.95651, 43.13094], [20.81448, 43.27205], [20.63508, 43.21671], [20.49679, 42.88469], [20.25758, 42.81275], [20.3398, 42.89852], [19.95857, 43.10604], [19.63, 43.21378], [19.48389, 43.35229], [19.21852, 43.52384], [19.454, 43.5681], [19.59976, 44.03847], [19.11761, 44.42307], [19.36803, 44.863], [19.00548, 44.86023], [19.390476, 45.236516], [19.072769, 45.521511], [18.82982, 45.90888], [19.596045, 46.17173], [20.220192, 46.127469], [20.762175, 45.734573], [20.874313, 45.416375], ], ], }, id: "SRB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Suriname" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-57.147436, 5.97315], [-55.949318, 5.772878], [-55.84178, 5.953125], [-55.03325, 6.025291], [-53.958045, 5.756548], [-54.478633, 4.896756], [-54.399542, 4.212611], [-54.006931, 3.620038], [-54.181726, 3.18978], [-54.269705, 2.732392], [-54.524754, 2.311849], [-55.097587, 2.523748], [-55.569755, 2.421506], [-55.973322, 2.510364], [-56.073342, 2.220795], [-55.9056, 2.021996], [-55.995698, 1.817667], [-56.539386, 1.899523], [-57.150098, 2.768927], [-57.281433, 3.333492], [-57.601569, 3.334655], [-58.044694, 4.060864], [-57.86021, 4.576801], [-57.914289, 4.812626], [-57.307246, 5.073567], [-57.147436, 5.97315], ], ], }, id: "SUR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Slovakia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [18.853144, 49.49623], [18.909575, 49.435846], [19.320713, 49.571574], [19.825023, 49.217125], [20.415839, 49.431453], [20.887955, 49.328772], [21.607808, 49.470107], [22.558138, 49.085738], [22.280842, 48.825392], [22.085608, 48.422264], [21.872236, 48.319971], [20.801294, 48.623854], [20.473562, 48.56285], [20.239054, 48.327567], [19.769471, 48.202691], [19.661364, 48.266615], [19.174365, 48.111379], [18.777025, 48.081768], [18.696513, 47.880954], [17.857133, 47.758429], [17.488473, 47.867466], [16.979667, 48.123497], [16.879983, 48.470013], [16.960288, 48.596982], [17.101985, 48.816969], [17.545007, 48.800019], [17.886485, 48.903475], [17.913512, 48.996493], [18.104973, 49.043983], [18.170498, 49.271515], [18.399994, 49.315001], [18.554971, 49.495015], [18.853144, 49.49623], ], ], }, id: "SVK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Slovenia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [13.806475, 46.509306], [14.632472, 46.431817], [15.137092, 46.658703], [16.011664, 46.683611], [16.202298, 46.852386], [16.370505, 46.841327], [16.564808, 46.503751], [15.768733, 46.238108], [15.67153, 45.834154], [15.323954, 45.731783], [15.327675, 45.452316], [14.935244, 45.471695], [14.595109, 45.634941], [14.411968, 45.466166], [13.71506, 45.500324], [13.93763, 45.591016], [13.69811, 46.016778], [13.806475, 46.509306], ], ], }, id: "SVN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Sweden" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [22.183173, 65.723741], [21.213517, 65.026005], [21.369631, 64.413588], [19.778876, 63.609554], [17.847779, 62.7494], [17.119555, 61.341166], [17.831346, 60.636583], [18.787722, 60.081914], [17.869225, 58.953766], [16.829185, 58.719827], [16.44771, 57.041118], [15.879786, 56.104302], [14.666681, 56.200885], [14.100721, 55.407781], [12.942911, 55.361737], [12.625101, 56.30708], [11.787942, 57.441817], [11.027369, 58.856149], [11.468272, 59.432393], [12.300366, 60.117933], [12.631147, 61.293572], [11.992064, 61.800362], [11.930569, 63.128318], [12.579935, 64.066219], [13.571916, 64.049114], [13.919905, 64.445421], [13.55569, 64.787028], [15.108411, 66.193867], [16.108712, 67.302456], [16.768879, 68.013937], [17.729182, 68.010552], [17.993868, 68.567391], [19.87856, 68.407194], [20.025269, 69.065139], [20.645593, 69.106247], [21.978535, 68.616846], [23.539473, 67.936009], [23.56588, 66.396051], [23.903379, 66.006927], [22.183173, 65.723741], ], ], }, id: "SWE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Swaziland" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [32.071665, -26.73382], [31.86806, -27.177927], [31.282773, -27.285879], [30.685962, -26.743845], [30.676609, -26.398078], [30.949667, -26.022649], [31.04408, -25.731452], [31.333158, -25.660191], [31.837778, -25.843332], [31.985779, -26.29178], [32.071665, -26.73382], ], ], }, id: "SWZ", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Syria" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [38.792341, 33.378686], [36.834062, 32.312938], [35.719918, 32.709192], [35.700798, 32.716014], [35.836397, 32.868123], [35.821101, 33.277426], [36.06646, 33.824912], [36.61175, 34.201789], [36.448194, 34.593935], [35.998403, 34.644914], [35.905023, 35.410009], [36.149763, 35.821535], [36.41755, 36.040617], [36.685389, 36.259699], [36.739494, 36.81752], [37.066761, 36.623036], [38.167727, 36.90121], [38.699891, 36.712927], [39.52258, 36.716054], [40.673259, 37.091276], [41.212089, 37.074352], [42.349591, 37.229873], [41.837064, 36.605854], [41.289707, 36.358815], [41.383965, 35.628317], [41.006159, 34.419372], [38.792341, 33.378686], ], ], }, id: "SYR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Chad" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [14.495787, 12.859396], [14.595781, 13.330427], [13.954477, 13.353449], [13.956699, 13.996691], [13.540394, 14.367134], [13.97217, 15.68437], [15.247731, 16.627306], [15.300441, 17.92795], [15.685741, 19.95718], [15.903247, 20.387619], [15.487148, 20.730415], [15.47106, 21.04845], [15.096888, 21.308519], [14.8513, 22.86295], [15.86085, 23.40972], [19.84926, 21.49509], [23.83766, 19.58047], [23.88689, 15.61084], [23.02459, 15.68072], [22.56795, 14.94429], [22.30351, 14.32682], [22.51202, 14.09318], [22.18329, 13.78648], [22.29658, 13.37232], [22.03759, 12.95546], [21.93681, 12.58818], [22.28801, 12.64605], [22.49762, 12.26024], [22.50869, 11.67936], [22.87622, 11.38461], [22.864165, 11.142395], [22.231129, 10.971889], [21.723822, 10.567056], [21.000868, 9.475985], [20.059685, 9.012706], [19.094008, 9.074847], [18.81201, 8.982915], [18.911022, 8.630895], [18.389555, 8.281304], [17.96493, 7.890914], [16.705988, 7.508328], [16.456185, 7.734774], [16.290562, 7.754307], [16.106232, 7.497088], [15.27946, 7.421925], [15.436092, 7.692812], [15.120866, 8.38215], [14.979996, 8.796104], [14.544467, 8.965861], [13.954218, 9.549495], [14.171466, 10.021378], [14.627201, 9.920919], [14.909354, 9.992129], [15.467873, 9.982337], [14.923565, 10.891325], [14.960152, 11.555574], [14.89336, 12.21905], [14.495787, 12.859396], ], ], }, id: "TCD", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Togo" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [1.865241, 6.142158], [1.060122, 5.928837], [0.836931, 6.279979], [0.570384, 6.914359], [0.490957, 7.411744], [0.712029, 8.312465], [0.461192, 8.677223], [0.365901, 9.465004], [0.36758, 10.191213], [-0.049785, 10.706918], [0.023803, 11.018682], [0.899563, 10.997339], [0.772336, 10.470808], [1.077795, 10.175607], [1.425061, 9.825395], [1.463043, 9.334624], [1.664478, 9.12859], [1.618951, 6.832038], [1.865241, 6.142158], ], ], }, id: "TGO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Thailand" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [102.584932, 12.186595], [101.687158, 12.64574], [100.83181, 12.627085], [100.978467, 13.412722], [100.097797, 13.406856], [100.018733, 12.307001], [99.478921, 10.846367], [99.153772, 9.963061], [99.222399, 9.239255], [99.873832, 9.207862], [100.279647, 8.295153], [100.459274, 7.429573], [101.017328, 6.856869], [101.623079, 6.740622], [102.141187, 6.221636], [101.814282, 5.810808], [101.154219, 5.691384], [101.075516, 6.204867], [100.259596, 6.642825], [100.085757, 6.464489], [99.690691, 6.848213], [99.519642, 7.343454], [98.988253, 7.907993], [98.503786, 8.382305], [98.339662, 7.794512], [98.150009, 8.350007], [98.25915, 8.973923], [98.553551, 9.93296], [99.038121, 10.960546], [99.587286, 11.892763], [99.196354, 12.804748], [99.212012, 13.269294], [99.097755, 13.827503], [98.430819, 14.622028], [98.192074, 15.123703], [98.537376, 15.308497], [98.903348, 16.177824], [98.493761, 16.837836], [97.859123, 17.567946], [97.375896, 18.445438], [97.797783, 18.62708], [98.253724, 19.708203], [98.959676, 19.752981], [99.543309, 20.186598], [100.115988, 20.41785], [100.548881, 20.109238], [100.606294, 19.508344], [101.282015, 19.462585], [101.035931, 18.408928], [101.059548, 17.512497], [102.113592, 18.109102], [102.413005, 17.932782], [102.998706, 17.961695], [103.200192, 18.309632], [103.956477, 18.240954], [104.716947, 17.428859], [104.779321, 16.441865], [105.589039, 15.570316], [105.544338, 14.723934], [105.218777, 14.273212], [104.281418, 14.416743], [102.988422, 14.225721], [102.348099, 13.394247], [102.584932, 12.186595], ], ], }, id: "THA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Tajikistan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [71.014198, 40.244366], [70.648019, 39.935754], [69.55961, 40.103211], [69.464887, 39.526683], [70.549162, 39.604198], [71.784694, 39.279463], [73.675379, 39.431237], [73.928852, 38.505815], [74.257514, 38.606507], [74.864816, 38.378846], [74.829986, 37.990007], [74.980002, 37.41999], [73.948696, 37.421566], [73.260056, 37.495257], [72.63689, 37.047558], [72.193041, 36.948288], [71.844638, 36.738171], [71.448693, 37.065645], [71.541918, 37.905774], [71.239404, 37.953265], [71.348131, 38.258905], [70.806821, 38.486282], [70.376304, 38.138396], [70.270574, 37.735165], [70.116578, 37.588223], [69.518785, 37.608997], [69.196273, 37.151144], [68.859446, 37.344336], [68.135562, 37.023115], [67.83, 37.144994], [68.392033, 38.157025], [68.176025, 38.901553], [67.44222, 39.140144], [67.701429, 39.580478], [68.536416, 39.533453], [69.011633, 40.086158], [69.329495, 40.727824], [70.666622, 40.960213], [70.45816, 40.496495], [70.601407, 40.218527], [71.014198, 40.244366], ], ], }, id: "TJK", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Turkmenistan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [61.210817, 35.650072], [61.123071, 36.491597], [60.377638, 36.527383], [59.234762, 37.412988], [58.436154, 37.522309], [57.330434, 38.029229], [56.619366, 38.121394], [56.180375, 37.935127], [55.511578, 37.964117], [54.800304, 37.392421], [53.921598, 37.198918], [53.735511, 37.906136], [53.880929, 38.952093], [53.101028, 39.290574], [53.357808, 39.975286], [52.693973, 40.033629], [52.915251, 40.876523], [53.858139, 40.631034], [54.736845, 40.951015], [54.008311, 41.551211], [53.721713, 42.123191], [52.91675, 41.868117], [52.814689, 41.135371], [52.50246, 41.783316], [52.944293, 42.116034], [54.079418, 42.324109], [54.755345, 42.043971], [55.455251, 41.259859], [55.968191, 41.308642], [57.096391, 41.32231], [56.932215, 41.826026], [57.78653, 42.170553], [58.629011, 42.751551], [59.976422, 42.223082], [60.083341, 41.425146], [60.465953, 41.220327], [61.547179, 41.26637], [61.882714, 41.084857], [62.37426, 40.053886], [63.518015, 39.363257], [64.170223, 38.892407], [65.215999, 38.402695], [66.54615, 37.974685], [66.518607, 37.362784], [66.217385, 37.39379], [65.745631, 37.661164], [65.588948, 37.305217], [64.746105, 37.111818], [64.546479, 36.312073], [63.982896, 36.007957], [63.193538, 35.857166], [62.984662, 35.404041], [62.230651, 35.270664], [61.210817, 35.650072], ], ], }, id: "TKM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "East Timor" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [124.968682, -8.89279], [125.086246, -8.656887], [125.947072, -8.432095], [126.644704, -8.398247], [126.957243, -8.273345], [127.335928, -8.397317], [126.967992, -8.668256], [125.925885, -9.106007], [125.08852, -9.393173], [125.07002, -9.089987], [124.968682, -8.89279], ], ], }, id: "TLS", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Trinidad and Tobago" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-61.68, 10.76], [-61.105, 10.89], [-60.895, 10.855], [-60.935, 10.11], [-61.77, 10], [-61.95, 10.09], [-61.66, 10.365], [-61.68, 10.76], ], ], }, id: "TTO", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Tunisia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [9.48214, 30.307556], [9.055603, 32.102692], [8.439103, 32.506285], [8.430473, 32.748337], [7.612642, 33.344115], [7.524482, 34.097376], [8.140981, 34.655146], [8.376368, 35.479876], [8.217824, 36.433177], [8.420964, 36.946427], [9.509994, 37.349994], [10.210002, 37.230002], [10.18065, 36.724038], [11.028867, 37.092103], [11.100026, 36.899996], [10.600005, 36.41], [10.593287, 35.947444], [10.939519, 35.698984], [10.807847, 34.833507], [10.149593, 34.330773], [10.339659, 33.785742], [10.856836, 33.76874], [11.108501, 33.293343], [11.488787, 33.136996], [11.432253, 32.368903], [10.94479, 32.081815], [10.636901, 31.761421], [9.950225, 31.37607], [10.056575, 30.961831], [9.970017, 30.539325], [9.48214, 30.307556], ], ], }, id: "TUN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Turkey" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [36.913127, 41.335358], [38.347665, 40.948586], [39.512607, 41.102763], [40.373433, 41.013673], [41.554084, 41.535656], [42.619549, 41.583173], [43.582746, 41.092143], [43.752658, 40.740201], [43.656436, 40.253564], [44.400009, 40.005], [44.79399, 39.713003], [44.109225, 39.428136], [44.421403, 38.281281], [44.225756, 37.971584], [44.772699, 37.170445], [44.293452, 37.001514], [43.942259, 37.256228], [42.779126, 37.385264], [42.349591, 37.229873], [41.212089, 37.074352], [40.673259, 37.091276], [39.52258, 36.716054], [38.699891, 36.712927], [38.167727, 36.90121], [37.066761, 36.623036], [36.739494, 36.81752], [36.685389, 36.259699], [36.41755, 36.040617], [36.149763, 35.821535], [35.782085, 36.274995], [36.160822, 36.650606], [35.550936, 36.565443], [34.714553, 36.795532], [34.026895, 36.21996], [32.509158, 36.107564], [31.699595, 36.644275], [30.621625, 36.677865], [30.391096, 36.262981], [29.699976, 36.144357], [28.732903, 36.676831], [27.641187, 36.658822], [27.048768, 37.653361], [26.318218, 38.208133], [26.8047, 38.98576], [26.170785, 39.463612], [27.28002, 40.420014], [28.819978, 40.460011], [29.240004, 41.219991], [31.145934, 41.087622], [32.347979, 41.736264], [33.513283, 42.01896], [35.167704, 42.040225], [36.913127, 41.335358], ], ], [ [ [27.192377, 40.690566], [26.358009, 40.151994], [26.043351, 40.617754], [26.056942, 40.824123], [26.294602, 40.936261], [26.604196, 41.562115], [26.117042, 41.826905], [27.135739, 42.141485], [27.99672, 42.007359], [28.115525, 41.622886], [28.988443, 41.299934], [28.806438, 41.054962], [27.619017, 40.999823], [27.192377, 40.690566], ], ], ], }, id: "TUR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Taiwan" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [121.777818, 24.394274], [121.175632, 22.790857], [120.74708, 21.970571], [120.220083, 22.814861], [120.106189, 23.556263], [120.69468, 24.538451], [121.495044, 25.295459], [121.951244, 24.997596], [121.777818, 24.394274], ], ], }, id: "TWN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "United Republic of Tanzania" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [33.903711, -0.95], [34.07262, -1.05982], [37.69869, -3.09699], [37.7669, -3.67712], [39.20222, -4.67677], [38.74054, -5.90895], [38.79977, -6.47566], [39.44, -6.84], [39.47, -7.1], [39.19469, -7.7039], [39.25203, -8.00781], [39.18652, -8.48551], [39.53574, -9.11237], [39.9496, -10.0984], [40.31659, -10.3171], [39.521, -10.89688], [38.427557, -11.285202], [37.82764, -11.26879], [37.47129, -11.56876], [36.775151, -11.594537], [36.514082, -11.720938], [35.312398, -11.439146], [34.559989, -11.52002], [34.28, -10.16], [33.940838, -9.693674], [33.73972, -9.41715], [32.759375, -9.230599], [32.191865, -8.930359], [31.556348, -8.762049], [31.157751, -8.594579], [30.74, -8.34], [30.2, -7.08], [29.62, -6.52], [29.419993, -5.939999], [29.519987, -5.419979], [29.339998, -4.499983], [29.753512, -4.452389], [30.11632, -4.09012], [30.50554, -3.56858], [30.75224, -3.35931], [30.74301, -3.03431], [30.52766, -2.80762], [30.46967, -2.41383], [30.758309, -2.28725], [30.816135, -1.698914], [30.419105, -1.134659], [30.76986, -1.01455], [31.86617, -1.02736], [33.903711, -0.95], ], ], }, id: "TZA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Uganda" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [31.86617, -1.02736], [30.76986, -1.01455], [30.419105, -1.134659], [29.821519, -1.443322], [29.579466, -1.341313], [29.587838, -0.587406], [29.8195, -0.2053], [29.875779, 0.59738], [30.086154, 1.062313], [30.468508, 1.583805], [30.85267, 1.849396], [31.174149, 2.204465], [30.77332, 2.33989], [30.83385, 3.50917], [31.24556, 3.7819], [31.88145, 3.55827], [32.68642, 3.79232], [33.39, 3.79], [34.005, 4.249885], [34.47913, 3.5556], [34.59607, 3.05374], [35.03599, 1.90584], [34.6721, 1.17694], [34.18, 0.515], [33.893569, 0.109814], [33.903711, -0.95], [31.86617, -1.02736], ], ], }, id: "UGA", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Ukraine" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [31.785998, 52.101678], [32.159412, 52.061267], [32.412058, 52.288695], [32.715761, 52.238465], [33.7527, 52.335075], [34.391731, 51.768882], [34.141978, 51.566413], [34.224816, 51.255993], [35.022183, 51.207572], [35.377924, 50.773955], [35.356116, 50.577197], [36.626168, 50.225591], [37.39346, 50.383953], [38.010631, 49.915662], [38.594988, 49.926462], [40.069058, 49.601055], [40.080789, 49.30743], [39.674664, 48.783818], [39.895632, 48.232405], [39.738278, 47.898937], [38.770585, 47.825608], [38.255112, 47.5464], [38.223538, 47.10219], [37.425137, 47.022221], [36.759855, 46.6987], [35.823685, 46.645964], [34.962342, 46.273197], [35.020788, 45.651219], [35.510009, 45.409993], [36.529998, 45.46999], [36.334713, 45.113216], [35.239999, 44.939996], [33.882511, 44.361479], [33.326421, 44.564877], [33.546924, 45.034771], [32.454174, 45.327466], [32.630804, 45.519186], [33.588162, 45.851569], [33.298567, 46.080598], [31.74414, 46.333348], [31.675307, 46.706245], [30.748749, 46.5831], [30.377609, 46.03241], [29.603289, 45.293308], [29.149725, 45.464925], [28.679779, 45.304031], [28.233554, 45.488283], [28.485269, 45.596907], [28.659987, 45.939987], [28.933717, 46.25883], [28.862972, 46.437889], [29.072107, 46.517678], [29.170654, 46.379262], [29.759972, 46.349988], [30.024659, 46.423937], [29.83821, 46.525326], [29.908852, 46.674361], [29.559674, 46.928583], [29.415135, 47.346645], [29.050868, 47.510227], [29.122698, 47.849095], [28.670891, 48.118149], [28.259547, 48.155562], [27.522537, 48.467119], [26.857824, 48.368211], [26.619337, 48.220726], [26.19745, 48.220881], [25.945941, 47.987149], [25.207743, 47.891056], [24.866317, 47.737526], [24.402056, 47.981878], [23.760958, 47.985598], [23.142236, 48.096341], [22.710531, 47.882194], [22.64082, 48.15024], [22.085608, 48.422264], [22.280842, 48.825392], [22.558138, 49.085738], [22.776419, 49.027395], [22.51845, 49.476774], [23.426508, 50.308506], [23.922757, 50.424881], [24.029986, 50.705407], [23.527071, 51.578454], [24.005078, 51.617444], [24.553106, 51.888461], [25.327788, 51.910656], [26.337959, 51.832289], [27.454066, 51.592303], [28.241615, 51.572227], [28.617613, 51.427714], [28.992835, 51.602044], [29.254938, 51.368234], [30.157364, 51.416138], [30.555117, 51.319503], [30.619454, 51.822806], [30.927549, 52.042353], [31.785998, 52.101678], ], ], }, id: "UKR", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Uruguay" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-57.625133, -30.216295], [-56.976026, -30.109686], [-55.973245, -30.883076], [-55.60151, -30.853879], [-54.572452, -31.494511], [-53.787952, -32.047243], [-53.209589, -32.727666], [-53.650544, -33.202004], [-53.373662, -33.768378], [-53.806426, -34.396815], [-54.935866, -34.952647], [-55.67409, -34.752659], [-56.215297, -34.859836], [-57.139685, -34.430456], [-57.817861, -34.462547], [-58.427074, -33.909454], [-58.349611, -33.263189], [-58.132648, -33.040567], [-58.14244, -32.044504], [-57.874937, -31.016556], [-57.625133, -30.216295], ], ], }, id: "URY", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "USA" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [-155.54211, 19.08348], [-155.68817, 18.91619], [-155.93665, 19.05939], [-155.90806, 19.33888], [-156.07347, 19.70294], [-156.02368, 19.81422], [-155.85008, 19.97729], [-155.91907, 20.17395], [-155.86108, 20.26721], [-155.78505, 20.2487], [-155.40214, 20.07975], [-155.22452, 19.99302], [-155.06226, 19.8591], [-154.80741, 19.50871], [-154.83147, 19.45328], [-155.22217, 19.23972], [-155.54211, 19.08348], ], ], [ [ [-156.07926, 20.64397], [-156.41445, 20.57241], [-156.58673, 20.783], [-156.70167, 20.8643], [-156.71055, 20.92676], [-156.61258, 21.01249], [-156.25711, 20.91745], [-155.99566, 20.76404], [-156.07926, 20.64397], ], ], [ [ [-156.75824, 21.17684], [-156.78933, 21.06873], [-157.32521, 21.09777], [-157.25027, 21.21958], [-156.75824, 21.17684], ], ], [ [ [-157.65283, 21.32217], [-157.70703, 21.26442], [-157.7786, 21.27729], [-158.12667, 21.31244], [-158.2538, 21.53919], [-158.29265, 21.57912], [-158.0252, 21.71696], [-157.94161, 21.65272], [-157.65283, 21.32217], ], ], [ [ [-159.34512, 21.982], [-159.46372, 21.88299], [-159.80051, 22.06533], [-159.74877, 22.1382], [-159.5962, 22.23618], [-159.36569, 22.21494], [-159.34512, 21.982], ], ], [ [ [-94.81758, 49.38905], [-94.64, 48.84], [-94.32914, 48.67074], [-93.63087, 48.60926], [-92.61, 48.45], [-91.64, 48.14], [-90.83, 48.27], [-89.6, 48.01], [-89.272917, 48.019808], [-88.378114, 48.302918], [-87.439793, 47.94], [-86.461991, 47.553338], [-85.652363, 47.220219], [-84.87608, 46.900083], [-84.779238, 46.637102], [-84.543749, 46.538684], [-84.6049, 46.4396], [-84.3367, 46.40877], [-84.14212, 46.512226], [-84.091851, 46.275419], [-83.890765, 46.116927], [-83.616131, 46.116927], [-83.469551, 45.994686], [-83.592851, 45.816894], [-82.550925, 45.347517], [-82.337763, 44.44], [-82.137642, 43.571088], [-82.43, 42.98], [-82.9, 42.43], [-83.12, 42.08], [-83.142, 41.975681], [-83.02981, 41.832796], [-82.690089, 41.675105], [-82.439278, 41.675105], [-81.277747, 42.209026], [-80.247448, 42.3662], [-78.939362, 42.863611], [-78.92, 42.965], [-79.01, 43.27], [-79.171674, 43.466339], [-78.72028, 43.625089], [-77.737885, 43.629056], [-76.820034, 43.628784], [-76.5, 44.018459], [-76.375, 44.09631], [-75.31821, 44.81645], [-74.867, 45.00048], [-73.34783, 45.00738], [-71.50506, 45.0082], [-71.405, 45.255], [-71.08482, 45.30524], [-70.66, 45.46], [-70.305, 45.915], [-69.99997, 46.69307], [-69.237216, 47.447781], [-68.905, 47.185], [-68.23444, 47.35486], [-67.79046, 47.06636], [-67.79134, 45.70281], [-67.13741, 45.13753], [-66.96466, 44.8097], [-68.03252, 44.3252], [-69.06, 43.98], [-70.11617, 43.68405], [-70.645476, 43.090238], [-70.81489, 42.8653], [-70.825, 42.335], [-70.495, 41.805], [-70.08, 41.78], [-70.185, 42.145], [-69.88497, 41.92283], [-69.96503, 41.63717], [-70.64, 41.475], [-71.12039, 41.49445], [-71.86, 41.32], [-72.295, 41.27], [-72.87643, 41.22065], [-73.71, 40.931102], [-72.24126, 41.11948], [-71.945, 40.93], [-73.345, 40.63], [-73.982, 40.628], [-73.952325, 40.75075], [-74.25671, 40.47351], [-73.96244, 40.42763], [-74.17838, 39.70926], [-74.90604, 38.93954], [-74.98041, 39.1964], [-75.20002, 39.24845], [-75.52805, 39.4985], [-75.32, 38.96], [-75.071835, 38.782032], [-75.05673, 38.40412], [-75.37747, 38.01551], [-75.94023, 37.21689], [-76.03127, 37.2566], [-75.72205, 37.93705], [-76.23287, 38.319215], [-76.35, 39.15], [-76.542725, 38.717615], [-76.32933, 38.08326], [-76.989998, 38.239992], [-76.30162, 37.917945], [-76.25874, 36.9664], [-75.9718, 36.89726], [-75.86804, 36.55125], [-75.72749, 35.55074], [-76.36318, 34.80854], [-77.397635, 34.51201], [-78.05496, 33.92547], [-78.55435, 33.86133], [-79.06067, 33.49395], [-79.20357, 33.15839], [-80.301325, 32.509355], [-80.86498, 32.0333], [-81.33629, 31.44049], [-81.49042, 30.72999], [-81.31371, 30.03552], [-80.98, 29.18], [-80.535585, 28.47213], [-80.53, 28.04], [-80.056539, 26.88], [-80.088015, 26.205765], [-80.13156, 25.816775], [-80.38103, 25.20616], [-80.68, 25.08], [-81.17213, 25.20126], [-81.33, 25.64], [-81.71, 25.87], [-82.24, 26.73], [-82.70515, 27.49504], [-82.85526, 27.88624], [-82.65, 28.55], [-82.93, 29.1], [-83.70959, 29.93656], [-84.1, 30.09], [-85.10882, 29.63615], [-85.28784, 29.68612], [-85.7731, 30.15261], [-86.4, 30.4], [-87.53036, 30.27433], [-88.41782, 30.3849], [-89.18049, 30.31598], [-89.593831, 30.159994], [-89.413735, 29.89419], [-89.43, 29.48864], [-89.21767, 29.29108], [-89.40823, 29.15961], [-89.77928, 29.30714], [-90.15463, 29.11743], [-90.880225, 29.148535], [-91.626785, 29.677], [-92.49906, 29.5523], [-93.22637, 29.78375], [-93.84842, 29.71363], [-94.69, 29.48], [-95.60026, 28.73863], [-96.59404, 28.30748], [-97.14, 27.83], [-97.37, 27.38], [-97.38, 26.69], [-97.33, 26.21], [-97.14, 25.87], [-97.53, 25.84], [-98.24, 26.06], [-99.02, 26.37], [-99.3, 26.84], [-99.52, 27.54], [-100.11, 28.11], [-100.45584, 28.69612], [-100.9576, 29.38071], [-101.6624, 29.7793], [-102.48, 29.76], [-103.11, 28.97], [-103.94, 29.27], [-104.45697, 29.57196], [-104.70575, 30.12173], [-105.03737, 30.64402], [-105.63159, 31.08383], [-106.1429, 31.39995], [-106.50759, 31.75452], [-108.24, 31.754854], [-108.24194, 31.34222], [-109.035, 31.34194], [-111.02361, 31.33472], [-113.30498, 32.03914], [-114.815, 32.52528], [-114.72139, 32.72083], [-115.99135, 32.61239], [-117.12776, 32.53534], [-117.295938, 33.046225], [-117.944, 33.621236], [-118.410602, 33.740909], [-118.519895, 34.027782], [-119.081, 34.078], [-119.438841, 34.348477], [-120.36778, 34.44711], [-120.62286, 34.60855], [-120.74433, 35.15686], [-121.71457, 36.16153], [-122.54747, 37.55176], [-122.51201, 37.78339], [-122.95319, 38.11371], [-123.7272, 38.95166], [-123.86517, 39.76699], [-124.39807, 40.3132], [-124.17886, 41.14202], [-124.2137, 41.99964], [-124.53284, 42.76599], [-124.14214, 43.70838], [-124.020535, 44.615895], [-123.89893, 45.52341], [-124.079635, 46.86475], [-124.39567, 47.72017], [-124.68721, 48.184433], [-124.566101, 48.379715], [-123.12, 48.04], [-122.58736, 47.096], [-122.34, 47.36], [-122.5, 48.18], [-122.84, 49], [-120, 49], [-117.03121, 49], [-116.04818, 49], [-113, 49], [-110.05, 49], [-107.05, 49], [-104.04826, 48.99986], [-100.65, 49], [-97.22872, 49.0007], [-95.15907, 49], [-95.15609, 49.38425], [-94.81758, 49.38905], ], ], [ [ [-153.006314, 57.115842], [-154.00509, 56.734677], [-154.516403, 56.992749], [-154.670993, 57.461196], [-153.76278, 57.816575], [-153.228729, 57.968968], [-152.564791, 57.901427], [-152.141147, 57.591059], [-153.006314, 57.115842], ], ], [ [ [-165.579164, 59.909987], [-166.19277, 59.754441], [-166.848337, 59.941406], [-167.455277, 60.213069], [-166.467792, 60.38417], [-165.67443, 60.293607], [-165.579164, 59.909987], ], ], [ [ [-171.731657, 63.782515], [-171.114434, 63.592191], [-170.491112, 63.694975], [-169.682505, 63.431116], [-168.689439, 63.297506], [-168.771941, 63.188598], [-169.52944, 62.976931], [-170.290556, 63.194438], [-170.671386, 63.375822], [-171.553063, 63.317789], [-171.791111, 63.405846], [-171.731657, 63.782515], ], ], [ [ [-155.06779, 71.147776], [-154.344165, 70.696409], [-153.900006, 70.889989], [-152.210006, 70.829992], [-152.270002, 70.600006], [-150.739992, 70.430017], [-149.720003, 70.53001], [-147.613362, 70.214035], [-145.68999, 70.12001], [-144.920011, 69.989992], [-143.589446, 70.152514], [-142.07251, 69.851938], [-140.985988, 69.711998], [-140.985988, 69.711998], [-140.992499, 66.000029], [-140.99777, 60.306397], [-140.012998, 60.276838], [-139.039, 60.000007], [-138.34089, 59.56211], [-137.4525, 58.905], [-136.47972, 59.46389], [-135.47583, 59.78778], [-134.945, 59.27056], [-134.27111, 58.86111], [-133.355549, 58.410285], [-132.73042, 57.69289], [-131.70781, 56.55212], [-130.00778, 55.91583], [-129.979994, 55.284998], [-130.53611, 54.802753], [-131.085818, 55.178906], [-131.967211, 55.497776], [-132.250011, 56.369996], [-133.539181, 57.178887], [-134.078063, 58.123068], [-135.038211, 58.187715], [-136.628062, 58.212209], [-137.800006, 58.499995], [-139.867787, 59.537762], [-140.825274, 59.727517], [-142.574444, 60.084447], [-143.958881, 59.99918], [-145.925557, 60.45861], [-147.114374, 60.884656], [-148.224306, 60.672989], [-148.018066, 59.978329], [-148.570823, 59.914173], [-149.727858, 59.705658], [-150.608243, 59.368211], [-151.716393, 59.155821], [-151.859433, 59.744984], [-151.409719, 60.725803], [-150.346941, 61.033588], [-150.621111, 61.284425], [-151.895839, 60.727198], [-152.57833, 60.061657], [-154.019172, 59.350279], [-153.287511, 58.864728], [-154.232492, 58.146374], [-155.307491, 57.727795], [-156.308335, 57.422774], [-156.556097, 56.979985], [-158.117217, 56.463608], [-158.433321, 55.994154], [-159.603327, 55.566686], [-160.28972, 55.643581], [-161.223048, 55.364735], [-162.237766, 55.024187], [-163.069447, 54.689737], [-164.785569, 54.404173], [-164.942226, 54.572225], [-163.84834, 55.039431], [-162.870001, 55.348043], [-161.804175, 55.894986], [-160.563605, 56.008055], [-160.07056, 56.418055], [-158.684443, 57.016675], [-158.461097, 57.216921], [-157.72277, 57.570001], [-157.550274, 58.328326], [-157.041675, 58.918885], [-158.194731, 58.615802], [-158.517218, 58.787781], [-159.058606, 58.424186], [-159.711667, 58.93139], [-159.981289, 58.572549], [-160.355271, 59.071123], [-161.355003, 58.670838], [-161.968894, 58.671665], [-162.054987, 59.266925], [-161.874171, 59.633621], [-162.518059, 59.989724], [-163.818341, 59.798056], [-164.662218, 60.267484], [-165.346388, 60.507496], [-165.350832, 61.073895], [-166.121379, 61.500019], [-165.734452, 62.074997], [-164.919179, 62.633076], [-164.562508, 63.146378], [-163.753332, 63.219449], [-163.067224, 63.059459], 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[66.518607, 37.362784], [66.54615, 37.974685], [65.215999, 38.402695], [64.170223, 38.892407], [63.518015, 39.363257], [62.37426, 40.053886], [61.882714, 41.084857], [61.547179, 41.26637], [60.465953, 41.220327], [60.083341, 41.425146], [59.976422, 42.223082], [58.629011, 42.751551], [57.78653, 42.170553], [56.932215, 41.826026], [57.096391, 41.32231], [55.968191, 41.308642], [55.928917, 44.995858], [58.503127, 45.586804], [58.689989, 45.500014], [60.239972, 44.784037], [61.05832, 44.405817], [62.0133, 43.504477], [63.185787, 43.650075], [64.900824, 43.728081], [66.098012, 42.99766], [66.023392, 41.994646], [66.510649, 41.987644], [66.714047, 41.168444], [67.985856, 41.135991], [68.259896, 40.662325], [68.632483, 40.668681], [69.070027, 41.384244], [70.388965, 42.081308], [70.962315, 42.266154], [71.259248, 42.167711], [70.420022, 41.519998], [71.157859, 41.143587], [71.870115, 41.3929], [73.055417, 40.866033], [71.774875, 40.145844], [71.014198, 40.244366], [70.601407, 40.218527], [70.45816, 40.496495], [70.666622, 40.960213], [69.329495, 40.727824], [69.011633, 40.086158], [68.536416, 39.533453], [67.701429, 39.580478], [67.44222, 39.140144], [68.176025, 38.901553], [68.392033, 38.157025], [67.83, 37.144994], [67.075782, 37.356144], [66.518607, 37.362784], ], ], }, id: "UZB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Venezuela" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [-71.331584, 11.776284], [-71.360006, 11.539994], [-71.94705, 11.423282], [-71.620868, 10.96946], [-71.633064, 10.446494], [-72.074174, 9.865651], [-71.695644, 9.072263], [-71.264559, 9.137195], [-71.039999, 9.859993], [-71.350084, 10.211935], [-71.400623, 10.968969], [-70.155299, 11.375482], [-70.293843, 11.846822], [-69.943245, 12.162307], [-69.5843, 11.459611], [-68.882999, 11.443385], [-68.233271, 10.885744], [-68.194127, 10.554653], [-67.296249, 10.545868], [-66.227864, 10.648627], [-65.655238, 10.200799], [-64.890452, 10.077215], [-64.329479, 10.389599], [-64.318007, 10.641418], [-63.079322, 10.701724], [-61.880946, 10.715625], [-62.730119, 10.420269], [-62.388512, 9.948204], [-61.588767, 9.873067], [-60.830597, 9.38134], [-60.671252, 8.580174], [-60.150096, 8.602757], [-59.758285, 8.367035], [-60.550588, 7.779603], [-60.637973, 7.415], [-60.295668, 7.043911], [-60.543999, 6.856584], [-61.159336, 6.696077], [-61.139415, 6.234297], [-61.410303, 5.959068], [-60.733574, 5.200277], [-60.601179, 4.918098], [-60.966893, 4.536468], [-62.08543, 4.162124], [-62.804533, 4.006965], [-63.093198, 3.770571], [-63.888343, 4.02053], [-64.628659, 4.148481], [-64.816064, 4.056445], [-64.368494, 3.79721], [-64.408828, 3.126786], [-64.269999, 2.497006], [-63.422867, 2.411068], [-63.368788, 2.2009], [-64.083085, 1.916369], [-64.199306, 1.492855], [-64.611012, 1.328731], [-65.354713, 1.095282], [-65.548267, 0.789254], [-66.325765, 0.724452], [-66.876326, 1.253361], [-67.181294, 2.250638], [-67.447092, 2.600281], [-67.809938, 2.820655], [-67.303173, 3.318454], [-67.337564, 3.542342], [-67.621836, 3.839482], [-67.823012, 4.503937], [-67.744697, 5.221129], [-67.521532, 5.55687], [-67.34144, 6.095468], [-67.695087, 6.267318], [-68.265052, 6.153268], [-68.985319, 6.206805], [-69.38948, 6.099861], [-70.093313, 6.960376], [-70.674234, 7.087785], [-71.960176, 6.991615], [-72.198352, 7.340431], [-72.444487, 7.423785], [-72.479679, 7.632506], [-72.360901, 8.002638], [-72.439862, 8.405275], [-72.660495, 8.625288], [-72.78873, 9.085027], [-73.304952, 9.152], [-73.027604, 9.73677], [-72.905286, 10.450344], [-72.614658, 10.821975], [-72.227575, 11.108702], [-71.973922, 11.608672], [-71.331584, 11.776284], ], ], }, id: "VEN", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Vietnam" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [108.05018, 21.55238], [106.715068, 20.696851], [105.881682, 19.75205], [105.662006, 19.058165], [106.426817, 18.004121], [107.361954, 16.697457], [108.269495, 16.079742], [108.877107, 15.276691], [109.33527, 13.426028], [109.200136, 11.666859], [108.36613, 11.008321], [107.220929, 10.364484], [106.405113, 9.53084], [105.158264, 8.59976], [104.795185, 9.241038], [105.076202, 9.918491], [104.334335, 10.486544], [105.199915, 10.88931], [106.24967, 10.961812], [105.810524, 11.567615], [107.491403, 12.337206], [107.614548, 13.535531], [107.382727, 14.202441], [107.564525, 15.202173], [107.312706, 15.908538], [106.556008, 16.604284], [105.925762, 17.485315], [105.094598, 18.666975], [103.896532, 19.265181], [104.183388, 19.624668], [104.822574, 19.886642], [104.435, 20.758733], [103.203861, 20.766562], [102.754896, 21.675137], [102.170436, 22.464753], [102.706992, 22.708795], [103.504515, 22.703757], [104.476858, 22.81915], [105.329209, 23.352063], [105.811247, 22.976892], [106.725403, 22.794268], [106.567273, 22.218205], [107.04342, 21.811899], [108.05018, 21.55238], ], ], }, id: "VNM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Vanuatu" }, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [ [ [ [167.844877, -16.466333], [167.515181, -16.59785], [167.180008, -16.159995], [167.216801, -15.891846], [167.844877, -16.466333], ], ], [ [ [167.107712, -14.93392], [167.270028, -15.740021], [167.001207, -15.614602], [166.793158, -15.668811], [166.649859, -15.392704], [166.629137, -14.626497], [167.107712, -14.93392], ], ], ], }, id: "VUT", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "West Bank" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [35.545665, 32.393992], [35.545252, 31.782505], [35.397561, 31.489086], [34.927408, 31.353435], [34.970507, 31.616778], [35.225892, 31.754341], [34.974641, 31.866582], [35.18393, 32.532511], [35.545665, 32.393992], ], ], }, id: "PSE", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Yemen" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [53.108573, 16.651051], [52.385206, 16.382411], [52.191729, 15.938433], [52.168165, 15.59742], [51.172515, 15.17525], [49.574576, 14.708767], [48.679231, 14.003202], [48.238947, 13.94809], [47.938914, 14.007233], [47.354454, 13.59222], [46.717076, 13.399699], [45.877593, 13.347764], [45.62505, 13.290946], [45.406459, 13.026905], [45.144356, 12.953938], [44.989533, 12.699587], [44.494576, 12.721653], [44.175113, 12.58595], [43.482959, 12.6368], [43.222871, 13.22095], [43.251448, 13.767584], [43.087944, 14.06263], [42.892245, 14.802249], [42.604873, 15.213335], [42.805015, 15.261963], [42.702438, 15.718886], [42.823671, 15.911742], [42.779332, 16.347891], [43.218375, 16.66689], [43.115798, 17.08844], [43.380794, 17.579987], [43.791519, 17.319977], [44.062613, 17.410359], [45.216651, 17.433329], [45.399999, 17.333335], [46.366659, 17.233315], [46.749994, 17.283338], [47.000005, 16.949999], [47.466695, 17.116682], [48.183344, 18.166669], [49.116672, 18.616668], [52.00001, 19.000003], [52.782184, 17.349742], [53.108573, 16.651051], ], ], }, id: "YEM", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "South Africa" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [31.521001, -29.257387], [31.325561, -29.401978], [30.901763, -29.909957], [30.622813, -30.423776], [30.055716, -31.140269], [28.925553, -32.172041], [28.219756, -32.771953], [27.464608, -33.226964], [26.419452, -33.61495], [25.909664, -33.66704], [25.780628, -33.944646], [25.172862, -33.796851], [24.677853, -33.987176], [23.594043, -33.794474], [22.988189, -33.916431], [22.574157, -33.864083], [21.542799, -34.258839], [20.689053, -34.417175], [20.071261, -34.795137], [19.616405, -34.819166], [19.193278, -34.462599], [18.855315, -34.444306], [18.424643, -33.997873], [18.377411, -34.136521], [18.244499, -33.867752], [18.25008, -33.281431], [17.92519, -32.611291], [18.24791, -32.429131], [18.221762, -31.661633], [17.566918, -30.725721], [17.064416, -29.878641], [17.062918, -29.875954], [16.344977, -28.576705], [16.824017, -28.082162], [17.218929, -28.355943], [17.387497, -28.783514], [17.836152, -28.856378], [18.464899, -29.045462], [19.002127, -28.972443], [19.894734, -28.461105], [19.895768, -24.76779], [20.165726, -24.917962], [20.758609, -25.868136], [20.66647, -26.477453], [20.889609, -26.828543], [21.605896, -26.726534], [22.105969, -26.280256], [22.579532, -25.979448], [22.824271, -25.500459], [23.312097, -25.26869], [23.73357, -25.390129], [24.211267, -25.670216], [25.025171, -25.71967], [25.664666, -25.486816], [25.765849, -25.174845], [25.941652, -24.696373], [26.485753, -24.616327], [26.786407, -24.240691], [27.11941, -23.574323], [28.017236, -22.827754], [29.432188, -22.091313], [29.839037, -22.102216], [30.322883, -22.271612], [30.659865, -22.151567], [31.191409, -22.25151], [31.670398, -23.658969], [31.930589, -24.369417], [31.752408, -25.484284], [31.837778, -25.843332], [31.333158, -25.660191], [31.04408, -25.731452], [30.949667, -26.022649], [30.676609, -26.398078], [30.685962, -26.743845], [31.282773, -27.285879], [31.86806, -27.177927], [32.071665, -26.73382], [32.83012, -26.742192], [32.580265, -27.470158], [32.462133, -28.301011], [32.203389, -28.752405], [31.521001, -29.257387], ], [ [28.978263, -28.955597], [28.5417, -28.647502], [28.074338, -28.851469], [27.532511, -29.242711], [26.999262, -29.875954], [27.749397, -30.645106], [28.107205, -30.545732], [28.291069, -30.226217], [28.8484, -30.070051], [29.018415, -29.743766], [29.325166, -29.257387], [28.978263, -28.955597], ], ], }, id: "ZAF", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Zambia" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [32.759375, -9.230599], [33.231388, -9.676722], [33.485688, -10.525559], [33.31531, -10.79655], [33.114289, -11.607198], [33.306422, -12.435778], [32.991764, -12.783871], [32.688165, -13.712858], [33.214025, -13.97186], [30.179481, -14.796099], [30.274256, -15.507787], [29.516834, -15.644678], [28.947463, -16.043051], [28.825869, -16.389749], [28.467906, -16.4684], [27.598243, -17.290831], [27.044427, -17.938026], [26.706773, -17.961229], [26.381935, -17.846042], [25.264226, -17.73654], [25.084443, -17.661816], [25.07695, -17.578823], [24.682349, -17.353411], [24.033862, -17.295843], [23.215048, -17.523116], [22.562478, -16.898451], [21.887843, -16.08031], [21.933886, -12.898437], [24.016137, -12.911046], [23.930922, -12.565848], [24.079905, -12.191297], [23.904154, -11.722282], [24.017894, -11.237298], [23.912215, -10.926826], [24.257155, -10.951993], [24.314516, -11.262826], [24.78317, -11.238694], [25.418118, -11.330936], [25.75231, -11.784965], [26.553088, -11.92444], [27.16442, -11.608748], [27.388799, -12.132747], [28.155109, -12.272481], [28.523562, -12.698604], [28.934286, -13.248958], [29.699614, -13.257227], [29.616001, -12.178895], [29.341548, -12.360744], [28.642417, -11.971569], [28.372253, -11.793647], [28.49607, -10.789884], [28.673682, -9.605925], [28.449871, -9.164918], [28.734867, -8.526559], [29.002912, -8.407032], [30.346086, -8.238257], [30.740015, -8.340007], [31.157751, -8.594579], [31.556348, -8.762049], [32.191865, -8.930359], [32.759375, -9.230599], ], ], }, id: "ZMB", }, { type: "Feature", properties: { name: "Zimbabwe" }, geometry: { type: "Polygon", coordinates: [ [ [31.191409, -22.25151], [30.659865, -22.151567], [30.322883, -22.271612], [29.839037, -22.102216], [29.432188, -22.091313], [28.794656, -21.639454], [28.02137, -21.485975], [27.727228, -20.851802], [27.724747, -20.499059], [27.296505, -20.39152], [26.164791, -19.293086], [25.850391, -18.714413], [25.649163, -18.536026], [25.264226, -17.73654], [26.381935, -17.846042], [26.706773, -17.961229], [27.044427, -17.938026], [27.598243, -17.290831], [28.467906, -16.4684], [28.825869, -16.389749], [28.947463, -16.043051], [29.516834, -15.644678], [30.274256, -15.507787], [30.338955, -15.880839], [31.173064, -15.860944], [31.636498, -16.07199], [31.852041, -16.319417], [32.328239, -16.392074], [32.847639, -16.713398], [32.849861, -17.979057], [32.654886, -18.67209], [32.611994, -19.419383], [32.772708, -19.715592], [32.659743, -20.30429], [32.508693, -20.395292], [32.244988, -21.116489], [31.191409, -22.25151], ], ], }, id: "ZWE", }, ], }; }, pZzd: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { i.hasOwnProperty(e) && (n[i[e]] = o[t] || t); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = { "space-around": "distribute", "space-between": "justify", "flex-start": "start", "flex-end": "end" }, i = { alignContent: "msFlexLinePack", alignSelf: "msFlexItemAlign", alignItems: "msFlexAlign", justifyContent: "msFlexPack", order: "msFlexOrder", flexGrow: "msFlexPositive", flexShrink: "msFlexNegative", flexBasis: "msFlexPreferredSize", }; e.exports = t.default; }, pePJ: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("v3CT"), i = r(o), a = n("WcDi"), l = r(a), u = n("bJ7U"), s = r(u); t.default = { onCreateRule: function (e, t, n) { if (!(0, s.default)(t)) return null; var r = t, o = (0, l.default)(e, {}, n); return ( r.subscribe(function (e) { for (var t in e) o.prop(t, e[t]); }), o ); }, onProcessRule: function (e) { if (e instanceof i.default) { var t = e, n = t.style; for (var r in n) { (function (e) { var r = n[e]; if (!(0, s.default)(r)) return "continue"; delete n[e], r.subscribe({ next: function (n) { t.prop(e, n); }, }); })(r); } } }, }; }, pkRn: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.CHANNEL = void 0); var o = r(n("IxO8")), i = r(n("5D9O")), a = "__THEMING__"; t.CHANNEL = a; var l = { contextTypes: (0, o.default)({}, a, i.default.object), initial: function (e) { return e[a] ? e[a].getState() : null; }, subscribe: function (e, t) { return e[a] ? e[a].subscribe(t) : null; }, unsubscribe: function (e, t) { e[a] && e[a].unsubscribe(t); }, }, u = l; t.default = u; }, "pv+l": function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { if (!e.webpackPolyfill) { var t = Object.create(e); t.children || (t.children = []), Object.defineProperty(t, "loaded", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t.l; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "id", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return t.i; }, }), Object.defineProperty(t, "exports", { enumerable: !0 }), (t.webpackPolyfill = 1); } return t; }; }, rMkZ: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("Wyka"), o = n("Ni5N").f, i = {}.toString, a = "object" == typeof window && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : [], l = function (e) { try { return o(e); } catch (e) { return a.slice(); } }; e.exports.f = function (e) { return a && "[object Window]" == i.call(e) ? l(e) : o(r(e)); }; }, rQKw: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { return n ? [e, t] : e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (e.exports = t.default); }, "rmh+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] && arguments[1]; if (!Array.isArray(e)) return e; var n = ""; if (Array.isArray(e[0])) for (var r = 0; r < e.length && "!important" !== e[r]; r++) n && (n += ", "), (n += o(e[r], " ")); else n = o(e, ", "); return t || "!important" !== e[e.length - 1] || (n += " !important"), n; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var o = function (e, t) { for (var n = "", r = 0; r < e.length && "!important" !== e[r]; r++) n && (n += t), (n += e[r]); return n; }; }, sxPs: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("z7R8"), o = n("0WCH"), i = n("Wyka"), a = n("EKwp"), l = n("yS17"), u = n("R6c1"), s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; t.f = n("6MLN") ? s : function (e, t) { if (((e = i(e)), (t = a(t, !0)), u)) try { return s(e, t); } catch (e) {} if (l(e, t)) return o(!r.f.call(e, t), e[t]); }; }, t2zx: function (e, t) { function n(e, t) { if (null == e) return {}; var n, r, o = {}, i = Object.keys(e); for (r = 0; r < i.length; r++) (n = i[r]), t.indexOf(n) >= 0 || (o[n] = e[n]); return o; } e.exports = n; }, t6Xt: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0, n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : 1; return e < t ? t : e > n ? n : e; } function o(e) { e = e.substr(1); var t = new RegExp(".{1,".concat(e.length / 3, "}"), "g"), n = e.match(t); return ( n && 1 === n[0].length && (n = n.map(function (e) { return e + e; })), n ? "rgb(".concat( n .map(function (e) { return parseInt(e, 16); }) .join(", "), ")" ) : "" ); } function i(e) { function t(e) { var t = e.toString(16); return 1 === t.length ? "0".concat(t) : t; } if (0 === e.indexOf("#")) return e; var n = a(e), r = n.values; return ( (r = r.map(function (e) { return t(e); })), "#".concat(r.join("")) ); } function a(e) { if ("#" === e.charAt(0)) return a(o(e)); var t = e.indexOf("("), n = e.substring(0, t), r = e.substring(t + 1, e.length - 1).split(","); return ( (r = r.map(function (e) { return parseFloat(e); })), { type: n, values: r } ); } function l(e) { var t = e.type, n = e.values; return ( -1 !== t.indexOf("rgb") && (n = n.map(function (e, t) { return t < 3 ? parseInt(e, 10) : e; })), -1 !== t.indexOf("hsl") && ((n[1] = "".concat(n[1], "%")), (n[2] = "".concat(n[2], "%"))), "".concat(e.type, "(").concat(n.join(", "), ")") ); } function u(e, t) { var n = s(e), r = s(t); return (Math.max(n, r) + 0.05) / (Math.min(n, r) + 0.05); } function s(e) { var t = a(e); if (-1 !== t.type.indexOf("rgb")) { var n = t.values.map(function (e) { return (e /= 255), e <= 0.03928 ? e / 12.92 : Math.pow((e + 0.055) / 1.055, 2.4); }); return Number((0.2126 * n[0] + 0.7152 * n[1] + 0.0722 * n[2]).toFixed(3)); } return t.values[2] / 100; } function c(e) { var t = arguments.length > 1 && void 0 !== arguments[1] ? arguments[1] : 0.15; return s(e) > 0.5 ? p(e, t) : d(e, t); } function f(e, t) { return e ? ((e = a(e)), (t = r(t)), ("rgb" !== e.type && "hsl" !== e.type) || (e.type += "a"), (e.values[3] = t), l(e)) : e; } function p(e, t) { if (!e) return e; if (((e = a(e)), (t = r(t)), -1 !== e.type.indexOf("hsl"))) e.values[2] *= 1 - t; else if (-1 !== e.type.indexOf("rgb")) for (var n = 0; n < 3; n += 1) e.values[n] *= 1 - t; return l(e); } function d(e, t) { if (!e) return e; if (((e = a(e)), (t = r(t)), -1 !== e.type.indexOf("hsl"))) e.values[2] += (100 - e.values[2]) * t; else if (-1 !== e.type.indexOf("rgb")) for (var n = 0; n < 3; n += 1) e.values[n] += (255 - e.values[n]) * t; return l(e); } var h = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.convertHexToRGB = o), (t.rgbToHex = i), (t.decomposeColor = a), (t.recomposeColor = l), (t.getContrastRatio = u), (t.getLuminance = s), (t.emphasize = c), (t.fade = f), (t.darken = p), (t.lighten = d); h(n("XOCG")); }, tOVe: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = n("zAZ2"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = (function () { function e(t, n, o) { r(this, e), (this.type = "viewport"), (this.isProcessed = !1), (this.key = t), (this.style = n), (this.options = o); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "toString", value: function (e) { return (0, a.default)(this.key, this.style, e); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = l; }, teOa: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), i = n("XOCG"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = (function () { function e() { r(this, e), (this.hooks = { onCreateRule: [], onProcessRule: [], onProcessStyle: [], onProcessSheet: [], onChangeValue: [], onUpdate: [] }); } return ( o(e, [ { key: "onCreateRule", value: function (e, t, n) { for (var r = 0; r < this.hooks.onCreateRule.length; r++) { var o = this.hooks.onCreateRule[r](e, t, n); if (o) return o; } return null; }, }, { key: "onProcessRule", value: function (e) { if (!e.isProcessed) { for (var t = e.options.sheet, n = 0; n < this.hooks.onProcessRule.length; n++) this.hooks.onProcessRule[n](e, t); e.style && this.onProcessStyle(e.style, e, t), (e.isProcessed = !0); } }, }, { key: "onProcessStyle", value: function (e, t, n) { for (var r = e, o = 0; o < this.hooks.onProcessStyle.length; o++) (r = this.hooks.onProcessStyle[o](r, t, n)), (t.style = r); }, }, { key: "onProcessSheet", value: function (e) { for (var t = 0; t < this.hooks.onProcessSheet.length; t++) this.hooks.onProcessSheet[t](e); }, }, { key: "onUpdate", value: function (e, t, n) { for (var r = 0; r < this.hooks.onUpdate.length; r++) this.hooks.onUpdate[r](e, t, n); }, }, { key: "onChangeValue", value: function (e, t, n) { for (var r = e, o = 0; o < this.hooks.onChangeValue.length; o++) r = this.hooks.onChangeValue[o](r, t, n); return r; }, }, { key: "use", value: function (e) { for (var t in e) this.hooks[t] ? this.hooks[t].push(e[t]) : (0, a.default)(!1, '[JSS] Unknown hook "%s".', t); }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = l; }, tfSr: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var r = function () { for (var e = arguments.length, t = new Array(e), n = 0; n < e; n++) t[n] = arguments[n]; return t.reduce( function (e, t) { return function () { return e(t.apply(void 0, arguments)); }; }, function (e) { return e; } ); }, o = r; t.default = o; }, tuDi: function (e, t) {}, txUJ: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { function t(e) { return "@media (min-width:".concat("number" === typeof c[e] ? c[e] : e).concat(p, ")"); } function n(e) { var n = l.indexOf(e) + 1, r = c[l[n]]; return n === l.length ? t("xs") : "@media (max-width:".concat(("number" === typeof r && n > 0 ? r : e) - h / 100).concat(p, ")"); } function r(e, n) { var r = l.indexOf(n) + 1; return r === l.length ? t(e) : "@media (min-width:".concat(c[e]).concat(p, ") and ") + "(max-width:".concat(c[l[r]] - h / 100).concat(p, ")"); } function o(e) { return r(e, e); } function u(e) { return c[e]; } var s = e.values, c = void 0 === s ? { xs: 0, sm: 600, md: 960, lg: 1280, xl: 1920 } : s, f = e.unit, p = void 0 === f ? "px" : f, d = e.step, h = void 0 === d ? 5 : d, m = (0, a.default)(e, ["values", "unit", "step"]); return (0, i.default)({ keys: l, values: c, up: t, down: n, between: r, only: o, width: u }, m); } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r), (t.keys = void 0); var i = o(n("3dLy")), a = o(n("U8F3")), l = ["xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl"]; t.keys = l; }, u8U4: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("BX4+"), i = r(o), a = n("dACh"), l = r(a), u = n("jx4H"), s = r(u), c = n("VOrx"), f = r(c), p = n("ZKjc"), d = r(p), h = n("1n8/"), m = n("5D9O"), y = r(m), g = n("AsRs"), v = r(g), b = (function (e) { function t() { return (0, l.default)(this, t), (0, f.default)(this, (t.__proto__ || (0, i.default)(t)).apply(this, arguments)); } return ( (0, d.default)(t, e), (0, s.default)(t, [ { key: "getChildContext", value: function () { return { muiTheme: this.props.muiTheme || (0, v.default)() }; }, }, { key: "render", value: function () { return this.props.children; }, }, ]), t ); })(h.Component); (b.childContextTypes = { muiTheme: y.default.object.isRequired }), (b.propTypes = {}), (t.default = b); }, uGKn: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("/B6s"), i = r(o), a = n("mZSj"), l = r(a), u = n("pZzd"), s = r(u), c = n("gf6g"), f = r(c), p = n("G96k"), d = r(p), h = n("ka1r"), m = r(h), y = n("IsmX"), g = r(y); t.default = { plugins: [i.default, l.default, s.default, f.default, d.default, m.default, g.default], prefixMap: { transform: ["Webkit", "ms"], transformOrigin: ["Webkit", "ms"], transformOriginX: ["Webkit", "ms"], transformOriginY: ["Webkit", "ms"], backfaceVisibility: ["Webkit"], perspective: ["Webkit"], perspectiveOrigin: ["Webkit"], transformStyle: ["Webkit"], transformOriginZ: ["Webkit"], animation: ["Webkit"], animationDelay: ["Webkit"], animationDirection: ["Webkit"], animationFillMode: ["Webkit"], animationDuration: ["Webkit"], animationIterationCount: ["Webkit"], animationName: ["Webkit"], animationPlayState: ["Webkit"], animationTimingFunction: ["Webkit"], appearance: ["Webkit", "Moz"], userSelect: ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], fontKerning: ["Webkit"], textEmphasisPosition: ["Webkit"], textEmphasis: ["Webkit"], textEmphasisStyle: ["Webkit"], textEmphasisColor: ["Webkit"], boxDecorationBreak: ["Webkit"], clipPath: ["Webkit"], maskImage: ["Webkit"], maskMode: ["Webkit"], maskRepeat: ["Webkit"], maskPosition: ["Webkit"], maskClip: ["Webkit"], maskOrigin: ["Webkit"], maskSize: ["Webkit"], maskComposite: ["Webkit"], mask: ["Webkit"], maskBorderSource: ["Webkit"], maskBorderMode: ["Webkit"], maskBorderSlice: ["Webkit"], maskBorderWidth: ["Webkit"], maskBorderOutset: ["Webkit"], maskBorderRepeat: ["Webkit"], maskBorder: ["Webkit"], maskType: ["Webkit"], textDecorationStyle: ["Webkit", "Moz"], textDecorationSkip: ["Webkit", "Moz"], textDecorationLine: ["Webkit", "Moz"], textDecorationColor: ["Webkit", "Moz"], filter: ["Webkit"], fontFeatureSettings: ["Webkit", "Moz"], breakAfter: ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], breakBefore: ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], breakInside: ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], columnCount: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnFill: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnGap: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnRule: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnRuleColor: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnRuleStyle: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnRuleWidth: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columns: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnSpan: ["Webkit", "Moz"], columnWidth: ["Webkit", "Moz"], flex: ["Webkit", "ms"], flexBasis: ["Webkit"], flexDirection: ["Webkit", "ms"], flexGrow: ["Webkit"], flexFlow: ["Webkit", "ms"], flexShrink: ["Webkit"], flexWrap: ["Webkit", "ms"], alignContent: ["Webkit"], alignItems: ["Webkit"], alignSelf: ["Webkit"], justifyContent: ["Webkit"], order: ["Webkit"], transitionDelay: ["Webkit"], transitionDuration: ["Webkit"], transitionProperty: ["Webkit"], transitionTimingFunction: ["Webkit"], backdropFilter: ["Webkit"], scrollSnapType: ["Webkit", "ms"], scrollSnapPointsX: ["Webkit", "ms"], scrollSnapPointsY: ["Webkit", "ms"], scrollSnapDestination: ["Webkit", "ms"], scrollSnapCoordinate: ["Webkit", "ms"], shapeImageThreshold: ["Webkit"], shapeImageMargin: ["Webkit"], shapeImageOutside: ["Webkit"], hyphens: ["Webkit", "Moz", "ms"], flowInto: ["Webkit", "ms"], flowFrom: ["Webkit", "ms"], regionFragment: ["Webkit", "ms"], boxSizing: ["Moz"], textAlignLast: ["Moz"], tabSize: ["Moz"], wrapFlow: ["ms"], wrapThrough: ["ms"], wrapMargin: ["ms"], touchAction: ["ms"], gridTemplateColumns: ["ms"], gridTemplateRows: ["ms"], gridTemplateAreas: ["ms"], gridTemplate: ["ms"], gridAutoColumns: ["ms"], gridAutoRows: ["ms"], gridAutoFlow: ["ms"], grid: ["ms"], gridRowStart: ["ms"], gridColumnStart: ["ms"], gridRowEnd: ["ms"], gridRow: ["ms"], gridColumn: ["ms"], gridColumnEnd: ["ms"], gridColumnGap: ["ms"], gridRowGap: ["ms"], gridArea: ["ms"], gridGap: ["ms"], textSizeAdjust: ["Webkit", "ms"], borderImage: ["Webkit"], borderImageOutset: ["Webkit"], borderImageRepeat: ["Webkit"], borderImageSlice: ["Webkit"], borderImageSource: ["Webkit"], borderImageWidth: ["Webkit"], }, }; }, uRfg: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("1kq3"), o = n("vSO4"), i = n("gojl"), a = n("akPY"), l = n("dhak"), u = n("b7Q2"), s = n("11Ut"), c = n("HHE0"), f = n("Ug9I")("iterator"), p = !([].keys && "next" in [].keys()), d = function () { return this; }; e.exports = function (e, t, n, h, m, y, g) { u(n, t, h); var v, b, A, x = function (e) { if (!p && e in E) return E[e]; switch (e) { case "keys": case "values": return function () { return new n(this, e); }; } return function () { return new n(this, e); }; }, C = t + " Iterator", w = "values" == m, k = !1, E = e.prototype, B = E[f] || E["@@iterator"] || (m && E[m]), S = B || x(m), _ = m ? (w ? x("entries") : S) : void 0, P = "Array" == t ? E.entries || B : B; if ( (P && (A = c(P.call(new e()))) !== Object.prototype && A.next && (s(A, C, !0), r || "function" == typeof A[f] || a(A, f, d)), w && B && "values" !== B.name && ((k = !0), (S = function () { return B.call(this); })), (r && !g) || (!p && !k && E[f]) || a(E, f, S), (l[t] = S), (l[C] = d), m) ) if (((v = { values: w ? S : x("values"), keys: y ? S : x("keys"), entries: _ }), g)) for (b in v) b in E || i(E, b, v[b]); else o(o.P + o.F * (p || k), t, v); return v; }; }, ushz: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t, n) { var o = arguments.length > 3 && void 0 !== arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 1; e.focusVisibleTimeout = setTimeout(function () { var i = (0, u.default)(t); s.focusKeyPressed && (i.activeElement === t || t.contains(i.activeElement)) ? n() : o < e.focusVisibleMaxCheckTimes && r(e, t, n, o + 1); }, e.focusVisibleCheckTime); } function o(e) { return c.indexOf((0, l.default)(e)) > -1; } function i(e) { e.addEventListener("keyup", f); } var a = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.detectFocusVisible = r), (t.listenForFocusKeys = i); var l = a(n("dy/l")), u = (a(n("XOCG")), a(n("moE3"))), s = { focusKeyPressed: !1, keyUpEventTimeout: -1 }, c = ["tab", "enter", "space", "esc", "up", "down", "left", "right"], f = function (e) { o(e) && ((s.focusKeyPressed = !0), clearTimeout(s.keyUpEventTimeout), (s.keyUpEventTimeout = setTimeout(function () { s.focusKeyPressed = !1; }, 1e3))); }; }, uwQB: function (e, t, n) { (t = e.exports = n("lcwS")(!0)), t.push([ e.i, "@font-face {\n font-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web';\n src: url('data:font/woff;base64,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#pm-label4legend{\n \twidth: 60px;\n \torder: 4;\n \tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n }\n}\n\n#pm-label4-2{\n\tmargin-bottom: 6px;\n}\n\n\n@media (--s) {\n .customSelect{\n \tmargin-bottom: 10px;\n }\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n.pm-graph4-div{\n\tposition:relative;\n}\n\n.pm-whitebar{\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tbottom: 0;\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n}\n\n.pm-blackbar{\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tbottom: 0;\n\tborder-radius: 6px;\n}\n\n\n.pm-blackspan{\n\tfont-size: 20px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\ttext-align: right;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: -25px;\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web Bd';\n\tz-index: 10;\n\tright: 0;\n\tpadding-left: 2px;\n}\n\n.pm-whitespan{\n\tfont-size: 20px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\ttext-align: left;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: -25px;\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web Bd';\n\tz-index: 10;\n\tpadding-right: 2px;\n}\n\n.antioverlapDown{\n\ttop: -15px;\n}\n.antioverlapUp{\n\ttop: -35px;\t\n}\n\n@media (--s) {\n\t.pm-blackspan{\n\t\tfont-size: 15px;\n\t}\n\t.pm-whitespan{\n\t\tfont-size: 15px;\n\t}\n}\n\n.pm-gradientbar0{\n\t background: linear-gradient(-45deg,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 49.9%, \n #466ea5 49.9%, #466ea5 64%, \n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 64%\n ),\n linear-gradient(-45deg,\n #466ea5 14%,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 14%\n );\n\t background-size: 0.9em 0.9em;\n\t background-color: white;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t.pm-gradientbar0{\n\t\t background: repeating-linear-gradient(\n\t\t -45deg,\n\t\t rgba(70,110,165,0.5) 0px,\n\t\t rgba(70,110,165,0.5) 2px,\n\t\t transparent 2px,\n\t\t transparent 5px\n\t\t );\n\t}\n}\n\n.pm-gradientbar1{\n\t background: linear-gradient(-45deg,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 49.9%, \n #6390c6 49.9%, #6390c6 64%, \n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 64%\n ),\n linear-gradient(-45deg,\n #6390c6 14%,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 14%\n );\n\t background-size: 0.9em 0.9em;\n\t background-color: white;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t\t.pm-gradientbar1{\n\t\t background: repeating-linear-gradient(\n\t\t -45deg,\n\t\t rgba(99,144,198,0.5) 0px,\n\t\t rgba(99,144,198,0.5) 2px,\n\t\t transparent 2px,\n\t\t transparent 5px\n\t\t );\n\t}\n}\n\n.pm-gradientbar2{\n\t background: linear-gradient(-45deg,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 49.9%, \n #5c7d70 49.9%, #5c7d70 64%, \n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 64%\n ),\n linear-gradient(-45deg,\n #5c7d70 14%,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 14%\n );\n\t background-size: 0.9em 0.9em;\n\t background-color: white;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t\t.pm-gradientbar2{\n\t\t background: repeating-linear-gradient(\n\t\t -45deg,\n\t\t rgba(110,143,130,0.5) 0px,\n\t\t rgba(110,143,130,0.5) 2px,\n\t\t transparent 2px,\n\t\t transparent 5px\n\t\t );\n\t}\t\n}\n\n.pm-gradientbar3{\n\t background: linear-gradient(-45deg,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 49.9%, \n #e77c22 49.9%, #e77c22 64%, \n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 64%\n ),\n linear-gradient(-45deg,\n #e77c22 14%,\n rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 14%\n );\n\t background-size: 0.9em 0.9em;\n\t background-color: white;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\n\n\t\t.pm-gradientbar3{\n\t\t background: repeating-linear-gradient(\n\t\t -45deg,\n\t\t rgba(231,124,34,0.5) 0px,\n\t\t rgba(231,124,34,0.5) 2px,\n\t\t transparent 2px,\n\t\t transparent 5px\n\t\t );\n\t}\t\n\n\n}\n\n.pm-colorspan0 { color: #466ea5; }\n.pm-colorspan1 { color: #6390c6; }\n.pm-colorspan2 { color: #5c7d70; }\n.pm-colorspan3 { color: #e77c22; }\n\n\n\n\n.pm-legend-line0{\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tjustify-content: space-between;\n}\n\n.pm-legend-text{\n\tpadding: 12px;\n\ttext-align: center;\t\n\tfont-size: 20px;\n}\n\n@media (--s) {\n\t.pm-legend-text{\n\t\tfont-size: 14px;\n \tpadding-right: 0;\n \tpadding-left: 0;\n\t}\n}\n\n.pm-legendboldspan{\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web Bd';\n}\n\n.pm-whitespan,\n.pm-blackspan{\n\n\tbackground-color: white;\n\twidth: auto;\n\n/*\ttext-shadow: \n\t\t-0 -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 0 -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-0 1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 0 1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px -0 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px -0 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px 0 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px 0 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px -1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t-1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF,\n\t\t 1px 1px 2px #FFFFFF;*/\n}\n\n", "#pm-graph5{\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: row;\n\toverflow: visible;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n #pm-graph5 {\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n }\n}\n\n\n#pm-graph5-container{\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: row;\n\toverflow: visible;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n #pm-graph5-container {\n\tflex-direction: column;\n\toverflow: hidden;\n }\n}\n\n\n\n#pm-controls5{\n\twidth:220px;\n\tmin-width:220px;\n\tpadding-right: 20px;\n\tdisplay:flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n #pm-controls5{\n\twidth:100%;\n\tmin-width:100%;\n\tpadding-right: 0px;\n }\n} \n\n\n#pm-label5-1{\n\ttext-align: right;\n\tmargin-bottom: 144px;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n #pm-label5-1{\n\tmargin-bottom: 0;\n\tdisplay: none;\t\n }\n}\n\n#pm-label5-2{\n\tmargin-bottom: 6px;\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n#pm-countrylabels{\n\tmargin-top: 20px;\n\tposition: relative;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tdisplay: none;\t\t\n}\n\n@media (--s) {\n\t#pm-countrylabels{\n\t\tdisplay: flex;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 5px;\n\t}\n}\t\n\n.pm-countrylabel{\n\twidth: 100%;\n\tposition: relative;\n\ttext-align: center\n}\n\n\n\n.pm-graph5-div{\n\twidth:100%;\n\tmargin-top: 0px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n\tposition:relative;\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tflex-direction: column;\n}\n\n.pm-graph5-2-div{\n\twidth:100%;\n\tmargin-top: 20px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 0px;\n}\n\n.pm-whitebar2{\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 30px;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n.pm-whitebar2:last{\n\tmargin-bottom: 10px;\n}\n\n\n.pm-whitespan2{\n\tcolor: white;\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web Bd';\n\tfont-size: 16px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tleft: calc(100% + 10px);\n\tmargin: 0;\n\ttop: 17px;\n}\n\n.pm-whitespan3{\n\twhite-space: nowrap;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: -21px;\n\tfont-size: 16px;\n\tmargin: 0;\n}\n\n.pm-whitespan34, .pm-whitespan35{\n\ttop: -35px;\n}\t\n\n.pm-colorspan20{\n\tcolor: var(--color-darkblue);\n}\n.pm-colorspan21{\n\tcolor: var(--color-lightblue);\n}\n.pm-colorspan22{\n\tcolor: var(--color-green);\n}\n.pm-colorspan23{\n\tcolor: var(--color-orange);\n}\n.pm-colorspan24{\n\tcolor: var(--color-red);\n}\n.pm-colorspan25{\n\tcolor: var(--color-darkgray);\n}\n.pm-colorspan26{\n\tcolor: rgb(116, 117, 126);\n}\n.pm-colorspan27{\n\tcolor: var(--color-lightgray);\n}\n\n\n\n.pm-globalbar,\n.pm-countrybar{\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tborder-radius: 8px;\n\tposition: relative;\n\theight: 150px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.pm-globalbar{\n\tmargin-bottom: 60px;\n}\n\n.pm-countrybar{\n\tmargin-bottom: 20px;\n}\n\n\n@media (--s) {\n\t.pm-graph5-div{\n\t\tflex-direction: row;\n\t\tjustify-content: space-between;\n\t\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\t\tpadding-right: 10px;\n\t}\n\n\t.pm-globalbar,\n\t.pm-countrybar{\n\t\theight: 400px;\n\t\twidth: 100%;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 20px;\t\t\n\t\tflex-direction: column;\n\t}\n\n\t.pm-globalbar{\n\t\tmargin-right: 10px;\t\t\n\t}\n\n\t.pm-countrybar{\n\t\tmargin-left: 10px;\t\t\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\n\n.pm-globalbars, \n.pm-countrybars{\n\tcursor: pointer;\t\n\tz-index:1;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n\n.pm-globalbars:first-child,\n.pm-countrybars:first-child {\n\tborder-top-left-radius:\t6px;\n\tborder-bottom-left-radius:\t6px;\n}\n\n.pm-globalbars:last-child,\n.pm-countrybars:last-child {\n\tborder-top-right-radius:\t6px;\n\tborder-bottom-right-radius:\t6px;\t\n}\n\n\n@media (--s) {\n.pm-globalbars:first-child,\n.pm-countrybars:first-child {\n\tborder-top-left-radius:\t6px;\n\tborder-top-right-radius: 6px;\n\tborder-bottom-left-radius: 0px;\n}\n\n.pm-globalbars:last-child,\n.pm-countrybars:last-child {\n\tborder-bottom-left-radius:\t6px;\n\tborder-bottom-right-radius:\t6px;\t\n\tborder-top-right-radius:\t0px;\t\n}\n}\n\n.pm-globalbarsSelected,\n.pm-countrybarsSelected{\n\ttransition: all .2s linear 0s;\n\ttransform: scale(1.1);\n\tz-index:10;\n\n\t& span{\n\t\ttransition: all .2s linear 0s;\n\t\ttransform: scale(2) translate(-25%, -25%);\n\t}\n}\n\n\n\n\n\n\n.pm-g5span{\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web Bd';\n\tfont-size: 16px;\n\tcolor:white;\n position: absolute;\n top: 50%;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translate(-50%, -50%);\n z-index:10;v\n letter-spacing: 0px;\n visibility: visible;\n}\n\n.pm-g5spanDisable{\n\tvisibility: hidden;\n}\n\n\n\n.pm-legend5{\n\tborder-top: 1px solid #acadb3;\n\tfont-size: 20px;\n\tpadding-top: 15px;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t.pm-legend5{\n\t\tpadding-left:10px;\n\t\tpadding-right:10px;\n\t}\n}\n\n.pm-legend5Header{\n\tmargin-bottom: 15px;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5Btns{\n\tdisplay:flex;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tflex-wrap: wrap;\n\tmax-width: 1000px;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5Btn{\n\tdisplay: flex;\n\tposition: relative;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tmargin-top: 8px;\n\tmargin-bottom: 8px;\n\tmargin-left: 8px;\n\tmargin-right: 8px;\n\tflex-grow: 1;\n\tmax-width: 100%;\n\tmin-width: 100%;\n\tbackground-color: white;\n\ttransition: all .2s linear 0s;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n}\n\n\n\n@media (min-width: 560px) {\n\t#pm-legend5Btn0 { order: 0; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn1 { order: 2; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn2 { order: 4; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn3 { order: 6; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn4 { order: 1; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn5 { order: 3; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn6 { order: 5; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn7 { order: 7; }\n\n\t.pm-legend5Btn{\n\t\tmax-width: 280px;\n\t\tmin-width: 280px;\n\t}\n}\n\n@media (min-width: 1080px) {\n\t#pm-legend5Btn0 { order: 0; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn1 { order: 4; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn2 { order: 7; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn3 { order: 1; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn4 { order: 5; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn5 { order: 8; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn6 { order: 2; }\n\t#pm-legend5Btn7 { order: 6; }\n\n\t.pm-legend5Btn{\n\t\tmax-width: 280px;\n\t\tmin-width: 280px;\n\t}\n}\n\n\n.pm-legend5BtnColor{\n\twidth:25px;\n\theight: 25px;\n\tmin-width: 25px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tmargin-right: 15px;\n\tpointer-events: none;\t\n\ttransition: all .2s linear 0s;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5BtnColorContent{\n\ttransition: all .2s linear 0s;\n\twidth:25px;\n\theight: 25px;\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 0;\n\tleft: 0;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5BtnColorSelected{\n\twidth:29px;\n\theight: 29px;\n\ttop: -2px;\n\tleft: -2px;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5BtnSelected{\n\tfont-size:20px;\n}\n\n.pm-legend5BtnText{\n\tpointer-events: none;\n\twidth: 100%;\n}\n\n.pm-l5bcSelected:after {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n border-radius: 3px;\n border: 1px solid #494A4F;\n top: -3px;\n left: -3px;\n right: -3px;\n bottom: -3px;\n background: white;\n z-index: -1;\n}\n\n", ".customSelect{\n\tz-index: 100;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n\n.customSelect2{\n\tz-index: 100;\n\tmargin-right: 20px;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n\n@media (--s) {\n\t.customSelect2{\n\t\tmargin-right: 0px;\n\t}\n}\n\n.csopened{\n\tz-index: 1000;\n}\n\n\n.selectContainer{\n\theight: 40px;\n\tmax-width: 300px;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-color: var(--color-gray);\n\tcolor: var(--color-gray);\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tfont-size: 18px;\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web';\n\toverflow: hidden;\n\tposition: relative;\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t.selectContainer{\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t\tmargin-bottom: 10px;\n\n\t}\n}\n\n.selectContainerOpen{\n\tborder-bottom-left-radius: 0px;\n\tborder-bottom-right-radius: 0px;\n}\n\n\n.selectText{\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\tpadding-top: 10px;\n}\n\n.selectIcon{\n\twidth: 38px;\n\theight: 38px;\n\tposition: absolute;\n\tright: -1px;\n\ttop: -1px;\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-gray);\n}\n\n\n.dropdownContainer{\n\tposition: absolute;\n\ttop: 38px;\n\tleft: 0px;\n\tmax-width: 300px;\n\twidth: 100%;\n\theight: 172px;\n\toverflow-y: scroll;\n\tbackground-color: white;\n\tborder-style: solid;\n\tborder-width: 2px;\n\tborder-color: var(--color-gray);\n\tcolor: var(--color-gray);\n\tborder-radius: 5px;\n\tborder-top-left-radius: 0px;\n\tborder-top-right-radius: 0px;\n\tdisplay: none;\n\tbox-shadow: 0 3px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);\n}\n@media (--s) {\n\t.dropdownContainer{\n\t\tmax-width: 100%;\n\t}\n}\n\n.dropdownContainerOpen{\n\tdisplay: block;\n}\n\n.dropdownElement{\n\tfont-size: 18px;\n\tfont-family: 'Helvetica Neue Web';\n\tcursor: pointer;\n\tpadding-left: 10px;\n\tpadding-top: 5px;\n\tpadding-bottom: 5px;\n\n\t&:hover{\n\t\tbackground-color: var(--color-lightgray);\n\t}\n}\n.dropdownElementSelected{\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-lightgray);\n}\n\n\n.dropdownElementColored1{\n\tcolor:white;\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-darkblue);\n\t&:hover{\n\t\tcolor:var(--color-darkblue);\n\t\tbackground-color:white;\n\t}\n}\n\n.dropdownElementColored2{\n\tcolor:white;\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-lightblue);\n\t&:hover{\n\t\tcolor:var(--color-lightblue);\n\t\tbackground-color:white;\n\t}\n}\n\n.dropdownElementColored3{\n\tcolor:white;\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-green);\n\t&:hover{\n\t\tcolor:var(--color-green);\n\t\tbackground-color:white;\n\t}\n}\n\n.dropdownElementColored4{\n\tcolor:white;\n\tbackground-color: var(--color-orange);\n\t&:hover{\n\t\tcolor:var(--color-orange);\n\t\tbackground-color:white;\n\t}\n}\n\n", "@import './styles/fonts';\n@import './components/app';\n@import './components/graph1';\n@import './components/graph2';\n@import './components/graph3';\n@import './components/graph4';\n@import './components/graph5';\n@import './components/customSelect';\n\n:root {\n --color-white: #ffffff;\n --color-gray: #494a4f;\n --color-lightgray: #cacbce;\n --color-darkblue: #4c79af;\n --color-lightblue: #6390c6;\n --color-green: #438080;\n --color-orange: #c25700;\n --color-red: #9d323d;\n}\n\n@custom-media --s (max-width: 941px);\n@custom-media --m (min-width: 941px);\n@custom-media --l (min-width: 1765px);\n\n/*::-webkit-scrollbar {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n}\n::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {\n background-color: rgba(0,0,0,.5);\n}*/\n", ], sourceRoot: "", }, ]); }, v3CT: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e, t) { if (!(e instanceof t)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var i = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }, a = "function" === typeof Symbol && "symbol" === typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (e) { return typeof e; } : function (e) { return e && "function" === typeof Symbol && e.constructor === Symbol && e !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof e; }, l = (function () { function e(e, t) { for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) { var r = t[n]; (r.enumerable = r.enumerable || !1), (r.configurable = !0), "value" in r && (r.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(e, r.key, r); } } return function (t, n, r) { return n && e(t.prototype, n), r && e(t, r), t; }; })(), u = n("XOCG"), s = r(u), c = n("zAZ2"), f = r(c), p = n("rmh+"), d = r(p), h = (function () { function e(t, n, r) { o(this, e), (this.type = "style"), (this.isProcessed = !1); var i = r.sheet, a = r.Renderer, l = r.selector; (this.key = t), (this.options = r), (this.style = n), l && (this.selectorText = l), (this.renderer = i ? i.renderer : new a()); } return ( l(e, [ { key: "prop", value: function (e, t) { if (void 0 === t) return this.style[e]; if (this.style[e] === t) return this; t = this.options.jss.plugins.onChangeValue(t, e, this); var n = null == t || !1 === t, r = e in this.style; if (n && !r) return this; var o = n && r; if ((o ? delete this.style[e] : (this.style[e] = t), this.renderable)) return o ? this.renderer.removeProperty(this.renderable, e) : this.renderer.setProperty(this.renderable, e, t), this; var i = this.options.sheet; return i && i.attached && (0, s.default)(!1, 'Rule is not linked. Missing sheet option "link: true".'), this; }, }, { key: "applyTo", value: function (e) { var t = this.toJSON(); for (var n in t) this.renderer.setProperty(e, n, t[n]); return this; }, }, { key: "toJSON", value: function () { var e = {}; for (var t in this.style) { var n = this.style[t]; "object" !== ("undefined" === typeof n ? "undefined" : a(n)) ? (e[t] = n) : Array.isArray(n) && (e[t] = (0, d.default)(n)); } return e; }, }, { key: "toString", value: function (e) { var t = this.options.sheet, n = !!t && t.options.link, r = n ? i({}, e, { allowEmpty: !0 }) : e; return (0, f.default)(this.selector, this.style, r); }, }, { key: "selector", set: function (e) { if (e !== this.selectorText && ((this.selectorText = e), this.renderable)) { if (!this.renderer.setSelector(this.renderable, e) && this.renderable) { var t = this.renderer.replaceRule(this.renderable, this); t && (this.renderable = t); } } }, get: function () { return this.selectorText; }, }, ]), e ); })(); t.default = h; }, vQxc: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() { function e(e) { return function (t, n) { var r = e.getRule(n); return r ? r.selector : ((0, a.default)(!1, "[JSS] Could not find the referenced rule %s in %s.", n, e.options.meta || e), n); }; } function t(e, t) { for (var n = t.split(l), r = e.split(l), o = "", a = 0; a < n.length; a++) for (var s = n[a], c = 0; c < r.length; c++) { var f = r[c]; o && (o += ", "), (o += i(f) ? f.replace(u, s) : s + " " + f); } return o; } function n(e, t, n) { if (n) return o({}, n, { index: n.index + 1 }); var r = e.options.nestingLevel; return (r = void 0 === r ? 1 : r + 1), o({}, e.options, { nestingLevel: r, index: t.indexOf(e) + 1 }); } function r(r, a) { if ("style" !== a.type) return r; var l = a.options.parent, u = void 0, c = void 0; for (var f in r) { var p = i(f), d = "@" === f[0]; if (p || d) { if (((u = n(a, l, u)), p)) { var h = t(f, a.selector); c || (c = e(l)), (h = h.replace(s, c)), l.addRule(h, r[f], o({}, u, { selector: h })); } else d && l.addRule(f, null, u).addRule(a.key, r[f], { selector: a.selector }); delete r[f]; } } return r; } var i = function (e) { return -1 !== e.indexOf("&"); }; return { onProcessStyle: r }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = Object.assign || function (e) { for (var t = 1; t < arguments.length; t++) { var n = arguments[t]; for (var r in n) Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, r) && (e[r] = n[r]); } return e; }; t.default = r; var i = n("XOCG"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i), l = /\s*,\s*/g, u = /&/g, s = /\$([\w-]+)/g; }, vSO4: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("i1Q6"), o = n("zKeE"), i = n("3zRh"), a = n("akPY"), l = n("yS17"), u = function (e, t, n) { var s, c, f, p = e & u.F, d = e & u.G, h = e & u.S, m = e & u.P, y = e & u.B, g = e & u.W, v = d ? o : o[t] || (o[t] = {}), b = v.prototype, A = d ? r : h ? r[t] : (r[t] || {}).prototype; d && (n = t); for (s in n) ((c = !p && A && void 0 !== A[s]) && l(v, s)) || ((f = c ? A[s] : n[s]), (v[s] = d && "function" != typeof A[s] ? n[s] : y && c ? i(f, r) : g && A[s] == f ? (function (e) { var t = function (t, n, r) { if (this instanceof e) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return new e(); case 1: return new e(t); case 2: return new e(t, n); } return new e(t, n, r); } return e.apply(this, arguments); }; return (t.prototype = e.prototype), t; })(f) : m && "function" == typeof f ? i(Function.call, f) : f), m && (((v.virtual || (v.virtual = {}))[s] = f), e & u.R && b && !b[s] && a(b, s, f))); }; (u.F = 1), (u.G = 2), (u.S = 4), (u.P = 8), (u.B = 16), (u.W = 32), (u.U = 64), (u.R = 128), (e.exports = u); }, vUQk: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("Gfzd"), o = n("0WCH"); e.exports = function (e, t, n) { t in e ? r.f(e, t, o(0, n)) : (e[t] = n); }; }, "w/Jb": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { var t, n = e.children, r = e.classes, o = e.className, c = e.color, f = e.disabled, h = e.disableFocusRipple, m = e.fullWidth, y = e.focusVisibleClassName, g = e.mini, v = e.size, b = e.variant, A = (0, a.default)(e, ["children", "classes", "className", "color", "disabled", "disableFocusRipple", "fullWidth", "focusVisibleClassName", "mini", "size", "variant"]), x = "fab" === b || "extendedFab" === b, C = "contained" === b || "raised" === b, w = "text" === b || "flat" === b || "outlined" === b, k = (0, s.default)( r.root, ((t = {}), (0, i.default)(t, r.fab, x), (0, i.default)(t, r.mini, x && g), (0, i.default)(t, r.extendedFab, "extendedFab" === b), (0, i.default)(t, r.text, w), (0, i.default)(t, r.textPrimary, w && "primary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.textSecondary, w && "secondary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.flat, "text" === b || "flat" === b), (0, i.default)(t, r.flatPrimary, ("text" === b || "flat" === b) && "primary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.flatSecondary, ("text" === b || "flat" === b) && "secondary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.contained, C || x), (0, i.default)(t, r.containedPrimary, (C || x) && "primary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.containedSecondary, (C || x) && "secondary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.raised, C || x), (0, i.default)(t, r.raisedPrimary, (C || x) && "primary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.raisedSecondary, (C || x) && "secondary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.outlined, "outlined" === b), (0, i.default)(t, r.outlinedPrimary, "outlined" === b && "primary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r.outlinedSecondary, "outlined" === b && "secondary" === c), (0, i.default)(t, r["size".concat((0, d.capitalize)(v))], "medium" !== v), (0, i.default)(t, r.disabled, f), (0, i.default)(t, r.fullWidth, m), (0, i.default)(t, r.colorInherit, "inherit" === c), t), o ); return u.default.createElement(p.default, (0, l.default)({ className: k, disabled: f, focusRipple: !h, focusVisibleClassName: (0, s.default)(r.focusVisible, y) }, A), u.default.createElement("span", { className: r.label }, n)); } var o = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = t.styles = void 0); var i = o(n("IxO8")), a = o(n("U8F3")), l = o(n("3dLy")), u = o(n("1n8/")), s = (o(n("5D9O")), o(n("9qb7"))), c = o(n("FV5o")), f = n("t6Xt"), p = o(n("zic+")), d = n("W+Pd"), h = function (e) { return { root: (0, l.default)({}, e.typography.button, { lineHeight: "1.4em", boxSizing: "border-box", minWidth: 64, minHeight: 36, padding: "8px 16px", borderRadius: e.shape.borderRadius, color: e.palette.text.primary, transition: e.transitions.create(["background-color", "box-shadow", "border"], { duration: e.transitions.duration.short }), "&:hover": { textDecoration: "none", backgroundColor: (0, f.fade)(e.palette.text.primary, e.palette.action.hoverOpacity), "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: "transparent" }, "&$disabled": { backgroundColor: "transparent" }, }, "&$disabled": { color: e.palette.action.disabled }, }), label: { width: "100%", display: "inherit", alignItems: "inherit", justifyContent: "inherit" }, text: {}, textPrimary: { color: e.palette.primary.main, "&:hover": { backgroundColor: (0, f.fade)(e.palette.primary.main, e.palette.action.hoverOpacity), "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: "transparent" } } }, textSecondary: { color: e.palette.secondary.main, "&:hover": { backgroundColor: (0, f.fade)(e.palette.secondary.main, e.palette.action.hoverOpacity), "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: "transparent" } } }, flat: {}, flatPrimary: {}, flatSecondary: {}, outlined: { border: "1px solid ".concat("light" === e.palette.type ? "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.23)" : "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.23)") }, outlinedPrimary: { border: "1px solid ".concat((0, f.fade)(e.palette.primary.main, 0.5)), "&:hover": { border: "1px solid ".concat(e.palette.primary.main) } }, outlinedSecondary: { border: "1px solid ".concat((0, f.fade)(e.palette.secondary.main, 0.5)), "&:hover": { border: "1px solid ".concat(e.palette.secondary.main) } }, contained: { color: e.palette.getContrastText(e.palette.grey[300]), backgroundColor: e.palette.grey[300], boxShadow: e.shadows[2], "&$focusVisible": { boxShadow: e.shadows[6] }, "&:active": { boxShadow: e.shadows[8] }, "&$disabled": { color: e.palette.action.disabled, boxShadow: e.shadows[0], backgroundColor: e.palette.action.disabledBackground }, "&:hover": { backgroundColor: e.palette.grey.A100, "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: e.palette.grey[300] }, "&$disabled": { backgroundColor: e.palette.action.disabledBackground } }, }, containedPrimary: { color: e.palette.primary.contrastText, backgroundColor: e.palette.primary.main, "&:hover": { backgroundColor: e.palette.primary.dark, "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: e.palette.primary.main } }, }, containedSecondary: { color: e.palette.secondary.contrastText, backgroundColor: e.palette.secondary.main, "&:hover": { backgroundColor: e.palette.secondary.dark, "@media (hover: none)": { backgroundColor: e.palette.secondary.main } }, }, raised: {}, raisedPrimary: {}, raisedSecondary: {}, fab: { borderRadius: "50%", padding: 0, minWidth: 0, width: 56, height: 56, boxShadow: e.shadows[6], "&:active": { boxShadow: e.shadows[12] } }, extendedFab: { borderRadius: 24, padding: "0 16px", width: "auto", minWidth: 48, height: 48 }, focusVisible: {}, disabled: {}, colorInherit: { color: "inherit" }, mini: { width: 40, height: 40 }, sizeSmall: { padding: "7px 8px", minWidth: 64, minHeight: 32, fontSize: e.typography.pxToRem(13) }, sizeLarge: { padding: "8px 24px", minWidth: 112, minHeight: 40, fontSize: e.typography.pxToRem(15) }, fullWidth: { width: "100%" }, }; }; (t.styles = h), (r.propTypes = {}), (r.defaultProps = { color: "default", component: "button", disabled: !1, disableFocusRipple: !1, fullWidth: !1, mini: !1, size: "medium", type: "button", variant: "text" }); var m = (0, c.default)(h, { name: "MuiButton" })(r); t.default = m; }, "wF/n": function (e, t) { function n() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance"); } e.exports = n; }, wLcK: function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e) { try { return !!e(); } catch (e) { return !0; } }; }, wVGV: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r() {} function o() {} var i = n("Asjh"); (o.resetWarningCache = r), (e.exports = function () { function e(e, t, n, r, o, a) { if (a !== i) { var l = new Error("Calling PropTypes validators directly is not supported by the `prop-types` package. Use PropTypes.checkPropTypes() to call them. Read more at http://fb.me/use-check-prop-types"); throw ((l.name = "Invariant Violation"), l); } } function t() { return e; } e.isRequired = e; var n = { array: e, bool: e, func: e, number: e, object: e, string: e, symbol: e, any: e, arrayOf: t, element: e, elementType: e, instanceOf: t, node: e, objectOf: t, oneOf: t, oneOfType: t, shape: t, exact: t, checkPropTypes: o, resetWarningCache: r, }; return (n.PropTypes = n), n; }); }, "wjI/": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } function o(e) { return f ? (null != p[e] ? p[e] : ((0, c.default)(e) in f.style ? (p[e] = e) : u.default.js + (0, c.default)("-" + e) in f.style ? (p[e] = u.default.css + e) : (p[e] = !1), p[e])) : e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("QDke"), a = r(i), l = n("393P"), u = r(l), s = n("xDSW"), c = r(s), f = void 0, p = {}; if (a.default) { f = document.createElement("p"); var d = window.getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, ""); for (var h in d) isNaN(h) || (p[d[h]] = d[h]); } }, x34Z: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; (function (e) { function r(e) { var t = String(e); return t.replace(a, "-"); } function o() { var t = arguments.length > 0 && void 0 !== arguments[0] ? arguments[0] : {}, n = t.dangerouslyUseGlobalCSS, o = void 0 !== n && n, i = t.productionPrefix, a = void 0 === i ? "jss" : i, l = 0; return ( "undefined" !== typeof window && ((e.__MUI_GENERATOR_COUNTER__ += 1), e.__MUI_GENERATOR_COUNTER__ > 2 && console.error( [ "Material-UI: we have detected more than needed creation of the class name generator.", "You should only use one class name generator on the client side.", "If you do otherwise, you take the risk to have conflicting class names in production.", ].join("\n") )), function (e, t) { if (((l += 1), o)) { if (t) { if (t.options.name) return "".concat(t.options.name, "-").concat(e.key); if ((t.options.classNamePrefix, !1)) { return "".concat(r(t.options.classNamePrefix), "-").concat(e.key, "-").concat(l); } } return "".concat(a).concat(l); } return "".concat(a).concat(l); } ); } var i = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); i(n("XOCG")); e.__MUI_GENERATOR_COUNTER__ = 0; var a = /([[\].#*$><+~=|^:(),"'`\s])/g; }.call(t, n("h6ac"))); }, xBPe: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("cvfj"), i = r(o), a = n("noYc"), l = r(a), u = n("bKbX"), s = r(u), c = n("gU5c"), f = r(c), p = n("tOVe"), d = r(p), h = { "@charset": i.default, "@import": i.default, "@namespace": i.default, "@keyframes": l.default, "@media": s.default, "@supports": s.default, "@font-face": f.default, "@viewport": d.default, "@-ms-viewport": d.default }, m = Object.keys(h).map(function (e) { var t = new RegExp("^" + e), n = h[e]; return { onCreateRule: function (e, r, o) { return t.test(e) ? new n(e, r, o) : null; }, }; }); t.default = m; }, xDSW: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e.replace(i, o); } function o(e, t) { return t ? t.toUpperCase() : ""; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); var i = /[-\s]+(.)?/g; }, xHuH: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("uwQB"); "string" === typeof r && (r = [[e.i, r, ""]]); var o = { sourceMap: !0, hmr: !0 }; o.transform = void 0; n("BMrJ")(r, o); r.locals && (e.exports = r.locals); }, "xwD+": function (e, t) { e.exports = function (e, t) { return { value: t, done: !!e }; }; }, yOG5: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("vSO4"); r(r.S, "Object", { create: n("TNJq") }); }, yS17: function (e, t) { var n = {}.hasOwnProperty; e.exports = function (e, t) { return n.call(e, t); }; }, yUOG: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { function t() { return l; } function n(e) { l = e; for (var t = Object.keys(i), n = 0, r = t.length; n < r; n++) i[t[n]] && i[t[n]](e); } function r(e) { if ("function" !== typeof e) throw new Error("listener must be a function."); var t = a; return (i[t] = e), (a += 1), t; } function o(e) { i[e] = void 0; } var i = {}, a = 1, l = e; return { getState: t, setState: n, subscribe: r, unsubscribe: o }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); }, ycyv: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("knrM"), o = n("Ocr3"), i = n("z7R8"); e.exports = function (e) { var t = r(e), n = o.f; if (n) for (var a, l = n(e), u = i.f, s = 0; l.length > s; ) u.call(e, (a = l[s++])) && t.push(a); return t; }; }, yeEC: function (e, t, n) { e.exports = { default: n("cjsw"), __esModule: !0 }; }, ytkY: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = void 0); var o = r(n("6KFX")), i = function (e, t) { return t + "(" + (0, o.default)(e) + ")"; }, a = i; t.default = a; }, z7R8: function (e, t) { t.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; }, zAZ2: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e, t) { for (var n = "", r = 0; r < t; r++) n += " "; return n + e; } function o(e, t) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && void 0 !== arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : {}, o = ""; if (!t) return o; var i = n.indent, l = void 0 === i ? 0 : i, u = t.fallbacks; if ((l++, u)) if (Array.isArray(u)) for (var s = 0; s < u.length; s++) { var c = u[s]; for (var f in c) { var p = c[f]; null != p && (o += "\n" + r(f + ": " + (0, a.default)(p) + ";", l)); } } else for (var d in u) { var h = u[d]; null != h && (o += "\n" + r(d + ": " + (0, a.default)(h) + ";", l)); } for (var m in t) { var y = t[m]; null != y && "fallbacks" !== m && (o += "\n" + r(m + ": " + (0, a.default)(y) + ";", l)); } return o || n.allowEmpty ? (l--, (o = r(e + " {" + o + "\n", l) + r("}", l))) : o; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = o); var i = n("rmh+"), a = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(i); }, zEWA: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { return e; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), (t.default = r); }, zKeE: function (e, t) { var n = (e.exports = { version: "2.6.11" }); "number" == typeof __e && (__e = n); }, "zic+": function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; var r = n("SpGf"); Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), Object.defineProperty(t, "default", { enumerable: !0, get: function () { return o.default; }, }); var o = r(n("XR+i")); }, znAs: function (e, t, n) { "use strict"; function r(e) { if (e.isRtl) return function (e) { if (!0 === e.directionInvariant) return e; var t = { right: "left", left: "right", marginRight: "marginLeft", marginLeft: "marginRight", paddingRight: "paddingLeft", paddingLeft: "paddingRight", borderRight: "borderLeft", borderLeft: "borderRight" }, n = {}; return ( (0, i.default)(e).forEach(function (r) { var o = e[r], i = r; switch ((t.hasOwnProperty(r) && (i = t[r]), r)) { case "float": case "textAlign": "right" === o ? (o = "left") : "left" === o && (o = "right"); break; case "direction": "ltr" === o ? (o = "rtl") : "rtl" === o && (o = "ltr"); break; case "transform": if (!o) break; var u = void 0; (u = o.match(a)) && (o = o.replace(u[0], u[1] + -parseFloat(u[4]))), (u = o.match(l)) && (o = o.replace(u[0], u[1] + -parseFloat(u[4]) + u[5] + u[6] ? ", " + (-parseFloat(u[7]) + u[8]) : "")); break; case "transformOrigin": if (!o) break; o.indexOf("right") > -1 ? (o = o.replace("right", "left")) : o.indexOf("left") > -1 && (o = o.replace("left", "right")); } n[i] = o; }), n ); }; } Object.defineProperty(t, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); var o = n("8FtN"), i = (function (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; })(o); t.default = r; var a = /((^|\s)translate(3d|X)?\()(\-?[\d]+)/, l = /((^|\s)skew(x|y)?\()\s*(\-?[\d]+)(deg|rad|grad)(,\s*(\-?[\d]+)(deg|rad|grad))?/; }, zotD: function (e, t, n) { var r = n("BxvP"); e.exports = function (e) { if (!r(e)) throw TypeError(e + " is not an object!"); return e; }; }, });